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【篇一:新视野大学英语读写教程第二版第二册答案】p class=txt>新视野大学英语(第二版)第二册unit 1答案 unit 1
section a
i comprehension of the text
1. the attitude is that if one is not moving ahead heis falling behind.
2. time is treated as if it were something almostreal. (people budget it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it;they also charge for it.) they do this because time is a precious resource.
3. everyone is in a rush —often under pressure. city people always appear to be hurrying to get wherethey are going, restlessly seeking attention in a store or elbowing others asthey try to complete their shopping.
4. don’t take it personally. this isbecause people value time highly and they resent someone else ―wasting‖ it beyond a certain appropriatepoint.
5. new arrivals in america will miss opening exchanges,the ritual interaction that goes with a cup of coffee or tea and leisurelychats.
6. americans produce a steady flow of labor-savingdevices. they communicate rapidly through faxes, phone calls or emails ratherthan through personal contacts.
7. the impersonality of electronic communication haslittle or no relation to the significance of the matter at hand.
8. it is taken as a sign of skillfulness or beingcompetent to solve a problem or fulfill a job with speed in the u.s.
1. charge
2. convention
3. efficient
4. obtain
5. competent
6. assessing
8. conducting consequently 10. significance iv.
1.behind 2. at 3. in 4. out 5. to 6.to 7. in 8. with 9. but 10.for v.
1. l
2. c
3. d
4. n
5. o
9.i 10.k
word building
1. commitment
2. attraction
3. appointment
5. civilization
6. composition
7. confusion
9. consideration 10. explanation 11. acquisition 12.depression vii.
desirable favorableconsiderableacceptable
drinkable advisableremarkable preferable
1. advisable
3. favorable
4. considerable
5. remarkable
6. preferable
7. drinkable
8. acceptable
1. much less can he write english articles
2. much less can he manage a big company
3. much less could he carry it upstairs
4. much less have i spoken to him
5. much less to read a lot outside of it
1. having meals at home can cost as little as two orthree dollars, whereas eating out at a restaurant is always more expensive.
2. we thought she was rather proud, whereas in factshe was just very shy.
3. we have never done anything for them, whereas theyhave done so much for us.
4. natalie prefers to stay for another week, whereasher husband prefers to leave immediately.
5. some praise him highly, whereas others put him downseverely
1. she wouldn’t take a drink, much less wouldshe stay for dinner.
2. he thought i was lying to him, whereas i wastelling the truth.
3. how do you account for the fact that you have beenlate every day this week?
4. the increase in their profits is due partly totheir new market strategy.
5. such measures are likely to result in theimprovement of work efficiency.
6. we have already poured a lot of time and energyinto the project, so we have to carry on.
1. 我认为他不会抢劫,更不用说暴力抢劫了。
2. 男工平均工资每小时10美元,而女工才每小时7美元。
3. 自然界的平衡一旦遭到破坏,就会带来很多不可预知的影响。
4. 期终考试迫在眉睫,你最好多花点时间看书。
5. 有趣的是,消费者发现越来越难以辨别某些品牌的原产国。
6. 最近一次调查表明,妇女占总劳动力的40%。
1. c
9.a 10.c
11.d 12.c 13.c 14.b 15.a
structured writing
environmental protection. also, cityplanners take environmental problems into serious
consideration. and, thoughreducing pollution can be expensive, factories often take every possiblemeasure to do their part. many people are concerned and active because air andwater pollution affects everyone and makes it difficult for cities to surviveand businesses to make a profit.
section b.
comprehension of the text
1. d
1. utilize
3. considerable
4. temporary
5. acceptable
6. recognition
7. alleviate
8. appreciate
9.furthermore 10. interact
1. interact with
2. gone through
3. deal with
4.recovered from
5. adjusting to
6. familiar to
7. in spiteof
8. were tired of
9. prevented from 10. came to
新视野大学英语(第二版)第二册unit 2答案
unit two
section a
i. comprehension of the text
1. she felt that nikolai was quite different from whatshe had expected; still, she was quite nervous.
2. no. actually she was quite surprised when nikolaisuggested that.
3. they went through a lot of hard training sessionsfull of pain and tears. yet the training was really productive.
4. yes, he did. he was always practicing while otherswere relaxing themselves.
5. in training, they were strict coach and determinedathlete; at other times, they were on good terms with each other, like friends.
6. because nikolai sang out instructions in a regularmanner, similar to those of a dance instructor.
7. the writer achieved a fourth place in the nation,but they didn’t manage to participate in the olympics.
8. besides improving her skills under nikolai’sinstruction, she also learned the importance of determination with
courage,heart, and discipline; most important of all, she learned to be thankful andloving while living in this world.
