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7 "Precisely — the one went east and the other went west, you fool!
And they both have gone completely around the world. Now, Dr.
Double L. Dee-‖
Text I
Text I
4 "To be sure, papa, it is something strange," Kate interrupted hastily. "But remember that Captain Pratt didn't go by the same route as Captain Smitherton — that makes a difference, you know.― 5 "Well," broke in my uncle. "I don't know any such thing! How
1 Now it so happened that among Kate's sailor friends were two men who had just traveled around the globe. They had circled it in a year and come back to England. With their help, Kate and I tried to gain our point indirectly. So we invited the pair up to meet my uncle, and after a half hour or so of idle talk, we began to steer the conversation.
8 "Captain Pratt, you must come and spend the evening with us
tomorrow," I said, "— you and Captain Smitherton. You can tell us all about your voyages, and we'll have a game of cards —."
Unit 3
Text I Three Sundays in a Week
Text II The Bermuda Triangle
Text I
Text II
Oral Work
Guided Writing
Text 1: Three Sundays in a Week
Vocabulary Acquisition
Read the text once and Try to write down the meaning of following words that best fits the context. 1. steer (L.4) 2. queer (L.10) 3. extraordinary (L.10) 4. concurrence (L.10) Guide or direct ___________________________________ strange ___________________________________ very unusual, remarkable _________________________________
Text I
Arouses the reader’s curiosity immediately
Para.1 State the theme clearly Plot
Para.2-7 The first step in the steering of the conversation
1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F
Characters in the text
There are five persons participating the quarrel. Robert Kate Uncle Rumgudgeon Captain Pratt – who went round the world westward around Cape Horn Captain Smitherton – who went eastward around the Cape of Good Hope.
9 "Cards? My dear fellow, you forget !" cried Captain Pratt.
"Tomorrow will be Sunday, you know. Some other evening!" 10 "Sunday?" Kate demanded. "Come, you know Robert's not so bad as that! Today is Sunday, of course!" 11 ―To be sure! To be sure!‖ my uncle added.
Text I
"Well, well, Mr. Rumgudgeon," Captain Pratt started. "Here I am
just a year after leaving England — let me see. October 10 — yes, just a year since I called here, you will remember, to bid my friends goodbye. By the way — it does seem a coincidence, really, doesn't it? Captain Smitherton here has also been absent a year exactly — just a year today!" 3 "Why yes, yes, yes," replied my uncle. "Very queer indeed. Both of you gone just a year — very queer indeed. Now, that's what Dr. Double L. Dee would call an extraordinary concurrence of events. Extraordinary! Doctor Doub —"
certain __________________________________
7. feebly (L.52)
8. particular (L.61)
weakly __________________________________
special ___________________________________
Pre-reading Activity Structure Vocabulary Acquisition Intensive Reading Answer the Questions Orally
Text I
Pre-reading Activity
About Sunday
1.Do you know how Sunday comes? 2.Do you believe that three Sundays will be in the same week? 3.About author Edgar Allan Poe
examples of events happening at the same time __________________________________
5. voyage (L. 22)
6. Positive (L. 35)
__________________________________ A long journey by water
should I? It only makes the thing even more extraordinary.―
6 "Why papa, Captain Pratt went around Cape Horn, and Captain
Smitherton doubled the Cape of Good Hope."
最早的星期来源是根据罗马历. 而罗马历是根据七个星球的 名字来命名星期里的每一天的. 从星期天到星期六依此为: 日,月,火星(Mars),水星(Mercury),木星(Jupiter),金星(Venus),土星 (Saturn). >> 但英语在沿袭过程中把其中的火, 水, 木, 金, 土星分别换成 了撒克逊人自己崇拜的神 Tiw, Woden, Thunor, Frige, 和 Saterne 因此星期二到星期六就变成了 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday careless Sunday 无车的星期日 passion Sunday 耶稣受苦主日 one's Sunday clothes [Sunday best] 一个人最好的衣服, 节日盛装 when two [three] Sundays come together 决不会, 永远不会有那一天
Text I
Pre-reading Activity
Time Zones and International Date line
1.Before you read the text, read the following note
and look at the diagram on the book. 2.After you read the text, decide whether the following statements are true or false.
Para.8-15 The crucial part of the conversation
Para.16-end The facts are displayed. Language Lucid and gives to the intention to trick the old man
Text I
Text I
Three the narrator of the story, was left in the care of his Uncle Rumgudgeon when his parents died. He grew up with Kate, daughter of Uncle Rumgudgeon. Kate had agreed to marry Robert any time he got her father's consent. But the old man would not give his consent until three Sundays came together in a week. Robert was greatly upset.
艾伦·坡(1809——1849)美国作家、文艺评论家。 出身演员家庭。提倡“为艺术而艺术”,宣扬唯 美主义、神秘主义。受西欧尤其法国资产阶级文 学颓废派影响最大。小说有《怪诞故事集》、 《黑猫》、《莫格街谋杀案》等。论文有《写作 的哲学》、《诗歌原理》。1841年发表的《莫格 街谋杀案》是公认为最早的侦探小说。内容写密 室凶杀,凶手居然是猩猩。1842年发表的《玛 丽·罗杰神秘案件》,纯粹用推理形式破案。其他 如《金甲虫》、《你就是杀人凶手》、《被盗窃 的信》等五部小说成功创造了五种推理小说模式, (密室杀人、安乐椅上的纯推理侦探、破解密码 诡计、侦探即是凶手及心理破案、人的盲点)塑 造了业余侦探奥古斯特·杜平这一艺术典型。艾 伦·坡被誉为“侦探小说的鼻祖”。其小说风格怪 异离奇,充满恐怖气氛。