
















第二局部英语专业根底知识Ⅰ.Vocabularyandstructure15%Directions:Thereare15incompletesentencesinthe following.ForeachsentencetherearefourchoicesmarkedA,B,CandD.ChoosetheONE thatbestcompletesthesentence.()1.Thoughheisseventyyearsold,hetakesexerciseeveryday.A.PastB.aboveC.OnD.over()2.—Whichwouldyoulike,Madam,teaorcoffee?—,thanks.I'dlikeaglassofwater,please.A.EitherB.BothC.NeitherD.OK()3.—Howsoonwillyoufinishthebuilding?—.A.IntwomonthsB.TwomonthsC.AbouttwomonthsD.Aftertwomonths()4.Theydidtheirfathertoldthem.A.LikeB.asC.AboutD.with()5.Oneoftheboysis,alltheotherboysare.A.English;ChinaB.anEnglish;ChineseC.England;ChinaD.English;Chinese()6.Eitheryouorhetheteam.A.isinB.areonC.isonD.arein()7.Hewasmadethirteenhoursadaybyhisboss.A.toworkB.workC.isonD.arein()8.Mrs.HuaskedLiuFangandtotakepartintheEnglishmeeting.A.IB.myC.MeD.mine()9.TellthestudentstheirEnglishbooks.A.totakeB.tocarryC.tobringD.bring()10.Itustwohourswalktogettoourschool.A.TakeB.takesC.SpendD.paid()11.Mylittlesisterissotired,shecanhardlywalk,?A.doessheB.cansheC.doesntsheD.cantshe()12.YellowRiveristhesecondlongestriverinourcountry.A./B.TheC.AnD.A()13.—Doyouwanttoatthemeeting?—No,Ihavenothingto.A.say;speakB.tell;talkC.say;sayD.speak;say()14.Sheaskedmehecoulddanceorsing.A.IfB.whatC.WhetherD.that()15.—Aren'tyouMary'ssister?—I'mheraunt.A.Yes,IamB.No,ImnotC.Yes,I'mnotD.No,IamⅡ.Close20%Directions:Thereare20blanksinthefollowingtext.Foreachblanktherearefourchoices markedA,B,CandD.ChoosetheONEthatbestfillstheblank.Duringourtwomonthsonthe road,BennettandIhadareally16experiencewithagood,honest17andsomehelpful mechanics.WeweredrivingeastonHighway10whenour“chickengine〞lightcameon.We limpedofa(n)18intoLasCruces.Wehadarealcar19.Bennettnursedthecarintoalocalgarage.Bythistimethecarwasmissing〔熄火〕so20itwasshakingallover.Thiswasthe21time toarriveatagarage—lateFridayafternoon.ServiceadviserScottwasbusy22paperworkand customersaswe23ourproblems.24hewasalready“tencarsbehind〞,hetoldustopullthecar intothegarage.Lincoln,whowelater25wasoneofthetwomotortechnicians,took26ofourcar repairing.HeandScottandsomeothermechanicsstayedseveralhoursafterclosing,27the car.Earlythenextmorning(theshopwasofficiallyclosedonSaturdays),Lincolnfinallylocatedthe28andfixediteasilywithinonly29.LaterScott30outtousthatitwasourattitudethat helped.“Youdidntcomeintotheplacedemandingthisorthat.Youshowedan31ofour problemsonabusyFridayafternoon.Customer'sattitudemeansalot.〞Hewasrightinsome way,customersshouldshow32andunderstandingtopeoplewho33them.34peoplewereextremely busy,theyfoundwaytoatleasttryandhelpwhentheyaremetwithpoliteness.Thepleasant experienceIhadshowsthat35forotherpeoplecanalwayshelp.()16.A.awfulB.pleasantC.wonderfulD.terrible()17.A.stationB.studioC.factoryD.garage()18.A.exitB.turningC.crossingD.entrance()19.A.difficultyB.examinationC.troubleD.disaster()20.A.busilyB.badlyC.quicklyD.weakly()21.A.highestB.easiestC.luckiestD.worst()22.A.atB.onC.withD.by()23.A.explainedB.introducedC.repeatedD.expressed()24.A.AsB.BecauseC.EvenD.Though()25.A.learnedB.understoodC.recognizedD.though()26.A.careB.controlC.chargeD.pride()27.A.buildingB.examiningC.repairingD.driving()28.A.problemB.diseaseC.dangerD.wound()29.A.daysB.hoursC.monthsD.minutes()30.A.spokeB.pointedC.brokeD.blew()31.A.understandingB.ignoranceC.appreciationD.awareness()32.A.cruelnessB.fairnessC.calmnessD.politeness()33.A.comfortB.protectC.serveD.rescue()34.A.EvenifB.EvenasC.EvensoD.Eventhen()35.A.obedienceB.respectC.patienceD.mercyⅢ.Readingcomprehension15%Directions:Therearethreepassagesinthefollowing.Foreachofthemtherearefour choicesmarkedA,B,C,andD.Youshoulddecideonthebestchoice.Passage1 JoeBiggswasabutcher.Hisshopwasinavillageinoneofthemostbeautifulpartsof southernEngland.Heworkedinitformanyyearswhilehisfatherwasthere.Then,whenhis fatherreachedtheageof65,hestoppedworkingintheshop.Joewasaloneinit,sohehadto workharder.Joeworkedfiveandahalfdayaweek.Hisshopshutatoneo'clockonThursday, anditwasshutthewholeofSunday.Saturdayswerethebusiestdays.Joehadabigrefrigeratorinhisshop,buthetriednottobuytoomuchmeatatatime.One Thursdayawomancameintotheshopatfiveminutestoone.“I'msorryImverylate,〞she said,“butsomepeoplehavejusttelephonedtosaythattheyaregoingtocometodinnertonight, andIneedsomemoremeat.〞Joeonlyhadonepieceofgoodmeatintheshop.Hehadsoldall therestearlierintheday.Hetookthepieceoutandsaidtothewoman.“T hisis£7.15.〞“T hat pieceistoosmall,〞thewomananswered.“H aventyougotanythingbigger?〞Joewentinto theroombehindhisshop,openedtherefrigerator,putthepieceofmeatintoit,tookitoutagain andshutthedooroftherefrigeratorwithalotofnoise.Thenhebroughtthepieceofmeatback tothewomanandsaid,“Thispieceisbiggerandmoreexpensive.It's£9.30.〞“G ood,〞the womanansweredwithasmile.“G ivemebothofthem,please.〞()36.Joeworkedaloneintheshop.A.onSaturdaysB.onThursdaysC.afterhisfatherdiedD.afterhisfatherstoppedworking()37.Joesoldmeatinhisshop.A.onThursdayafternoonsB.onSundaysC.onFridaysD.everyday()38.Onedayawomancametohisshop.A.at1:55,TuesdayB.at1:05C.tosaysorrytohimD.becausesomeonehadsuddenlytelephonedher()39.Whichofthefollowingistrue?A.Peopleboughtallthemeatfromhim.B.Thewomandidn'twanttheexpensivepieceofmeat.C.Joebroughtthewomanadifferentpiece.D.Thewomanwantedtobuythetwopiecesofmeattogether.