

初中地理 美国 测试题 练习题

初中地理  美国  测试题  练习题

美国一、选择题:1.美国的土著居民是A.印第安人 B.自种人 C.黑种人 D.混血种人2.美国的夏威夷州所在的大洲是A.大洋洲 B.北美洲 C.南美洲 D.亚洲3.关于美国自然条件的叙述,正确的是A.有许多大河,其中有世界第三长河B.领土全部在温带地区C.领土三面临海,海上航运便利D.美国有北美最大的河流——圣劳伦斯河4.关于美国人口分布的叙述,正确的是A.美国自然环境优越,人口分布均匀B.人口分布极不平衡C.西北部人口最集中D.70%以上集中在太平洋沿岸5.有关美国农业的叙述,不正确的是A.美国是世界上的农业大国B.农业的生产特点是地区生产专门化D.棉花带主要分布在五大湖周围地区D.热带农产品咖啡、可可等需要进口6.美国的乳畜带主要分布在A.北纬350以南B.中部平原的北部C.大平原的北部和中部D.五大湖区及其以东的大西洋沿岸区7.“9·11”恐怖事件中被撞击的“五角大楼”与“世贸大厦”分别位于A.华盛顿、洛杉矶B.洛杉矶、华盛顿C.纽约、华盛顿D.华盛顿、纽约8.美国的下列地理事物搭配正确的是A。




