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1.1be/get/become used/accustomed to;accustomed yourself/sb to sth
【英语解释】make yourself/sb familiar with sth or become used to it;be comfortable with sth.because it is familiar.【中文解释】(使)习惯于;适应
We are used to cooking our own food.
I’m not used to Jane yet.She’s a bit hard to get along with.
Living so far north,they’re used to the very cold winters.
It’s a small company,so everyone is used to working late and on weekends.
I lived in Alaska so long that I am used to the cold.
At first Omar hated the rain in England,but he’s used to it now.
The car breaks down so often,I suppose I should be used to it by now.
She grew up on a farm,so she’s used to getting up early.
My grandfather was used to having everything done for him.
I’m not used to cold weather.
She’s still not used to the new phone system.
We’re not used t o losing,so the defeat came as a surprise.
Like most jazz musicians,Dan wasn’t used to getting up so early in the morning.
I got used to being short many years ago.
John is nice,but I really can’t get used to him.He talks too much.
Once you get used to a routine,it’s hard to change.
Paul had finally gotten used to Heidi’s mood swings.
How long does it take to get used to this weather?
Mary never really got used to living on her own after her husband died.
It took me a while to get used to the casual atmosphere in the office.
I never ate duck’s feet before.It takes some getting used to.
These hot Mexican dishes seem impossible at first.They take some getting used to,I agree.But it’s worth it.
We were accustomed to wearing shoes.
They aren’t accustomed to paying a visit without bringing a gift.
Americans are much more accustomed to computer technology these days.
They were already accustomed to waiting,so no one complained.
A few of the men in the office weren’t accustomed to taking orders from women.
I’m not accustomed to getting up so early.
Sorry,but I need to sit down and rest—I’m not accustomed to the heat.
Helen wasn’t accustomed to such a big breakfast.
Mr Tench was not accustomed to being treated with disrespect.
Larry remained completely relaxed—he was accustomed to dealing with difficult customers.
She was a person accustomed to having eight hours’sleep a night.
As we had been brought up in the country,we were accustomed to walking along distances.
She had become accustomed t o cooking for everyone in the house.
I’ll never become accustomed to you.
After a while Edward’s eyes grew accustomed to the dark.
Living so near the airport,they’ve grown accustomed to the sound of planes overhead.
It took a while for me to accustom myself to all the new rules and regulations.
It took me a while to accustom himself to the idea.
Her eyes quickly became accustomed to the dark.
1.2get into/in the habit(of);fall into the habit of
【英语解释】start doing sth regularly
I’m not in the habit of lending money,but I’ll make an exception in this case.
I’ve got into the habit of turning on the TV as soon as I get home.
She got in the habit of having a drink with us on Friday.
I only used to have one or two cigarettes,but then I got into the habit of it.
Try to get into the habit of planning your work at the beginning of the day.
The children got into the bad habit of s witching on the television as soon as they came in from school.
You must get your children into the habit of cleaning their teeth.
A:Who or what got you into the habit of smoking?
B:I started out of curiosity.
He soon fell into the habit of having a drink on the way home from work.
You have fallen into a bad habit of repeating yourself.
1.3make a habit/practice of
【英语解释】do sth regularly;turn sth.into a habitual activity.
You’re ten minutes late.I hope you’re not going to make a habit of this.
I’d prefer you not to make a habit of it.
You can borrow some money this time,but don’t make a habit of it.
Do you make a habit of interrupting other people’s conversation?
Yes,you can borrow my car today,but don’t make a habit of it.
I don’t usually make a practice of staying up so late,but there was a film on TV I wanted to watch.
Jane makes a practice of planting daisies every summer.
Her mother also made it a practice.
1.4be/become habituated to(doing)sth;habituate yourself to;have a habit of doing sth
【英语解释】be or gradually become used to sth
Over the centuries,these animals have become habituated to living in such a dry environment.
He had habituated himself to the solitary life.
