

《Criminal Minds犯罪心理》第四季精选名言中英文对照

《Criminal Minds犯罪心理》第四季精选名言中英文对照

《Criminal Minds犯罪心理》第四季精选名言中英文对照(2010-01-27 02:13:35)标签:criminalminds犯罪心理第四季名言娱乐分类:羙劇天下◎Episode 1: Mayhem(2008.09.24)●Never think that war, no matter how necessary nor how justified is not a crime.——Ernest Hemingway【海明威:任何战争都是罪恶,不管是否所谓必须,也无论是否所谓公正。

】(Hotch)(本集片尾没有出现名言)◎Episode 2: The Angel Maker(2008.10.01)●We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.——Chuck Palahniuk【恰克·帕拉尼克(美国作家,有俄裔和法裔血统,祖上多人死于谋杀,身世离奇,1962年生人,1996年出版其第一部长篇小说『搏击俱乐部(Fight Club)』):人终有一死。


】(Hotch)●The past is our definition. We may strive, with good reason, to escape it, or to escape what is bad in it, but we will escape it only by adding something better to it.——Wendell Berry【温德尔·贝瑞(1934年生,美国诗人、随笔作家和小说家,同时也是一位农民):过去是我们给自己下的定义。


《Criminal Minds犯罪心理》第三季精选名言中英文对照

《Criminal Minds犯罪心理》第三季精选名言中英文对照

《Criminal Minds犯罪心理》第三季精选名言中英文对照(2010-01-16 13:11:01)标签:criminalminds犯罪心理第三季名言娱乐分类:羙劇天下《Criminal Minds 犯罪心理》第二季引用的名言Criminal Minds《犯罪心理》第一季精选名言中英文对照◎Episode 1: Doubt(2007.09.26)●无◎Episode 2: In Birth and Death(2007.10.03)●Let your heart feel for the affliction and distress of everyone.——George Washington【乔治·华盛顿:让你的内心感受众人的苦痛与不幸。

】(Hotch)(本集片尾没有出现名言)◎Episode 3: Scared to Death(2007.10.10)●He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.——Lao Tzu【老子:胜人者有力,自胜者强。

】(Hotch)●You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.——Eleanor Roosevelt【埃莉诺·罗斯福(美国总统富兰克林·罗斯福的夫人,女权主义者,提倡保护人权,1884-1962):每一次经历都让你获得力量、勇气和自信,而你也将因此不再害怕。


】(Hotch)◎Episode 4: Children of the Dark(2007.10.17)●In the city, crime is taken as emblematic of class and race. In the suburbs, though, it's intimate and psychological, resistant to generalization, a mystery of the individual soul.——Barbara Ehrenreich【芭芭拉·厄莱雷奇(美国知名作家、记者兼社会评论家,细胞生物学博士):人们认为,城市犯罪象征阶级仇、民族恨,而郊区犯罪常发生的熟人之间,有其心理渊源,它们拒绝被同化,具备个体灵魂的神秘性。



Season5✧Episode 1:● A weak man has doubts before a decision,a strong man has themafterwards.------KarlKrauss【KarlKrauss(奥地利剧作家):弱者抉择前犹豫,强者抉择后质疑.】(Rossi)(本集片尾没有出现名言)✧Episode 2:●One need not be a chamber to be haunted,one need not be a house.The brainhas corridors surpassing material place.------Emily Dickinson【埃米莉·狄更生(美国诗人):若要恭候幽灵造访,你无须变成一间屋子,一栋房.越过具体的某处,大脑中密布盘廊.】(Hotch)●There is no witness so dreadful,no accuser so terrible.As the conscience thatdwells in the heart of every man.------Polybius【波里比奥(古希腊历史学家):人若都可心存善意,就不会再有惊恐的证人,恐慌的原告.】(Hotch)✧Episode 3:●Justice without force is powerless,force without justice is tyrannical.------Blaise Pascal【布莱士·帕斯卡(法国著名科学家):没有武力的公正是无力的,而没有公正的武力是暴虐的.】(Rossi)●I have always found.That marcy bears richer fruit than strict justice.------AbrahamLincoln【亚伯拉罕·林肯(第十六位美国总统):现实总是告诉我,宽容比严苛的法制制度更有益处.】(Rossi)✧Episode4:●There is no lasting hope in violence.Only temporary relief from hopelessness.------KingmanBrewster Jr.【金曼·布鲁斯特二世(耶鲁大学校长,教育家):暴力中没有长存的希望,只能从绝望中得到暂时解脱.】(Morgan)●These violent delights have violent ends.------WilliamShakespeare【威廉·莎士比亚:那些强烈的快感,会带来暴力的结局.】(Morgan)✧Episode5:●You don’t really understand human nature,unless you know why a child on a merry-go-round.Will wave at his parents every time around.And why his parents will always wave back.------WilliamD.Tammeus【WilliamD.Tammeus(记者):除非你明白一个孩子玩旋转木马的时候,每转一圈就给他的父母挥挥手,父母也会向孩子挥手的意义.否则你就不会理解人性的含义.】(JJ)(本集片尾没有出现名言)✧Episode6:●And if thy right eye offend thee.Pluck it out and cast it from thee.------Matthew5;29【(马太福音,第五章,第二十九节):若是你的右眼冒犯于你,就挖出来丢掉.】(Morgan)●Dwell in peace in the home of your own being.And the messenger of death will not be able to touch you.------GuruNanak【古鲁那纳克(锡克教创始人):平静地生活在属于自己的家中,死神的信使也无法动你分毫.】(Morgan)✧Episode7:●In all the darkest pages of the malign supernatural.These is no more terrible tradition than that of the vampire.A pariah even among demans.------MontagueSummers【蒙塔古·萨默斯(作家):在所有关于凶鬼恶灵的邪恶故事中,最可怕的传统当属吸血鬼,而这一族群甚至遭魔鬼蔑视.】(Reid)●Better to write for yourself and have no public.Than to write for the public and have no self.------CyrilConnolly【西里尔·康纳里(作家):宁可为你自己活而小众,也不可为大众而没了自我.】(Prentiss)✧Episode8:●Man usually avoids attributing cleverness to somebody else.------AlbertEirstein【阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦:人极少夸赞别人的聪明才智,除非那是你的敌人.】(Morgan)(本集片尾没有出现名言)✧Episode9:●He who fights with monsters.Might take care lest he thereby become a monster.And if you gaze for long into an abyss,the abyss gazes also into you.------Friedrich Nietzsche【尼采:与怪兽搏斗之人,需慎防自己因此变成怪兽;长期望向深渊之人,深渊必也望向该人.】(Hotch)●So much of what is best in us.Is bound up in our love of family.That it remains the measure of our stability.Because it measures our sense of loyalty.------HanielLong【HanielLong(美国诗人):人性中的至善至爱,深深根植于家庭之爱.家庭使我们保持坚定的信仰,我们的忠贞得以衡量.】(Hotch)✧Episode10:●It’s love that makes the world go round.------W.S.Gilbert【吉尔伯特(剧作家,<<潘赞斯的海盗>>作者):是爱让世界转动.】(Hotch)●Where we love is home…home that our feet may leave,but not our hearts.------OliverWendellHolmes【奥利弗·温德尔·霍姆斯(美国著名法学家,大法官):家是我们情之所系.虽然可能离家在外,但是始终心系家园.】(Hotch)●What lies behind us and what lies before us.Are timy matters compared what lies within us.------RalphWaldoEmerson【RalphWaldoEmerson(美国作家,诗人和思想家):与我们心灵深处的东西相较,身后眼前之事皆是微不足道的.】(Hotch)✧Episode11:(本集片头没有出现名言)●There is a sacredness in tears,they are not the mark of weakness,but of power.They are messengers of overwhelming grief,and of unspeakable love.------WashingtonIrving【华盛顿·欧文(美国著名作家):泪水中所浸染的神圣,非软弱的体现.而力量的制衡,泪水传递着不能逾越的哀伤,和无法言喻的挚爱.】(Prentiss)✧Episode12:●Anything you cannot relinquish.When it has outlived its usefulness,possesses you.And in this materialistic age,a great many of us,are possessed by our possessions.------MildredLsetteNorman【MildredLsetteNorman(?):那些已经失去物质实用价值的东西,你却仍然无法割舍它.在这个唯物主义的年代,我们之中很多人都被我们占有的东西侵噬了灵魂.】(Reid)●In life unlike chess.The game continues after checkmate.------IsaacAsimov 【艾萨克·阿西莫夫(著名科幻小说家,代表作<<基地>>):生活像棋亦胜似棋.棋终人散,前路漫漫.】(Reid)✧Episode13:●Life is a game,play it.Life is too precious,do not destroy it.------MotherTeresa 【特蕾莎修女(著名诺贝尔和平奖获得者):生活如戏,乐在其中.生命似金,敬请珍重.】(JJ)●Experience is a brutal teacher,but you learn.My god do you learn.------C.S.Levis【C.S.刘易斯:经历是残忍的老师,可你会从中有所收获.我的上帝,你有所获悉吗.】(JJ)✧Episode14:●If I am what I have ,and if I lose what I have.Who then am I?------GermanPsychologist ErichFromm【弗洛姆(德国心理学家):如果这就是我的一切,而我失去了这一切,那么我又是谁.】(Rossi)●Oh.What a tangled web we weave.When first we practice to deceive.------Sir WalterScott【沃尔特·司各特爵士(苏格兰历史小说家和诗人):谎言之心粗露端倪,作茧自缚避之不及.】(Prentiss)✧Episode15:●Show me a hero,And I will write you tragedy.------F.ScottFitzgerald【斯考特·菲茨杰拉德(美国作家):每一个英雄的背后,都包含着一段悲剧故事.】(Rossi)●When a father gives to his son,both laugh.When a son gives to his father,both cry.------WilliamShakespeare【威廉·莎士比亚:父寄子承(子承父业),皆大欢喜;父承子寄,悲从中来.】(Rossi) ✧Episode16:●Hope is the worst of evils,for it prolongs the torment of man.------Nietzsche 【尼采:希望是万恶之首,带给人无尽的痛苦折磨.】(JJ)●Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul,and sings the tunewithout words,and never stops at all.------Emily Dickinson【艾米丽·狄更生(美国著名诗人):希望长有翅膀,栖于心灵之上.吟唱曲调,无须言表;天音袅袅,始终环绕.】(JJ)✧Episode17:●We’re all of us sentenced to solitary confinement.Inside our own skins for life.------TennesseeWilliams【田纳西·威廉姆斯(剧作家):我们所有人都在自己的躯壳内,被孤独的囚禁终生.】(Prentiss)●Family is a haven in a heartless world.------ChristopherLasch【克里斯托弗·拉什(美国著名史学家):现实生活铁石心肠,唯有家庭宛如天堂.】(Morgan)✧Episode18:●I have found the paradox.That if you love until it hurts,there can be no more hurt.Only more love.------MotherTeresa【特蕾莎修女:假如你爱至成伤,你会发现,伤已殆尽.唯有更多的爱。

犯罪心理(Criminal minds)1-7季插曲全

犯罪心理(Criminal minds)1-7季插曲全
"The Riddle"
Five for Fighting
Ending montage -- ensemble cast picks up the pieces after the case
Sara Bareilles
"Heaven's a Lie"
Lacuna Coil
"Gravity of Love"
This song in one version of the episode (probably TV?)
"When All is Said and Done"
Tyrone Wells
This song is in the other (DVD?).
(Warning this song is over 17 minutes long!)
Nine Inch Nails
While Gideon is held hostage at the beginning.
1x03"Won't Get Fooled Again"
"The Night We Nearly Got Busted"
At the end of the episode
2x07"North Mammon"
"Suddenly I See"
K.T. Tunstall
Polly, Brook, and Kelly drive to Kelly's house.