1. promising
3. lowered
4. persisted
5. rank
6. swear
8. presence
9. frowning 10. approximately
1. on
3. on
4. in
5. by
6. to
7. in
8. of
9. on 10. out
v. 1.o 2.k 3.d 4.h 5.j 6.e 7.m 8.g 9.b 10.a
word building
1. observe—observer: one who observes aperson or an event
2. ski—skier: one who skis
3. visit—visitor: one who visits somebodyor some place
4. learn—learner: one who learns something
5. report—reporter: one who reports onpersons or events for a newspaper
6. drink—drinker: one who often drinksalcohol, esp, too much vii.
tropical global dangerous central environmental occasional musical natural
1. tropical
3. occasional
4. environmental
5. global
7. natural
8. central
sentence structure
1. they didn’t lose heart despite lots offrustration.
2. despite the heavy rain, the boys played football inthe yard all afternoon.
3. i will try my best despite the slim chances ofsuccess.
4. despite a thorough search for the escaped prisonerin the mountain, no sign of him was found.
5. despite their increased income, their life becamepoorer because of the rising prices. ix.
1. nor do i think it necessary to do so
2. nor would they go to my sister’s
3. nor do we have her telephone number
4. nor would i like to go to work immediately
5. now would i
1. despite the fact that she is the only child in herfamily, she is never babied by her parents.
2. mike didn’t come to the party last night,nor did he call me to give an explanation.
3. the person sitting next to him did publish somenovels, but he is by no means a great writer.
4. he has no interest in football and is indifferentto who wins or loses.
5. the manager needs an assistant that he can count onto take care of problems in his absence.
6. this is the first time that he has made a speech inthe presence of so large an audience. xi.
1. 尽管那项计划一开始就证明是不切实际的,但是他们还是坚持要实施。
2. 我无法说服他接受这项计划,也无法使他认识到这项计划的重要性。
3. 你是怎么把那么多东西塞进这个小行李箱的?
4. 别人对他怎么看,他全不在意。
5. 我能否指出你犯了个小错误。
6. 他母亲让他开车慢一点儿,但是他从不把她的话放在心上。
9.b 10.d 11.b 12.d13.b 14.c 15.d
computers, just like any new technology, have anegative side. as more and more computers are used in production lines, manyjobs are being taken over by
computer-controlled machines. as a result, manyworkers are finding themselves jobless. this constitutes a threat to socialsecurity. another problem is computer crimes. for example, some people arefinding ways to break into the bank computer systems and transfer large sums ofmoney to their own accounts. there have been many reports like this. one morenegative effect of computers is that they bring about health problems. sittingin front of computers all day undoubtedly affects people’shealth. back pain, wrist pain, failing eyesight, to name only a few.
section b
reading skills
i. 1.d 2.a 3.a 4.c 5.b
comprehension of the text
1. sake
3. crack
4. pursuing
5. explosive
6. overcome
8. opponents
9. stripped 10.denied iv.
1. natasha made herself stand out in the groupinterview by acting as the leader in her group.
2. to be successful, you need a careful plan, goodluck, help at the right time, and above all, hard work.
3. they are not doing this to gain recognition ormoney; they are doing this for the sake of society.
4. it was actually what he said rather than what hedid that made me sad.
5. once my mother sets her mind on something, it willbe very hard to stop her.
6. years of research had set the stage for theirsuccess in their field.
7. local people are used to the phenomenon, so theyare not surprised at all.
8. today at this meeting we are going to focus on thequestion of air pollution.
9. he never expected that his best friend would chargehim with cheating in the exam.
10. his parents were so strict with him in his studiesthat he had little time to participate in any activities outside of class.【篇二:新时代交互英语第二册读写译第一单元答案】tion
reading 1
i. comprehension of the text
iii. vocabulary structure
1. 1) carved out 2) cut off from3) out of place, ended up in
4) embarked on5) take the initiative
2.1) respective 2) surpass3) compromise 4) b immigrate
5) prosperous 6) economic7) sacrifice 8)insulting 9) decent
iv. banked cloze
1. i
2. b
3. m
4. a
5. d
6. o
7. f
8. e
9. k10. h v. translation
1. 1) saw emigration as an option or staying on the brink of starvation and death at
2). at rates much lower than other americans
3). wind up sweeping floors or working as night watchmen.
2. 1) 那些出于经济原因移民的人常被误导。
reading 2.
i. comprehension of the text
1. 1) ng 2) y 3) n 4) n5) y
6) a u.s.-culture id entity7) may show prejudice8) “foot up” for newcomers
2. 3) 全部都是 negative
3. 1) the characteristics and educational needs of the members of generation 1.5 are somewhere between first-generation adults and the second generation.
2) many immigrant children must take care of themselves and younger brothers and sisters. sometimes they are under pressure to begin to work at an early age.
3) immigrant children act as language brokers for their parents in many places.
4) the values of american culture and their native culture can be in conflict.
5) in schools, teachers may have ueasonable expectations of immigrant children and other students often show prejudice against generation 1.5 students.
6) it is a special school where immigrant children learn how to adjust to the u.s. and learn basic english.
ii. vocabulary
1) navigators2) confronted, perils, fit in 3) segregation
4) self-esteem 5) disruptions, advocate
iii. translation
1. by contrast, are performing well again.
