二、安全注意事项1. 在操作之前,请确保仪器完好且无损坏。
2. 使用前,请详细阅读本说明书,并确保理解所有操作步骤。
3. 在操作气体检测仪时,请确保周围环境干燥,避免水或其他液体接触仪器。
4. 使用过程中,请避免产生过大的冲击力或振动,以防损坏仪器。
5. 检测仪不得与高温、火源、易燃或易爆物质接触。
三、操作步骤1. 准备工作a. 确保仪器已经充电或安装好电池。
b. 打开检测仪的电源开关,待指示灯亮起表示仪器已启动。
2. 设置检测参数a. 通过仪器的菜单按钮进入设置界面。
b. 使用仪器提供的按键或旋钮选择相应的检测参数,如气体类型、测量范围等。
c. 确认设置后,保存并退出设置界面。
3. 进行气体检测a. 将仪器的探头放置于待检测的气体区域,确保探头与气体充分接触。
b. 静待几秒钟,待仪器稳定后,观察仪器显示屏上的测量结果。
4. 结束检测并关闭仪器a. 检测完成后,将探头离开气体区域。
b. 关闭仪器的电源开关。
四、维护与保养1. 保持仪器干燥:在使用完毕后,用干净的软布轻轻擦拭仪器表面,确保无水或其他液体残留。
2. 避免仪器受损:在存储或携带仪器时,应放置在防尘盒或防震包中,避免受到冲击、振动或磨损。
3. 定期校准:为了保证测量结果的准确性,建议每三个月进行一次校准操作。
4. 防止仪器过热:长时间使用后,仪器可能会产生高温,请避免将仪器放置在易燃或易热物体上。
五、故障处理1. 无法正常启动:请检查电池电量是否耗尽,若是,请充电或更换电池后再次尝试。
2. 显示屏无法显示:请检查连接是否正常,以及仪器是否处于正确的工作模式。
3. 测量结果异常:请确认仪器是否正确设置了测量参数,并保证仪器与待检测气体充分接触。
1. 准备工作:确认氦气检漏仪内部的氦气供应充足,并确保仪器与气源(通常是氦气罐)连接良好。
2. 打开氦气供应:打开氦气检漏仪上的气源开关,让氦气进入仪器。
3. 设置检测灵敏度:根据需要,使用仪器上的调节钮或菜单设置灵敏度。
4. 目标定位:将氦气检漏仪靠近要检查的目标区域,使用仪器上的探头或喷嘴对准目标区域。
5. 开始检测:按下仪器上的检测按钮或触发器,开始释放氦气。
6. 观察仪器显示:观察仪器上的指示灯、数字显示或屏幕,以确定是否检测到气体泄漏。
7. 确认检测结果:如果仪器显示检测到了泄漏,可以通过改变仪器位置或调整
8. 关闭氦气供应:检测完成后,关闭气源开关,停止供氦。
9. 清洁和存储:清洁仪器的外壳和探头,将仪器存放在安全干燥的地方,避免物品压迫或受潮。
HDJL-II sf6定量检漏仪使用说明书武汉华新仪电力科技有限公司WuHan HuaXinyi Power Technology Co.,Ltd重要注意事项:1、开机前必须观测油窗是否已经注油,否则严禁开机, 油位应在油标中心偏上为宜,并观察是否混浊。
一、用途HDJL-II sf6定量检漏仪是目前 sf6 气体微量泄漏的最理想检验工具和方法。
二、技术数据1010气体三、结构产品部件布置,如图1、交流AC220V2、交流10A保险丝3、直流0.5A保险丝4、直流电压表5、电源总开关6、探测器开关/报警电位器7、液晶显示屏 8、探测器观察窗 9、进气口10、针阀 11、真空软管 12、油位观察孔(油窗)13、放油孔(放油螺栓)四、操作步骤与使用方法1.从仪器的左侧上面油位观察孔观测真空泵油位,油位应在油标中心偏上为宜;2.插上电源,按下电源总开关,此时可听见电机启动声,直流电压表显示的“40” V直流电压指示,并在探测器液晶显示为“00”;同时取出探测器,将其放置于机箱外;如未听到电机启动声或直流电压表无显示,应检查2.1.电源线是否插妥;2.2.保险丝是否正常;3.真空泵启动10-15分钟后(环境温度低于-5℃应运转30分钟),打开探测器开关/报警电位器,如液晶显示一个10-100之间的任意一个数字,并保持基本稳定时,探测器观察窗有紫色辉光设备可以正常工作;旋转调节报警电位器,使报警扬声器处于合适的状态;由于产品已经进行重大改进,如10秒内无法进入正常工作状态,液晶显示”1” ,只有以下3种情况;3.1.观测探测器头部针阀部位是否有灰尘或油污堵塞;3.2.真空泵油是否使用时间过长,泵油是否比较混浊;3.3.探测器是否有有空气泄漏,密封圈是否老化,导致微量空气泄漏。
三、正确使用气体测漏仪1. 打开气体测漏仪的电源,并根据需要调整仪器的灵敏度。
2. 将探头靠近被检测物体,确保探头与物体表面紧密接触,避免空气流动的干扰。
3. 观察测漏仪的显示屏,当有气体泄漏时,仪器会发出声音或显示泄漏信号。
4. 移动探头,对泄漏点进行逐一检测,确保不遗漏任何可能的泄漏点。
5. 在检测过程中,注意仪器的环境温度和湿度,避免对检测结果产生干扰。
6. 对于检测到的泄漏点,可以使用标记物或其他方法进行标记,以便后续修复。
四、注意事项在使用气体测漏仪时,需要注意以下几点:1. 使用人员应熟悉仪器的使用方法和操作规程,避免误操作或不当使用。
2. 在使用过程中,要注意安全防护,避免接触有毒气体或高温表面。
3. 定期对气体测漏仪进行维护和校准,确保其准确度和可靠性。
4. 仪器使用结束后,及时清洁和保养,以延长其使用寿命。
二、安全注意事项在操作气体检测仪器之前,请务必遵守以下安全注意事项:1. 仪器应由熟悉操作方法的人员操作,提前了解仪器的使用说明。
2. 使用前确保仪器功能正常,并检查是否有损坏或松动的部件。
3. 避免将仪器暴露于高温、湿度过大、有腐蚀性气体的环境中。
4. 操作时应佩戴适当的防护装备,如手套、护目镜等。
5. 若使用中发现任何异常情况,应立即停止使用并联系售后服务。
三、仪器操作流程以下为气体检测仪器的基本操作流程:1. 开始操作前,确保仪器已正确连接电源,并处于工作状态。
2. 检查仪器上显示屏,确认其处于正常工作状态。
3. 根据实际需要选择合适的测量模式,并设置相关参数。
4. 打开待测区域的气阀,允许气体进入仪器。
5. 等待一段时间,直至仪器完成测量过程,并显示出测量结果。
6. 对测量结果进行分析和评估,判断是否达到预定标准或偏离正常范围。
7. 根据实际需要记录测量结果,并进行后续处理。
四、常见故障处理1. 仪器无法开机或无法正常显示- 检查电源连接是否松动或损坏,重新连接或更换电源。
- 如电源正常,可能是仪器内部故障,需联系售后服务。
2. 仪器无法测量气体浓度- 检查传感器是否干净,若有污垢需清洁。
- 检查传感器是否损坏,如有需要更换传感器。
3. 仪器测量结果异常或不稳定- 检查环境是否存在干扰物质,如有需要采取相应措施消除干扰。
- 检查仪器校准是否正确,如需校准,按照校准流程进行操作。
五、养护与维护1. 定期清洁仪器外壳和传感器,避免灰尘和污垢的积聚。
2. 避免将仪器暴露在湿度过大或有腐蚀性气体的环境中,以免损坏仪器。
3. 如长时间不使用仪器,请将其存放在干燥通风的环境中,避免长时间不使用导致零件老化。
一、仪器介绍1. 外观结构:该燃气检测仪器采用便携式设计,外观紧凑轻便,方便携带和操作。
2. 传感器:仪器配备了高灵敏度的传感器,用于检测燃气泄漏。
3. 操作按钮:仪器上配有简单易用的操作按钮,可用于开机、关机、菜单切换和参数调节等功能。
二、使用准备1. 出厂检查:在使用之前,请先进行仪器的出厂检查。
2. 选择合适的检测范围:根据实际需要,选择适当的检测范围。
3. 检测环境准备:在开始检测之前,确保待测区域通风良好,并排除可能引发火灾、爆炸或污染的危险物质。
三、操作步骤1. 打开仪器:按下电源按钮,仪器将开始初始化,并显示相关的欢迎信息。
2. 校准仪器:在开始正式检测之前,需要对仪器进行校准。
3. 检测燃气:将仪器移动到待测区域,并按下检测按钮。
4. 读取结果:仪器将在液晶显示屏上显示出当前检测到的燃气浓度。
5. 停止检测:在完成检测后,按下停止按钮以关闭仪器。
四、安全事项1. 使用合适的保护装备:在进行燃气检测时,请佩戴适当的个人保护装备,如防护眼镜和手套等。
2. 避免火源:在检测到燃气泄漏时,请务必远离任何可能引发火灾或爆炸的火源。
二、安全注意事项在操作气体检测仪之前,请务必仔细阅读并理解以下安全注意事项:1. 请确保在使用气体检测仪之前已经接受相关培训,并理解仪器的功能和使用方法。
2. 使用前,请检查仪器是否完好无损,如有损坏或故障,请勿使用,而应尽快修理或更换。
3. 在操作和维护仪器时,请始终戴上适当的防护装备,如手套、护目镜和口罩。
4. 在进行气体检测时,请确保周围环境通风良好,避免有害气体对您造成伤害。
5. 请定期校准气体检测仪,以确保其测量结果的准确性。
6. 使用气体检测仪时,请始终遵循操作手册中提供的指示和警告标志。
三、操作步骤以下是使用气体检测仪的一般操作步骤:1. 准备工作a. 确保气体检测仪已经充电或装入新的电池,并确保电池电量充足。
b. 检查传感器是否清洁无尘,并注意是否存在损坏或老化的状况。
c. 打开仪器,等待其启动并进行自检。
2. 设置参数a. 根据需要选择适当的气体检测模式,比如单一气体检测或多气体检测。
b. 根据环境和气体类型,设置合适的报警阈值。
c. 如需进行进一步的设置,按照仪器操作手册进行操作。
3. 进行检测a. 如果需要,将气体检测仪放置在所需位置,并确保其与被测气体接触。
b. 如果需要进行移动式检测,请保持仪器稳定并避免碰撞。
c. 等待一段时间,直到仪器稳定并显示测量结果。
4. 结果分析a. 根据仪器显示的结果,判断气体浓度是否超过设定的报警阈值。
b. 如有报警,请立即采取相应的安全措施,如迅速撤离,戴上适当的防护装备等。
c. 如测量结果异常,请检查仪器状态和环境条件,并进行必要的修理或调整。
5. 记录和报告a. 如有需要,记录测量结果、时间和地点等信息。
b. 按照相关规定提交测量报告,并妥善保存相关记录。
Testo 316-2气体泄漏检测仪 使用说明书
![Testo 316-2气体泄漏检测仪 使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d179c0afb9f67c1cfad6195f312b3169a451ea8b.png)
