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Key words tobacco曰transplanting method曰production input曰growth situation of tobacco leaf曰chemical component曰yield
当前袁各行各业都在走绿色低碳经济之路袁节能减排袁 注重环保袁践行五大发展理念袁实现绿色发展道路遥目前袁驻 马店烟区种植烤烟面积逾 2 666.67 hm2袁移栽时 100%覆盖 地膜袁在防治病虫害方面主要以喷施化学农药为主袁覆盖地 膜约 248 t袁同时烟农在揭膜培土方面用工量大尧投入多及移 栽质量不高等问题突出袁土壤中地膜残留量大袁白色污染 严重袁同时后期不揭掉地膜袁烟株根系生长发育受限袁导致 烟株营养状况不均衡袁加大根胫类病害的发生[1-3]遥因此袁改 变移栽技术势在必行遥
பைடு நூலகம்
益袁主要是提高烟叶产量尧产值尧均价尧上中等烟比例袁产值较常规覆膜移栽提高 3 750 元/hm2袁均价较常规覆膜移栽提高 1.06 元/kg遥
residual plastic film. Moreover袁pit +cover cup covering transplanted tobacco leaves grew vigorously袁the inherent chemical composition was coordinated袁and neutral aroma substances were abundant. Pit+cover cup covering transplantation could increase the income of tobacco farmers袁mainly by increasing the output value袁average price and the proportion of upper and middle tobacco. The output value was 3 750 yuan/hm2 higher than that of conventional transplantation袁and the average price was 1.06 yuan/kg higher than that of conventional transplantation.
试验地点安排在泌阳县盘古乡小岗村袁供试土壤为黄 壤土袁土壤含有机质 10.23 g/kg尧碱解氮 70.63 mg/kg尧速效磷 15.77 mg/kg尧速效钾 205.15 mg/kg袁pH 值 6.31遥 1.2 试验设计
关键词 烤烟曰移栽方式曰生产投入曰烟叶长势曰化学成分曰产量
中图分类号 S572 文献标识码 A
文章编号 1007-5739渊2020冤01-0001-03
Effects of Different Transplanting Methods on Transplanting Stage and Quality of Tobacco HAO Hao-hao 1 XU Zi-cheng 2 WU Jun-lin 1 ZHOU Quan 1 LI Xiang 1*
渊1 Zhumadian Branch of Henan Provincial Tobacco Company袁Zhumadian Henan 463000曰 2 College of Tobacco Science袁Henan Agricultural University冤 Abstract Yunyan 87 was used as the test material袁the effects of different transplanting methods on well pit袁input of transplanting stage袁growth
移栽是烟叶生产的基础袁科学适时移栽对烟苗正常生长 和成熟以及对烟叶产量尧质量和风格特色等都有很大的促 进作用遥目前袁以机械化移栽研究较多袁虽机械化移栽效率 高袁但移栽质量并不高袁主要表现在挖穴不规范尧挖穴深度 浅尧不能实现烟苗深栽的目的遥移栽前制作井窖袁实现了烟 苗能栽深袁同时结合罩杯覆盖袁使后期揭杯罩难度小且省工 省时袁笔者认为开展井窖移栽杯罩式覆盖的研究意义重大遥 1 材料与方法 1.1 试验地概况
situation袁coordination of internal chemical components袁content of neutral aroma-producing substances and yield of tobacco leaves were studied. The results showed that the pit transplantation could effectively solve the problem of deep transplantation of tobacco seedlings袁and reduce the production input of tobacco farmers. Pit+cover cup covering transplantation could solve the difficult problem of film uncovering and film contamination caused by
现代农业科技 圆园20 年第 1 期
郝浩浩 1 许自成 2 吴俊林 1 周 权 1 李 翔 1 *
渊1 河南省烟草公司驻马店市公司袁河南驻马店 463000曰 2 河南农业大学烟草学院冤
