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MIN Xiang, W A NG Kai, SUN Qi, LIU Lin Health Management Center of Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong Province, 250012 China [Abstract] Objective To understand the relationship between thyroid dysfunction and fatty liver. Methods A total of 11 563 patients who underwent a physical examination in our hospital from January to September 2018 were group selected, in par鄄 allel with upper abdominal color Doppler ultrasound and thyroid function tests were investigated. The contents include col鄄 lecting the thyroid function of the patient and the disease data of non -alcoholic fatty liver in the upper abdominal color Doppler ultrasound. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 24.0 software. Results Of the 11 563 cases, 1 454 cases of thyroid dysfunction were found, accounting for 12.57% of the total number of patients. There were 3 628 patients with fat鄄 ty liver, accounting for 31.38% of the total number of patients. There were 411 patients with both fatty liver and thyroid dysfunction, accounting for 3.55% of the total number of patients. The prevalence of thyroid disfunction:contrast group<fat鄄 tyliver group. the difference was statistically significant (字2=7.467, P<0.01). Conclusion Patients with fatty liver are signif鄄 icantly more likely to develop thyroid dysfunction than normal people. [Key words] Thyroid function; Fatty liver; Correlation study
[作者简介] 闵香渊1983-冤袁女袁山东潍坊人袁博士在读袁住院医 师袁研究方向院脂肪肝及甲状腺乳腺超声诊断的研究遥
类代谢密切相关袁 关于非酒精性脂肪肝与甲状腺功能 减低的关系已有文献证实[1-2]遥 甲状腺激素对基础代谢 率和三大营养物质的代谢均有影响袁 其生物学作用主 要有甲状腺激素增加细胞的氧化速率袁产生热量袁促进 糖袁脂肪和蛋白质的代谢曰促进生长发育等袁为人体正 常生长发育所必需袁其分泌不足或过量都可引起疾病遥 近年研究表明袁 脂肪肝与临床甲状腺功能异常有共病 关系袁需个体化健康管理的综合干预[3-5]遥 目前对于甲状 腺功能异常和脂肪肝的相关性研究较少袁 该研究对该
近年来袁人们的健康意识越来越强袁随着对健康管 理的重视袁健康体检的单位和个人越来越多袁慢性疾病 的检出率也随之增高袁脂肪肝患者愈来愈多袁并且越来 越年轻化遥 酒精滥用尧高脂肪高热量膳食结构尧多坐少 动等生活方式是导致脂肪肝的主要因素遥 甲状腺激素 作为调节机体代谢的重要激素之一袁 在影响机体脂类 代谢方面发挥重要作用遥 非酒精性脂肪肝的形成与脂
[中图分类号] R541
[文献标识码] A
[文章编号] 1674-074圆渊圆园员9冤04渊b冤原园043-03
Correlation between Thyroid Dysfunction and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Dis鄄 ease in Healthy People
中外医疗 2019 NO.11
China &Foreign Medical Treatment
健康体检人群中甲状腺功能异常与非酒精性脂肪肝的 相关性研究
闵香袁王凯袁孙琦袁刘琳 山东大学齐鲁医院健康管理中心袁山东济南 250012
[摘要] 目的 了解甲状腺功能异常和脂肪肝的相关性遥 方法 整群选取 2018 年 1要9 月在该院进行健康体检并行上
腹部彩超和甲状腺功能检测的 11 563 例进行调查遥 其内容包括采集患者甲状腺功能和上腹彩超中非酒精性脂肪肝
的患病数据等遥 结果 11 563 例中共发现甲状腺功能异常患者 1 454 例,占总体检人数的 12.57%遥 脂肪肝患者 3 628
China &Foreign Medical Treatment 中外医疗 43
例,占总体检人数的 31.38%遥既有脂肪肝又有甲状腺功能异常的患者 411 例,占总体检人数的 3.55%遥甲状腺功能异常
的患病率:对照组<脂肪肝组,差异有统计学意义(字2=7.467袁P<0.01)遥 结论 脂肪肝患者患甲状腺功能异常的可能性较正甲状腺功能;脂肪肝;相关性研究