Criminal Minds犯罪心理影视介绍(英语口语发言)

Criminal Minds犯罪心理影视介绍(英语口语发言)

Spencer Reid

斯潘塞· 瑞德(Dr. Spencer Reid ) 马修· 盖伯勒饰 天才博士。拥有三个博士 头衔(分别是化学、数学以及工程学的博 士学位) 斯潘塞· 瑞德,还有心理学、哲学和社会 学的学士学位(见第4季08集),智商187, 有超常的记忆能力,每分钟能阅读两万字。 在小组里,斯潘赛就是一部活的百科全书, 无论是科学,文学,哲学,还是犯罪学, 他似乎永远是无所不知。敏感害羞是他与 生人交流时的屏障。他的情商是如此之低, 正如他的智商如此之高。即便如此,他也 是整个分析组的宠儿,因为善良的他让人 不自觉的产生怜爱之情。
Main Characters

❤ Elle Greenaway

Jason Gideon

Jason Gideon, portrayed by Mandy Patinkin (Seasons 1–2; season 3, episodes 1–2), was a Senior Supervisory Special Agent and is widely known as the BAU's best profiler. After a series of emotionally taxing cases, and the murder of his friend Sarah in his own house by a fugitive serial killer, he begins to feel burned out. The last straw occurs when Hotchner is suspended for two weeks by the team's boss —an action for which Gideon feels responsible. He retreats to his cabin and leaves a letter for Reid, who he knows will be the one to come looking for him. When Reid arrives at the cabin, it is empty except for the letter and Gideon's badge and firearm.

犯罪心理 第二季 哲理名言 完美排版

犯罪心理 第二季 哲理名言 完美排版

★【Criminal Minds】Season I I★——Axiom quoted by BAU◎Episode1:The Fisher King(2)(2006.09.20)●The defects and faults of the mind are like wounds in the body.After all,imaginable care has been taken to heal them up,still there will be a scar left behind.【Francois La Rochefoucauld(法国作家):思想上的缺陷和弱点正如身体上的创伤,就算用尽一切办法将其治愈,仍然会留下疤痕。

】●It has been said that time heals all wounds.I do not agree.The wounds remain.In time,the mind,protecting its sanity,covers them with scar tissue,and the pain lessens,but it is never gone.(Reid)【Rose Kennedy罗丝·肯尼迪(肯尼迪总统的母亲):人们都说时间可以治愈一切伤口,我可不这么认为。



】◎Episode2:P911(2006.09.27)●The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children.【Dietrich Bonhoeffer(德青年神学家):为孩子所做的一切应成为衡量社会道德的标尺。

】◎Episode3:The Perfect Storm(2006.10.04)●Of all the animals,man is the only one that is cruel.He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it.【Mark Twain马克·吐温(1835.11.30-1910.4.21,美国著名作家):在所有的动物中,只有人类是残忍的。



犯罪心理学Criminal psychology什么是犯罪心理学?•电影:沉默的羔羊(1991年)• the Silence of Lambs•电视剧:犯罪心理(2005-2016年)Criminal MindsLIE TO ME现实中的犯罪人: 疯狂犯罪人?MOST-EVIL变态犯罪人? CASE甘蒙805天生犯罪人?犯罪心理学导论•什么是犯罪心理学?•犯罪心理学的任务•犯罪心理学的方法论•犯罪心理学的基本理论犯罪心理学的诞生• 1879年莱比锡大学 W. Wundt• [德国] 精神病学家 Krafft-Ebing: 1872年《犯罪心理学纲要》• [奥地利] 犯罪学家 HANS GROSS: 1898年《犯罪心理学》我国的系统发展:1980年开始•犯罪 CRIME•心理 PSYCHO•犯罪心理分析+ 犯罪心理对策•犯罪心理分析•犯罪心理对策犯罪心理测试犯罪心理画像证人证言心理审讯与供述心理犯罪危险性评估罪犯心理矫正生物学派精神分析论行为主义观认知学派犯罪人格说犯罪类型论犯罪心理学的学科性质•犯罪学与心理学的交叉学科;•偏向社会科学的综合性学科;•既是理论学科又是应用学科;•或然性学科:可能性推断。



犯罪心理 心理学释义英文版

犯罪心理 心理学释义英文版

Criminal Minds Psychology 101It always helps to have a basic understanding of psychological terms when watching Criminal Minds. This list provides an overview of all things psychological that I could come up with today. Eventually, it would be nice if we could add episode names and numbers after the terms to specifically cite when each term was used on the show. (/)Abnormal psychology: The scientific study of abnormal behavior in order to describe, predict, explain, and change abnormal patterns of functioning (Comer, 2004, p. 54).Acute stress disorder: An anxiety disorder in which fear and related symptoms are experienced soon after a traumatic event and lasts less than a month (Comer, 2004, p. 166). Exposure to trauma, which is defined as a stressor that causes intense fear, often involves threats to life or serious injury to oneself or others. Examples are rape, mugging, combat, natural disasters, etc. The symptoms of acute stress disorder include a combining of one or more dissociative and anxiety symptoms with the avoidance of reminders of the traumatic event. Dissociative symptoms include emotional detachment, temporary loss of memory, depersonalization, and derealization (Source: Health A to Z). Episode: 3.05 Seven SecondsAntisocial personality disorder: A personality disorder marked by a general pattern of disregard for and violation of other people’s rights. Aside from substance-related disorders, this is the disorder most closely linked to adult criminal behavior (Comer, 2004, p. 498). Episode1.08 Natural Born KillerAvoidant personality disorder: A personality disorder characterized by consistent discomfort and restraint in social situations, overwhelming feelings of inadequacy, and extreme sensitivity to negative evaluation (Comer, 2004, p. 511). Borderline personality disorder: A personality disorder characterized by repeated instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and mood and by impulsive behavior (Comer, 2004, p. 503).Cognitive triad: The three forms of negative thinking that AaronBeck theorizes lead people to feel depressed. The triad consists of a negative view of one’s experiences, oneself, and the future (Comer, 2004, p. 250).Critical incident stress debriefing: Training in how to help victims talk about their feelings and reactions to traumatic incidents (Comer, 2004, p. 179).Delusion: A strange false belief firmly held despite evidence to the contrary (Comer, 2004, p. 439).Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID): as defined by the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a condition in which a single person displays multiple distinct identities or personalities (known as alter egos or alters), each with its own pattern of perceiving and interacting with the environment. The diagnosis requires that at least two personalities routinely take control of the individual's behavior with an associated memory loss that goes beyond normal forgetfulness; in addition, symptoms cannot be due to substance abuse or medical condition. Earlier versions of the DSM named the condition multiple personality disorder (MPD), and the term is still used by the ICD-10. There is controversy around the existence, the possible causes, the prevalence across cultures, and the epidemiology of the condition. (DSM-IV)DSM-IV: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition. The DSM-IV lists approximately 400 mental disorders. Almost half of the people in the United States will qualify for a DSM diagnosis during their lives (Comer, 2004, p. 107).Eidetic memory: Typically referred to a person's ability to recall images, sounds, or objects in memory with extreme accuracy and in abundant volume, however, there is no scientific consensus regarding the nature, the proper definition, or even the very existence of eidetic imagery (Source: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). Episodes: 1.01 Extreme Aggressor, 2.01 The Fisher King 2 . Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT): A form of biological treatment, used primarily on depressed patients, in which a brain seizure is triggered as an electric current passes through electrodes attached to the patient’s forehead (Comer, 2004, p. 56). Episode: 3.19 Tabula RasaEnuresis: A childhood disorder marked by repeated bed-wetting or wetting of one’s clothes (Comer, 2004, p. 537). Enuresis, along with fire-starting and animal torture, is one of the three childhood characteristics that complete the ―MacDonald triad‖ (Source: Wikipedia: MacDonald Triad).FFM: Five-Factor Model (of personality). Consists of five broad domains of personality: (1) neuroticism (or negative affectively); (2) extraversion (or positive affectively); (3) openness to experience (or unconventionality); (4) antagonism versus agreeableness; and (5) conscientiousness (or constraint) (Widiger & Lynam, 1998, p. 171).Forensic psychology: The branch of psychology concerned with intersections between psychological practice and research and the judicial system (Comer, 2004, p. 585).Frotteurism: A paraphilia consisting of repeated and intense sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors that involve touching and rubbing against a nonconsenting person (Comer, 2004, p. 425).Grooming: The deliberate actions taken by an adult to form a trusting relationship with a child, with the intent of later having sexual contact (Source: Wikipedia: Child Grooming).Episode:3.05 Seven SecondsHero Homicide: Murders committed by a person looking for recognition without intent to kill. Often committed by heath care providers, these murders are the result of an unsuccessful attempt to hurt somebody and later come to the rescue and save that person (Bryant, 2003, p. 260). Episodes:1.06 L.D.S.K., 3.09 Penelope Hystrionic personality disorder: A personality disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking. Once called hysterical personality disorder (Comer, 2004, p. 507).Major depressive disorder: A severe pattern of depression that is disabling and is not caused by such factors as drugs or a general medical condition (Comer, 2004, p. 242).Narcissistic personality disorder: A personality disorder marked by a broad pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy (Comer, 2004, p. 509).Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): A disorder in which a person has recurrent and unwanted thoughts, a need to perform repetitive and rigid actions, or both (Comer, 2004, p. 148).Oppositional defiant disorder: A childhood disorder in which children argue repeatedly with adults, lose their temper, and swear, feeling intense anger and resentment (Comer, 2004, p. 530).Panic attack: A short bout of panic that occurs suddenly, reaches a peak within ten minutes, and gradually passes (Comer, 2004, p. 143). Episode:3.05 Seven Seconds.Paraphilias: Disorders characterized by recurrent and intense sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors involving nonhuman objects, children, nonconsenting adults, or experiences of suffering or humiliation (Comer, 2004, p. 421).PCL-R: Psychopathy Checklist – Revised. Includes 20 items, developed by Robert D. Hare to assess psychopathy (Widiger & Lynam, 1998, pp. 173-178).Robert D. Hare’s Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R)1. Glib and Superficial Charm2. Grandiose Sense of Self-Worth3. Need for Stimulation or Proneness to Boredom4. Pathological Lying5. Conning and Manipulativeness6. Lack of Remorse or Guilt7. Shallow Affect8. Callousness and Lack of Empathy9. Parasitic Lifestyle10. Poor Behavioral Controls11. Promiscuous Sexual Behaviors12. Early Behavioral Problems13. Lack of Realistic, Long-Term Goals14. Impulsivity15. Irresponsibility16. Failure to Accept Responsibility for Own Actions17. Many Short-Term Marital Relationships18. Juvenile Delinquency19. Revocation of Conditional Release20. Criminal VersatilityPiquerism: A paraphilia in which one finds pleasure in stabbing or cutting bodies with sharp objects (Source: Wikipedia: Piquerism). Episode: 1.01 Extreme Aggressor.Personality inventory: A test designed to measure broad personality characteristics, consisting of statements about behaviors, beliefs, and feelings that people evaluate as either characteristic or uncharacteristic of them. The MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) is the most widely used test and includes 10 clinical scales: Hypochondriasis (HS), Depression (D), Conversion hysteria (Hy) Psychopathic deviate (PD), Masculinity-femininity (Mf), Paranoia (Pa), Psychasthenia (Pt), Schizophrenia (Sc), Hypomania (Ma) and Social introversion (Si) (Comer, 2004, pp. 96-97). Phobia: A persistent and unreasonable fear of a particular object, activity, or situation (Comer, 2004, p. 134).Photographic memory: see "eidetic memory"Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): An anxiety disorder in which fear and related symptoms continue to be experienced long after a traumatic event (Comer, 2004, p. 166). Episode:2.17 Distress.Preferential Offender: One of the two types of child molesters, the other being the situational offender. Preferential offenders:∙Have a particular sexual preference for children of a particular age, gender or a child with specific physical characteristics.∙Are extremely dangerous because of their predatory nature.∙Are proactive in seeking their victim and aggressively engage in bold and repeated attempts to molest a child∙Invest significant amounts of time, energy, money and other resources to fulfill their sexual desires.∙Have excessive interest in children, seek access to children, and frequently move to avoid capture.∙May maintain pornographic collections and photograph children and/or their victims (Source:Child Protection Training).Episode:3.05 Seven SecondsPsychopathy: See "Anti-social personality disorder."Psychosis: A state in which a person loses contact with reality in keyways (Comer, 2004, p. 435).Psychotropic medications: Drugs that mainly affect the brain and reduce many symptoms of mental dysfunctioning (Comer, 2004, p.19). Psychotropic medications include drugs such amphetamines, barbiturates, and psychedelics. Psychotropics are broken down into various classes or ―schedules‖ of controlled substances. Schedule I includes the most restricted drugs such as hallucinogens (psychedelics) and Cannabis, Schedule II includes amphetamines, Schedule III includes barbiturates, and Schedule IV includes tranquilizers, hypnotics, and most analgesics (Source: Wikipedia: Convention on Psychotropic Substances).Schizoid personality disorder: A personality disorder characterized by persistent avoidance of social relationships and little expression of emotion. Like people with paranoid personality disorder, these individuals do not have close ties with others but the reason for this is not paranoia—these individuals genuinely prefer to be alone (Comer, 2004, p. 495).Schizophrenia: A psychotic disorder in which personal, social, and occupational functioning deteriorate as a result of strange perceptions, disturbed thought processes, unusual emotions, and motor abnormalities (Comer, 2004, p. 435). Episode: 1.09 Derailed. Situational Offender: One of the two types of child molesters, the other being the preferential offender. Far more situational offenders exist in society than preferential sex offenders but they have fewer victims. Situational Offenders:∙Are opportunists engaging in misconduct when the opportunity presents itself.∙Are indiscriminate concerning whom they molest and act completely on impulse (Source: Child Protection Training).Stressor: An event that creates a sense of threat by confronting a person with a demand or opportunity for change (Comer, 2004, p. 161).Stress response: A person’s particular reaction to stress (Comer, 2004, p. 161).Tardive dyskinesia: Extrapyramidal effects that appear in somepatients after they have taken conventional antipsychotic drugs for some time. This syndrome may include involuntary writhing or ticlike movements (Comer, 2004, p. 472). Episode: 1.09 Derailed.Type A personality style: A personality pattern characterized by hostility, cynicism, drivenness, impatience, competitiveness, and ambition (Comer, 2004, p. 184).Type B personality style: A personality pattern in which persons are more relaxed, less aggressive, and less concerned about time (Comer, 2004, p. 184).Victimology: An important aspect of investigating a violent crime is an understanding of the victim and the relation that their lifestyle or personality characteristics may have contributed to the offender choosing them as a victim. Victims are classified during an investigation in three general categories that describe the level of risk their lifestyle represents in relation to the violent crime that has been committed:1.High Risk Victims: Victims in this group have a lifestyle thatmakes them a higher risk for being a victim of a violent crime.The most obvious high risk victim is the prostitute. Prostitutesare high risk because they will get into a stranger's car, go tosecluded areas with strangers, and for the most part attempt to conceal their actions for legal reasons.Offenders often rely onall these factors and specifically target prostitutes because itlowers their chances of becoming a suspect in the crime.2.Moderate Risk Victims: Victims that fall into this category arelower risk victims, but for some reason were in a situation that placed them in a greater level of risk. A person that is stranded on a dark, secluded highway due to a flat tire that accepts a ride from a stranger and is then victimized would be a good example of this type of victim level risk.3.Low Risk Victims: The lifestyle of these individuals wouldnormally not place them in any degree of risk for becoming avictim of a violent crime. These individuals stay out of trouble, do not have peers that are criminals, are aware of theirsurroundings and attempt to take precautions to not become a victim. They lock the doors, do not use drugs, and do not go into areas that are dark and secluded etc. (Source: Victimology).Episodes: 2.01 The Fisher King 2,3.05 Seven Seconds,3.09 Penelope .ReferencesBryant, C. D. (2003). Handbook of Death & Dying. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.Comer, R. J. (2004). Abnormal Psychology. New York, NY: Worth Publishers.Child Protection TrainingStanford Encyclopedia of PhilosophyWidiger, T. A., & Lynam, D. R. (1998). Psychopathy and the five-factor model of personality. In T. Millon, E. Simonsen, M. Birket-Smith, & R. D. Davis (Eds.), Psychopathy: Antisocial, criminal, and violent behavior (pp. 171-187). New York, NY: The Guilford Press. Wikipedia。