If one goes to live in a foreign country,one has to habituate oneself to new ways of doing things.
Be careful not to annoy the boss.He has a habit of losing his temper.
We shouldn’t rule out a Democrat victory yet.These things have a habit of changing just when you least expect it.
1.5a creature of habit
【英语解释】a person who always does certain things at certain times
【中文解释】总是在特定时间做特定事情的人,生活极有规律的人,墨守成规的人,严守生活习惯的人My grandfather is a real creature of habi t—he likes his meals at the same time every day.
He always goes to bed at ten—he’s a creature of habit.
He is a creature of habit.
1.6by/from/through force of habit;from habit/out of habit
【英语解释】you do sth automatically and in a particular way because you have always done the same thing in the past 【中文解释】由于/出于习惯(力量),只是习惯了,习惯使然
Some people drink alcohol from habit,as much as from desire.
Out of habit he continued to get up at six o’clock,even after he’d retired.
I did it from force of habit.
It’s force of habit that gets me out of bed at7:15each morning.
It’s force of habit that switches on the TV as soon as I get home.
I don’t know why I check all the locks every time I leave the house.It’s force of habit,I suppose.
Most women apply the same old make-up year after year through force of habit.
A:You shouldn’t have switched the light off.
B:Oh,sorry.Force of habit.
A:You don’t need three spoonfuls of sugar in your tea.
B:Well,just force of habit.
【英语解释】often be in a particular state or behave in a particular way
She often goes around barefoot.
She often goes around the house naked.
It’s unprofessional to go round criticizing your colleagues.
You can't go around accusing people like that.
These shoplifters go round in pairs.
You can’t go around telling people what to do all the time!
1.8have a knack of doing sth
【英语解释】have a tendency to do sth
He has a knack of saying the wrong thing.
She has the unfortunate knack of always saying the wrong thing.
Jack has a knack of making friends wherever he goes.
My car has a knack of breaking down just when I need it most.
1.9have a way of doing sth
【英语解释】sth often happens in a particular way,especially when it is out of your control
【中文解释】(尤指不愉快/不方便的事)是常有的事,总以某种形式发生,总发生在…时候;有…的习惯First love affairs have a way of not working out.
These things have a way of turning up when you least expect them.
He’s got a funny way of talking.
1.10be given to/sth/to doing sth
【英语解释】do sth often or regularly;be inclined to do sth.habitually.
She’s much given to outbursts of temper.
He’s given to going for long walks on his own.
She’s given to making wild accusations.
He’s given to drinking rather heavily.
She’s given to depression.
He’s a nice fellow,but rather given to making stupid remarks.
In his younger days he was much given to gaiety and revelry.
She’s much given to outbursts of temper.
He’s given to going for long walks on his own.
Mary is given to singing in the shower.
Bob is given to shouting when things don’t go his way.
1.11get into(the way of doing)
【英语解释】learn or become used to
I must get into training soon;the cricket season starts next month.
I may quit selling and go into management.
We are shifting production away from glass bottles,and we are going into vases and other decorative containers.
After she graduated,she went into law.
I’m really getting into fitness since I joined the health club.
I must get into training soon;the cricket season starts next month.
The women had got into the way of going out for a walk every evening.
I’ll soon get into the way of doing things.
I never got into the way of carrying my passport around with me.
1.12fall back into your old days
【英语解释】start doing things or behaving in the way that you used to,especially in a way that other people disapprove of 【中文解释】重拾过去的坏习惯
I expect she’ll soon fall back into her old ways.
1.13be no stranger to sth
【英语解释】be familiar with sth because you have not experienced it many times before
He is no stranger to controversy.
My sister is no stranger to hard times.
She is no stranger to misfortune.
Amanda is no stranger to sorrow—both of her parents died this past year.
As a write he is no stranger to controversy.
1.14have a trick of doing sth
【英语解释】have a habit of using a particular expression or of moving your face or body in a particular way
She had this trick of raising her eyebrows at the end of a question.