()40.Joeonlyhadonepieceofgoodmeatbecause.A.Joesrefrigeratorhadbroken.B.hetriednottobuytoomuchmeatatatime.C.heknewthatthemeatwouldgobad.D.hehadnomoneytobuymore.Passage2 Ifyougointotheforestwithfriends,staywiththemalways.Ifyoudont,youmayget lost.Ifyoureallygetlost,thisiswhatyoushoulddo.Sitdownandstaywhereyouare.Don't trytofindyourfriends-letthemfindyoubystayinginoneplace.Thereisanotherwaytohelpyourfriendsorothernearbypeopletofindyou.Givethema signalbyshoutingorwhistlingthreetimes.Stop.Thenshoutorwhistlethreetimes.Any signalgiventhreetimesisacallforhelp.Keepuptheshoutingorwhistlingalwaysthreetimestogether.Whenpeoplehearyou,they willknowthatyouarenotjustmakingnoiseforfun.Theywillletyouknowthattheyhaveheard yoursignal.Theywillgivetwoshouts,twowhistlesortwogunshots.Whensomeonegivesa signal,itisananswertoacallforhelp.Ifyoudon'tthinkthatyouwillgethelpbeforenightcomes,trytomakealittlehousecover uptheholeswithbranchesandlotsofleaves.Makeyourselfasoftbedwithleavesand grass.Whatshouldyoudoifyougethungryorneeddrinkingwater?Youwouldhavetoleave yourlittlebranchhousetolookforariver.Don'tjustwalkaway.Pickoffsmallbranchesand dropthemasyouwalksothatyoucanfindyourwayback.Themostimportantthingtodowhenyouarelostis——stayinoneplace.()41.Ifyougetlostintheforest,youshould.A.staywhereyouareandgiveasignalthreetimesB.walkaroundtheforestandshoutsothatyourfriendsmighthearyouC.trytofindyourfriendsassoonaspossibleD.trytogetoutoftheforestandshoutforhelp()42.Ifyouwanttoletpeoplebelievethatyouarenotjustmakingnoiseforfunyou should.A.shoutthatyouarelostB.keepuptheshoutingorwhistlingalwaysthreetimestogetherC.shoutatthetopofyourvoiceD.shoutorwhistleonceinawhile()43.Whenyouhearshoutsorwhistlesorgunshots,youknowthat.A.two;peoplewillsooncometohelpyouB.three;someoneisaskingforhelpC.three;peoplewillsooncometohelpyouD.two;someoneisaskingforhelp()44.Whenyouarelostintheforest,butyouwanttoleaveyourplacetogetwater,you should.A.justgototheriverB.findabowloraglass,andthengoC.makeafiresothatyoumightmakeyourselfsomehotteaD.leavemarksasyougototheriversothatyoucanfindyourwayback()45.Thisstorymainlytellsyou.A.thatwhensomeonegivesasignalalwaysthreetimes,itisacallforhelpB.whatyoushoulddoifyougetlostintheforestC.thatwhenanysignalgiventwicemeansananswertoacallforhelpD.thatwhensomeonemakesafire,itisacallforhelpPassage3 Theoldestformsofmedicineareenjoyingacomeback.Modernholisticmedicineisan approachthattreatsthewholepatient,notjustthedisease.Itisawaytomaintaingoodhealth ratherthancureillness.Themostimportantinfluencesontoday'sholisticmedicineareancient ChinesemedicineandIndianAyurvedicmedicine,bothofwhichpromotedwholebodyhealth.Holisticmedicineusuallycombinesdiet,physicalexerciseandmeditation,togetherwithother alternativetechniquessuchasmassage〔按摩〕andacupuncture〔针灸〕.Herbaltreatment,a practiceoftreatingillnessbyusingplants,isinfluencedbythewritingsofCulpeperaswellas ChineseandAyurvedicmedicine.Homeopathy〔顺势疗法〕isoneoftheformsofholistic medicinewhichiswidelypracticedinEuropeandtheUSA.HomeopathybeganinGermanyintheearly1800s,whenSamuelHahnemanndescribedhowverytinydoses〔剂量〕ofadrughadan effectonhispatients.AccordingtoHahnemann,themorethedrugwasdiluted〔稀释〕,thestronger itseffects.Thesubstanceselectedwouldproducesimilareffectstothediseaseitselfifgivenin largedoses.IntheUKhomeopathyisregardedasanontraditionalbutjustaboutacceptable treatment.Meditationandcontemplationhaveanimportantroleinholisticmedicine.Theywere broughttoEuropebyIndianteacherswhocombinedIndianAyurvedicmedicinewithWestern beliefs.Transcendentalmeditation〔超脱静坐〕isoneofthebestknownofthese techniques.Peoplerepeatwordsinsidetheirheadtoreachastateofdeeprelaxation.Theholisticmovementhasmademanydoctorslookatthewholepatient,notjustthe disease.Lifestyle,emotionalproblemsanddietarejustsomeofthefactorsthatcanaffecta personshealth.Holisticmedicineemphasizesgooddiet,exerciseandfreshair,allofwhich contributetohealth.Someclinicsnowofferholisticmedicinealongwithtraditionaltreatments, sothattheirpatientscanchooseacombinationoftreatmentsthatsuitsthem.Oneproblemwith holisticmedicineisthatitisdifficultforpeopletobesureadoctorisreliable.Tosolvethis, manycountrieswantalternativedoctorstoformprofessionalbodies.()46.Modernholisticmedicinecentersupon.A.curingadiseaseB.herbaltreatmentC.continuousdevelopmentD.keepingpatientshealthy()47.WhichofthefollowingdoesNOTbelongtoholisticmedicine?A.MassageB.meditationC.abalanceddietD.akneeoperation()48.Theprincipleofhomeopathyisthat.A.thelargedosesofmedicinethatwillnotbeharmfulwilltakebettereffectB.thediseasewillbecuredsoonerbytakinglargerdosesofmedicineC.asmallthinnerdoseofmedicinewillbemoreeffectiveD.thedosesofmedicinedependonhowserioustheillnessis()49.Whichofthefollowingtitlesbestsumsupthepassage?A.HolisticMedicineB.TraditionalMedicineReturnsC.HistoryofMedicineD.CombinationofTreatmentsWorks()50.Whatcanweinferfromthepassage?A.Relaxationisthekeyofholistictreatment.B.Holisticmedicineneedstobecomemoretrustworthy.C.Holistictreatmentismorebeneficialthantraditionaltreatments.D.Holisticmedicinewillbecomethemostwelcometreatmentsoon.Ⅳ.Translation10%Directions:Thereare5sentencesinthefollowing.TranslatethemintoEnglish.51.我甚至在下雨天都不喜欢整天呆在家里。



