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一、内科常用字汇心血管系统 The Cardiovascular System
Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) 急性心机梗塞Electrocardiog ram (DCG) 心电图
Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease 高血压性心脏血管疾病Congential Heart Disease 先天性心脏病Hemangioma 血管瘤Vasodilatation 血管扩张Arterioscleros is 动脉硬化Hypertension
高血压Hypertrophy 肥大
Hypotension 低血压Varicose veins 静脉曲张
血液及淋巴系统The Hemic and Lymphatic System
Adenitis 腺炎Acute Lymphogenous Leukemia 急性淋巴球性白血病Leukocyte 白血球Leukocytopenia 白血球减少Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 全身性红斑性狼疮Splenomegaly
脾肿大Anemia贫血Aseptic 无菌的Septicemia败血症
Hemostasis 止血
呼吸系统The Respiratory System Pulmonary embolism 肺栓塞
Mucosa 黏膜Exhale呼吸Apnea窒息Tachypnea呼吸急促Pneumonia肺炎Bronchitis支气管炎Lung Empyema 肺积脓
消化系统The Digestive System
Short of breath 呼吸短促
Dysphasia说话困难Aphasia 失语症Aphonia失声
Dysphagia 吞咽困难Gingivitis 齿龈炎Pharyngitis 咽炎
Laryngitis 喉炎Esophagoscopy 食道镜检查Esophagus stricture 食道狭窄Abdominocentes is腹部穿刺术Gastric cancer 胃癌Gastritis 胃炎Gastroenteriti s胃肠炎Gastrorrhagia
胃出血Pyloric obstruction 幽门阻塞Duodenal Ulcer 十二指肠溃疡Peritonitis 腹膜炎Enterorrhagia
肠出血Enterorrhexis 肠破裂Appendicitis
阑尾炎Colon cancer结肠癌Proctoscopy 直肠镜检查Rectal cancer 直肠癌Anal Fistual 肛门廔管External hemorrhoid 外痔
Internal hemorrhoid 内痔
Excretion 排泄Hepatitis肝炎Hepatomegaly 肝肿大Gall Stone 胆结石Cholelithiasis 胆石症Liver
Cirrhosis 肝硬化
内分泌系统The Endocrine System
Glycemia糖血症Goiter 甲状腺肿
Diabetes Mellitus 糖尿病
Diabetes Insipidus尿崩症
Bromidrosis汗臭症Pituitary Tumor 脑下垂体肿瘤
神经系统The Nervous System Cerebral Arterioscleros is 脑动脉硬化Cerebral Hemorrhage 脑出血Cerebral Edema 脑水肿
Cerebra Palsy 脑性麻痹Cerebral Thrombosis 脑栓塞Cranial Neruritis 脑神经炎Intracranial Hemorrhage 颅内出血Encephalitis 脑炎Electromyograp hy 肌电图Neuritis神经炎Epilepsy 癜痫Trigeminal Neuralgia 三叉神经痛Rachitis 痀偻症Rachioscoliios is脊柱侧弯Spondylitis 脊椎炎Quadriplegia 四肢麻痹Paraplegia 下半身瘫痪
Immediately loss of consciousness 立即丧失意识Eye opening睁眼反应Verbal response 语言反应Motor response 运动反应Corneal reflex 角膜反射Plantar reflex 膝反射Sciatica坐骨神经痛Chorea 舞蹈症Muscle atrophy 肌萎缩Migraine 偏头痛
Parkinson's Disease 巴金森式症Brain Swelling 脑肿胀brain Concussion 脑震荡
brain Anoxia脑缺氧症brain Death 脑死
肌肉骨骼系统 The Musculoskeleta l System Anterior Cruciate Ligament 前十字韧带Rheumatoid Arthritis 类风湿性关节炎Arthrosclerosi s关节硬化Degenerated Joint Disease 变性关节炎Clavicle Fracture 锁骨骨折Pelvic
Fracture 骨盆骨折Plastic Paris Cast 整形硬石膏
Osteoporosis骨质疏松症Amputation 截肢
Bone graft 骨移植Hallux Valgus 大拇指外翻Prosthesis Replacement 人工弥补置换术Range of Motion 运动范围
Varus 内翻Chondromalacia 软骨软化症
泌尿及男性生殖系统The Urinary and Male Reproductive System
Cystitis 膀胱炎
