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临春医学工程 2018年4月第25卷第4期
· 论 著 ·
(临床 工程 )
蒋艳 平 ,罗翠娟 ,杨 莉 芬 ,陈剑敏 ,黄秋 媚 ,王 欣 (惠州市妇幼保健计划生育服务 中心 超声影像科 ,广东 惠州 516000)
【摘要】 目的 探讨超声三血管气管切面诊断胎儿主动脉弓异常的临床应用价值。方法 选取我院 2016年 1月至2017年 1月 收 治的疑似 胎儿主动脉 弓异 常孕妇 60例 ,均进行超声 常规心脏 筛查和 重点加 强超声三血 管气管切 面检 查 ,并与产后超 声复查及
病理结果相比 .探讨 两种诊 断方法的准确率。结果 产后超声复查及病理 结果诊 断主动脉 弓异常阴性 26例 ,阳性 34例 ;超声常规
心脏 筛查诊 断阴性 33例 ,阳性 27例 :超声三血管气管切 面检查诊 断阴性 26例 ,阳性 34例 。超声5--A管气管切 面检 查诊 断胎儿
主动脉 弓异常的灵敏 性为 97.06%,准确性为 96.67%,均显著 高于超声常规 心脏 筛查的 73.53%、81.67% (尸<O.05)。结论 应用超
声三血 管气管切 面检 查诊断胎儿主动脉 弓异常具有较 高的准确性 ,有助于早期给 予恰 当的孕期指导及预后 方案 的制定。
【关键词 】 超 声;三血 管气管切 面;胎儿主动脉 弓异常 ;准确性
中 图 分 类 号 :R714.53
文 献 标 识 码 :A
doi:lO.3969 ̄.issn.1674—4659.2018பைடு நூலகம்04.0419
Clinical Application Value of Ultrasound Three Vessel-Trachea View in the Diagnosis of Fetal Aortic Arch Abnormality
J ̄ANG Yanping,LUO Cu@ an,YANG Li fen,CHEN Jianmin,HUANG Qiumei,WANG Xin (Department of Ultrasound Imaging,Huizhou Maternal,Child Healthcare and Family Planning Service Center,Huizhou 51600 ̄ China) 【Abstract] Objective To explore the clinical application value ofultrasound three vessel一 ̄achea view in the diagnosis of fetal aortic
is helpful for ea rly and proper pregn ancy guidance an d formulation ofprog n osis pla n , [Key words】 Ultrasoun d;Three vessel—trachea view;Fetal aortic arch abnorm ality;Accuracy
arch abnormality.M ethods 60 cases of pregn ant women with suspected fetal aortic arch abnormality admitted to our hospital f rom Ja n uary 2016 to Ja n uary 2017 were selected.All cases received ultrasound conventional cardiac screening and focused ultrasou n d t hree vessel-trachea view examination.The accuracy oftwo diagn ostic methods were discussed by comparing with postpa rtum ultrasou n d review and pathological results.Results Post-f'al-tllm ultrasound review and pathological results showed t hat 26 cases were negative and 34 cases were positive in fetal aor tic a rch abnor m ality ;Ultrasoun d conventional cardiac screening showed that 33 cases were negative and 27 cases were positive; Ultrasound th ree vessel—trachea view examination showed that 26 cases were negative and 34 cases were positive.The sensitivit y and accu racy of ult rasound th r ee vessel-trachea view in the diagn osis of fetal aortic arch abnor m ality were 97.06% a n d 96.67% respectively,
signif ica n tlyhigherthan 73.53% and 81.67% ofultrasoun d conventional cardiac screening,wit h statistically sig n if icant differences <0.05). Conclusions Ultrasound th ree vesse1.t rachea view examination has higher accuracy in the diagnosis of fetal aortic arch abnormality,which