Instruction manualtesto 316-2Leakage detector for gasSafety and environment2Safety and environmentOn this document> Read this document through carefully, and familiarize yourself with the product before you put it to use. Keep this documentation close to hand in order to be able toconsult it if required. Pass this documentation on to later users of the product.> Pay particular attention to information which is marked with the following symbols:· W ith the signal word Warning!:Warns of dangers which can lead to serious injury if the prescribed safety measuresare not taken.· W ith the signal word Attention!:Warns of dangers which can lead to light injuries or material damage if the prescribedsafety measures are not taken.· Important informationAvoiding personal injury/material damage> U se the measuring instrument only for the purpose for which it is intended, and within the parameters stated in the technical data. Do not use force.> I f damage, malfunction or incorrect display occur, have the instument checked. Do not use faulty instruments.> Do not carry out measurements with the product on or near live parts.> N ever store the product together with solvents, acids or other corrosive substances. > C arry out only repair and maintenance work described in the instruction manual.Observe the prescribed handling steps. Use only original spare parts from Testo. Protecting the environment> D ispose of faulty rechargeable batteries/empty batteries at the proper collection points.> S end the product back to Testo at the end of its life. We will ensure that it is disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.Specifications3 SpecificationsFunctions and applicationThe testo 316-2 is a gas leak detector for the fast and reliable detection of leakages on gas pipes.monitoring instrument for your personal safetyThe sensor head cannot be removed!Do not use on live parts!Do not use the instruments in environments with over 80 %RH (condensive).O bserve permitted storage and transport temperature as well as the permittedoperating temperature (e. g. protect measuring instrument from direct sunlight)!D o not use testo 316-2 in closed rooms in which gases have collected into anexplosive mixture.E nsure that the gas concentration does not exceed 20 % LFL (Lowerflammability limit).Always carry out a functionality test before gas detection.S etting the sensitivity of the sensor in gas-contaminated surroundings lowersthe alarm thresholds.T he warranty becomes void if the instrument is not used as intended or if forceis applied!Do not allow the sensor to come into contact with moisture or acids, as it willreact cross-sensitively.Specifications4Technical dataTechnical measuring dataSensor: Gas-sensitive semi-conductor· Reaction threshold: 10 ppm bei C3H8, CH4 und H2 · Reactions time: <2s· Alarm thresholdsFurther instrument dataOperating conditions: -5 to 50°C / 23 to 122°F / 20 to 80%RH, with limited functionality (only audible indi-cation, reduced accuracy, reduced operating time) can also be used in the range -20°C to -5°C / -4 to 23°F· Storage/transp. conditions: -25...60°C / -13...140°F/ 20...80%rF· Minimum bend radius gooseneck: 40 mm· Current supply: Rech. battery pack NiMh · Battery life: appprox. 6h (at 22°C / 72°F)· Charging time: approx. 8h· Dimensions: 57 x 190 x 42mm· Weight: 348gGuidelines, norms and tests· Instrument complies with worksheet DVGW G465-4Sensor dataM eas. parameter Measuring range Bar display Reaction time CH4 10 ppm to 4.0 Vol. % 1 - 18 bars < 2 sec. with pumpC3H8 10 ppm to 1.9 Vol. % 1 - 18 bars < 2 sec. with pumpH2 10 ppm to 4.0 Vol. % 1 - 18 bars < 2 sec. with pumpAlarm thresholdsM eas. parameter 1. Alarm threshold 1. Alarm 2. Alarm threshold 2. Alarm(12 bars) Accuracy (17 bars) AccuracyCH4 200 ppm ±2 bars 10.000 ppm ±2 bars C3H8 100 ppm ±2 bars 5.000 ppm ±2 bars H2 200 ppm ±2 bars 10.000 ppm ±2 barsProduct description5 Product descriptionAt a glanceÀS ensor head with gas sensor.ÁF lexible probe shaft.ÂT op: earplug socket, mains unit socket.ÃD isplay.Ä Operating buttons.Display and operating elementsDisplay MeaningColour of the display illuminationgreen No gas detected.red Gas detected.SymbolsG as concentration trend display: No gas detected / Gas detected.G as concentration trend display: First alarm threshold / Second alarm threshold.G as concentration maximum value display : Maximum gas concentration detectedsince the last reset of the maximum display or since the last time the instrumentwas switched on.Type of gas to be detected.Suppress background concentrationBattery capacity: Battery full / battery partly discharged / remaining capacity < 15min.Audible signal: on / off.Buttons FunctionInstrument: on / off.Type of gas to be detected: Select.Audible signal: on / off.+Trend display is resetone-off suppression of the background concentration (1. alarm threshold only),cancel suppression6First stepsAudible notificationThe audible notification takes place with a signal tone whose interval frequency increases with increasing gas concentrations. A continuous signal sounds when the second alarm threshold is passed.First stepsã Charging battery:Use only the original mains unit 0554 1093!The rechargeable battery can only be charged at an ambient temperatureof 0 to 45°C ( 32 to 113°F).If the rechargeable battery is completely discharged, charging takes approx. 