犯罪心理Criminal Minds英文剧本 第一季01

犯罪心理Criminal Minds英文剧本 第一季01

Hi.I'm Heather.That's a 2.4 liter I can't teach you how to drive cars.That's right.Wanna take a look under the hood? Yeah! You know your Z.I'm impressed.You should have your mechanic check it out anyway.How about I leave you my number and we can set it up? Thank you.So it's just right up here.Oh! That was-- ha ha Hello! There was the right.Uh, maybe just pull over here, and we can try and do a U-turn.What are you doing? Okay.Stop the car now.Pull over now! How about Andrew? It's greek for valiant.Let's call him Sergio.Ha ha! Please tell me you're kidding.- Butch? - How about Donald? - Hans.- No! Wait, wait.Um - Okay.Gideon.- Not a chance.It's hebrew.Look what it means.It's perfect.Gideon Hotchner.- No.- Yes.- No.- Gideon.stations and movie theaters.- Uh, the mad bomber.George Metesky.- Nice.The winners sit.Losers, drink.Cheers.Hold on.Metesky wasn't a serial killer.None of his bombs ever killed anyone.Well, you think all we do is serial killers? Trust me we cover the whole spectrum of psychos.We profiled the D.C.sniper, the unabomber.We do terrorists, arsonists-- Supervisory agents trying to get trainees drunk? Excuse me.Wow.Behavioral Analysis Unit.You work with Gideon? Were you with him in Boston? I was supposed to be. Yeah.This is Morgan.Anyone recognize these faces? Victims of the footpath killer.That's what Virginia newspapers are calling him.We refer to him as the unknown subject or unsub.I told Virginia P.D We're looking for a white male in his 20's who owns an american-made truck in disrepair.Works a menial job.I told 'em when you find him don't be surprised to hear him speak with a severe stutter.Not to sound skeptical, but come on a stutter? Where'd the murders occur? Hiking paths.Isolated.If I'm a killer who has to use an immediate application of overpowering force, even out in the middle of nowhere, I lack confidence.I can't charm them into my car like Ted Bundy did.I can't because I am ashamed of something.Excuse me.They're calling him the Seattle strangler.4 victims in 4 months.He keeps 'em alive 7 days.The handle serves as a crank.Allowing him to control the rate of suffocation.- To prolong it? - To enjoy it.Seattle's hit a wall? Physical evidence is nonexistent.There are no tangible leads.And another girl is missing.I looked the case file over.I'll get some thoughts to you asap.You're gonna be with us in Seattle asap.Before she left for lunch, she downloaded an email with a time-delayed virus attached.The killer's virus wiped her hard drive and left this on the screen."For heaven's sake, catch me before I kill more.I cannot control myself." He never keeps them for more than 7 days, which means we have fewer than 36 hours to find her.They want you back in the saddle.You ready? Looks like medical leave's over, boss.They sure they want me? The order came from the director.Well, we'd better get started.Joseph Conrad said, "the belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness." This girl may only have 36 hours to live.We're not asking for a judgment of Gideon.We want an assessment.We want to know you're there to step in if he can't perform.Are we clear? Of course.His first victim was - Stab wounds, strangulation.- Wait, wait.Back up.Back up.He stabbed her - and then strangled her to finish her off? - Other way around.Why do you think he started using the belt with the second murder? Strangulation with your bare hands is not as easy as one would believe.He tried, probably found that it took too long So he stabbed her instead.And realized it would be hours cleaning up the blood.Next time, our boy's got a method-- the belt.He's learning, perfecting his scenario.Becoming a better killer.What did I tell you about the tape? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! He never stands with his back to a window.When I was between him and a doorway, he asked me to move.That's hyper vigilance.It's not uncommon in post traumatic stress disorder.Just how much disorder are we talking about? Morgan, it's been 6 months. Everything's ok.This is special agent Gideon, special agent Morgan, our expert on obsessional crimes, special agent Reid.Dr.Reid.Dr.Reid, our expert on well, everything.And after 2 years busting my butt in this office, i hope you all remember me.He's willing to travel with the body.Then he drives a vehicle capable of concealing one.- Explorer with tinted windows.- Explorers rate higher with women.But how do we know it's his car? Ted Bundy drove a VW Bug.- What about a Jeep Cherokee? - Jeep's are more masculine.We all know how an unsub feels about asserting his masculinity.When did the bureau become involved in the case? After the fourth body.He dumped that one out of state.On purpose.If so, knowledge of law enforcement does suggest a criminal record.Or that he watches television.May I? So you wanna see our suspect list? No, we won't look at a suspect list until after we come up with a profile.It keeps our perspective unbiased.- When do we sit down with your task force? - 4:00.- An accurate profile by 4:00 today? - That's not a problem.Agent Gideon, where would you like to start? Let's start at the site of the last murder. - So that's Gideon? - The Gideon.The one who caught that guy, Adrian Baal, in Boston.Yep.That's him.But catching him cost us 6 agents.was found right here.Nails clipped just like the others.He wants them to fight back.But not enough to hurt him.And he left the belt around her neck.He's probably in his early 20's.What's your reasoning? Youthful arrogance.He clothed the body before dumping it.That's a sign of remorse.It's not consistent.Look where we are.His opinion of women is pretty clear, don't you think? They're disposable.Why show remorse by taking the time to dress her but then dump her here? - Sandy, no, no, no.I'm so sorry.- No, it's ok.It's what we call the Reid effect.Happens with children, too.I'm agent Hotchner.This is special agent Dr.Reid.You look too young to have gone to medical school.They're PhD's.3 of them.Are you a genius or something? I don't believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified-- but I do have an I.Q.of 187 and an eidetic memory and can read 20,000 words per minute.Yes, I'm a genius.Sandy, you get a lot of attention, don't you? Yeah, Heather loves this dog.I feed her when Heather's away.Usually, she's fine, but lately, she won't eat.It's almost like she can sense something's wrong.Not sense.Smell.Our apocrine sweat gland releases secretions in response to emotional stress. Sandy's worried because she knows you are.David, does your sister drive a Datsun Z? No, but she's in the market for one.How'd you know? Come on, Sandy.There's an immediate relationship established between a buyer and a seller, a level of trust.If I want to coax a young woman into my car offer her a test drive.Okay, then how about the fact that on one hand, we have paranoid psychosis but the autopsy protocol says what? Adhesive reside shows he put layer after layer of duct tape over his victims' eyes.He knows he wants to kill them, but he still covers their eyes.He doesn't want 'em looking at him, apparently.Okay, but then he takes the body and dumps it right out in the open, murder weapon nearby.Not the M.O.of a paranoid convinced he's being watched or surveilled.Paranoid psychosis, but behavior that's not paranoid.All right, enough.Let's tell them we're ready.We're ready? Reid.You're good with this? We've got a woman who's only got a few hours left to live, an incomplete profile, and a unit chief on the verge of a nervous breakdown.They don't call them nervous breakdowns anymore.- It's called a major depressive episode.- I know, Reid.The unidentified subject is white and in his late 20's.He's someone you wouldn't notice at first.He's someone who'd blend into any crowd.The violent nature of the crime suggests a previous criminal record-- petty crimes. Maybe auto theft.We've classified him as an organized killer-- careful.Psychopathic as opposed to psychotic.He follows the news, has good hygiene.He's smart.'Cause he's smart, the only physical evidence you'll find is what he wants you to find. He's mobile, car in good condition.Our guess-- Jeep Cherokee, tinted windows.The murders have all involved rapes.But rape without penetration is a form of piquerism, and that tells us he's sexually inadequate.Psychiatric evaluations will show a history of paranoia stemming from a childhood trauma-- death of a parent or family member.And now he feels persecuted and watched.Murder gives him a sense of power.Organized killers have a fascination with law enforcement.They will inject themselves into the investigation.They will even come forward as witnesses to see just how much the police really know.That makes them feel powerful, in control.Which is why I also think in fact, I know you have already interviewed him.Hi.I'm sorry to bother you.I'm house-sitting down the street, and when I got back, the door was wide open, and the lights weren't working.I feel stupid asking this, but is there someone who might be able to take a look inside with me? Richard.Richard, get down here! - Are you sure you locked it? - Yeah.Hello? - Hello! - FBI! Freeze! Freeze! Get him down! Richard Slessman, FBI.You are under arrest for the murder Emerson said, "all is riddle, and the key to a riddle is another riddle." There's no sign of the girl here.We can arrest him with probable cause, but we won't be able to hold him. Slessman's been at the top of the suspect list.Is that the mother? Grandmother.The mother died in a fire when he was 13.Probably not the only fire in his childhood.Before his Son of Sam murders, David Berkowitz set a multitude of fires.Exactly how much is a multitude? - According to his diary, 1,400 and - 88.Luring him out was your idea, right? Greenway? Elle.I don't send a SWAT team into a house with children.Hotch says your background is in sex offender cases.What can you tell us? The last 4 murders show he's an anger-excitation rapist.He'll keep a victim for a couple of days.He probably records or videotapes them so that he can keep reliving the fantasy. You ok with Hotch being in on the interview? - I'd like him to lead, actually.- Fine.But hold off.Slessman's done time, and he knows the process.And all you will get now is a demand for a lawyer.Hotch, let's check the garage, then show me what you got.Next time, show a little leg.Morgan, the only time you're gonna see a little leg from me is when I'm about to kick your ass.I still teach hand-to-hand over at Quantico if you need a little brush-up training. Seriously I want that opening at BAU.- You got any advice? - Just trust your instincts.Well, we got the jeep right.And everything else wrong.The bodies had defensive wounds.Richard doesn't have a mark on him.We're missin' something.Something's not right about this.This is a boy's room not a man's.Log in password.No, no-- wait, wait! - It's not turning back on.- Yeah.And it won't.It was a false password.