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Unit One
Major Marine English Name
1.Ranks of Ship’s Crew
political commissar 政委
chief officer or chief mate (first mate) 大副
second officer or second mate 二副
third officer or third mate 三副
assistant officer 驾助
apprentice officer 实习副
cadet (midship) 见习生
radio officer (radio operator,wireless operator) 报务员
s of Marine Organizations and Their Personnel
Harbour Administration Bureau(or Harbour Bureau) 港务局
The joint Inspection Party-Inward and Outward
Harbour Supervision Office (or Harbour Office) (or Harbour Office) 港务监督
The customs 海关
Frontier Inspection Station 边防检查站Quarantine Office (service) 卫生检疫所
Animal and Plant Quarantine Service动植物检疫所China Commodity Inspection and Testing Bureau (简称CCITB) 中国商品检验局China Marine Bunker Supply Corporation
China National Chartering Corporation
(简称ZHONGZU) 中国租船公司(简称“中租”)China Ocean shipping Agency 中国外轮代理公司China Ocean Shipping Company
(简称COSCO) 中国远洋运输公司
China Ocean Shipping Company Chartering Department中国远洋轮船公司租船部(简称“中远租”)China Ocean Shipping Tally Company
China Ocean Shipping Supply Corporation
(简称SUPCO.有些国家称为ship’s chandler) 中国外轮供应公司
The…Office of the Register of Shipping of the People’s Republic of China
Public Security Bureau 公安局
joint inspection party 联检小组
customs officer 海关关员
harbour officer 港务监督员
frontier defence officer 边防检查员
(inspector,guard) quarantine officer (doctor)
customs boarding officer 登轮关员
customs searching party 海关检查组
docker 码头工人(广义)
longshoreman 码头工人(在岸上装卸)stevedore 码头工人(在船上装卸)
foreman 装卸队长
pilot 引水员;领港员
police (policeman) 警察
people’s police 人民警察
cargo surveyor 商品检验员
marine or ship surveyor 验船师
chief tallyman 理货组长
tallyman 理货员
waterman 加水工人
agent 代理
5.Major Marine Papers and Certificates (1)papers
application for bunkers加(燃料)油申请书application for tallyman 理货申请书
bill of lading 提单
booking note 订舱单
boat note 订载单
cargo receipt 交货收据
cargo tally sheet 理货计数单
copy 副本
damaged cargo report货物残损报告单declaration 申报单
delivery order 交货单
dock sheet 码头货单
dock receipt 码头收据
gang record 工班报单
hatch (cargo) list 分舱单
inward manifest 进口舱单
license 许可证loading list 装货清单
manifest 舱单
mate’s receipt 收货单
notice of arrival 到货通知单
notice of claim 索赔通知
notice of readiness准备就绪通知书
notice to take delivery 提货通知书
on-spot record 现场记录
original 正本
outward manifest出口舱单
parcel receipt 小包收据
sailing orders 开航通知
shipper’s export declaration货物出口申请书shipping list 装货通知书
shipping permit 准运单
short/overlanded cargo list 货物溢短单
short/overlanded cargo report 货物溢短报告单tally daily report 理货日报告
tally sheet 理货单
tally shift report 理货工班报告
certificate of freeboard干舷证书
certificate of health 无疫证书
certificate of origin 产地证书
certificate of port of registry 船籍港证书certificate of survey 船舶检验证classification certificate 船级证书
deratting certificate 除鼠证书
deratting exemption certificate 免予除鼠证书inspection certificate 验讫单
International Loading Certificate 国际载重线证书maritime delaration of health 航海健康申明书navigation certificate; seaworthiness certificate适航证书
outward clearance certificate 出国证书