American Survey Test地理1. The _____ part of America consists of high plateaus and mountains formed by the Great Cordillera Range.A. easternB. westernC. northeastern2. In eastern _____ lies Death Valley, 85 metres below sea level.A. CaliforniaB. UtahC. Arizona3. In the west of the _____ lie the Colorado Plateaus and the Columbia Plateaus.A. Rocky MountainB. Coast RangeC. Cascades Mountains4. The _____ lies between the Colorado Plateaus and Columbia PlateausA. Great BasinB. Colorado ValleyC. Great Plains5. The famous Yellowstone National Park is situated in northwestern part of _____.A. CaliforniaB. ArizonaC. Wyoming6. The world-known Colorado Valley lies in northern _____, which is cut by the Colorado River.A. ArizonaB. UtahC. Montana7. Among the five Great Lakes, only _____ is wholly within the United States.A. ErieB. SuperiorC. Michigan8. Only the climate in the southern part of _____ is tropical.A. FloridaB. GeorgiaC. Virginia9. Washington, the capital of the US, is on the _____ river.A. PotomacB. DelawareC. St. Laurence10. The width of the Niagara Fall is about _____ metres and the drop average _____ metres.A. 1650, 50B. 1240, 49C. 1540, 4911. _____ part is the most densely populated region in America.A. The southernB. The northeasternC. The western12. The Great Salt Lake lies in northern _____.A. IdahoB. ArizonaC. NevadaD. Utah13. _____ has been called the “cradle of American Liberty”.A. PhiladelphiaB. PlymouthC. Boston14. About _____ of the world’s annual agricultural products come from the United States.A. halfB. one thirdC. two thirds15. The highest mountain in the U.S. is Mount _____.A. AppalachianB. MekinleyC. Rocky16. Mount Mekinley lies in the _____ Range.A. Sierra NevadaB. CascadesC. Alaska17. The two largest Chinatowns are located in the following cities except _____.A. New YorkB. San FranciscoC. Miami18. The world’s largest freshwater lake is Lake _____.A. SuperiorB. OntarioC. Victoria19. The world-famous Niagara Falls lie between lakes of _____.A. Erie and MichiganB. Erie and OntarioC. Superior and Haron20. _____ of the America’s territory is covered with forests.A. 1/4B. 1/5C. 1/321. Texas, having belonged to _____, was annexed by the U.S. in 1845.A. FranceB. RussiaC. Mexico22. Hawaii is in the _____ Ocean.A. AtlanticB. IndianC. Pacific23. The American black population consists of _____ of the total population.A. 1/10B. 1/5C. 1/924. _____ is the largest state in area in the U.S.A.A. FloridaB. LouisianaC. Alaska25. The United States today is the _____ largest country in size in the world.A. thirdB. fifthC. fourth26. About half of the total population is concentrated in the following areas except _____.A. Atlantic CoastB. Pacific CoastC. NorthwestD. around the Great LakesE. Gulf of Mexico27. There are _____ river systems in the U.S.A.A. 8B. 3C. 628. Detroit is famous for the production of _____.A. automobileB. timberC. bamboo29. The City St. Louis in America is called the gateway towards the _____.A. EastB. WestC. NortheastD. Southwest30. The city _____ is given the nickname “Space City of U.S.A.”.A. BostonB. HoustonC. San Francisco31. The _____ were the original inhabitants in America.A. blacksB. IndiansC. Puerto Ricans32. The steel and iron industries are mainly distributed around the city of _____, providing _____ percent of the total output each year.A. Pittsburgh, 60B. Chicago, 50C. New York, 6033. The largest industrial city in America is _____.A. ChicagoB. BostonC. Houston34. Only the climate in the southwestern part of Florida belongs to _____.A. subtropicalB. continentalC. tropical35. ¬_____ is famous for many stores and shops.A. Wall StreetB. BroadwayC. Fifth Avenue36. In _____ people can find the historical spot, the Independence National Historical Park.A. PhiladelphiaB. St. LouisC. San Francisco37. Boston is situated in Boston Bay, _____.A. MaineB. MassachusettsC. Connecticut38. The Columbia River and the Colorado River belong to the system of _____.A. the GulfB. the AtlanticC. the PacificI. Fill in the blanks1. The United States is situated in the _____ part of _____ America.2. The U.S. is bounded by _____ on the north and by _____ and the Gulf of Mexico on the south.3. To the west of America lies the _____ Ocean.4. To the east of America lies the _____ Ocean.5. The seat of the American Federal Government is the District of _____.6. The _____ part is made up of the highlands formed by the Appalachian Range.7. The famous _____ National Park is located in the northwestern part of Wyoming.8. The western part of the central plain is also call ed the “_____ _____”.9. The Mississippi River flows from the _____ lakes to the Gulf of _____.10. The lowest point in the whole of North America is _____ _____.11. The world-known _____ _____ lies in northern Arizona, which is cut by the Colorado River.12. The largest island salt lake in North America is the _____ _____ Lake.13. The United States includes _____ states and a _____ district, the District of Columbia.14. The Declaration of Independence was first read on July 4th, _____.15. The two main tributaries of the _____ River are the Missouri River and the Ohio River.16. The five Great Lakes lie between the boundary of _____ and the United States.17. Through the middle of the country, north and south, runs a line which is known as the _____ _____ _____ _____.18. The South region in America has in general, a warm climate. People often call it the “_____ _____”.19. The largest state, _____, is famous for its glacier, waterfall and ripples.20. There rises the tendency of shifting the centre of industries from the _____ to the _____.21. The famous _____ _____ is known as the financial centre, the symbol of the American monopoly capitalism.22. _____ is the centre of theatres in America.23. The nickname of Pittsburgh is the _____ and _____ City.24. _____ is the second largest in population in the U.S.25. The two youngest states are _____ in the northeastern part of America and _____ in the central Pacific.26. Most of the inhabitants in the U.S. are of _____ origin.27. Negro slaves were first brought to America at the beginning of the _____ century.28. The Death Valley is _____ metres below sea level.29. The population of the United States is about _____ million.30. The Statue of Liberty Island in _____ _____ harbour.31. _____ _____ is the base of the Pacific Fleet of the U.S.A.32. _____ _____ is the smallest state in size and the most densely populated state of the U.S.A.33. From a geographical point of view, the fifty states are grouped into _____ regions.34. The nickname of Houston City is _____ _____.35. _____ became the fiftieth state of the United States in 1959.36. _____ _____ is the longest and the most important river in the system of Gulf.37. The Library of Congress is in the city of _____.38. New England is located in the _____ corner of the country.39. The area of the Pacific coast is known for its growth of fruits, vegetables and wheat, especially in _____.40. The Middle Atlantic Region is marked by its industry. It is often called the _____ Northeast. II. Explain the Following Terms1. “The backbone of the continent”2. melting potIII. Answer the Following Questions1. Give a brief presentation of the U.S. economy.2. Why is Detroit famous?英语考研英美概况模拟题(六)美国地理部分答案:Part II. BAAAC ACAAB BDAAB CCABA CCACC CBABB BAACC ABCII.1. central, north Canada, Mexico Pacific Atlantic Columbia eastern Yellowstone Great Plains Great, Mexico Death Valley Colorado Valley Great Salt 50, federal 1776 Mississippi Canada 50 centimetre Rainfall Line Sunny South Alaska Southwest Wall Street Broadway Iron, Steel Chicago Alaska, Hawaii European 17th 85 240/256 New York Pearl Harbour Rhode Island 8 Space City Hawaii Mississippi River Washington northeastern California IndustrialPart II HistoryI. Multiple Choice1. The history of the U.S. is generally agreed to have begun in _____.A. 1620B. 1607C. 17762. The following states are among the first thirteen colonies except _____.A. MarylandB. South CarolinaC. DelawareD. Colorado3. _____ was the first man who sailed around the earth.A. John CabotB. MagellanC. BalboaD. Cartier4. The colonial life can be described as the following except _____.A. simpleB. easyC. roughD. hard5. The Stamp Act was passed in _____ and was repealed in _____.A. 1765, 1766B. 1764, 1765C. 1763, 17646. The First Continental Congress was held in _____ in September, 1774.A. PhiladelphiaB. BostonC. New York7. The American War of Independence started in _____ and ended in _____.A. 1776, 1784B. 1775, 1783C. 1706, 17148. Washington won the great victory on December 26, 1776 in _____.A. GettysburgB. PittsburghC. Trenton9. The battle of _____ marked the turning point of the War of Independence.A. New YorkB. SaratogaC. Bunker Hill10. On October 19th, 1781, the British General Cornwallis and his 7,000 men surrendered at _____.A. YorktownB. BostonC. Charleston11. The Constitutional Convention was held in 1787 to revise _____.A. The Articles of the ConfederationB. Bill of RightsC. Civil Rights12. The first ten amendments, known as _____, were added to the Constitution in 1791.A. the Bill of RightsB. the ArticlesC. Civil Rights13. After the Federal Government was established, the city _____ was chosen as the capital for thetime being.A. WashingtonB. New YorkC. Philadelphia14. The pamphlet “Common Sense” was written by _____.A. Thomas EdisonB. Thomas PaineC. Thomas Jefferson15. The Second President John Adams adopted a high-handed policy which was called _____.A. the “Intolerable Acts”B. Un-American ActivitiesC. the Sedition Act16. The greatest contribution made by President Thomas Jefferson was his _____.A. abolishing the Sedition ActB. reducing taxesC. purchasing Louisiana from France17. The Second Anti-English War broke out in _____ and ended in _____. The U.S. won the war.A. 1812, 1814B. 1813, 1815C. 1814, 181618. As the result of the U.S.-Mexican War, nearly _____ of the entire territory of Mexico was lost.A. 1/4B. 1/2C. 1/319. In 1844 the U.S. forced the Chinese Government to sign the first unequal treaty of _____.A. WangxiaB. NanjingC. Tianjin20. The Articles of Confederation was accepted by all the _____ states in _____.A. 50, 1781B. 13, 1781C. 13, 178721. _____ was chosen as the capital for the time being in Washington’s administration.A. New YorkB. ChicagoC. Boston22. It was _____ who advanced four plans which met bitter criticisms from many people.A. Alexander HamiltonB. Thomas JeffersonC. George Washington23. _____ was the first American President who was inaugurated in the city of Washington.A. John AdamsB. Thomas JeffersonC. James Madison24. The War with England between 1812 and 1814 happened during the administration of President _____.A. James MadisonB. James MonroeC. John Adams25. The _____ stopped the Holy Alliance’s program, and prevented the European countries from extending their influence.A. Monroe DoctrineB. Sedition ActC. Holy Alliance26. _____ was the first president who developed the power of veto into one of the means of making laws.A. John AdamsB. Andrew JacksonC. Andrew Johnson27. _____ made slavery possible in the new territories such as in Kentucky and Nebraska.A. Douglas BillB. Monroe DoctrineC. Sedition Act28. During the Civil War Lincoln issued the _____, which declared the abolition of slavery.A. Homestead BillB. Emancipation ProclamationC. Both A and B29. The Battle of _____ was the turning point of the American Civil War.A. Bull RunB. GettysburgC. Richmond30. The first imperialist war took place between the U.S. and _____ in 1898.A. BritainB. FranceC. Spain31. The first American President from the Republic Party is _____.A. Abraham LincolnB. Andrew JohnsonC. Thomas JeffersonD. George Washington32. In 1918 President _____ issued the “Fourteen Points”.A. Woodrow WilsonB. William H. TaftC. Theodore RooseveltD. Warren G. Harding33. Haymarket Massacre took place in _____ in May 1886.A. New YorkB. ChicagoC. Washington34. In 1894, the American industrial production held the _____ place in the world.A. firstB. secondC. third35. McCarthy was notorious for his harsh _____ persecution of the progressive people.A. religiousB. spiritualC. political36. The Ku Klux Klan was the most notorious terrorist society which persecuted the _____.A. blacksB. IndiansC. progressive people37. On August 14, 1914, the U.S. and Britain issued a joint communiqué called _____.A. the Teheran DeclarationB. the Atlantic CharterC. the Washington Proclamation38. In Sino-American relations Theodore Roosevelt exercised the so-called “_____”, invading China by means of both force and culture.A. Open Door PolicyB. Big StickC. Douglas Bill39. The First World War broke out on July 28th, _____ and ended on November 11th, _____, lasting for about four years.A. 1913, 1917B. 1914, 1918C. 1915, 191940. The two military alliances during WWI were the _____ and the _____.A. Axis, AlliesB. Holy Alliance, AxisC. Central Powers, Allies41. The assassination of a(n) _____ prince, Arch Duke Fedinand, served as the direct fuse for the outbreak of WWI.A. AustraliaB. BelgiumC. Austria42. Altogether _____ countries became involved in or were dragged into WWI.A. 33B. 38C. 3943. The frequent emergence of the economic crisis in the U.S.A. led to the following disastrous effects except _____.A. inflationB. the rise of pricesC. the decrease of populationD. the decrease of the purchasing capacity44. In April 1945 a conference was held at _____ to organize the United Nations.A. San FranciscoB. New YorkC. Philadelphia45. _____ countries attended the conference of the foundling of the UN.A. 48B. 47C. 4546. At the _____ Conference, the heads of the Soviet Union, the U.S. and Britain discussed the problem of opening the second battlefield in Europe.A. YaltaB. TeheranC. Casablanca47. In July 1945, Britain, the U.S. and the Soviet Union met at Potsdam to formulate an occupation policy and set up a program for the future of Germany. The meeting was the famous_____ Conference.A. CairoB. TeheranC. PotsdamD. Quebec48. The two fighting sides in WWII were _____.A. the Allies and the Axis (powers)B. the Axis and Holy AllianceC. the Central Powers and the Allies49. The _____ was the treaty signed at Versailles, near Paris in France in 1919.A. Paris TreatyB. Versaills TreatyC. Teheran Treaty50. The meeting was held at Yalta in the Crimea of the Soviet Union in Feb, 1945. At the meeting many matters were discussed, including the final defeat of Germany, the demilitarization of Germany, the founding of the U.N. etc., this was the famous _____ Conference.A. YaltaB. TeheranC. Potsdam51. The Communist Party of the US was founded in _____.A. 1920B. 1918C. 191952. The U.S. Communist Party was re-established in 1945 with _____ as its general secretary.A. LevestoneB. William FosterC. Earl Browder53. The Great Depression of _____ to shook the US and the whole capitalist world to its foundations.A. 1929, 1933B. 1933, 1937C. 1924, 192954. The programme of 1947 that America would offer its money supplies and machinery to any European nation that wished to participate in was called _____.A. Eisenhower DoctrineB. Marshall PlanC. Truman Doctrine55. The _____ broke out in June 1950 and ended in the summer of 1953.A. Vietnam WarB. Cold WarC. Korean War56. In April 1949 twelve nations established the NATO to coordinate the military actions of member nations against the _____.A. GermanyB. JapanC. Soviet Union57. The Second World War broke out in September, _____ and ended in August _____.A. 1939, 1945B. 1937, 1943C. 1938, 194558. After WWII there emerged a new balance of power between _____ and _____.A. the Allies, the Axis PowersB. the USSR, the USAC. the old capitalist countries, the new ones59. There occurred _____ economic cris es from the end of WWII to the middle of the 1970’s.A. sixB. fiveC. seven60. The President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed a policy called _____ to save the economic situation.A. Good NeighbourB. the Open Door PolicyC. the New Deal61. The Battle of _____ took place in 1942 and it was the turning point of the Pacific area.A. Midway IslandB. BritainC. Normandy62. In Feb. _____ came President Nixon’s historic visit to China.A. 1979B. 1972C. 197363. In 1953, _____ ended in the failure of the U.S.A. the Korean WarB. the Vietnam WarC. the US-Spanish War64. On December 7th, 1941, the base of the American Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbour, was suddenly attacked by the _____ air force and navy.A. SpanishB. FrenchC. Japanese65. The original Union consists of _____ at the time of its independence.A. 13B. 50C. 4866. The first thirteen states of the US mainly located _____ seaboard.A. the easternB. the westernC. the northern67. _____ appointed many of the colonial governors.A. The English KingB. the local governmentC. the local people68. The Declaration of Independence was drafted by a committee including _____ as head.A. George WashingtonB. Thomas JeffersonC. both A and B69. _____ was the British king when colonial Americans declared their independence.A. King George IB. King George IIIC. King George II70. In 1945 a conference was held in _____ to found the United Nations.A. San FranciscoB. ChicagoC. New York71. President Nixon visited China in _____.A. 1973B. 1974C. 197272. _____ was the only American president who was re-elected three times in succession.A. Theodore RooseveltB. George WashingtonC. FranklinD. Roosevelt D. Thomas Jefferson73. The city’s name “Philadelphia” means _____.A. brotherly loveB. fishing pitC. philosophy1. It was _____ who first discovered the America in 1492.2. The New World was named after _____ Vespucci.3. _____ was the first man who sailed around the earth.4. The Indians living in America are all _____ skinned and dark-haired.5. The War of _____ broke out in 1775 and ended in 1783.6. The First World War broke out on July 28th in _____.7. In 1620 some English Puritans sailed to Plymouth on a ship called _____.8. On July 4th, 1776, the document called the Declaration of _____ was accepted by the American Congress.9. The first English colony was _____.10. Lexington Fire was the _____ of the War of Independence.11. In 1803 the United States purchased Louisiana from _____.12. The U.S.- _____ War broke out in 1898.13. The Great Depression of 1929 - _____ shook the United States and the whole capitalist world to its foundation.14. The _____ _____ policy went into effect by the spring of 1947 when Truman Doctrine came forth.15. The Confederate Union of America consisted of _____ southern states.16. During the Civil War Lincoln took two important measures, one was the _____ _____, the other was the _____ _____.17. By the end of _____ century, the U.S. had become the most powerful country in the world.18. The U.S. bought the area of Alaska from _____ in 1867.19. The Constitution Convention lasted _____ weeks from May to September, _____.20. The Constitution drawn up at the end of Independence War is called the _____ of the Confederation.21. The Constitution of _____ established the dictatorship of the America bourgeoisie big capitalists and big slave owners.22. The bourgeois democratic personages headed by Thomas Jefferson, were opposed to the Constitution. They were called _____.23. The people, headed by John Hamilton, who supported the Constitution of 1787, were called _____.24. During Washington’s administration Thomas Jefferson was appointed _____ of _____.25. The war with England between 1812-1814 was called the Second _____ of _____.26. President John Q. Adams was the son of the _____ president, John Adams.27. The forming of the _____ Alliance was to suppress the South American revolution.28. Andrew Jackson was the first president who developed the power of _____ into one of the means of making laws.29. The first great tide from 1840 to 1860 in America was the _____ movement.30. The famous novel “_____ _____ _____” by Mrs Stowe aroused a great and universal hatred for slavery.31. A man named _____ _____ began a rising which aimed at solving the slavery trouble by force.32. In _____ the first group of English colonists came to America.33. From 1863 to 1867 _____ Reconstruction dominated the reconstruction of the south.34. With the passage of the military Reconstruction Act in March 1867 the power of Reconstruction of the south passed from president to the _____.35. The most notorious society which mainly persecuted the blacks was _____ _____ _____.36. The _____ _____ Conference in 1919 was in fact a meeting to divide the spoils and redivide the old colonies.37. The _____ Conference was the constitution of the Paris Peace Conference.38. The _____ post-war economic crisis occurred from 1973 to 1975 was the most serious crisis.39. The Communist Party of China sent _____ _____ _____ to attend the Conference of the founding of U.N. and signed the charter.40. The _____ Declaration was published at the Cairo Conference.41. The main force of the Japanese United Fleet was destroyed by America in the _____ _____ Battle.42. The _____ World War was a destructive war and an anti-fascist war.43. The _____ Programme was successfully carried out in 1969 and two American astronauts landed on the moon.44. After WWII the _____ _____ emerged on the scene and containment of Communism became the basis of the American foreign policy.45. The source of WWII in Europe came from _____.46. The direct cause that the U.S. entered WWII was the Japanese sudden raid of the US’s naval base at _____ _____.47. In 1939 Germany first launched the lightening attack on _____ and England and _____ thendeclared war on Germany.48. The dropping of the two atom bombs by America forced _____ to surrender unconditionally.49. The second post-war crisis occurred during 1953 and 1954 was caused by the _____ War.50. It was president _____ who moved toward improving relations with China.51. America participated in the Second World War in the year _____.52. In _____ China and U.S.A. normalized their relationship.53. The outstanding leader of the Civil Rights Movement was _____ _____ _____.54. _____ _____ uprising in 1859 helped the outbreak of the Civil War.55. “I know not what course others may take, but for me, give me liberty or give me death.” This was said by _____ _____.II. Define the Following Terms1. The Boston “Tea Party”2. The Westward Movement3. The Civil Rights Movement4. The Atlantic Charter5. The “Open Door Policy”6. The Cairo Declaration7. The Marshall PlanIII. Answer the Following Questions1. Please say something about the American War of Independence, including its cause, process and significance.2. What success did Washington’s administration achieved?3. Abraham Lincoln is usually regarded as the fulfilment of the “American Dream”. Why?4. What was Roosevelt’s role in the Sec ond World War?英语考研英美概况模拟题(七)美国历史部分答案:Part III. BDBBA ABCBA AABBC CABAB AABAA BABBC AABAC ABABC CBCAA BCABA CBABC CABAC ABACA AABBA CCAII.1. Columbus Amerigo Magellan red Independence 1914 Mayflower Independence Virginia prelude France Spanish 1933 Cold War 11 Homestead Bill, Emancipation Proclamation 19th Russia 13, 1787 Articles 1787 anti-federalist Federalists Secretary, State War, Independence second Holy veto Westwa rd Uncle Tom’s Cabin John Brown 1607 Presidental Congress Ku Klux Klan Paris Peace Washington sixth deputy Dong Biwu Cairo Midway Island Second Apollo Communist Party Germany Pearl Harbour Poland Japan Korean Nixon 1941 1979 Martin Luther King John Brown Patrick HenryCultureI. Multiple Choice1. In America the academic year lasts nine months, from September to _____, with winter and spring vocations.A. JulyB. JuneC. August2. In elementary schools, courses for children include the following except _____.A. reading, writingB. social coursesC. foreign languagesD. sciences, art and musicE. cooking or other manual skills3. The American teachers’ pay and prestig e are _____ in comparison with the general standard of living.A. highB. lowC. almost the same4. There are over _____ universities, colleges and other institutions in the United States.A. 2,000B. 2,500C. 3,0005. Today more than _____ of all the private colleges have some kind of church connection.A. 1/3B. 1/2C. 1/56. The library in _____ was the first private library in the US.A. Harvard CollegeB. Yale CollegeC. College of New Jersey7. The first public library was founded in 1731 in _____.A. BostonB. PhiladelphiaC. Chicago8. At present America has more than _____ free public libraries.A. 6,000B. 5,000C. 7,0009. VOA Radio Station was established in _____.A. 1924B. 1934C. 189410. All the newspapers and magazines in America are _____ owned.A. publiclyB. privatelyC. locally11. _____ is the winter sport in American schools and colleges.A. FootballB. BasketballC. Baseball12. It was the _____ immigrants in the mid-19th century who introduced skiing into the United States.A. ScandinavianB. DutchC. French13. 101 American people won the Nobel Prize after _____.A. WWIB. Civil WarC. WWII14. At the end of WWII the art centre of the world moved from _____ to the new world.A. ParisB. LondonC. Berlin15. The famous story _____ helps Washington Irving earn great fame in the literary world.A. “Rip Van Winkle”B. “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”C. “The Adventures of a German Student”16. _____ is regarded as the father of detective stories.A. Mark TwainB. Edgar Allan PoeC. Herman Melville17. _____ is the first writer in America to win the Nobel Prize in literature.A. Sinclair LewisB. Saul BellowC. Ernest Hemingway18. Yale University was founded in _____.A. 1701B. 1746C. 174919. The greatest American playwright is _____.A. Arthur MillerB. Eugene O’NeilC. Robert Frost20. _____ belonged to the Lost Generation.A. Ernest HemingwayB. Wilt WhitmanC. Tennessee Williams21. The most popular sport in America is _____.。