- What kind of game is it? - In China, it's called wei-chi.Here we call it "go".It's considered to be the most difficult board game ever conceived.Chairman Mao required his generals to learn it.It also looks like he's playing himself.How can you tell? This might provide an advantage, actually.Go is considered to be a particularly psychologically revealing game.There are profiles for every player-- the conservative point counter, the aggressor, the finesser.What kind of player is Slessman? Extreme aggressor.Okay, here we go.What's the number 6 at the bottom of the screen? Number of password attempts before the program wipes the hard drive.There could be an email, or a journal in the computer, something that tells us where Heather is.Do you think you can break in? In 6 tries? Try again.Fail again.Fail better.- Samuel Beckett.- Try not.Do or do not.Yoda.I wanna talk to him.You read my paper.Learn anything? Heirens said a man living inside of his head was the one who committed the murders.You said he was lying, that there'd never been an actual case of multiple personalities.You have an academic interest in disassociative identity disorder, or you just planning your defense? You a fan of Adrian Baal's work? No.I'm a fan of yours.You know they never give you the real facts about CPR that outside of a hospital, it's only effective 7% of the time.Your friend had a 93% certainty of dying, but you kept trying even after you'd broken his ribs, even after his blood was all over your hands.Why don't you tell us where Heather Woodland is? Woodland isn't she the girl that went missing a couple days ago? Get him out of here.- Hey.- He is "isn't she the girl" - if he'd already killed her, he would have said-- - "wasn't she the girl" She's alive.We don't know for how long.Is it true what he said about CPR? I mean, I didn't know.You want statistics on CPR, ask Reid.- I wanna know if you're ok.- I'm fine.- Are you? - Think I can't do the job? I think you can't be 2 different people at once. What is it? Conflicts in the profile.- 2 different behaviors.- 2 different people.There's a second killer.Not unusual.Remember Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris? and murder girls in California.We're looking for someone who fits a similar relationship? They're not equals. Slessman's smart, but he is a submissive personality.- So number 2 is the dominant.- Authoritative, arrogant.Probably not as smart as Slessman.He's like the schoolyard bully recruiting a good underling-- he'll be protective of Richard.He'll make him feel like he owes him.If Richard's been up in the attic fantasizing about being an extreme aggressor, this guy showed him how to do it.He helped him take the first step.I think we should interview him, - use this as pressure.- No, no.We need leverage.- A name.- From the suspect list? That'll take too long.There's gotta be a faster way.There is.Here.This might be a little hot.Mrs.Slessman, I don't think we've got the right guy.I think the person we're looking for might be a friend of Richard's.- Richard never had many friends.- You sure? There's gotta be someone.You've reached Penelope Garcia in the FBI's office of supreme genius.Hey, it's Morgan.Need you to work me some magic here.I got a program called Deadbolt Defense and a girl with only a couple of hours to live, - so what do you know? - Then you've got a problem.Deadbolt's the number one password crack-resistant software out there.You're gonna have to get inside this guy's head to get the password.I thought I was calling the office of supreme genius.Well, gorgeous, you've been rerouted to the office of too friggin' bad.Thanks anyway.Well, there was there was this one young man.I think his name was Charlie.Cross-reference Charlie for the second unsub.Charlie is probably Charles Linder.He was Slessman's cellmate and received a dishonorable discharge from the military. He's bigger, tougher.He could have protected Richard in prison.- Where were they incarcerated? - Cascadia.- Less than a mile from here.- Let's go.My name is Richard Slessman, and I have trouble sleeping.Okay, what do i do when I'm trying to get to sleep? Guys, a little help.We're going through every one of these CD's-- scratches, wear and tear.I wanna know which CD he plays the most.Let's go.- We get an address on Linder? - It's coming right now.Does senior management want a field assessment on Gideon? Don't worry about it. Are they nervous about him being in charge? Aren't you on your way back to Slessman's house to help Morgan? Do you know why he always introduces me as Dr. Reid? Because he knows that people see you as a kid, and he wants to make sure that they respect you.What's the address? Don't think it matters anymore.Winston Churchill said, "the farther backward you can look, the farther forward you will see." Anyone who can tell us more about Slessman? Tim Vogel was the security guard covering Slessman's block.- That's him over there.- I'll get him for you.That was Hotch.Linder's name came up on a police report.- And? - He's dead.Car accident, 2 months ago.Linder is dead.Too bad you guys came here for nothing.I mean, talk about scum.I can't remember how many times I put Linder in solitary for causing trouble with us. You'd think the inmates would try to stay on our good side, right? Especially since half our job is protecting them from each other.You protect them? If you're a little white guy? Especially in a prison like this.Linder's 6'4".You talking about Slessman? Oh, yeah.Thanks for your help.He's a friend of Richard.He protected him.He will feel like he owes him.- He fits the profile.And did you see them? - The keys.Hotch, i've just found your leverage.His name is Timothy Vogel.What's he doing? Lowering the room temp.The cold puts them on edge.Okay, so I want an SPD, and I want a Seattle agent in the room.I want him to see that we've got every department working on this.And I need some file boxes.Fill them.I don't care if the paper's blank.And I want you to write the name on the sides.Whose name? It's not your file.See, we don't care about you.It's Vogel we want.Oh, come on! I need a password.I need a password.What am I looking for? What could I possibly be looking for? - I've been thinking about the CD's.- Oh, Reid, come on.We tried the CD's.We searched, sifted, and sorted through every one of this guy's head-banging heavy metal collection.We gotta find something, or this girl is dead.Think we may have missed the obvious.What are you doing? Reid, what made you think of this? It was the only empty case.All right.I'm an insomniac who listens to Metallica to go to sleep at night.What song could possibly speak to me? "Enter Sandman." We found out Heather was buying a used car.You know how car salesmen get us to buy a car? They call it reciprocity.They drop the price, feels like they've done us a favor.We feel obligated.There's a sudden pressure to reciprocate this one little favor.And it's so powerful that we'll put a deposit down on a car we're not even sure we really want.- So what? - So Vogel did you a favor.He protected you in prison, and now you feel like you owe him, and you need to protect him.Guys like Vogel learn in the schoolyard which kids to bully and which kids to protect, and he's got you convinced that you owe him so much that you'll go to jail for him. Richard, I'm here to remind you something.You owe him nothing.There's something wrong.We gotta him pull over.I can feel it.You wanna know the word repeated more than any other in your file? Impatient. You wanna stop him, you give me a reason.His behavior.When we left him, he was nervous, unsettled.But now he's stopping at every stop sign.He's using his blinker at every turn.He's slowing at yellow lights.This is not someone who is rushing to kill and dump a body.Okay.Do it.FBI.Put your hands up where we can see them! Put your hands through the window now! Now! All right, with your left hand I want you to open the car door from the outside. Get out! - It's not him! - Where is he? Where is he? - Where's Vogel? - I don't know! What are you doin' driving his car?! He came up to me in the garage after our shift ended.He asked if he could borrow my truck.- What kind of truck? - He's dumping the body.- What's the make? What's the make?! - Dodge! Dodge Dakota! - Gideon, Heather's alive.- How do you know? 'Cause we're watching her right now.Hotch, he's gonna kill her.He's heading there now.We need a location.I don't have enough time to get it out of him.Find something, Hotch, or that girl is dead.Morgan, can you show me the last 12 images lined up next to each other? Yeah. Right there.Right there.You see that? The light bulb hanging from the wire? Yeah, what about it? It's shifting positions like it's swaying like the earth is tilting.Not the earth, doc.The ocean.She's on a boat? Where? It's a pier or a dock.He wouldn't be able to transmit the webcam image from the middle of the ocean.- You're sure about this.- It's the best we got, Hotch.Even if we're right, getting the exact location's on you, my friend.What is it you always ask Garcia? To work me a little magic.Just to let you know Gideon's talking to Vogel and Vogel's nailing you to the wall. Yeah, whatever.He said it was your idea to keep the girls on a boat.He's talking, Richard.Reciprocity.Tell me where she is, and we make a deal.Is it a dock? A pier? It's a shipyard.Allied shipyard.Reid, he's inside.Get Elle on the phone.- Listen to me.You need to wait for backup.- If we wait, the girl is dead.- And if we had waited in Boston-- - I can't.You told me to trust my instincts.Stop! - Stop! - Get back! - I'll shoot her.- I wouldn't.If I were you, I'd aim the gun at me.You shoot the girl, you got nothing.Get back! Shoot me instead.Come on.What, are you a lousy shot? perfect shot.Shoot me.- You think I'm stupid? - I think you're an absolute moron.I know all about ya, Tim.You're at the gym 5 times a week.You drive a flashy car, you stink of cologne, and you can't get it up.Not even viagra's workin' for ya.You know what that tells me? That tells me you are hopelessly compensating, and it'snot just in your head.It is physical.What did the girls call you in high school? What'd they come up with when you fumbled your way into some girl's pants, and she started laughing when she got a good look at just how little you had to offer? - Shut up! - Short stack? Very little Vogel?I got it.Tiny Tim.Gideon! - You ok? - I'm fine.Go look after the girl.So what kind of report do they want on him? I suppose whether he's fit to be a field agent.You know, Haley and i were looking at a baby names book.Guess what Gideon means in hebrew.Mighty warrior.Appropriate.So what are you gonna tell them? What would you say? Gideon saved her life.That's good enough for me.Hey.You and Haley pick the baby's name yet? It's funny Haley liked the name Charles, - but, you know all I could think of - Manson.- Then there was Henry.- Lee Lucas.- Uh Jeffrey.- Dahmer.There's just too many of them.Kind of hard to feel good about catching one when you know there are 50 more still out there.How's your report going? Didn't think you could hide that from an old profiler, now, did ya? You know, you saved that girl today.- You can feel good about that.- It is good.It's a good thing.Nietzsche once said, "when you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you. " I'll take this.Have a n-i-- n-nice day.。