He has a trick of pulling at his earlobe when he speaks to you.
1.15get/have the feel of
【英语解释】become familiar or get used to
You’ll soon get the feel of the new job.
Once I got the feel o f my new job I enjoyed it.
It will take at least two weeks before that new employee gets the feel of that computer.
When you’re learning to drive a car,you’ll probably find changing gear difficult,but you’ll soon get the feel of it.
Once you get the feel of a Ferrari,you’ll never want any other car.
I can drive better now that I have the feel of this car’s steering.
I haven’t yet got the feel of this bat.I hope I don’t strike out.
1.16get into the swing of
【英语解释】get used to doing sth and get good at doing ir or enjoy doing it
It’s difficult work,but once you get into the swing of it,you’ll find you can do it quickly.
Come on,Bill.Try to get into the swing of things.
John just couldn’t seem to get into the swing of things.
1.17make it a rule to do sth
【英语解释】always do sth because you think it is good idea or the right thing to do
I make it a rule to invite all my students to a party at my house once a year.
I generally make it a rule to be up by7.
1.18be second nature(to sb)
【英语解释】be sth that you do automatically,without thinking about it
Swimming is second nature to Jane.
Driving is no problem for Bob.It’s second nature to him.
It took a while to learn to drive,but now it’s second nature(to me).
Wearing a seatbelt is second nature to most drivers.
I want you to practice doing this until it becomes second nature.
It’s second nature for me to get up early,even though I’m retired now.
You see I’ve parctised nine hours a day for years and habit is second nature.My fingers move almost instinctively.
He’s been a teacher so long that telling everyone else what to do has become second nature.
1.19adapt(yourself)to sth;be well adapted to
【英语解释】change your behaviour in order to deal more successfully with a new situation;be particular suitable for sth 【中文解释】适应(新情况);特别能适应
Slowly the country is adapting to the new market economy.
She adapted remarkably well to eating a limited diet,and she’s lost a great deal of weight.
After living in a house with a garden,it’s hard to adapt to living in a flat.
We have had to adapt quickly to the new system.
The children are finding it hard to adapt to their new school.
Alpine flowers which are well adapted to the harsh Swiss winders.
The new teacher was very slow to adapt to the unusual rules of the school.
We must adapt out needs to our income.
When you go to a new country,you must adapt yourself to new manners and customs.
Plants that have adapted themselves to desert conditions.
To the mother’s delight,her only daughter quickly adapted herself to living on the campus at the college.
People today have to adapt themselves to the new work environment because they are always shifting form one job to another.
It is by no means easy for human beings to adapt themselves to the changing environment.
1.20get acclimatized;acclimatize yourself to
【英语解释】(make sb)become/get used to a new place,situation or type of weather,
I flew to Hong Kong a day early to give myself a chance to acclimatize to the time difference.
It usually takes a while to get acclimatized to living in a new place.
She was fine once she had acclimatized herself to the cold.
When first arriving in the Himalayas,mountaineers must give themselves time to acclimatize.
As the immigrants became acclimatized to life in America,they abandoned some of their old traditions.
The team wants to have a few practices to get acclimated to the ball park.
After a while,if you a cclimatize yourself to the heat,you can get by with two canteens of water a day.
【英语解释】gradually get used to a new situation by changing the way you behave and/or think
It took her a while to adjust to living alone after the divorce.
It took several seconds for his eyes to adjust to the dark.
Adjusting to the tropical heat was more difficult than they had expected.
It took us a while to adjust to the tropical climate.
Some of the staff found it hard to adjust to all the changes in technology and working methods.
Kids need help to adjust to having a new baby in the house.
You’ll quickly adjust yourself to student life.
To accommodate oneself to a new situation can be easy,but to adjust oneself to a new culture and a new way of life can be extremely difficult.
People coming to England have to adjust themselves to the weather there because it is very changeable.
