



MS6818电缆探测仪沈阳达万科技有限公司电话:************网址:手机:139****5309邮箱:**************使用说明书USERS MANUALii iMS6818线缆探测仪目录目录 (1)介绍 (4)开箱检查 (4)安全信息 (7)1 概论 (14)1.1 产品简介 (14)1.2 MS6818电缆探测仪突出特点: (16)1.3 部件名称及功能 (17)1.3.1发射机平面视图 (17)1.3.2发射机显示界面 (18)1.3.3接收机平面图 (19)1.3.4接收机显示界面 (20)1.3.5接收机线路查找模式显示界面 (21)2 测量方法 (22)2.1 测量前的注意事项 (22)1介绍22.2 作用原理 (23)2.3 典型练习实例 (25)3 具体应用 (27)3.1 单极应用 (27)3.1.1开路式探测应用 (27)3.1.2查找和跟踪线路、插座 (28)3.1.3查找线路中断 (29)3.1.4使用两个发射机查找线路断路故障 (31)3.1.5查找电气地板供暖中的故障 (33)3.1.6查找埋设的非金属管道中的狭窄(堵塞)处 (34)3.1.7探测埋设的金属自来水管和金属供暖管道 (36)3.1.8探测同楼层供电线路 (38)3.1.9跟踪地下线路 (40)3.2 双极应用 (42)3.2.1闭合回路中的使用 (42)3.2.2查找保险丝 (43)3.2.3查找线路中的短路 (45)3.2.4探测较大埋设深度的线路 (47)3.2.5对所铺设的线路的分类或确定 (49)3.3 提高带电查找线路的有效半径的方法 (51)3.4 电网电压识别与查找线路中断 (53)MS6818线缆探测仪4 其他功能 (55)4.1 发射机的电压表功能 (55)4.2 手电筒功能 (55)4.3 背光功能 (55)4.4 静音功能 (55)4.5 自动关机功能 (55)5 技术数据 (56)5.1 发射机技术数据 (56)5.2 接收机技术数据 (57)6 维护和维修 (58)6.1 常见故障检查表 (58)6.2 发射机保险丝的检查 (59)6.3 清洁 (60)6.4 更换电池 (60)6.5 校准间隔期 (62)3介绍介绍感谢购买华仪公司设计和生产的MS6818电缆探测仪。



DABiC-IV , 20-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERData Sheet 26182.126AThe A6812– devices combine a 20-bit CMOS shift register,accompanying data latches and control circuitry with bipolar sourcing outputs and pnp active pull downs. Designed primarily to drivevacuum-fluorescent displays, the 60 V and -40 mA output ratings also allow these devices to be used in many other peripheral power driver applications. The A6812– features an increased data input rate (com-pared with the older UCN/UCQ5812-F) and a controlled output slew rate.The CMOS shift register and latches allow direct interfacing with microprocessor-based systems. With a 3.3 V or 5 V logic supply, they will operate to at least 10 MHz.A CMOS serial data output permits cascade connections in applica-tions requiring additional drive lines. Similar devices are available as the A6809– and A6810– (10 bits), A6811– (12 bits), and A6818– (32bits).The A6812– output source drivers are npn Darlingtons, capable of sourcing up to 40 mA. The controlled output slew rate reduces electro-magnetic noise, which is an important consideration in systems that include telecommunications and/or microprocessors and to meetgovernment emissions regulations. For inter-digit blanking, all output drivers can be disabled and all sink drivers turned on with a BLANK-ING input high. The pnp active pull-downs will sink at least 2.5 mA.Two temperature ranges are available for optimum performance in commercial (suffix S-) or industrial (suffix E-) applications. Package styles are provided for through-hole DIP (suffix -A), surface-mount SOIC (suffix -LW), or minimum-area surface-mount PLCC (suffix -EP). Copper lead frames, low logic-power dissipation, and lowoutput-saturation voltages allow these drivers to source 25 mA from all outputs continuously to more than +43°C (suffix -LW), +61°C (suffix -EP), or +77°C (suffix -A).FEATURESI Controlled Output Slew Rate I High-Speed Data Storage I 60 V Minimum Output Breakdown I High Data Input Rate I PNP Active Pull-Downs Complete part number includes a suffix to identify operating temperature range (E- or S-) and package type (-A, -EP, or -LW).Always order by complete part number, e.g., A6812SLW .6812I Low Output-Saturation Voltages I Low-Power CMOS Logic and Latches I Improved Replacements for TL5812–, UCN5812–,and UCQ5812–681220-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED SOURCE DRIVER115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000A6812xEPA6812xLWLOAD SUPPLY OUT 2OUT 7OUT 8Dwg. PP-029-8OUT 19OUT 18OUT13SERIAL DATA OUTBLANKINGLOGICSUPPLY STROBE GROUNDCLOCKOUT 9OUT 10OUT 12OUT 11SERIAL DATA IN OUT 6OUT 1OUT 4OUT 3OUT 20OUT 5OUT 17OUT 16OUT 15OUT 14TYPICAL INPUT CIRCUITDwg. EP-010-5INDwg. PP-059-1O U T 10O U T 20O U T 11O U T 19C L O C KS E R I A L D A T A O U TL O A D S U P P L YS E R I A L D A T A I NS T R O B EG R O U N DL O G I C S U P P L Y B L A N K I N GO U T 9O U T 1OUT2OUT 8OUT 18OUT 1250751001251502.50.50A L L O W A B L E P A C K A G E P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N I N W A T T SAMBIENT TEMPERATURE IN °C2.01.51.025Dwg. GP-024-2S UF F I X 'L W ', R = 66°C /WθJ AS UF F I X 'E P ', R =55°C /W θJ A S UF F I X 'A ', R = 45°C /W θJ A NCopyright © 2000, Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.681220-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERTRUTH TABLEL = Low Logic Level H = High Logic Level X = Irrelevant P = Present State R = Previous StateLATCHES681220-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED SOURCE DRIVER115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at T A = +25°C (A6812S-) or over operating temperature range (A6812E-), V BB = 60 V unless otherwise noted.Limits @ V DD = 3.3 V Limits @ V DD = 5 VCharacteristicSymbol Test Conditions Mln.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.Units Output Leakage Current I CEX V OUT = 0 V —<-0.1-15—<-0.1-15µA Output VoltageV OUT(1)I OUT = -25 mA 57.558.3—57.558.3—V V OUT(0)I OUT = 1 mA — 1.0 1.5— 1.0 1.5V Output Pull-Down Current I OUT(0)V OUT = 5 V to V BB2.5 5.0— 2.5 5.0—mA Input VoltageV IN(1) 2.2—— 3.3——V V IN(0)—— 1.1—— 1.7V Input CurrentI IN(1)V IN = V DD —<0.01 1.0—<0.01 1.0µA I IN(0)V IN = 0 V —<-0.01-1.0—<-0.01-1.0µA Input Clamp Voltage V IK I IN = -200 µA —-0.8-1.5—-0.8-1.5V Serial Data Output VoltageV OUT(1)I OUT = -200 µA 2.8 3.05— 4.5 4.75—V V OUT(0)I OUT = 200 µA —0.150.3—0.150.3V Maximum Clock Frequency f c 10*——10*——MHz Logic Supply CurrentI DD(1)All Outputs High —0.250.75—0.3 1.0mA I DD(0)All Outputs Low—0.250.75—0.3 1.0mA Load Supply CurrentI BB(1)All Outputs High, No Load — 3.0 6.0— 3.0 6.0mA I BB(0)All Outputs Low —0.220—0.220µA Blanking -to-Output Delayt dis(BQ)C L = 30 pF, 50% to 50%—0.7 2.0—0.7 2.0µs t en(BQ)C L = 30 pF, 50% to 50%— 1.8 3.0— 1.8 3.0µs Strobe -to-Output Delayt p(STH-QL)R L = 2.3 k Ω, C L ≤ 30 pF —0.7 2.0—0.7 2.0µs t p(STH-QH)R L = 2.3 k Ω, C L ≤ 30 pF — 1.8 3.0— 1.8 3.0µs Output Fall Time t f R L = 2.3 k Ω, C L ≤ 30 pF 2.4—12 2.4—12µs Output Rise Time t r R L = 2.3 k Ω, C L ≤ 30 pF 2.4—12 2.4—12µs Output Slew RatedV/dtR L = 2.3 k Ω, C L ≤ 30 pF 4.0—20 4.0—20V/µs Clock -to-Serial Data Out Delay t p(CH-SQX)I OUT = ±200 µA —50——50—nsNegative current is defined as coming out of (sourcing) the specified device terminal.Typical data is is for design information only and is at T A = +25°C.* Operation at a clock frequency greater than the specified minimum is possible but not warranteed.6812 20-BIT SERIAL-INPUT, LATCHED SOURCE DRIVER TIMING REQUIREMENTS and SPECIFICATIONS (Logic Levels are V DD and Ground)Serial Data present at the input is transferred to the shift register on the logic “0” to logic “1” transition of the CLOCK input pulse. On succeeding CLOCK pulses, the registers shift data information towards the SERIAL DATA OUTPUT. The SERIAL DATA must appear at the input prior to the rising edge of the CLOCK input waveform.Information present at any register is transferred to the respective latch when the STROBE is high (serial-to-parallel conversion). The latches will continue to accept new data as long as the STROBE is held high. Applications where the latches are bypassed (STROBE tied high) will require that the BLANKING input be high during serial data entry.When the BLANKING input is high, the output source drivers are disabled (OFF); the pnp active pull-down sink drivers are ON. The information stored in the latches is not affected by the BLANKING input. With the BLANKING input low, the outputs are controlled by the state of their respective latches.OUTDwg. WP-029OUTDwg. WP-030A. Data Active Time Before Clock Pulse(Data Set-Up Time), t su(D)...................................... 25 nsB. Data Active Time After Clock Pulse(Data Hold Time), t h(D)............................................ 25 nsC. Clock Pulse Width, t w(CH)............................................ 50 nsD. Time Between Clock Activation and Strobe, t su(C).... 100 nsE. Strobe Pulse Width, t w(STH).......................................... 50 nsNOTE – Timing is representative of a 10 MHz clock. Higherspeeds may be attainable with increased supply voltage;operation at high temperatures will reduce the specifiedmaximum clock frequency.681220-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED SOURCE DRIVER115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000A6812EA & A6812SADimensions in Inches (controlling dimensions)Dimensions in Millimeters (for reference only)NOTES:1.Exact body and lead configuration at vendor ’s option within limits shown.2.Lead spacing tolerance is non-cumulative.3.Lead thickness is measured at seating plane or below.4.Supplied in standard sticks/tubes of 12 devices.123Dwg. MA-003-28 in144123Dwg. MA-003-28 mm144681220-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERA6812EEP & A6812SEP(add “TR” to part number for tape and reel)Dimensions in Inches (controlling dimensions)NOTES:1.Exact body and lead configuration at vendor ’s option within limits shown.2.Lead spacing tolerance is non-cumulative.3.Supplied in standard sticks/tubes of 38 devices or add “TR ” to part number for tape and reel.Dwg. MA-005-28A inDwg. MA-005-28A mmDimensions in Millimeters (for reference only))681220-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED SOURCE DRIVER115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000A6812ELW & A6812SLW(add “TR” to part number for tape and reel)Dimensions in Inches (for reference only)Dimensions in Millimeters (controlling dimensions)NOTES:1.Exact body and lead configuration at vendor ’s option within limits shown.2.Lead spacing tolerance is non-cumulative.3.Supplied in standard sticks/tubes of 27 devices or add “TR ” to part number for tape and reel.0°TO 8°Dwg. MA-008-28A inBSC0.01250.00910.0500.0160.4190.3946812 20-BIT SERIAL-INPUT, LATCHED SOURCE DRIVERThe products described here are manufactured under one or more U.S. patents or U.S. patents pending.Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. reserves the right to make, from time to time, such departures from the detail specifications as may be required to permit improvements in the performance, reliability, or manufacturability of its products. Before placing an order, the user is cautioned to verify that the information being relied upon is current.Allegro products are not authorized for use as critical components in life-support devices or systems without express written approval.The information included herein is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. assumes no responsi-bility for its use; nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.681220-BIT SERIAL-INPUT,LATCHED SOURCE DRIVER115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000POWERINTERFACE DRIVERSFunctionOutput Ratings*Part Number †SERIAL-INPUT LATCHED DRIVERS8-Bit (saturated drivers)-120 mA 50 V‡58958-Bit 350 mA 50 V 58218-Bit 350 mA 80 V 58228-Bit 350 mA 50 V‡58418-Bit350 mA 80 V‡58428-Bit (constant-current LED driver)75 mA 17 V 62758-Bit (DMOS drivers)250 mA 50 V 65958-Bit (DMOS drivers)350 mA 50 V‡6A5958-Bit (DMOS drivers)100 mA 50 V 6B59510-Bit (active pull-downs)-25 mA 60 V 5810-F and 6809/1012-Bit (active pull-downs)-25 mA 60 V 5811 and 681116-Bit (constant-current LED driver)75 mA 17 V 627620-Bit (active pull-downs)-25 mA 60 V 5812-F and 681232-Bit (active pull-downs)-25 mA 60 V 5818-F and 681832-Bit100 mA 30 V 583332-Bit (saturated drivers)100 mA 40 V 5832PARALLEL-INPUT LATCHED DRIVERS4-Bit350 mA 50 V‡58008-Bit -25 mA 60 V 58158-Bit350 mA 50 V‡58018-Bit (DMOS drivers)100 mA 50 V 6B2738-Bit (DMOS drivers)250 mA 50 V 6273SPECIAL-PURPOSE DEVICESUnipolar Stepper Motor Translator/Driver 1.25 A 50 V‡5804Addressable 8-Bit Decoder/DMOS Driver 250 mA 50 V 6259Addressable 8-Bit Decoder/DMOS Driver 350 mA 50 V‡6A259Addressable 8-Bit Decoder/DMOS Driver 100 mA 50 V 6B259Addressable 28-Line Decoder/Driver 450 mA30 V6817*Current is maximum specified test condition, voltage is maximum rating. See specification for sustaining voltage limits.Negative current is defined as coming out of (sourcing) the output.†Complete part number includes additional characters to indicate operating temperature range and package style.‡Internal transient-suppression diodes included for inductive-load protection.。

