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译文A A lot of trees stood in the temple, there were "Bai" trees living very close in the "arms" of the "Huai" trees, also "Huai" trees in the "arms" of the "Bao" trees. (“柏” 译为"Bai" trees,“槐”译为"Huai" trees,“抱柏”、“抱槐” 译为"in the arms of...")
译文中"By its side"介词短语位于句首引起倒装,再用两个 "whose"引导定语从句,造句地道,句式丰富,充分展现 了译者的英文功力。
(5) 太华之高不知几千仞,惜未能裹粮往登焉。
译文A The height of Taihua is measured thousands of kilometers. (one thousand kilometers 相当于一百万米)
译文A I went there in winter and could see nothing but unanimated trees and smokes. There is only a range of poor water. (“柳”译为unanimated trees, “寒烟”译为 "smokes","a range of poor water"更是让人百思不得其 解。)
改译 I went there, however, on a winter day and saw only a stretch of cold water against some sparse willow trees and a frosty sky.
此译堪称扬英语之长,译出了水平,一个介词"against"更 是令人寻味。当然,与原句“衰柳寒烟”、“一水茫茫” 相比,"a stretch of cold water against some sparse willow trees and a frosty sky"也只是重在写实,无法传达 出汉语的韵律之美、意境之美。
(1) 我们屋后有半亩隙地。母亲说:“让它荒芜着怪可惜, 既然称们那么爱吃花生,就辟来做花生园罢。”我们几姊弟 和几个小丫头都很喜欢——买种的买种,动土的动土,灌园 的灌园;过不了几个月,居然收获了。
译文A ①At the back of our house there ②was half a mu of unused land. "It's a pity to let it ④lie waste like that," ③Mother said. "Since you all ⑤enjoy eating peanuts, let us open it up and make it a peanut garden." At that ⑥my brother, sister and I were all delighted and so were the young housemaids. And then some went to buy seeds, some began to dig the ground and others watered it ⑦and, in a couple of months, we had a harvest!
此译文中连接词"but", "only after", "before"等连接词理清 了句子与句子之间的内在逻辑关系,做到了"形合"。
汉语是一种意境语言,三言两语,就能出景、出情、出情 景交融的画面,而英语是注重分析性和逻辑性语言。因此, 处理“意境性”汉语,译者往往心有余而力不足。那么, 本句中“衰柳寒烟”、“一水茫茫”怎么译呢?
(6) 土人呼止弗听,嚼之涩甚,急吐去,下骑觅泉漱口,始 能言,土人大笑。盖柿须摘下煮一沸,始去其涩,余不知也。
改译 The native people tried to stop me, but I wouldn't listen to them. Only after taking a bite did I find it to have a very harsh flavor. So much so that I quickly spat it out and had to come down from horseback and rinse my mouth at a spring before I could speak, to the great merriment of my native advisers. For persimmons should be boiled in order to take away their harsh flavor, but I learnt this a little too late.
试译 The local residents asked me not to eat it. I still put it in my mouth chewing. The persimmon was too spicy to eat. I threw it away immediately and went down from the horse, trying to find some water to wash the spicy-taste in my mouth. During this time, I could hardly say a word. The residents laughed at me and told me the yellow persimmon could not be eaten until it was boiled to get rid of the spicy when it was just picked from the tree. I did not know this. (本段译文共6句,使用的连接词仅有第5句中的until/ when而已。)
(6) 土人呼止弗听,嚼之涩甚,急吐去,下骑觅泉漱口,始 能言,土人大笑。盖柿须摘下煮一沸,始去其涩,余不知也。
美国翻译理论家Nida曾提出,就汉语和英语而言,在语言学上最重要 的一个区别在于形合与意合的对比。汉语多用“意合”,而英语则多 用“形合”。如何正确判断汉语原句的逻辑内涵,译成地道的英语形 合句却成了一个问题。翻译这段话,英语连接词的使用尤为重要。
(5) 太华之高不知几千仞,惜未能裹粮往登焉。
译文D I regret not to be able to pack up and climb the mountain. (“裹”字译成了to pack up)
“裹粮”一词令人蹙额,实为携带熟食干粮,以备出征或 远行。
改译 I have no idea how many thousand feet high the Huashan Mountains are and regret very much not having been able to pack up some dry provisions and go exploring them for a few days.
译文B Moutain Hua was thousands of miles high. (“仞”是古时常用的计量高度的单位,约七、八尺为一仞, 有“万仞高山”一说。译文A和B将其译为kilometer或mile, 实属缺乏常识,有这么高的山峰吗?)
译文C The height of Hua Mountain was unknown. It was a pity that we didn't climb up it with our luggages. (“裹”字 译成了luggages)
译文B It had three holes, from which the water sprouted vigorously. (vigorously比上句的angrily用得好,但动词 sprout的含义是“长出、发芽”,奔涌而出的泉水居然如 职务发芽般地涌出。)
改译 The spring consists of three holes with water gushing forth from underneath and bubbling up like a boiling cauldron.
(3) 华山之脚有玉泉院,即希夷先生化形骨蜕处。
译文A At the foot of Mount Hua, there was a Yuquan Yard where Mr. Cheng ended his life. (end one's life =自 杀)
译文B Yuquan Temple was located at the foot of Mount Hua where Mr. Cheng became very bony. (“化形蜕骨” 译为became very bony)
翻译通论 鉴赏篇
对于文学翻译,译者需要具备深厚的文字功底和文学素养 。所谓“文字功底”,应包括汉语水平和英语水平,缺一不 可。
注意原文作者的语言风格,讲究译文的遣词造句、谋篇布 局,“篇中不能有冗章,章中不能有冗句,句中不能有冗 语。”(林纾)
(2) 庙内多秦槐汉柏,大皆三四抱,有槐中抱拍而生者,柏 中抱槐而生者。
(8) 泉分三眼,从地底怒涌突起,势如腾沸。
译文A It was composed of three existing parts, jumping angrily from other ordinary ones running from top to bottom.(译文结构混乱,“怒涌突起”被死译为jumping angrily. 不知native speakers能否接受,angrily能让他们 产生美的联想吗?)
改译 There was a Jade Fountain Court at the foot of the Huashan Mountains where Chen had departed from this earth as a Taoist fairy.
“化形”原指神话传说中妖魔鬼怪变化形状,这里意指希 夷先生“仙逝”;“蜕骨”多指道教徒灵魂升天后的骸骨。 译者将“化形骨蜕”译为"departed from earth as a Taoist fairy",足见其对中国文化十分了解。
译文B Being as big as three to four man's embracing, they were growing inside each other. (英译简练,含义 大概唯有译者自知。)
改译 There were at the Temple many locust trees dating back to the Qin Dynasty and cypress trees of the Han Dynasty, mostly 20 or 30 feet in circumference, some locust trees growing inside a cypress, and some cypresses growing inside a locust tห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ee.
译文 By its side were three old trees, whose barks were cracked like broken coal and whose leaves resembled those of the locust tree, but were of a deeper color.
译文B While in winter, nothing was enjoyable but the lonely willows and quiet water. (译者理解有误,难道 "lonely willows and quiet water"会"enjoyable"?)