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Loan Agreement。

This Loan Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into this [date] (the "Effective Date") by and between:
[Lender's Name]
[Lender's Address]
[Borrower's Name]
[Borrower's Address]
1. Loan。

1.1 The Lender hereby agrees to lend to the Borrower the principal sum of [amount] (the "Loan"), which shall be advanced to the Borrower in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
1.2 The Loan shall be used by the Borrower for the following purpose(s):
1.2.1 To purchase a new [type of property], located at [address of property].
1.2.2 To refinance an existing loan secured by the [type of property] owned by the Borrower and located at [address of property].
1.2.3 To make home improvements to the [type of property] owned by the Borrower and located at [address of property].
2. Interest。

2.1 The Loan shall bear interest at a rate of [interest rate] per annum (the "Interest Rate").
2.2 Interest shall be calculated on the outstanding balance of the Loan and shall be payable [frequency of interest payments] (e.g., monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually).
3. Repayment。

3.1 The Loan shall be repaid in [number] equal monthly installments (the "Monthly Installments").
3.2 Each Monthly Installment shall be in the amount of [amount].
3.3 The first Monthly Installment shall be due and payable on [date].
4. Loan Term。

4.1 The term of the Loan shall be [number] years (the "Loan Term").
5. Security。

5.1 As security for the performance of this Agreement, the Borrower hereby grants to the Lender a security
interest in the following property (the "Collateral"):
5.1.1 The [type of property] located at [address of property].
5.1.2 All fixtures and improvements to the Collateral that are now or hereafter installed or affixed to the Collateral.
6. Default。

6.1 The Borrower shall be in default under this Agreement if:
6.1.1 The Borrower fails to make any payment of
principal or interest when due.
6.1.2 The Borrower breaches any other covenant or condition of this Agreement.
6.2 If the Borrower is in default under this Agreement, the Lender may, at its option, exercise any or all of the following remedies:
6.2.1 Accelerate the maturity of the Loan and demand immediate payment of the entire balance of the Loan, including accrued interest.
6.2.2 Foreclose on the Collateral and sell the Collateral to satisfy the Loan balance.
6.2.3 Take any other action or pursue any other remedy permitted by law or equity.
7. Governing Law。

7.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed
in accordance with the laws of the State of [insert state].
8. Entire Agreement。

8.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date.
[Lender's Signature]
[Lender's Printed Name]
[Borrower's Signature]
[Borrower's Printed Name]

本贷款合同(以下简称“合同”)于 [日期](以下简称“生效日期”)由以下各方订立:
1. 贷款。

1.1 出借人特此同意向借款人出借 [金额] 的本金(以下简称“贷款”),贷款须按照本合同条款发放给借款人。

1.2 贷款将由借款人用于以下用途:
1.2.1 购买位于 [地址] 的 [房产类型]。

1.2.2 对借款人拥有的并位于 [地址] 的 [房产类型] 已抵押贷款进行再融资。

1.2.3 对借款人拥有的并位于 [地址] 的 [房产类型] 进行房屋装修。

2. 利息。

2.1 贷款按年利率 [利率] 计息(以下简称“利率”)。

2.2 利息将按照贷款未偿还余额计算,并按照 [利息支付频率](例如,每月、每季度、每半年、每年)支付。

3. 还款。

3.1 贷款将分 [期数] 期等额每月分期偿还(以下简称“每月分期付款”)。

3.2 每月分期付款金额为 [金额]。

3.3 首期每月分期付款应在 [日期] 支付。

4. 贷款期限。

4.1 贷款期限为 [年数] 年(以下简称“贷款期限”)。

5. 担保。

5.1 为了担保履行本合同,借款人特此向出借人授予对以下财产(以下简称“抵押物”)的担保权益:
5.1.1 位于 [地址] 的 [房产类型]。

5.1.2 目前或将来安装或附着在抵押物上的所有固定装置和改进物。

6. 违约。

6.1 如果发生以下情况,即视借款人违反本合同:
6.1.1 借款人未能在到期时支付任何本金或利息。

6.1.2 借款人违反本合同的任何其他契约或条件。

6.2 如果借款人违反本合同,出借人可以选择行使以下任何或
6.2.1 加快贷款到期时间,并要求立即支付全部贷款余额,包括应计利息。

6.2.2 对抵押物进行法拍,并将抵押物出售以偿还贷款余额。

6.2.3 采取法律或衡平法允许的任何其他行动或寻求任何

7. 适用法律。

7.1 本合同应受 [州名] 州法律管辖并按照其解释。

8. 完整协议。

8.1 本合同构成双方关于本合同标的的全部协议,并取代所有先前的协议和谅解,无论以书面形式还是口头形式达成。