Circumcision包皮环割术Cystoscopy 膀
胱镜检查Hydronephrosis 肾水肿Renal Stone 肾结石Acute Renal Failure 急性肾衰竭Cryptorchidism 隐睾症Spermatogenesi s精子生成Benign
Prostatic Hypertrophy 良性摄护腺肥大Ureteral stenosis 输尿管狭窄Dysuria 排尿困难
Hematuria血尿Uremia尿毒症Urinary Tract Infection 尿路感染Vasoligation
输精管结扎Impotence 阳萎
殊感觉器官 The Organs of Special Senses Audiometer 听力计Otitis耳炎Otorrhea耳漏Tympanitis中耳炎Tympanotomy 鼓膜穿破术Nasitis鼻炎Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma鼻咽癌Rhinorrhea 鼻溢
Intraocular Foreign Body 眼内异物Intraocular pressure 眼内压
Oculus Uterque 双眼Oculus
Sinister 左眼Oculus Dexter 右眼Extraocular
Muscle 眼外肌Ophthalmologis t 眼科医师Diplopia 复视Myopia 近视Blepharoptosis 眼睑下垂Corneitis 角膜炎
Pupil Size Anisocoria瞳孔大小不等Retinopexy 视网膜固定术Retinal Detachment 视网膜剥落Visual field 视野Vocal nodular 声带结节Dermatologist 皮肤科医师Dermatitis皮肤炎
避孕的Contraindicati on 禁忌症Biology 生物学Hyperemesis 剧吐
Polydipsia剧渴Homosexual 同性的Heterosexual 异性的Inject 注射Lipoma 脂肪瘤Lipoid 脂肪样的Lipomatosis 脂肪过多症Malformaiton 畸形Malaise 不适Necrosis坏死Nocturia 夜尿症
Ployuria 多尿Narcotics 麻醉药
Hyperplasia 增殖
Dysplasia 发育不良
Dyspepsia 消化不良Prognosis 预後Antipyretic 解热剂Hydrophobia 恐水症Photophobia 畏光
Antibiotic 抗生素Syndrome 症候群Hydrotherapy 水疗法Perforation 穿孔
Percussion叩诊Visceralgia脏器痛二、妇产科常用字汇Genital 生殖的Gynecology 妇科Menstruation 月经Menopause 更年期
血过多Amenorrhea 无月经Dysmenorrhea经痛
Menarche初经Cervical cancer 子宫颈癌
Cervical Erosion子宫颈糜烂Cervicitis子宫颈炎Perineum会阴Endometriosis
子宫内膜异位Ovary 卵巢Ovarian Cyst 卵巢囊肿Ovulation排卵Vaginitis阴道炎
Colposcopy 阴道镜检法Galactocele乳腺囊肿Mammography 乳房X光摄影术Infertility 不
孕症InVitro Fertilization 体外受精Amnion 羊膜Amniocentesis 羊膜穿刺术Amniotic Fluid Embolism 羊水栓塞Hydramnion 羊水过多Anterpartal 产前的Antepartum 分娩前Chorionic
Villi Sampling 绒毛膜绒毛取样Cephalo Pelvic Disproportion 胎头骨盆不对称Artificial Insemination
人工受精Engagement 进入产位Estrogen动情基素
Colostrum 初乳
Termination of Pregnancy 终止怀孕Corpus Luteum 黄体Vacuum Extraction Delivery 真空吸出分娩Venereal Disease 性病Tubal Ligation 输卵管结扎Laparoscope 腹腔镜Embryo 胚胎Ectopic Gestation 子宫外孕Primipara 初产妇
Attitude of Fetus 胎儿体位Dead Detus in Uterus 胎死腹中
Multipara 经产妇
Parity 经产Placenta
Previa前置胎盘Postpartum 产後
Postpartum hemorrhage产後出血Toxemia of Pregnancy 妊娠毒血症Adolescence青春期Basal Body Temperature 基础体温Cesarean Section 剖腹产Expected Date of Confinement 预产期Fallopian Tube 输卵管Forceps 产钳Hydatidiform Mole 水囊状胎块
Labor Pain阵痛Painless Labor 无痛分娩Molding胎头变形
Normal Spontaneous Delivery 正常自然生产Papanicolaou Smear 子宫颈抹片检查Premature Rupture of Membrance 早期破水Progesterone黄体素Stillbrith死产Suture 缝合Stump残物Withdrawal Bleeding 停经出血三、小儿科常用字汇Apnea呼吸暂停Aplastic Anemia再生不良性贫血Arterio Venous Malformation
动静脉畸形Bronchial Asthma支气管性