Panama Canal Tonnage Certificate巴拿马运河吨位证书
passport 护照
safety radiotelegraphy certificate 无线电报安全证书
Ship’s Safety Certificate 船舶安全证书
Sues Canal Special Tonnage Certificate 苏伊士运河专用吨位证书
tonnage certificate 吨位证书
tonnage dues certificate 吨税执照
wireless installation inspection certificate无线电安全证书
6.The Structure of A Ship
accomodation 房间(总称)
accomodation ladder 舷梯;关梯
aerial (antenna) 天线
aft part (after part ) 船尾部
after-peak 后尖舱
air siren 汽笛
aldis lamp 闪光信号灯
alleyway 走道
anchor 锚
anchor chain 锚链
auxiliary machinery 辅机
bilge 船底沟;污水沟binnacle 罗盘支架
bitts (bollards) 系缆柱
block 滑轮;葫芦
boiler 锅炉
boiler room 锅炉间
boom 吊杆
bow 船头
port bow 左舷船头
starboard bow 右舷船头
break 甲板台阶
bridge 船桥;驾驶台;桥楼
brow (从船上到岩上的)舷梯bulkhead 滑轮跳板
bulwarks 舷墙
bunk 迭订,铺位
bunker 燃料舱[ˈbʌŋkə]
cabin 船舱;船上房间passenger’s cabin 乘客房间
pilot’s cabin 引水员房间
owner’s cabin 船东房间
spare cabin 备用房间
cable 锚链
cable locker 锚链舱
capstan 较盘
captain’s bed room 船长卧室captain’s day room 船长休息室captain’s office 船长办公室captain’s saloon 船长接待室captain’s sea cabin 船长海上休息室cargo hold 货舱
catwalk 狭窄的舷梯
awning 帆布蓬
baggage room 行李房barometer 气压表
basic line 吨位标志线
bath (room) 浴室
balk (baulk) 船梁[bɔ:k] beam 船梁
hatch beam 舱盖横梁
port beam 左舷
starboard beam 右舷
berth 船上床位
chain locker 锚链舱
changing room 更衣室
chart room 海图室chronometer 经纬仪;天文钟coamings 舱口拦板
cold storage 冷藏室companion ladder (way)
(从一层甲板到另一层甲板的)楼梯control room 控制室
compass 罗盘;罗经
corridor 走廊
course recorder 航向记录仪crane 起重机;吊车
crew’s quarters 水手住所
dark chamber 暗室
davit 挂艇架;吊艇杆
deck 甲板
boat deck 救生艇甲板lower deck 下甲板
lower tween deck 二层柜
main deck 正甲板;中甲板;主甲板poop deck 船尾上面的甲板
promenade deck 保护甲板之上甲板shelter deck 遮蔽甲板
tonnage deck 量吨甲板
tween (between) deck 二层柜
upper deck 上甲板
upper tween deck 三层柜
deck department 水手部
deck house 甲板室
derrick 吊杆
diesel engine 柴油机,内燃机
dining room (dining saloon , saloon) 餐厅donkey boiler 副锅炉
double bottom 双层底
draught marks (draft marks) 吃水标志drying room 烘干室,晾衣室
dynamo (generator) 发电机
echo sounder 测深仪
engine room 机舱;引擎间
engine room department 机房部;机舱部escape trunk 逃出口,救生道
fan room 打风间
fender 靠把;碰垫
fire hose 灭火水龙带
firemen’s department 生火部
flag-staff 旗杆
forecastle 船头堡;船首楼
forecastle head 船头甲板
foremast 头桅
forepart 船头部
forepeak 前尖舱
freeboard deckline 干舷甲板线
funnel 烟囱
galley (船上)厨房
gangway 舷梯;跳板
gear 齿轮;传动装置;装备;用具gentlemen’s (room) 男盥洗室;男厕所glass (口语)气压表
guy 稳索
gyrocompass (gyro) 电罗经
halliard , halyard 帆旗之升降索
hatch 舱口
hatch board 舱盖板
hatch coaming 舱口拦板
hatch cover 舱口盖
hawse hole 锚链孔
hawse pipe 锚链筒
hawser 船缆;锚链
helm 舵轮;舵柄
hold 货舱
hold lower 底舱
hospital 医院
hull 舱壳
Jack ladder (Jacob’s ladder) 软梯;绳梯jackstaff 船头小旗杆
jigger mast 尾桅
jumbo(derrick) 重吊(杆)keel 龙骨[k hi:l]船体结构、laundry 女盥洗室;女厕所lavatory 洗衣房
life belt 救生带
life boat 救生艇
life buoy 救生圈
life jacket 救生衣
life raft 救生筏
life-saving apparatus 救生设备load line 载重线;装载水线
lobby 门廊;大厅
locker 柜
lounge 休息室
mail room 邮件房
mainmast 主桅
man-rope 绳梯
mast 桅杆
mast house 桅楼
mess (mess room) 餐厅
cre w’s mess 水手餐厅,船员餐厅duty mess 值班船员餐厅
officer’s mess 高级船员餐厅midships 船中部
mizzen mast 后桅
monkey island 了望台
office 办公室
Captain’s Office 船长办公室