He made friends with some older students in order to adjust himself to the life of the new school.
1.22accommodate yourself to
【英语解释】get used to a new situation or make yourself to this
He knows how to accommodate himself to situations in which he is involved and how to deal with intricate matters.
This is his first time to work in an Asian country,but he will soon be able to accommodate himself to the new working environments.
Wherever he goes,he can readily accommodate himself to new circumstances.
He accommodate himself to his new surroundings.
When someone stops working,they have to accommodate their desires to a new standard of living.
He tried to accommodate his way of life to hers.
1.23find your feet
【英语解释】become used to new or strange surroundings;get used to a new situation,especially one that is difficult at first
She was lonely when she first left home,but she is finding her feet now.
It takes time to learn the office routine,but you will gradually find your feet.
He’s only been at the school2weeks,and he hasn’t really found his feet yet.
After moving from teaching to industry,it took her a long time to find her feet in a very different job.
Matt’s only been at the school two weeks and he hasn’t found his feet yet.
I only recently joined the firm so I’m still finding my feet.
He’s only been at the school two weeks,and he hasn’t really found his feet yet.
It was good experience for her,for it enable her to find her feet in the new country and to learn a little of its ways.
I asked Susie if I could stay with her till I found my feet.
This organization’s role is to help refugees find their feet when they arrive in the host country.
1.24find/get/take your bearings
【英语解释】find out exactly where you are,or the details of the situation you are in,especially when this is new and unfamiliar
We got off the bus right in the centre of town and it took us a moment or two to get our bearings.
Jim will show you around and help you get your bearings.
I’ve only been in the job for a week so I’m still finding my bearings.
Though I had lived in London as a child,the city had altered so much it took me some time to find my bearings again.
1.25roll with the punches
【英语解释】adapt yourself to a difficult situation
Well,there’s nothing we can do to change things.We’ll just have to learn to roll with the punches.
1.26in(to)the swim(of things)
【英语解释】involved in things that are happening in society or in a particular situation
After being away for two years,it took her a while to get back into the swim of things.
1.27get in/into the swing of(it/things/life)
【英语解释】get used to an activity or situation and become full involved in it;become involved in sth and start to do it well and enjoy it
I’ve only been at university a week,so I haven’t got into the swing of things yet.
He was just getting in the swing of his performance when all the lights went out.
As soon as you get into the swing of it,you’ll find it’s quite easy.
I’ve only been here a week so I haven’t got into the swing of things yet.
I enjoyed my new life in America,but somehow I just couldn’t seem to get into the swing of things.
I’ve only been at university for a week,so I haven’t got into the swing of things yet.
New employees are usually allowed a few months to get into the swing of things before they are given any serious responsibilities.
Come on,bill.Try to get into the swing of things.
John just couldn't seem to get into the swing of things.
I had difficulty getting into the swing of life in America.
I needn’t have worried about my new life at school.I was in the swing of things before I knew it.
A:How have you been since you transferred to this new school a week ago?
B:It is hard for me to get along well with these students.
A:You must learn to get in the swing of things as soon as possible.
1.28go native
【英语解释】behave,dress,or speak like the people who live in the country where you have come to stay or work
I once knew an anthropologist who went native and married a Masai warrior.
She was one of a number of artists who had emigrated before the war and gone native.
George has really gone native since he been living in Bavaria.
He’s emigrated to the USA and gone completely native.
In Scotland he tried to go native by wearing a kilt.
Going native is becoming meaningless in Japan for Westerners nowadays since so many Japanese sleep in beds,eat with knives and forks,and wear Western clothes.
1.29When in Rome,do as the Romans do
【英语解释】when in a strange place,act as the local people do;one should respect local customs and behave as the local people do when visiting or living somewhere
I don’t usually eat lamb,but I did when I went to Australia.When in Rome,do as the Romans do.
I always carry an umbrella when I visit London.When in Rome,do as the Romans do.