气喘Bronchitis支气管炎Cephalopematom a头血肿Erythema红斑Hypospadia尿道下裂Dehydration 脱水Hydrocephalus 水脑Hydrocele 阴囊积水Polydactylia多指畸形Pyoderma脓皮症Sepsis 败血症Tonsillitis扁桃腺炎Encephalitis脑炎Gastroenteriti s肠胃炎Necrotizing Enterocolitis 坏死性小肠结肠炎
Congenital Malformation
先天性畸形Neonatal Asphyxia新生儿窒息Cleft Palate 颚裂Diarrhea腹泻Dental Caries 龋齿Facial Nerve Paralysis 颜面神经麻痹Hives Urticaria蕈麻疹
Vaccine疫苗Incubator 保温箱
Cleft lip 兔唇Chicken pox 水痘
Club foot 畸足Diphtheria白喉Dengue fever 登革热Eczema湿疹
Congenital syphilis 先天性梅毒German
Measles/ Rubella德国麻疹
Giant baby巨婴Gonorrhea 淋病Hepatitis B B 型肝炎Hand-foot-mouth disease 手足口病Jaundice 黄疸Mongolian spots 蒙古斑Mumps 腮腺炎Respiratory arrest呼吸停止Roseola infantum幼儿玫瑰疹Vomiting呕吐四、精神科常用字汇Mental retardation 智能不足autism自闭症
dement 痴呆症alzheimer's dementia阿尔茲海默式形痴呆症alcoholism 酒瘾
substances Intoxication 物质中毒alcohol Intoxication 酒精中毒amphetamine Intoxication 安非他命中毒schizophrenia 精神分裂病delusional Disorder 妄想性病患Major Depressive Disorder重郁症疾患phobia畏惧症obsessive-Compulsive Disorder强迫性病患pedophilia恋童
癖exhibitionism 暴露狂Transvestic Fetishism扮异性恋物癖Gender
Identity Disorders 性别认同疾患Anorexia Nervosa心因性厌食症Bulimia Nervosa心因性暴食症临床症状blunted affect 感情迟钝silly Laughter 傻笑apathy冷漠irritable 易怒的
euphoria欣快感depression 忧郁
ambivalence感情矛盾Flat Affect感
attempt 自杀企图
queer behavior 怪异行为bizarre behavior 特异行为hypertalkative 多话hypotalkative 少话mutistic不语hyperactivity 活动过多hypoactivity 活动过少compulsive behavior 强迫行为verbigeration 重复语言catelepsy 僵直negativism阻抗行动Mannerism作态行为destrctive behavior 破坏
行为autistic thinking 自闭性思考poverty of speech 言语贫乏
flight of ideas 意念飞跃loosening of association 思考连结松散illogical thinking 不合逻辑思考pressure speech 言语急迫
thought blocking 思考中断incoherent 语无伦次thought Withdrawal 思想退缩irrelevant 答非所问delusion 妄想delusion of
persecution 被害妄想delusion of grandeur 夸大妄想Phobia 恐惧症acrophobia 惧高症algophobia 惧痛症sexual drive 性欲illusion 错觉hallucination 幻觉auditory hallucination 听幻觉disoreinatatio n 失去定向力amnesia记忆丧失症confabulation 虚谈症orientation 定向力judgement 判断力
derealization 失真感
insight病识感no insight 无病识感intellectual insight 理性的病识感true emotional insight 真正具有情绪性病识感心理学名词free association 自由联想dream analysis 梦的解析ego 自我id 原我super ego 超我ego boundary 自我界限libido 原欲scapegoat 代罪羔羊internal conflict 内在冲突conscious 意识unconscious 潜意识preconscious前
意识transference 情感转移depersonalizat ion 人格解体derealization 脱离现实neurosis神经精神病Psychosis神经病
Pleasure Principle 享乐原则Reality Principle 现实原则Moral
Principle 道德原则Predisposing Factors 潜在因素
Precipitating Factors 诱发因素
Defense Mechanism 防卫机转compensation
补偿作用conversion 转化作用denial 否认作用displacement 转移作用dissociation 解离作用fantasy 幻想作用