SK6812 preliminary

SK6812 preliminary

深圳市阶新科技有限公司Shenzhen New Technology Co.,Ltd.SK6812Technical Data Sheet Product OverviewSK6812 is a set of smart control circuit and a light emitting circuit in one of the controlled LED source. The outer type is the same with a 5050LED chip, each element is a pixel. Pixels contained within the intelligent digital interface data latch signal shaping amplification circuit,power supply circuit, a built-in constant current circuit, high precision RC oscillator, the output is driven by the patented PWM technology,effectively guarantee the pixels in the color of the light high consistency.Data protocol using unipolar NRZ communication mode, the pixel is reset after the end of DIN, accept the data transmitted from the controller to the 24bit, the first to send data by the first pixel to pixel extraction, internal data latch, the remaining data after the internal plastic the processing circuit after shaping amplification through the DO port output began to turn to the next cascade of pixels, each pixel through a transmission signal, reduce. Pixel using automatic shaping forwarding technology, makes the number of cascade without signal transmission limit of the pixel, only limited signal transmission speed.The LED has a low driving voltage, environmental protection and energy saving, high brightness, scattering angle, good consistency, low power,long life and so on. The control circuit is integrated in the LED above,more simple circuit, small volume, easy installation.Main Application Field:•Full color LED string light, LED full color module, LED super hard and soft lights, LED guardrail tube, LED appearance / scene lighting•LED point light, LED pixel screen, LED shaped screen, a variety of electronic products, electrical equipment etc..1 / 7 Document No.: SPC / SK6812 Rev. No.: 01 SK6812Technical Data Sheet Description:•Top SMD internal integrated high quality external control line serial cascade constant current IC;•control circuit and the RGB chip in SMD 5050 components, to form a complete control of pixel, color mixing uniformity and consistency;•built-in data shaping circuit, a pixel signal is received after wave shaping and output waveform distortion will not guarantee a line;•The built-in power on reset and reset circuit, the power does not work;• gray level adjusting circuit (256 level gray scale adjustable);•red drive special treatment, color balance;•line data transmission;•plastic forward strengthening technology, the transmission distance between two points over 10M;•data transmission frequency up to 800Kbps, when the refresh rate of 30 frames per second, a cascade of not less than 1024;•built-in powerpolarity protection module, powerpolarity will not damage. Mechanical Product Size (unit mm):2 / 7 Document No.: SPC / SK6812 Rev. No.: 01SK6812Technical Data SheetMechanical Size and Pin Map (unit mm):Pin Function:Item Symbol Pin Name Function description 1 VSS Ground The signal and power supply andgrounding2 DIN Data Input Control signal input data3 VDD Power power supply pin 4DOUTData Outputcontrol signal output dataThe electrical parameters (limit parameters, Ta=25 C, VSS=0V):Parameter Symbol Range Unit Input voltage V IN+5~+24 VLogic input voltage V I-0.5~VDD+5.5 -0.5~VDD+5.5 Working temperature Topt-40~+85℃ StoragetemperatureTstg-50~+150℃EST pressure V ESD4K V3 / 7 Document No.: SPC / SK6812 Rev. No.: 01 SK6812Technical Data Sheet The electrical parameters (such as no special instructions, TA=-20 - +70 - 5.5V C, VDD=4.5, VSS=0V):Parmeter Symbol Min Typical Max Unit Test conditions The chip supplyvoltageVDD— 5.2V—R/G/B port pressure VDS,MAX......26V...DOUT drive capability IDOH...49...mADOUT conectground, themaximumdrive current IDOL...-50...mADOUT conect+, the largestcurrentThe signal input flip threshold VIH — 3.4 —VDD=5.0V VIL — 1.6 —The frequencyof PWMFPWM ... 1.2 —KHZ —Static powerconsumptionIDD ... 1 ... mA —The dynamic parameters (Ta=25 C):Parameter SymbolMinTypicalMax Unit Test conditionsThe speed ofdata transmission fDIN—800...KHZThe duty ratio of67% (data 1)DOUT T PLZ——500ns DIN—>DOUTtransmissiondelayT PLZ — ... 500 ns4 / 7 Document No.: SPC / SK6812 Rev. No.: 01SK6812Technical Data SheetRGB chip characteristic parameters:Color Wavelength(nm) Luminous intensity(mcd) Working voltage(v) Red 620-625 700-1000 2.0-2.2 Green 522.5-525 1500-2200 3.0-3.3 Blue467.5-470700-10003.0-3.3The data transmission time (TH+TL=1.25µs±600ns):TOH 0 code, high level time0.3µs ±0.15µs T1H 1 code, high level time0.6µs +0.15µs TOL 0 code, low level time0.9µs ±0.15µs TIL 1 code, low level time0.6µs +0.15µs TrstReset code, low level time80µs5 / 7 Document No.: SPC / SK6812 Rev. No.: 01SK6812Technical Data Sheet Timing waveform:Input code: Connection mode:The method of data transmission:Note: the D1 sends data for MCU, D2, D3, D4 for data forwarding automatic shaping cascade circuit.The data structure of 24bit:G7 G6 G5 G4 G3 G2 G1 G0 R7 R6 R5 R4R3 R2 R1 R0 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 Note: high starting, in order to send data (G7 - G6 - ...... ..B0)6 /7 Document No.: SPC / SK6812 Rev. No.: 01 SK6812Technical Data Sheet The typical application circuit:7 / 7 Document No.: SPC / SK6812 Rev. No.: 01。


产品有输出短路保护功能 (设计时短路输入功率参考判定标准)
Pout≤30W; 短路时输入功率≤5W
输入功率为跳动时,取最大与 最小输入功率的平均值(温升 30W<Pout≤60W; 短路时输入功率≤8W 符合安规标准和元件应力满足 60W<Pout; 短路时输入功率≤12W 应力标准).
11>. 输出过流保护
产品有输出过流保护功能,过载过程中变 压器不应有饱和现象,温度应符合安规要 求,MOS/肖特基的电流与电压应力不可超 出规格值的100%.(输出电流<2A时,OCP需 在1.2-2.0倍额定输出负载;输出电流≥ 2A时,OCP点需满足规格值+0.5A以上到额 定负载的1.8倍范围).
需满足>±0.2KV以上为合格依 据(极限测试)
28>. EFT
Line to Neutral: ±1KV
Line to Neutral: ±1KV以上为合格.
29>. MTBF
≥50000Hrs(25℃) (MIL-STD-217F)
30>. 元件应力
额定电流(平均值) 50% 50% 50% 50% 额定电流(平均值) 50% 额定电流 额定电流 50% 50% 50%
额定规格 150℃ 125℃ 150℃ 150℃ 额定规格 150℃ 105℃ 100℃ 150℃ 130℃ 130℃
40℃操作环境允许值 120℃ 110℃ 120℃ 125℃ 40℃操作环境允许值 120℃ 90℃ 100℃ 120℃ 40℃操作环境允许值 110℃ 110℃ 40℃操作环境允许值 100℃ 120/80℃ 95℃ 100℃ 40℃操作环境允许值 120℃ 120℃ 100℃ 120℃


• 按下以调整设备音量。
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• 使用本设备之前,请先阅读本说明书,以确保安全和正确使用。 • 说明基于设备的默认设置。 • 图像和屏幕截图可能与实际产品的外观不同。 • 内容可能与最终产品不同,也可能与服务提供商或运营商提供的软件不