小学英语教师招聘教师考试试题及答案1.You can only pass the exam if you study hard。

(改写句子)2.Look out。

Don't get too close to the house。

the roof is under repair。

(添加标点符号)3.If she could sing。

I would invite her to the party。

(改写句子)4.Always read the XXX and take the right amount of medicine。

(替换单词)5.Green products are XXX。

(替换单词)6.The teacher asked me for my excuse when I was XXX(替换单词)7.With pleasure。


I'll have either。


I can't。

I have to go to an XXX C.10."Could you describe the lady's appearance?" The correct answer is not given.11."Yes。

I want to buy a camera。

but I can't decide which one to get." The correct answer is B.12."I hear the weather will stay cold for another week。

I hope it doesn't。

I XXX C.13."Sorry。

I don't think I'm able to do it myself。





1. A. apple B. banana C. orange2. A. cat B. dog C. bird3. A. table B. chair C. desk4. A. book B. pen C. ruler5. A. happy B. sad C. angry(二)听录音,选出与所听到的内容意思相符的图片。


6. A. B. C.7. A. B. C.8. A. B. C.9. A. B. C.10. A. B. C.(三)听录音,填入所缺的单词。


11. My name is ________. I am eight years old.12. ________ is your father? He is a doctor.13. I like ________ apples. They are sweet.14. Can you ________ me your pencil, please?15. We ________ a new student in our class.二、笔试部分(共70分)(一)选择题(共40分,每题2分)16. ________ name is Tom.A. MeB. MyC. I17. Look at ________ pictures. They are beautiful.A. thisB. thatC. these18. How ________ is the shirt? It's 20 dollars.A. muchB. manyC. old19. I ________ at 7 o'clock in the morning.A. am get upB. get upC. gets up20. He ________ to the park every Sunday.A. goB. goesC. is going21. The cat is ________ the bed.A. onB. atC. in22. ________ are your parents? They are teachers.A. WhatB. WhoC. Where23. How many ________ are there in the classroom?A. childB. childsC. children24. ________ is your favorite subject? It's English.A. HowB. WhatC. Where25. They ________ a birthday party last week.A. haveB. is havingC. had26. Can you ________ please?A. repeatB. repeatingC. repeats27. The weather is ________ today.A. goodB. wellC. fine28. I ________ a sandwich for lunch every day.A. hasB. haveC. is having29. Thank you ________ your help.A. forB. toC. with30. ________ do you go to bed? At 9 o'clock.A. WhatB. WhereC. When(二)完形填空(共10分,每题1分)Hello! My name is Lily. I am a 31 . I have a brother, 32 . We go to the same school. I am in Grade One and my brother is in Grade Three. We 33 to school at 8 o'clock every morning. We have 34 classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. School 35 at 4 p.m. We like to play in thepark after school. Dad and Mom always pick us 36 . We have dinner at 7 p.m. and go to bed at 37 . I like 38 and English. My brother likes 39 and math. We have a happy life every day.31. A. student B. teacher C. doctor32. A. sister B. brother C. friend33. A. come B. goes C. go34. A. three B. four C. five35. A. stops B. finishes C. starts36. A. on B. up C. off37. A. seven B. nine C. ten38. A. music B. art C. science39. A. Chinese B. P.E. C. math(三)阅读理解(共20分,每题2分)AHello, my name is Linda. I am ten years old. I have a big family. There are six people in my family. My parents, my grandparents, my little brother, and me. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. They are very busy. My grandparents enjoy playing chess in their free time. I have a small dog. Its name is Jimmy. We all love Jimmy very much.40. How many people are there in Linda's family?A. FourB. FiveC. Six41. What does Linda's father do?A. He is a teacher.B. He is a doctor.C. He is a student.42. Who enjoys playing chess in their free time?A. Linda's parents.B. Linda's grandparents.C. Linda and her little brother.43. What is the name of Linda's dog?A. LilyB. JennyC. JimmyBTom is a student. He likes sports. He has sports classes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Mondays, he plays basketball. On Wednesdays, he runs in the playground. On Fridays, he swims in the pool. His favorite sport is swimming. He can swim very fast.44. What sports does Tom like?A. Basketball only.B. Running only.C. Swimming only.45. When does Tom run?A. On Mondays.B. On Wednesdays.C. On Fridays.46. Where does Tom swim?A. In the pool.B. In the playground.C. In the gym.47. Can Tom swim fast?A. Yes, he can.B. No, he can't.C. It doesn't mention in the passage.三、写作部分(共30分)请你根据以下提示,以"My Favorite Animal"为题写一篇短文,介绍你最喜欢的动物。



最新小学英语教师招聘考试试题(附答案)XXXPublic Part (30 points)True or False1."Reading。




and writing" express the basic way for XXX.2.The academic performance of students equals the quality of XXX a part of the students' development.3.The types of exams and assessments should be strictly controlled。

and written closed-book exams should not be XXX.4.Reading classics XXX happiness.5.Teachers all need to reflect on their growth。

but what distinguishes XXX is that they have a unique depth of XXX "critical inheritors."Multiple Choice1.______ is the main place for XXX.A。

School libraryB。



Home2._______ is the forever goal of teachers and the most important way to improve the quality of subject teaching.A。

Pursuing the XXXB。

Profound nal knowledgeC。

Distinctive and XXXD。




〔1—30小题,每题1分,计30分〕1. Binbin gets up ____ about 8:30 _____ Saturdays. A. on, at B. in , on C. at, on2. — What’s he like ? — _______.A. He likes beef. B. He’s Mr CarterC. He’s short. 3. How is the cinema from here? A. much B. many C. far4. I'd like Kate soon. A. to write B. to write to C. to writing to5. ---What Amy ? ---She's writing an e-mail to her pen-friend. A. did…do B. is…doing C. is…going to do6. ---Your homework is very good. ---______________.A . Yes, it is B. Thank you C. No , thanks7. I'm eleven years old. My little sister is nine. So .A. She 's older than me. B. She's taller than me. C. I'm two years older.8. You and I like swimming . We have the same .A. both…hobbies B. are…hobbies C. both…hobby9. --- _____ is this walkman? ---______ my daughter’s. A. Who, It’s B. Whose, Its C. Whose, It’s10. ---Would you like _____ tea? --- Yes, just _____.A. some, littleB. any, a littleC. some, a little11. Come in and have a look. This is ________ bedroom.A. Lucy’s and Lily B. Lucy’s and Lily’s C. Lucy and Lily’s12.I can play ______ football. My sister can play _____ piano.A. 不填, the B. the, 不填 C. the, the13. Mr Carter teaches _______ English. ______ all love ______.A .our, We, him B us, Us, her C us, We, him14. _______ sheep are there on the farm? A. How old B. How many C. How much 15. My throat __________ sore. My nose __________.A. is, hurt B. are, hurts C. is, hurts16. There are many apples _____ the tree. ---Yes. There are some birds ____ the tree, too. A. in, in B. in, on C. on, in17. ---What’s the date today? --- It’s________ . A. sunny B. MondayC. August 1st 18. your pen pal in Beijing? A. Do,lives B. Does,live C. Do, live19. Sometimes I _____ TV in the evening. But this evening I’m _____.A. watching, sleepingB. watch, sleepingC. watch, sleep20. It’s 8:30. It’s time _______ have English class. A. for B. to C. at 21.《英语课程标准》〔实验稿〕对小学毕业生的英语词汇要求是:_______。



完整版)教师招聘考试真题(小学英语科目)及答案XXX Exam ns [Primary School English Subject]Full marks: 100 points)Part One: XXXI。

XXX) (5%)1.The "n Law of the People's Republic of China" came into effect on _______.A。

September 1.1990B。

September 1.1995C。

September 1.1996D。

August 1.19972.The "XXX Law of the People's Republic of China" was promulgated on April 12.1986.as the 38th order of the People's Republic of China by _______.A。

The State CouncilB。


The Prime Minister's signatureD。

Local government3.The statement "The school's student source will sharply decrease next academic year。

and teachers XXX and evening self-study and make-up classes can go to other schools to seek better opportunities!" lates _______.A。