identification 认同作用introjection 内射作用projection 外射作用retionalizatio n 合理化作用reaction formation 反向作用degression 退化作用repression 潜抑作用suppression 压抑作用restitution 归还作用
sublimation 升华作用substitution 取代作用symbolism 象徵作用undoing 抵销作用
distortion 曲解作用isolation 隔离作用Cognitive behavioral Therapy认知行为治疗Empathy 同理心Resistance阻抗testing out behavior 试探行为self-awareness 自我了解separation anxiety 分离焦虑
reinforcement 增强原则catharsis 情绪宣泄
confrontation 面质listen 倾听restraint 约束physical restraint 身体的约束chemical 药物的约束五、各科常用缩写
AAD against-advice discharge 自动出院A abdomen 腹部ADL activities of daily life 日常生活活动A/G albumin /globulin
ration 白蛋白/蛋球白比例AK above knee 膝上B.
BE below elbow 肘下BH body
height 身高b.i.d twice a day 一日两次Bil bilateral 两侧的BK below knee 膝下BM bowel movement 肠蠕动
BMR basal metabolic rate 基础代谢率BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy良性摄护腺肥大BTI biliary tract
infection胆道感染BUS blood, urine, stool 血液,小便,大便BW body weight 体重C.
Ca. Carcinoma 癌
CBC complete
blood count 全血球计数CBD common bile duct 总胆管
CH cerebral hemorrhage 脑出血Chest P-A chest
posterio-anterio 前後胸部
CO cardiac output 心输出量
CPR cardiopulmonar y
resuscitation 心肺复苏术CPS chronic paranasal sinusitis 慢性鼻窦炎C/T chemotherapy
化学治疗法CT cerebral thrombosis 脑
栓塞CT Scan computerized axial tomography scan 电脑断层检查CVA cerebral vascular accident 脑血管意外CVP central venous
pressure 中心静脉压D.
DC discontinue 停止D&C dilatation and curettage 扩张及刮除术DM diabetes mellitus 糖尿病
DPT diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus 白喉,百日咳,破伤风DU duodenal ulcer 十二指
ECG eletrocardiogr am 心电图EEG electroecephal ogram 脑电波图ENT ear, nose, throat 耳鼻喉F.
FH family history 家族史FHS fetal heart sounds 胎心音FOU fever of unknown 不明原因发烧Fr fracture 骨折
GB gall bladder 胆囊GI tract gastric intestinal
tract 胃肠道GSR general surgical
routine 一般外科常规gtt. Drops 滴GU genitourinary 生殖泌尿的GYN gynecology 妇科学H
Hb hemoglobi n 血色素HICH hyperte nsive intracerebral hemorrhage 高血压性脑内出血h.s. at bedtime 睡前HT Hypertension
高血压Ht. (Hct.) Hematocrit 血球容积Hx History 病例
ICP Intermit tent catheterizatio
n program 间歇性导尿ICU Intensive care unit 加护病房ICT Intracerebral tumor脑内肿瘤I & D Incision and drainage 切开及流IICP Increased intracranial pressure 增高胪内压Imp. Impression 臆断
IM Intramuscular 肌肉内的I & O Intake and output 输入及排出IV Intravenous 静脉内的IVKO Intravenous keep open 静脉点滴维持通畅
Jej. Jejunum 空肠Jt. Joint 关节K
Kn. Knee 膝KUB Kidney, ureter,
baldder 肾、输尿管及膀胱L.
LFT liver function test 肝功能试验LLQ left lower quadrant 左下象限LMP last menstrual period 最後一次月经M
MBD may be discharged 可出院MN midnight 午夜
NKA non known allergy 不明原
因的过敏NP nothing particular 并无特别的NPC nasopharyngeal carcinoma 鼻咽癌
NPO nothing by mouth 禁食O.