K.2 Series®User ManualK8.2 – 105° 2000 W active 8” (200 mm) 2-way loudspeaker systemK10.2 – 90° 2000 W active 10” (250 mm) 2-way loudspeaker systemK12.2 – 75° 2000 W active 12” (300 mm) 2-way loudspeaker systemTD-000523-01-E*TD-000523-01*EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLSThe term “WARNING!” indicates instructions regarding personal safety. If the instructions are not followed the result may be bodily injury or death.The term “CAUTION!” indicates instructions regarding possible damage to physical equipment. If these instructions are not followed, it may result in damage to the equipment that may not be covered under the warranty.The term “IMPORTANT!” indicates instructions or information that are vital to the successful completion of the procedure. The term “NOTE” is used to indicate additional useful information.NOTE: The intent of the lightning flash with arrowhead symbol in a triangle is to alert the user to the presence of un-insulated “dangerous” voltage within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude toconstitute a risk of electric shock to humans.NOTE: The intent of the exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is to alert the user to the presence of important safety, and operating and maintenance instructions in this manual.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWARNING!: TO PREVENT FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT EXPOSE THIS EQUIPMENT TO RAIN OR MOISTURE. DO NOT USE THIS APPARATUS NEAR WATER.1. Read these instructions.2. Keep these instructions.3. Heed all warnings.4. Follow all instructions.5. Do not use this apparatus near water.6. Clean only with a dry cloth.7. Do not block any ventilation opening. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.8. Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers)that produce heat.9. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades with onewider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.10. Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the pointwhere they exit from the apparatus.11. Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.12. Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time.13. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in anyway, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped.14. The appliance coupler, or the AC Mains plug, is the AC mains disconnect device and shall remain readily operableafter installation.15. Adhere to all applicable, local codes.16. To prevent electrical shock, the power cord shall be connected to a mains socket outlet with a protective earthing connection.17. Consult a licensed, professional engineer when any doubt or questions arise regarding a physical equipment installation.18. Do not use any aerosol spray, cleaner, disinfectant or fumigant on, near or into the apparatus. Clean only with a dry cloth.19. Do not unplug the unit by pulling on the cord, use the plug.20. Do not submerge the apparatus in water or liquids.21. Keep ventilation opening free of dust or other matter.WarrantyFor a copy of the QSC Limited Warranty, visit the QSC website at Maintenance and RepairWARNING!: Advanced technology, e.g., the use of modern materials and powerful electronics, requires speciallyadapted maintenance and repair methods. To avoid a danger of subsequent damage to the apparatus, injuries to personsand/or the creation of additional safety hazards, all maintenance or repair work on the apparatus should be performed only by a QSC authorized service station or an authorized QSC International Distributor. QSC is not responsible for any injury,harm or related damages arising from any failure of the customer, owner or user of the apparatus to facilitate those repairs. Life Cycle: 10 years, Storage Temperature range: -20C to +70C, Relative Humidity range: 5 - 85% RHFCC StatementNOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.RoHS StatementsThese products are in compliance with European Directive 2011/65/EU – Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS). These products are in compliance with “China RoHS” directives per GB/T26572. The following table is provided for product use in China and its territories:These products 这些产品部件名称(Part Name)有害物质(Hazardous Substances)铅(Pb)汞(Hg)镉(Cd)六价铬(Cr(vi))多溴联苯(PBB)多溴二苯醚(PBDE)电路板组件(PCB Assemblies)X O O O O O机壳装配件(Chassis Assemblies)X O O O O O本表格依据 SJ/T 11364 的规定编制。

XT1511 SK6812 WS2812B灯珠使用规格书,操作说明书

XT1511 SK6812 WS2812B灯珠使用规格书,操作说明书




3.产品储存及期限:室温密封存储:20℃~30℃,40%~60%RH,产品有效期为3个月;防潮密封存储:20℃~30℃,25%~60%RH,产品有效期为6个月;产品拆包开封后,建议1 小时内使用完成,(环境条件温度<30℃,湿度<60%)。

4.除湿处理LED 产品超出以上规定期限,或者由于其他原因受潮,建议客户做除湿处理后再使用。

除湿方法:70℃-75℃/22±2 小时。

5.静电防护LED 是静电敏感器件,虽然LED 产品具有优异的抗静电能力,但每经历一次静电释放产生的冲击,都会对LED 造成一定程度的损坏。

因而在使用LED 产品过程中需要做好静电防护措施,例如佩戴防静电手套及防静电手环等。

6.手动焊接操作指引建议使用功率不超过30W 的电烙铁,控制电烙铁温度不高于380℃,每次焊接时电烙铁在支架引脚上停留时间不超过3秒,如需要反复焊接时,间隔停留时间不少于2秒,避免长时间高温对L ED 造成损伤。

焊接过程中,请勿触摸或挤压LED 的表面,避免对L ED 内部造成损伤,同时请注意避免电烙铁对LED 表面胶体的烫伤及其它损伤。


8.生产注意事项1. 所有产品,在贴片时,请仔细检查,若真空包装完好无损,无漏气现象,请直接使用,可以不用烘烤除湿处理。



国光CJ6812系列液晶显示终端用户指南终端生产许可证编号:XK09-204 2023 国光CJ6812系列液晶显示终端主要有CJ6812L、6812L+ 、CJ6812A+ 三种型号,全兼容国光终端及国内其他主要终端,支持通信加密、BIOS在线下载等功能。





1、显示◆显示尺寸:12英寸彩色液晶显示屏◆亮度:典型值 100cd/m2◆对比度:典型值18:1◆显示规格:西文80 x 26行,7×12点阵中文40 x 26行,15×16点阵◆字符颜色:白字、绿字◆底色颜色:黑底、兰底◆字符属性:正常、闪烁、反视、下划、右直、保密等◆显示字形:正常、倍高、倍宽、倍高倍宽◆滚动方式:跳跃滚动、平滑滚动、不滚动◆图形:丰富的图形命令2、键盘支持PC101、VT220、PC104键盘3、仿真VT320、VT200、VT100、VT52、CT100、XENIX、TV925、VT382等终端类型,可扩展其它仿真类型。

4、打印屏幕打印、拷贝打印、直接透明打印、间接透明打印5、通讯一个CENTRONICS并行接口,六个EIA-RS232C串行接口,一个10BASE-T网络接口6、文字◆西文:标准ASCⅡ字符集、DEC技术字符集、DEC特殊图形字符集、六种多国半角字符集◆中文:支持GB18030国家标准7、汉字输入一次性装入拼音码、五笔字型、五笔划、笔型码、八笔划、电报码、图形副盘、国标码、区位码、国标字符、短语、汉字、首尾码二套、快速码二套共计16种汉字输入法,支持GBK拼音输入和GB18030内码、大五笔输入8、电源输入:220V±10% ≤0.15A输出(供外设用): +5V (≤0.5A) +12V (≤0.3A) -12V (≤0.1A)9、电磁兼容性A级1、终端的安装1.1 安装环境要求温度5℃~40℃,湿度40%~90%,额定电压为交流220V±10%,电源系统要求配有交流稳压器或UPS。



At +85oC no voltage application after 1000 hours the capacitor shall meet the following limits. (with voltage treatment) Shelf Life Capacitance Change Dissipation Factor Leakage current *±20% of initial value *200% of initial specified value *200% of initial specified value
*Whichever is greater after 3 minutes I : Leakage Current( µA) C : Rated Capacitance( µF) W.V. S.V. W.V. tan d 6.3 8 6.3 0.22 10 13 10 0.19 16 20 16 0.16 6.3 4 8 25 32 25 0.14 10 3 6 35 44 35 0.12 50 63 50 0.10 16 2 4 63 79 63
µF 0.47 1 2.2 3.3 4.7 10 22 33 47 100 220 330 470 1000 2200 3300 4700 6800 8200 10000 15000
5x11 5x11 5x11 6.3x11 5x11 6.3x11 6.3x11 8x11.5 8x11.5 10x12.5 8x11.5 10x12.5 10x12.5 10x16 10x20 12.5x20 12.5x25 16x25 16x25 16x31.5 16x31.5 18x35.5 18x35.5 18x40 22x45 22x50 25x50