人教版 七年级 地理 下册 美国 习题

人教版 七年级 地理 下册 美国 习题

美国习题一.选择(在正确答案上打“√”)1.美国的土著居民是:A.因纽特人B.苏美尔人C.印第安人D.犹太人2、世界第四长河是:A、长江B、尼罗河C、密西西比河D、亚马孙河3、对美国地形叙述正确的是:A.由北向南依次是北部山地、中部平原、南部高原B.自西向东依次是西部高山、中部平原、东部山地区C.自西向东依次是西部高原、中部平原、东部山地D.自西向东依次是西部山地、、中部平原、东部高原4、.密西西比河流入的海洋是:A.太平洋B.加勒比海C.墨西哥湾D.几内亚湾5、在美国人种的构成中,占绝大多数的人种是:A.白种人B.黑种人C.黄种人D.混血种人6美国居民进过长期融合后形成统一的民族是:A、阿拉伯民族B、大和民族C、美利坚民族D、犹太民族7、.世界上经济实力最强的国家是:A.日本B.德国C.英国D.美国8、分布在北太平洋中部的美国海外州是:A.阿拉斯加州B.夏威夷州C.加利福尼亚州D.得克萨斯州9、.美国东西两侧濒临的海洋分别是:A.大西洋和太平洋B.太平洋和大西洋C.北冰洋和太平洋D.印度洋和大西洋10、分布在美洲西部的著名山系是:A.喜马拉雅山系B.阿尔卑斯山系C.科迪勒拉山系D.兴都库什山系11、美国西部大部分地区距海也很近,但降水却较少的影响因素是:A、纬度因素B、海陆因素C、地形因素D、地表植被12、在地球上的五带中,美国的主体部分主要位于:A.南温带B.北温带C.热带D.北寒带13、中国与美国的自然地理特征相比,相似的有:A.主要平原分布在东部沿海B.主要山脉走向相同C.降水都是由东南向西北递减D.主要河流流向相同14、世界上面积最大的淡水湖是:A、里海B、贝加尔湖C、密歇根湖D、苏必利尔湖15、美国五大农业带中,分布在五大湖附近的是A.乳畜带B.玉米带C.棉花带D.小麦带16、有关美国农业的叙述,错误的是:A.美国是世界最大的农产品出口国B.地区生产专门化是美国农业的特点之一C.大量投入劳动力,农业经济效益高D.咖啡、可可等是美国需进口的农产品17、美国兴起最早、规模最大的高新技术产业中心是A.迈阿密B.休斯敦 C旧金山东南的“.硅谷” D.洛杉矶18、美国资源消耗多的主要原因是:A.农业发达B.缺乏资源C.满足发达的经济和高额的消费D.资源浪费严重19、全球温室气体排放量最大的国家是A.中国B.俄罗斯C.美国D.英国20、、美国最大的城市和港口是A.纽约B.旧金山C.华盛顿D.芝加哥21、下列工业城市中,位于美国东北部地区的一组是A.纽约、新奥尔良、休斯敦B.底特律、芝加哥、匹兹堡C.纽约、洛杉矶、旧金山D.费城、休斯敦、西雅图22、与我国京津唐工业区相比,美国东北部工业区最具优势的条件是:A、水资源丰富B、交通便利C、靠近煤炭铁矿产地 D 、农业基础好23、对于美国的叙述正确的是A、是混血种人为主的国家B、是资源消耗大国,资源生产小国C、是高新技术产业发达的国家 D 、工业高度发达,但农业发展不稳定24、下列属于美国传统支柱产业的是:A、信息产业B、高新技术产业C、汽车制造业 D 、宇航业25、当今世界资源消耗和环境污染大户是:A、东半球国家B、西半球国家C、发展中国家 D 、发达国家二.读“美国农业带分布图”,回答下列问题。



《英美概况》练习参考答案(美国部分)《最新英美概况》练习参考答案(美国部分)————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:《最新英美概况》练习参考答案(本答案不包括练习中的开放性习题、思考题和讨论题)====================================== ============== PART TWO The United StatesChapter Eight The LandP. 209—210I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. the Star-Spangled Banner, Defense of Fort McHenry, 1812.2. the Stars and the Stripes, Old Glory, the Star-Spangled Banner.3. The White House, The Capitol, The Pentagon.4. June, 14th, June 14th.5. the Potomac, no state, the Federal government.6. 36, 36 states.7. Amerigo Vespucci, American War of Independence.8. Pierre L’Enfant, light, service.II Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. C2. D3. C4. A B C D5. C DIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F2. F3. T4. F5. TIV Answer the following questions.1. (1) At first the Continent was name d as “America” after explorer Amerigo Vespucci.(2) During the American War of Independence, the former British colonies firstused “the thirteen united States of America” in the Declaration of Independence.(3) The official name of America was adopted on November 15, 1777, when theSecond Continental Congress passed the Articles of Confederation.2. The 50 stars represent the 50 States, while the 13 stripes represent the original thirteencolonies.White indicates purity and innocence; red indicates valour and bravery, and blue symbolizes vigilance, perseverance and justice; it is also a symbol of respect to God.3. The stars and strips have different meanings.Each star represents each state in America, while strips represent the original thirteencolonies before the independence of America.4. (1) The lyrics of the national anthem come from “Defense of Fort McHenry”, a poemwritten during the War of 1812.The poem was set to the tune of a popular British drinking song, “The AnacreonticSong” (or “To Anacreon in Heaven”).(2) The Star-Spangled Banner was used officially by the Navy in 1889, and was madethe national anthem by congress on March 3, 1931, which was signed by PresidentHerbert Hoover.5. The White House was built in1792 and its original color was grey.During the War of 1812, it was badly damaged by the British troops, and in 1814 it wasrepainted white.President Roosevelt named it “White House” in the 1940s.P. 213I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. the central part of, Mexico and Gulf of Mexico, east, west.2. 48, Hawaii, Alaska.3. the Rio Grande, Pacific.4. 9,629,091, the third, Canada.5. Alaska, Texas.6. Arctic, glaciers.II Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. T2. T3. T4. F5. FIII Answer the following questions.1. (1) The Atlantic coast, the Pacific coast and Hawaii provideconvenient sea routes forforeign trade.(2) The long coastline with many harbors and inlets provides favorable conditions forforeign trade and the fishing industry.(3) Mainland America, mainly within the northern temperate zone, is favorable foragriculture.2. The U.S. and Canada share the “world's longest undefended border.” The border wasdemilitarized after the War of 1812 and has remained peaceful. Military collaboration began during World War II and continued throughout the Cold War on both a bilateral basis and a multilateral relationship through NATO. Both countries are NATO members and have high military interdependency, in particular, during the Cold War against Soviet threat.Today Canadians and Americans are in close cultural proximity, sharing the samelanguage, similar religion and political systems as well as many values.Their economic relations are so close (they have been each other’s No. 1 trading pa rtnerfor years) that the two countries have established the North American Free TradeAgreement, the world’s largest free-trade zone. Both enjoy the most developed andrichest economies in the world as well as a comparable standard of living (Canada’swelfare system is even more comprehensive and covers more widely).To guard the over 8000-kilometer long land border is not only expensive but alsounnecessary (in a sense, impossible, because it is too long), because neither peopleworry that their neighbors would cross the border on a large scale or stay in theircountry for a long time.3. The border between the U.S. and Mexico is heavily guarded (mostly on the American side)against illegal immigrants entering the U.S. while people can enter Mexico freely. The cause is mostly economic rather than political. There is a huge disparity in the standard of living between the U.S. and Mexico whose per capita GDP is only about 20% that of the U.S. (2012 World Bank statistics). It is estimated six out of the eleven million illegal immigrants living in the U.S. are Mexicans, and millions more plan to enter the U.S. They try to benefit from the American business or job opportunities or from the American welfare system or even to engage in drug-trafficking and smuggling. Another purpose is to combat crime and terrorism, particularly after the 9.11 terrorist attacks. The U.S.-Mexican border areas witness the most serious drug-trafficking and gang violence in the world.Some Mexicans, in particular those haunted by the serious drug-related violence in recent years, try to escape from the violence in Mexico by moving to the U.S. In a word, if the US-Mexico border is open and unguarded as the U.S.-Canada border, there would be millions of Mexicans trying to migrate to America so that the consequent problems would be very difficult for the U.S. deal with.4. Alaska, facing Russia across Bering Strait, is locatedbetween the Arctic and Pacific oceans,so it’s important for strategic position and transportation.5. Hawaii, like a chain of beads, is located in the central Pacific Ocean, the best place toenjoy the oceanic scenery.It is famous for natural scenery: white beach, blue sky, and palm trees, etc.The famous Pacific Fleet is located at Pearl Harbor, Oahu Island.P. 221—222I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. Lake Superior, Erie, Ontario.2. Columbia Plateau, the Great Canyon.3. the Rockies, the father of waters.4. dairy farming, Harvard, Yale, MIT.5. Death Valley, Great Salt Lake.6. 38, Yellowstone National Park, Old Faithful.7. 4,800, British Columbia, the backbone of the continent, Mt. Elbert.8. Hoover Dam, The Rio Grande, Ruhr.9. half, “Barn of America”, Great Lakes.10. dividing line, Lake Erie, New York.II Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.1. A B C2. D3. A D4. A B5. DIII Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F2. T3. F4. T5. TIV Answer the following questions.1. New England is a region in the northeastern corner of the United States consisting of thesix states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, where the earliest English settlements in North America was made.In the late 18th century, the New England Colonies initiated the resistance to the British Parliament's efforts to impose new taxes without the consent of the colonists. The confrontation led to the Declaration of Independence in July 1776, which resulted in the War of American Independence that brought about the birth of the United States of America.2. The Appalachians holds one sixth of the continental territory. The mountains are relativelylow, and the average altitude is only 800 meters high.These old mountains with rounded tops and wooded hills, and have much beautiful scenery and many tourist resorts.3. It is the most important and longest river in the US. It flows about 6,400 km. from theRockies to the Gulf of Mexico, and the fourth longest river in the world.With hundreds of tributaries, the river is known as “the father of wa ters”.The chief tributaries are the Missouri River, the Ohio River, and the Arkansas, etc.4. They are the largest lake group in the world and contain about half of the world’s fresh water.All the five lakes are inter-connected, reaching the Atlantic by way of the St. Lawrence River.They are the important economic lifeline of the Midwest.The world-famous Niagara Falls also attracts numerous visitors.5. The Great Plain stretches from the west of the Mississippi to the Rockies, and covers adistance of about 6,400 kilometers. The land is flat and open, and is originally covered with rich prairie grass, but no trees. Today the area is still a cattle country. Much of the nation’s wheat is grown here, therefore the area is known as the “breadbasket” of Americ a.The Grand Canyon is located in Colorado Plateau, and is cut by Colorado River. It is one of the great natural wonders of the world, and is set up as national park. It measures about 277 miles long, up to 18 miles wide between the tops of its steep walls, and more than a mile deep.P. 224--225I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. little, 63%.2. the Central Plains, the Rockies, electricity.3. Bingham.4. 1/3, Washington, Oregon.5. Gulf of Mexico, Okalahoma.6. gold, gold, Gold Rush.II. Respond to the following items.1. America is rich in water resources. As a whole the country has little trouble with watershortage. Except for the desert regions around the southern Rockies, there are large supplies of fresh water and numerousfertile valleys.2. About 1/3 of America is covered with forests. The greatest virgin forests are in the states ofWashington and Oregon. America has about 500 million acres of commercial forests and about 75% of commercial timber is produced in the eastern part of the country.3. In 1848, gold was discovered in California. The news soon spread out, and thousands ofimmigrants from around the world invaded the Gold Country of California. The peak of the rush was in 1849, thus the many immigrants became known as the '49ers.4. Coal deposits are widely distributed in America, and most coal reserves are to be found inthe Appalachians, the Central Plain, and the Rockies.Most of iron ore is mainly found in the Appalachians and the areas near Lake Superior, and the most important mining area is in Minnesota.P. 226--227I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. northern temperate (P225 书中该词拼写错误), landforms and surrounding waters.2. temperate, tropical.3. temperate, north, hurricanes.4. maritime, distinct, similar.5. Mediterranean, arid, semiarid.6. temperate, temperature.II Answer the following questions.1. The United States is mainly situated in the northern temperature zone. But, owing to itslarge size, varied landforms and surrounding waters, theclimate is tropical in Hawaii and Florida, arctic in Alaska, semiarid in the Great Plains, and arid in the Great Basin.2. New England belongs to maritime climate. It has distinct seasons with a long cold winter,and short and warm summer. Spring and Fall are warm, and the region receives plenty of rainfall.The Middle Atlantic States have a similar climate to that of New England, but the average temperature is a little higher.3. The Great Plains have a variety of weather throughout the year, which is very cold in winterand very hot in summer, with often strong winds.4. The climate around the Great Lakes is temperate. Winters are sometimes extremely cold;summers are very hot; the region receives sufficient rainfall. The wind blows freely, and often causes sudden and extreme changes in temperature and creates many tornadoes.P. 232I Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F2. F3. F4. T5. T6. TP. 237I Write down the names of the places according to the photos.1. Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco2. Niagara Falls3. Las Vegas4. Red Rock Country5. The Grand Canyon6. DisneylandP. 240I Decide which of the following statements is TRUE:1. F2. F3. T4. F5. FChapter Nine The People and Their CultureP. 243I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. third, China, 313.7 million. (书中in 2010错误, 应改为in 2012.)2. 1%, high, below.3. urban, 250.4. northeastern part, 1/4, half.5. New York city, 27 million, Chicago, 9 million.6. California, Texas.II Answer the following questions.1. American population is characterized by variety in composition. The White is the mainstream, and takes up about 72.4% of the total population. Hispanics 16.3%, Blacks 12.6%, Asians 4.8 %, American Indians and Alaska Natives 0.9%, and Native Hawaii and other Pacific Islanders 0.2%.2. The most densely populated region is the northeastern area, including parts of New England, the Mid Atlantic and Mid West. The size of the region takes up about 1/4 of the total, butalmost 1/2 of the total population lives there.3. Comparing with the large size, the population density of the Great Pains is low. The northern part is rather empty. In the combined area of North and South Dakotas, Nebraska and Kansas,an area as great as France and Italy put together, there are only 6.2 million inhabitants in 2010.4. The northeastern part is the most densely populated region in America, because this place is the birthplace of America, also the highly developed area.Since the unfavorable living conditions in the west part of the Great Plains and Rockies, the population is thin.The south and west used to thinly populated, but with the rapid development in recent years, the population increases fast, and the population along the Pacific Coast grows dense.P. 247--248I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. 55 million, Mexico.2. variety, 100, 31.3. African Americans, slaves.4. Civil Rights, equal civil rights.5. Texas, New Mexico.6. American Indians, Indian Reservations.II Answer the following questions.1. Melting pot is metaphorically used to refer to the US because it is a country of many ethnicgroups from different parts of the world, who came to the New World for freedom in politics or religion. They have been dissipating their different ethnic cultures towards some “standard” by living and working together in the “melting pot”of the US and gradual ly forming a new nation.2. Indian Reservation is the living place of Indians. Indians were driven westward to live inthese barren desert places when Europeans settled in American continent. In these isolated places, they were allowed to keep a part of their own culture and customs.But the Reservations lacked basic public facilities and life-sustaining opportunities. The situation is somewhat better today, but there continues to be problems3. The Hispanics are Spanish-speaking people from Latin America. Over half of HispanicAmericans are of Mexican descents. The second largest group is of Puerto Rican origin.Other origins include Cuban Americans, Colombian Americans, Dominican Americans, etc.P. 250--251I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. 337, 176.2. Spanish, French.3. English, American.4. Spanish, Spanish.5. Cantonese, third, Chinese American.6. their native, English.II Answer the following questions.1. About 337 languages are spoken by Americans, of which 176 are indigenous, and 52languages formerly spoken in the country are now extinct.2. American English was inherited from British colonization, but there are some changes inspelling, grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation, etc.3. Spanish is the second m ost common language in America. The United States holds the world’sfifth largest Spanish-speaking population. Spanish is also an official language of Puerto Rico.Spanish is also the most widely taught second language in America.4. The largest French-speaking communities are in Northeast Maine; Hollywood and Miami,Florida; New York City; and certain areas of rural Louisiana.P. 253--254I Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.1. high adherence, diversity.2. Christians, Protestants, Roman Catholics.3. 30, Baptists, Methodists.4. Judaism, Chinese Americans.5. African Americans, African slaves.6. India, Asian countries.II Answer the following questions.1. The principle of the separation of church and state comes from American Constitution. TheFirst Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees the free exercise of religion and fords the establishment of any religious government.2. Religion plays an important role in many aspects of American life (politics, education, charityand culture) as well as in its international relations. American foreign aid (governmental and private) is very closely related to religion, and based on Christian values that all men and women are the children of God, therefore brothers and sisters; the US State Department issues an annual report on human rights andcriticizes the human rights records in many countries (of which religious freedom is stressed), which is regarded as interfering the internal affairs of other countries; American churches sent many missions abroad, establishing churches, schools and hospitals around the world, such as what the missionaries did in China in 19th and early 20th centuries (e.g., John Leighton Stuart <司徒雷登>and the Yanching University <燕京大学>) . They worked with the American government for the diffusion of their religion and values.Value-oriented diplomacy is one of the characteristics of American international relations.A very important mission of American diplomacy is to diffuse its values around the world,and many such values derive from religion, such as equality, liberty and fraternity; religion even plays a role in the American decisions of war and peace, such as the American war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan.。



