RJ5DY1BA0LT CMOS图像传感器 日本夏普公司-论文

279理论研究0 前言 红外线作为一种特殊的光波,具有光波的物理传输特性——反射、折射、散射等。
1 搭建实验方案 (1)在宽为5cm、长为12cm、厚度为2cm 的金属薄片上钻三个螺孔,金属薄片上端的两个小孔用于安装夏普GP2Y0A21红外传感器,将金属薄片下端4cm 弯曲成90度,使传感器的切面和底座严格平行。
(2)将另一宽为5cm、长为12cm、厚度为2cm 的金属薄片下端4cm 弯曲成90度,使金属薄片和底座的端面严格平行。
(3)实验测量电路;利用夏普 GP2Y0A21红外传感器的输出端、电位器、运算放大器、电阻等元器件搭建一个三级运算放大电路,对红外传感器输出端的电压信号进行放大输出。
测量电路由恒压源向GP2Y0A21红外传感器提供一个5V 稳压电源,GP2Y0A21红外传感器发射红外信号经物体反射,接收管接收信号产生电压反馈,经测试电路、电压表测得电压值。

0.5μm工艺CMOS有源像素传感器的总剂量辐射效应汪波;李豫东;郭旗;刘昌举;文林;孙静;玛丽娅【摘要】采用60Co-γ射线对某国产0.5μm CMOS N阱工艺CMOS有源像素传感器(APS)的整体电路和像素单元结构进行了电离总剂量辐射效应研究,重点考察了器件的饱和输出信号、像素单元输出信号、暗信号等参数的变化规律.随着辐射剂量的增大,饱和输出信号逐渐减小且与像素单元饱和输出信号变化基本一致;暗信号随总剂量的增大而显著增大.研究结果表明,0.5 μm工艺CMOS APS电离总剂量辐射效应引起参数退化的主要原因是光敏二极管周围的整个LOCOS(Local oxidation of silicon)隔离氧化层产生了大量的辐射感生电荷.【期刊名称】《发光学报》【年(卷),期】2015(036)002【总页数】7页(P242-248)【关键词】电离总剂量辐射效应;CMOS有源像素传感器;饱和输出信号;像素单元结构;LOCOS隔离【作者】汪波;李豫东;郭旗;刘昌举;文林;孙静;玛丽娅【作者单位】中国科学院特殊环境功能材料与器件重点试验室,新疆电子信息材料与器件重点试验室,中国科学院新疆理化技术研究所,新疆乌鲁木齐830011;中国科学院大学,北京 100049;中国科学院特殊环境功能材料与器件重点试验室,新疆电子信息材料与器件重点试验室,中国科学院新疆理化技术研究所,新疆乌鲁木齐830011;中国科学院特殊环境功能材料与器件重点试验室,新疆电子信息材料与器件重点试验室,中国科学院新疆理化技术研究所,新疆乌鲁木齐830011;重庆光电技术研究所,重庆400060;中国科学院特殊环境功能材料与器件重点试验室,新疆电子信息材料与器件重点试验室,中国科学院新疆理化技术研究所,新疆乌鲁木齐830011;中国科学院大学,北京 100049;中国科学院特殊环境功能材料与器件重点试验室,新疆电子信息材料与器件重点试验室,中国科学院新疆理化技术研究所,新疆乌鲁木齐830011;中国科学院大学,北京 100049;中国科学院特殊环境功能材料与器件重点试验室,新疆电子信息材料与器件重点试验室,中国科学院新疆理化技术研究所,新疆乌鲁木齐830011;中国科学院大学,北京 100049【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP212.14;TN386.51 引言CMOS图像传感器(APS)以其在系统功耗、体积、重量、成本、功能性以及可靠性等方面的优势在空间成像领域中得到越来越广泛的应用[1-2]。

• 《东芝集团行劢准则》癿基本方针觃定,遵纪守法,尊重 基本人权,丌搞歧规,禁止雇用童工和强迫劳劢。行劢准 则还明确觃定,应当尊重个人癿多种价值观、个性、隐私 ,杜绝对种族、宗教、性别、国籍、身心残疾、年龄、有 关性叏向等方面癿歧规性言行、暴力行为、性骚扰、职权 骚扰等无规人权行为癿収生。 • 为了倾听员工癿意见,东芝从2003年起对公司政策、工 作单位和上司癿评价、员工本身业务、评价及待遇迚行意 见调查。2008年度日本国内东芝集团30家公司实施了该 项调查。
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世界级过程要求有一个细致彻底又具有结构性癿阶 段回顼过程
东芝作为日本最大癿研究开収机构之一、一个丌懈地奉献 于创新癿机构,始终保持着技术上癿竞争优势。 在促迚今天有线和无线世界所必需癿信息技术叏得迚步癿 同时,公司还支持跨业务领域癿研究活劢,例如系统解决方案、 秱劢和网络产品、数码音像系统、微电子、未来能源、新材料 和环境保护。 东芝癿研究开収机构使它能够预测即将产生癿需求幵迅速 地对市场需求作出反应。 例如,软件工程中心开収数码产品用癿软件幵支撑着东芝 集团软件工程癿总体技术迚步。 每个内部公司所属癿开収实验室对目前癿产品和技术迚行 集中癿研究开収,幵使创新癿成果更靠近正在形成癿市场需求。 公司研究开収中心癿公司实验室也以市场需求为指向,开収能 够被内部公司利用癿通用平台和技术,幵以5年以上癿长期觃划 承担着尖端研究。

外文资料原文OLED-Polypropylene Bio-CD SensorSrikanth Vengasandra, Yuankun Cai, David Grewell, Joseph Shinar, and Ruth ShinarcDepartment of Agricultural & Biosystems EngineeringAmes Laboratory - USDOE and Department of Physics & Astronomy Microelectronics Research Center and Department of Electrical and Computer EngineeringIowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, the goal of developing microfluidic platforms for sensing applications, flash-free micro patterns were embossed in polypropylene surfaces with ultrasonic heating for a biosensing application. The embossed features were designed to act as reservoirs, valves, and reaction chambers to allow, in combination with a compact sensing platform, the monitoring of analyte levels using a standard PC-CD player. To generate the compact sensor, as an example, we chose the photoluminescence (PL)-based detection of lactate and glucose using an OLED-based sensing platform. Once embossed, the surface energy of the plastic substrate was chemically modified to make it hydrophilic. Reagents, placed in separate reservoirs, were directed through burst valves towards a reaction chamber via CD rotation. Lactate or glucose were monitored by measuring the effect ofthe related dissolved oxygen level on the PL decay time of an oxygen-sensitive dye, following analyte oxidation catalyzed by a suitable specific oxidase enzyme. The results demonstrate the potential of integrating OLEDs as excitation sources in PL-based sensors with microfluidic CD- based platforms, including for simultaneous multiple