Chief Engineer’s Office 大车办公室Chief Officer’s Office 大副办公室Deck Office 大副办公室
Engineer’s Office 轮机部办公室pantry 配餐间
passage 走廊
pillar 支柱
pilot ladder 领港梯子
pipe 管子
piston 活塞
plimsol’s mark 载重线
poop 船尾楼
port 港口,舱口,左舷
port-hole 舷窗,舱口
propeller 螺旋桨,推进器propeller shaft 推进器地轴
pulley 滑轮
pump 水泵,抽水机
purchase 绳索,滑轮
quarter 船(舷)的后部
port quarter 左舷后部
starboard quarter 右舷后部
radar 雷达
radio 无线电
radio direction finder 无线电发射机radio room 无线电室
radio transmitter 无线电发射机
raft 救生筏
rail 扶手,栏杆
railings 扶手,栏杆
rat-guard 缆绳上的防鼠隔
ratlines 绳梯横索
recreation room 娱乐室refrigerated hold 冷藏舱
rig 帆具
rigging 帆索
rudder 舵
saloon 大厅,接待室
screw 螺丝钉
scupper 排水管
scupper board 挡水板
scanner 雷达扫描设备
sextant 六分仪
shaft tunnel 地轴弄
shackle 钩环
shifting board 防动板,隔舱板
sick bay 病房
signal rocket 信号火箭
signal pistol 信号枪
signaling lamp 信号灯
single screw 单推进器
siren 汽笛
sling 吊索
smoke room (smoking saloon) 吸烟室starboard 右舷
stateroom 特别房舱,睡舱
steam engine 蒸汽引擎
steering gear 舵机
stem 船头
stern 船尾
steward’s department 乘务部,管事部storeroom 贮藏室
tackle 滑车,吊具
tank 液体舱[tæŋk]
ballast tank 压载水舱
cofferdam tank 隔离舱
deep tank 深水舱
fresh water tank 淡水舱
fuel tank 燃油舱
tarpaulin 盖舱油布
telegraph 传令钟
tent 帐篷
toilet 盥洗室
trunk 半显舱室,凸起舱口turbine 透平机,涡轮机
turbine tube 透平管
tween screw 双推进器
valve 阀门
ventilator 通风筒,风筒
wash port 舷墙排水孔
wash room 盥洗室
water closet (W.C) 厕所
wheel 舵轮
wheel house 舵轮室
whistle 汽笛
winch 卷扬机,绞车
winch house 绞车楼
windlass 起锚
wireless room 电报室
W/T direction finder 无线电测向仪Unit Nine
On the Deck
1. General Terms abandon 放弃
abeam 正横
accomodation ladder 舷梯afloat 漂浮
aground 搁浅
anchor 锚
anchor davit 吊锚杆
anti-corrosive paint 防锈漆awning 遮篷
ballast 压舱
bitts 系缆柱
bollard 双系缆柱
bottom 船底
bottom plate 底板
bow 船首
bower 大锚
bridge 驾驶台
bridge deck 驾驶台甲板bulkhead 舱壁
capstan 绞盘
cargo derrick (cargo boom )吊杆cargo hook 吊钩
cargo runner 吊索
chain locker 锚链舱
channel 频道
chart room 海图室
chief foreman 工头
chipping 敲锈
chock 导缆钩
clear hawse 清洁锚链
close shelter tonnage 闭舱式吨位collision 碰撞
crane 吊
davit 吊柱
dead slow ahead 微速前进deadweight tonnage 总载重吨位discharge 卸货
displacement 排水量displacement tonnage 排水量吨位distress signal 求救信号,危险信号draught staff 水尺
dunnage 垫舱
ease the wheel 回舵
fender 碰垫
flag staff 旗杆
forecastle 船首楼
foremast 前桅
founder 沉没
free board deck 干舷甲板
full ahead 前进三
full astern 后退三
gale warning 大风警报
gangway 舷梯
garbage 垃圾
good holding ground 锚地底质良好guy 稳索
guy pendant 软稳索
gyro-compass room 电罗经室
half ahead 前进二
hatch 舱口hatch bar 舱口压条
hatch sling 舱口吊索
hawse pipe 锚链孔
haul 拖,拉
heaving line 撇缆
heavy derrick 重吊杆
heel 倾侧,倾斜
helm order 舵令
high sea 公海
hoist 挂上
hull 船壳
in ballast 空船
Jaco b’s ladder 绳梯
jettison 抛弃
kedge 小锚
king post 将军柱
layday 装货日期
lee anchor 惰锚
let go 抛锚
life belt 救生带
life buoy 救生圈
life jacket 救生衣
life line 救生绳
line throwing gun 抛绳枪
list 倾斜
load 装货
main deck 主甲板maintenance 维修measurement tonnage 丈量吨位midship 正舵
mooring 系缆
muster 集合,召集
net tonnage 净吨位
Notice of Readiness 准备就绪通知书ocean-going ship 远洋船
optional cargo 选港货
patrol 巡逻
pilferage 盗窃
poops 船尾楼
port 左舷
preventer guy 硬稳索
propeller 螺旋浆
quarantine anchorage 检疫锚地radio room 无线电报房
register tonnage 登记吨位