"School Management ns"B。

"Teacher Law"C。

"n Law"D。





)1.You can’t pass the exam _______ you study hard.A.if B.because C.unless D.so2.Look out! Don’t get too close to the house roof is under repair.A.whose B.which C.of which D.that3.If it were not for the fact that she ________ sing, l would invite her to the party.A.couldn’t B.shouldn’t C.can’t D.might not4.Always read the ________ o n the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.A.explanations B.instructionsC.descriptions D.introductions5 .Green products are becoming more and more popular because they are environmentally .A.common B.various C.friendly D.changeable6.—What happened to you this morning?—The teacher asked me for my ____ when I was late again.A.meaning B.idea C.excuse D.answer7.—Would you help me put away these things?A.Yes, quite right B.Never mindC.You’re welcome D.With pleasure8.—Here’s coffee and tea. You many have _______ .—Thanks.A.either B.each C.one D.it9.—Will you please stay here for the party?—Sorry, I ________ . I’ll have to go to an important meeting.A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.can’t D.won’t10.—What does the lady look like?A.She’s fine and well B.She’s really a nice ladyC.She’s tall and thin D.She like wearing skirts11 .—Are you going to buy a camera?—Yes. But there are so many kinds that I can’t decide _______ to buy.A.what B.which C.how D.where12.—I hear the weather will _______ cold for another week.—I hope not. I hate cold weather.A.turn B.last C.stay D.get13.—Why don’t you do it yourself?—Sorry, I don’t think I’m ______ t o. I need someone’s help.A.possible B.ready C.afraid D.able14.—I tried to ________ you at home several times, but no one answered the phone.—I was traveling around last three months.A.touch B.reach C.receive D.meet15.—Can you tell me ________ ?—He has just moved to another city.A.where does he live B.does he live whereC.where he lives D.he lives where16.The League secretary and monitor _______ asked to make a speech at the meeting held yesterday.A. isB. wasC. areD. were17.The exhibition, _____ is about the 60th anniversary of the victory of China's resistance war against Japanese aggression, consists of many things reflecting the war period.A. thatB. whereC. whichD. what18.—Jack!My bike was stolen yesterday, could you lend me yours?A. Help yourselfB. Of course, I couldC. Never mindD. Don't mention it19.Facts prove that the world's economic development is not a win-lose game but one in which all _______ be winners.A. canB. shallC. mustD. would20.-Jim, have you finished reading Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince ? -No.I my father on the farm all day yesterday.A. would helpB. had helpedC. was helpingD. have been helping二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)Mrs. Ball had a son. His name was Mick. She 21 him very much and as he was not a 22child, she was always 23 that he might be ill. 24 she used to take him to see the best25 in the town four times a year to be looked 26 .27 one of these visits, the doctor gave Mick all kinds of tests and then said to him,“Have you had any 28 with your nose or ears recently?”Mick 29 for a second and then answered. “Yes,I 30 ”.Mrs. Ball was very 31 . “But I’m sure you have 32 told me that, Mick !” She said worriedly.“ Oh, really?” said the doctor 33 .“And what trouble have you with your nose and ears, my boy ?” “Well,” answered Mick, “I always have trouble with them whenI'm 34 my sweater off, because the 35 is very tight (紧的).”1.21. A. loved B. hated C. missed D. looked2.22. A. rich B. clever C. strong D. happy3.23. A. afraid B. surprised C. glad D. sure4.24. A. Which B. For C. But D. So5.25. A. player B. teacher C. doctor D. lawyer6.26. A. round B. over C. for D. after7.27. A. At B. During C. For D. To8.28. A. answer B. thing C. word D. trouble9.29. A. waited B. thought C. stood D. looked10.0. A. did B. will C. have D. do11. 1. A. excited B. interested C. pleased D. surprised12. 2. A. already B. just C. never D. always13. 3. A. angrily B. seriously C. happily D. carefully14. 4. A. turning B. taking C. keeping D. putting15. 5. A. collar (衣领)B. nose C. mouth D. ear三、阅读理解。



2023年教师公开招聘《小学英语》考试历年真题摘选附带答案第1卷一.全考点综合测验(共20题)1.【单选题】When you"re reading a document, underlining may help to keep your mind ______on the material.A.focusB.focusedC.to focusD.having focused2.【单选题】The English language teaching business will become the victim of its own success,______ may be astonishing to you.A.whichB.thatC.whatD.as3.【单选题】I'm eleven years old. My little sister is nine. So __?A.She 's older than me.B.She's taller than me.C.I'm two years older.4.【单选题】It is suggested that you use specific strategies ______ your way of learning.A.getting overB.making forC.turning intoD.fitting into5.【单选题】______ a long way ahead of you if you want to be a good English teacher.A.It wasB.It hasC.There seemsD.There seems to be6.【单选题】---Would you like _____ tea?--- Yes, just _____.A.some, littleB.any, a littleC.some, a little7.【单选题】If it ______ rain heavily, the city would have great trouble because of its poordrainage system.A.shouldB.wouldC.couldD.might8.【单选题】I'd like__ Kate soon.A.to writeB.to write toC.to writing to9.【单选题】英语课程资源的核心部分是______。





)1.You can’t pass the exam _________ you study hard.A.if B.because C.unless D.so2.Look out! Don’t get too close to the house roof is under repair.A.whose B.which C.of which D.that3.If it were not for the fact that she _________ sing, l would invite her to the party.A.couldn’t B.shouldn’t C.can’t D.might not4.Always read the _________ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine. A.explanations B.instructionsC.descriptions D.introductions5.Green products are becoming more and more popular because they are environmentally .A.common B.various C.friendly D.changeable6.—What happened to you this morning?—The teacher asked me for my _____ when I was late again.A.meaning B.idea C.excuse D.answer7.—Would you help me put away these things?—_________.A.Yes, quite right B.Never mindC.You’re welcome D.With pleasure8.—Here’s coffee and tea. You many have ________.—Thanks.A.either B.each C.one D.it9.—Will you please stay here for the party?—Sorry, I ________. I’ll have to go to an important meeting.A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.can’t D.won’t10.—What does the lady look like?—_________.A.She’s fine and well B.She’s really a nice ladyC.She’s tall and thin D.She like wearing skirts11.—Are you going to buy a camera?—Yes. But there are so many kinds that I can’t decide ________ to buy.A.what B.which C.how D.where12.—I hear the weather will _________ cold for another week.—I hope not. I hate cold weather.A.turn B.last C.stay D.get13.—Why don’t you do it yourself?—Sorry, I don’t think I’m ______ to. I need someone’s help.A.possible B.ready C.afraid D.able14.—I tried to _________ you at home several times, but no one answered the phone.—I was traveling around last three months.A.touch B.reach C.receive D.meet15.—Can you tell me_________?—He has just moved to another city.A.where does he live B.does he live whereC.where he lives D.he lives where16. The League secretary and monitor ______ asked to make a speech at the meeting held yesterday.A. isB. wasC. areD. were17. The exhibition, ______ is about the 60th anniversary of the victory of China's resistance war against Japanese aggression, consists of many things reflecting the war period.A. thatB. whereC. whichD. what18. —Jack!My bike was stolen yesterday, could you lend me yours?—__________.A. Help yourselfB. Of course, I couldC. Never mindD. Don't mention it19. Facts prove that the world's economic development is not a win-lose game but one in which all ________ be winners.A. canB. shallC. mustD. would20. -Jim, have you finished reading Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince ?-No. I my father on the farm all day yesterday.A. would helpB. had helpedC. was helpingD. have been helping二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)Mrs. Ball had a son. His name was Mick. She 21 him very much and as he was not a 22child, she was always 23 that he might be ill. 24 she used to take him to see the best25 in the town four times a year to be looked 26 .27 one of these visits, the doctor gave Mick all kinds of tests and then said to him,“Have you had any 28 with your nose or ears recently?”Mick 29 for a second and then answered. “Yes,I 30 ”.Mrs. Ball was very 31 . “But I’m sure you have 32 told me that, Mick !” She said worriedly.“ Oh, really?” said the doctor 33 .“And what trouble have you with your nose and ears, my boy ?” “Well,” answered Mick, “I always have trouble with them when I’m 34 my sweater off, because the 35 is very tight(紧的).”()21. A. loved B. hated C. missed D. looked()22. A. rich B. clever C. strong D. happy()23. A. afraid B. surprised C. glad D. sure()24. A. Which B. For C. But D. So()25. A. player B. teacher C. doctor D. lawyer()26. A. round B. over C. for D. after()27. A. At B. During C. For D. To()28. A. answer B. thing C. word D. trouble()29. A. waited B. thought C. stood D. looked()30. A. did B. will C. have D. do()31. A. excited B. interested C. pleased D. surprised()32. A. already B. just C. never D. always()33. A. angrily B. seriously C. happily D. carefully()34. A. turning B. taking C. keeping D. putting()35. A. collar(衣领) B. nose C. mouth D. ear三、阅读理解。




