安装过程和Java一样,C具有良好的跨平台特性,MapServer支持Windows、Linux、Mac OS X等操作系统。
根据说明下载需要的第三方库,然后在Shell命令行模式下编译源代码,对于缺少Unix Shell或DOS操作经验的用户,这是一件比较头疼的事情。
Installing the Apache MS4W Web Server serviceThe Apache MS4W Web Server service is successfully installed.Testing httpd.conf....Errors reported here must be corrected before the servicecan be started.The Apache MS4W Web Server service is starting.The Apache MS4W Web Server service was started successfully.安装完成后,使用浏览器访问http://,MapServer返回如下提示信息No query information to decode. QUERY_STRING is set, but empty.发布地图数据类似于Arcgis Server和GeoServer,MapServer采用零代码编写的配置文件方式管理地图发布,配置文件被称为Mapfile,后缀名为map。
ArcGIS访问WFS服务ESRI中国(北京)有限公司广州办事处肖干林一、概述OGC全称Open Geospatial Consortium,是一个非盈利的、国际化的、自愿协商的标准化组织,它的主要目的就是制定与空间信息、基于位置服务相关的标准。
WFS(OpenGIS® Web Feature Service)当前版本是1.1.0。
当一个客户端想要访问WFS服务时,一般会涉及到以下的流程:1.通过操作获取WFS服务支持的操作和要素类(Feature Type,可以理解为WFS中的数据集)。
3. 客户端发送某个操作的请求。
4. WFS服务处理请求。
5. WFS服务返回处理的结果和状态。
上面几个步骤中所提到的“操作”包括:1. GetCapabilities(获取服务中的要素类及支持的操作)2. DescribeFeatureType(描述要素类的信息)3. GetFeature(获取要素)4. GetGmlObject(通过XLink获取GML对象)5. Transaction(创建、更新、删除数据的事务操作)6. LockFeature(在事务过程中锁定要素)但是,这些操作并不是必须全部实现,而是实现全部或部分。
根据所支持的操作不同,WFS可以分为3类:1. Basic WFS(就是最常被提及的WFS,必须支持GetCapabilities/ DescribeFeatureType/ GetFeature操作,在功能上意味着提供一个只读的数据服务)2. XLink WFS(必须在Basic WFS基础上加上GetGmlObject操作)3. Transaction WFS(也有称为WFS-T,必须在Basic WFS基础上加上Transaction操作以支持编辑数据,另外也可以加上GetGmlObject/LockFeature 操作)。
Geoserver ArcGIS server开发语言基于Java和Geotools库开发.NET和Java,用于构建Web 应用和Web服务COM和.NET,用于扩展GIS服务器COM、.NET、Java和C++,用于构建桌面客户端应用。
ArcGIS Server是基于b/s,网络传输很容易使它的性能瓶颈,除了增加网络带宽之外,也要尽量要减少数据量。
2,.net下目前还没有任何可以在生产环境里使用的GIS系统不看好ArcGIS Server:1 GeoServer如果搭配TitleCache,可以搭建一个在线的地图服务。
3,原始的ArcGIS IMS的效率远远在这些之上,和MapServer是一个档次的,也就是说,要么ESRI包袱太大,要么,技术上实在是在走下坡路。
Geoserver Mapserver基于Java 和Geotools 库开发开发采用C 开发开发支持格式和接口ESRI ESRI Shape Shape 、Oracle 、 MySQL 、 PostGIS 、 GML2.1.1 ArcSDE 、OGC WMS Server 、OGC WFS Server 、Mapinfo MID/MIF 、 OGC WCS Server 、MS .Net ESRI Shape, Mapinfo, PostGIS, PostGIS, ArcSDE ArcSDE ArcSDE ((通过OGR 支持) TIFF/GeoTIFF ,EPPL7(通过GDAL 支持)WMS(client/server),WFS (client/server) 授权协议 GPL 2.0 MapServer License 操作系统 Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris, 开发语言只能用J2EE 开发开发支持PHP , , Python, Python, Python, Perl, Perl, Ruby, Java, and C#等多等多种语言进行二次开发种语言进行二次开发功能比较基于Java 和Geotools 库开发的Geoserver 功能全面且遵循OGC 开放标准,并由同时拥有PostGIS 与uDig 的Refractions 公司提供支持。
ros2 services实现原理
ROS2 是一个用于构建机器人系统的开源框架,它提供了一种面向服务的通信模型,允许不同的组件在一个分布式系统中进行通信和协作。
其中,ROS2 的 services 功能是实现组件之间基于请求和响应的通信的重要组成部分。
本文将从 ROS2 services 的实现原理入手,探讨它的工作机制和应用场景。
一、概述ROS2 中的 services 是一种基于请求和响应的通信模型,允许一个组件(服务端)向另一个组件(客户端)提供特定的功能或数据。
二、工作原理1. 定义服务消息在 ROS2 中,使用服务之前首先需要定义服务消息。
2. 注册服务在服务端,需要将服务消息注册到 ROS2 系统中,以便其他组件可以找到该服务。