摘要 以云烟 87 为供试材料袁研究了不同移栽方式对移栽烟苗井窖尧移栽环节投入尧长势情况尧内在化学成分协调性尧中性致香物质
当前袁各行各业都在走绿色低碳经济之路袁节能减排袁 注重环保袁践行五大发展理念袁实现绿色发展道路遥目前袁驻 马店烟区种植烤烟面积逾 2 666.67 hm2袁移栽时 100%覆盖 地膜袁在防治病虫害方面主要以喷施化学农药为主袁覆盖地 膜约 248 t袁同时烟农在揭膜培土方面用工量大尧投入多及移 栽质量不高等问题突出袁土壤中地膜残留量大袁白色污染 严重袁同时后期不揭掉地膜袁烟株根系生长发育受限袁导致 烟株营养状况不均衡袁加大根胫类病害的发生[1-3]遥因此袁改 变移栽技术势在必行遥
பைடு நூலகம்
益袁主要是提高烟叶产量尧产值尧均价尧上中等烟比例袁产值较常规覆膜移栽提高 3 750 元/hm2袁均价较常规覆膜移栽提高 1.06 元/kg遥
residual plastic film. Moreover袁pit +cover cup covering transplanted tobacco leaves grew vigorously袁the inherent chemical composition was coordinated袁and neutral aroma substances were abundant. Pit+cover cup covering transplantation could increase the income of tobacco farmers袁mainly by increasing the output value袁average price and the proportion of upper and middle tobacco. The output value was 3 750 yuan/hm2 higher than that of conventional transplantation袁and the average price was 1.06 yuan/kg higher than that of conventional transplantation.
试验地点安排在泌阳县盘古乡小岗村袁供试土壤为黄 壤土袁土壤含有机质 10.23 g/kg尧碱解氮 70.63 mg/kg尧速效磷 15.77 mg/kg尧速效钾 205.15 mg/kg袁pH 值 6.31遥 1.2 试验设计
关键词 烤烟曰移栽方式曰生产投入曰烟叶长势曰化学成分曰产量
中图分类号 S572 文献标识码 A
文章编号 1007-5739渊2020冤01-0001-03
Effects of Different Transplanting Methods on Transplanting Stage and Quality of Tobacco HAO Hao-hao 1 XU Zi-cheng 2 WU Jun-lin 1 ZHOU Quan 1 LI Xiang 1*
渊1 Zhumadian Branch of Henan Provincial Tobacco Company袁Zhumadian Henan 463000曰 2 College of Tobacco Science袁Henan Agricultural University冤 Abstract Yunyan 87 was used as the test material袁the effects of different transplanting methods on well pit袁input of transplanting stage袁growth
移栽是烟叶生产的基础袁科学适时移栽对烟苗正常生长 和成熟以及对烟叶产量尧质量和风格特色等都有很大的促 进作用遥目前袁以机械化移栽研究较多袁虽机械化移栽效率 高袁但移栽质量并不高袁主要表现在挖穴不规范尧挖穴深度 浅尧不能实现烟苗深栽的目的遥移栽前制作井窖袁实现了烟 苗能栽深袁同时结合罩杯覆盖袁使后期揭杯罩难度小且省工 省时袁笔者认为开展井窖移栽杯罩式覆盖的研究意义重大遥 1 材料与方法 1.1 试验地概况
situation袁coordination of internal chemical components袁content of neutral aroma-producing substances and yield of tobacco leaves were studied. The results showed that the pit transplantation could effectively solve the problem of deep transplantation of tobacco seedlings袁and reduce the production input of tobacco farmers. Pit+cover cup covering transplantation could solve the difficult problem of film uncovering and film contamination caused by
现代农业科技 圆园20 年第 1 期
郝浩浩 1 许自成 2 吴俊林 1 周 权 1 李 翔 1 *
渊1 河南省烟草公司驻马店市公司袁河南驻马店 463000曰 2 河南农业大学烟草学院冤
摘要 以云烟 87 为供试材料袁研究了不同移栽方式对移栽烟苗井窖尧移栽环节投入尧长势情况尧内在化学成分协调性尧中性致香物质