OA osteo-arthritis 骨性关节炎OB occult blood 潜血OBS obstetrics 产科OP operation 手术OPD outpatient department 门诊
Ortho. Orthopaedic 骨科矫行的OS ocular sinistro 左眼OT
therapy 职能治疗
OU Both eyes 双眼P
p.c. after meals 饭後PCT Penicillin test 盘尼西林测验PE Physical examination 身体检查PI Present illness 目前病况
p.o. by mouth 由口PPU Perforat ed petic ulcer 穿孔性胃溃疡PT Physical therapy 物理治疗
PTA Prior to admission 入院前
PTN Parenteral total
nutrition 肠道
Q every 每一
q.d. every day 每日q.h every hour 每小时q.i.d. four times a day 每日四次q.m. every morning 每日早晨
q.n. every night 每日晚间R
RA rheumatoi d a arthritis 类风湿性关节炎RBC red blood cell 红血球RN registere d nurse 护理师R/O rule out 可能是RR recovery room 恢复室R/T radio-
therapy test 放射治疗RUQ right upper quadrant 右上象限Rx take取拿
Med ication 处方
Tre atment 治疗S
Sc. Subcutan eous 皮下的SOB short of breath 呼吸短促
SP.g.r. spec ific gravity 比重S/P status/ post operation 手术後s-s half 一半
St(stat) imm ediately 立刻Staph. Staph ylococcus 葡萄球菌T
t.i.d. Three times a day 每日三次TPR Temperat ure, pulse, respirations
体温、脉搏、呼吸TURP Trans -urethral resection of prostate 经尿道切除摄护腺U
URI Upper respiratory infection 上呼吸道感染W
WBC White blood cell 白血球
White blood count 白血球计数
Y/O year old 年龄Z zero 零
六、解剖式内外科常用字汇The cardiovascular system 心血管系统lungs 肺脏venis
vessels血管capillaries微血管cardi 心脏arteries
blood clot凝血The Hemic and Lymphatic System血液及淋巴系统Blood 血液Red blood cell 红血球White blood cell白血球Platelet血小板The
Respiratory System 呼吸系统
Bronchial tube 主支气管
Alveoii气泡Pharynx咽Larynx喉Trachea气管Lung肺Bronchioles小支气管Pleura胸膜Chest 胸Air 气The Digestive System 消化系统
Lips唇teeth 牙齿tongue舌bile duct 胆管gallbladder 胆囊
jejunum空肠ileum 回肠appendix 阑尾small
intestine大肠rectum 直肠anus 肛门
pancreas胰stomach 胃esophagus食道pharynx咽The Endocrine System
Glands 腺体Adrenals肾上腺Pancreas胰Pituitary 脑下腺
Thyroid and parathyroids
甲状腺和副甲状腺Breasts 乳房Ovaries 卵巢Testes睾丸The Nervous System
Brain 脑Spinal cord 脊髓
Vertebra脊椎Cranium颅腔Meninges脑膜Nerves神经The Musculoskeleta l System 肌肉
骨系统Skull 头骨Clavicle锁骨Sternum 胸骨Ribs 助骨Joints 关节Ligaments 韧带Tendons 肌腱Cartilage 软骨The Urinary and Male Reproductive System 泌尿及男性生殖系统Cortex皮质Urinary膀胱Urethra尿道Ureters输尿管Kidney 肾脏Renal pelvis 肾孟Vas deferens精管
bladder 膀胱prostate gland 前列腺scrotum 阴囊testis 睾丸penis阴茎
urethra尿道The Organs of Special Senses 特殊感觉器官Acoustic nerve 听神经Ear 耳朵Hearing 听觉的tube 耳咽管Eardrum 耳骨膜Eustachian 欧式管Nasal cavities 鼻腔Nose 鼻Eyelid眼睑Lens晶球体Carnea角膜Tear duct泪管Conjunctiva结膜
Choroid layer 脉络膜Retina视网膜Sclera巩膜Optic nerve视神经Obstetrics & Hynecology 妇产科常用字汇。