贴片功率电感SWPA8060S681KTY01 系列规格书推荐

贴片功率电感SWPA8060S681KTY01  系列规格书推荐

Wire Wound SMD Power Inductors – SWPA SeriesOperating temperature range: -40℃~+125℃ (Including self-heating)FEATURES● Magnetic-resin shielded construction reduces buzz noise to ultra-low levels● Metallization on ferrite core results in excellent shock resistance and damage-free durability ● Closed magnetic circuit design reduces leakage flux and Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) ● 30% higher current rating than conventional inductors of equal size ● Takes up less PCB real estate and save more powerAPPLICATIONS● Smart phone, smart TV, set top box, notebook ● Car navigation systems, telecomm base stations ● VR, AR ● LED lightingPRODUCT IDENTIFICATIONSWPA3012 S 1R0 N T□□□① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦②External Dimensions (L×W×H) [mm] 252010 2.5×2.0×1.0 252012 2.5×2.0×1.2 3010 3.0×3.0×1.03012 3.0×3.0×1.2 3015 3.0×3.0×1.5 4010 4.0×4.0×1.0 4012 4.0×4.0×1.2 4018 4.0×4.0×1.8 4020 4.0×4.0×2.0 4026 4.0×4.0×2.6 4030 4.0×4.0×3.0 5012 5.0×5.0×1.2 5020 5.0×5.0×2.0 5040 5.0×5.0×4.0 6020 6.0×6.0×2.0 6028 6.0×6.0×2.8 6040 6.0×6.0×4.0 6045 6.0×6.0×4.5 8040 8.0×8.0×4.0 8050 8.0×8.0×5.0 8060 8.0×8.0×6.08065 8.0×8.0×6.5 ① Type SWPAWire Wound SMD Power Inductor③ Feature TypeS Standard ④ Nominal InductanceExample Nominal Value1R0 1.0μH 100 10μH⑤ Inductance ToleranceK ±10%M ±20% N ±30% ⑥ PackingTTape Carrier Package⑦ Design Code □□□Standard product is blankFig.1 Fig.2Unit: mmSeriesShapeABCD E Fa Typ.b Typ.c Typ.SWPA252010S Fig.1 2.5±0.1 2.0±0.1 1.0 Max. 2.0±0.20.80±0.20.80±0.2 0.80 0.85 2.0 SWPA252012S Fig.1 2.5±0.1 2.0±0.1 1.2 Max. 2.0±0.20.80±0.20.80±0.2 0.80 0.85 2.0 SWPA3010S Fig.2 3.0±0.2 3.0±0.2 1.0 Max. 2.5±0.20.75±0.2 1.5±0.2 1.5 0.8 2.7 SWPA3012S Fig.2 3.0±0.2 3.0±0.2 1.2 Max. 2.5±0.20.75±0.2 1.5±0.2 1.5 0.8 2.7 SWPA3015S Fig.2 3.0±0.2 3.0±0.2 1.5 Max. 2.5±0.20.75±0.2 1.5±0.2 1.5 0.8 2.7 SWPA4010S Fig.2 4.0±0.2 4.0±0.2 1.0 Max. 3.3±0.20.95±0.2 2.1±0.2 1.9 1.1 3.7 SWPA4012S Fig.2 4.0±0.2 4.0±0.2 1.2 Max. 3.3±0.20.95±0.2 2.1±0.2 1.9 1.1 3.7 SWPA4018S Fig.2 4.0±0.2 4.0±0.2 1.8 Max. 3.3±0.20.95±0.2 2.1±0.2 1.9 1.1 3.7 SWPA4020S Fig.2 4.0±0.2 4.0±0.2 2.0 Max. 3.3±0.20.95±0.2 2.1±0.2 1.9 1.1 3.7 SWPA4026S Fig.2 4.0±0.2 4.0±0.2 2.6 Max. 3.3±0.20.95±0.2 2.1±0.2 1.9 1.1 3.7 SWPA4030S Fig.2 4.0±0.2 4.0±0.2 3.0 Max. 3.3±0.20.95±0.2 2.1±0.2 1.9 1.1 3.7 SWPA5012S Fig.3 5.0±0.2 5.0±0.2 1.2 Max. 4.0±0.2 1.25±0.2 2.5±0.2 2.3 1.4 4.2 SWPA5020S Fig.3 5.0±0.2 5.0±0.2 2.0 Max. 4.0±0.2 1.25±0.2 2.5±0.2 2.3 1.4 4.2 SWPA5040S Fig.3 5.0±0.2 5.0±0.2 4.0 Max. 4.0±0.2 1.25±0.2 2.5±0.2 2.3 1.4 4.2 SWPA5045S Fig.3 5.0±0.2 5.0±0.2 4.5 Max. 4.0±0.2 1.30±0.2 2.5±0.2 2.3 1.4 4.2 SWPA6020S Fig.2 6.0±0.3 6.0±0.3 2.0 Max. 4.9±0.3 1.55±0.3 2.9±0.3 2.8 1.7 5.7 SWPA6028S Fig.2 6.0±0.3 6.0±0.3 2.8 Max. 4.9±0.3 1.55±0.3 2.9±0.3 2.8 1.7 5.7 SWPA6040S Fig.2 6.0±0.3 6.0±0.3 4.0 Max. 4.9±0.3 1.55±0.3 2.9±0.3 2.8 1.7 5.7 SWPA6045S Fig.2 6.0±0.3 6.0±0.3 4.5 Max.4.9±0.3 1.55±0.3 2.9±0.3 2.8 1.75.7 SWPA8040S Fig.2 8.0±0.3 8.0±0.3 4.2 Max.6.3±0.3 2.00±0.3 4.0±0.3 3.8 2.27.5SWPA8050S Fig.3 8.0±0.3 8.0±0.3 5.0 Max. 6.3±0.3 2.00±0.3 4.0±0.3 3.8 2.2 7.5 SWPA8060S Fig.3 8.0±0.3 8.0±0.3 6.0 Max 6.3±0.3 2.00±0.3 4.0±0.3 3.8 2.2 7.5 SWPA8065S Fig.3 8.0±0.3 8.0±0.3 6.5 Max.6.3±0.32.00±0.34.0±0.3 3.8 2.2 7.5SHAPE AND DIMENSIONS SWPA252010S SeriesPart NumberInductance DC ResistanceSelf-resonantFrequencySaturation Current*3Heat Rating Current*4@100kHz,1V Max. Typ.Min. Max. Typ. Max. Typ.Units μH ΩMHz A A Symbol L DCRS.R.F Isat Irms SWPA252010SR47NT 0.47±30% 0.056 0.047206 2.50 3.35 2.35 2.56 SWPA252010SR56NT 0.56±30% 0.072 0.060160 2.90 3.20 2.00 2.18 SWPA252010SR68NT 0.68±30% 0.074 0.062129 2.20 2.75 2.00 2.18 SWPA252010S1R0NT 1.0±30% 0.1080.090100 1.85 2.20 1.65 1.80 SWPA252010S1R5NT 1.5±30% 0.182 0.15281 1.80 2.10 1.30 1.42 SWPA252010S2R2NT 2.2±30% 0.209 0.17461 1.20 1.60 1.20 1.31 SWPA252010S3R3MT 3.3±20% 0.328 0.27347 1.05 1.30 0.90 0.98 SWPA252010S4R7MT 4.7±20% 0.563 0.46942 0.95 1.15 0.70 0.76 SWPA252010S5R6MT 5.6±20% 0.563 0.46935 0.80 0.95 0.73 0.80 SWPA252010S6R8MT 6.8±20% 0.896 0.74731 0.78 0.92 0.59 0.64 SWPA252010S100MT 10±20% 1.092 0.91027 0.65 0.78 0.50 0.55SWPA252012S SeriesPart NumberInductance DC Resistance Self-resonant FrequencySaturation Current*3Heat Rating Current*4@100kHz,1V Max.Typ.Min. Max.Typ. Max. Typ.Units μH Ω MHz A A Symbol L DCR S.R.F Isat IrmsSWPA252012SR47NT 0.47±30% 0.0610.047160 3.82 4.27 2.15 2.34 SWPA252012SR68NT 0.68±30% 0.0740.057140 3.28 3.68 1.95 2.13 SWPA252012S1R0NT 1.0±30% 0.0900.069110 2.59 2.90 1.93 2.10 SWPA252012S1R2NT 1.2±30% 0.1290.099100 2.38 2.67 1.46 1.59 SWPA252012S1R5MT 1.5±20% 0.1470.11397 2.24 2.51 1.40 1.53 SWPA252012S1R5NTY01 1.5±30% 0.1300.10 63 1.80 2.00 1.45 1.58 SWPA252012S2R2MT 2.2±20% 0.2160.16669 1.85 2.07 1.15 1.25 SWPA252012S2R2NTY02 2.2±30% 0.1530.11853 1.55 1.75 1.30 1.42 SWPA252012S2R7MT 2.7±20% 0.2390.18463 1.72 1.92 1.09 1.19 SWPA252012S3R3MT 3.3±20% 0.2640.20362 1.61 1.80 1.04 1.13 SWPA252012S3R6MT 3.6±20% 0.3480.26853 1.46 1.64 0.90 0.98 SWPA252012S4R3MT 4.3±20% 0.3770.29051 1.37 1.53 0.87 0.95 SWPA252012S4R7MT 4.7±20% 0.3770.29047 1.12 1.25 0.84 0.92 SWPA252012S5R1MT 5.1±20% 0.5000.38544 1.23 1.37 0.75 0.82SWPA252012S5R6MT 5.6±20%0.5380.41438 1.11 1.25 0.73 0.80SWPA252012S6R2MT 6.2±20% 0.5420.41738 1.03 1.16 0.73 0.80 SWPA252012S6R8MT 6.8±20% 0.5810.44738 0.98 1.09 0.69 0.75 SWPA252012S7R5MT 7.5±20% 0.6110.47035 0.97 1.09 0.68 0.74SWPA252012S8R2MT 8.2±20% 0.6580.50636 0.98 1.10 0.65 0.71 SWPA252012S9R1MT 9.1±20%0.6900.53134 0.91 1.02 0.62 0.68SWPA252012S100MT 10±20% 0.6900.53134 0.79 0.88 0.62 0.68SWPA252012S120MT 12±20%1.0750.82728 0.78 0.88 0.51 0.56 SWPA252012S150MT 15±20%1.591 1.22425 0.68 0.77 0.42 0.46SWPA3010S Series Part NumberInductanceDC ResistanceSelf-resonant FrequencySaturation Current*3Heat Rating Current*4@100kHz,1V Max.Typ.Min. Max.Typ. Max. Typ.Units μH ΩMHz A A Symbol L DCR S.R.F Isat IrmsSWPA3010S1R0NT 1.0±30% 0.0850.065180 1.40 2.10 1.45 1.80 SWPA3010S1R2NT 1.2±30% 0.0850.065137 1.25 1.70 1.45 1.80 SWPA3010S1R5NT 1.5±30% 0.1040.080120 1.27 1.70 1.30 1.60 SWPA3010S2R2NT 2.2±30% 0.1430.110100 1.15 1.50 1.09 1.40 SWPA3010S2R7NT 2.7±30% 0.1690.13090 1.00 1.20 1.02 1.40 SWPA3010S3R3NT 3.3±30% 0.1890.14574 0.97 1.20 0.96 1.20 SWPA3010S3R6MT 3.6±20% 0.2150.16567 0.95 1.20 0.90 1.10 SWPA3010S4R7MT 4.7±20% 0.2930.22559 0.75 1.05 0.77 1.10 SWPA3010S5R6MT 5.6±20% 0.322 0.248 40 0.58 0.65 0.70 1.05 SWPA3010S6R8MT 6.8±20% 0.3970.30542 0.55 0.72 0.66 0.96 SWPA3010S8R2MT 8.2±20% 0.520 0.40 23 0.55 0.70 0.58 0.70 SWPA3010S100MT 10±20% 0.5200.40 39 0.55 0.75 0.58 0.70 SWPA3010S120MT 12±20% 0.6570.50536 0.43 0.65 0.52 0.67 SWPA3010S150MT 15±20% 0.7930.61030 0.42 0.57 0.47 0.57 SWPA3010S220MT 22±20% 1.2090.93028 0.35 0.48 0.38 0.52 SWPA3010S270MT 27±20% 1.404 1.08025 0.30 0.45 0.35 0.50 SWPA3010S330MT 33±20% 2.015 1.55018 0.29 0.42 0.30 0.55 SWPA3010S390MT 39±20% 2.275 1.75018 0.28 0.38 0.28 0.53 SWPA3010S430MT 43±20% 2.340 1.80 18 0.23 0.36 0.27 0.52 SWPA3010S470MT 47±20% 2.535 1.95018 0.22 0.35 0.26 0.52 SWPA3010S510MT 51±20% 2.860 2.20 18 0.21 0.33 0.25 0.48SWPA3010S560MT 56±20% 3.016 2.32016 0.21 0.280.24 0.35SWPA3012S SeriesPart NumberInductanceDC ResistanceSelf-resonant FrequencySaturation Current*3Heat Rating Current*4@100kHz,1V Max.Typ. Min. Max.Typ. Max. Typ.Units μH ΩMHz A A Symbol L DCR S.R.F Isat Irms SWPA3012SR22NT 0.22±30% 0.022 0.017 321 5.30 6.00 3.00 3.30 SWPA3012SR82NT 0.82±30% 0.039 0.030 180 2.05 2.80 2.47 3.00 SWPA3012S1R0NT 1.0±30% 0.052 0.040 120 1.87 2.80 2.20 2.70 SWPA3012S1R2NT 1.2±30% 0.059 0.045 120 2.22 2.50 2.01 2.20 SWPA3012S1R5NT 1.5±30% 0.0590.045 110 1.62 1.90 2.01 2.20 SWPA3012S1R8NT 1.8±30% 0.0820.063 90 1.30 1.90 1.65 1.80 SWPA3012S2R2NT 2.2±30% 0.0980.075 84 1.20 1.90 1.55 1.70 SWPA3012S2R4NT 2.4±30% 0.0880.068 100 1.15 1.50 1.60 1.70 SWPA3012S2R7NT 2.7±30% 0.1100.085 65 1.14 1.50 1.48 1.50 SWPA3012S3R3MT 3.3±20% 0.1300.10 64 1.05 1.50 1.36 1.40 SWPA3012S3R6MT 3.6±20% 0.1300.10 36 1.05 1.50 1.36 1.40 SWPA3012S3R9MT 3.9±20% 0.189 0.145 61 1.00 1.30 1.24 1.30 SWPA3012S4R7MT 4.7±20% 0.1560.120 61 0.90 1.00 1.24 1.30 SWPA3012S5R6MT 5.6±20% 0.2260.17461 0.80 1.10 1.13 1.24 SWPA3012S6R8MT 6.8±20% 0.2470.190 61 0.75 0.90 0.98 1.10 SWPA3012S100MT 10±20% 0.3450.265 42 0.60 0.88 0.83 0.90 SWPA3012S120MT 12±20% 0.4490.345 32 0.48 0.67 0.73 0.84SWPA3012S SeriesPart NumberInductanceDC ResistanceSelf-resonant FrequencySaturation Current*3Heat Rating Current*4@100kHz,1V Max.Typ. Min. Max.Typ. Max. Typ.Units μH Ω MHz A A Symbol L DCR S.R.F Isat Irms SWPA3012S220MT 22±20% 0.839 0.645 23 0.42 0.52 0.53 0.59 SWPA3012S270MT 27±20% 1.131 0.870 21 