8h.In order to ensure as long a battery life as possible, the battery shoud always becompletely discharged and recharged.The instrument can continue to be used during charging.1Plug the mains plug into the country-specific adapter and then plug into the mains socket.2Plug the instrument plug into the mains unit socket of the instrument.- Charging begins: , and light up alternately.- Charging stops automatically when the rechargeable battery is full: lights up.ã Using the earplug:Use only the original earplug 0554 5001!The instrument loudspeaker is deactivated when the earplug is plugged in!> Plug the connection plug of the earplug into the earplug socket of the instrument.Using the product7 Using the productã Switching on the instrument:1 Press .- All display segments light up (duration: 3 sec), the suction pump starts (ventilator noise).- The initialization phase is carried out (heating, auto-test). The remaining duration is displayed.- After the end of the initialization phase: OK lights up (duration: 2 sec).Attention! Danger of burning from the hot sensor head after prolonged use!>B efore touching the sensor head or packing up the instrument, switch offand allow to cool.ã Selecting gas to be detected:> Press several times, until the arrow lights up under the desired gas type.ãSuppress background concentration> Press .- lights up. The background concentration is suppressed.> Press again.- goes out. Background suppression is removed. The current gas concentration is displayed.Using the product8ã Carrying out gas detection:Attention! Destruction of the sensor by non-desorbant substances (e.g. oils)!>Do not use the instrument in dirty surroundings.> Move the sensor head as close as possible, and slowly (3 to 5 cm per second) over the parts which are to be examined for leaks.ã Resetting maximum value display:> Press and simultaneously.ã Switching instrument off:> Press and hold until the display switches off.Maintaining the product9 Maintaining the productâ Charging the rechargeable battery:See chapter “First steps”â Cleaning the sensor:Tobacco smoke, dirty air, oils, grease, silicones and evaporating liquids or gases can lead to deposits on the surface of the sensor. This can result in reduced sensitivity and falsified display of concentrations. If necessary clean the sensor.> Switch on the instrument, wait until the end of the initialization phase and switch off again. Repeat this procedure several times.â Clean the sensor head from the outside> If dirty, clean the sensor head with a soft dry cloth.â Cleaning the housing:> If dirty, clean the housing with a damp cloth (soap solution). Do not use aggressive cleaning products or solvents!â Switching on regularlyIf the instrument is used infrequently, deposits may build up on the sensor.Switching the instrument on prevents deposits building up on the sensor. Testorecommends switching the instrument on regularly to avoid deposits building upon the sensor.â Storage & transportationTo avoid contamination of the sensor, the instrument should not be storedor transported in an environment where there is tobacco smoke, foul air, oils,greases, silicones or evaporating liquids or gases. Any sensor that is contaminated as a result of storage or transportation must be cleaned before use, see Cleaning the sensor.â Regular servicing:Testo recommends yearly servicing of the gas detector by an authorized servicecentre.Tips and assistance10Tips and assistanceQuestions and answersQuestion Possible causes / solutions“Error 01” · I nstrument error: please contact your dealer or Testo customer service.“Error 02” · S ensor defective (wire breakage): please contact your dealer or Testo customerservice.“Error 03” · S ensor connection faulty: Steckverbidnung des Sensorkopfes prüfen Pleasecontact your dealer or Testo customer service“Sensor” blinkt · S ensor dirty: clean sensor, see chapter “Maintaining product”.If we were not able to answer your question, please contact your dealer or Testocustomer service. For contact data, see back of this document or web page www.testo.com/service-contact.Accessories and spare partsDescription Part no.Earplug 0554 5001 Mains unit 0554 1093 testo 316-2 0632 316211 e d n e。
1. 气密检漏仪的组成气密检漏仪由下面的几部分组成:•主机:气密检测主机,包括仪器的显示屏、操作按钮、控制软件等部分;•探头:用于检测被测试物体的探头,包括探头连接线等部分;•气源:用于提供测试气体的气源设备;•软件:用于分析测试数据和生成检测报告的软件。
2. 气密检漏仪的操作2.1 准备工作在使用气密检漏仪进行检测之前,需要进行一些准备工作:•选择正确的探头:根据被测试物体的特点,选择相应的探头进行测量;•连接气源:根据仪器说明书,将气源连接到气密检漏仪上;•开机:将气密检漏仪插入电源并将仪器开机。
2.2 操作步骤1.打开软件:在电脑上打开气密检测软件,根据指示向后台传输相应的信息进行连接。
2.3 注意事项在操作气密检漏仪时,需要注意以下几个方面:•仪器的操作要准确:在使用气密检漏仪时,需要按照正确的方法和步骤进行操作,否则会影响测试结果的准确性;•控制测试压力:在进行检测时,需要控制测试压力,以免造成对被检测物件的损坏和误测;•测试时间不能过长:测试时间过长会浪费时间,同时也可能会对被检测物体造成损坏;•保持探头的清洁和完好:检测探头需要保持清洁,并且不能在不当的情况下进行钩挂或者弯曲,否则会影响测试数据的正确性。
3. 总结使用气密检漏仪进行检测时,需要遵循正确的操作步骤,同时需要注意保养和维护。