美国概况练习题:1 _____is the largest city and the chief port of the United States.A Washington D.C.B Los AngelesC San FranciscoD New York City2 _____ enjoys the worst social and economic conditions.A BlacksB HispanicsC IndiansD Asian Americans3 Washington D.C. is named after___________.A the U.S. President George WashingtonB Christopher ColumbusC both George Washington and Christopher ColumbusD none of them4 American and British English are two_____ of the English language.A varietiesB elementsC partsD form5 The first American president to be elected from the Republican Party was______.A Thomas JeffersonB James MonroeC James MadisonD Abraham Lincoln6 Of the fifty states, the smallest state in area is_____.A Rhode IslandB VirginiaC TexasD Montana7 The national flag of the United States is known as_____.A the Star-Spangled BannerB Uncle SamC Hot DogD Union Jack8 The number of the Representatives from each American state depends on the _____.A contribution a state has made to the nationB populationC sizeD none of the above9 The tern “Father of Waters” is used to refer to _____.A the Amazon RiverB the Mississippi RiverC the Nile RiverD the Hudson River10 The statue of liberty was given to American people by_____ as a gift in 1884.A FranceB SpainC ItalyD Britain练习题答案及题解:1 D, 纽约是美国最大的城市同时也是最重要的经济中心和最主要的港口。



地理初一下人教新课标9选择题1.有关美国西部的叙述,正确的是A.是美国最发达的地区 B.西部的地势要紧是山地、高原C.旧金山是西部最大的都市和最大的港口D.洛杉矶邻近的“硅谷”是新兴的电子工业中心2.密歇根湖南岸的工业都市是A.底特律 B.芝加哥 C.匹兹堡 D.布法罗3.世界上最大的山系是A.喜马拉雅山系 B.阿尔卑斯山系 C.科迪勒拉山系 D.阿巴拉契亚山系4.美国在五大湖区及东北地区布局乳畜带的缘故是A.气候冰冷,不能生长农作物 B.工业污染严峻,不能种植粮食作物C.地势坎坷,交通十分不便 D.气候适宜牧草生长,都市、人口分布密集5.印第安人属于:A.黄色人种 B.白色人种 C.黑色人种 D.混血人种6.美国从事农业的劳动力人口不到全国的3%,但成为世界最大农产品出口国,因为A.美国劳动力短缺B.农业在国民经济中不占重要地位C.农业机械化水平高D.与其他产业相比,农业产值低7.关于美国东北部工业区进展条件的说法,不正确的是()A.煤、铁资源丰富B.交通便利,海运、湖运、河运成为体系C.阳光地带,环境优美D.周围平原肥沃,农产丰富8.从图中能够看出,美国东北部老工业区进展机械制造工业的自然条件有()①发达的科技②丰富的煤、铁资源。

③丰富的水资源④大量的科技移民⑤临河靠海、水运便利A.①②③ B.②③④ C.③④⑤ D.②③⑤9.图中两农业带内的作物种类明显不同,其要紧阻碍因素是()A.种植适应B.热量条件C.地势条件D.灌溉条件10.读世界最大进展中国家—中国与世界最大发达国家—美国略图,回答下列问题:(1)两国关于人口方面的相同点是()A.外来移民较多B.人口集中于东部C.黄种人是要紧种族D.各民族一律平等,不存在鄙视问题(2)在农业方面,中美两国的相似点是()A.机械化水平高B.种植业区要紧分布在河流中下游地区C.畜牧业在农业中不占重要地位D.图中A、C两地都以棉花种植为主(3)有关两国B、D工业区进展的共同条件是: .11.北美洲要紧以白种人为主的缘故是:()A. 原先居民为白种人B.多为欧洲来的移民C. 多为非洲来的移民D.多为大洋州来的移民12.世界上淡水最多的湖泊是:()A.贝加尔湖B.苏必利尔湖C.里海D.死海13.世界上最大的高新技术产业区在:()A. 纽约邻近B.华盛顿邻近C. 旧金山邻近D. 洛杉矶邻近14.下列不是美国在世界上进口量最多的是:( )A.小汽车B.石油C.纺织品D.小麦15. 美国最大的港口和人口最多的都市是:()A.联合国总部所在都市B.华盛顿C. 旧金山D. 洛杉矶16.美国西北部与俄罗斯的国界线通过:()A.白令海峡B.巴拿马运河C.五大湖D.苏伊士运河17.读某地区地势图,若沿着40°N纬线画出地势剖面图,你认为下列正确的是:()A BC D18.世界上最大的资源消耗和废物排放国是A.英国 B.中国 C.美国 D.日本19.美国旧金山邻近的“硅谷”是A.钢铁工业中心 B.石油化工中心 C.汽车工业中心 D.高新技术科技园区二、读图题19.读图1、图2,回答问题:(1)图1、图2中字母和序号表示的差不多上地势单元。




