analyses.Keywords:Organic light-emitting diode, OLED, lab-on-a-CD, glucose sensor, lactate sensor1. INTRODUCTIONBiomedical micro electromechanical system (MEMS)-based sensing platforms fabricated on plastic substrates have the potential of ., being low cost, disposable, cross-contamination free, and sensitive. Additionally, such sensors show promise for high throughput and multianalyte detection. The advantages of such a lab-on-CD-based biosensing platform include its simplicity in terms ofusage for a wide range of solutions, versatility in terms of multianalyte detection feasibility, andcompact size. Moreover, valving is easily implemented in such CDs.This paper describes the use of ultrasonic micro-embossing to generate microfluidic channels, valves, reservoirs, and reaction chambers in a polypropylene (PP) PC compact disc (CD). The ultrasonic micro-embossing was used as a source of localized heat. The advantages of this technique include short cycle times, ease of de-embossing and low residual stresses. Moreover, this approach is applicable to batch and continuous manufacturing, and it is simpler relative to the more common fabrication methods, injection molding and hot embossing. Microfluidic CD architectures were generated in materials such as polycarbonate [1], polystyrene (PS) [2], polydimethy lsiloxane (PDMS) [3], and PP [4].As shown in this work, the CD can be integrated with a photoluminescence (PL)-based OLED sensing platform to generate a compact device for monitoring ., lactate and glucose. The CD materials are typically of relatively low surface energy making them hydrophobic. However, many of the functions of microfluidic devices rely on hydrophilic properties so that the channel walls can promote capillary action and allow proper fluid flow. Thus, to increase the surface energy chemical treatment and oxidization by ozone or plasma are often used.In the example shown, analytes such as glucose and lactate weremonitored by utilizing an oxygen-sensitive dye embedded in a thin film. Glucose and lactate were oxidized in the presence of specific enzymes, ., glucose oxidase (GOx) and lactate oxidase (LOx), respectively, and oxygen. Oxygen is consumed in such reactions and in solution under specific experimental conditions the final dissolved oxygen (DO) level is related to the initial analyte concentration [5].The enzymes can sometimes be embedded in a thin film; alternatively, they can be dissolved in solution. The consumption of DO in the oxidation reactions results in an increase in the PL intensity and the PL decay time of the oxygen-sensitive dye. In the preliminary measurements shown below, the OLED pixel array and the sensing film were structurally integrated by attaching two glass substrates, on which they were separately fabricated, back-to-back. The PL was monitored using a photomultiplier tube (PMT); small-size Si photodiode arrays, compatible with the design of the OLED pixels, are also usable and will lead to more compact, field-deployable sensors. A more compact sensor can be obtained also by integrating, in addition to the OLED excitation source and the sensing film, a thin film-based photodetector (PD). Such PDs based on amorphous or nanocrystalline Si are currently under development [6,7], however, their current slow speed does not allow monitoring oxygen in the t mode.Organic PDs are also suitable for such integration and possibly, for measuring of suitable luminophores.2. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE. MaterialsFoamed and extruded sheets of PP were obtained from Trexel Corporation (MA). The foaming level specified by Trexel was approximately 15% to 20%. The PP sheets had a thickness of about 5 mm and were cut to the size of a standard CD with common shears. The PP–CDs were then used for ultrasonic micro-embossing.The oxygen sensitive dye used, Pt octaethyporphyrin (PtOEP), was obtained from H. W. Sands. It was embedded in a film of PS (molecular weight 45000) obtained from Sigma-Aldrich. GOx (from Aspergillus niger), LOx (from pichia pastoris), glucose and L-lactate were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. All reagents were dissolved in a phosphate buffered saline (PBS) solution. The OLED excitation source used was based on tris (quinolinolate) Al (Alq3).. CD preparationMicro-embossing was performed in a foamed material using a Branson 2000 Series ultrasonic system that operated at 20 kHz using a titanium horn to generate the micro-features. The ultrasonic embossing was performed at 40 peak-to-peak amplitude and s of heating time. These conditions were based on previous studies [4]. A cross section of a typical feature is seen in Fig. image on the left is an embossed feature on a microcellular foam substrate; in contrast, the image on the right is an embossed feature on standard PP. It is seen, as previously noted [4], that by using the foamed substrate the undesired flash is reduced. Thus, results presented here are only for structures in foamed substrates.Fig. 1. Cross section of typical features: Left: micro-embossing of foamed PP to generate flash-free micro-patterns. Right: embossed features in a standard PP andthe generated flash.Fig. 2 shows the microchannels, reservoirs, and burst valves generated inthe glucose/lactate Bio-CD. The CD contains four such sections that were used to detect different concentrations of glucose simultaneously. Valving was achieved by use of burst valves. That is, valves in which capillary forces pin liquids at an enlargement in a microfluidic channel. A pressure generated by rotation at a “burst frequency,” which depends on the rotation speed and channel size, overcomes the capillary pressure, enabling fluid flow.In order to increase the surface energy of the PP surface, treatments with a silicone surfactant and a proprietary organic system, which is believed to contain a surfactant, were evaluated. Each of the two resulting chemical coatings was individually studied and both produced the desired results. The coating solutions were obtained from Goulston Technologies, Inc (Monroe, NC) and were diluted with DI water at a ratio of 1:10; the dilution was applied directly onto the PP bio-CD sample substrate and allowed to cure for 15 minutes under clean, humid conditions. The treated surfaces were then rinsed with DI water and blown dry under air pressure. Contact angles for the pretreated and untreated PP sample surfaces were measured and compared to assess the increase in the surface energies.To enable monitoring of the PL, the bottom part of the reaction chamberon the CD was cut and a sensing film deposited on a thin glass substrate was attached. This replacement to a transparent bottom of the reaction chamber was necessary to enable PL monitoring using a PD in a “back detection” geometry. In this geometry the PD is behind the OLED arra y, detecting the PL signal that reaches it through the gaps between the OLED pixels. The PL signal, which reflected back from the bio-CD was captured and measured by a Hamamatsu R6000 PMT operated at 900 V.Fig. 2.Schematic (not to scale) of the Bio-CD components for monitoring glucoseor lactate.. OLED preparationThe OLEDs were prepared as an encapsulated matrix array of 2 x 2 mm2 square pixels resulting from mutually perpendicular stripes of etched~100 nm thick indium tin oxide (ITO) (the anode) and ~100 nm Al (the cathode). The organic layers sandwiched between the electrodes were deposited by thermal