testo 316-1-EX 气体泄漏检测仪使用说明书
![testo 316-1-EX 气体泄漏检测仪使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/330c323600f69e3143323968011ca300a6c3f602.png)
testo 316-1-EX gas leak detector 0560 3163Instruction manualContents Contents1About this document (3)2Safety and disposal (3)2.1Security (3)2.2Disposal (4)3Product-specific information (5)4Intended use (5)4.1Special conditions for the usage (6)5Product description (7)5.1Instrument overview (7)6First steps (8)6.1Getting to know the product (8)6.1.1Switching the instrument on and off (8)6.2Establishing a Bluetooth® connection (9)6.2.1Establishing a Bluetooth® connection to the testo Smart App (9)7Using the product (10)7.1Controls (10)7.1.1Implementing settings (12)7.2Carrying out a function test (15)7.3Carrying out gas detection (15)8Maintaining the product (19)8.1Charging the rechargeable battery (19)8.2Cleaning the instrument (19)8.3Cleaning the sensor (19)9Technical data for testo 316-1-EX (21)10Tips and assistance (22)10.1Questions and answers (22)10.2Error codes (22)10.2.1Hard Reset (22)10.3Accessories and spare parts (22)11Support (22)1 About this document1 About this document•The instruction manual is an integral part of the instrument.•Please keep this documentation available for future reference.•Always use the complete original instruction manual.•Please read this instruction manual through carefully and familiarize yourself with the product before putting it to use.•Hand this instruction manual on to any subsequent users of the product. •Pay particular attention to the safety instructions and warning advice in order to prevent injury and damage to the product.2 Safety and disposal2.1 SecurityGeneral safety instructions•Only operate the product properly, for its intended purpose, and within the parameters specified in the technical data.•Do not apply any force.•Do not operate the instrument if there are signs of damage on the housing, mains unit or connected cables.•Dangers may also arise from objects to be measured or the measuring environment. Always comply with the locally valid safety regulations when carrying out measurements.•Do not store the product together with solvents.•Do not use any desiccants.•Only perform maintenance and repair work on this instrument that is described in this documentation. Follow the prescribed steps exactly when doing the work.•Use only original spare parts from Testo.•Only use the original mains unit from Testo.•The substantial safety and health requirements are fulfilled in accordance with the following norms:o EN IEC 60079-0:2018o EN 60079-11:2012•The gas leak detector must not be exposed to the processes that generate significant electrostatic charges.32 Safety and disposal4Batteries• Improper use of batteries may cause the batteries to be destroyed, or lead to injury due to current surges, fire or escaping chemicals.• Do not expose the batteries to heavy impacts, water, fire or temperatures in excess of 60 °C.• In the event of contact with battery acid: rinse affected areas thoroughly with water, and if necessary consult a doctor.• Only charge the battery using the original Testo mains unit supplied.• Immediately stop the charging process if this is not completed in the given time.WarningsAlways pay attention to any information denoted by the following warnings. Implement the precautionary measures specified!DANGER Risk of death!WARNINGIndicates possible serious injury.CAUTIONIndicates possible minor injury.Indicates possible damage to equipment.2.2 Disposal• Dispose of faulty rechargeable batteries and spent batteries in accordance with the valid legal specifications.• At the end of its useful life, deliver the product to the separate collection point for electric and electronic devices (observe local regulations) or return the product to Testo for disposal.•WEEE Reg. No. DE 753343523 Product-specific information 3 Product-specific information•Do not carry out measurements on live components.•Do not operate the instrument in environments above 80 %RH (condensing). •Observe the permissible storage and transport temperatures and the permissible operating temperature (e.g. protect the measuring instrument from direct sunlight)!•Always carry out a function test before searching for gas leaks.•If the instrument is misused or subjected to force, all warranty claims will be voided!•Do not allow the sensor to come into contact with moisture or acids, as it will react cross-sensitively.4 Intended useThe testo 316-1-EX is a gas leak detector for the short-term detection of leaks in gas systems in potentially explosive atmospheres of the classATEX II 2 G Ex ib IIC T1Gb according to Directive 2014/34/EU (ATEX).The following substances can be detected:•Methane CH4•Propane C3H8•Butane C4H10•Hydrogen H2The instrument is not suitable for precise measurement of the gas concentration.A flammable substance in the air has a lower explosive limit (LEL) and an upper explosive limit (UEL).The air/gas mixture is flammable anywhere between these two limits, potentially leading to an explosion (critical range).Below the LEL, the mixture is too lean for an explosion, and above the UEL it is too rich (non-critical range).The explosive limits depend on the substance:-Methane CH4: LEL 4.4 vol.