英美概况 美国历史练习题

英美概况 美国历史练习题

英美概况美国历史练习题I. Multiple Choices1. The history of the U.S. is generally agreed to have begun in _____.A. 1620B. 1607C. 17762. The following states are among the first thirteen colonies except _____.A. MarylandB. South CarolinaC. DelawareD. Colorado3. _____ was the first man who sailed around the earth.A. John CabotB. MagellanC. BalboaD. Cartier4. The colonial life can be described as the following except _____.A. simpleB. easyC. roughD. hard5. The Stamp Act was passed in _____ and was repealed in _____.A. 1765, 1766B. 1764, 1765C. 1763, 17646. The First Continental Congress was held in _____ in September, 1774.A. PhiladelphiaB. BostonC. New York7. The American War of Independence started in _____ and ended in _____.A. 1776, 1784B. 1775, 1783C. 1706, 17148. Washington won the great victory on December 26, 1776 in _____.A. GettysburgB. PittsburghC. Trenton9. The battle of _____ marked the turning point of the War of Independence.A. New YorkB. SaratogaC. Bunker Hill10. On October 19th, 1781, the British General Cornwallis and his 7,000 men surrendered at _____.A. YorktownB. BostonC. Charleston11. The Constitutional Convention was held in 1787 to revise _____.A. The Articles of the ConfederationB. Bill of RightsC. Civil Rights12. The first ten amendments, known as _____, were added to the Constitution in 1791.A. the Bill of RightsB. the ArticlesC. Civil Rights13. After the Federal Government was established, the city _____ was chosen as the capital for the time being.A. WashingtonB. New YorkC. Philadelphia14. The pamphlet "Common Sense" was written by _____.A. Thomas EdisonB. Thomas PaineC. Thomas Jefferson15. The Second President John Adams adopted a high-handed policy which was called _____.A. the "Intolerable Acts"B. Un-American ActivitiesC. the Sedition Act16. The greatest contribution made by President Thomas Jefferson was his _____.A. abolishing the Sedition ActB. reducing taxesC. purchasing Louisiana from France17. The Second Anti-English War broke out in _____ and ended in _____. The U.S.won the war.A. 1812, 1814B. 1813, 1815C. 1814, 181618. As the result of the U.S.-Mexican War, nearly _____ of the entire territory of Mexico was lost.A. 1/4B. 1/2C. 1/319. In 1844 the U.S. forced the Chinese Government to sign the first unequal treaty of _____.A. WangxiaB. NanjingC. Tianjin20. The Articles of Confederation was accepted by all the _____ states in _____.A. 50, 1781B. 13, 1781C. 13, 178721. _____ was chosen as the capital for the time being in Washington's administration.A. New YorkB. ChicagoC. Boston22. It was _____ who advanced four plans which met bitter criticisms from many people.A. Alexander HamiltonB. Thomas JeffersonC. George Washington23. _____ was the first American President who was inaugurated in the city of Washington.A. John AdamsB. Thomas JeffersonC. James Madison24. The War with England between 1812 and 1814 happened during the administration of President _____.A. James MadisonB. James MonroeC. John Adams25. The _____ stopped the Holy Alliance's program, and prevented the European countries from extending their influence.A. Monroe DoctrineB. Sedition ActC. Holy Alliance26. _____ was the first president who developed the power of veto into one of the means of making laws.A. John AdamsB. Andrew JacksonC. Andrew Johnson27. _____ made slavery possible in the new territories such as in Kentucky and Nebraska.A. Douglas BillB. Monroe DoctrineC. Sedition Act28. During the Civil War Lincoln issued the _____, which declared the abolition of slavery.A. Homestead BillB. Emancipation ProclamationC. Both A and B29. The Battle of _____ was the turning point of the American Civil War.A. Bull RunB. GettysburgC. Richmond30. The first imperialist war took place between the U.S. and _____ in 1898.A. BritainB. FranceC. Spain31. The first American President from the Republic Party is _____.A. Abraham LincolnB. Andrew JohnsonC. Thomas JeffersonD. George Washington32. In 1918 President _____ issued the "Fourteen Points".A. Woodrow WilsonB. William H. TaftC. Theodore RooseveltD. Warren G. Harding33. Haymarket Massacre took place in _____ in May 1886.A. New YorkB. ChicagoC. Washington34. In 1894, the American industrial production held the _____ place in the world.A. firstB. secondC. third35. McCarthy was notorious for his harsh _____ persecution of the progressive people.A. religiousB. spiritualC. political36. The Ku Klux Klan was the most notorious terrorist society which persecuted the _____.A. blacksB. IndiansC. progressive people37. On August 14, 1914, the U.S. and Britain issued a joint communiqué called _____.A. the Teheran DeclarationB. the Atlantic CharterC. the Washington Proclamation38. In Sino-American relations Theodore Roosevelt exercised the so-called "_____", invading China by means of both force and culture.A. Open Door PolicyB. Big StickC. Douglas Bill39. The First World War broke out on July 28th, _____ and ended on November 11th, _____, lasting for about four years.A. 1913, 1917B. 1914, 1918C. 1915, 191940. The two military alliances during WWI were the _____ and the _____.A. Axis, AlliesB. Holy Alliance, AxisC. Central Powers, Allies41. The assassination of a(n) _____ prince, Arch Duke Ferdinand, served as the direct fuse for the outbreak of WWI.A. AustraliaB. BelgiumC. Austria42. Altogether _____ countries became involved in or were dragged into WWI.A. 33B. 38C. 3943. The frequent emergence of the economic crisis in the U.S.A. led to the following disastrous effects except _____.A. inflationB. the rise of pricesC. the decrease of populationD. the decrease of the purchasing capacity44. In April 1945 a conference was held at _____ to organize the United Nations.A. San FranciscoB. New YorkC. Philadelphia45. _____ countries attended the conference of the foundling of the UN.A. 48B. 47C. 4546. At the _____ Conference, the heads of the Soviet Union, the U.S. and Britain discussed the problem of opening the second battlefield in Europe.A. YaltaB. TeheranC. Casablanca47. In July 1945, Britain, the U.S. and the Soviet Union met at Potsdam to formulate an occupation policy and set up a program for the future of Germany. The meeting was the famous _____ Conference.A. CairoB. TeheranC. PotsdamD. Quebec48. The two fighting sides in WWII were _____.A. the Allies and the Axis (powers)B. the Axis and Holy AllianceC. the Central Powers and the Allies49. The _____ was the treaty signed at Versailles, near Paris in France in 1919.A. Paris TreatyB. Versailles TreatyC. Teheran Treaty50. The meeting was held at Yalta in the Crimea of the Soviet Union in Feb, 1945. At the meeting many matters were discussed, including the final defeat of Germany, the demilitarization of Germany, the founding of the U.N. etc., this was the famous _____ Conference.A. YaltaB. TeheranC. Potsdam51. The Communist Party of the US was founded in _____.A. 1920B. 1918C. 191952. The U.S. Communist Party was re-established in 1945 with _____ as its general secretary.A. LevestoneB. William FosterC. Earl Browder53. The Great Depression of _____ to shook the US and the whole capitalist world to its foundations.A. 1929, 1933B. 1933, 1937C. 1924, 192954. The programmer of 1947 that America would offer its money supplies and machinery to any European nation that wished to participate in was called _____.A. Eisenhower DoctrineB. Marshall PlanC. Truman Doctrine55. The _____ broke out in June 1950 and ended in the summer of 1953.A. Vietnam WarB. Cold WarC. Korean War56. In April 1949 twelve nations established the NATO to coordinate the military actions of member nations against the _____.A. GermanyB. JapanC. Soviet Union57. The Second World War broke out in September, _____ and ended in August _____.A. 1939, 1945B. 1937, 1943C. 1938, 194558. After WWII there emerged a new balance of power between _____ and _____.A. the Allies, the Axis PowersB. the USSR, the USAC. the old capitalist countries, the new ones59. There occurred _____ economic crises from the end of WWII to the middle of the 1970's.A. sixB. fiveC. seven60. The President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed a policy called _____ to save the economic situation.A. Good NeighborB. the Open Door PolicyC. the New Deal61. The Battle of _____ took place in 1942 and it was the turning point of the Pacific area.A. Midway IslandB. BritainC. Normandy62. In Feb. _____ came President Nixon's historic visit to China.A. 1979B. 1972C. 197363. In 1953, _____ ended in the failure of the U.S.A. the Korean WarB. the Vietnam WarC. the US-Spanish War64. On December 7th, 1941, the base of the American Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, was suddenly attacked by the _____ air force and navy.A. SpanishB. FrenchC. Japanese65. The original Union consists of _____ at the time of its independence.A. 13B. 50C. 4866. The first thirteen states of the US mainly located _____ seaboard.A. the easternB. the westernC. the northern67. _____ appointed many of the colonial governors.A. The English KingB. the local governmentC. the local people68. The Declaration of Independence was drafted by a committee including _____ as head.A. George WashingtonB. Thomas JeffersonC. both A and B69. _____ was the British king when colonial Americans declared their independence.A. King George IB. King George IIIC. King George II70. In 1945 a conference was held in _____ to found the United Nations.A. San FranciscoB. ChicagoC. New York71. President Nixon visited China in _____.A. 1973B. 1974C. 197272. _____ was the only American president who was re-elected three times in succession.A. Theodore RooseveltB. George WashingtonC. FranklinD. Roosevelt D. Thomas Jefferson73. The city's name "Philadelphia" means _____.A. brotherly loveB. fishing pitC. philosophy答案:1-5 BDBBA 6-10ABCBA 11-15AABBC 16-20CABAB 21-25AABAA 26-30BABBC 30-35AABAC 36-40ABABC 41-45CBCAA 46-50BCABA 51-55CBABC 56-60CABAC 61-65 ABACA 66-70AABBA 71-73CCA。



美国概况练习及答案练习题:1 The traditional dividing line in America between “east” and “west” is_____.2 The earliest part in America to be found and taken over by early settlers is ____.3 The largest racial group in the whole population of U.S.A is____.4 Before 2000, the largest minority group in the United States is____.5 ____has the world’s oldest written constitution and political party.6 The economic problem caused by the depression in 1929 was eventually solved by____.7 In the United States, primary education requires____years.8 Most college students in the United States are in____institutions.9 The three main levels of courts of the federal judicial system in America are____________.10 _____(which state )is not governed by the common law.练习题答案及题解:1. The Mississippi River, 密西西比河是美国传统的东方和西方的分界线。

2 .The Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain,最早被早期定居者发现和占领的地方是大西洋及其沿岸平原。



美国概况习题第一篇:美国概况习题美国概况Part One GeographyChapter IIPopulationExercisesλ New York is the largest state in the US.(T/F)λWhy is the U.S.A.called “Melting Pot”?Answersλ F(Alaska)λBecause the U.S.A.is country where there are many different races, and these races mixed and assimilated after they immigrated into this country “Melting Pot” just signifies this mixture and assimilation.Chapter VReligion in the U.S.A.Exercisesν The popular American belief is___A.part-time workingB.self-made manC.manual laborD.being extravagantν The largest religious group in America is___A.Roman CatholicsB.ProtestantsC.OrthodistsD.Presbyteriansνthe American spirit of “do-it-yourself”:Answersν BBνthe American spirit of “do-it-yourself”:People are proud of doing everything by themselves.Most of the American families seldom hire people to do houseworkthough they are rich.They try to do what they can do, such as housework, gardening and they enjoy doing them.Part twoHistoryChapter IColonization of North AmericaExercisesϖ The history of the U.S.is generally agreed to have begun in the year of ____A.1620B.1607C.1776D.1492ϖThe turning point of the War of Independence was the Battle of ___in 1777.A.YorktownB.SaratogaC.Bunker HillD.LexingtonϖLexington Fire was the ___of American War of IndependenceA.turning pointB.endingC.causeD.preludeAnswersBBDChapter IVThe American Civil War(1861-1865)Exercisesω Abraham Lincolnω In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president, an anti-slavery president.He played a very important measures.One was the Homestead Bill, the other was Emancipation Proclamation in every field.In 1864, he was reelected president.He was assassinated in April 13,1865.He saved the Union and most Americans considered him a great national hero.Homeworkω Why was there the New Deal program? What was it? And how did it aid the recovery of the American economy? ω What important measures did Abraham Lincoln take during the Civil War? How do you evaluate them?Chapter VThe U.S.Imperialism and the First World WarExercisesϒThe first imperialist war took place between theU.S.and ___in 1898.A.BritainB.FranceC.SpainD.MexicoϒThe “Big Stick” Policy was advanced by President___.A.Theodore RooseveltB.Franklin RooseveltC.William MckinleyD.Thomas Woodrow WilsonϒPresident Franklin D.Roosevelt proposed a well-knownpolicy called___ to save the economic situation.A.the Open Door PolicyB.the New DealC.Good Neighbor PolicyD.the “Big Stick”AnswersCABPartTheresociallifeChapter IIICustoms and TraditionsExercisesυ Easter:Easter falls on the first Sunday after the full moon, in March or in April.It commemorates the Resurrection of Jesus.The custom of dying eggs is very popular among children.The main meat on Easter Sunday are lamb and ham.υ Thanksgiving Day: It falls on the fourth Thursday of November.It is a holiday on which God is thanked for the crops which have been safely gathered.ω Abraham Lincolnω In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president, an anti-slavery president.He played a very importantmeasures.One was the Homestead Bill, the other was Emancipation Proclamation in every field.In 1864, he was reelected president.He was assassinated in April 13,1865.He saved the Union and most Americans considered him a great national hero.第二篇:美国政治制度概况美国政治制度概况Political institution(政治制度)1.The American Constitution is the oldest written constitution in the world.It was draw up in 1787 and went into effect in 1789.美国宪法是世界上最早的成文宪法,它起草于1787年,生效于1789年。


