Difference between English and Chinese

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Difference between English and Chinese
பைடு நூலகம்

General introduction Words Sentences Discourse Rhetorical devices
General introduction
English Indo-European language The meaning of the In English, nouns, family or Indo-Germanic language expressed especiallyis the abstract by system the change of the form of nouns and prepositions the word itself such as case, alphabetic character are widely used, just like number, tense and so on. ( 拼音文字 ) Grapes. a series of comprehensive language well-knit, close and compact sentences Chinese Sino-Tibetan language The relationship of words In Chinese verbs family is expressed not by the are widely used, just form of word itself, but by like a Bamboo . prepositions and word ideographic character order and )so on. (表意文字 analytic language concise and explicit sentences
Complex vs. Simplex English sentences are long and complex,while Chinese sentences are short and simple.For example: Many man-made substances are replacing certain natural materials because either the quality of the natural product can not meet our ever-increasing requirement,or,more often,because the physical properties of the synthetic substance.which is the common name for man.made materials,have been chosen.and even emphasized,so that it would be Of the greatest use in the fields in which it is to be applied. 人造材料通称为合成材料。许多人造材料正在代替某些天 然材料,这或者是由于天然物产的数量不能满足日益增长的需要,或者是由于人们选择了 合成材料的一些物理性质并加以突出而造成的。因此,合成材料在其应用领域将具有极大 的用途。
Synthetic vs.Analytic
English is a synthetic language marked with inflexions(曲折变化形式),while Chinese is an analytic language without any inflection,which is usuallv implied in the context or explicitly shown in such words as“着、 了、过”etc.
由于距离远,又缺乏交通工具,使农村社会与外界隔绝, 而这种隔绝,又由于通讯工具不足而变得更加严重。 Because there is a great distance and there are not enough transport facilities, the rural world is isolated. This isolation has become more serious because there are not enough information media.
光(+明) – light 打(+击) – beat
acquire knowledge master a skill study a foreign language academic records emulate others’strong points 1earn from each other follow the example of Lei Feng
译文2:欧洲有些国家,天气 坏透,那里的人要辛苦一番, 才能找到景色如画的地方。奇 怪,他们恰好最喜欢过乡村生 活,也最爱欣赏天然风景,而 且这个情形也极普遍。这就是 实情,我怎么也提不出叫人满
译文1:这是件我不能想 出解释的事,就是正好那 些天气最坏和寻找风景如 画的地方最带有困难的欧 洲国家是对乡村生活具有 的热情和对自然景色具有 的爱心最强烈和最普遍的。
Hypotactic vs.Paratactic In English.clauses or phrases are coordinated with or subordinated to one another syntactically while in Chinese theY are placed one after another without coordinating connectives. The many c010rs Of a rainbow range from red on the outside to violet on the inside. 彩虹 有多种颜色,外圈红,内圈紫。 He had a disconcerting habit of expressing contradictory ideas in rapid succession. 他有一 种令人难堪的习惯:一会儿一个看法,自相矛盾,变化无常。
Thus encouraged, they made a still bolder plan for the next year. 由于受到这样的鼓励,他们为第二年制订了一个更 大胆的计划。
Compact vs.Diffusive English sentences are compact tightly combined with connectives or prepositions,while Chinese is diffused,that is,loose in structure. Now the integrated circuit has reduced by many times the size of the computer of which it forms a part,thus creating a new generation of portable minicomputer. 现在集成电路成了计算机的 组成部分,使计算机的体积大大缩小,从而产生了新一代的便携式微型计算机。 A notion has taken hold in the US to the effect that the only people who should be encouraged to bring children into the world are those who can afford them. 在美国有一个根深蒂固的观点, 说是只有对那些抚养得起子女的人,才应鼓励其生育。
table-tables Words hit-hits-hit 英语词汇有屈折(inflection)变化,汉语没有;英语词义 比较灵活多变,汉语词义相对稳定。汉语是粘着型 (agglutinative)语言,词的组合依靠词素的粘着。
e.g. 学习: 学习知识 好: 学习技术 笔: 他是祖国的好儿子。 He is a worthy son of our motherland. 学习外语 钢笔、铅笔、圆珠笔、蜡笔、粉笔、毛笔、画笔、电笔 庄稼长得真好。 The crops are doing well . 学习成绩 fountain pen,pencil,ballpoint pen,wax crayon, 他们对我真好。 are really kind to me. 学习别人的长处 chalk ,writing brushThey ,painting brush ,electroprobe 楼的质量不好。 The building is not well built. 互相学习 这个问题很好回答。 This question is easy to answer. 以雷锋为学习的榜样 啊,好票! Oh,a good seat !
句;然若加上“里”字,“笼子里飞出了鸟儿”,句子便又恢复正常, 突出了鸟儿是从笼子里飞出来的信息。
The isolation of the rural world, because of distance and the lack of transport facilities, is compounded by the paucity of the information media.
Impersonal vs.Personal There are more impersonal structures in English than in Chinese,as shown in the following examples: · What has happened to you? 你出了什么事儿啦? · Anl idea suddenly struck me. 我突然想到一个主意。 · A strange peace canle over her when she was alone. 她独处时感到一种特别的安宁。 · Not a sound reached our ears. 我们没有听到任何声音。 · A great elation overcame them. 他们欣喜若狂。 · The truth finally dawned on her. 她最终明白了真相。

英语句子重形合(hypotaxis);汉语句子重意合 (parataxis)。 所谓“形合”就是主要靠语言本身语法手段;所谓“意 合”主要靠句子内部逻辑联系。 英文句子结构紧凑严密。中文句子结构简练明快。 总之,英语句子中,主干结构突出,即主谓机制突出。 名词尤其是抽象名词和介词用得多。在表达复杂思想时, 往往开门见山,然后借助英语特有词汇关系代词 (relative pronoun),进行空间搭架,把各个子句 (clause)有机地结合起来,构成一串葡萄似的句子。 主干可能很短,上面却结着累累果实。 汉语词语组合成句依靠词序 (word order)和虚词(empty 如:“鸟儿飞出了笼子。”是按正常词序组成的正确句子,若颠倒 word)。 “鸟儿”和“笼子”的位置成为“笼子飞出了鸟儿”,该句则成了病

It is a curious fact, of which I can think of no satisfactory explanation, that enthusiasm for country life and love of natural scenery are strongest and most widely diffused precisely in those European countries which have the worst climate and where the search for the picturesque involves the greatest discomfort.