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增刊 1
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0 引言
目 前, 昭 通 国 家 级 页 岩 气 示 范 区 已 经 建 成 18×108 m3/a 的页岩气产能,其中埋深浅于 1 500 m 的浅层页岩气区块年产气量占比达 45%,是该示范 区页岩气主要产能贡献区域之一。随着页岩气勘探 开发力度的加大,寻找新增资源接替区的难度也越 来越大,提高储量动用程度和采收率就成为目前新 区 / 老区建产、上产、稳产的工作目标。针对页岩储 层平面分布稳定、纵向厚度大的特征,研究区采用 目前国内常用的单一靶体、400 m 左右井距的水平 井网体积压裂的开发方式,普遍存在着储量动用率 低、采收率低等问题。近年来,针对非常规储层的 压裂改造,开始试验小井距和多层立体开发 [1-2]。如 北美 Woodford、Marcellus 页岩气田尝试小井距、立 体开发技术,取得了较好的降本增效效果 [3] ;Pankaj 等 [4] 采用地质工程一体化建模和数模的方法,评价 了 Marcellus 页岩气井的井距,认为在当前压裂工艺 条件下,最优井距在 300 m 左右,并提出井距与压 裂规模密切相关 ;苏里格气田的开发,井距由 800 m 缩短至 500 m 后,采收率提高 15%[5]。在昭通页岩气 示范区 YS108 井区,水平井组井间距缩小至 250 m, 采用纵向错层开发,采收率提高 7%[6]。
示范区太阳区块下志留统龙马溪组浅层页岩气 Y102H11 井组的北半支井为例,通过 Petrel 建模软件建立地质模型,采用 Visage 地
应力模拟软件还原压裂施工前后三维地应力场变化,运用非常规裂缝模型精细模拟水力压裂裂缝的扩展过程,然后使用 Intersect 模
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天 然 气 工 业 Natural Gas Industry
第 41 卷增刊 1 2021 年 3 月
何 勇 黄小青 王建君 李 林
350 ~ 400 m 井间距的井位部署模式。已有研究认为
水力裂缝呈“星”形展布 ;在垂向上,分布在射孔
位置上下的支撑缝最大高度介于 10 ~ 25 m,并且距
离射孔位置越远,支撑缝导流能力越低 ;在平面上, 支撑缝长介于 150 ~ 280 m[6,11]。基于上述认识,重
HE Yong, HUANG Xiaoqing, WANG Jianjun, LI Lin
(PetroChina Zhejiang Oilfield Company, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310023, China) Natural Gas Industry, Vol.41, SUPPLEMENTARY1, p.138-144, 3/25/2021. (ISSN 1000-0976; In Chinese) Abstract: In order to realize the stereoscopic efficient development of shallow shale gas, this paper firstly summarized the test results on the platform of Zhaotong National Shale Gas Demonstration Area where stereoscopic development has been implemented. Taking the north branch well of Y102H11 well group producing the shallow shale gas of Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation in the Taiyang Block of Zhaotong National Shale Gas Demonstration Area as the example, the geological model was established by using Petrel modeling software, the 3D geostress field before and after the fracturing construction was restored by using Visage geostress simulation software, and the propagation process of hydraulic fractures was precisely simulated by means of unconventional fracture model. Then, gas well productivity was predicted by using Intersect simulator. Finally, the optimized well location deployment scheme for the stereoscopic development of shallow shale gas in this block was put forward by means of economic evaluation. And the following research results were obtained. First, taking Long 111 sublayer as the target bed, the recovery factor of the gas reservoir will be improved when the well spacing is reduced from 400 m to 250 m and the number of wells is increased. Due to the limitation of investment and the influence of interwell interference, the economic benefit presents the decline trend, and in this case, the well spacing shall not be less than 250 m. Second, when the number of wells is unchanged, multi-target stereoscopic development can effectively diminish the influence of interwell interference and improve the recovery factor of gas reservoir. Third, the optimal shale gas development effect with the regional recovery factor of 30.6% and the internal rate of return of 13.8% can be achieved by deploying 4 horizontal wells with the well spacing of 250 m on plane in the control area of the north branch well of Y102H11 well group and targeting Long 111 sublayer and Long 113 sublayer in the staggered pattern in neighboring wells, combined with the "fracturing 2.0" technology. In conclusion, the research results can provide the support for improving the recovery factor of shallow shale gas reservoirs in the Taiyang Block. Keywords: Shallow shale gas; Stereoscopic development; Hydraulic fracture simulation; Numerical simulation; Zhaotong National Shale Gas Demonstration Area; Taiyang Block; Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation
Stereoscopic development of shallow shale gas in the Taiyang Block of Zhaotong National Shale Gas Demonstration Area
基金项目 :国家科技重大专项“昭通页岩气勘探开发示范工程”(编号 :2017ZX05063)。 作者简介 :何勇,1967 年生,正高级工程师 ;主要从事常规与非常规油气地质工程一体化综合评价、勘探开发规划部署等工作。地 址 :(310023)浙江省杭州市余杭区五常街道荆山湾路。ORCID: 0000-0002-0169-9584。E-mail: hey85@
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经济效益呈下降趋势,此时井间距不宜低于 250 m;②在井数相同的情况下,实施多靶体的立体开发能够有效地减弱井间干扰的影响,
目前,针对浅层页岩气的立体开发,国内外尚 未开展相关试验研究。为了实现浅层页岩气的立体、 高效开发,笔者采用地质工程一体化的思路,从产 能和经济效益的角度来评价优化昭通国家级页岩气 示范区太阳区块页岩气井位部署的最佳方案,以期 为提高该区块浅层页岩气采收率提供支撑。
1 研究区储量动用现状
太阳区块位于昭通页岩气示范区东北部,面积 约 585 km2,构造上位于四川台坳川南低陡褶带南缘, 南与滇黔北坳陷相邻 [7],发育云山坝向斜、太阳背 斜和柏杨坪向斜,构造条件相对复杂,发育 气源岩 [7-8]。由于上奥陶五峰组—下志留统龙马溪组 页岩储层厚度大、有机碳含量高、保存条件较好 , [9-10] 是昭通页岩气示范区的重点目标层系。此次的研究 区——太阳区块浅层页岩气位于太阳背斜构造高部 位,页岩气储层埋深位于 1 500 m 以浅,面积约 200 km2,主力开发层系为五峰组—龙一 1 亚段,目前已 完钻 46 口水平井,投产 39 口。
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小层错层部署,结合采用“压裂 2.0 级”工艺技术,可以实现区域采收率达 30.6%、内部收益率达 13.8% 的最佳页岩气开发效果。
储量仅为开发方案设计结果的 63%,垂向上仅动用