七年级下册地理 9.2 美国 练习题
1.有一位美国农民 ,他种的田地比中国一千人种的田地面积还大。 一天 ,他来中国旅游 ,中国农民好奇地问 : “你 一个人种那么多地 ,还有时间出来玩 ?看你的手上没有一点老茧 ,不像个做事的农民。 ”下面是翻译的解释 ,其
中正确的是 ( )
A. 美国耕牛多
⑨ 城________市; ⑩ ________ 城市; ( 2)美国农业生产的各个过程和环节都实现了机械化和
( 1)该国家是( )
A. 俄罗斯
B. 英国
C. 美国
D. 新加坡
( 2)小红和妈妈到该国好莱坞参观,好莱坞制作的电影大片在全球获得巨大的票房收入,其电影产业成
7. 南美洲的热带草原气候分布在世界最大高原上,它是(

A. 青藏高原
B. 东非高原
8. 下列关于美国的叙述,正确的是(

A. 是热带面积广大的国家
C. 是世界最大的资源消耗国
9. 关于美国农业带序号与名称对应都正确的是

C. 巴西高原
D. 东西伯利亚高原
B. 有世界第三长河密西西比河 D. 首都是纽约

① 地跨亚欧两洲的国家
② 输出工农业产品最多、出口贸易额最大的国家
③ 农业地区专门化和农业生产专门化
④ 地球上惟一独占一个大陆的国家
⑤ 季风气候显著
⑥“硅谷 ”是世界最大的高新技术产区
A. ①②⑥
B. ②③⑥
C. ③④⑤
D. ①④⑤
5. 读图,回答下面小题。
( 1)图中美国农业带对应有误的是(



《美国》练习题1、读图回答问题(1)据图,描述美国本土的经纬度位置(2)写出图中字母代表的地理事物名称山脉A邻国B 湖泊C(3)在美国的领土中,与本土不相连又被北极圈穿过的洲是(4)密西西比河干流大致流向是。





(1)根据图示,描述美国本土的海陆位置(2)据图判断,美国的两个海外州中A是,B 。

(3)写出图中地理事物的名称:山脉C ,湖泊D ,河流E 。


(5)从美国农业带分布图中可以看出A美国农产品中多为热带产品B具有地区生产专业化特点C乳畜带主要分布在西北地区D是世界上土地面积最广的国家(6)根据美国本土地形,河流分布示意图和美国农业带分布图以及相关材料,分析美国棉花带发展棉花生产有利的自然条件3、读图回答问题(1)在图中适当位置填注“加拿大”(2)美国两个海外州A B(3)写出图中地理事物的名称:山脉C ,河流D ,湖泊E(4)据图判断,国地形分布特点呈现分布;西部,中部,东部低矮山地和高原。


4、下列关于美国自然条件的叙述,错误的是()A.本土绝大分布位于温带B.平原面积广阔,耕地面积广大C.地形呈南北纵列分布D.河流、湖泊少,内河航运不发达读“美国本土年降水量分布图”据此回答2—3题,5、美国年降水量地区分布特点是()A.大致从东部向西部逐渐增加B.大致从东部向西部逐渐减少C.大致从南部向北部逐渐增加D.大致从南部向北部逐渐减少6、该地区降水的水源主要来自()A. 大西洋B 太平洋C印度洋D北冰洋7、造成美国人口增长的主要原因是()A. 没有实行计划生育B. 大量移民C. 经济的快速发展D. 农业的专业化8、电影《中国合伙人》中的“新梦想”教育集团圆了很多中国学生去美国留学的梦想。



29. The first Puritans came to America on the ship _____.
A. Codpeed C. May Flower B. Susan Constant D. Discovery
30. The Judicial Branch is headed by _____. A. the Supreme Court B. Congress C. President 31. The general election in America is held every _____ years. A. 5 B. 4 C. 6 D. 3 32. _____ has the sole right to interpret the Constitution. A. The Cabinet B. The Supreme Court C. President D. Congress
22. The following were the founding fathers of the American Republic except _____. A. George Washington B. Thomas Jefferson C. William Penn D. Benjamin Franklin 23. _____ of all crops planted in America are destined for export to other countries. A. 1/3 B 1/4 C. 2/3 D. 2/5
5. The US formally entered the Second World War in ____
A 1937 B 1939 C 1941 D 1943