科普向:探长及罪犯原型详解Criminal Minds 是我的美剧启蒙,整整十二季,从对BAU(行为分析小组,BSU行为科学小组的前身)一无所知到跟着主角一起「侧写」(Profile),几百种犯罪心理于我像是对现代犯罪史的总括。

所以这次看Mind Hunter时特有亲切感,整个第一季在内容上是《犯罪心理》的序,形式上相对于CM二十多分钟一集的长度,不再是从果到因摆在你面前,而是拖着你一起将罪犯的心路历程榨取、摊平,事后回味这种代入感是酣畅淋漓的,也是和其他犯罪剧集最大的不同。

Mindhunter 的主角Holden Ford,原型是FBI的探员John E. Douglas,他就是将罪犯侧写人员(Criminal Profiler) 这一职称确立起来的元老之一。

CM中,前期的Jason Gideon 和后期的David Rossi都是对他形象的描摹;而在《沉默的羔羊》里,Jack Crawford这一角色也是以他为原型。

事实上,包括Profile、Serial Killer,还有剧中尚未提及的Signature (「签名」,用来描述能够代表罪犯的个人强迫力和独特个性的因素)等名词,都是由John和他的搭档们创立的。

Douglas 于1945年出生在纽约的布鲁克林,没错就是剧里Holden 一再向他人辩解的布鲁克林。

而Holden在前两集中到处拉人聊人生,还时不时往学校跑一跑的旺盛求知欲...显示全文Criminal Minds 是我的美剧启蒙,整整十二季,从对BAU (行为分析小组,BSU行为科学小组的前身)一无所知到跟着主角一起「侧写」(Profile),几百种犯罪心理于我像是对现代犯罪史的总括。

所以这次看Mind Hunter时特有亲切感,整个第一季在内容上是《犯罪心理》的序,形式上相对于CM二十多分钟一集的长度,不再是从果到因摆在你面前,而是拖着你一起将罪犯的心路历程榨取、摊平,事后回味这种代入感是酣畅淋漓的,也是和其他犯罪剧集最大的不同。




















Criminal Minds 美剧《犯罪心理》第一至四季经典台词

Criminal Minds 美剧《犯罪心理》第一至四季经典台词

Season 1◎Episode 1: Extreme Aggressor(2005.09.22)●The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.——Joseph Conrad【约瑟夫·康拉德(波兰出生的英国作家):将邪恶的产生归结于超自然的因素是没有必要的,人类自身就足以实施每一种恶行。

】(Gideon)●Try again. Fail again. Fail better.——Samuel Beckett【Samuel Beckett(当代最著名的荒诞剧作家):再试,再失败,更好地失败。

】(Gideon剧中台词)●Try not. Do or do not.——Yoda【尤达大师(『星球大战』中的主角):别试。


】(Morgan剧中台词)●All is riddle,and the key to a riddle... is another riddle.——Emerson【爱默生(美国诗人、散文家、哲学家):所有的事物都是谜团,而解开一个谜的钥匙……是另一个谜。

】(Gideon)●The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you will see.——Winston Churchill【温斯顿·邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。

】(Gideon)●When you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you.——Nietzsche【尼采:当你凝视深渊时,深渊也在凝视你。

】(Gideon)◎Episode 2: Compulsion(2005.09.28)●There are certain clues at a crime scene which, by their very nature, do not lend themselves to being collected or examined. How does one collect love, rage, hatred, fear?——Dr. James T. Reese【詹姆斯·瑞斯博士(美国精神创伤压力处理方面的专家):犯罪现场中的某些线索根据它们自己本身的性质,是不容易收集起来检测的。



犯罪心理第四季语录篇一:第四季精选名言中英文对照第四季精选名言中英文对照(2010-01-27 02:13:35) 标签:criminalminds犯罪心理第四季名言娱乐分类:羙劇天下◎Episode 1: Mayhem()●Never think that war, no matter how necessary nor how justified is not a crime.——Ernest Hemingway海明威:任何战争都是罪恶,不管是否所谓必须,也无论是否所谓公正。

(Hotch)(本集片尾没有出现名言)◎Episode 2: The Angel Maker()●We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.——Chuck Palahniuk 恰克·帕拉尼克(美国作家,有俄裔和法裔血统,祖上多人死于谋杀,身世离奇,1962年生人,1996年出版其第一部长篇小说『搏击俱乐部(Fight Club)』):人终有一死。


(Hotch)●The past is our definition. We may strive, with good reason, to escape it, or to escape what is bad in it, but we will escape it only by adding something better to it.——Wendell Berry温德尔·贝瑞(1934年生,美国诗人、随笔作家和小说家,同时也是一位农民):过去是我们给自己下的定义。


(Hotch)◎Episode 3: Minimal Loss()●Savages we call them because their manners differ from ours.——Benjamin Franklin本杰明·富兰克林:我们称呼他们为野蛮人,因为他们的文明和我们的不同。



犯罪心理名句美剧《犯罪心理》第七季名言名句Criminal Minds《犯罪心理》第七季名言名句Season07Episode01Queen Elizabeth I said,”The past cannot be cured.”伊丽莎白一世曾说:“遗伤难愈。

”The journey was…文秘管理与应用写作作业1一答1、主旨单一、集中、明确主旨是文章的中心意思,是作者的意图、主张或看法在文章中的体现。


自活动开展以来,共排查…Criminal Minds《犯罪心理》第七季名言名句Season07Episode01Queen Elizabeth I said,”The past cannot be cured.”伊丽莎白一世曾说:“遗伤难愈。

”The journey was not traditional,but this team neutralizad 4 international criminals and saved the life of a young boy in the process.我们的做法并不符合原始规定,但小组除掉了四个跨国犯罪分子并拯救了一个男孩的生命。

------said by prentissThe only people I know who could accomplish that mission just walk out. They do their jobs with integrity. And most importantly, they honor their oath. ”I will support and defend the constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, that I will well and faithlly discharge the duties of the office on which I am abo ut to enter. So help me god.”唯一我知道能完成这项任务的人刚刚都走出去了。




下面是一些犯罪心理学中常见的名词及其解释:1. 犯罪心理学(Criminal psychology):研究犯罪行为及其心理原因和动机的学科领域。

2. 犯罪(Crime):指违反法律规定的行为,涉及到对他人人身安全、财产权益等的侵犯或威胁。

3. 犯罪者(Offender):指实施犯罪行为的个体,包括成年人和未成年人。

4. 罪犯(Criminal):指经法庭判决犯有罪行为的犯罪者。

5. 犯罪心理学家(Criminal psychologist):专门从事犯罪心理学研究的学者或专家,通过分析犯罪者的心理特征和行为模式为执法机构提供建议。

6. 犯罪学说(Criminal theories):一组解释犯罪行为的理论或观点,包括生物学、心理学和社会学等领域。

7. 社会学犯罪理论(Sociological crime theories):强调社会因素对犯罪行为的影响,如贫困、社会不平等等。

8. 个人犯罪理论(Individual crime theories):强调个体特点、心理因素和认知过程对犯罪行为的影响,如心理缺陷、心理创伤等。

9. 心理病理学(Psychopathology):研究心理障碍和精神疾病的学科,与犯罪心理学相结合,分析犯罪者的心理问题。

10. 犯罪犯效应(Criminal offender effect):指个体受到已知犯罪者行为的影响,而对自己的行为产生模仿的倾向。

11. 犯罪心理测试(Criminal psychological testing):使用心理学方法和工具对犯罪者进行评估和测试,了解其个性特点、心理问题和犯罪动机。

12. 刑罚心理学(Penal psychology):研究刑罚对罪犯心理状态和改造效果的学科,为制定刑罚和矫治方案提供依据。

13. 犯罪心理治疗(Criminal psychological therapy):运用心理治疗技术对罪犯进行干预和矫治,帮助其改变错误思维和行为模式,防止再次犯罪。

Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders《犯罪心理:超越边界(2016)》第一季第五集完整中英文对照剧本

Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders《犯罪心理:超越边界(2016)》第一季第五集完整中英文对照剧本

