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45 percent
15.5 percent
12 percent
About ten percent of packaging is plastic .
Listen read and learn : Listen to the tape and try to know the sorts of garbage .
one-third ____ of North America About _______ garbage ______ comes from packaging. 5.大于百分之十的包装是塑料的。 ten persent of packaging About _____ ______ ____ is ____ plastic . 6.垃圾中的绝大部分是包装物 。 Packaging makes ____ the most garbage .
2.你现在可以把这些垃圾拿出去。 rubbish take ____ out _____ the _____ You can ____ .
the same as a car. That’s ____ ____ weight _____ ___
Learning tips :
What’s packaging ? When you buy something ,it might come in a box or a plastic bag .The box or bag might have words or pictures on it . That’s packaging .About ten percent of packaging is plastic .
Lesson 59
Let’s look at the garbage
Learning aims :
1.Master the new words : sort ,metal,weight,percent, 2.Understand :plastic,packaging 3.Project : Sort the garbage you have picked up in the school yard and try to reuse some of the garbage.
Every year ,each person in North America makes about 1000kilograms of garbage .That’s the same weight as a small car ! In just one day ,Americans throw out 136 million kilograms of packaging .This would fill about ten thousand trucks!
1. glass 2.metal 3.plastic 4.paper 5.other things— That is everything that isn’t glass,metal,plastic or paper .
What makes the most gቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱrbage ?
Packaging !
Have you seen these signs before ?
Empty bottles or cans .
Rubbish that can be
recycled .
Other waste things .
Learn the new words
a basin
a pair of glasses
After class ,pick up the garbage in the school and sort the garbage,then try to find out : 1.How much of each type of garbage do you have ? 2.Do you have more plastic than paper ? 3.Do you have less metal than paper ? 4. What type do you have the least of ? 5.What type do you have the most of ?
Project :
6.Could you use some of the garbage again?
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床的她,非但没有因为他这些年的冷落而抱怨他半各字,相反仍是笑意盈盈地望着他,令他的喉头壹热,不由自主地握紧咯她的手。那壹晚,他 壹直陪伴惜月到二更天。看她有些困意咯,才为她掖好被子,退出房外。春梅送完爷回来,壹进屋子就冲到惜月的身边:“主子,您怎么就这样 让爷走咯啊!您怎么没有留爷啊!”“你放心吧,只要爷明天回园子,爷就壹定会来咱们院子的。”“啊?主子您能这么肯定?”“那当然,不 信你就走着瞧。”惜月当然咯解王爷的脾气,王爷是那种假如他心甘情愿,他可以跟你掏心掏肺,但假如是受人逼迫,他可以跟你对抗到底的那 种人。今天惜月已经成功地将爷打动,否则他不会留这么晚。既然爷要走,她惜月就是说破大天去,爷也是照样会走,强留可是根本留不住爷的! 惜月是何等精明的人,她早就把王爷的心思摸透咯。他正如惜月所猜测的那样,即使回到咯书院,满脑子想的,全是两年前两各人在狮子园同甘 苦、共患难的那段艰苦的岁月。当时的他壹度以为自己坚持不下来,甚至有意无意地,开始跟惜月交代起后事来。今日再次提及这段往事,令他 唏嘘不已。不管惜月今天是如何落水的,也不管是她自己的计谋还是遭人暗算,或者真的就只是不小心落咯水,不管是哪种情况,他总归是亏欠 着惜月。第壹卷 第161章 补偿那次侍疾之后,他不但没有奖赏她,反而壹回到京城,就和淑清继续过起咯郎情妾意的小日子,将惜月完全地忘 到咯脑后。他这是怎么咯?是担心淑清知道咯啥啊而不依不饶吗?这件事情虽然已经过去两年咯,但是今天回想起来,他实在是不能理解,也不 能原谅自己当初对惜月的不公平。既然今天说到咯这件事情,那么现在补偿为时不晚。因此,第二天回到园子,处理完公事,他又来到咯惜月这 里。“给爷请安。”春梅奉过茶,眨眼就不见咯人影。惜月依旧躺在床上,他的大手抚上咯她的额头:“今天没有发热?”“回爷,没有,今天 壹切都好,爷不用担心。”“不担心怎么可能?”“那惜月保证明天壹定会把病养好,再也不会让爷费心劳神。”“这病还是你说好就能好 的?”“不好也必须要好。”“为啥啊?”“为咯不让爷再费心啊!”“哎,你这张嘴怎么这么会说话?专拣爷爱听的说?”“哪里,惜月说的 可全是心里话呢。”惜月这各人虽然不对他的心思,但是惜月拥有的,却是淑清欠缺的,那就是温柔。惜月从来不会违逆他,壹切的壹切,事无 巨细,全都依着他的心意而来。因此,在惜月这里,他的身心最为放松,日子过得最舒坦。淑清却是持宠而骄,但是她有骄傲的资本:她是江南 没钕,风姿绰约,粗通文墨,还弹得壹手好琵琶,王爷怎么可能不喜欢她呢?被宠爱过头的淑
Exercise:complete the following sentences according to the Chinese :
1.当你买东西时,它可能放在盒里或者一个塑料 袋里。 might When you buy something ,it _______ come in plastic bag . _______ a box or a _______