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当大事在发生的时候在做什么英语作文When Big Things Happened
My name is Emily and I'm 10 years old. A lot of really big and important things have happened in the world while I've been alive. Some of them were fun and exciting, but others were scary or sad. I'll never forget where I was when these big events took place!
The Royal Wedding
In 2011, when I was just a little kid, there was a huge royal wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton. Millions of people around the world watched it on TV. I remember watching some of it with my mom and being amazed by Kate's beautiful white dress. My little sister and I had a pretend wedding in our backyard later that day. I was the bride and gave her a dandelion bouquet to hold. We didn't realize it then, but years later that would become a fun memory of the royal wedding day.
Hurricane Sandy
The next year, in 2012, a massive hurricane named Sandy caused terrible damage along the east coast of the United States. Our town wasn't hit too badly, but we lost power for almost a week. No TV, internet, video games or lights! My parents lit a
bunch of candles and we all huddled around a battery-powered radio to get storm updates. We were lucky our home was okay, but it was sad seeing the pictures of destruction in places like New York and New Jersey. My dad took me to volunteer and help clean up debris in a nearby park after the storm passed. It felt good to lend a hand.
Nelson Mandela's Death
In 2013, the very famous former president of South Africa named Nelson Mandela died at the amazing age of 95. He was a hero who helped end racial segregation and discrimination. I didn't fully understand the significance at the time, but I knew it was a very big deal by how much attention it got. My teacher at school taught us all about who Nelson Mandela was and why he was so respected globally. We observed a moment of silence in the classroom in his honor.
The Birth of the Royal Babies
In 2013 and 2015, Prince William and Kate Middleton had two baby boys who were third and fourth in line to the throne - Prince George and Princess Charlotte. I remember the huge media circus outside the hospital waiting for the baby's arrivals and first photos. My friends and I were really excited over those
royal baby news and pretended to be modern-day princesses ourselves during recess. We all got royal baby fever!
The Solar Eclipse
On August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse crossed the entire United States. My whole family got those special protective glasses and we went to a beach to watch it in the peak area for our region. It was the most incredible sight! As the moon passed in front of the sun, the whole landscape went from bright daylight to a deep twilight. It felt like nighttime in the middle of the day and the temperatures dropped noticeably. Animals got confused and started making bedtime noises. For a few brief minutes, we could see the sun's corona radiating out in amazing loops of light. Words can't quite describe the beauty and strangeness of it. My jaw just dropped in amazement the entire time. It gave me chills and I'll never forget that incredibly rare experience of day turning to night then back again in a matter of minutes.
Australia Fires
In late 2019 and early 2020, horrific wildfires raged across Australia. They were some of the worst bushfires on record there, destroying homes and burning millions of acres of land. It felt so terrible watching the news coverage of firefighters desperately
trying to put out the flames as high winds spread them rapidly. Animals like kangaroos and koalas were displaced and injured by the fires, which was heartbreaking to see. My parents explained that climate change was likely making fires like that more intense and frequent. At school we had a fundraiser to help support Australian wildlife rescue efforts. We sold snacks and did chores to raise money to donate. While it was scary seeing that level of devastation, it felt empowering to contribute in whatever small way we could.
COVID-19 Pandemic
Without a doubt, the biggest, scariest and most
life-changing event during my childhood so far has been the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. It started at the end of 2019 but really took over the world in 2020 when everything shut down. I'll never forget my last "normal" day of 4th grade when my teacher announced that schools would be closing temporarily due to the pandemic. At the time, I naively thought it might just be an extra-long spring break. But two weeks quickly turned into two years of virtual or hybrid school, mask wearing, avoiding friends and family, and life turned totally upside down.
Those first few weeks of lockdown, I was honestly a little excited to be home from school. But that novelty quickly wore
off as I realized this pandemic situation was becoming much more serious than a vacation. My parents had to work from home while also trying to be our teachers. My sister and I attended classes on Zoom from our basement, which got old fast.
I missed my friends, my teacher, and normal routines so much. Simple things like going to a restaurant, our usual family traditions and birthday parties were put on indefinite hold as the pandemic raged on. It sometimes felt like we were living in an apocalypse movie.
For months, we were terrified of even leaving the house or being around any other people due to the virus risk. Holiday gatherings with grandparents were cancelled. Going to the grocery store felt like a dangerous outing where we suited up in masks and gloves. Every cough or sniffle sparked fear - was it COVID? All the playgrounds, malls, movie theaters...everything was closed. My whole world shrank to just the four walls of our home.
But as terrible as it was, there were some bright spots too. With nowhere to go, my family spent more quality time together than ever before. We did nightly walkabouts to get fresh air, had living room camping adventures and did about a million jigsaw puzzles. I'll never forget achieving new video game high scores,
tie-dying t-shirts as a quarantine activity, or my dad's lame daily "corny-tine" jokes that helped us laugh through the stress. We cheered for frontline workers each week by banging pots and pans together during the 7pm cheer. Around the holidays, we got creative with driveway celebrations and sidewalk-chalked birthday greetings for neighbors.We bonded through that shared struggle in a way that may never happen again. And thankfully, my whole immediate family managed to get through it healthy.
After over a year of flattening the pandemic curve through shutdowns and restrictions, the COVID vaccines finally started rolling out in 2021. I remember my parents getting their first doses and feeling such a huge sense of relief. Of course, with new virus variants emerging periodically, it wouldn't be a linear path back to normalcy. However, that first shot did mark the light at the end of a very long, dark tunnel. I got my pediatric dose as soon as I was eligible and it felt like a fresh start.
Slowly but surely throughout 2022 and 2023, the world
re-opened. Going back to school in-person for 5th grade with no masks or cohorts felt glorious. Field trips, school plays, sleepovers with friends...simple pleasures I once took for granted were pure bliss again after being deprived of them for so long.
Our whole family took a celebratory trip to Hawaii just to get away and breathe after the long pandemic slog. While periodic booster shots and continued monitoring remain, it feels like the darkest pandemic clouds are finally parting.
Those couple pandemic years were without a doubt the most momentous, generation-defining few years of my young life so far. I may not have fully comprehended all the science, politics or socio-economic impacts as a kid, but I witnessed and lived history firsthand. I'll never forget the surreal feeling of life just stopping, the stress and fear my parents tried to shield us from, or the profound appreciation I now feel for simple joys I once overlooked. I learned how to be resilient and roll with constantly shifting circumstances beyond my control.
There was sadness, struggle, and isolation...but also laughter, family bonding, creativity and unexpected triumphs along the way. It was a crash course in adaptability and not taking the ordinary for granted. So while I'll always remember where I was when the world stopped...I'll also forever cherish the life lessons, perspective and memories gained from when the world
re-opened again.。