0.35 0.48 0.47 0.51 SWPA3012S330MT 33±20% 1.138 0.875 18 0.36 0.46 0.46 0.50 SWPA3012S360MT 36±20% 1.235 0.950 18 0.34 0.44 0.44 0.48 SWPA3012S390MT 39±20% 1.729 1.330 18 0.30 0.39 0.37 0.41 SWPA3012S470MT 47±20% 1.885 1.450 14 0.27 0.35 0.35 0.40 SWPA3012S560MT 56±20% 1.794 1.380 9 0.26 0.33 0.28 0.40 SWPA3012S680MT 68±20% 2.171 1.670 7 0.24 0.29 0.33 0.37 SWPA3012S820MT 82±20% 3.302 2.540 7 0.17 0.27 0.27 0.31 SWPA3012S101MT 100±20% 3.718 2.860 5 0.21 0.23 0.25 0.29SWPA3015S SeriesPart NumberInductanceDC ResistanceSelf-resonant Frequency Saturation Current*3Heat Rating Current*4@100kHz,1V Max.Typ.Min.Max.Typ. Max. Typ.Units μH ΩMHz A ASymbol L DCR S.R.F Isat Irms SWPA3015SR50NT 0.5±30% 0.039 0.030 162 3.90 4.20 2.60 2.80 SWPA3015S1R0NT 1.0±30% 0.039 0.030 150 2.32 2.80 2.35 2.50 SWPA3015S1R2NT 1.2±30% 0.052 0.040 110 2.21 3.10 1.95 2.30 SWPA3015S1R5NT 1.5±30% 0.065 0.050 100 2.30 2.70 1.70 2.20 SWPA3015S1R8NT 1.8±30% 0.065 0.050 92 1.75 2.20 1.70 2.20 SWPA3015S2R2NT 2.2±30% 0.078 0.060 86 1.60 2.00 1.60 2.00 SWPA3015S2R7NT 2.7±30% 0.098 0.075 64 1.52 1.90 1.43 1.90 SWPA3015S3R3MT 3.3±20% 0.104 0.080 68 1.32 1.81 1.36 1.60 SWPA3015S3R6MT 3.6±20% 0.137 0.105 59 1.28 1.60 1.20 1.50 SWPA3015S3R9MT 3.9±20% 0.137 0.105 47 1.20 1.40 1.20 1.50 SWPA3015S4R3MT 4.3±20% 0.150 0.115 53 1.20 1.40 1.14 1.30 SWPA3015S4R7MT 4.7±20% 0.163 0.125 46 1.10 1.40 1.09 1.30 SWPA3015S5R1MT 5.1±20% 0.173 0.133 49 1.00 1.20 1.05 1.20 SWPA3015S6R2MT 6.2±20% 0.254 0.195 46 1.00 1.20 0.86 1.00 SWPA3015S6R8MT 6.8±20% 0.260 0.20 39 0.85 1.10 0.85 1.10 SWPA3015S100MT 10±20% 0.325 0.250 41 0.72 0.92 0.77 0.90 SWPA3015S120MT 12±20% 0.416 0.320 32 0.70 0.90 0.68 0.89 SWPA3015S150MT 15±20% 0.455 0.350 30 0.66 0.88 0.65 0.72 SWPA3015S180MT 18±20% 0.559 0.430 23 0.56 0.72 0.59 0.72 SWPA3015S220MT 22±20% 0.598 0.46023 0.52 0.68 0.57 0.69 SWPA3015S270MT 27±20% 0.949 0.730 22 0.48 0.56 0.45 0.56 SWPA3015S330MT 33±20% 1.066 0.820 20 0.44 0.53 0.43 0.51 SWPA3015S390MT 39±20% 1.294 0.995 14 0.41 0.55 0.39 0.44 SWPA3015S430MT 43±20% 1.378 1.060 16 0.37 0.43 0.37 0.48 SWPA3015S470MT 47±20% 1.625 1.250 14 0.35 0.43 0.35 0.44 SWPA3015S560MT 56±20% 1.664 1.280 13 0.33 0.42 0.34 0.41 SWPA3015S620MT 62±20% 2.093 1.610 13 0.30 0.40 0.30 0.41 SWPA3015S680MT 68±20% 3.510 2.700 110.28 0.37 0.23 0.31 SWPA3015S101MT 100±20% 4.043 3.110 6.3 0.23 0.25 0.21 0.25SWPA4010S SeriesPart NumberInductanceDC ResistanceSelf-resonant FrequencySaturation Current*3Heat Rating Current*4@100kHz,1V Max.Typ.Min.Max.Typ. Max. Typ.Units μH ΩMHz AASymbol L DCR S.R.F Isat Irms SWPA4010S1R0NT 1.0±30% 0.067 0.056 116 2.00 2.30 1.90 2.40 SWPA4010S1R5NT 1.5±30% 0.084 0.070 94 1.68 2.00 1.70 2.00 SWPA4010S2R2MT 2.2±20% 0.102 0.085 73 1.20 1.50 1.50 2.00 SWPA4010S3R3MT 3.3±20% 0.120 0.10 58 1.10 1.40 1.40 1.80 SWPA4010S4R7MT 4.7±20% 0.168 0.140 47 0.95 1.10 1.20 1.50 SWPA4010S6R8MT 6.8±20% 0.240 0.20 38 0.80 0.95 1.00 1.20 SWPA4010S100MT 10±20% 0.360 0.30 31 0.62 0.75 0.75 1.00 SWPA4010S150MT 15±20% 0.516 0.43024 0.54 0.610.60 0.85 SWPA4010S220MT 22±20% 0.684 0.570 19 0.45 0.520.50 0.75SWPA4012S SeriesPart NumberInductance DC ResistanceSelf-resonant FrequencySaturation Current*3Heat Rating Current*4@100kHz,1V Max.Typ.Min.Max.Typ. Max. Typ.Units μH ΩMHz A ASymbol L DCR S.R.F Isat Irms SWPA4012SR82NT 0.82±30% 0.065 0.050 150 3.02 3.30 1.65 2.50 SWPA4012S1R0NT 1.0±30% 0.065 0.050 120 2.61 3.20 1.65 2.50 SWPA4012S1R5NT 1.5±30% 0.085 0.065 90 2.10 2.70 1.46 2.20 SWPA4012S1R8NT 1.8±30% 0.104 0.080 88 2.12 2.60 1.32 1.90 SWPA4012S2R2NT 2.2±30% 0.104 0.080 74 1.76 2.30 1.32 1.90 SWPA4012S2R7NT 2.7±30% 0.117 0.090 71 1.90 2.30 1.25 1.70 SWPA4012S3R3NT 3.3±30% 0.143 0.110 60 1.72 2.10 1.12 1.60 SWPA4012S3R6NT 3.6±30% 0.143 0.110 57 1.20 1.70 1.12 1.60 SWPA4012S4R3NT 4.3±30% 0.182 0.140 54 1.58 1.70 1.00 1.50 SWPA4012S4R7NT 4.7±30% 0.163 0.125 50 1.15 1.80 1.05 1.50 SWPA4012S5R1NT 5.1±30% 0.201 0.155 50 1.55 1.60 0.95 1.50 SWPA4012S5R6NT 5.6±30% 0.182 0.140 42 1.00 1.60 1.00 1.20 SWPA4012S6R8MT 6.8±20% 0.257 0.198 40 0.85 1.40 0.84 1.20 SWPA4012S100MT 10±20% 0.345 0.265 33 0.80 1.10 0.77 1.00 SWPA4012S120MT 12±20% 0.377 0.290 32 0.66 1.00 0.70 0.95 SWPA4012S150MT 15±20% 0.442 0.340 25 0.56 0.80 0.64 0.85 SWPA4012S180MT 18±20% 0.611 0.470 23 0.55 0.75 0.55 0.80 SWPA4012S220MT 22±20% 0.763 0.587 20 0.46 0.70 0.49 0.75 SWPA4012S270MT 27±20% 0.936 0.720 18 0.50 0.70 0.45 0.60 SWPA4012S330MT 33±20% 1.053 0.810 17 0.42 0.60 0.42 0.58 SWPA4012S360MT 36±20% 1.170 0.90 14 0.40 0.50 0.40 0.56 SWPA4012S390MT 39±20% 1.430 1.10 16 0.55 0.66 0.37 0.50 SWPA4012S470MT 47±20% 1.430 1.10 12 0.35 0.50 0.37 0.50 SWPA4012S560MT 56±20% 1.625 1.250 11 0.33 0.45 0.33 0.46 SWPA4012S680MT 68±20% 2.535 1.950 11 0.38 0.45 0.27 0.45 SWPA4012S820MT 82±20% 2.782 2.140 11 0.28 0.40 0.26 0.36SWPA4018S SeriesPart NumberInductance DC ResistanceSelf-resonantFrequencySaturation Current*3Heat RatingCurrent*4@100kHz,1V Max.Typ.Min. Max.Typ. Max. Typ.Units μH ΩMHz A ASymbol L DCR S.R.F Isat Irms SWPA4018SR47NT 0.47±30% 0.0180.014155 4.30 5.20 4.00 4.50 SWPA4018SR68NT 0.68±30% 0.0260.020128 4.90 5.60 3.30 3.80 SWPA4018S1R0NT 1.0±30% 0.0330.02580 4.80 5.20 2.00 3.30 SWPA4018S1R5NT 1.5±30% 0.0390.03065 3.35 4.00 1.80 3.20 SWPA4018S1R8NT 1.8±30% 0.0440.03454 3.00 3.40 2.00 2.80 SWPA4018S2R2MT 2.2±20% 0.0590.04552 2.70 3.20 1.65 2.60 SWPA4018S3R3MT 3.3±20% 0.0910.07044 2.45 2.90 1.23 2.10 SWPA4018S4R7MT 4.7±20% 0.1170.09034 1.70 2.20 1.20 1.80 SWPA4018S6R8MT 6.8±20% 0.1430.11029 1.45 2.00 1.06 1.50 SWPA4018S100MT 10±20% 0.2340.18024 1.30 1.60 0.84 1.20 SWPA4018S150MT 15±20% 0.3250.25019 0.94 1.10 0.65 1.00 SWPA4018S220MT 22±20% 0.4680.36016 0.80 0.88 0.59 0.85 SWPA4018S270MT 27±20% 0.6110.47027 0.47 0.62 0.52 0.90 SWPA4018S330MT 33±20% 0.6890.53012 0.56 0.75 0.49 0.72 SWPA4018S470MT 47±20% 0.8450.65010 0.57 0.70 0.42 0.65 SWPA4018S680MT 68±20% 1.30 1.0 8.3 0.47 0.51 0.32 0.52 SWPA4018S101MT 100±20% 2.275 1.750 6.5 0.40 0.44 0.25 0.41 SWPA4018S151MT 150±20% 3.250 2.50 5.5 0.31 0.34 0.22 0.36 SWPA4018S221MT 220±20% 5.20 4.0 4 0.27 0.30 0.17 0.27SWPA4020S SeriesPart NumberInductance DC ResistanceSelf-resonantFrequencySaturation Current*3Heat RatingCurrent*4@100kHz,1V Max.Typ. Min. Max.Typ. Max. Typ.Units μH ΩMHz A ASymbol L DCR S.R.F Isat IrmsSWPA4020SR24MT 0.24±20% 0.0140.011283 10.5 12.5 4.50 5.20 SWPA4020SR33NT 0.33±30% 0.0160.013223 7.50 8.50 3.30 4.90 SWPA4020SR47NT 0.47±30% 0.0290.022160 7.00 7.50 3.30 3.70 SWPA4020SR68NT 0.68±30% 0.0360.028120 6.40 6.60 2.80 3.30 SWPA4020S1R0NT 1.0±30% 0.0380.02975 4.78 5.20 2.15 3.20 SWPA4020S1R2NT 1.2±30% 0.0380.02972 5.10 5.60 2.15 3.20 SWPA4020S1R5NT 1.5±30% 0.0460.03571 4.45 4.90 1.98 3.00 SWPA4020S2R2NT 2.2±30% 0.0520.04049 3.40 3.70 1.85 2.80 SWPA4020S3R3MT 3.3±20% 0.0910.07044 3.20 3.50 1.40 2.50 SWPA4020S3R6MT 3.6±20% 0.0720.05549 2.80 3.00 1.54 2.50 SWPA4020S4R7MT 4.7±20% 0.0980.07542 2.35 2.50 1.34 2.00 SWPA4020S5R1MT 5.1±20% 0.111 0.08542 2.30 2.50 1.27 1.80 SWPA4020S5R6MT 5.6±20% 0.1170.09030 2.20 2.40 1.22 1.80 SWPA4020S6R2MT 6.2±20% 0.1500.11536 2.15 2.30 1.08 1.60 SWPA4020S6R8MT 6.8±20% 0.1630.12533 2.20 2.40 1.04 1.60 SWPA4020S7R5MT 7.5±20% 0.1500.11530 1.85 2.00 1.08 1.50 SWPA4020S8R2MT 8.2±20% 0.1630.12527 1.75 1.90 1.04 1.40 SWPA4020S100MT 10±20% 0.2150.16526 1.60 1.70 0.90 1.20 SWPA4020S120MT 12±20% 0.2280.17526 1.50 1.60 0.88 1.20 SWPA4020S150MT 15±20% 0.2990.23024 1.35 1.50 0.77 1.10SWPA4020S SeriesPart NumberInductance DC ResistanceSelf-resonantFrequencySaturation Current*3Heat RatingCurrent*4@100kHz,1V Max.Typ.Min. Max.Typ. Max. Typ.Units μH ΩMHz A ASymbol L DCR S.R.F Isat Irms SWPA4020S330MT 33±20% 0.7150.55011 0.850.930.490.68SWPA4020S390MT 39±20% 0.8450.65011 0.820.900.460.64SWPA4020S430MT 43±20% 0.8580.66010 0.770.850.450.63SWPA4020S470MT 47±20% 0.9230.71010 0.740.810.440.61SWPA4020S510MT 51±20% 0.9750.75010 0.700.770.420.59SWPA4020S560MT 56±20% 1.0400.80 10 0.660.720.410.57SWPA4020S620MT 62±20% 1.1700.90 9.6 0.650.710.390.52SWPA4020S680MT 68±20% 1.380 1.0607.7 0.610.670.360.50SWPA4020S750MT 75±20% 1.510 1.1607.7 0.700.770.350.49SWPA4020S820MT 82±20% 1.520 1.1707.2 0.500.550.340.47SWPA4020S101MT 100±20% 2.020 1.550 6.3 0.480.530.310.43 SWPA4026S SeriesPart NumberInductance DC ResistanceSelf-resonantFrequencySaturation Current*3Heat RatingCurrent*4@100kHz,1V Max.Typ. Min. Max.Typ. Max. Typ.Units μH ΩMHz A ASymbol L DCR S.R.F Isat Irms SWPA4026S1R0NT 1.0±30% 0.0310.024151 3.303.803.003.30SWPA4026S1R2NT 1.2±30% 0.0390.030120 3.103.402.303.30SWPA4026S1R5NT 1.5±30% 0.0390.030100 2.402.902.303.10SWPA4026S2R2MT 2.2±20% 0.0520.04096 2.102.402.003.80SWPA4026S3R3MT 3.3±20% 0.0650.05058 1.802.001.702.50SWPA4026S4R7MT 4.7±20% 0.0720.05546 1.451.701.602.30SWPA4026S6R8MT 