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绵枣儿(Scilla sinensis Merrill)多倍体复合体是风信子科(Hyacinthaceae)在东亚的唯一类群。









2.AA 和BB细胞型构成单系类群,其bootstrap支持率高达99%。







3. BB细胞型各居群间的遗传差异较小,但大体上可以看出从北向南的散布方向。







Polyploidy, a crucial mechanism of plant evolution is identified as the core of the research in the systematic and evolutionary botany. Polyploid is divided into autopolyploid and allopolyploid. According to the recent research results, it is shown that unreduced gametes are discovered to be a major mechanism of polyploid formation, in which triploids may play an important role. It is also found that many polyploids have multiple origins, and that numerous changes take place in genome and gene expression after polyploids arise. Polyploid complex is at the initial stage of polyploid evolution. The comparison of diploid and polyploid cytotypes of polyploid complex attributes to the knowledge of polyploid.
Scilla sinensis polyploid complex the sole taxon of Hyacinthaceae in East Asia has two genomes, which indicate prominent differentiation. By far, 15 euploid and many aneuploid cytotypes are found in Scilla sinensis polyploid complex, and its cytogeographic distribution has been dipicted. Scilla sinensis serves as ideal material in the research of the evolution of plant polyploidization.
Molecular methods are adopted, which attribute greatly to the phylogenetic and evolutionary research. Rapid variation of cpDNA sequences shows in noncoding regions, which may assist in studying the phylogenetic relation of low taxon. Besides, it exhibits a characteristic of maternal parent inheritance, which is considered as of great help in studying the potential parents of polyploid. Many mathematic methods with the vast advance of computer techniques make possible dealing large numbers of DNA data.
In this dissertation cpDNA trnL-trnF spacer, trnL intron and rpL16 intron of Scilla sinensis from 39 populations in East Asia are sequenced. We construct phylogenetic trees by means of UPGMA and p-distance, and draw a map of haplotypes geographic distribution on the basis of the differences and distribution of haplotypes. The results of the experiment are shown as below: 1. Three sequences are combined into one with a total length of 1883bp after alignment, in which about 43 substitutions and 11 indel are found. There lie 12 haplotypes in 16 populations of AA cytotypes, 5 haplotypes in 13 populations of BB cytotypes, and 4 haplotypes in 8 populations of AABB cytotypes. 2. AA and BB cytotypes are monophyletic group with the high bootstrap support of 100%. 3. There are distinct differentiation between AA and BB cytotypes in that all of AA cytotypes belong to a monophyletic group, and all of BB and AABB cytotypes belong to another monophyletic group. 4. In contrast to AA cytotypes, which show pronounced differentiation among populations, BB and AABB cytotypes have little differentiation which form multiclades on the phylogenetic tree.
Based on the results of early research and above experiment, the phylogenetic relations of the major cytotypes and the formation of the pattern of modern geography distribution of Scilla sinensis polyploid complex are discussed in the dissertation. Conclusions are drawn as follow: 1. AA and BB have a closest ancestry, and BB is supported to be more ancient. 2. The genetic differentiation among AA populations is greater than among BB populations, which positively relates to the geographic distribution of the haplotypes. With the decreasing temperature after Quaternary, AA cytotypes have extended their distribution. Beichuan population is likely to represent the ancient type of AA cytotypes, from which three lines radiate: first goes west via west Sichuan into northwest Yunnan; second goes east and then north into Heilongjiang; third goes east and then south via the center of China into south China. 3. Despite that genetic differentiation among BB populations is not clear, their distribution area can be perceived from north to south as
a whole, and shrinks with the decreasing temperature after Quaternary. 4. A larger genetic differentiation is found among AABB populations than among BB. The distribution region of AABB cytotypes is discontinuous, which doesn’t take regular pattern. The maternal of all AABB cytotypes are supposed to be BB. Lingyanshan-2 may be an ancient type of AABB. AABB cytotypes are made up of several haplotypes, which may results from their multiple origins.
Key words Scilla sinensis; Polyploid complex; trnL-F; rpL16 intron; Molecular phylogenetics.
前言 (1)
一.植物多倍体的研究进展 (1)
1.多倍体的类型 (1)
2.多倍体的形成途径 (2)
3.三倍体桥在多倍体产生过程中的作用 (2)
4.多倍体的多元起源 (2)
5.多倍体基因组的进化 (3)
6.多倍体新的基因表达机制 (3)
二.绵枣儿多倍体复合体的研究历史 (4)
1.绵枣儿的细胞型组成 (4)
2.A和B基因组的关系 (5)
3.绵枣儿的现代细胞地理分布 (6)
三.分子系统学概述 (7)
1.rpL16,trnL内含子区以及trnL-trnF基因间隔区概述 (8)
2.系统发育分析的数学方法 (9)
材料和方法 (10)
一.材料采集与总DNA提取纯化 (10)
1.材料采集和处理 (10)
2.总DNA的提取、纯化、鉴定 (10)
二.目的片断PCR扩增 (11)
1.PCR反应所需引物的合成 (11)
2.PCR反应 (14)
3.PCR反应结果的检测 (14)
三.序列测定 (15)
四.序列数据处理和系统树构建 (15)
1.序列编辑、排序 (15)
2.序列数据分析 (15)
3.系统树构建 (15)
4.单倍型地理分布 (16)
结果 (16)
一.序列变异的描述 (16)
二.系统树 (16)
1.绵枣儿及其近缘类群系统树 (16)
2.绵枣儿各居群系统树 (17)
三.单倍型地理分布 (17)
讨论 (21)
一.AA和BB细胞型具有最近的共同祖先 (22)
二.AA和BB细胞型的分化 (22)
三.AA细胞型居群之间的分化 (23)
四.BB细胞型居群之间的分化 (24)
五.AABB细胞型居群的起源和分化 (24)
六.绵枣儿多倍体复合体细胞型现代地理分布的形成 (25)
小结 (27)
参考文献 (27)
致谢 (33)
附表 (34)。