3. 客户端调用在客户端,需要通过服务名称和消息类型来向服务端发送请求。
4. 信息服务服务端和客户端通过 ROS2 的通信框架进行信息,实现请求和响应的数据交换。
ROS2 提供了一套完善的通信机制,包括发布订阅模型、服务模型等,保证了服务之间的可靠通信。
三、应用场景1. 传感器数据获取在机器人系统中,经常需要获取各种传感器的数据,例如激光雷达数据、摄像头数据等。
2. 控制指令发送机器人系统中的控制指令通常通过服务模型进行发送和接收。
OpenLayers调用ArcGIS Server发布的WFS服务
http://localhost/arcgis/services/anhuiplot/MapServer/WFSServer?request=DescribeFeatureType%26version=1.1. 0%26typename=anhuiproj /wfs /wfs/1.1.0/wfs.xsd"> <gml:boundedBy>...</gml:boundedBy> <gml:featureMember>...</gml:featureMember> <gml:featureMember>...</gml:featureMember> <gml:featureMember>...</gml:featureMember> <gml:featureMember>...</gml:featureMember> <gml:featureMember>...</gml:featureMember> <gml:featureMember>...</gml:featureMember> <gml:featureMember>...</gml:featureMember> <gml:featureMember>...</gml:featureMember> <gml:featureMember>...</gml:featureMember> <gml:featureMember>...</gml:featureMember> </wfs:FeatureCollection>
实训6配置故障转移群集服务故障转移群集服务(Failover Cluster Service, FCS)是Windows Server操作系统中的一项功能,它允许将多个服务器组成一个群集,以提高系统的可靠性和可用性。
2.安装故障转移群集角色:- 打开Server Manager控制台,选择“管理”->“添加角色和功能”来开始角色安装向导。
下面是一个使用BasicHttpBinding的示例:```csharp//创建绑定对象BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding(;//设置绑定属性binding.Security.Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.None;binding.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = HttpClientCredentialType.None;binding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType = erName;//设置服务器地址//创建客户端对象MyServiceClient client = new MyServiceClient(binding, address);//调用服务端方法client.MethodName(;```在上面的示例中,通过创建一个BasicHttpBinding对象,并设置了一些绑定属性,如安全模式和客户端凭据类型。
ArcGIS Server 服务类型总体介绍
ArcGIS Server 服务类型1、要素服务可用来通过Internet 提供要素,并提供显示要素时所要使用的符号系统。
要创建要素服务,先创建地图文档,发布启用了要素访问的地图文档,然后使用Web 和ArcGIS for Desktop 客户端访问该服务。
要在客户端上使用地理编码服务,您需要首先在ArcGIS for Desktop 中创建一个地址定位器,然后将其作为地理编码服务发布到ArcGIS Server。
3、地理数据服务允许您使用ArcGIS for Server 通过局域网(LAN) 或Internet 访问地理数据库。
可以为ArcSDE 地理数据库和文件地理数据库添加地理数据服务。
发布地理数据服务时,您需要引用一个要发布为服务的文件地理数据库或ArcSDE 企业地理数据库。
要将文件地理数据库作为地理数据服务发布,ArcGIS Server 帐户必须具有访问地理数据库的权限。
要将ArcSDE 企业地理数据库作为地理数据服务发布,ArcGIS Server 帐户必须具有访问地理数据库的权限,以及用于连接到地理数据库的ArcSDE 连接文件。
4、GeoEvent Processor几乎可以连接任意类型的实时流数据,包括车载GPS设备、移动设备、环境监控设备以及社交媒体数据,用户可以使用它对接入的流数据进行各种实时过滤、处理或分析。
IIS环境下OpenLayers使用WFS服务跨域访问问题之解决方案收藏开源webgis开发 2009-01-24 11:44 阅读159 评论0字号:大中小OpenLayers以其优越的性能、广泛的支持和近乎完美的地图展现和处理能力而拥有无数的FANS。
浏览器了为安全起见,是不允许js执行跨域访问的,在openlayers官方Wiki中提到使用wfs和Geo RSS这两个服务是会遇到跨域访问的问题的。
