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1.What is the name of the famous superhero who wears a cape?
A. Batman
B. Superman
C. Iron Man
D. Captain AmericaB
2.How many days are in February during a leap year?
A. 28
B. 29
C. 30
D. 31B
3.In _____ (45), the Great Wall can be seen from space.
4. A __________ is a large body of water surrounded by land.
5.The capital of Trinidad and Tobago is ________ (特立尼达和多巴哥的首都是
6.What is the name of the festival celebrated in October?
A. Christmas
B. Halloween
C. Thanksgiving
D. New Year
7.What is 3 + 9?
A. 10
B. 11
C. 12
D. 13C
8.The __________ (大萧条) affected economies around the world in the 1930s.
9.The chemical formula for iron(III) sulfate is _____.
10.What is the name of the famous ancient city in Peru?
A. Machu Picchu
B. Cusco
C. Lima
D. ArequipaA
11.We have a ______ (漂亮的) view from our house.
12.What do you call a place where animals are kept for public display?
A. Zoo
B. Aquarium
C. Farm
D. SanctuaryA
13.What is the name of the largest mammal in the world?
A. Blue Whale
B. African Elephant
C. Giraffe
D. Bengal TigerA Blue Whale
14.The _____ (青蛙) has a unique life cycle.
15.The _____ (冰箱) keeps food cold.
16.The __________ (历史的纪录片) offer visual insights into the past.
17.The ______ (草地) is lush and green.
18.What is the main ingredient in pizza?
A. Dough
B. Rice
C. Bread
D. NoodlesA
19.Can you help me ________ my homework?
20.The _____ (balloon) is colorful.
21.What is the name of the fairy in Peter Pan?
A. Tinker Bell
B. Cinderella
C. Ariel
D. Snow WhiteA
22.What is the primary ingredient in pizza?
A. Cheese
B. Flour
C. Bread
D. SauceA
23.The Earth is mostly made up of ______.
24.The clouds are fluffy and ___. (white)
25. A _______ is a reaction that involves the breaking of chemical bonds.
26.ng Rebellion was a massive civil war in ________ (中国). The Taj
27.What do we call the total number of individuals of a species in a given area?
A. Population
B. Community
C. Ecosystem
D. BiomeA
28.The __________ (社会变革) can improve lives.
29.What do you put on a salad?
A. Ice cream
B. Dressing
C. Bread
D. CakeB
30.My toy ________ can change into a robot.
31. A _______ (兔子) can be a great pet.
32.What do you wear on your feet?
A. Hat
B. Socks
C. Gloves
D. ScarfB
33.We are having ______ at the picnic tomorrow. (sandwiches)
34.The __________ (历史的启示) can be transformative.
35.What is the name of the famous battle fought in 1066 in England?
A. Battle of Hastings
B. Battle of Waterloo
C. Battle of Agincourt
D. Battle of GettysburgA
36. A viper is a type of ______ (蛇).
37.The first space shuttle launch was in _______.
38.The _____ (星星) shine at night.
39.I have a ___ (goal) to achieve.
40. A __________ is an area where two oceans meet.
41.What is the term for a moon that orbits a planet in the opposite direction of its rotation?
A. Retrograde Moon
B. Anomalous Moon
C. Irregular Moon
D. Regular Moon
42.The chemical symbol for mercury is _______.
43.What do we call the shape of a triangle?
A. Round
B. Flat
C. Angular
D. CurvedC
44.Carbon dioxide is produced when we ________.
45.How many months are in a year?
A. Ten
B. Eleven
C. Twelve
D. Thirteen
46.The chemical formula for copper(II) acetate is _____.
47.What is the name of the famous cartoon character known for his love of carrots?
A. Daffy Duck
B. Bugs Bunny
C. Tweety Bird
D. Porky Pig
48.Planting _____ (香料) can enhance our cooking.
49.What is the name of the dinosaur with a long neck?
A. Tyrannosaurus Rex
B. Stegosaurus
C. Brachiosaurus
D. VelociraptorC
50.Which instrument has keys but is not a piano?
A. Guitar
B. Flute
C. Accordion
D. ViolinC
51.Which animal is known as man's best friend?
A. Cat
B. Dog
C. Bird
D. FishB
52.My _____ (木偶) dances when I pull the string.
53.The _____ (cat/dog) is sleeping.
54.The __________ (历史的承载) reflects our identity.
55.What is the largest ocean?
A. Atlantic
B. Indian
C. Arctic
D. PacificD
56.The ant is very _______ (勤劳) and works hard.
57.The _____ (巧克力) is sweet.
58.Photosynthesis takes place mainly in the _____ (leaves) of plants.
59.What is the main source of energy for the Earth?
A. The Moon
B. The Sun
C. The Stars
D. The Wind
60.The weather is ______ (温暖) today.
61.What do we call the practice of protecting endangered species?
A. Conservation
B. Preservation
C. Restoration
D. RehabilitationA
62.The _______ (蜥蜴) can be found on warm rocks.
63.The sun is ______ (shining) on the water.
64.The coffee is ___ (hot/cold).
65.In a chemical reaction, the substances that are produced are called _____.
66.What do you call a person who catches fish?
A. Farmer
B. Fisherman
C. Chef
D. BakerB
67. A __________ reaction absorbs heat from the surroundings.
68.The chemical symbol for radon is _____.
69.The country known for kangaroos is __________.
70.Some _______ are used for making salads.
71.My cousin is a great __________ (运动员) in track.
72.We are going to ___ a show. (watch)
73.My grandma grows ______ (草莓) in her garden. They are sweet and very ______ (好吃).
74. A donkey is known for its strength and ________________ (耐力).
75.What is the capital of Somalia?
A. Mogadishu
B. Hargeisa
C. Kismayo
D. BaidoaA
76. A gecko can climb up ________________ (墙壁).
77.The _______ (The Cuban Revolution) led to a communist government in Cuba.
78.The __________ is a famous mountain range in South America. (安第斯山脉)
79. A _______ provides food and shelter for animals.
80.The Great Smoky Mountains are located on the border of _______ and North Carolina.
81.I need to _____ (wash/clean) my room.
82.I enjoy going on field ______ (旅行) with my classmates. It’s a chance to learn outside the classroom.
83.中国的历史上,各个________ (dynasties) 有着不同的特点与成就。
84.The ________ (地方博物馆) displays artifacts.
85.The ______ (树木的) height varies by species.
86.My dad is ________ a car.
87.I think it’s fun to go ________ (参加聚会).
88.The capital of St. Eustatius is __________.
89.________ (种植) requires patience and care.
90.I like to watch ______ (比赛).
91.I write stories in my ___ (notebook).
92.The __________ was a significant event in the fight for women's suffrage. (选举权运动)
93.They are playing ______ inside. (video games)
94. A cow gives us _________ (牛奶).
95.When iron reacts with oxygen, it forms ______.
96.Which animal is known as "man's best friend"?
A. Cat
B. Dog
C. Hamster
D. RabbitB
97.I like to ___ my friends. (visit)
98.We live in a ________ (城市) near the river.
99.My friend is __________ (值得信赖的).
100.What is the process of changing liquid into gas called?
A. Condensation
B. Evaporation
C. Freezing
D. BoilingB。