选择题部分注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。

2. 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。



第一节:单项选择题;;从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1. Doing morning exercises every day ______ to improve your health.A. helpB. helpingC. helpsD. helped2.It is uncertain whether the meeting is ______ worth______.A. quite, holdingB. well, holdingC. very, taking placeD. well, taking place3. I have just been taught how to make inquiries ______ the post office.A. aboutB. afterC. inD. on4. It is well known to us all that in China traffic ______ the right.A. keeps toB. keeps outC. keeps fromD. keeps on5. Dick was going to school ______ a satchel on his shoulders ______ he saw a traffic accident.A. with, whenB. had, whenC. with, beforeD. had, until6. 英语课程标准设计规定了小学一级技能的内容分类。



小学英语教师公开招聘测试题及答案一、单选题(共20题,共40分)1.学生常通过调查、采访、研究等 ______活动获取信息。

A.信息收集B.信息交流C.信息转换D.信息推理2.基础教育阶段学生应学习和掌握的英语语言基础知识除了语音、词汇、语法、话题外,还有 ______。

A.语篇B.话语C.功能D.交际3.某学生在学习英语的过程中,利用推理、归纳等逻辑手段完成具体学习任务,他运用了 ______。

A.调控策略B.认知策略C.交际策略D.资源策略4.英语课程资源的核心部分是 ______。

A.广播影视B.报刊杂志C.英语教材D.教具和食物5.最初提出“交际能力”这一概念的是 ______。

A.海姆斯B.克拉申C.乔姆斯基D.帕默6.教师在传授新的教学内容时,通过建立与教学有关的情景,将学生带入新知识准备的状态的教学行为是 ______。

A.提问B.导入C.操练D.呈现7.Previewing is a technique of allowing your eyes to travel rapidly ______ a page,stopping here and there to register the main idea.A.atB.viaC.overD.with8.The play Pygmalion later adapted to the musical comedy My Fair Lady was written by ______.A.Charles DickensB.Jack LondonC.Mark TwainD.Bernard Shaw9.In Canada there are two official languages, English and ______.A.FrenchtinC.SpanishD.Portuguese10.It is suggested that you use specific strategies ______ your way of learning.A.getting overB.making forC.turning intoD.fitting into11.When you"re reading a document, underlining may help to keep your mind ______on the material.A.focusB.focusedC.to focusD.having focused12.An advertisement as a whole may be misleading though each sentence separately is______ true.A.literallyB.partlyC.ambiguouslyD.apparently13.The English language teaching business will become the victim of its own success,______ may be astonishing to you.A.whichB.thatD.as14.Thinking helps people control their own destinies. Those who avoid thinking run therisk of ______.A.victimizingB.being victimizedC.having victimizedD.having been victimized15.______ a long way ahead of you if you want to be a good English teacher.A.It wasB.It hasC.There seemsD.There seems to be16.If it ______ rain heavily, the city wopd have great trouble because of its poordrainage system.A.shopdB.wopdC.copd17.One of the main reasons is that making furniture ______ vast quantities of trees.A.requireB.requiresC.requiredD.requiring18.Keep your life ______ so that things don"t get you down.A.in disbeliefB.in preparationC.in disguiseD.in proportion19.Body language is a powerfp communication system, ______ it can signal verydifferent things.A.butB.soC.forD.then20.—Shopd I hand in form right now?A.t doesn"t matterB.Take your timeC.Take it easyD.Never mind二、判断题(共10题,共10分)21.教学设计的好,教学就一定能成功。





)1.You can’t pass the exam _________ you study hard.A.if B.because C.unless D.so2.Look out! Don’t get too close to the house roof is under repair.A.whose B.which C.of which D.that3.If it were not for the fact that she _________ sing, l would invite her to the party.A.couldn’t B.shouldn’t C.can’t D.might not4.Always read the _________ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.A.explanations B.instructionsC.descriptions D.introductions5.Green products are becoming more and more popular because they are environmentally .A.common B.various C.friendly D.changeable6.—What happened to you this morning?—The teacher asked me for my _____ when I was late again.A.meaning B.idea C.excuse D.answer7.—Would you help me put away these things?—_________.A.Yes, quite right B.Never mindC.You’re welcome D.With pleasure8.—Here’s coffee and tea. You many have ________.—Thanks.A.either B.each C.one D.it9.—Will you please stay here for the party?—Sorry, I ________. I’ll have to go to an important meeting.A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.can’t D.won’t10.—What does the lady look like?—_________.A.She’s fine and well B.She’s really a nice ladyC.She’s tall and thin D.She like wearing skirts11.—Are you going to buy a camera?—Yes. But there are so many kinds that I can’t decide ________ to buy. A.what B.which C.how D.where12.—I hear the weather will _________ cold for another week.—I hope not. I hate cold weather.A.turn B.last C.stay D.get13.—Why don’t you do it yourself?—Sorry, I don’t think I’m ______ to. I need someone’s help.A.possible B.ready C.afraid D.able14.—I tried to _________ you at home several times, but no one answered the phone. —I was traveling around last three months.A.touch B.reach C.receive D.meet15.—Can you tell me_________?—He has just moved to another city.A.where does he live B.does he live whereC.where he lives D.he lives where16. The League secretary and monitor ______ asked to make a speech at the meeting held yesterday.A. isB. wasC. areD. were17. The exhibition, ______ is about the 60th anniversary of the victory of China's resistance war against Japanese aggression, consists of many things reflecting the war period.A. thatB. whereC. whichD. what18. —Jack! My bike was stolen yesterday, could you lend me yours?—__________.A. Help yourselfB. Of course, I couldC. Never mindD. Don't mention it19. Facts prove that the world's economic development is not a win-lose game but one in which all ________ be winners.A. canB. shallC. mustD. would20. -Jim, have you finished reading Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince ?-No. I my father on the farm all day yesterday.A. would helpB. had helpedC. was helpingD. have been helping二、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)Mrs. Ball had a son. His name was Mick. She 21 him very much and as he was not a 22child, she was always 23 that he might be ill. 24 she used to take him to see thebest25 in the town four times a year to be looked 26 .27 one of these visits, the doctor gave Mick all kinds of tests and then said to him,“Have you had any 28 with your nose or ears recently?”Mick 29 for a second and then answered. “Yes,I 30 ”.Mrs. Ball was very 31 . “But I’m sure you have 32 told me that, Mick !” She said worriedly.“ Oh, really?” said the doctor 33 .“And what trouble have you with your nose and ears, my boy ?” “Well,” answered Mick, “I always have trouble with them when I’m 34 my sweater off, because the 35 is very tight(紧的).”()21. A. loved B. hated C. missed D. looked()22. A. rich B. clever C. strong D. happy()23. A. afraid B. surprised C. glad D. sure()24. A. Which B. For C. But D. So()25. A. player B. teacher C. doctor D. lawyer()26. A. round B. over C. for D. after()27. A. At B. During C. For D. To()28. A. answer B. thing C. word D. trouble()29. A. waited B. thought C. stood D. looked()30. A. did B. will C. have D. do()31. A. excited B. interested C. pleased D. surprised()32. A. already B. just C. never D. always()33. A. angrily B. seriously C. happily D. carefully()34. A. turning B. taking C. keeping D. putting()35. A. collar(衣领) B. nose C. mouth D. ear三、阅读理解。



教师招聘考试真题[小学英语科目](满分为100分)第一部分英语教育理论与实践Ⅰ.单项选择题(选择正确答案)5%( ) 1.《中华人民共和国教育法》自之日起开始实施。

A.1990年9月1日B.1995年9月1日C.1996年9月1日D.1997年8月1日( ) 2.《中华人民共和国义务教育法》是1986年4月12日中华人民共和国第三十八号令公布的。