We should be casual when we stay with country people.When in Rome,do as the Romans do.
Most of the other girls on the beach were topless so I took my blouse off--When in Rome,do as the Romans do!
I don’t take taxis usually but it seemed to be what everyone did in the city;so I thought”when in Rome,,do as the Romans do.”
A:Back home we usually don’t mind making noise when we eat.
B:But now you’re in Australia!When in Rome,do as the Romans do,you know.
A:When I toured in Europe last summer,I felt very uneasy about the local customs.
B:When in Rome do as the Romans do.
1.30set in/into sth;settle in/into
【英语解释】become used to a new home,job,surroundings etc or help sb do sth;make yourself comfortable and prepare to stay somewhere for a period of time
Are you settling in OK?
They settled in for a long wait in the airport lounge.
She quickly settled in at her new job.
It takes a few months to settle into life at college.
How are the kids settling into their new school?
1.31break in
【英语解释】wear sth,especially new shoes,until they become comfortable
I’m wearing my new boots around the house to break them in.
Don’t worry about doing the accounts,we’ll break you in gently.
These are nice shoes,but they’re too stiff.I hope it doesn’t take too long to break them in.
I’ll be glad when I’ve finished breaking in these shoes.
Yes,it takes time to break them in.
They are easy to break in,though.
The car will run better after I break it in.
Sometimes it's painful to break in a new pair of shoes.
1.32play in
【英语解释】get yourself fused to playing at the beginning of a game
I need a few more minutes to play myself in.
She’s still playing herself into her new job as sales director.
1.33grow into
【英语解释】become used to(work and activities
You need time to grow into the job.
1.34shake down
【英语解释】become familiar with a new situation and begin to work well in it
He’s new in the office but he’ll soon shake down.
1.35survival of the fittest
【英语解释】a situation in which only the strongest and most successful people or things continue to exist
In this climate of economic recession,many businesses are at risk,and it really is a case of survival of the fittest.
1.36attune to
【英语解释】make used to or ready for
I’m not really attuned to his way of thinking yet.
She wasn’t yet attuned to her baby’s needs.
Chinese companies still aren’t really attuned to the needs of the European market.
His ears a re attuned to t he noise of a big city.
You have to attune your ears to modern music.
Are you attuned to new ways of thinking?
1.37in your element
【英语解释】doing what you are good at and enjoy;be in a situation that you enjoy,because you are good at it
She’s really in her element at parties.
He’s in his element when he’s talking to large groups of people.
When she is playing computer games,she is in her element.
Julie is in her element with anything mechanical.She just loves fixing things.
Sally is in her element when she’s working with algebra or calculus.
Bob loves to work with color and texture.When he’s painting,he’s in his element.
He’s most comfortable when he can get into his elemen t.
My mother,who loves gardening,is in her element working at the garden centre.
A:What’s wrong with you?you look kind of awkward.
B:Yeah,I don’t really like it here—just don’t feel in my element.I think I might go home where I’ll feel more comfortable.
A:James is really in his element on the stage.
B:Yes,his performances are riveting!I can’t wait to see his next work.
1.38be/feel at one with sth
【英语解释】feel that you are part of sth
a place where you can feel at one with nature
a weekend in the country,when you can feel at one with nature
1.39be/become hardened to/towards
【英语解释】become used to sth shocking because you have seen it many times
The relief workers are hardened to the sight of people dying from starvation.
Violence is stressful even to those wh o are hardened to seeing it every day.
Many of the soldiers are hardened veterans of the war in Afghanistan.
1.40be/become inured to
【英语解释】be/become used to sth unpleasant,so that they are no longer upset by it
Nurses soon became inured to the sight of suffering.
Diego looked like a man who was inured to disappointment.
After years in politics,Gramm seems to be inured to criticism.
The prisoners quickly became inured to the harsh conditions.
1.41be oriented to/towards;orient yourself(to)
【英语解释】become familiar with a new situation;be developed,trained,made etc for a particular purpose
An English language course is oriented towards the needs of businessmen.