Unit1 The country()1. The United States stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east.()2. The Mississippi river is the longest river in the United States.()3. The Appalachian region is both complicated and varied, containing some ofthe highest mountains in North America, but also a vast expanse of intermontanebasins, plateaus, and isolated ranges.()4. Western Washington and Oregon receive plenty of rain and central California is noticeably drier in winter.( )5. New England is sometimes called the birthplace of America.( )6. Washington D. C. is located in the Southern States Region.( )7. Many Southerners have a strong sense of regional loyalty and take pride inthe South’s history and tradition.( )8. The Midwestern States Region is a vast area of generally flat land that covers much of the center of the United States.( )9. Las Vegas and Reno stand out as “American dreamland”, for they primarilyfind wealth through the gambling and entertainment industries.( )10. Hawaii has the largest land area of all the states, and Alaska has one ofthe smallest land areas.1. The United States of America is the ____________ country in the world in size.A. LargestB. second-largestC. third-largestD. fourth-largest2. ____________ extend from the northern tip of Maine southwestern to Alabama.A. The Rocky MountainsB. The Appalachian HighlandsC. The Coast MountainsD. The Blue Mountains3. The climate of the United States is influenced by ____________.A. the Atlantic and Pacific OceansB. the Gulf of MexicoC. the Great LakesD. All of the above4. What is the leading commercial crop of the southA. Cotton.B. Tobacco.C. Sugar cane.D. Rice.5. What Midwestern city is the automobile capital of the worldA. Chicago.B. Detroit.C. Milwaukee.D. Cleveland.6. One of the most important lakes in the United States is _________, which isthe largest fresh water lake in the world.A. Lake SuperiorB. Lake MichiganC. Lake HuronD. Lake Ontario7. New England lies in __________ of the United States.A. the northern partB. the southern partC. the northeastern partD. the southeastern part8. The southern part of the Pacific coast in California has a ___________climate.A. subtropicalB. continental desertC. maritimeD. Mediterranean9. The smallest state in the United States is ___________.A. WashingtonB. Rhode IslandC. HawaiiD. Maryland10. In the United States, the largest city along the Pacific coast is ___________.A. Los AngelesB. San FranciscoC. SeattleD. PortlandUnit2 History( )1. The first English colony in America was founded at Jamestown, Virginia,( )2. The early British settlers organized the east coast of North America into 17 colonies.( )3. When many thousands of Southerners saw the triumph of Abraham Lincolnin the 1860 election as not simply a political defeat but also a threat to all southern institutions and the southern way of life, they decided to secede from the Confederacy.()4. The Progressive Movement was a well-organized, unified movement, demanding government regulation of economy and social condition.( )5. The Stock Market collapse occurred in 1928 in the United States.( )6. The Marshall Plan refers to the military and economic aid to Greece and Turkey in the 1950s.( )7. Nixon was the second President in American history who resigned.( )8. The black-white racial chasm in post-Civil-Rights-Movement America was highlighted by the savage beating of Martin Luther King by white police officersin 1992.1. The British established 13 colonies along _________.A. the west coast of North AmericaB. the west coast of South AmericaC. the east coast of North AmericaD. the east coast of South America2. In the early 1850s, with the westward movement, the slavery became a serious political issue endangering the unity of the country because _________.A. whether or not slavery would expand into the future states formed as a result of the westward movement would affect the balance of power in the SenateB. the South insisted that slavery should be allowed to spread into all newC. the North refused to let slavery spread into new territoriesD. the North wanted to put an end to slavery3. The Progressive Movement wanted to ________ in order to stop big businesscontrol.A. initiate strict government regulationB. have the government fix pricesC. break up all the big businessesD. do away with rebates4. The 1920s in the United States has been described as a period of ____________ .A. cultural revivalB. loss of purposeC. development in science and technologyD. material success and spiritual frustration5. The serious economic crisis in the late 1920s and 1930s was first broughtabout by _____________.A. bank failuresB. serious unemploymentC. farm foreclosuresD. the stock market crash6. The purpose of the New Deal measures was to __________.A. save American democracy and the capitalist systemB. check the worsening of the economic situationC. help people tide over the difficultyD. increase American export7. On June 5, 1947, ________ suggested that the . should offer economic aid toWestern Europe so as to protect the region from Soviet expansion.A. George MarshallB. Franklin D. RooseveltC. George KennanD. Harry Truman8. At the time of Cuban Missile Crisis, the President of the . was ____________.A. TrumanB. EisenhowerC. KennedyD. Johnson9. New Frontier and Great Society were programs initiated by _______.A. President KennedyB. President JohnsonC. Presidents Kennedy and Johnson respectivelyD. Presidents Johnson and Kennedy respectively10. The conservatism during Reagan’s administration was known as _____________.A. the New LeftB. the New RightC. the New FrontierD. the New FreedomUnit3 The American identity()1. In the United States, the major source of population growth is the rising birth rate.()2. In the United States, the largest minority group is the African-American group.()3. In the United States, the fastest-growing group is the Asian-Americangroup.()4. Native Americans have a low school dropout rate.()5. The three major Hispanic groups are the Mexican-Americans, the PuertoRicans and the Cuban-Americans.()6. The Puerto Ricans are American citizens.()7. The first Asians to arrive in the United States in significant numbers were the Japanese.()8. Today the Indians are only allowed to live on reservations.()9. Traditionally, the mainstream Americans were called WASP.current situation of African-Americans presents_______.A. a favorable pictureB. a negative pictureC. a mixed pictureD. a positive picture2. Although discrimination has been legally abolished, ________.A. discrimination in employment still existsB. discrimination in university admission still existsC. poverty rate of the blacks is the highest among all racial and ethnic groupsD. inequality and subtle discrimination still exist3. The Cuban-Americans mainly live in ______.A. FloridaB. TexasC. LouisianaD. Alabama4. Some p eople say Asian-Americans owe their success to the Asian tradition of the following EXCEPT ________.A. familyB. hard workC. educationD. Discrimination5. Now about 80% to 90% of immigration to the UnitedStates is from _______.A. Asian and Hispanic countriesB. African countriesC. European countriesD. Central and South American countries6. The first immigrants in American history came from __________.A. England and the NetherlandsB. IrelandC. West GermanyD. East Europe7. Among the major Hispanic groups in the UnitedStates, the largest group is _______.A. the Puerto RicansB. the Mexican-AmericansC. the Cuban-AmericansD. the Central and South American immigrants8. Among the major Hispanic groups in the UnitedStates, ________ have the highest social status.A. the ChicanosB. the Cuban-AmericansC. the Puerto-RicansD. the Latin American immigrants9. The Native Americans are __________.A. the IndiansB. the whitesC. the blacksD. the HispanicsUnit4 political institutions()1. The Constitution of the United States, after its adoption, has neverbeen revised.()2. According to the Constitution, the federal government is responsiblefor addressing questions that affect the nation as a whole as well as individualstates.()3. Separation of power is designed to prevent the government from beingtoo strong.() 4. The . government is divided into four branches: the legislative, the presidency, the bureaucracy and the judiciary.()5. The Supreme Court has the right to declare laws and actions of the federal, state, and local governments unconstitutional.()6. Candidates for the presidency can only be chosen from political parties.()7. The . President has great executive power but no legislative power.()8. Congressmen serve a term of six years while Senators serve a term oftwo years.()9. The Democrats are thought of as associated with business, Anglo-Americans, and the rich.()10. The number of Senators from each state is based upon its population.1. The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in ________.A. all kinds of casesB. cases involving foreign citizensC. cases involving a stateD. Both B and C2. Political parties are the basis of the American politicalsystem, _________.A. but there is no provision in the Constitution forpolitical partiesB. and the Constitution has clear provisionC. but the founding fathers had strong apprehensionof political partiesD. Both A and C3. The two major parties today have ______differences in policy concentration.A. noB. littleC. someD. Great4. The writers of the Constitution worked out the checks and balances in order to _______.A. prevent the government from misusing its powerB. prevent the government from being strongC. pacify those who opposed the ConstitutionD. meet the demands of small states5. The President of the United States is elected _____.A. indirectly by the electors B by CongressC. directly by the votersD. None of the above.6. . President can serve ________ term(s).A. only oneB. twoC. more than twoD. as many as four7. The . President’s appointments have to beapproved by ________.A. the House of RepresentativesB. the SenateC. the CabinetD. the Supreme Court8. The Supreme Court of the United States consists ofone Chief Justice and ______ Associate Justices.A. 6B. 7C. 8D. 109. The two major political parties in the United Statesare _______.A. the Democratic Party and the Labor PartyB. the Federalist Party and the Democratic PartyC. the Federalist Party and the Republican PartyD. the Democratic Party and the Republican Party10. The . Congress has the power to override thepresident’s veto by a _____ majority.A. 2/3B. 3/4C. 3/5D. 4/5Unit5 Economy()1. Since the . economy is based on free enterprise, there is littlegovernment involvement in the economy.()2. The United States is the world’s leading maker of industrial goods.()3. In the 18th century, the New E ngland colonies specialized in producing tobacco from plantations.()4. While most Americans embraced the idea of money-making and heldsuccessful businessmen in great admiration, they resented big businesses monopolizing any industry in any form.()5. By 1956, a majority of . workers held blue-collar rather thanwhite-collar jobs.()6. Many urban Americans, particularly Blacks and Hispanics, found the postwar prosperity inaccessible to them.()7. The American West is now an important region for corn and wheat.()8. While manufacturing giants such as IBM and General Electronic enjoy worldwide reputation as the pillars of the American economy, the . economy is byno means one dominated by giant corporations.()9. As the number of workers employed in the traditional manufacturing industries has declined, union membership has dropped in recent years.1. The United States ranks ________ in the world in thetotal value of its economic production.A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. Fourth2. The following are the factors that have contributed tothe development of the . economy EXCEPT__________.A. the vast space and resources of the landB. the ideals of freedom and economic opportunityC. English as its national languageD. hard work by the people3. What is America’s most important food cropA. Corn.B. Rice.C. BarleyD. Oat.4. Service industries account for more than _________ of the . gross domestic product.A. a thirdB. halfC. two thirdsD. three fourth5. The westward expansion is a demonstration ofAmerican ________.A. IndividualismB. patriotismC. LiberalismD. Expansionism6. Hamilton believed that the United States shouldpursue economic growth through the followingEXCEPT ________.A. shippingB. manufacturingC. bankingD. slavery7. With the arrival of the 20th century, the United Statesbecame increasingly urbanized, particularly in the_________ cities.A. NortheastB. NorthwestC. SoutheastD. Southwest8. The American South is a center of the followingtraditional crops EXCEPT _________.A. tobaccoB. cornC. cottonD. wheat9. As the world’s leading maker of industrial goods, the. now produces around _________ of the world’sindustrial products.A. 20%B. 25%C. 30%D. 35%10. In the United States, the following areas tend tospecialize in high-tech and computer industriesEXCEPT ________.A. NortheastB. MidwestC. NorthwestD. SouthwestUnit6 social service()1. In the United States, the social security system provides assistance to people with financial problems.()2. In the United States, Medicare provides virtually free treatment forall American citizens.()3. Social security is the nearly universal retirement program for Americans, with about 92 percent of people aged 60 and over receiving benefits.()4. Since 1996, welfare responsibility under AFDC has been passed to thestates, which receive federal grants to run their own programs.()5. The Social Security Administration organizes the distribution of food and food stamps through state and local governments.()6. Since government-sponsored welfare programs are essential to the needy and the poor, they are quite adequate in confronting the poverty issue.()7. Child Welfare League of America is the largest privately-funded childcare agency in the United States, providing shelter and service to homelessand runaway youth.()8. In the United States, most employees and their families are normallyinsured for health care through public insurance programs.()9. Medicaid program provides federal grants to states for the freetreatment of the elderly.()10. In the United States, two-thirds of the housing units in theprivate sector are “single-family dwellings”.1. The American social security system includes thefollowing programs EXCEPT _________.A. OASDHIB. MedicareC. MedicaidD. Unemployment Compensation2. Americans may start receiving their pensions at the age of _________.A. 55B. 60C. 65D. 703. The main federal welfare programs in the USAconsist of the following programs EXCEPT_________.A. MedicaidB. AFDCC. Food StampsD. Medicare4. Which of the following belongs to the religious welfare organizationA. NCH.B. CWLA.C. CCHD. D. Ford Foundation.5. Among private foundations, which has becomeincreasingly prominent in private charity activityA. Rockefeller Foundation.B. Ford Foundation.C. Buffett Foundation.D. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.6. Which of the following statement is NOT true aboutAmerican health care servicesA. A sizable number of Americans still remain uninsured.B. The . has top-quality medical facilities.C. Medicaid covers only about 40 percent of the poor nationwide.D. Compared with other developed countries, theUnited States spends less on health care.7. According to the healthcare reform proposed duringthe Obama administration, the government will requiremost Americans to have health insurance by _______.A. 2011B. 2012C. 2013D. 20148. Homes and houses give Americans the followingsense EXCEPT ________.A. possessionB. material satisfactionC. personal identificationD. freedomUnit7 the legal system()1. The . Constitution defines the organization of a court system, includinga Supreme Court and inferior courts.()2. In the United States, each state has one district court.()3. District courts are the only national courts that use grand juries and petit juries.()4. All national courts can review decisions of state courts.()5. At the national level, government prosecution is the responsibilityof the Supreme Court.()6. The . attorneys are appointed for life terms to the district courts.()7. Anglo-American Common Law is based on the supposed reasonable person’s view of what is right and fair.()8. In the United States, all cases should be tried with a jury.()9. A unanimous decision is needed for a grand jury to make a decision.()10. Federal crimes are mainly the responsibility of theFederal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).1. There are currently ________ district courts in the United States.A. 52B. 54C. 92D. 942. There are currently _______ courts of appeals in the United States.A. 10B. 11C. 12D. 133. __________ argues cases for the government before the Supreme Court.A. Chief Justice of Supreme CourtB. Attorney GeneralC. Solicitor GeneralD. President of the United States4. District judgeships are filled by the President with the consent of _________.A. Chief Justice of Supreme CourtB. Attorney GeneralC. the SenateD. the House of Representatives5. Generally, the trial jury consists of _______ ordinary citizens.A. 1-6B. 6-12C. 12-23D. 23-306. Generally, the grand jury consists of _______ ordinary citizens.A. 1-6B. 6-12C. 12-23D. 23-307. The Supreme Court consists of a chief justice and _______ associate justices.A. 7B. 8C. 9D. 108. In the United States, people between the ages of _______ are the most inclined age group to commit crimes.A. 11-19B. 19-24C. 24-45D. 45-549. In some urban areas in the United States, murder is the main cause of deathamong non-White males between the ages of ________.A. 11-19B. 19-24C. 24-45D. 45-5410. As a rule, the implementation of state law is carried out by the policeand detectives in the city, and by _______ in rural areas.A. SheriffsB. ConstablesC. MagistratesD. both A and BUnit8 Education()1. Americans generally hold that everyone is entitled to education.()2. Americans believe that education is beneficial to individuals andsociety as a whole.()3. In the United States, public education at elementary and secondary level is free.()4. American education system is characterized by diversity.()5. According to the . Constitution, education is the responsibility ofthe federal government.()6. There is little similarity in the education system of the 50 states.()7. The state board of education is responsible for the education policyof the state.()8. The oldest institution of higher learning in the United States is Harvard University.()9. Junior colleges offer only . degrees.()10. The affirmative action program aims to help ethnic and racial minorities in elementary and secondary education.1. To many Americans, education is important because _____________.A. it contributes to the success of individualsB. it contributes to the strengthening of national strengthC. it prepares the young people for future developmentD. Both A and B2. In the United States, public schools at the elementary and secondary levelare ______________.A. freeB. compulsoryC. open to allD. Both A and C3. American schools fall into two categories, namely, _______________.A. public and private schoolsB. academic and vocational schoolsC. coeducation and single sex schoolsD. national and state-run schools4. In the United States, education policies are made by ______________.A. the federal governmentB. the state board of educationC. local school districtD. board of trustees5. The governing board of school district is responsible for _______________.A. the hiring of teachers and staffB. the designing of a suitable curriculumC. the compiling and approving of budgetD. All of the above6. There is _______________ difference(s) in tuition rates between public andprivate institutions of higher learning in the .A. noB. significantC. SomeD. not much7. The community college _______________.A. offers bachelor degreesB. offers associate degreesC. offers master degreesD. Both A and B8. Elementary and secondary education in the . covers _______ years.A. 9B. 11C. 12D. 149. Admission to an educational institution in the U. S. is determined by ______________.A. the institution itselfB. the state board of educationC. the local authorityD. the federal government10. The following are the public policies and legal decisions emphasizingspecial rights for ethnic and linguistic minorities in the area of education EXCEPT _______________.A. Bilingual Education ActB. Proposition 227C. affirmative action programD. No Child Left Behind ActUnit9 Religion in American life()1. In comparison with other Western countries, America is less religiousin terms of church attendance and financial commitment to church organizations.()2. At the time when the United States was founded, it was the Catholicbranch of the Christian faith that had the strongest influence on the developmentof the religious climate in the United States.()3. The Pilgrims tried to create a community in which life would be guided by God’s will and deviations from His will in any shape or form would never betolerated.()4. America became “the Kingdom of God” by the end of the 17th century.()5. In the 19th century, Americans stopped talking about the importanceof religious values for their national identity.()6. According to the . Constitution, church and state are separate in their role and function.()7. Historically, church and state in the United States has never interactedto each other.()8. A growing trend in American religious life is that religion has become increasingly secularized.()9. In the United States, mainstream Protestant denominations have lostground to Catholic denominations.()10. Post-war Evangelism has attempted to use its influence to restore some sense of community in a society.1. The Catholic faith was first brought to the North American continent by______________.A. the PortugueseB. the EnglishC. the FrenchD. the Spanish2. The great waves of Jewish immigration started in ______________ and made the United States a major center of Judaism.A. 1836B. 1863C. 1936D. 19633. By the end of the 17th century, ______________ had already begun to lose its energies.A. ProtestantismB. CatholicismC. PuritanismD.Judaism4. The First Great Awakening of ______________ provided the opportunity for afresh reaffirmation of God’s role in directing the fortunes of His chosen people.A. the 17th centuryB. the 18th centuryC. the 19th centuryD. the 20th century5. The Second Great Awakening of ______________ exerted a profound impact both on the scale of church membership and on the range of American sectarianism.A. the 17th centuryB. the 18th centuryC. the 19th centuryD. the 20th century6. The _______________ Amendment of Constitution states that “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the freeexercise thereof.”A. FirstB. SecondC. TenthD. Twentieth7. Which of the following minority religions is deemed by the mainstream religion to advocate or practice kinds of beliefs against the public interestA. Islam.B. Hinduism.C. Mormonism.D. Zenism.8. The following mainstream Protestant denominations have recently witnessedsignificant loss of members EXCEPT ________________.A. MethodistsB. EpiscopaliansC. PresbyteriansD. Evangelistsv9. Post-war Evangelicalism has made e ffective use of __________ to reach massive audiences.A. telephoneB. musicC. televisionD. Movies10. Which of the following contemporary religious groups is relying upon bigrallies to draw Christian men togetherA. “Saved” Christians.B. Fundamentalists.C. Promise Keepers.D. Seventh-Day Adventists.Unit10 Private life in American()1. Most Americans have an ambition to own their own house on a little piece of property, but it’s difficult for them to have that ambition materialized.(02. After the arrival of the so-called post-industrial society, Americans started to move to the city.()3. Most Americans live in mobile homes which function as prefabricatedhousing units in stationary settings.()4. Many poor American families expect their children to find part-timejobs, especially as they enter their teens.()5. Parties for children and for grown-ups are constantly occupying theleisure hours of Americans.()6. In the United States, high-brow arts get most of the financial backing from the government.()7. In the United States, popular culture outshines classical culture inaudience size and in public influence.()8. Today’s preeminent spectator game in America is baseball.()9. American football was derived from the British game of soccer.()10. Baseball is adapted by the Americans from the English cricket to their own tastes.1. For most Americans, one of the first activities at home i s to _______________.A. watch TVB. do repair workC. surf on the InternetD. drink coffee2. The following are “chores” assigned to the children in American familiesEXCEPT ________________.A. washing and waxing floorsB. mowing the lawnC. keeping the car(s) cleanD. Babysitting3. The following are part-time jobs expected to be done by American childrenEXCEPT _________.A. mowing lawnsB. delivering newspapersC. taxi drivingD. Babysitting4. The following are the leisure activities outside the home f or American adults EXCEPT ___________. A. playing bowling B. playing soccerC. attending public service activitiesD. attending church-related activities5. The following are the leisure activities outside the home for Americanchildren EXCEPT ________.A. taking lessonsB. traveling overseasC. horseback ridingD.Swimming6. One out of every ______ Americans donates some part of their time as volunteers.A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 67. The following belong to high-brow culture EXCEPT ___________.A. classical musicB. BalletC. operaD. Movies8. The following remain high on the domestic vocational destination list in the minds of most Americans EXCEPT ________________.A. Walt Disney WorldB. New YorkC. the Yellowstone National ParkD. the Grand Canyon9. The following are the “four major sports” in the United States EXCEPT_______________.A. basketballB. footballC. baseballD. Volleyball10. The Super Bowl is a game for _______________.A. basketballB. footballC. baseballD. volleyball。