比如如下的鼠标单击事件添加wfs查询'click', map, function (e) {//获取当前鼠标位置clickPos = map.getLonLatFromPixel(e.xy);leftPos = map.getLonLatFromPixel( new OpenLayers.Pixel(e.xy.x-gTolerance, e.xy.y-gTolerance) );rightPos = map.getLonLatFromPixel( new OpenLayers.Pixel(e.xy.x+gTolerance, e.xy.y+gTolerance) );bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds();bounds.extend( leftPos );bounds.extend( rightPos );//构建GetFeature参数var params = {REQUEST: "GetFeature",BBOX: bounds.toBBOX(), maxFeatures:'10',srsName: 'EPSG:4326',service: 'WFS',version: '1.0.0',//PropertyName: properName,typeName:gLayerNames};//执行查询OpenLayers.loadURL("", params, this, setHTML, setHTML); // 161是另一台机器用来做地图服务OpenLayers.Event.stop(e);});在IE或者firefox里面执行时,会因为跨域的问题报错:拒绝访问或者缺少对象。
NWS-3NOTI•FIRE•NET™Web ServerDN-6928:C • A0-810GeneralThe NOTI•FIRE•NET™ Web Server(NWS-3) is a web-baseddevice that acts as an HTML server, allowing remote access tothe NOTI•FIRE•NET™ network via the Internet or an intranet.With the NWS-3 interface, users can view fire alarm controlpanel (FACP) event history, event status, device properties andother information based on access permissions defined by thesystem administrator. All data available on the NWS-3 is a“snapshot” of the data on the NOTI•FIRE•NET™ network atthe time the browser requested the information.The NWS-3 interfaces to the Internet/intranet using an IP-basedwire Ethernet connection.FeaturesFOR THE NOTI•FIRE•NET™ WEB SER ER ANDBROWSER CONFIGURATION TOOL•Access NOTI•FIRE•NET™ device statuses and properties remotely via the Internet or an intranet.•Automatically send up to 50 emails or text messages in response to any system event.•Compatible with standard and high speed NOTI•FIRE•NET™.•Unacknowledged Beep feature, if enabled, causes the com-puter browsing the NWS-3 to beep at three-second intervals if there are unacknowledged events in the Multiple Event List.•Compatible with NOTI•FIRE•NET™ version 5.0 and higher.•One NWS-3 supports multiple users.•Standard Ethernet over IP connection.•Y our system remains secure by installing the NWS-3 behind your network firewall.•Supports up to 64 operator and 64 administrator accounts.•Built-in password security and user-access record.•Multiple users can access the web server at the same time.•Supports standard Microsoft® Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher.•Intuitive Explorer-style user interface.•Ability to use V eriFire® Tools (version 3.0 or higher) for remote programming/configuration of the NWS-3 and ONYX® Series products.NOTE: No fire alarm control functions are permitted. The NWS-3 is an ancillary device and not intended for primary reporting.CompatibilityThe NWS-3 is compatible with NOTI•FIRE•NET™ version 5.0 and higher for the following panels and devices:•ONYX® Series.•AM2020/AFP1010 (version 5.0 SIB).•AFP-200 (events only).•AFP-300/AFP-400.•BACnet Gateway (events only).•NCS Network Control Station (events only).•NCA(-2) Network Control Annunciator (events only).