Our students are oriented towards science subjects.
It took him some time to orient himself in his new school.
I’ll need a few days to orient myself.
The new student had to orient himself to new teachers and different courses of study.
1.42the survival of the fittest
【英语解释】the idea that the most able or fit will survive(while the less able and less fit will perish).
In college,it’s the survival of the fittest.You have to keep working in order to survive and graduate.
I don’t give my houseplants very good care,but the ones I have are really flourishing.It’s the survival of the fittest,I guess.
2.1(not)agree with sb
【英语解释】(a type of food)makes you fell ill/sick
I love prawns,but unfortunately they don’t agree with me.
I love strawberries,but they don’t agree with me.
Canada’s harsh winters don’t agree with me.
Life in the city has never agreed with him.
Spices don’t agree with me.
This salad doesn’t agree with me.
The fish I ate last night didn’t agree with me.
2.2(be/feel like)a fish out of water
【英语解释】appearing to be completely out of place;;be in a unsuitable environment
I felt like a fish out of water in my new school.
Whenever I am with your friends,I feel like a fish out of water.What on earth do you see in them—or me?
Among so many well-dressed and cultured people,the country girl felt like a fish out of wate r.
Everybody else knew each other really well,so I felt a bit like a fish out of water.
As a non-golfer,I felt like a fish out of water at the clubhouse.
Not knowing anything about music,I felt like a fish out of wate r among so many musical experts.
Mrs.Stone’s parties are too high class for me.I feel like a fish out of water with her guests.
When he is not among his literary friends,he feels like a fish out of water.
With his working-class background he feels like a fish out of water among these high-society.
At a formal dance,John is like a fish out of water.
I think he thought of himself as a country gentleman and was like a fish out of water in Birmingham.
The old man who had been used to working from6a.m.to8p.m.was like a fish out of water when his firm pensioned him off.
I’m quitting my job.I’m like a fish out of water here.
I can’t swim.At the beach,I’m like a fish out of water.
At a formal dance,John is like a fish out of water.
Elliot acts like a fish out of water around members of the opposite sex.Elliot
At the party I was a fish out of water.All the guests spoke in French,a language I never studied.I will never go to that kind of party in the future.
Martha always feels uncomfortable whenever she goes to a party.She’s a fish out of water indeed.
Finny should go home.He’s a fish out of water in China.
At the conference I was a fish out of water.All the speeches were in French,a language I never studied.
Everybody else at the party ended up in the swimming pool.But I was a fish out of water because I can't swim.
2.3(be/feel)out of your element
【英语解释】be in a situation that you are not used to and that makes you feel uncomfortable
I felt out of my element surrounded by so much finery.
I feel out of my element talking about politics.
When it comes to computers,I’m out of my elemen t.
Sally’s out of her element in math.
I cannot endure going to their house;I always feel I am out of my element.
A:Can you run this off on the computer for me,Darryl?
B:Computer?I’m sorry,but I’m completely out of my element with computers—ask someone else to do it.
A:I really feel out of my element with this task—I can’t seem to get anything right!
B:Look,catching a wild boar long enough to give it an injection is a hard task for anyone—you just have to keep at it!
2.4be/seem/feel/look out of place
【英语解释】not suitable for a particular situation or occasion
Extremely informal language is out of place in an academic essay.
I felt completely out of place among all these successful/smart rich people.
I feel out of place at formal dances.
Bob and Ann felt out of place at the picnic,so they went home.
I felt slightly out of place,and was conscious that my jacket and trousers didn’t quite match.
Leary later went to Beverly Hills School,but he felt out of place among the rich kids.
In her old jeans and college sweater,Sarah looked a little out of place in the foyer of the Grand Hotel.
The Christmas decorations looked somehow out of place in Waikiki.
2.5feel out of it/things
【英语解释】feel different from the rest;feel strange,not to be in normal condition