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【摘要】To make full use of previous successful process experience, a case retrieval methodology for body-in-white parts was proposed, which was based on the similarities of welding and assembly process. Firstly, by considering the primary features, the secondary features and the feature constraint relationships, a feature information model for parts was established. Secondly, from the view of the process similarity, the similarity was calculated by three stages analysis between a new part and old part in the case library. In the first stage, both the shape and the relationship similarities of the primary features and secondary features of the new case and old ones were calculated respectively. Many old cases with little similarity in shape were removed. In the second stage, the geometric similarities were calculated. The old cases with more difference in size were removed. In the third stage, similarities of the material type and the material thickness were calculated. The most similar case was retrieved. Finally, a case study indicated the effectiveness of this method.%为充分利用前人的成功工艺经验,提出了一种基于焊装工艺相似的白车身零件实例检索的方法.考虑零件的主特征、辅助特征及特征之间的约束关系,建立了零件特征信息模型.从焊装工艺相似的角度,分3个阶段计算了零件间的相似度.第一阶段计算零件间主、
1.基于ROBCAD的白车身焊装自动线工艺规划技术研究 [J], 林巨广;崔鹏;王健强
2.基于零件关键标识的实例推理相似工艺检索算法 [J], 李兵华;王秀伦;杨志刚;马自勤
3.基于DELMIA的白车身焊装线工艺规划与仿真研究 [J], 林巨广;施德超
4.基于实例推理的白车身零部件检索 [J], 刘海江;曾露;晁永生
5.基于工艺相似的零件实例检索方法研究 [J], 陈静;龚志伟;刘黎;成阳