每年有超过6800万美国人Over 68 million Americans离开安全的国内leave the safety of our borders every year.当危险来袭If danger strikes,联调局国际反应小组the FBI's International Response Team随时出动is called into action.法国法国巴黎你们先走吧我想步行回去Oh, you guys go ahead. I think I'm going to walk back.你真是疯了You're crazy.你的公&hearts;寓&hearts;离这儿有一英里多呢You're like over a mile from your apartment.你们忘了我每天早上都要跑个三英里吗Are we forgetting my three-mile morning jogs?随他们法国人怎么想Despite what the French think,美国人并不都是又肥又懒all Americans aren't fat and lazy.萨姆你确定吗挺晚了Sam, are you sure? It's kind of late.女士们这里是巴黎Ladies, we're in Paris.多么美妙的夜晚你们真的想It's a beautiful night, and you want to squeeze yourself和一群陌生人挤地铁吗onto a subway train with a car full of des étrangers?某人《红磨坊》看多了吧Somebody has watched "Moulin rouge!" way too many times! 来吧谁跟我一起Come on! Who's coming with me?萨姆我很欣赏你放荡不羁的性格Sam, I love your bohemian soul and all,但我的脚要疼死了but my soles are hurting like hell.我可不想穿着这双鞋在城里晃悠No way I'm walking across town in these shoes.你们的损失Quel dommage.该死Damn it.小姐你没事吧Mademoiselle, ça va?没事谢谢Ça va, merci.完全想不起来怎么说"我的鞋跟断了"I just completely forgot how to say, "I broke my heel.""我的鞋跟断了""Je cassé mon talon."当然你会说英语Of course, you speak English.会一点点需要帮忙吗小姐Un peu. Uh, may I help you, miss?没事我自己可以No, I'm good.谢谢你Thank you. Merci.确定不需要我送你一程吗Well, you sure I can't offer you a ride?你想去哪都行I can take you anywhere you like.萨曼莎·韦德Samantha Wade.小学老师来自田纳西州纳什维尔Elementary-school teacher from Nashville, Tennessee,今早被她两个朋友发现found this morning by two of her friends.她被凶手残忍&hearts;杀害于她过去三周Murdered and staged in the apartment she'd been leasing租住的公&hearts;寓&hearts;中for the past three weeks.由于萨曼莎·韦德谋杀案的残忍&hearts;性和煽动性Due to the brutal and provocative nature of Samantha Wade's murder, 我国大使和法国外&hearts;交&hearts;部&hearts;长our ambassador and the French foreign minister要求国际反应小组have requested the I.R.T.'s assistance协助这起凶杀案的调查in the homicide investigation.鉴于每年有近两百万美国公民去巴黎旅游And given that about two million Americans visit Paris per year, 更不用提还有五万持工作签证的在法公民not to mention an additional 50,000 on work visas,他们肯定还想让我们I'd bet they'd also like us起草一份关于美国公民的威胁评估to draw up a threat assessment to U.S. citizens.没什么比这个更有威胁了Well, there's nothing more threatening than this.她眼睛里插着什么What are these things in her eyes?法国调查员说这个是木刻刀French investigators have identified them as timber scribes.土地测量师用来标记树木的刀具Bladed instruments used by land surveyors to inscribe trees.不算是首选凶器Not exactly your go-to murder weapon.尤其是在城市里Especially in an urban environment.这些工具年份很久了是在一战前使用的These tools are really old -- pre-World War I.没有指纹所以凶器无法帮我们No prints, so they're not gonna help us narrow down筛选嫌犯目前的工作our unsub's current occupation.的确但这两把刀Yeah, but these scribes也并不算是凶器aren't exactly the murder weapons, either.就算从照片看I mean, even from these photos,也能发现眼部创伤不是死因you can see that the ocular injuries aren't her cause of death.我怎么没看到官方尸检报告蒙蒂But I don't see an official autopsy report here, Monty.你们飞越大西洋的同时The autopsy is being performed by the Paris coroner巴黎验尸官正在进行尸检as you guys sail over the Atlantic.这上面说昨天深夜It says here that late last night,萨曼莎和今早发现她的那两个朋友Samantha had dinner with the same two friends希拉·马丁和蕾妮·奥尔斯顿一起吃了晚饭who found her this morning -- Sheila Martin and Renee Alston.据她们所说According to them,结束后她们乘地铁回家萨曼莎选择了步行she chose to walk home while they took the metro train.没错而且那是当地时间凌晨12点半Yeah, and that was around 12:30 a.m. local time.所以萨曼莎多半是被跟踪回家So Samantha could have easily been followed home.是的Sure.但她公&hearts;寓&hearts;没有强行闯入的痕迹But there were not signs of forced entry into her apartment.所以有可能她认识或是熟悉杀害她的人So it's possible that she knew or was familiar with her attacker.但是法国调查员Except that the French investigators询问了她所有的朋友和同事are interviewing all of her known friends and associates,包括希拉和蕾娜including Sheila and Renee.所有人都有不在场证明Everybody's alibi is checking out.这说明杀害萨曼莎的凶手出现的方式Which means Samantha's assailant might have presented in a way 让她感到安全that felt comfortable to her.安全到开了门Well, safe enough to open the door.有一句法国谚语Well, there's also this French saying,以指戳眼Se mettre le doigt dans l'oeil,就是把手指插&hearts;进&hearts;眼睛里的意思which means to put your finger in your eye.在法语里这句话等同于出言不慎It's the French equivalent of putting your foot in your mouth. 就是犯错的意思As in to make a mistake.很明显这个错误A mistake that, obviously,让某个人认为萨曼莎必须付出代价someone felt Samantha had to pay for.肯定不仅如此Got to be more to it.这场谋杀太过极端I mean, this staging is so extreme.就像他在脑海里描绘了一段时间It's like he's pictured it in his mind's eye for a while,现在付诸实践了and now he's bringing it to life.如果是这样的话杰克Well, if that's the case, Jack,所有这些准备与精力all of this preparation and effort,他现在肯定对此上瘾了he's definitely got a taste for it now.稍等Just a sec!哪位Qui est-ce?抱歉小姐Pardon me, mademoiselle.你落下东西了You left something behind.不救命No, please!别害怕很快就结束了犯罪心理国境之外第一季第五集"我们与他人之间的联&hearts;系&hearts;"The bonds between ourselves and another person只存于我们的心中"exist only in our minds."马塞尔·普鲁斯特Marcel Proust.20世纪法国意识流文学小说家著有《追忆逝水年华》你们是联调局的吧You must be from the FBI, no?是的Yes, we are.我是组长杰克·加勒特I'm unit chief Jack Garrett.这是特别督察探员These are Supervisory Special agents塞格尔贾维斯和西蒙斯Seger, Jarvis, and Simmons.你是And you are?皮埃尔·克莱蒙特警长Commissaire Pierre Clement,督察长司法警&hearts;察&hearts;lead inspector, police judiciaire.请你们跟我来If you would follow me, please.我不太熟悉联&hearts;合&hearts;行&hearts;动&hearts; I'm not fluent in these joint operations,所以你们一定要原谅我如果我不喜欢so you must forgive me if I don't appreciate having,你们怎么说来着被束缚how you say, my hand held.克莱蒙特警长我们不是来束缚你的Commissaire Clement, we are not here to hold your hand, 我们只是前来提供专业知识和经验的just lend our expertise and experience.当然Bien sûr.在你们的飞行途中又一位女性被发现During your flight, another woman was found --死于自己的公&hearts;寓&hearts;中staged in her apartment.这次凶手没有残害其眼部他砍下了她的头Instead of mutilating the eyes, he cut off her head.带走了Took it with him.-又一位美国女性 -是的- Another American woman? - Oui.我们已经确认了身份We have made an identification.比安卡·路易斯 37岁Bianca Lewis, 37 years old,工作签证上说她的职业是公&hearts;关&hearts;Work visa says she was employed as a publicist.住在巴黎18个月了Living in Paris for about 18 months.比安卡·路易斯Is there any connection和萨曼莎·韦德之间有什么联&hearts;系&hearts;吗between Bianca Lewis and Samantha Wade?我的探员目前没能发现任何联&hearts;系&hearts;None that my inspectors have been able to establish thus far. 在国内我们可以做受害者研究We'll follow up with victimology back home.但现在我们只知道萨曼莎是个游客But right now, all we know is Samantha was a tourist比安卡是临时非移&hearts;民&hearts;雇工And Bianca was a temporary non-immigrant worker.但两起案件都是针对Still, female American住在18区的美国女性-- both staying in the 18th arrondissement.蒙马特尔Montmartre --在城市北部的右岸部分part of the right bank in the northern section of city.你们看这个Hey, guys, take a look at this.有人向媒体泄露了过多案情Somebody has been seriously over-sharing with the press. 那人就是我小姐Well, that would be me, mademoiselle.以我的经验与记者分享信息In my experience, sharing with our journalists通常能起到关键作用[把果实从树上摇下来]often has a way of...shaking the fruit out of the tree.弄得不好就砸头上了对吧And smacking you on the head, right?这么说吧你们对新闻媒体的信任Let's just say that your faith in the press corps比我们的要强一点is a little stronger than ours.这个房&hearts;间就供你们工作使用So, I've arranged for you to work out of this room.我们会把所有报告And copies of all our reports复印一份给你们一旦我们will be made available as soon as we --实际上我需要与这位西蒙斯探员Actually, I'll need to visit the Bianca Lewis crime scene 去比安卡·路易斯的被害现场看看with Agent Simmons here.我还需要贾维斯探员看一下尸检报告I'll also need Agent Jarvis to review the autopsy findings 与此同时塞格尔探员要看一下while Agent Seger looks over the evidence在萨曼莎·韦德被害现场收集到的证据collected at the Samantha Wade scene.你还有什么需要吗先生Anything else you require, sir?没有了No, that's it.暂时就这些了For now.很好Très bien.开始工作吧Let's get to work.就跟在萨曼莎的公&hearts;寓&hearts;一样Just like at Samantha's apartment.比安卡的尸体跟萨曼莎的一样Bianca's body was posed被放置在屋中同样的区域in the same area of the room as Samantha's,同样的坐姿The same sitting position...所有的暴行都集中在这里with all the violence concentrated right here.其它的一切貌似都没动过Everything else looks pretty undisturbed.比安卡貌似刚采购完回家Like Bianca had just come home from grocery shopping.不过这些袋子都相当满These bags are pretty full, though.也许有人帮她把这些提上来的Maybe somebody helped her carry them up the stairs.你在想什么杰克What are you thinking, Jack?没有动脉出血No arterial spray.他先杀死了她再砍掉了她的头He killed her before he removed her head.死后肢解Postmortem mutilation.梅说萨曼莎的眼睛也是死后被捅的It's like what Mae said about Samantha's eyes.你认为他把死者的头部作为战利品带走了吗You think he took the head as a trophy?很难说It's hard to say.也许他认为在这种情况下Maybe he thought in this case,把一个砍掉的头留在这里having a severed head lying around只会混淆他想传达的信息would just confuse his message.我是真糊涂了Well, I'm confused.一位女被害人的眼睛被捅了We have one woman with gouged eyes,另外一位无头another with no head.他到底想传达什么What the hell's he trying to say,除了"我是个厌恶女人的变&hearts;态&hearts;混&hearts;蛋&hearts;"之外besides, "I'm a sick, misogynistic son of a bitch"?两个犯罪现场的布置都经过精心设计很复杂The staging at both scenes was deliberate, complicated.这需要很长的时间It would have taken a lot of time.但我们的不明嫌犯却不怕And yet our unsub had no fear of有人突然闯入或是打扰他interruption or distraction.你认为他知道Because you think that he knew她们是自己独自居住的they were staying in these apartments alone.这就说明Which would suggest that虽然萨曼莎和比安卡彼此不认识even if Samantha and Bianca didn't know each other, 但她们可能认识不明嫌犯they might have known the unsub.只不过他完全物化了他的受害人Except he's completely objectified his victims.比起一个陌生人It's a lot harder to objectify someone想要物化一个你认识的人you've had a relationship with...要难得多rather than a stranger.那你怎么才能在不建立关系的情况下So how do you get to know someone了解一个人呢without really knowing them?好吧All righty.大学学了三年的法语现在可别掉链子Three years of college French, don't fail me now.好的Okay."L'agression de coup de couteau..."两只眼睛的伤都发生在"The sharp-force injury to each eye occurred..." "...après la mort."死后判断准确贾维斯"Postmortem." Good call, Jarvis.萨曼莎的真正死因"With Samantha's cause de décès是窒息actually being étranglement."窒息舌骨骨折Strangulation, broken hyoid bone.而比安卡的死因是While Bianca's cause of death is...也是窒息also étranglement, wow.好的Okay, "Avant la mort..."死前的挫伤表明凶手用手掐死死者后"Antemortem contusions suggest manual strangulation 再野蛮地砍下了死者的头prior to the crude disarticulation of the head."稍等Hold on.还发现了一块金属"Also recovered a fragment of metal,可能是凶器的一部分possibly a piece of l'arme du crime."凶器The murder weapon.这么重要的线索居然不早说Oh, way to bury the lead, guys.奇怪Weird.有什么新鲜事吗亲爱的Quoi de neuf, mon cher ami?我需要你帮我查一些证据Hey, I need you to run some evidence for me.好的但你知道法医学Okay, but you do know that the French基本上就是法国人发明的对吧pretty much invented forensic science, right?知道一百年左右吧Yeah. Give or take a hundred years.我只是说他们在巴黎那边I'm just saying that they've got a pretty good crime lab 就有个很不错的犯罪实验室right there in Paris.验尸官从比安卡的尸体上So the coroner was able to recover找到了凶器的一块残留a piece of the murder weapon from Bianca's body,我知道他们可以通过光谱仪and I know that they're gonna mass-spec查到其中的成分the you-know-what out of it.但是这上面有一块这种奇怪的记号&hearts;But there is this weird piece of this symbol on it.瞧瞧这些曲线看来我得忙上一阵了These curvy, wavy lines look like I got some work to do. 萨曼莎和她的朋友So Samantha had dinner with her friends在这边的第十区吃了饭here in the 10th arrondissement.然后她走回到And then she walked back自己在18区的家里to her apartment here in the 18th.我们还没查出她具体走的哪条路We have yet to determine the precise route,粗略的监控排查so a broad search of cctv footage目前还没有任何发现has turned up nothing yet.但是However...证据表明it would appear she arrived home,她到家后不久and then some time later,就邀请凶手进了她的家门she invited the intruder inside the premises.