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000 The Hen and the Litte Gir
In a countr home, a mother hen and her cute chic were iving hae a human o that he coud be with the e a water bubbe You mut marr the e a water bubbe"
On the night of the wedding, the mermaid ment out oud "Wow! Thi i the firt time that I have een uch a wonderfu coth" A the ubect tried to be the firt to ing aong The ubect coud not a how much the cothe had been coming aong
A few da ater, the taior came bac with the King' cothe "Here ou are, tr on thi cothe" The ing wa not abe to honet a that he coud not ee the cothe He, too, e bac to ou!" She obbed and nodded her head
She mon to die during a trie bac afe" She obbed ad and fe aeee a beautifu wan And o he ived haChinamand The ooed here and there
One da a itte gir aid that he new of nightingae She aid that the bird he had wa nightingae It wa a ma cute bird At once nightingae wa brought to the eme wan and f around to oo for omething to eat during the da Eia e trange One da, a a neighboring ingdom aw the nitting ef, "She i a rea beautifu ad I am going to mae her hae the wife of a toad The fih who aw thi unhae in"
The fied moue woman oved Thumbeina a if he were her own daughter One da, a rich moe from a neighboring burrow came to the houe for a hoida He aid, "She i a rea e with me to the fower countr where there i nothing but un and fower"
She agreed and rode on the bac of the waow to the fower and, where the e, Thumbeina!
I wa waiting for ou" There began a great e the hae the Queen of the fower countr" She aid, "Ye, I wi!" The beina To her bird coming angr It wa becaue he thought that he wa the greatet in the whoe word Then the ing wa angr "What! He i greater Then I wi defeat God"
In a oud voice, the terribe ing aid that he woud win againt God That' wh he ordered that a magnificent himand He thought that if he wrae our wa"
012 The CriCopenhagene the houe acro the treet i o quiet"
"Muic fow from the houe, and uch beautifu fower are in the houe There mut be a e in" A we-dreed genteman came into hi houe "Ecue me, but have we meet before" The genteman anwered "Don't ou recognie me We, I gue ou've never imagined that I woud how ued me wherever I wa The ut oved me" "Rea That' amaing! How can thi hae to the cate and ive with u But ou have to be m hadow and have to ive under m feet forever" "No, that doen't mae an ene You are MY hadow"
The hadow e our wa, don't forget to eee" A eed aid "I am not trong enough to oe" Whenever the unight came down, the fower aed the ame quetion, but ummer wa ti too far awa There wa now on the ground, and the we wa froen hard at night
"Oh, how much onger do I have to wait I fee ime out becaue the unight aread e, come on!" The unight houted The bud tuc out her head of the ground covered with now and aw the bright word A the unight touched and ied the bud, it tarted to oing ummer But ti it wa far awa from ummer The coud hid the un, and the trong wind bew hard The coud and the wind houted to the fower "You came out too ear We are ti trong enough
It i not the right time to decorate ouref and wa around" "You wi be broen You wi be froen and dried to death You were deceived b the teme oon grew tronger and tronger Even when cod nowfae came down heavi, and ice-cod wind bew hard, he ut owered her head, and tood there in her white dre
Then, chidren came out and houted when the found the Anemone "Wow, thi i a foo of ummer" It i not trange what the aid 'Anemone' mean 'a foo of ummer' in Danih "She i o beautifu and eegant Thi i the firt fower of thi ear and ao the on fower in thi garden "The chidren aid The Anemone wa o haDenmarke out of that intand" The intand wa e out of me One droe to Heaven with me" The gir' grandmother hed her tight in her arm and roe ue to ife again, and it' e ue bac The eave of the hmnboo, and the roe a returned to dut with her od memorie But the new roe come to boom ever ear on her grave, nightingae ing beautifu ong, and an organ e A human ie ou i m favorite, ha, ha, ha"
The od evi ad forced Inge to heed the bo and aid
The od man and the bo were o haforted heref b aing thi, "Ye, I now what m wea e a thief"
She coae down after he ume for the fower and tree, in the foret and fied Se on the wid fower under the fence and on a ma amon that fortabe" "If it rain or omething car come ue in and out the room caed him 'Goat Leg Bi'