6.8±20% 0.0850.06533 1.301.501.502.00SWPA4026S100MT 10±20% 0.1100.08526 15±20% 0.1430.11019 0.901.001.101.50SWPA4026S220MT 22±20% 0.2140.16513 0.600.800.901.40SWPA4026S330MT 33±20% 0.3510.2709 0.550.650.701.00SWPA4026S470MT 47±20% 0.3900.30 6 0.400.550.650.90 SWPA4030S SeriesPart NumberInductance DC ResistanceSelf-resonantFrequencySaturation Current*3Heat RatingCurrent*4@100kHz,1V Max.Typ. Min. Max.Typ. Max. Typ.Units μH ΩMHz A ASymbol L DCR S.R.F Isat Irms SWPA4030SR68NT 0.68±30% 0.0130.010130 6.80 8.00 4.56 5.10 SWPA4030SR91NT 0.91±30% 0.0170.013100 6.25 6.80 4.15 4.70 SWPA4030S1R0NT 1.0±30% 0.0180.01470 5.26 5.70 4.15 4.70 SWPA4030S1R2NT 1.2±30% 0.0200.01580 5.80 6.30 3.82 4.20 SWPA4030S1R5NT 1.5±30% 0.0260.02062 4.84 5.30 3.34 3.60 SWPA4030S1R8NT 1.8±30% 0.0330.02560 5.40 5.80 3.20 3.30 SWPA4030S2R2NT 2.2±30% 0.0390.03052 4.90 5.80 2.95 3.20SWPA4030S SeriesPart NumberInductanceDC ResistanceSelf-resonant Frequency Saturation Current*3Heat Rating Current*4@100kHz,1V Max.Typ.Min. Max.Typ. Max. Typ.Units μH ΩMHz AA Symbol L DCR S.R.F Isat Irms SWPA4030S4R3MT 4.3±20% 0.072 0.05537 2.95 3.20 2.10 2.30 SWPA4030S4R7MT 4.7±20% 0.078 0.06031 2.90 3.20 2.00 2.30 SWPA4030S5R6MT 5.6±20% 0.085 0.06530 2.60 2.80 1.95 2.10 SWPA4030S6R8MT 6.8±20% 0.1170.09024 2.75 3.00 1.60 1.70 SWPA4030S7R5MT 7.5±20% 0.110 0.08526 2.20 2.40 1.65 1.80 SWPA4030S8R2MT 8.2±20% 0.117 0.09026 2.10 2.30 1.60 1.70 SWPA4030S100MT 10±20% 0.1300.10 21 1.95 2.40 1.50 1.60 SWPA4030S120MT 12±20% 0.1750.13518 1.70 1.80 1.30 1.40 SWPA4030S150MT 15±20% 0.2470.19016 1.65 1.80 1.11 1.20 SWPA4030S180MT 18±20% 0.2600.20 10 1.40 1.50 1.10 1.20 SWPA4030S220MT 22±20% 0.2920.22510 1.30 1.40 1.00 1.20 SWPA4030S270MT 27±20% 0.3380.26010 1.15 1.35 0.90 1.05 SWPA4030S330MT 33±20% 0.4290.33010 1.10 1.20 0.84 0.92 SWPA4030S360MT 36±20% 0.4360.3359.8 1.05 1.10 0.83 0.91 SWPA4030S390MT 39±20% 0.5660.43510 1.03 1.10 0.73 0.80 SWPA4030S470MT 47±20% 0.5790.4458.4 0.95 1.00 0.72 0.80 SWPA4030S510MT 51±20% 0.6110.4708.4 0.90 1.13 0.70 0.80 SWPA4030S560MT 56±20% 0.7220.5558.4 0.85 0.94 0.65 0.71 SWPA4030S620MT 62±20% 0.7610.5857 0.80 0.99 0.63 0.70 SWPA4030S680MT 68±20% 1.1280.8687 0.72 0.80 0.52 0.57 SWPA4030S750MT 75±20% 1.326 1.020 6.3 0.70 0.88 0.48 0.53 SWPA4030S820MT 82±20% 1.378 1.060 5.6 0.66 0.72 0.47 0.52 SWPA4030S910MT 91±20% 1.430 1.10 5.6 0.65 0.71 0.46 0.50 SWPA4030S101MT 100±20% 1.495 1.150 5.6 0.60 0.73 0.45 0.49 SWPA4030S121MT 120±20% 1.755 1.350 5.4 0.55 0.60 0.42 0.46 SWPA4030S151MT 150±20% 2.340 1.80 4 0.50 0.55 0.30 0.35 SWPA4030S221MT 220±20% 3.250 2.50 4.2 0.40 0.50 0.35 0.40 SWPA4030S331MT 330±20% 5.20 4.0 6.8 0.30 0.40 0.25 0.26 SWPA4030S471KT 470±10% 9.3607.20 2 0.30 0.35 0.20 0.23 SWPA4030S501MT 500±20% 9.027 6.9442 0.28 0.30 0.15 0.20 SWPA4030S681MT 680±20% 9.8547.580 1.2 0.18SWPA5012S SeriesPart NumberInductanceDC ResistanceSelf-resonant FrequencySaturation Current*3Heat Rating Current*4@100kHz,1V Max.Typ.Min. Max.Typ. Max. Typ.Units μH ΩMHz A A Symbol L DCR S.R.F Isat Irms SWPA5012SR22NT 0.22±30% 0.0340.028315 8.10 9.30 3.00 3.30 SWPA5012S1R0NT 1.0±30% 0.0680.057103 4.40 4.70 2.00 2.40 SWPA5012S1R5NT 1.5±30% 0.0860.07268 3.70 3.80 1.90 2.20 SWPA5012S2R2NT 2.2±30% 0.1080.09050 3.10 3.20 1.70 2.00 SWPA5012S3R3NT 3.3±30% 0.1510.12634 2.40 2.60 1.40 1.70SWPA5012S4R7NT 4.7±30% 0.1970.16431 2.20 2.30 1.30 1.50SWPA5012S6R8MT 6.8±20% 0.2940.24522 1.70 1.90 1.00 1.20SWPA5012S SeriesPart NumberInductanceDC ResistanceSelf-resonantFrequencySaturation Current*3Heat Rating Current*4@100kHz,1V Max.Typ. Min.Max.Typ. Max. Typ.Units μH ΩMHz AA Symbol L DCR S.R.FIsat IrmsSWPA5012S220MT 22±20% 0.858 0.780 16 0.88 0.980.60 0.68SWPA5020S SeriesPart NumberInductanceDC ResistanceSelf-resonant FrequencySaturation Current*3Heat Rating Current*4@100kHz,1V Max.Typ. Min. Max.Typ. Max. Typ.Units μH ΩMHz A A Symbol L DCR S.R.F Isat Irms SWPA5020SR22NT 0.22±30% 0.0110.009280 9.00 12.00 5.30 6.00 SWPA5020SR24NT 0.24±30% 0.0110.009248 8.00 10.00 5.30 6.00 SWPA5020SR47NT 0.47±30% 0.0170.013160 6.15 6.70 4.60 5.00 SWPA5020SR56NT 0.56±30% 0.0220.017137 8.50 9.60 3.80 4.20 SWPA5020SR68MT 0.68±30% 0.0220.017120 5.50 6.00 4.00 4.40 SWPA5020SR75NT 0.75±30% 0.0220.017117 5.50 6.00 4.00 4.40 SWPA5020S1R0NT 1.0±30% 0.0260.020114 4.10 5.00 3.80 4.10 SWPA5020S1R2NT 1.2±30% 0.0290.02283 4.50 4.90 3.55 3.90 SWPA5020S1R5NT 1.5±30% 0.0340.02668 4.10 4.50 3.20 3.50 SWPA5020S2R2NT 2.2±30% 0.0420.03257 3.20 4.00 2.90 3.10 SWPA5020S2R7NT 2.7±30% 0.0490.03852 2.90 3.50 2.70 2.90 SWPA5020S3R0NT 3.0±30% 0.0490.03849 2.55 2.80 2.70 2.90 SWPA5020S3R3NT 3.3±30% 0.0560.04346 2.55 3.00 2.50 2.70 SWPA5020S3R6NT 3.6±30% 0.0560.04343 2.80 3.00 2.50 2.70 SWPA5020S3R9NT 3.9±30% 0.0560.04340 2.30 2.80 2.50 2.70 SWPA5020S4R3MT 4.3±20% 0.0740.05737 2.50 3.00 2.20 2.40 SWPA5020S4R7MT 4.7±20% 0.0740.05737 2.50 2.70 2.20 2.40 SWPA5020S5R1MT 5.1±20% 0.0830.06432 2.25 2.60 2.05 2.20 SWPA5020S5R6MT 5.6±20% 0.0830.06432 2.30 2.50 2.05 2.20 SWPA5020S6R8MT 6.8±20% 0.1080.08330 2.05 2.20 1.80 1.90 SWPA5020S7R5MT 7.5±20% 0.1170.09026 1.85 2.00 1.75 1.90 SWPA5020S8R2MT 8.2±20% 0.1270.09826 1.85 2.00 1.65 1.80 SWPA5020S9R1MT 9.1±20% 0.1430.11024 1.70 1.80 1.55 1.70 SWPA5020S100MT 10±20% 0.1430.11024 1.70 1.80 1.55 1.70 SWPA5020S120MT 12±20% 0.1820.14022 1.50 1.60 1.40 1.50 SWPA5020S150MT 15±20% 0.2150.16520 1.35 1.40 1.25 1.30 SWPA5020S180MT 18±20% 0.2600.20 16 1.25 1.30 1.15 1.20 SWPA5020S220MT 22±20% 0.2940.22614 1.15 1.20 1.10 1.20 SWPA5020S330MT 33±20% 0.5070.39010 0.92 1.00 0.90 0.99 SWPA5020S470MT 47±20% 0.6800.5237 0.77 0.84 0.77 0.84 SWPA5020S560MT 56±20% 0.8190.630 6 0.77 0.84 0.70 0.77 SWPA5020S680MT 68±20% 0.9620.740 6 0.65 0.70 0.64 0.70 SWPA5020S820MT 82±20% 1.1580.965 6 0.65 0.75 0.50 0.60 SWPA5020S101MT 100±20% 1.430 1.10 6 0.53 0.58 0.53 0.58 SWPA5020S121MT 120±20% 1.755 1.350 6 0.42 0.53 0.40 0.50SWPA5040S SeriesPart NumberInductanceDC ResistanceSelf-resonant FrequencySaturation Current*3Heat Rating Current*4@100kHz,1V Max.Typ. Min. Max.Typ. Max. Typ.Units μH ΩMHz A A Symbol L DCR S.R.F Isat Irms SWPA5040SR22MT 0.22 ±20% 0.0080.006289 18.0020.00 6.50 7.50 SWPA5040SR24NT 0.24 ±30% 0.0080.006251 15.7018.00 6.40 7.40 SWPA5040SR47MT 0.47 ±20% 0.0090.007171 10.0011.50 6.60 7.60 SWPA5040S1R0NT 1.0±30% 0.0160.012117 7.35 8.00 4.90 5.00 SWPA5040S1R2NT 1.2±30% 0.0210.016110 6.50 7.00 4.15 4.25 SWPA5040S1R5NT 1.5±30% 0.0200.01586 6.30 6.80 4.30 4.85 SWPA5040S1R8MT 1.8±20% 0.0210.01655 5.50 6.05 4.15 4.30 SWPA5040S2R2NT 2.2±30% 0.0250.01950 4.90 5.50 3.80 4.20 SWPA5040S2R7NT 2.7±30% 0.0290.02237 4.30 4.80 3.60 4.00 SWPA5040S3R0NT 3.0±30% 0.0290.02237 4.15 4.60 3.60 4.00 SWPA5040S3R3NT 3.3±30% 0.0310.02432 3.95 4.45 3.40 3.90 SWPA5040S3R6MT 3.6±20% 0.0340.02630 3.80 4.40 3.30 3.70 SWPA5040S3R9NT 3.9±30% 0.0350.02729 3.55 4.00 3.20 3.70 SWPA5040S4R7NT 4.7±30% 0.0390.03028 3.50 3.80 3.00 3.30 SWPA5040S5R6MT 5.6±20% 0.0460.03527 3.00 3.70 2.80 3.10 SWPA5040S6R8MT 6.8±20% 0.0560.04321 2.90 3.40 2.50 2.80 SWPA5040S8R2MT 8.2±20% 0.0620.04820 2.70 2.90 2.30 2.60 SWPA5040S100MT 10±20% 0.0830.06418 2.35 2.70 2.10 2.35 SWPA5040S120MT 12±20% 0.1000.07714 2.2 2.5 2.0 2.1 SWPA5040S150MT 15±20% 0.1120.08613 2.00 2.20 2.00 2.05 SWPA5040S180MT 18±20% 0.1550.11912 1.70 2.00 1.45 1.65 SWPA5040S220MT 22±20% 0.1680.12911 1.60 1.80 1.50 1.60 SWPA5040S270MT 27±20% 0.2440.1889.8 1.52 1.75 1.10 1.25 SWPA5040S330MT 33±20% 0.2440.1889 1.30 1.45 1.20 1.35 SWPA5040S470MT 47±20% 0.3540.2727 1.10 1.20 1.00 1.15 SWPA5040S510MT 51±20% 0.4940.380 6 1.00 1.20 1.00 1.10 SWPA5040S560MT 56±20% 0.4940.380 6 1.05 1.20 0.80 0.90 SWPA5040S680MT 68±20% 0.5200.40 6 0.90 1.00 0.80 0.90 SWPA5040S750MT 75±20% 0.5850.450 6 0.85 0.95 0.72 0.80 SWPA5040S101MT 100±20% 0.7280.560 5 0.75 0.85 0.70 0.78 SWPA5040S151MT 150±20% 0.9750.750 3.7 0.65 0.67 0.60 0.70 SWPA5040S221MT 220±20% 1.820 1.40 3.0 0.48 0.55 0.40 0.50 SWPA5040S301MT 300±20% 2.60 2.0 2.7 0.50 0.58 0.35 0.40 SWPA5040S331MT 330±20% 2.730 2.10 2.7 0.42 0.47 0.40 0.50 SWPA5040S471MT 470±20% 3.90 3.0 2.7 0.37 0.43 0.35 0.40 SWPA5040S561MT 560±20% 4.920 3.780 1.3 0.31 0.36 0.31 0.35 SWPA5040S681MT 680±20% 5.070 3.90 1.3 0.30 0.35 0.25 0.30 SWPA5040S102MT 1000±20% 7.80 6.0 1.3 0.21 0.25 0.20 0.23 SWPA5040S332MT 3300±20% 25.2021.00.9 0.1400.150 0.100 0.120SWPA5040S392MT 3900±20% 30.5523.500.8 0.1250.150 0.100 0.115SWPA5040S472MT 4700±20% 45.5035.00.6 0.1100.130 0.080 0.100SWPA5040S502MT 5000±20% 43.1635.970.49 0.1100.130 0.085 0.098SWPA5040S562MT 5600±20% 50.7039.00.49 0.1050.120 0.080 0.092SWPA5040S682MT 6800±20% 55.9043.00.38 0.0900.110 0.0750.086SWPA5040S822MT 8200±20% 55.9043.00.38 0.0700.085 0.075 0.086SWPA5040S103MT 10000±20% 58.5045.00.32 0.0650.075 0.075 0.086。