% / UEL 16.5 vol.%-Propane C3H8: LEL 1.7 vol.% / UEL 10.9 vol.%-Butane C4H10: LEL 1.4 vol.% / UEL 9.4 vol.%-Hydrogen H2: LEL 4.0 vol.% / UEL 77.0 vol.%54 Intended use 6- Do not use the instrument as a monitoring instrument for personal safety! The instrument is not protective equipment!- Do not use the instrument as a gas analyzer! The sensor detects almost all combustible gases alike.4.1 Special conditions for the usage • The gas leak detector must only be used in potentially explosive atmospheres of the IIC T1 class.• The gas leak detector must only be used in the ambient temperature range from -5 °C to +50 °C.• The gas leak detector must not be exposed to the processes that generate significant electrostatic charges.• The gas leak detector must only be recharged using the corresponding charger outside of a potentially explosive atmosphere in the ambient temperature range from 0 °C…+45 °C.• The charging voltage must not be higher than U m = 8.5 V.This voltage can be provided using one of the following measures in accordance with IEC 60079-14:o making sure that U m in a SELV/PELV system can not be higher than50 V AC or 120 V DC;o using a safety transformer that fulfils all requirements according toIEC 61558-2-6 or an equivalent technical standard;o connecting it directly to an instrument that fulfils all requirementsaccording to IEC 60950 and its successors, IEC 61010-1 or anequivalent technical standard; ousing a direct power supply source, e.g cells or batteries.• The expected short-circuit current during the charging process must not exceed 50 A.Use only the supplied mains unit to fulfil all charging requirements.5 Product description5 Product description5.1 Instrument overviewSymbol explanation76 First steps86 First steps6.1 Getting to know the product6.1.1 Switching the instrument on and off Switching onOnly switch on the instrument in fresh air, since automatic zeroing is carried out when the instrument is switched on. The ambient temperature and ambient humidity during zeroing should correspond to the ambient conditions at themeasuring location. If necessary, zero again manually at the measuring location (switch off and on again).If the unit is not used for a prolonged period of time, the sensor willbecome contaminated. Particularly if the instrument has not been in operation for a prolonged period of time (> 2 weeks), it should be left switched on for a while before being used. The longer it has not been in operation, the longer this additional warming-up phase should be.Please note that the instrument switches itself off by default after 10 min of inactivity.1 Press and hold down (1 sec) the On/Off key.Warm-up phase (HEAT)↓ The instrument starts up. With regular use, the warm-up period takes approx. 30 sec and is symbolized by the text “HEAT” and acountdown.As long as the sensor LED is flashing orange, the instrument is not ready for use.↓ Following the warm-up period, the measurement view is displayed.Self-cleaning (CLN)↓ If the sensor is dirty, the warm-up phase is followed by the sensor cleaning phase. This usually happens when the instrument has notbeen used for several days. The self-cleaning is symbolized by the text “CLN” and a countdown.Switching offCAUTION Caution! Risk of burns due to hot sensor head after prolongedoperation.- Before touching the sensor head or packing the instrument: switchinstrument off and let the sensor head cool down.6 First steps91 Press and hold down (1 sec) the On/Off key.↓ The instrument is switched off.Auto OFFAfter 10 minutes of inactivity (no user input, no gas concentration above the warning threshold), the instrument switches itself off. The switch-off is signalled beforehand by an alarm sound, red flashing of the sensor LED and a 10 sec countdown.You can prevent the instrument from switching off by pressing any key within 10 seconds.Enabling/disabling the Auto-OFF function:1 Press the Sound and UNIT keys simultaneously for 1 sec.↓ Enabling/disabling is confirmed by "AOFF ON" or "AOFF OFF".6.2 Establishing a Bluetooth ® connectionThe instrument can be connected to the testo Smart App viaBluetooth ® connection.✓ The gas leak detector is switched on.6.2.1Establishing a Bluetooth ® connection to the testo Smart AppTo establish a connection via Bluetooth ®, you need atablet or smartphone with the Testo Smart App alreadyinstalled on it.You can get the App for iOS instruments in the App Storeor for Android instruments in the Play Store.Compatibility:Requires iOS 13.0 or later/Android 8.0 or later,requires Bluetooth ® 4.2.1 Open the testo Smart App.