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【摘要】目的比较不同醇处理方式对半夏总生物碱和总有机酸含量的影响,并对其急性毒性进行观察与评价,为临床用药的安全性提供依据.方法分别用不同醇处理方式制备半夏不同样品,采用紫外分光光度法,取各供试品溶液与空白对照液,在波长416 nm 处测定吸光度,计算总生物碱含量,采用酸碱滴定法测定各样品中总有机酸的含量.按照经典小鼠急毒试验方法,公斤体重法计算最大耐受量(MTD),测定最大给药量(MLD),考察半夏75%醇渗、75%醇提(MTD)值,30%醇提组、30%醇渗组(MLD)值,连续给药观察14天,记录各组动物体重变化,毒性症状谱及死亡情况.结果半夏不同醇处理提取(75%醇渗、75%醇提、30%醇提组、30%醇渗组)中总生物碱含量为75%醇渗液>75%醇提液>30%醇渗液>30%醇提液;总有机酸含量为75%醇渗液>75%醇提液>30%醇提液>30%醇渗液.急毒研究结果显示,半夏75%醇渗MTD可达94.4 g·kg-1·d-1,相当于临床人用量的734.2倍;半夏75%醇提MTD可达99.2 g·kg-1·d-1,相当于临床人用量的771.6倍;半夏30%醇提MLD值为295.2 g·kg·d-1,相当于临床人用量的2296.0倍.半夏30%醇渗MID值为291.6g·kg-1·d-1,相当于临床人用量的2268.0倍.结论提取温度和醇提取浓度对半夏毒性相关物质基础含量影响较大,总生物碱和总有机酸部位均在高浓度醇溶液中含量最高,总生物碱的提取还受温度影响,而总有机酸受温度影响不大.急毒试验结果显示,不同醇提取样品毒性大小与总生物碱、总有机酸含量有一定的相关性.%Objective The
influence of different alcohol extraction on the content of total alkaloid, total organic acid and acute toxicity of Rhizoma Pinelliae caused by different extracted crafts was compared, in order to provide a basis for
safe and reasonable medication in clinic. Methods Using different alcohol extracted crafts to prepare the samples. UV method was used to determine the content of total alkaloid at 416nm wavelength, and the content of total organic acid in different samples were determined by acid-base titration. The classical acute toxicity methods were used in this study. The MTD value of 75% alcohol-group, 75% alcohol-extracted group, MLD value of 30% alcohol-filtered group, 30% alcohol-extracted group were tested by mg/kg basis. Administration and observation the mice for 14 days, and the change of mice weight, the acute toxical symptoms, signs, death time and accumulated death rate were recorded. Results The content of total alkaloid is: 75% alcohol-filtered group>75% alcohol-extracted group>30%alcohol-filtered group>30% alcohol-extracted group; the content of total organic acid is: 75% alcohol-filtered group>75% alcohol-extracted group
>30% alcohol-extracted group>30% alcohol-filtered group.The MTD value of 75% alcohol-filtered group and 75% alcohol-extracted group is 94.4 g·kg-1·d-1 and 99.2 g·kg-1·d-1 respectively, which are equal to 734.2 and 771.6 times of daily dosage in clinic;the MLD value of 30% alcohol-filtered group and 30% alcohol-extracted group is 295.2 g·kg-1 ·d-1 and 291.6g·kg-1 ·d-1 respectively, which are equal to 2 296.0 and 2 268.0 times of daily dosage in clinic. Conclusion Extracting temperature and alcohol concentration have great influence on the content of toxical substances of
Rhizoma Pinelliae, total alkaloid and total organic acid are mostly in highconcentration alcohol extractions. The temperature mainly impact the content of total alkaloid, while has small impact on the content of total organic acid. The results also shows that the acute toxity of different alcohol extracted samples have some relevance with the content of total organic acid and total alkaloid.
1.基于UPLC/Q-TOF-MS不同比例人参配伍藜芦增毒的物质基础及动物毒性关联性研究 [J], 杨亮;高月;王宇光;梁乾德;刘浩生;马增春;肖成荣;谭洪玲;汤响林;张伯礼
2.不同酸处理方式对半夏总生物碱含量和急性毒性影响的比较研究 [J], 龚彦胜;鲍志烨;黄幼异;黄伟;孙蓉
3.山东半夏不同炮制品相关毒性物质基础含量与急毒实验比较研究 [J], 黄伟;黄幼异;戴衍鹏;张丽美;孙蓉
4.产地对半夏相关毒性物质基础和急性毒性影响的实验研究 [J], 吕丽莉;黄伟;黄幼异;王丽;孙蓉
5.提取工艺对半夏急性毒性与相关物质基础含量的影响研究 [J], 黄伟;张作平;黄幼异;鲍志烨;孙蓉