A.国务院令B.主席令C.总理签署D.地方政府( ) 3.“学校下学年生源锐减,教师严重超编,不愿意上早晚自修和补课的同志可以去其他学校另谋高就!”这种说法违反了。

A.《学校管理条例》B.《教师法》C.《教育法》D.《教师资格条例》( ) 4.教师之间要“谦虚谨慎,尊重同志,相互学习,相互帮助,维护其他教师在学生中的威信。



A.“双赢”协作原则B.和平共处原则C.民主原则D.自觉原则( ) 5.聘任或任命教师担任职务应当有一定的任期,每一任期一般为。


5%( ) 6.在小学英语学习阶段,不需要接触和了解英语国家文化。

( ) 7.在英语教学中,可以根据学生的实际情况,对教材内容的顺序进行适当的调整。

( ) 8.新课程下的教师角色变化需由管理者变为组织者,由传授者变为参与者,由控制者变为帮助者。

( ) 9.绝对评价是指按照正态分布率对学生进行人为的划等、分类和排队。

( ) 10.教学目标的三个方面包括知识目标、经验目标、情感目标。

第二部分英语专业基础知识Ⅰ.V ocabulary and structure 15%Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in the following.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.( ) 1.Though he is seventy years old, he takes exercise every day.A.Past B.aboveC.On D.over( ) 2.—Which would you like, Madam, tea or coffee?—, thanks.I'd like a glass of water, please.A.Either B.BothC.Neither D.OK( ) 3.—How soon will you finish the building?—.A.In two months B.Two monthsC.About two months D.After two months( ) 4.They did their father told them.A.Like B.asC.About D.with( ) 5.One of the boys is , all the other boys are .A.English; China B.an English; ChineseC.England; China D.English; Chinese( ) 6.Either you or he the team.A.is in B.are onC.is on D.are in( ) 7.He was made thirteen hours a day by his boss.A.to work B.workC.is on D.are in( ) 8.Mrs.Hu asked Liu Fang and to take part in the English meeting.A.I B.myC.Me D.mine( ) 9.Tell the students their English books.A.to take B.to carryC.to bring D.bring( ) 10.It us two hours walk to get to our school.A.Take B.takesC.Spend D.paid( ) 11.My little sister is so tired, she can hardly walk, ?A.does she B.can sheC.doesn t she D.can t she( ) 12.Yellow River is the second longest river in our country.A./ B.TheC.An D.A( )13.—Do you want to at the meeting?—No, I have nothing to .A.say; speak B.tell; talkC.say; say D.speak; say( ) 14.She asked me he could dance or sing.A.If B.whatC.Whether D.that( ) 15.—Aren't you Mary's sister?—.I'm her aunt.A.Yes, I am B.No, I m notC.Yes, I'm not D.No, I amⅡ.Close 20%Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following text.For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose the ONE that best fills the blank.During our two months on the road, Bennett and I had a really16experience with a good, honest17and some helpful mechanics.We were driving east on Highway 10 when our “chick engine”light came on.We limped of a (n)18into Las Cruces.We had a real car19.Bennett nursed the car into a localgarage.By this time the car was missing(熄火)so20it was shaking all over.This was the 21time to arrive at a garage—late Friday afternoon.Service adviser Scott was busy22paper work and customers as we23our problems.24he was already “ten cars behind”, he told us to pull the car into the garage.Lincoln, who we later25was one of the two motor technicians, took26of our car repairing.He and Scott and some other mechanics stayed several hours after closing, 27the car.Early the next morning (the shop was officially closed on Saturdays), Lincoln finally located the28and fixed it easily within only29.Later Scott30out to us that it was our attitude that helped.“You didn t come into the place demanding this or that.You showed an31of our problems on a busy Friday afternoon.Customer's attitude means a lot.”He was right in some way, customers should show32and understanding to people who33them.34people were extremely busy,they found way to at least try and help when they are met with politeness.The pleasant experience I had shows that35for other people can always help.( ) 16.A.awfulB.pleasantC.wonderfulD.terrible( ) 17.A.stationB.studioC.factoryD.garage( ) 18.A.exitB.turningC.crossingD.entrance( ) 19.A.difficultyB.examinationC.troubleD.disaster( ) 20.A.busilyB.badlyC.quicklyD.weakly( ) 21.A.highestB.easiestC.luckiestD.worst( ) 22.A.atB.onC.withD.by( ) 23.A.explainedB.introducedC.repeatedD.expressed( ) 24.A.AsB.BecauseC.EvenD.Though( ) 25.A.learnedB.understoodC.recognizedD.though( ) 26.A.careB.controlC.chargeD.pride( ) 27.A.buildingB.examiningC.repairingD.driving( ) 28.A.problemB.diseaseC.dangerD.wound( ) 29.A.daysB.hoursC.monthsD.minutes( ) 30.A.spokeB.pointedC.brokeD.blew( ) 31.A.understandingB.ignoranceC.appreciationD.awareness( ) 32.A.cruelnessB.fairnessC.calmnessD.politeness( ) 33.A.comfortB.protectC.serveD.rescue( ) 34.A.Even ifB.Even asC.Even soD.Even then( ) 35.A.obedienceB.respectC.patienceD.mercyⅢ.Reading comprehension 15%Directions: There are three passages in the following.For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D.You should decide on the best choice.Passage 1Joe Biggs was a butcher.His shop was in a village in one of the most beautiful parts of southern England.He worked in it for many years while his father was there.Then, when his father reached the age of 65, he stopped working in the shop.Joe was alone in it, so he had to work harder.Joe worked five and a half day a week.His shop shut at one o'clock on Thursday, and it was shut the whole of Sunday.Saturdays were the busiest days.Joe had a big refrigerator in his shop, but he tried not to buy too much meat at a time.One Thursday a woman came into the shop at five minutes to one.“I'm sorry I m very late,”she said, “but some people have just telephoned to say that they are going to come to dinner tonight, and I need some more meat.”Joe only had one piece of good meat in the shop.He had sold all the rest earlier in the day.He took the piece out and said to the woman.“This is £7.15.”“That piece is too small,”the woman answered.“Haven t you got anything bigger?”Joe went into the room behind his shop, opened the refrigerator, put the piece of meat into it, took it out again and shut the door of the refrigerator with a lot of noise.Then he brought the piece of meat back to the woman and said,“This piece is bigger and more expensive.It's £9.30.”“Good,”the woman answered with a smile.“Give me both of them, please.”( ) 36.Joe worked alone in the shop .A.on Saturdays B.on ThursdaysC.after his father died D.after his father stopped working( ) 37.Joe sold meat in his shop .A.on Thursday afternoons B.on SundaysC.on Fridays D.every day( ) 38.One day a woman came to his shop .A.at 1:55, Tuesday B.at 1:05C.to say sorry to him D.because someone had suddenly telephoned her( ) 39.Which of the following is true?A.People bought all the meat from him.B.The woman didn't want the expensive piece of meat.C.Joe brought the woman a different piece.D.The woman wanted to buy the two pieces of meat together.( ) 40.Joe only had one piece of good meat because .A.Joe s refrigerator had broken.B.he tried not to buy too much meat at a time.C.he knew that the meat would go bad.D.he had no money to buy more.Passage 2If you go into the forest with friends, stay with them always.If you don t, you may get lost.If you really get lost, this is what you should do.Sit down and stay where you are.Don't try to find your friends-let them find you by staying in one place.There is another way to help your friends or other nearby people to find you.Give them a signal by shouting or whistling three times.Stop.Then shout or whistle three times.Any signal given three times is a call for help.Keep up the shouting or whistling always three times together.When people hear you, they will know that you are not just making noise for fun.They will let you know that they have heard your signal.They will give two shouts, two whistles or two gun shots.When someone gives a signal, it is an answer to a call for help.If you don't think that you will get help before night comes, try to make a little house cover up the holes with branches and lots of leaves.Make yourself a soft bed with leaves and grass.What should you do if you get hungry or need drinking water? You would have to leave your little branch house to look for a river.Don't just walk away.Pick off small branches and drop them as you walk so that you can find your way back.The most important thing to do when you are lost is——stay in one place.( ) 41.If you get lost in the forest, you should .A.stay where you are and give a signal three timesB.walk around the forest and shout so that your friends might hear youC.try to find your friends as soon as possibleD.try to get out of the forest and shout for help( ) 42.If you want to let people believe that you are not just making noise for fun you should .A.shout that you are lostB.keep up the shouting or whistling always three times togetherC.shout at the top of your voiceD.shout or whistle once in a while( ) 43.When you hear shouts or whistles or gun shots, you know that .A.two; people will soon come to help youB.three; some one is asking for helpC.three; people will soon come to help youD.two; someone is asking for help( ) 44.When you are lost in the forest, but you want to leave your place to get water, you should .A.just go to the riverB.find a bowl or a glass, and then goC.make a fire so that you might make yourself some hot teaD.leave marks as you go to the river so that you can find your way back( ) 45.This story mainly tells you .A.that when someone gives a signal always three times, it is a call for helpB.what you should do if you get lost in the forestC.that when any signal given twice means an answer to a call for helpD.that when someone makes a fire, it is a call for helpPassage 3The oldest forms of medicine are enjoying a comeback.Modern holistic medicine is an approach that treats the whole patient,not just the disease.It is a way to maintain good health rather than cure illness.The most important influences on today's holistic medicine are ancient Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurvedic medicine, both of which promoted whole body health.Holistic medicine usually combines diet,physical exercise and meditation, together with other alternative techniques such as massage(按摩)and acupuncture(针灸).Herbal treatment, a practice of treating illness by using plants, is influenced by the writings of Culpeper as well as Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine.Homeopathy(顺势疗法)is one of the forms of holistic medicine which is widely practiced in Europe and the USA.Homeopathy began in Germany in the early 1800s, when Samuel Hahnemann described how very tiny doses(剂量)of a drug had an effect on his patients.According to Hahnemann, the more the drug was diluted(稀释),the stronger its effects.The substance selected would produce similar effects to the disease itself if given in large doses.In the UK homeopathy is regarded as a non traditional but just about acceptable treatment.Meditation and contemplation have an important role in holistic medicine.They were brought to Europe by Indian teachers who combined Indian Ayurvedic medicine with Western beliefs.Transcendental meditation(超脱静坐)is one of the best known of these techniques.People repeat words inside their head to reach a state of deep relaxation.The holistic movement has made many doctors look at the whole patient, not just the disease.Life style, emotional problems and diet are just some of the factors that can affect a person s health.Holistic medicine emphasizes good diet, exercise and fresh air, all of which contribute to health.Some clinics now offer holistic medicine along with traditional treatments, so that their patients can choose a combination of treatments that suits them.One problem with holistic medicine is that it is difficult for people to be sure a doctor is reliable.To solve this, many countries want alternative doctors to form professional bodies.( ) 46.Modern holistic medicine centers upon .A.curing a disease B.herbal treatmentC.continuous development D.keeping patients healthy( ) 47.Which of the following does NOT belong to holistic medicine?A.Massage B.meditationC.a balanced diet D.a knee operation( ) 48.The principle of homeopathy is that .A.the large doses of medicine that will not be harmful will take better effectB.the disease will be cured sooner by taking larger doses of medicineC.a small thinner dose of medicine will be more effectiveD.the doses of medicine depend on how serious the illness is( ) 49.Which of the following titles best sums up the passage?A.Holistic MedicineB.Traditional Medicine ReturnsC.History of MedicineD.Combination of Treatments Works( ) 50.What can we infer from the passage?A.Relaxation is the key of holistic treatment.B.Holistic medicine needs to become more trustworthy.C.Holistic treatment is more beneficial than traditional treatments.D.Holistic medicine will become the most welcome treatment soon.Ⅳ.Translation 10%Directions: There are 5 sentences in the following.Translate them into English.51.我甚至在下雨天都不喜欢整天呆在家里。