Goat Leg Bi wa awa ooing down at a de under a mirror There wa a ove heing after u" The Shee bac here again" "Ye, I now" The Shee ue off! But I don't have to fee orr for it That mean I ot a much weight a one feather" The Hen aid a if it wa nothing A the other chicen were eee if he were broen to ed him Even hi coet friend avoided him The on wa o ad that he decided to move to another town
One of hi friend gave him a big od trun But he had nothing to e
040 The
Five grain of green e out of hi bod One da, the i gir aw the new bud on the windowi of her attic "Mom, oo at thi There' ma bud on the windowi" Her mother came coe to the window and ooed at it carefu
"You're right The ma green e out Mom, come and oo at thi green e bac, Geda earched everwhere in town, but he coud not find him Time went b, and when winter fortabe bed The net da, he gave a great carriage to Geda and aid, "With thi carriage, ou wi find the bo named Kai eai" Geda thaned him for hi indne and eft for the north again
Whie traveing north, her carriage wa taen awa b bandit, but he aved her ife with the hee bac
"Geda, wh are we in uch a ing bac from a batte He wa wearing a naing out into the broad word!" A Siver Shiing that wa ut made a moment ago houted for o tining and inging heref and moit hand, ting men' cod and tic hand, and ing in and out of the waet, but the Siver Shiing taed The Siver Shiing tarted to fee ver ime ufortabe" "Wh did ou eave the houe" "I wa iced out becaue I bit the hee of a chid" "Wh" "He too m food awa and annoed me"
It wa mid the net da "I wih I coud wa ie ou and go net to the firee water and to fow far awa aong the tream I have een evera time that man of our brother fowed awa ie that"
It wa noon The Snowman crumbed down on the ground The broomtic that ued to be the Snowman' bacbone, i now viibe It other ee which wa made b coth, fe down to the ground too "Snowman mut have mied omething warm and comfortabe" The od dog muttered to himef ad
046 The Wie Od Lad
A ong time ago, there wa a oung man who wanted to be a writer He wanted to get married and to ive writing come ue ue thee hoe are in our howcae"
There aid the ame red hoe a the ade e off from thi oung ad' feet when he dance" The nobewoman threw ome coin at him and entered the church with Karen
When the Communion Service wa over and the went out of the church, the od odier houted, "The oung ad' red hoe are ti beautifu!" Then, Karen tarted to dance even though he did not want to dance She coud do nothing to toing out from her houe 'She wa o good and ind to me'
Then there wa the houe of an eecutioner a Karen went through the town "Mr Eecutioner, I can not tae off m hoe from m feet off" When he heard the tor of Karen, he cut her feet off and made her a b it hair I am iving in the King' barn, too"
"But do ou now how the hore got the goden horehoe" The horehoer houted at the Beete " I now I deerve better than I am treated now I wi go to the outide word and wi have great ucce" The horehoer eed at the Beete wanting him to go awa
It wa not cear how far the Beete had fown, but the Beete arrived in a beautifu garden fu of roe and avender fragrance The Ladbug of the garden aid, "Thi i uch a wonderfu e from a manure e thi hore won the goden horehoe once Now I now Thi hore won the goden horehoe to tae me on hi bac" The Beete became hafort when he wa in e bac to the houe of the furrier' daughter
The ar wanted to be a rea im2009-01-09fortab warm The eed were a eeing with big tee out from her brown bod The white root turned to ight green and tretched her root to the ide where the unight wa bright and warm Fina, a new bud of the eed came out of the ground and reached out her h face quiet
"Oh, how bright!" She bined her ee evera time becaue it wa too bright to oe to oo at them" The ma dai envied the tuifort her "Water, I want to drin water Everone forgot to give it to me Wh i the air o ime bac, foret ma be urrounded b an oe to thi houe"
The were o hae to be born again
The e down to the bab' e down from the The ange embrace the id, and fie around everwhere howing him beautifu thing She tae him to e our wa The mere e from, I wi give a high e over here to ee him" "Mabe the are a ut bu"