↓ The app automatically searches for Bluetooth ® devices in the vicinity.2 In the Bluetooth menu, check whether the required instrument is connected.7 Using the product10 ↓ If necessary, switch the instrument to be connected off and on again to restart the connection mode.7 Using the productFor technical reasons, the accuracy of the sensor improves with longer operating time of the sensor.For accurate measurements in ppm or calibrations, the device must be switched on for at least 10 minutes (after the warm-up phase).Please note that the instrument switches itself off by default after 10 min of inactivity. You can avoid this by disabling the Auto-off function (see chapter 6.2.1).Lighters are only suitable to a limited extent for a function test due to the different liquid gas mixtures used in commercial lighters and the selectivity of the sensor based on the gas set (GAS button).The gas leak detector can be used in conjunction with the testo Smart App .7.1 Controls✓ The instrument is switched on.✓ The app is installed on the smartphone and connected to theinstrument via Bluetooth ®.↓ Settings and controls are primarily carried out on the instrument and are transferred to the app. To a lesser extent, control via app is also possible (selection of gas type).7 Using the product1 Sound / Illumination key2 On/Off / GAS key3 Bar display4 Mode5 Measurement parameter6 Display for alarm signal, Bluetooth®, charge level7 Maximum measured value8 Current measured value7 Using the productThe Main menu can be accessed via the icon at top left. To exit the main menu, select a menu or right-click on the guided menus. The last screen displayed is shown.7.1.1 Implementing settingsSelecting, opening and setting functions1 Press the relevant key to select the functions.Secondary assignment (long press)All keys with a white corner have a secondary assignment, which can be selected by pressing and holding the key (1 sec).Adjustable functionsEnsure correct settings: all settings are transferred immediately. There is no Cancel function.7 Using the product Measurement parameterDisplay illumination / sensor LED(long press)Alarm soundUnit (long press)7Using the product Max. zeroing (long press) Zeroing7 Using the product7.2 Carrying out a function test1 Apply low-concentration gas to the sensor (max. 10 sec).↓If the sensor does not respond (no alarm), the instrument is defective and must no longer be used. The instrument must be taken to theservice centre for repair.Due to the selectivity of the sensor, gas equivalents are not suitable forchecking the function and especially not for calibrating the sensor.7.3 Carrying out gas detectionHave the instrument serviced annually by the manufacturer.Testing natural gas lines or hydrogen lines:Methane (main component of natural gas) or hydrogen are lighter thanair, detection should be carried out above the pipe / suspected leak.Testing propane and butane gas lines: Propane and butane are heavierthan air, detection should be carried out below the pipe / suspectedleak, starting from the bottom and working upwards.Selecting the gas to be detected1 Select the gas types via the GAS key or the testo Smart App using the3-point menu in the top right corner of the output field↓After switching on the instrument, the process of cycling through starts with methane (CH4).Automatic identification of common gas typesThe gas is automatically detected and indicated by a flashing gas icon on the display if a gas concentration currently applied to the sensor has characteristics of a different gas type than is currently selected.For technical reasons, this is subject to uncertainty and is intended as a support for users, and must therefore always be checked by the user.7Using the productSelecting the mode1 Press the MODE key to switch between modes.MODE 1 is suitable for measuring the general gas concentration in indoor areas.↓The gas concentration is indicated bythe increasing bar display.MODE 2 is suitable for locating a leak. In this mode, rising or falling concentration values are output.↓At the beginning, two bar segmentsare displayed in the middle.At the same time, the sensor LEDflashes in a colour corresponding tothe concentration value and an audiosignal is emitted at the samefrequency.↓As the concentration increases, adeflection to the right is displayed.The frequency of the flashing/audiosignal increases.As the concentration decreases, adeflection to the left is displayed. Thefrequency of the flashing/audio signaldecreases.7 Using the product↓If the concentration remains unchanged, the deflection moves back to the centre. The deflection is reset manually using the [--> 0 <--] key Carrying out the measurement1 Move the sensor head as close as possible and at low speed (approx.