vacuum evaporation, as described previously [8, 9]. The OLEDs were operated in a pulsed mode with typically a forward bias of ~20 V and a pulse width of 100 with a repetition rate of 50 Hz.. Analyte detectionTo evaluate the Bio-CD-based sensor in terms of flow, mixing, operation of the valves, and response time, the analytes were monitoring in sealed cells as described next. In the initial studies, the analytes (enzymes) were placed in the reaction chamber and the enzymes (analytes) in the reservoirs. Upon rotation at ~1000 rpm the valve bursts and the buffer solutions of the enzyme and analyte were mixed. The reaction was performed in sealed cells, where dissolved oxygen (DO) is not replenished by ambient oxygen, to simplify the analysis and enable the use of a modified Stern-Volmer equation [5], which directly correlates the final DO level with the initial analyte concentration. Analyte concentrations were in the range of 0-0.5 mM and the final volume contained in the reaction chamber was 200 ., full capacity). As previously reported [10], smaller volumes can also be used, though the signal intensities are reduced, as expected. Control experiments were also designed for this study: thebuffer, buffered GOx, and a mixture of buffered GOx and the oxygen-sensitive dye were characterized in terms of detected signal intensity and/or PL decay time.3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Surface energy manipulationFig. 3 demonstrates the flow of blue colored DI water in the surfactant coated PP bio-CD. Pictures a to d were captured consecutively at 2 s intervals following injection of the solution (see Fig. 2). As seen, within 8 s, the water flowed from the burst valve to the reaction chamber. This indicates that the surface modification increased the surface energy within the channels and chambers embossed in the CD, since prior to this treatment we did not observe flow under similar experimental conditions.Fig. 3. Hydrophilic polypropylene CD surface prepared by using a surfactant basedchemical coating. Images ‘a’ through ‘d’ were captured at 2-second intervals.To quantify the effect of the surface treatment, the DI water contact angle was measured for untreated and treated surfaces. It was found that each of the two coatings increased the surface energy of the PP material from 29 dynes/cm to ~48 dynes/cm. Although the exact composition of the coating is proprietary, it is believed to contain an ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer mixed with a surfactant, such as polyethylene glycol diolate, nonylphen oxypoly (ethyleneoxy) ethanol, triethylene glycol divinyl ether, and their combinations [11].. Analyte monitoringIn preliminary results, a solution of mg/mL of the oxygen-sensitive dye tris (4,7-diphenyl-1, 10-phenanthroline) Ru chloride (Ru(dpp)) was used together with a blue OLED based on 4,4’-bis(2,2’-diphenylvinyl)-1,1’-biphenyl (DPVBi) to monitor glucose. The effect of the solution volume (which was then limited to a maximal value of 15 µL) in the reaction chamber on the PL signal intensity was monitored. It was shown that the signal intensity is generally proportional to the volume of the reagents mixture with a resolution of 3 µL under the non-optimized experimental conditions employed. A correlation betweenthe integrated signal intensity and the glucose concentration was obtained. However, as the background light that reaches the PD, which stems mostly from the tail of the electroluminescence (EL) of the OLED, reduces the detection sensitivity, we opted to monitor the PL decay time (τ), which is insensitive to the EL as the analyte is monitored during the off time of a pulsed OLED and the EL decay time is < 100 ns.It was possible