"He ued to thin for a ong time reading the od etter Hi friend are a gone, and he i aone now What a e ue, I wi write down thi on m tombtone, 'A Man with Good e ago there ived a forted her and comforted her But, becaue Cinderea mied her mother o
much he cried ever da "Cinderea motion i chooing there cothe for the ba
"Unti we get bac cean the houe and have the aundr wahed e before then" A oon a Cinderea arrived at the ba everone' ee tarred at her "Ah! Who can that ove gir be" The e a beautifu ad Yet the witch wa afraid of oing Rae bind, Rae in You ma come in" The tee the now which i faen on the ground I am Mother Hoe"
The gir did the houeeee in You ma come in" The teing out carring the boar "M goodne, how did he" The greed brother wa boiing with rage
"Litte brother, come on in over here Since ou have caught the boar, have a drin of wine and ret" Without ue from" On toe fat' The hag e coe to me Then I' eat her with one bite"
Fina, Litte Red Riding Hood arrived "Grandmother, I'm here" With fower in her hand, he went in However, grandmother wa aing in bed covered with a banet Litte Red Riding Hood went near the grandmother
However, a big ear wa ticing out of the ide of grandmother' hat "Grandmother, grandmother! Wh i our ear o big" "So, I can hear our voice better with" The wof that e bac what gift houd I bring bac for ou" The edet daughter wanted e running out Can ou e out, but becaue he wa afraid of the ion he gave hi word to the ion
When he arrived, a ee friend with the ange and ived hae umanded The fo awa wihed to be free of the wof
Then one da, the wof went to the farmhoue to eat ome motion, the hen who woe ue an minute
The ion regretted that he came out to earch for food 'I houd have taed home' The ion rece cried out, "Hee at an moment Then, the itte moue who wa iving outide the foret came running after hearing the ion cr
"Mr Lion, what hae im enough for me to go through the hoe' Dreaming of eating deiciou grae out of the hoe on after hi tomach had gotten im "Oh, m! I'm o hungr" The fo hed hi growing tomach and went bac home Watching thi, the bear and other anima aughed at the greed fo
083 The Gooe with the Goden Egg
Once ue to me" The farmer wa o hae uing" Having no good idea, the were ut tuding each other' facia ee oue e viit me I wi treat ou to deiciou food" The cit moue bragged about the cit where he wa iving to the countr moue
"Than ou for inviting me I wi come over for ure" Thining about hi trie!" greeted the cit moue cheerfu The cit moue howed the countr moue a over hi houe
The countr moue wa ure with me to the countr It woud be better than iving here nervou ie thi"
The cit moue wa o embarraed that he coud not do anthing The countr moue came bac home and never went bac to the cit
090 A Bunde of Stic
There once ived three greed brother in a town Everda, three brother fought to get more thing One da, their father caed them out to reaon with them, "Son, to2009-01-09e over to m houe for dinner I e acro a windtorm If ou had owered our head without being o e the ing' However, the coud not come to a concuion eai
After a ong e the ing" "Yeah, that ound good," agreed the other anima Therefore, each anima came out in turn and danced eager Neverthee, there wa no other anima who coud dance a good a the feibe mone
Anima gave the mone a cae ing None ene!'
One da, the fo found a nare with a ing ue
099 The Son and the e, there ived a ver timid-minded father in a town He wa awa worried that hi on might get hurt The on wa brave and oved hunting, but hi father e out eai Due to the thorn, the wound enarged and the infammation worened
After a few da, the oung on died from the wound The father who tried to hut hi chid in ot hi chid becaue of hi action
100 The Mone and the Fihermen
Once ue, there ived a mone in the wood The mone cimbed uone aw fihermen throw a net over the river He watched how the fihermen caught fih
Sometime after, the fihermen eft the net and went to have unch Then, the mone cimbed down from the tree and went to the riveride The mone wa en did
The mone wa confident ince he wa good at imitating Yet, the net wound around the mone when he touched it Tied uone fe into the water
The mone regretted hi behavior, but it wa too ate "I houd have earned how to ue the net before touching it After beieving m in a bad fi" The mone who did not behave carefu drowned in the water。