● 控制电路与RGB芯片集成在一个5050封装的元器件中,构成一个完整的外控像素点。
● 内置信号整形电路,任何一个像素点收到信号后经过波形整形再输出,保证线路波形畸变不会累加。
● 内置上电复位和掉电复位电路。
● 每个像素点的三基色颜色可实现256级亮度显示,完成16777216种颜色的全真色彩显示,扫描频率不低于
● 串行级联接口,能通过一根信号线完成数据的接收与解码。
● 任意两点传传输距离在不超过5米时无需增加任何电路。
● 当刷新速率30帧/秒时,低速模式级联数不小于512点,高速模式不小于1024点。
● 数据发送速度可达800Kbps。
● 光的颜色高度一致,性价比高。



深圳市阶新科技有限公司SK6812灯珠内置IC驱动灯珠5050RGB灯珠智能外控集成 LED 光源产品概述:SK6812灯珠是一个集控制电路与发光电路于一体的智能外控LED光源。







主要应用领域:● LED全彩发光字灯串,LED全彩模组,LED幻彩软硬灯条,LED护栏管,LED外观/情景照明● LED点光源,LED像素屏,LED异形屏,各种电子产品,电器设备跑马灯。

特性说明:● Top SMD内部集成高质量外控单线串行级联恒流IC;●控制电路与RGB芯片集成在SMD 5050元器件中,构成一个完整的外控像素点,混色效果均匀且一致性高。




SK6812规格书 DXD

SK6812规格书 DXD












主要应用领域●LED全彩发光字灯串,LED全彩模组, LED全彩软灯条硬灯条,LED护栏管。









亚博斯626 628型号产品说明书

亚博斯626 628型号产品说明书

INSTALLATION1. Location: Select a location where the temperature of the unit will be between 0 and 175°F (-18 to 79°C). Distance from the receiver is limited only by total loop resistance. The tubing feeding pressure to the instrument can be practically any length required, but long lengths will increase response time slightly.2. Position: The transmitter is not position sensitive. However, all standard models are originally calibrated with the unit in a position with the pressure connection downward. Although they can be used at other angles, for best accuracy, it is recommended that units be installed in the position calibrated at the factory.3. Pressure Connection: Use a small amount of plumber’s tape or other suitable sealants to prevent leaks. Be sure the pressure passage inside the port is not blocked.4. Electrical ConnectionsWire Length — The maximum length of wire connecting the transmitter and receiver is a function of wire size and receiver resistance. Wiring should not contribute to more than 10% of the receiver resistance to total loop resistance. For extremely long runs (over 1000 ft or 305 m), choose receivers with higher resistance to minimize the size and cost of connecting leads. Where wiring length is under 100 feet (30.5 m), wire as small as 22 AWG can be used.CURRENT (4 to 20 mA) OUTPUT OPERATIONAn external power supply delivering 10 to 35 VDC with minimum current capability of 40 mA DC (per transmitter) is required to power the control loop. See Figure 1 for connection of the power supply, transmitter, and receiver. The range of appropriate receiver load resistance (R L ) for the DC power supply voltage available is expressed by the formula: Shielded cable is recommended for control loop wiring.Electrical connections to the Series 626/628-CB pressure transmitters are made to the terminal block located inside the housing. Remove the screws and lift off the cover. Lift off the terminal block for wiring. Wire as show in Figure 1 or 2. Use Figure 1 for current output connection. Use Figure 2 for current output with optional LCD display. If ordering pre-wired cable, black wire is negative (-) and red wire is positive (+).M-12 Pin Connector with Current OutputFor the optional M-12 4 pin connector, wire to pins as shown in Figure 3.R L Max = Vps – 10 20 mA DCFigure 1: Current Output ConnectionFigure 2: Current Output with Optional LCDFigure 3: Current Output with Optional M-12 4 Pin ConnectorUNIT BUTTON-ZERO BUTTON- PRESS ANDVOLTAGE (0 to 5, 1 to 5, 0 to 10, or 2 to 10 V) OUTPUT OPERATIONTo select the voltage output that is going to be used, configure the DIP switches according to the Figure 4 below. Power must be cycled whenever dip switches are changed to select output.M-12 4 Pin Connector with Voltage OutputFor the optional M-12 4 pin connector, wire to pins as shown in Figure 7.Figure 5: Voltage Output ConnectionFigure 6: Voltage Output with Optional LCDFigure 7: Voltage Output with Optional M-12 4 Pin ConnectorZERO BUTTON- PRESS AND0 to 5 VDC 1 21 21 21 2ONOFFONOFF ONOFFONOFF1 to 5 VDC 0 to 10 VDC2 to 10 VDC Figure 4: Voltage Output DIP Switch Selection©Copyright 2018 Dwyer Instruments, Inc.Printed in U.S.A. 2/18FR# 443271-30 Rev. 4MAINTENANCE/REPAIRUpon final installation of the Series 626/628-CB Industrial Pressure Transmitter, no routine maintenance is required. The Series 626/628-CB is not field serviceable and is not possible to repair the unit. Field repair should not be attempted and may void warranty.WARRANTY/RETURNRefer to “Terms and Conditions of Sale” in our catalog and on our website. Contact customer service to receive a Return Goods Authorization number before shipping the product back for repair. Be sure to include a brief description of the problem plus any additional application notes.。