穿着那种高跟鞋走回家实在是太远了That's a very long way to walk in those heels.她的朋友们也这么认为That's what her friends thought, too.其中一只鞋的鞋跟断了One of the heels is broken.肯定是在反抗凶手的时候断的Snapped off in the struggle with her assailant, to be sure.你确定吗Are you sure?你看到这个物质残留了吗Did you see this residue?我没有亲自处理死者的衣物所以我没看到过I did not personally process the victim's clothes, no.但我不知道砾石能算得上什么证据But I'm not sure how gravel would be probative.这不是砾石It's not gravel.你看到它在灯光下的会微微闪烁了吗Do you see how it sort of shimmers in the light?这是环氧胶泥This is epoxy mortar.这是很多东西的粘合剂包括鹅卵石It's used to set, among other things, cobblestones --就像你们这里某些著名小街上铺的那种鹅卵石like the ones in some of your famous little streets around here. 塞格尔那些鹅卵石街道Agent Seger, those cobblestone streets已经有几百年的历史了are hundreds of years old.没错所以人们才会Exactly. That's why people travel从世界各地前来来走这些路all over the world to walk on them.不为人知的是那些石头中有一部分The dirty little secret is some of those stones根本没有传说中的那么历史悠久are not nearly as old as advertised.当然那些道路也需要整修Bien sûr, they require maintenance.有一些甚至需要完全重铺And some of them even need to be replaced.所以就会用到环氧胶泥That's where the epoxy mortar comes in.48小时前萨曼莎曾走在一条48 hours ago, Samantha took a walk新铺过的鹅卵石路上on a freshly paved cobblestone street,那条路就在餐厅和她家之间somewhere between the restaurant and her apartment.她的鞋跟就是在那断的That's when she broke her heel.接下来她从那走回了家And she walked home from there.她并没有走回去But she didn't.看尸检报告中她脚部的照片Look at the autopsy photos of her feet.没有划伤没有灰There's no scratches, no dirt --没有任何证据表明她光脚走过路nothing to suggest that she walked barefoot anywhere.她是搭车回家的She got a ride back to her apartment.我想她应该是招了出租I suppose she could have hailed a taxi.没错Exactly.那条路最近有过道路施工From a street that had had recent road work done.如果运气好的话应该有监控录像And if we're lucky, some sort of surveillance camera.先不管梅的金属碎片Putting Mae's metal fragment aside,我查出了你们要找的那条街克拉拉I found the street that you're looking for, Clara --Cour des Ráves.好但克莱蒙特警长说Right, but Commissaire Clement said那附近没有闭路电视摄像头that there were no CCTV cameras nearby.他没错He is correct.但旁边街角有一家美国银行However, there's an American bank他们的摄像头录下了这个on a nearby corner with a camera that captured this.他们特别配合把监控视频发给我了They were kind enough to send me the security-camera footage. 那不是出租车That's not a taxi.司机的图像能更清楚一点吗Is that the best image we have of the driver?恐怕不行了I am afraid so.她似乎并不认识他Oh, it doesn't look like she knows this guy.是啊真是古怪Yeah, it's so weird.她不仅上了陌生人的车I mean, not only does she get into a car with a stranger,还坐的是后座but she gets into the backseat.没有查到萨曼莎叫拼车的记录There's no record of Samantha requesting a ride-share.说不定是黑&hearts;车&hearts;呢What if it was a Gypsy cab?巴黎还有黑&hearts;车&hearts;Gypsy cab in Paris?慢着Hold on.等等看那是什么Wait. What's that right there --后视镜上挂的什么Hanging from the rearview mirror?看起来像是哈克尼马It looks like a hackney horse.这是巴黎新起的黑&hearts;车&hearts;标志Which is a recent symbol for Gypsy cabs in the city.这样就算不认识也知道对方的身份And that's how you get to know someone without knowing them. 嫌犯开了黑&hearts;车&hearts;Our unsub drives a Gypsy cab.说得通如果目标是独居的美国人Makes perfect sense -- he needs a way to learn这是一种了解他们的可行办法if his prospective victims are American, living alone.他可以接触到她们This way, he gets to interview them.有点类似美剧《出租车上的忏悔》It's kind of like "Taxicab Confessions".因为出租车司机和酒保一样I mean, taxi-cab drivers and bartenders --都是陌生人they're always the strangers所以我们会向他们倾吐秘密that we feel the most comfortable confiding in.因为我们一厢情愿认为Because they are shared intimacies和他们只有一面之缘we want to believe are fleeting不会带来后续影响and don't have a lasting impact.起码我们知道是什么样的汽车了At least we have the image of the vehicle.只有部分车牌号&hearts; 不会有太大帮助This partial license-plate number won't get us very far.不会有任何帮助It won't get us anywhere.都是偷来的车牌Those plates are stolen.说实话即使单单追查这种车And I got to be honest, it's not gonna be that easy也没那么容易tracking down this one particular vehicle.单在巴黎就登记有两万五千辆同款汽车There's at least 25,000 of them registered in Paris alone.我们可以先让本地警&hearts;察&hearts;Well, we can start by having the local police在18区做排查sweep the 18th Arrondissement.也行但只要能找到方便下手的美国女性Well, that's a start, but our unsub's hunting ground嫌犯的狩猎范围会扩张到任何地方is gonna expand wherever he can find a vulnerable American woman. 而且两天之内就出现了两名死者And with 2 victims in less than 48 hours,他现在已经在找下一个被害人了he's already hunting for his next victim right now.你好Hey, hey. Bonjour.我想你打我...Uh, je veux que vous me chassez...不好意思Sorry. Pardon.你能...Um, peux tu --没关系女士我会说英文Oh, it's all right, mademoiselle. I do speak English. 真的吗Oh! Seriously?太棒了That's awesome.你想去哪都行I can take you anywhere you like.可以去护城街17号&hearts;吗How about 17 Rue de Foss?你从哪儿来的呢Where are you from, then?加州圣地亚哥San Diego, California.你为什么来巴黎呢And what brings you to Paris?一个音乐实习项目我弹钢琴A music internship -- I play piano.我猜你是在那家咖啡馆工作吧In the cafe where you work, I presume?不是我只是去那儿赚点外快No, I just need some extra cash.而且还能锻炼法语And it's helping me improve my French.护城街17号&hearts;So, uh, 17 Rue de Foss.不是旅馆也不是酒店that is not a hostel or hotel.没错我跟朋友住No, yeah, I'm staying with a friend.男朋友吗Ah. A boyfriend?我倒想I wish.你就像蝴蝶那么美You must have a special boyfriend,他一定是很特别的人a beautiful butterfly like you.也不是这样Oh, not so much.那个And, uh...你跟这位同住的朋友相处得如何How are you getting along with this friend you're staying with? 不如这样吧You know what?前方那个街角放我下去可以吗Um, do you mind just letting me out up at the corner up here? 可还没到你住处呢But we're not at your apartment.我知道没关系就前方下No, I know, that's okay. Just right up here.不行这里不安全No, it's not. It's not safe here.听着法国佬马上放我下去Okay, look, François, I want out now!现在就放我下去否则我就把照片发给警&hearts;察&hearts; You let me out right now, or I'm sending this to the cops.听见了吗Do you hear me?你搞什么鬼What the hell are you doing?!凯瑟琳·巴克尔 25岁Katherine Barker, 25.加州圣地亚哥来的音乐实习生A music intern from San Diego, California.是在二区一条小巷里发现的She was discovered in an alley in the 2nd Arrondissement.她的心脏被挖出来固定在双手上He literally tore out her heart and stuck it in her hands.她的双腿和盆骨都有Looks like she suffered compound fractures to her legs开放性骨折and her pelvis.这表明他经过一段追逐后And that tells me that he tore her heart out才抓到她挖出心脏after he ran her over.但为什么这次要改变模式But why change the pattern here?为什么把尸体摆在巷子里而非她的住处Why stage the body in an alley, not her own apartment?因为凯瑟琳反击了Because Katherine fought back.她试过逃跑She tried to get away.她脸上和腿上的这些刮伤These abrasions on her face, along her legs --这是高速刮擦It's road rash,我认为原因是从行进车辆里跳出I'd say from jumping out of a moving vehicle.不到72小时我们就有了So now we're looking at 3 victims三位被害人in the span of 72 hours.而且嫌犯And given that our unsub要在外国城市里找美国女人needs to find an American woman in a foreign city,感觉他完全没有冷却期it's as if he doesn't have a cooling-off period.我想是时候告诉公众已知的情况了I think it's time we speak to the public about what we know. 提出警告Offer them a warning避免接触这辆黑&hearts;车&hearts;的司机to avoid contact with the driver of this Gypsy cab,呼吁大众如果见到他就尽快联&hearts;系&hearts;我们implore them to notify us immediately if they should see him. 这个策略有利有弊That strategy cuts both ways."有利有弊" 什么意思"Cuts both ways" -- what do you mean?短期内警告确实能保护公众No doubt a warning will protect the public in the near term. 但我们担心的是如此一来What we're concerned with is if we're not able我们就无法即时逮捕嫌犯to apprehend the unsub immediately afterwards,他有可能会干脆将车弃置then he might respond by abandoning the car.而眼下只要他还能安坐于车And right now, as long as he feels comfortable我们就有一线机会抓到他behind that wheel, then we have a chance of catching him. 但如果他把车丢了But if he ditches that car,不止会让我们更加难以追踪他not only will it make it harder for us to track him down,也会逼他进一步升级已有的犯罪手法it will force him - to alter his M.O. even further.你们是说我做不做都完蛋了So you're telling me I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't.我们还需要时间We need more time.让嫌犯知道我们掌握的情报Letting the unsub know what we know right now不到万不得已不能用这招is really a nuclear option.那我等到明天早上I will wait then -- until morning.然后就发出警报Then we sound the alarms.看我说什么来着梅So what did I tell you, Mae?法国人用放射性年代测定法检测了The French ran a radiocarbon dating on the metal fragment 比安卡·路易斯体内发现的金属片that was recovered from Bianca Lewis' body.结果发现是从手工锯上Turns out to be an iron composite熔下来的一种铁化合物所制that was smelted down into what is essentially a hand saw -- 应该是19世纪晚期制&hearts;造&hearts;的锯子some time in the late 19th century.我斗胆说一句Well, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say这应该对排查嫌犯身份没什么帮助this probably won't help us narrow down our unsub's identity.或许吧但我确实借此Maybe, but it did help me identify确认了碎片上蚀刻的罕见波浪线those weird wavy lines etched into the fragment.因为木刻刀和手锯都很有年头Now, because the timber scribes and the hand saw而且是法式风格are both very old and very French,我查了一下发现这个标志I did some digging and discovered a logo属于马赛城外一家一度知名的木匠公&hearts;司&hearts;for a once-renowned wood-craftsman company out of Marseilles.水狮公&hearts;司&hearts;标志水狮Le Lion de L'eau.由布朗热家族创办于1880年Company was founded by the Boulanger family in 1880.水狮公&hearts;司&hearts;的标志1987年转卖&hearts;&hearts;之前此公&hearts;司&hearts;都归该家族所有It remained family-owned until it was sold in 1987.而那之后公&hearts;司&hearts;和布朗热家族的情况And whatever happened after that to either the company都没有数字记录or the Boulanger family was not uploaded for digital posterity.有什么想法So what are we thinking?嫌犯选择的凶器If our unsub's weapons of choice和这家公&hearts;司&hearts;有那么一点联&hearts;系&hearts;can be loosely traced back to this company,他会不会是布朗热家族的亲戚then is he a possible relative of the Boulanger family?或者占有公&hearts;司&hearts;部分资产的子公&hearts;司&hearts;Or a subsidiary that acquired some of the company's assets.英雄所见略同Your guess is as good as mine.没时间瞎猜了We don't have time for guesswork.我们要给克莱蒙特他们提供一份We need to be able to provide Clement and his people可行的侧写with a workable profile,否则他会把我们所知的情况Otherwise he's gonna release the information we have公之于众to the public.我们再来梳理一遍So let's go over it again.我们要找的人犯罪手法老练Okay, we're looking for someone who is criminally sophisticated, 强壮有耐心这表明他是中年男性strong, patient, which suggests to me an older male,很可能四十多岁probably in his 40s.搜寻合适的目标需要时间Hunting for the right victim takes time,所以他应该没有工作so it doesn't look like he has a job.除非他开的是合法出租Unless the Gypsy-cab thing is legit而且他只对某一类型的人下手and he's only striking when the victim is the right type.没错还有最近案子里Yeah, and based on his staging of the bodies他对尸体的摆放at the last crime scene,在我看来凯瑟琳比安卡和萨曼莎It appears to me that Katherine, Bianca, and Samantha都是嫌犯真正目标的替代品are all surrogates for our unsub's true target,这三起谋杀案很可能and their murders are probably a means是他为执行终极行动to build his courage and confidence而培养勇气建立信心的方式in order to commit the ultimate act.所以在某个地方有一位美国女人So somewhere out there is an American woman伤了嫌犯的心who broke this guy's heart.或者是拒绝了他什么举动冒犯了他Or rejected him or - committed some perceived slight他必须让她作出补偿that he now feels that he has to redress --用最残暴的方式in the most brutal way possible.杰克Jack?国家警&hearts;察&hearts;巴黎屠夫威胁美国人克莱蒙特丢下了炸&hearts;弹&hearts;Clement is dropping the bomb.我们认为凶手是在其车内对美国妇女下手他开一辆黑色标志如果看到这辆车请远离司机他身负三起命案至今仍逍遥法外你猜得没错You were right.他把车丢弃在了十区的He abandoned his vehicle in entrepôt...一家工厂the 10th Arrondissement.没有留下任何证据He left nothing behind for us.我知道你认定I know you believe我的做法&hearts;会&hearts;让这个禽兽的行为变得更难以预测I have altered this monster's behavior unpredictably.但我认为我拖住了他的杀人进程But I would like to believe I stalled his progress.为了继续这一骗局He will most certainly need another car他肯定还要再找辆车in order to maintain his deceit.前提是他会继续行骗If he maintains his deceit.他可能干脆失控He could just go into a tailspin --这个可能性最大You need to double down.必要的时候加派增援。