< 2 cm per second) over the components that are to be checked forleaks.The surface of the sensor must not be covered.↓•Concentration < 100 ppm: The sensor LED and the displayillumination light up green. In addition, the bar display increases.•Concentration > 100 and < 999 ppm: The sensor LED and the display illumination light up yellow. In addition, the bar displayincreases.•Concentration > 999 ppm: The unit changes to VOL% and the bar display increases.•Concentration > 9999 ppm / > 0.99 VOL%: The sensor LED and the display light up red (alarm threshold).↓When the lower explosive limit is reached, ">LEL" is displayed. Higher values are not displayed.To locate the leak, it is advisable, in the case of these larger leaks, toswitch to MODE 2 in order to receive feedback via audio and flashingsignals.↓If the warning threshold (100 ppm) is exceeded, the sensor LED and display illumination light up yellow. If the acoustic alarm is enabled, anadditional warning sound is emitted when the warning threshold isexceeded, the frequency of which increases as the concentrationincreases, and changes to a continuous tone when the second alarmthreshold (10,000 ppm) is exceeded.Changing unitsBy default, the display shows ppm (concentration in parts per million). From a concentration of >999 ppm, the display changes to vol% (1000 ppm=0.1 vol%). Higher concentrations in ppm are also displayed in the app.In addition, %LEL (the percentage of the lower explosive limit that has been reached) can be selected.1 Press the unit key to change the unit.Carrying out manual zeroingThe zero point can only be set manually if the currently detected gas concentration is below the max. 250 ppm (max. 250 ppm can be suppressed). For example:•150 ppm (≤ 250 ppm): are completely suppressed (display: 0 ppm)7Using the product•1000 ppm (> 250 ppm): 250 ppm are suppressed (display: 750 ppm)Gas concentrations present at the time of zeroing are suppressed byzeroing. As a result, the displayed reading no longer corresponds to thereal gas concentration.✓ The instrument is in measurement view.1 Briefly press [--> 0 <--].↓The zero point for the current reading is reset or the currentsuppression is cancelled.↓On instruments with a display, the suppression of the reading is symbolized by an arrow pointing downwards on the display.The maximum reading can be zeroed using [max --> 0 <--].After the measurement1 Ventilate the sensor thoroughly after each use. To do this, place theinstrument in fresh air for approx. 2 minutes before using it again.8 Maintaining the product8 Maintaining the product8.1 Charging the rechargeable batteryDANGER- Do not charge the rechargeable battery in potentially explosive atmospheres!Only charge the battery using the original Testo mains unit supplied. The instrument indicates that the battery needs to be charged via a flashing battery symbol.1 Connect the instrument to the mains via the mains unit. To do this,insert the plug of the mains unit into the charging socket on theunderside of the instrument.When the mains unit is plugged in during operation, the instrumentswitches off due to ATEX regulations.The instrument can become very warm during charging and should notbe held in your hand.8.2 Cleaning the instrument1 If the housing of the instrument is dirty, clean it with a damp cloth.Do not use any aggressive cleaning agents or solvents! Mild householdcleaning agents and soap suds may be used.Storage & transportationTo prevent contamination of the sensor, please do not store or transport the instrument in an environment where any tobacco smoke, foul air, oils, greases, silicones, evaporating liquids or gases are present. Any sensor that is contaminated as a result of storage or transportation must be cleaned before use, see Cleaning the sensor.Regular inspectionTesto recommends having the gas leak detector inspected by an authorized service centre every year.8.3 Cleaning the sensorTobacco smoke, dirty air, oils, greases, silicones and evaporating liquids or gases can leave deposits on the sensor surface. Possible consequences are8Maintaining the productreduced sensitivity, distorted displays of gas concentration or display of a background concentration. Clean the sensor if necessary1 Switch on the instrument, allow it to initialize and then switch it off.Repeat this procedure several times.2 If it is dirty, clean the sensor head with a soft, dry cloth.Switching on regularlyIf the instrument is used infrequently, deposits may build up on the sensor. Switching the instrument on prevents these deposits from building up on the sensor. Testo recommends switching the instrument on regularly to avoid deposits building up on the sensor.Changing