1. Mr. Chen is _____ generous man. He has donated a lot of money to people in need.A. aB. anC. theD. /2. I _____ walk to school. But this morning I took a bus because I got up late.A. neverB. hardlyC. seldomD. usually3. Daniel is good at computer. He taught _____ to make a home page.A. herB. himC. herselfD. himself4. —_____ will you play basketball with me?—In about 20 minutes after finishing my homework.A. How soonB. How longC. How oftenD. How far5. Mary spends a lot of money on clothes _____ her family is not rich.A. becauseB. thoughC. ifD. so6. —_____schoolbag is that?—You mean the one behind the chair? It’s Tonny’s.A. WhichB. WhatC. WhoseD. Where7. _____ wonderful news report he wrote! All of us were satisfied with what he did.A. What aB. WhatC. HowD. How a8. —Look at the sign. You_____ fish here..—Sorry, I didn’t know.A. mayB. shouldC. mustn’tD. needn’t9. The man _____ his coat when he walked into the warm room.A. took awayB. took offC. took downD. took out10. Both teachers and students _____ not to use mobile phones in class in our school.A. are toldB. are saidC. toldD. said11. —Wow, your new car looks so cool!—Thank you very much! I _____ it for two weeks.A. have hadB. have boughtC. boughtD. buy12. —Mum, the meat on the table tastes _____..—You shouldn’t eat any of it. Just throw it away.A. goodB. badlyC. badD. well13. —I seem to be lost. Could you tell me _____?..—Sure. You can take the No.3 bus to get there.A. where is the nearest hospitalB. how long it will take me to the airportC. how far is my trip to the Olympic VillageD. how I can get to the National Museum14. —Do you mind my closing the window?.—_____. It's much too noisy outside.A. Certainly I doB. Of course notC. All rightD. You’d better not15. —Would you please help me with my drawing?—_____. You can come to my workroom every Saturday.A. That’s all rightB. No problemC. No, thanksD. Quite well二、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



小学英语教师考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What's this in English?A. 这是一个苹果。

B. 这是一个香蕉。

C. 这是一个橙子。

D. 这是一个梨。

答案:B2. How do you say "早上好" in English?A. Good morning.B. Good afternoon.C. Good evening.D. Good night.答案:A3. What color is the sky?A. Blue.B. Red.C. Green.D. Yellow.答案:A4. How many days are there in a week?A. 6.B. 7.C. 8.D. 10.答案:B5. What's the opposite of "big"?A. Small.B. Tall.C. Short.D. Long.答案:A6. Which season comes after summer?A. Spring.B. Autumn.C. Winter.D. Summer.答案:B7. What do you call your father's mother?A. Mother.B. Sister.C. Aunt.D. Grandmother.答案:D8. What does "I have a headache" mean?A. 我饿了。