American-made quality farm and ranch products since 1945.For more information and questions, please contact:Tarter Customer Service1-800-RED-GATE (1-800-733-4283)(Tarter products are sold through Authorized Retailers Only.)BUCKET RAKE: ASSEMBLY / USAGE INSTRUCTIONS(PART NUMBER: BR52 & BR68)Short and long steel connection cables are provided with this product. These can be used independently or rigged together depending on the depth of your bucket: Bucket Depth: Up to 20” use short cable only, 20-25” use long cable only, 25-32” use both rigged together.To lengthen cables for larger buckets, combine a short cable and long cable.Designed for quick installation on any tractor or skid steer loader bucket, making it an easy to use multi-purpose tool.Using clevis, connect both ends of the short cable.Take small cable and run through the loop of oneend of the long cable.Run clevis back through the small cable and pulltight.STEP ONEAfter determining the proper cables to use, attach clevis to one end of the cable and eyelet attached to the bend of the Bucket Rake. Repeat on the other side of the bucket rake.Note:Make sure smaller teeth are facing down.Once Bucket Rake is firmly attached to the bucket, hook ratchet end of strap to the eyelet facing up onthe Bucket Rake.STEP FIVETake the strap and feed through the ratchet.Place Bucket Rake in front of the bucket.STEP THREEWith bucket slightly angled upright, pick up Bucket Rake and slide onto bucket.Caution: Make sure hands and fingers are clear of any pinch points.Danger: If bucket is too heavy to lift alone, please have two people to lift it. Do not stand directly underthe Bucket Rake while installing.After strap is properly tightened, secure strap back under the ratchet. This will make sure the strapdoesn’t get caught on anything.COMPLETEYou have now successfully installed your Bucket Rake, and ready for use.Attach the strap hook to the cable attached to the Bucket Rake. Make sure hook is facing away from thebucket.STEP SEVENOnce the strap is attached to the cable, begin to tighten the ratchet. Make sure strap isn’t twisted or has any obstructions. If strap is clear, tightenratchet until there is no slack in the strap.• Always follow all tractor or skid steermanufacturers’ safety warnings.• Never operate with persons in the path or underneath the loader.• Avoid sharp edges on the Bucket Rake; never leave the unit parked where someone could come in contact with the rake.• Avoid using on steep hillsides.• Always be aware of debris that could fall backwards on the operator during use.Use Forward Operation to clear brush, small trees, level gravel driveways and till ground. Keep the loader bucket parallel to the ground, and lower the bucket until desired penetration is made with the bottom tines. In thick brush, lift loader and clear out debris often. With smaller machines it may be more effective to take passes of only one half the bucketwidth.Use Backwards Operation to remove small stumps, roots, rocks and to gather up loose vegetation. Best results can be seen when the bucket is tilted downward in the front allowing both the forward and downward tines to engage the ground simultaneously.For more information and questions, please contact:Tarter Customer Service1-800-RED-GATE (1-800-733-4283).。



Eaton 189893Eaton Moeller® series PKZM01 Motor-protective circuit-breaker, 660 V 690 V: 22 kW, Ir= 20 - 25 A, IP20 PKZM01-25-EAGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller® series PKZM01 Motor-protective circuit-breaker189893PKZM01-25-EA401508187889593 mm 90 mm 45 mm 0.299 kgRoHS conform CE MarkedProduct NameCatalog Number Model Code EANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Compliances12.5 kW20 AThermomagnetic388 A5.5 kWBuilt-in device fixed built-in technique Phase failure sensitiveScrew connectionThree-pole690 V50 kA25 A7.04 W388 A25 A690 VPush button Save time and space thanks to the new link module PKZM0-XDM32ME Motor Starters in System xStart - brochureProduct Range Catalog Switching and protecting motorsSwitching and protecting motors - catalogeaton-manual-motor-starters-characteristic-characteristic-curve-008.eps eaton-manual-motor-starters-characteristic-characteristic-curve-009.eps eaton-manual-motor-starters-pkz-characteristic-curve.epsDA-DC-00004883.pdfeaton-manual-motor-starters-circuit-breaker-pkzm01-dimensions.eps eaton-manual-motor-starters-mounting-3d-drawing-002.epseaton-general-ie-ready-dilm-contactor-standards.epseaton-manual-motor-starters-circuit-breaker-pkzm01-3d-drawing-002.epsDA-CE-ETN.PKZM01-25-EAIL034045ZUWIN-WIN with push-in technologyDA-CS-pkzm01DA-CD-pkzm01Rated operational power at AC-3, 380/400 V, 50 Hz Overload release current setting - minSwitch off techniqueAdjustment range undelayed short-circuit release - min Rated operational power at AC-3, 220/230 V, 50 Hz Device constructionFunctionsElectrical connection type of main circuitNumber of polesRated operational voltage (Ue) - minRated short-circuit breaking capacity Icu at 400 V AC Rated uninterrupted current (Iu)Power lossAdjustment range undelayed short-circuit release - max Overload release current setting - maxRated operational voltage (Ue) - maxActuator typeDegree of protection BrochuresCatalogsCharacteristic curveDeclarations of conformity DrawingseCAD modelInstallation instructions Installation videosmCAD modelEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaIP20。



VGS(Volts) Figure 2: Transfer Characteristics 2 Normalized On-Resistance 1.8 1.6 VGS=4.5V 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 ID=3.0A VGS=10V ID=4.5A
100 90 80 RDS(ON) (mΩ ) 70 60 50 40 30 20 0 5 10 15 20 VGS=10V VGS=4.5V
W °C Units °C/W °C/W °C/W
TJ, TSTG Junction and Storage Temperature Range Thermal Characteristics: n-channel and p-channel Parameter Symbol A t ≤ 10s Maximum Junction-to-Ambient RθJA Maximum Junction-to-Ambient A Steady-State RθJL Steady-State Maximum Junction-to-Lead C
SWITCHING PARAMETERS Qg(10V) Total Gate Charge Qg(4.5V) Total Gate Charge Qgs Qgd tD(on) tr tD(off) tf trr Qrr Gate Source Charge Gate Drain Charge Turn-On DelayTime Turn-On Rise Time Turn-Off DelayTime Turn-Off Fall Time Body Diode Reverse Recovery Time Body Diode Reverse Recovery Charge IF=4.5A, dI/dt=100A/µs



SK6812RGBWSPECIFICATIONINTEGRATED LIGHT SOURCE INTELLIGENT CONTROL OFCHIP-ON-TOP SMD TYPE LEDDocument No.: SPC/ SK6812RGBW-XXModel No.: SK6812RGBW-XXDescription: 5.5x5.0x1.6mm Top SMD Type 0.25 Watt Powertegrated light source Intelligent control LEDRev. No.: 01Date: 2015-07-31INTEGRATED LIGHT SOURCE INTELLIGENT CONTROLOF CHIP-ON-TOP SMD TYPE LEDModel: SK6812RGBW1. Product Overview :SK6812RGBW is a smart LED control circuit and light emitting circuit in one controlled LED source,which has the shape of a 5050 LED chip. Each lighting element is a pixel, and the intensities of the pixels are contained within the intelligent digital interface input. The output is driven by patented PWMtechnology, which effectively guarantees high consistency of the color of the pixels. The control circuit consists of a signal shaping amplification circuit, a built-in constant current circuit, and a highprecision RC oscillator.The data protocol being used is unipolar NRZ communication mode. The 32-bit data is transmitted from the controller to DIN of the first element, and if it is accepted it is extracted pixel to pixel. After aninternal data latch, the remaining data is passed through the internal amplification circuit and sent outon the DO port to the remaining pixels. The pixel is reset after the end of DIN. Using automatic shaping forwarding technology makes the number of cascaded pixels without signal transmission onlylimited by signal transmission speed.The LED has a low driving voltage (which allows for environmental protection and energy saving), high brightness, scattering angle, good consistency, low power, and long life. The control circuit isintegrated in the LED above.2. Main Application Field:●Full color LED string light, LED full color module, LED super hard and soft lights, LED guardrail tube,LED appearance / scene lighting●LED point light, LED pixel screen, LED shaped screen, a variety of electronic products, electricalequipment etc..3. Description:●Top SMD internal integrated high quality external control line serial cascade constant current IC;●control circuit and the chip in SMD 5050 components, to form a complete control of pixel, color mixing uniformity and consistency;●built-in data shaping circuit, a pixel signal is received after wave shaping and output waveform distortion will not guarantee a line;●The built-in power on reset and reset circuit, the power does not work;●gray level adjusting circuit (256 level gray scale adjustable);●red drive special treatment, color balance;●line data transmission;●plastic forward strengthening technology, the transmission distance between two points over 10M;●Using a typical data transmission frequency of 800 Kbps, when the refresh rate of 30 frames persec4.Mechanical Dimensions:。



SK6812WWA规格书智能外控表面贴装SMD型LED 文件编号: SPC/ SK6812WWA产品型号: SK6812WWA产品描述: 5.5x5.0x1.6毫米0.2瓦特智能外控表面贴装型SMD LED版本号.: 01日期: 2015-06-18智能外控表面贴装SMD型LED型号: SK6812WWA1.产品概述:SK6812WWA是一个集控制电路与发光电路于一体的智能外控LED光源。








3.特性说明:●Top SMD内部集成高质量外控单线串行级联恒流IC;●控制电路与芯片集成在SMD 5050元器件中,构成一个完整的外控像素点,色温效果均匀且一致性高。



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智能外控表面贴装SMD型LED 文件编号: SPC/ SK6812WWA
产品型号: SK6812WWA
产品描述: 5.5x5.0x1.6毫米0.2瓦特智能外控表面贴装型SMD LED
版本号.: 01
日期: 2015-06-18
型号: SK6812WWA








●Top SMD内部集成高质量外控单线串行级联恒流IC;
●控制电路与芯片集成在SMD 5050元器件中,构成一个完整的外控像素点,色温效果均匀且一致性高。




1. 以上标示单位为毫米.
2. 除非另外注明,尺寸公差为±0.1毫米.
表面贴装LED采用卷盘包装,LED在用普通或防静电袋包装后再装在纸箱中. 纸箱用于保护运输途中LED不受机械冲

1. 特点

2. 描述

3. 注意事项
3.1. 灰尘与清洁
LED的表面是采用硅树胶封装的, 硅树脂对于LED的光学系统和抗老化性能都起到很好的保护作用. 可是, 硅树脂质柔
软, 易粘灰尘, 因此, 要保持作业环境的洁净. 当然, 在LED表面有一定限度内的尘埃, 也不会影响到发光亮度, 但我们仍
应避免尘埃落到LED表面. 打开包装袋的就优先使用, 安装过LED的组件应存放在干净的容器中等.
在LED表面需要清洁时, 如果使用三氯乙烯或者丙酮等溶液会出现使LED表面溶解等现象.
不可使用具用溶解性的溶液清洁LED, 可使用一此异丙基的溶液, 在使用任何清洁溶液之前都应确认是否会对LED有溶解

3.2. 防潮包装


3.3. 储存
a. 温度: 5℃~30℃
b. 湿度: 小于60%


3.4. 回流焊接
经欧思科光电采用下面所列参数检测证明,表面贴装型LED符合JEDEC J-STD-020C标准。



3.5. 热量的产生



3.6. 防静电及电涌
. 静电和电涌会伤害到LED
. 为保护好LED,无论什么时间与场合,只要接触到LED时,都要穿带防静电手带,防静电脚带及防静电手套
. 所有的装置和仪器设备均须接地
. 建议每一种产品在出货前检验时,都应有相关电性测试,以挑选出因静电而产生的不良品
. 在电路设计时,应考虑消除电涌对LED危害的可能性.
3.7. 其它