2. in sharp contrast to his predecessor
3. lived up to the tourists’ expectations
4. adapt easily to their new country
5. be in conflict with their parents over values, adapting to american culture, fitting in their native culture
6. .acquire a taste for luxurious life.
unit 2
i. comprehension of the text
> iii. vocabulary structure
rough 2) exceeding 3) stand out 4) witnesses 5) rejected
6) adopted7) flowed in8) emerged9) to seek out10) (should) resolve
1) founded in the slums of calcutta an order that grew into an international movement.
2) was already resolved to become a nun.
3) what she said was without doubt a call from god
4) more strict than in other orders because, in mother teresa’s view, “to be able to love the poor and know the poor we must be poor ourselves.”
5) a familiar figure at scenes of disaster.
iv. banked cloze
j c f b om g a n i
v. translation
1) to reject a human soul in need
2) the love and cheerfulness that permeated the wards
3) forced her to announce her retirement
4) giving cause for concern
5) adopted the religious name
1) 身着修女袍的她证明了“信仰诚,大山移”这一真理。
1. comprehension of the text
ng n y y n y y
8) eligible friends and kin
9) gives a dozen speeches around the country
10) have died within several days
1) miracles2) refused3) grief4) aspired5) on behalf of
6) sustained7) prevail on8) quitted9) my sights were set on10) advocates
key to exercises of unit 2
iii. vocabulary structure
1) numerous , diverse2) immense , transform3) maintain
4) ambition5) tremendously , crucial
1) transferring2) previous3) style4) miserable 5) unique
6) convincing 7) notion 8) adapted 9) components 10) goals
iv. banked cloze
fi g l h b j k o m
v. translation
1) take into account
2) insists on preserving her own art concepts
3) could be adapted slightly
4) which are heavy with western graphic notions
(or) and they are heavy with western graphic notions
5) living in the united states
1) 我遇到许多巨大的挑战,使我为保持自我而努力。
1. comprehension of the text
y n y n n ng y
8)physical, emotional, and social needs
9) scored considerably higher
10) a matter of the individual student
1) prior to 2) moods 3) rate 4) applied to 5) effect
6) range 7) short-term 8) motivated 9) intelligent 10) performed key to exercises of unit 3
Ⅲ. vocabulary structure
1) fortune 2) in a way3) committed4) creativity 5) make a difference
6) on my own 7) for all 8) hooked 9) inspired10) diagnostic 2.
1) i stick to the idea that the inventiveness and brightness of human
beings will turn our world into a better place.
2) computers can also help us work out the problems that are too hard for
even the cleverest person to overcome completely by themselves.
3) we may also find other means to apply our inventiveness and brightness to the
work of improving our world.
4) have decided to devote ourselves to the cause of improving health and education
so that it can benefit as many people as possible.
5) children’s death in africa is as sad as it is in other parts of the world, and it won’t
cost much to make a great change in these children’s life.
Ⅳ. banked cloze
1. f
2. m
3. j.
4. i
5. n
6. e
7. h
8. g
9. o10. d Ⅴ. translation
1) i feel particularly lucky to do something every day that i
love to do.
2) as inspired by computers as i was back in seventh grade
3) giving kids everywhere a window into all of the world’s knowledge
4) but for all the cool things that a person can do with a pc
5) there are still far two many people in the world
1) 它让有着共同兴趣的人结成团体,让我们与那些对我们而言重要
2) 举例来说,每年仍有成百上千万的人死于那些在发达国家易于预
3) 我认为我个人所拥有的大量财富也使我负有回馈社会的责任。
4) 我仍是一个坚定的乐观主义者,艰辛即便是世界上最难的问题都
5) 我相信,凭借人类与生俱来的发明创造力和敢于挑战难题的精神,在有生之
Ⅰ. comprehension of the text
1) d 2) c 3) a 4) c5) b
Ⅱ. vocabulary building
1. assumes
2. reputation
3. surrounded
4. consume
5. commercial
6. sequence
7. champion
8. intense
9. claims 10. means
key to exercises of unit 7 iii. vocabulary structure
1) norms 2) proof 3) viewpoint 4) inherit 5) outlook
6) lack 7) particular 8) undertook 9) prompted 10) response
1) were almost no different from the responses of uelated
pairs of people
2) also studied a smaller group of identical twins who had
been separated at birth and raised in different families.
3) may also have a tendency to hide their true feelings.
4) may be those known to control the brain chemicals serotonin and dopamine, both associated with pleasure and mood.
5) that genetic predisposition is only part of the equation is backed up by other research.
iv. banked cloze
h l e a k b m n d j
v. translation
1) half of whom were identical
2) the underlying factors leading to happiness
3) showed a genetic link to happiness
4) rather than just ask them if they are happy
5) no matter where they lived or worked
1) 这个研究证实了相同基因与快乐感之间的关联。
3) 人的基本个性具有生物学特征,能以一种相互作用的基因模型遗传下来。