B. 我头疼。

C. 我困了。

D. 我渴了。

答案:B9. Which of the following is a fruit?A. Carrot.B. Apple.C. Potato.D. Cucumber.答案:B10. What is the capital of China?A. Beijing.B. Shanghai.C. Guangzhou.D. Shenzhen.答案:A二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)1. The first day of the week is _______.答案:Sunday2. The word "book" has four _______.答案:letters3. "What's your name?" is a question about your _______.答案:name4. The opposite of "hot" is _______.答案:cold5. We use "am", "is", or "are" to form a _______ sentence.答案:positive6. The past tense of "go" is _______.答案:went7. "Thank you" is a phrase to express _______.答案:gratitude8. "How old are you?" is asking about your _______.答案:age9. The word "cat" starts with the letter _______.答案:C10. "Please" is a word used to show _______.答案:politeness三、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)Read the following passage and answer the questions.Tom is a little boy who loves animals. He has a dog named Max and a cat named Bella. Every day, Tom takes Max for a walk in the park and plays with Bella in the garden. One day, Tom saw a bird in the tree and wanted to help it. He climbed the tree to get closer to the bird, but he got stuck. Max barked loudly to call for help. A neighbor heard the noise and came to help Tom down from the tree.1. What is Tom's favorite thing to do?A. Play with his toys.B. Play with animals.C. Play in the park.D. Play in the garden.答案:B2. What are the names of Tom's pets?A. Max and Bella.B. Bella and Max.C. Tom and Max.D. Tom and Bella.答案:A3. Where does Tom usually play with Bella?A. In the park.B. In the garden.C. In the house.D. In the tree.答案:B4. What happened to Tom when he tried to help the bird?A. He fell down.B. He got stuck.C. He flew away.D. He called for help.答案:B5. Who helped Tom to come down from the tree?A. His mother.B. His father.C. His neighbor.D. His dog Max.答案:C四、完形填空(每题2分,共20分)Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lucy. She was very _______ (11) and loved to help others. One day, shefound a lost dog in the park. The dog was _______ (12) and scared. Lucy decided to _______ (13)。

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小学教师业务考试英语试题及答案一、单项选择:1. Binbin gets up ___ a bout 8:30 _____ S aturdays. A. on, at B. in , on C. at, on2. — What ' s he like ? — __________ A He likes beef. B. He ' s Mr Carter C. He ' s short.3. Howis the cin ema from here? A. much B. many C. far4. I'd like Kate soon. A. to write B. to write to C. to writ ing to5. ---What Amy ? ---She's writing an e-mail to her pen- friend. A. did-B.d® …doingC. is …going to do6. ---Your homework is very good. --- ____________ .A . Yes, it is B. Thank you C. No ,thanks7. I'm eleven years old. My little sister is nine. So .A. She 's older than me. B. She's taller than me. C. I'm two years older.8. You and I like swim ming . We have the same .A. both both …hobby9. --- ____ is this walkman? --- ______ m y daughter A.W/ho, It It 'sthe13. Mr Carter teaches _____ En glish. ______ all love ______ .A .our, We, him B us, Us, her C us, We, him14. ______ sheep are there on the farm? A. How old B. How many C. How much…hobbies B. are …hobbies C.B. Whose, ItsC. Whose,10. ---Would you liketea? --- Yes, just _____ .A. some, little B. any, a little C. some, alittle11. Come in and have a look. This is _______ bedroom.A. LucyB. Lucyarid IsilandLily ' s C. Lucy and Lily ' s12.1 can playfootball. My sister can playpiano.A. 不填,the B. the,不填 C. the,15. My throat _________ s ore. My nose _________ .A. is, hurt B. are, hurts C. is, hurts16. There are many apples ____ t he tree. ---Yes. There are some birds ____ the tree, too. A. i n,in B. i n, on C. on, in17. --- What' s the date today? --- It ' s _________ . A. sunny B. Monday C. August 1 st18. your pen pal in Beijing? A. Do , lives B. Does, live C. Do, live19. Sometimes I ____ TV in the evening. But this evening I A. watchingp sleeping B. watch, sleep ing C. watch, sleep20. It ' s 8:30. It ' s timdnave English class. A. for B. to C. at21 •《英语课程标准》(实验稿)对小学毕业生的英语词汇要求是: _______ 。

A. 学习800—900个单词和70个左右的习惯用语B. 学习有关本级话题范围的约700—800个单词和60个左右的习惯用语C. 学习有关本级话题范围的600—700个单词和50个左右的习惯用语22 •小学英语教学的重点应是____________ 。

A. 组织有趣的课堂教学活动B.帮助学生提高英语口语能力C.培养学生运用英语的能力和兴趣23 •小学英语课堂中常常采用唱英语歌曲的教学形式,其目的是________________________ 。

A.营造活跃的课堂氛围,减轻学习压力B.培养学生的综合素质C.通过唱会歌词,产生背诵英语材料的作用24 •采用现代化教学手段最重要的作用是__________________ 。

A活化情境与语境,便于学生在运用中学习 B. 提高学生的学习兴趣C.消除学生的感官疲劳25 •创设情境要考虑贴近学生生活,形式新颖,简而易行。

但最重要的一点是应能______________________ 。

A.反映所学材料的社会环境B.帮助学生理解和巩固所学材料的内容C.使学生在愉快的氛围中学有所获26 •在英语课堂上,学生出现口语表达错误时,教师应_______________________ 。

A.即刻纠正,并帮助学生明白错误所在B.耐心等学生讲完后再予以纠正C.在能沟通达意的情况下,不必凡错必纠27 •你认为在一个英语学习分化比较大的班级中,最好的处理方法是__________ 。

A.适当放低要求以鼓励差生B.按全班多数学生的接受水平选教部分材料,其它部分则在以后适当进行补充C. 关注优生和差生的需求,采用多种方法让每个学生都能在课堂上学有所得28、小学英语教学应听力先行,这要求教师必须 ____________________ 。

A.具备标准的英式英语语音语调B.提高自身的辨音能力和听力教学修养C.进行大量的听力自我练习29、_______ 是英语学习成功的关键。

A、打下良好的听、说、读、写基础B、保持积极的学习态度C、每天背诵一篇经典课文D、课前准备、课后复习30、在基础教育阶段,学习英语应以―为主,学习者最主要的终极目标之一是获得_________________ 。

A、实践;综合语言运用能力B、掌握知识;尽可能多的语言知识C、交际;尽可能多的英语信息D、听说;听与说的能力公共部分(请将正确的答案填入答案卡内,31-40为单项选择,41-45为多项选择,每小题 2分,共30分)31、读书学习一实践探索一反思提高”,是教师___________________ 。

①专门的工作方式 ②特有的职业生活方式 ③唯一的生活形式 ④可选择的生活方式32、一个人的阅读史,就是一个人的 _____________ 。




以上这段文字出自 __________________ 之口。

①王蒙 ② 余秋雨③刘方武④顾炎武当表述、交流 ④专场演讲37、刘良华认为:精彩的课堂教学都是产生在 ___________________ 。

①教师的课程智慧上 ②教师高超的教学技能 ③教师扎实的基本功 ④反复的试课38、刘良华将 _________称之为教师的第一专业智慧。

①教学技能使用智慧②人际关系调剂智慧③课程智慧④组织教学智慧39、 用刘良华的观点来看下列行为与现象,不属于对教材补充的是 ________ .34、人的生命质量要靠持久的锻铸,最重要的是 读④写作______ 。

①刻苦工作 ②磨练意志③阅35、青年人的课外阅读是走向精神成熟的起点,底,就会建什么样的楼。


垫什么样的________ 。

①看短篇小说 ②选读名著 ③36、成年人要使阅读兴趣不衰,应该_________ 。

①立足静读②逢场高谈阔论 ③寻找机会适①大搞题海战术②优美的身姿语③不断有效的开发课程资源④写好粉笔字40、做正确的事情比正确地做事情更重要”的观点运用到教学实践中体现的意思是______________ 。






①民主精神②管理技巧③管理威信④把课上好42、万玮老师教学管理的关键词是计谋”下列对这一词的解释和万老师本人观点不一致的是________ 。

①对学生搞阴谋诡计②与学生斗智斗勇③兵家理论加爱心④不要太相信学生43、小组合作学习已成为当今课堂主要的学习方式之一,下列观点正确的是_______ 。




44、从一般教师走向优秀教师的最显著特征应该是 _________________ 。

①取得许多证件②从有效教学走向优质教学③从低效教学到有效教学④一步步走向师德高尚、业务超群45、对暗示的解释,下列正确的选项有________________ 。