riding anchor 力锚
roadstead 外锚地
rudder 舵
run down 撞沉
rusty plate 生锈钢板
scrape 刮
search light 探照灯
secure 加固[siˈkjuə]
shackle 卸扣节
shade deck 遮阳甲板
shipper 发货人
signal flag 信号旗[ˈsiɡnəl] [flæɡ] signal letters 船舶呼号
spare bower 备用锚slack away 松出
slack water 平潮,静水
slow ahead 前进一
stream 中锚
stand by 备车
starboard 右舷
steerage 掌舵
stowage 码垛
stowage plan 配载图
tarpaulin 防雨油布
telegraph 车钟
tonnage mark 吨位标志
tonnage mark submerged 大吨位(标志没入水中)tonnage mark not submerged小吨位(标志没入水中)
to weigh anchor 起锚
transshipment cargo 转船货
tween deck 中层甲板
whistle 汽笛
winch 起货机
Heave away anchor . 起锚
Let go . 抛锚
Pay out . 松出
Put windlass into gear . 准备绞锚
Hold on . 刹住
Check the cable .止住锚链
Avast heaving . 停止绞锚
Up and down . 锚链垂直
Take in the slack on the chain . 把锚链收紧
Chain across ship’s head . 锚链过船头
Anchor is elbow . 锚链绞缠
Walk back . 锚链倒出
(4) Mooring and Unmooring Orders
Send out the head line . 送出首缆
Send out your ropes .
Heave in . 铰进
Haul in . 绞入,拉进,靠拢,引船进坞
Heave away . 用力拉,开始绞锚或拉缆
Stop heaving .
Avast heaving . 停住
Hold on .
Slack away . 放松,松一松
Take in the slack . 收紧
Heave tight . 拉紧
Make fast . 绑牢
Make fast the stern line . 尾缆
All fast . 全缚牢,全部挽牢
Single up . 留一缆,解剩一条缆绳
Let go . 放开
Head off . 船头先离码头(开头)挡住,阻止Clear aft . 船尾清爽
Stern off . 解尾缆
Propeller clear . 螺旋桨。

All clear . 解除警报
Send head line down to 1.5 meters above water . Shift one meter ahead .
Shift one meter astern .
Just in position .
Alongside starboard .
Be ready for mooring . Single up forward to headline and spring . Single up to breast line and stern buoy line . Take tugs towing line to capstan .
Hold on forward spring .
Heave on forward breast line .
Slack down on tug towing line .
Heave in . 绞进
Heave away . 绞
Make fast . 挽牢
Single up . 单绑(留一根缆)
Head off . 船头先离码头(开头)
Just in position . 缆带好了
Alongside starboard . 靠右舷
leakage 漏泄
main bearing 主轴承
main engine 主机
manoeuvring stand 操纵台
measure 测量
measuring record 测量记录
meshing gears 啮合齿轮
meter 仪表,米
Metric System 米制
micrometer 千分尺
name plate 名牌
non-manual control 非手动控制
nut 螺母
oil daily tank 日用油柜
oil scraping ring 刮油环
oil-sealing 油封
oil operation 分油机
operation 操作
output 输出功率
over-worn 过度磨损
oxygen 氧气
piston 活塞
piston crown 活塞顶
piston rod 活塞杆
pitch 螺距
pivoting point 支点
preheat 预热
pressure 压力
pressure gauge 压力表pressure test 压力试验propelling system 推进系统pulley 滑轮
rated revolution 额定转速reciprocating pump 往复泵
r ecords of inspection 检查记录red lead 红丹
refrigerant 冷剂
refrigerating plant 制冷装置remachine 重新车
repair room 修理间
reservoir tank 存贮柜reversible 可逆转的
revolution counter 计数器
safety valve 安全阀
scale 结垢
scavenging air pump 扫气空气泵
scavenging port 扫气口
screw 螺钉
sensitive instrument 灵敏仪器shaft tunnel 轴隧
special tool 专用工具speedometer 速度仪;转速表spray nozzle 喷嘴
staffing box 填料箱;填料函starting air system 起动空气系统steel plate 钢板
stroke 冲程
supercharged 增压
tail shaft 尾轴
timing 定时
to be equipped with 装配有…tolerance 公差
top dead center 上死点,上止点to take wire readings 测压铅读数trial 试车
turbine oil 透平油
vaseline 凡士林
ventilation system 通风系统vernier calipers 游标卡尺vibrate 震动
wear ring 耐磨环
worm wheel 蜗轮
wrench 扳手