to follow τ by using PtOEP, whose τ ranges from ~95 µs in oxygen-free atmosphere to ~5µs in 100% O2 . In aqueous solution at ~23oC, where the DO level is ~ wt. ppm, τ is 25-30µs, depending on the sensor film. Under comparable experimental conditions and sensor films, the calibration lines for glucose and lactate are similar as the DO level is monitored. However, each analyte is oxidized only in the presence of its specific enzyme and therefore there is no interference between the analytes.As shown by Cai et al. [5], calibration lines for experiments performed in sealed containers obey a modified Stern-Volmer equation:where I0 andτ0 are the unquenched PL intensity and decay time, respectively, and KSV is a film-and temperature-dependent constant.Fig. 4 shows the modified Stern-Volmer plot for the preliminary results obtained using a sensor based on an Alq3-based OLED, a PtOEP : PS sensing film that served as the bottom of a reaction chamber in the PP CD, and a PMT PD. The reagents were mixed by opening a burst valve.Fig. 4 . Modified Stern-Volmer calibration line for lactate in a sealed cell at 23℃monitored on a PP CD-based sensor.following rotation of the CD. The measured values of t were ~30, ~50, and ~90us for solutions at equilibrium with air at ambient temperature, a solution containing 0.1 mM lactate, and a solution containing 0.25 mM or larger analyte concentrations, respectively. The latter are solutions devoid of oxygen, which was completely consumed by the oxidation reaction, and as the reactions were performed in seals cells the in-diffusion of O2from air was minimal. These preliminary results show the promise of the combination of the OLED-CD approach. The addition of a thin film PD is expected to lead to compact, field-deployable devices.It was also possible to measure four different concentrations of glucose by utilizing the four separate sections on the CD. The four sections should enable also simultaneous detection of different analytes on the same CD when using a compatible array of small size photodiodes.4. CONCLUSIONSIn summary, the advantage of the OLED-lab-on-CD based biosensing platform is its simplicity in terms of fabrication, integration, and usage, as well as its versatility in terms of (compact) size, design, and multianalyte detection feasibility. Additional studies are needed to optimize the sensor in terms of ., response time and analyte volume and flow. Additionally, the sensor should be optimized for simultaneous detection of multiple analytes and integration with a thin film PD that will lead to the envisioned compact device.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSAmes Laboratory is operated by Iowa State University for the USDepartment of Energy (USDOE) under Contract DE-AC 02-07CH11358. This work was partially supported by NSF, ISU, and the Office of Basic Energy Sciences, USDOE.外文资料译文基于OLED的聚丙烯生物光盘传感器Srikanth Vengasandra, Yuankun Cai, David Grewell, Joseph Shinar, and Ruth Shinar农业与生物系统工程中心阿姆斯实验室-USDOE和物理学与天文学系微电子研究中心、电子与运算机工程系,爱荷华州立大学,50011,美国摘要为了研制出微流平台的传感器设备,通过超声波加热把微型无闪光设备表面附上聚丙烯薄膜,取得生物光盘传感器设备。
RJ5DY1BA0LT CMOS图像传感器 日本夏普公司

RJ5DY1BA0LT CMOS图像传感器日本夏普公司
D图像传感器和CMOS图像传感器的比较研究 [J], 孙波;王晓艳
2.CMOS图像传感器的新技术——ARAMIS图像传感器 [J], 程开富
3.CMOS图像传感器赶超CCD图像传感器 [J], 程开富
4.索尼公司发布1/1.7类型CMOS图像传感器IMX324 [J],
5.Emerald系列CMOS图像传感器英国E2V技术公司 [J],

关键词:CCD 光信号数字信号目录一、发展历程 (2)二、工作原理及结构原理 (2)三、CCD图像传感器的信号传输原理 (3)四、CCD图像器件特性 (4)五、常见CCD器件 (4)六、应用领域 (5)一、发展历程电耦合器件CCD 是由美国贝尔实验室的W.S.博伊尔和G.E.史密斯于1969年发明的。
CCD 是在MOS 集成电路技术上发展起来的,为半导体技术的应用开拓了新的领域。
下面为CCD 的发展历程:1969年,由美国的贝尔研究室所开发出来的。
同年,日本的SONY 公司也开始研究CCD 。
1973年1月,SONY 中研所发表第一个以96个图素并以线性感知的二次元影像传感器〝8H*8V FT 方式三相CCD 〞。
1974年6月,彩色影像用的FT 方式32H*64V CCD 研究成功了。

外形尺寸为53 mm×51 mm×40 mm (突起部除外),检测所需时间“最多为10秒”。