the sensor headThe instrument has a permanently installed sensor head that can only be replaced by Testo Customer Service.9 Technical data for testo 316-1-EX 9 Technical data for testo 316-1-EX2110Tips and assistance10 Tips and assistance10.1 Questions and answers10.2 Error codesThe error code is shown on the display.10.2.1 Hard Reset1 If you encounter any problems with the firmware, press and hold theON/OFF key for a long time (4 sec.) to perform a reset.10.3 Accessories and spare parts11 SupportYou can find up-to-date information on products, downloads and links to contact addresses for support queries on the Testo website at: .If you have any questions please contact your local dealer or the Testo Customer Service. You can find contact details on the back of this document or online at /service-contact.22Testo SE & Co. KGaACelsiusstraße 279822 Titisee-NeustadtGermanyTelefon: +49 7653 681-0E-Mail:*************Internet: 0970 3263 en 05 - 04.2023。
a.将被测件接入仪器[被测件]端。 b.按[检测]键
a. 每天使用该仪器前,必须预热 5~10 分钟,再复位进入系统。
0 点校准:
如果开机后,在未接工件的情况下,检压力(或压降)不为 0(或 0 点附近)
b. 如生产节拍允许,可加长平衡时间;如生产节拍较快,在保证检测精度要求的
c. 检测过程中被检测件不能有大的抖动。
d. 试件允许有小泄漏的地方,必须封密堵塞。如发动机进、排气门;油尺。
e. 仪器重复性性能检测:当需要对同一试件进行重复检测气密性时,检测件必须
每次的累计数据会隔 10 分钟储存一次,如果在断电或关机时想要把检测总计数储存
于数据库中,必须按一下“Ent”键,并等待 5S 后关机,使其永久性记录。
说明:0.4~0.8MPa 气源接入气密检测仪的气源输入口,“数显精密压力表”
10.2.2 压力量程调校步骤
a. 取下检测仪的外罩,逆时针调节检测仪内部的压力调节阀,使其输出压力到最
小 0。
b. 将气密检测仪通电 5 分钟,取下与“数显精密压力表”连接的管路,按检测仪
二、主要技术指标1、最小检测值:1 (X 1 0 一6体积比)2、检测范围:1〜1 0 0 0 (XI 0 ~6体积比)3、响应时间:VI秒4、恢复时间:V 1 0秒5、示值误差:W± 3 %6、重复性:W1%7、传感器静止时最大灵敏度:3 g/年8、指示方式:数字显示和声光讯号9、探枪检测长度:手持式1 0、连续工作时间:5小时1 1、仪器电源:可充电镰氢电池,交直两用1 2、使用环境:温度:一5€〜+4 5 °C相对湿度:W 8 513、整机重量:2公斤1 4、体积:长X宽><高=230mmX 130mmX 45mm三、主要特点1、体积小,重量轻,便携式,手持蛇形探头,连线增加易弯性。
7、使用时间长:使用时间可达5小时,十分适合于现场,SFe 高压开关厂和研究所使用。
四、操作步骤1、先将手持式探头上的连接线插头接到仪器液晶显示屏下方的插座上扭紧,然后打开电源开关,“Full- charge ”灯亮,液晶屏显示“欢迎使用”,然后进入第二屏“ 1、运行2、设置”。
1. 检漏仪概述检漏仪是一种用于检测和定位管道或容器中泄漏位置的仪器。
2. 安全注意事项在使用检漏仪之前,请务必阅读并遵守以下安全注意事项:- 在操作过程中要佩戴适当的防护装备,包括手套、眼镜等。
- 请确保您在操作时处于安全的环境,远离可燃或有害物质。
- 请勿将检漏仪用于其它非指定用途。
3. 检漏仪的使用步骤步骤一:准备- 将检漏仪放置在稳定的平面上,并连接电源。
- 根据实际需要,选择合适的传感器,并将其连接到仪器上。
步骤二:仪器设置- 按下电源开关,待仪器启动成功后进入菜单界面。
- 使用方向键选择功能选项,根据需要进行相应的设置,如音量、灵敏度等。
步骤三:泄漏检测- 将传感器放置在需要检测的管道或容器周围。
- 检漏仪会实时监测泄漏信号,当检测到异常信号时会发出警报。
步骤四:泄漏定位- 根据检漏仪显示的泄漏信号强度,移动传感器并标记信号最强的位置。
- 通过不断调整传感器位置,逐渐缩小泄漏位置的范围,以确定泄漏点。
4. 注意事项及故障排除- 如果在使用过程中发现仪器显示异常或警报频繁,请检查电源连接是否良好,是否需要更换传感器。
- 使用时请避免与其他电子设备或强电磁场接触,以免影响仪器的正常工作。
5. 保养与存储- 使用完毕后,请将传感器清洁并妥善包装。
- 将检漏仪存放在干燥、通风良好的地方,避免长时间存放在高温、潮湿环境中。
二、设备组成1. 气体检测仪主体:包括显示屏、控制按钮、检测传感器等部分。
2. 充电电源:用于给气体检测仪充电。
三、操作步骤1. 检测前准备(1)确保气体检测仪已充电,并处于正常工作状态。
2. 开机与关机(1)长按电源按钮,直到屏幕上出现开机标识,松开按钮,等待设备自检完成。
3. 检测操作(1)根据需要,选择探测气体类型。
4. 数据记录与导出(1)按照设备说明书,将数据导出至计算机或其他存储设备。
5. 设备维护(1)定期清洁气体检测仪,特别是传感器部分。
6. 注意事项(1)在操作气体检测仪过程中,遵守相关安全规定和操作规程。
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KIMO FG 110 便携式可燃气体测漏仪操作手册说明书
![KIMO FG 110 便携式可燃气体测漏仪操作手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0159a1f66aec0975f46527d3240c844769eaa02f.png)
操作手册FG110便携式可燃气体测漏仪1.注意事项请在使用本产品前, 详细阅读本操作手册, 且熟悉本产品的使用操作。
请将操作手册和本产品一同存放, 方便在您需要时可随时对照查阅。
1.1 避免产品损坏或使用人员受伤:►不可将测量仪或探头和溶剂储存。
1.2 产品保修有效/ 安全须知声明:►本产品仅可在技术规格中的量程内进行测量。
►不可使用外力破坏本产品, 并依照本操作手册中的方式使用本产品。
►除了更换测量仪的电池或操作手册中允许的部分外, 不可自行打开测量仪或探头外壳。
►产品如有任何损坏, 请与本公司售后服务部联系安排产品检修, 不可自行进行维修。
1.3 产品回收和处理声明:►将使用完的电池送至专门提供的废电池收集点回收。
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我们将依照WEEE (2002/96/CE) 相关规定并保护环境的方式处理您所寄回的产品。
1.4 产品用途:►KIMO 研发设计和生产的高精度便携式可燃气体测漏仪, 用于空气中可燃气体测漏。
1.5 产品禁止使用:►本产品禁止用于防爆区域。
2.产品介绍2.1 测量仪介绍2.2 按键说明(a)液晶显示屏:数字和图形液晶显示屏(b)ON / OFF 电源开关:开启电源或关闭电源ESC 键:回到上一层菜单选项(c)HOLD 键:测量值定格min / max 键:测量最小值或最大值(d)显示屏背光键:开启或关闭显示屏背光(e)菜单选项循环键:循环显示菜单的各个选项(f)OK 键:确认(a)液晶显示屏(b)ON / OFF 电源开关ESC 键(c)HOLD 键min / max 键(d)显示屏背光键(e)菜单选项循环键(f)OK 键MAX MINAVG 3.1 开启电源按下键开启测量仪, 初始化时显示仪器型号, 热机60秒倒数后进入测量模式。
YTC4503 高精度 SF6 气体检漏仪 用户操作手册说明书
![YTC4503 高精度 SF6 气体检漏仪 用户操作手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8671370fc950ad02de80d4d8d15abe23492f0344.png)
YTC4503型高精度SF6气体检漏仪用户操作手册目录一.概述 (3)二.主要技术指标 (3)三.主要特点 (4)四.操作步骤 (5)五.注意事项 (5)一.概述YTC4503型高精度SF6气体检漏仪是在电力工业部“八五”重点科研项目“SF6检漏仪质量及检漏仪的研制”的基础上根据广大用户反馈意见,结合我国电力系统的实际情况而精心设计的新一代产品。
二.主要技术指标1.最小检测值:0.01μL/L2.检测范围: 10-30μL/L100-200μL/L300-500μL/L3.响应时间: <1秒4.恢复时间: 10秒5.示值误差:≤±3%6.重复性:≤1%7.稳定性:零点漂移:<±1%量程漂移:<±1%8.指示方法:指示仪表显示和声光讯号9.探枪检测长度:5米10.连续工作时间:3小时11.仪器电源: 220V 50Hz12.使用环境:温度:5-45℃相对湿度:≤±1%13.整机重量: 26公斤三.主要特点:1、体积小,重量轻:尽最大可能采用轻质原材料,压缩仪器的空间和重量,使仪器的体积和重量大大下降,便于运输和携带。
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User's Guide
1 概述
2 工作原理
LMR-42C SF6气体检漏仪,基于光声光谱技术原理,用特定发射器发射一束单色光源,当SF6气体经过调制光源时,SF6气体吸收光能(每种气体都有自身的吸收光谱),光源波长及强度发生变化,能量的变化同时导致压力波动,这种压力波动可用微音拾音器和压电陶瓷传声器检测,并通过放大器得到光声信号,再转换成电压信号,从而得出SF6气体的浓度值。
LMR-42C SF6气体检漏仪,主要应用于电力行业GIS和SF6绝缘的断路器及SF6充气式环网柜等SF6相关产品的泄漏检测使用。
3 主要特点
4 技术参数
●灵敏度:1ppm ,3.43克/年,1.8±10-5mbarL/s,不受其他气体
5 技术指标
●测量范围:0~1500 ppm
6 产品结构
7 界面介绍
7.1 测量界面
7.2 主菜单界面
7.3 历史数据界面
7.4 系统设置界面
8 使用注意事项
9 售后服务