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【摘要】地表温度( Ts )是土壤湿度和植被生长状态等因素的综合反映,利用植被指数和 Ts 能够监测土壤湿度的时空分布特征。

利用农田气候模型CUPID的 Ts 模拟结果,发展了利用温度与叶面积指数(LAI)的新型土壤水分反演方法(advanced temperature vegetation dryness index ,ATVDI)。


利用CUPID模型模拟结果构建LAI‐Ts 散点图,分析 Ts 随LAI与土壤湿度的变化特征,利用对数关系式改进了温度植被干旱指数(TVDI)中相同土壤湿度时 Ts 与植被指数之间的线性关系,建立了ATVDI方法。

在实际应用中,首先利用LAI与Ts 的散点图确定对数曲线的上边界与下边界,然后采用查找表的方法将每个像元对应的 Ts 变换为研究区最小叶面积指数对应的 Ts 。

以陕西省关中作为研究区,利用 MODIS 的 LAI和 Ts 产品(MOD11A2和MOD15A2)以及野外观测土壤湿度数据对ATVDI模型进行验证,结果表明该方法具有较高的监测精度,R2达到0.62。

此外,A T VDI的计算结果具有一定的物理意义,使得不同时期的监测结果具有一致性,因而可更好地满足不同空间尺度土壤湿度的动态监测。

%Land surface temperature (Ts ) is influenced by soil background and vegetation growing conditions ,and the combina‐tion of Ts and vegetation indices (Vis) can indicate the status of surface soil moisture content (SMC) .In this study ,Advanced Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index
(ATVDI) used for monitoring SMC was proposed on the basis of the simulation results with agricultural climate model CUPID .Previous studies have concluded that Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) easily reaches the saturation point ,andLeaf Area Index (LAI) was then used instead of NDVI to estimate soil moisture content in the paper .With LAI‐Ts scatter diagram established by the simulation results of CUPID model ,how Ts varied with LAI and SMC was found .In the case of the identical soil background ,the logarithmic relations between Ts and LAI were more accurate than the linear relations included in Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index (TVDI) ,based on which ATVDI was then devel‐oped .LAI‐Ts scatter diagram with satellite imagery were necessary for determining the expression of the upper and lower loga‐rithmic curves whi le ATVDI was used for monitoring SMC .Ts derived from satellite imagery were then transformed to the Ts‐value which has the same SMC and the minimum LAI in study area with look–up table .The measured SMC from the field sites in Weihe Plain ,Shanxi Province ,China ,and the products of LAI and Ts (MOD15A2 and MOD11A2 ,respectively) produced by the image derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) were collected to validate the new method proposed in this study .The validation results shown that ATVDI (R2 =0.62) was accurate enough to monitor SMC ,and it achieved bet‐ter result than TVDI .Moreover ,ATVDI‐derived result were Ts values with some physical meanings ,which made it comparative in different periods .Therefore ,ATVDI is a promising method for monitoring SMC in different time‐spatial scales in agricultural fields .
【作者单位】北京大学遥感与地理信息系统研究所,北京 100871;北京大学遥感与地理信息系统研究所,北京 100871;北京大学遥感与地理信息系统研究所,北京 100871;北京大学遥感与地理信息系统研究所,北京 100871
1.地表温度-归一化植被指数特征空间干旱监测方法的改进及应用研究 [J], 于敏;程明虎;刘辉
2.基于植被覆盖度-地表温度的深层土壤湿度遥感反演 [J], 余鹏;沈润平
3.地表温度-植被指数特征空间干旱监测方法的改进 [J], 于敏;高玉中;张洪玲
4.利用植被覆盖度—地表温度特征空间提取厦门市土壤湿度信息 [J], 蔡达鹏;徐涵秋
5.基于地表温度和植被指数特征空间的农业干旱遥感监测方法研究综述 [J], 赵广敏;李晓燕;李宝毅