美国地理练习题1. 美国的首都是哪个城市?答案:华盛顿特区(Washington, D.C.)2. 美国最长的河流是哪条?答案:密西西比河(Mississippi River)3. 美国最高峰是哪座山峰?答案:迈凯轮峰(Mount McKinley),也称为丹ali,海拔6190米。


4. 美国总统的居住地是哪个地方?答案:白宫(The White House),位于华盛顿特区。

5. 美国最大的湖泊是什么?答案:五大湖之一的苏必利尔湖(Lake Superior)6. 美国有多少个州?答案:美国共有50个州。

7. 美国最繁忙的城市是哪个?答案:纽约市(New York City)8. 美国最大的州是哪个?答案:阿拉斯加州(Alaska)答案:田纳西州(Tennessee),它与8个州接壤,包括肯塔基州、弗吉尼亚州、北卡罗来纳州、南卡罗来纳州、乔治亚州、阿拉巴马州、密西西比州和阿肯色州。

10. 美国最古老的城市是哪个?答案:圣奥古斯丁(St. Augustine),它位于佛罗里达州东北部。

11. 美国最大的州首府是哪个?答案:菲尼克斯(Phoenix),位于亚利桑那州。

12. 美国第一个国家公园是什么?答案:黄石国家公园(Yellowstone National Park),位于怀俄明州、蒙大拿州和爱达荷州的交界处。

13. 美国最长的公路是哪条?答案:美国公路20号(U.S. Route 20),从俄亥俄州波士顿到俄勒冈州纽波特。

14. 美国最大的峡谷是哪个?答案:科罗拉多大峡谷(Grand Canyon),位于亚利桑那州。

15. 美国最热的州是哪个?答案:亚利桑那州(Arizona)答案:阿拉斯加州(Alaska)17. 美国最大的城市是哪个?答案:纽约市(New York City)18. 美国最大的州公园是哪个?答案:安克拉治州立公园(Anchorage State Park),位于阿拉斯加州。



ⅠTrue or FalseT1. The first English colony in America was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. F2. The early British settlers organized the east coast of North America into 17 colonies.F3. When many thousands of Southerners saw the triumph of Abraham Lincoln in the 1860 election as not simply a political defeat but also a threat to all southern institutions and the southern way of life, they decided to secede from the Confederacy.F4. The Progressive Movement was a well-organized, unified movement, demanding government regulation of economy and social condition.F5. The Stock Market collapse occurred in 1928 in the United States.F6. The Marshall Plan refers to the military and economic aid to Greece and Turkey in the 1950s.F7. Nixon was the second President in American history who resigned.F8. The black-white racial chasm in post-Civil-Rights-Movement America was highlighted by the savage beating of Martin Luther King by white police officers in 1992.ⅡMultiple Choice1. The British established 13 colonies along ____C_____.A. the west coast of North AmericaB. the west coast of South AmericaC. the east coast of North AmericaD. the east coast of South America2. In the early 1850s, with the westward movement, the slavery became a serious political issue endangering the unity of the country because ____A_____.A. whether or not slavery would expand into the future states formed as a result of the westward movement would affect the balance of power in the SenateB. the South insisted that slavery should be allowed to spread into all new territoriesC. the North refused to let slavery spread into new territoriesD. the North wanted to put an end to slavery3. The Progressive Movement wanted to ____A____ in order to stop big business control.A. initiate strict government regulationB. have the government fix pricesC. break up all the big businessesD. do away with rebates4. The 1920s in the United States has been described as a period of _______D_____.A. cultural revivalB. loss of purposeC. development in science and technologyD. material success and spiritual frustration5. The serious economic crisis in the late 1920s and 1930s was first brought about by _______D______.A. bank failuresB. serious unemploymentC. farm foreclosuresD. the stock market crash6. The purpose of the New Deal measures was to ____A______.A. save American democracy and the capitalist systemB. check the worsening of the economic situationC. help people tide over the difficultyD. increase American export7. On June 5, 1947, __A______ suggested that the U.S. should offer economic aid to Western Europe so as to protect the region from Soviet expansion.A. George MarshallB. Franklin D. RooseveltC. George KennanD. Harry Truman8. At the time of Cuban Missile Crisis, the President of the U.S. was ______C______.A. TrumanB. EisenhowerC. KennedyD. Johnson9. New Frontier and Great Society were programs initiated by __C_____.A. President KennedyB. President JohnsonC. Presidents Kennedy and Johnson respectivelyD. Presidents Johnson and Kennedy respectively10. The conservatism during Reagan’s administration was known as ______B_______.A. the New LeftB. the New RightC. the New FrontierD. the New FreedomⅢ. DiscussionOver the last quarter of the past century, the United States is said to be engaged in a “Culture War”. What is this war about? What does the war say to us about contemporary American society?An increasing number of “hot-button” defining issues: abortion, gun politics, separation of church and state, privacy, recreational drug use, homosexuality, censorship issues …There are two cultural-value-based groups pitting one against the other. One represents the traditional value system, especially WASP culture; the other represents the more liberal value system, particularly multiculturalism.。

美国概况 练习题目

美国概况   练习题目

美国概况:Chapter 2: Population :ExercisesI. Choose the correct answer1. The first Europeans who came to stay in the New World were mostly from.A. Spain.B. France.C. England.D. Germany.2. The first blacks arrived in Jamestown in 1619 asA. slaves.B. free people.C. indentured servants.D. explorers.3. The official segregation continued to be the law of the United States untilA. 1860.B. 1863.C. 1918.D. 1954.4. The second largest group of Hispanics isA. Mexican-Americans.B. Chicanos.C. Puerto Ricans.D. Cubans.5. The first large group of Chinese came to the U. S. inA. 1840.B. 1847.C. 1880.D. 1882.6. According to the text, which section now leads in numerical increase in population?A. the Northeast section.B. The Great Plains.C. The SouthD. The West.7. The most populous state in the U. S. isA. Washington.B. Texas.C. New York.D. California.8. The trend in migration from cities to suburbs now prevailed in all regions exceptA. the Northeast.B. the SouthC. the Middle West.D. the WestH. Questions for Discussion1. Why is the United States known as a "melting pot?" How do you understand "melting pot"?2. Who are the most numerous minority in America? How about their social status?3. How are the Chinese-Americans viewed by the other Americans? Explain.4. What factors cause the Americans to move within the United States?5. Why do many Americans now migrate from cities to suburbs?6. Explain the following terms. White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, indentured servants, Indian Reservation, Hispanics, Chicanos, barrios, Chinatown.。



美国地理练习题(打印版)## 美国地理练习题(打印版)一、选择题1. 美国本土位于哪个时区?A. 东部时区B. 中部时区C. 西部时区D. 阿拉斯加时区2. 美国的首都是哪个城市?A. 纽约B. 洛杉矶C. 华盛顿特区D. 芝加哥3. 美国最长的河流是哪一条?A. 科罗拉多河B. 密西西比河C. 哥伦比亚河D. 俄亥俄河4. 美国最大的湖泊是什么?A. 密歇根湖B. 休伦湖C. 伊利湖D. 安大略湖5. 以下哪个州不属于美国的新英格兰地区?A. 缅因州B. 佛蒙特州C. 纽约州D. 马萨诸塞州二、填空题1. 美国的两个海外州分别是______和______。

2. 美国的国花是______,国鸟是______。

3. 美国的人口最多的州是______,而人口最少的州是______。

4. 美国的本土由______个州组成,此外还有______个海外州。

5. 美国的五大湖包括苏必利尔湖、密歇根湖、休伦湖、伊利湖和______。

三、简答题1. 描述美国本土的地理位置。

2. 简述美国的主要气候类型。

3. 列举至少三个美国著名的国家公园。

4. 说明美国的主要经济中心。

5. 描述美国的农业分布特点。

答案一、选择题1. B. 中部时区2. C. 华盛顿特区3. B. 密西西比河4. A. 密歇根湖5. C. 纽约州二、填空题1. 阿拉斯加州、夏威夷州2. 玫瑰、白头海雕3. 加利福尼亚州、怀俄明州4. 48、25. 圣克莱尔湖三、简答题1. 美国本土位于北美洲中部,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,北接加拿大,南界墨西哥和墨西哥湾。

2. 美国的主要气候类型包括温带大陆性气候、地中海气候、亚热带湿润气候和极地气候。

3. 著名的国家公园包括黄石国家公园、优胜美地国家公园和大峡谷国家公园。

4. 美国的主要经济中心有纽约、洛杉矶、芝加哥和休斯顿。

5. 美国的农业分布特点表现为多样化,中部大平原地区以种植小麦和玉米为主,南部地区以棉花和水稻为主,西部地区则以水果和蔬菜为主。



美国初级试题及答案解析1. 选择题:请从以下选项中选择最符合题意的答案。

题目:以下哪个是美国的首都?- A. 纽约- B. 洛杉矶- C. 华盛顿特区- D. 芝加哥答案: C解析:华盛顿特区是美国的首都,位于哥伦比亚特区,是美国的政治中心。

2. 填空题:请填写下列句子中缺失的单词。


答案: 1776解析:美国的独立宣言是在1776年7月4日签署的,这一天后来成为了美国的国庆日。

3. 简答题:请简述美国国旗的含义。



4. 判断题:请判断以下陈述是否正确,并给出理由。




5. 论述题:请论述美国的历史背景及其对现代美国社会的影响。






6. 计算题:如果一个美国人一年工作52周,每周工作40小时,那么他一年总共工作多少小时?答案: 2080小时解析:计算方法是将每周工作的小时数(40小时)乘以一年的周数(52周),即40小时/周× 52周 = 2080小时。

7. 翻译题:请将以下句子从英语翻译成中文。

题目: "The United States is a country of immigrants."答案:美国是一个移民国家。



美国概况政治试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 美国的首都是哪里?A. 纽约B. 洛杉矶C. 华盛顿特区D. 芝加哥答案:C2. 美国的总统任期是多久?A. 4年B. 6年C. 8年D. 10年答案:A3. 美国的立法机构是什么?A. 国会B. 最高法院C. 总统D. 州议会答案:A4. 美国的联邦制意味着什么?A. 各州拥有完全的自治权B. 各州与联邦政府共享权力C. 各州必须完全服从联邦政府D. 联邦政府拥有所有权力答案:B5. 美国的两党制指的是哪两个政党?A. 民主党和共和党B. 自由党和保守党C. 社会党和工党D. 绿党和茶党答案:A6. 美国的独立宣言是在哪一年签署的?A. 1776年B. 1783年C. 1789年D. 1791年答案:A7. 美国宪法的起草是在哪个会议上完成的?A. 费城会议B. 波士顿会议C. 纽约会议D. 华盛顿会议答案:A8. 美国的最高法院有多少位大法官?A. 5位B. 7位C. 9位D. 11位答案:C9. 美国的参议院和众议院的议员任期分别是多少年?A. 6年和2年B. 4年和2年C. 2年和4年D. 8年和4年答案:B10. 美国的总统选举是采用什么制度?A. 直接选举B. 间接选举C. 比例代表制D. 多数票制答案:B二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 美国的联邦政府由哪些机构组成?A. 总统B. 国会C. 最高法院D. 州政府答案:ABC2. 美国的宪法修正案中,以下哪些是基本权利?A. 言论自由B. 宗教自由C. 拥有枪支的权利D. 选举权答案:ABC3. 美国的两党制中,以下哪些是民主党和共和党的主要政策差异?A. 经济政策B. 社会政策C. 外交政策D. 教育政策答案:ABC三、简答题(每题5分,共10分)1. 简述美国联邦制的特点。



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