一场智慧的较量相关美剧:《Criminal Minds》(犯罪心理),《Leverage》(都市侠盗),《Lie to me》(别对我撒谎),《Monk》(神探阿猛),《Drop Dead Diva》(美女上错身),《Human Target》(替身标靶),《24》(24小时),《CSI》(犯罪现场调查),《NCIS》(海军罪案调查处)一、《Criminal Minds》(犯罪心理)(出到第五季)剧情简介:讲述FBI心理学特工一步步逼近罪犯心灵深处的犯罪剧集。


情节及人物特点概述:特别探员Aaron Hotchner是这个小组的组长,一个居家好男人,他总是能取得人们的信任,并让他们坦白心底的秘密。

其他专家包括:Jason Gideon,他是FBI最顶尖的行为分析专家。

特别探员Spencer Reid博士,一位典型的被人误解的天才,他的社交才能之低,正如他的智商之高;特别探员;特别探员Derek Morgan,一位强制性犯罪行为专家;探员Elle Greenaway,她因为有过被性侵犯的经历而致力于这方面的研究和调查。




二、《Leverage》(都市侠盗)(出到第二季)剧情简介:《都市侠盗》(Leverage)是一个现代罗宾汉的故事,故事的主人公Nate Ford 曾当过保险调查员,为自己的老板挽回过数百万美元的损失,是个忠心耿耿的雇员。




犯罪心理学(Criminal Psychology)是一门研究犯人的意志、思想、意图及反应的学科,和犯罪人类学相关连。


















犯罪心理Criminal Minds第一季中英字幕剧本第一集Hi. I'm Heather. Nice to meet you. 嗨,我叫海瑟。

很高兴见到你That's a 2.4 liter 6 cylinder engine with Hitachi sidedraft carbs. 车上装了2.4升的6缸引擎,还有日立侧吸式化油器That's right. Wanna take a look under the hood? 说的没错。

想打开引擎盖看看吗Yeah! You know your Z. I'm impressed. 当然!你对这车很懂行啊,佩服,佩服You should have your mechanic check it out anyway. 无论如何还是得找机修师检查下How about I leave you my number and we can set it up? Thank you. 我留个电话给你,我们好办手续。

谢谢So it's just... right up here. 就在前面那右转Oh! That was—ha ha... Hello! There was the right. 哦,应该是。

嘿,应该右转才对Uh, maybe just... pull over here, and we can try and do a U-turn. 要不就在这靠边停了我们做个大转弯试试What are you doing? Okay. 你在干什么?好了Stop the car now. 马上停车Pull over now! 我说现在就靠边停车How about Andrew? It's greek for valiant. 安德鲁怎么样?希腊语里是勇敢的意思Let's call him... Sergio. 我们叫他赛吉奥吧Ha ha! Please tell me you're kidding. 哈哈!告诉我你是闹着玩的Butch? How about Donald? 布奇呢?唐纳德怎么样Hans. No! Wait, wait. Um... 汉斯,不要,等等Okay. Gideon. Not a chance. 好吧,那就吉迪恩,门儿都没有It's hebrew. Look what it means. 源于希伯来语,看看什么意思It's perfect. Gideon Hotchner. 完美极了,吉迪恩·霍奇纳No. Yes. No Gideon 不行,行。

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CriminalMinds(犯罪心理)名言Season1◎Episode 1: Extreme Aggressor(2005.09.22)●The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary.Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.——Joseph Conrad【约瑟夫•康拉德(波兰出生的英国作家):将邪恶的产生归结于超自然的因素是没有必要的,人类自身就足以实施每一种恶行。

】●Try again.Fail again.Fail better.——Samuel Beckett【Samuel Beckett(当代最著名的荒诞剧作家):再试,再失败,更好地失败。

】(Gideon片中台词)●Try not.Do or do not.——Yoda【尤达大师(『星球大战』中的主角):别试。


】(Morgan 片中台词)●All is riddle,and the key to a riddle…is another riddle.——Emerson 【爱默生(美国诗人、散文家、哲学家):所有的事物都是谜团,而解开一个谜的钥匙……是另一个谜。

】●The farther backward you can look,the farther forward you will see.——Winston Churchill【温斯顿•邱吉尔:你回首看得越远,你向前也会看得越远。

】●When you look long into an abyss,the abyss looks into you.——Nietzsche【尼采:当你凝视深渊时,深渊也在凝视你。

】◎Episode 2: Compulsion(2005.09.28)●There are certain clues at a crime scene which,by their very nature, do not lend themselves to being collected or examined.How does one collect love, rage, hatred, fear?——Dr. James T. Reese【詹姆斯•瑞斯博士(美国精神创伤压力处理方面的专家):犯罪现场中的某些线索根据它们自己本身的性质,是不容易收集起来检测的。

一个人又怎么能收集起爱情、愤怒、憎恨和害怕?】●Imagination is more important than knowledge.Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.—— Einstein【爱因斯坦:想象力比知识更为重要。


】●Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors.Try to be better than yourself.——William Faulkner【威廉姆斯•福克纳(美国作家):别自寻烦恼的只想比你同时代的人或是先辈们出色,试着比你自己更出色吧。

】◎Episode 3: Won’t Get Fooled Again(2005.10.05)●Almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those whom we cannot resemble.——Samuel Johnson【赛缪尔•约翰森(英国文豪):几乎所有荒谬的行为均源自于模仿那些我们不可能雷同的人。

】◎Episode 4: Plain Sight(2005.10.12)●Don’t forget that I cannot see myself that my role is limited to being the one who looks in the mirror.——Jacques Rigaut【Jacques Rigaut(法国诗人):别忘了我看不到我自己,我的角色仅限于看向镜子里的那个人。

】●Birds sing after a storm.Why shouldn’t people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?——Rose Kennedy【罗丝•肯尼迪(肯尼迪总统的母亲):鸟儿在暴风雨后歌唱,人们为什么在仍是阳光普照的时候还不尽情感受快乐呢?】◎Episode 5: Broken Mirror(2005.10.19)●When a good man is hurt,all who would be called good must suffer with him.——Euripides【Euripides(希腊悲剧诗人):当一个好人受到伤害,所有的好人定将与其同历磨难。

】●When love is in excess, it brings a man no honor nor worthiness.——Euripides【Euripides:爱得太深,会失去所有荣耀和价值。

】◎Episode 6: L.D.S.K.(2005.11.02)●The irrationality of a thing is not an argument against it’sexistence,rather,a condition of it.——Nietzsche【尼采:一件事的荒谬,不能成为驳斥它存在的论据。


】●Nothing is so common as the wish to be remarkable.——Shakespeare 【莎士比亚:没有什么比希望不平凡而更平凡的了。

】(Hotch)◎Episode 7: The Fox(2005.11.09)●With foxes, we must play the fox.——Dr. Thomas Fuller【Dr. Thomas Fuller:遇到狐狸时,我们一定要学会狡猾。

】●When you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains, however improbable,must be the truth.——Sherlock Holmes【歇洛克•福尔摩斯(柯南道尔笔下的名侦探):当你排除了所有的不可能,无论剩下的是什么,即使是不可能也一定是真相。

】(Gideon剧中台词)◎Episode 8: Natural Born Killer(2005.11.16)●There is no hunting like the hunting of man.And those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it never really care for anythingelse.——Hemingway【海明威:没有哪种狩猎像人类的狩猎,那些武装的狩猎者一直乐此不疲,却从来也不在乎其他的事。

】●The healthy man does not torture others.Generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers.——Carl Jung【荣格:健康的人不会折磨他人,往往是那些曾受折磨的人转而成为折磨他人者。

】◎Episode 9: Derailed(2005.11.23)●A belie f is not merely an idea that mind possesses.It is an idea that possesses the mind.——Robert Oxton Bolton【Robert Oxton Bolton(作家):信仰不只是一种受头脑支配的思想,它也是一种可以支配头脑的思想。

】●A question that sometimes drives me hazy–am I or the others crazy?——Einstein【爱因斯坦:有时我会迷惑,是我疯了还是其他人疯了?】(Reid)◎Episode 10: The Popular Kids(2005.11.30)●Unfortunately a super-abundance of dreams is paid for by a growing potential for nightmares.——Sir Peter Ustinov【彼得•乌斯蒂诺夫爵士(文化界名人、谐星、英国老牌演员、剧作家、表演艺术家、小说家、社会活动家、歌剧导演):不幸的是,多梦的代价就是噩梦也将随之增多。

】●Ideol ogies separate us, dreams and anguish bring us together.——Eugene Ionesco【尤金•艾里斯柯(罗马尼亚荒谬剧剧作家):意识形态分离了我们,而梦想和痛苦使我们走到了一起。

】◎Episode 11: Blood Hungry(2005.12.14)◎Episode 5: Broken Mirror(2005.10.19)●When a good man is hurt,all who would be called good must suffer with him.——Euripides【Euripides(希腊悲剧诗人):当一个好人受到伤害,所有的好人定将与其同历磨难。

】●When love is in excess, it brings a man no honor nor worthiness.——Euripides【Euripides:爱得太深,会失去所有荣耀和价值。

】◎Episode 6: L.D.S.K.(2005.11.02)●The irrationality of a thing is not an argument against it’sexistence,rather,a condition of it.——Nietzsche【尼采:一件事的荒谬,不能成为驳斥它存在的论据。


】●Nothing is so common as the wish to be remarkable.——Shakespeare 【莎士比亚:没有什么比希望不平凡而更平凡的了。