•Compatible with high speed network HS-NCM version 1.0 and higher.NOTE: The NWS-3 is NOT intended as a primary annunciator and is ancillary in nature.System Requirements•NOTI•FIRE•NET™ Web Server (NWS-3).•NCM card.•Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 8.0 or higher.•JAVA version 6 or later.Agency Listings and ApprovalsThese listings and approvals apply to the NOTI•FIRE•NET™Web Server. In some cases, certain modules or applications may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consult factory for latest listing status.•UL/ULC Listed: S635.•CSFM: 7165-0028:0247.•FDNY: COA#6045.NFN-GW-EM-3.JPGDN-6928:C • 08/15/2012 — Page 1 of 2Page 2 of 2 — DN-6928:C • 08/15/2012ONYX ®, NOTIFIER ®, and VeriFire ® are registered trademarks, and NOTI•FIRE•NET ™ and ONYXWorks ™ are trademarks of Honeywell International Inc. Microsoft ® and Windows ® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.©2012 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document is strictly prohibited.This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements.All specifications are subject to change without notice.For more information, contact Notifier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118.System Architecture•Connect to the NOTI•FIRE•NET™ network. The NWS-3can be connected to the NOTI•FIRE•NET™ network via the Network Control Module (NCM) network interface card (see diagram).•The NWS-3 can be directly connected to ONYX® series pan-els for stand-alone panel applications.•The NWS-3 can also be connected to high speed networks using HS-NCM network interface.System Architecture DiagramNWS -3 HS-NCM OR NCM ARCHITECTURECAB-4 Cabinet with NWS-3 Assembly and HS-NCM W/SF/MF or NCM W/F BoardNFN NetworkInternet/IntranetSupported FACP Supported FACPPC Browser InterfaceHS-NCM-W/SF/MFor NCM-W/FHS-NCM-W/SF/MF or NCM-W/FNWS-3 DIRECT PANEL ARCHITECTUREInternet/IntranetPC Browser InterfaceSupported ONYX Series FACPwith Web Server Assembly。
SkylineGlobeServerv7.0⽤户操作⼿册SkylineGlobe Server ⽤户操作⼿册V7.0⽬录1介绍 (1)1.1关于本操作⼿册 (1)1.2使⽤在线帮助 (1)1.3关于 SkylineGlobe Server (SGS) (1)1.4产品功能 (2)1.5SkylineGlobe 产品 (3)2⼊门 (6)2.1SkylineGlobe Server v7.0新功能 (6)2.2软件和硬件要求 (7)2.3许可机制 (7)2.4安装SkylineGlobe Server (8)2.5安装后的操作 (17)2.6卸载SkylineGlobe Server (18)2.7启动SkylineGlobe Server Manager (19)2.8登录 (20)2.9注销 (20)3基本概念 (21)3.1什么是SkylineGlobe Server (21)3.2什么是SkylineGlobe Server Manager (22)3.3SkylineGlobe Server Manager页⾯ (23)3.4什么是Terrain Service(地形服务) (28)3.5什么是Feature Service(⽮量服务) (28)3.6什么是Maps Service(栅格服务) (29)3.7什么是 3D Mesh Service (3DML) (29)3.8什么是Point Cloud Service(点云服务) (30)3.9什么是TerraExplorer for Web (TE4W) (30)4SkylineGlobe Server Settings(SkylineGlobe Server设置) (31)4.1关于 SkylineGlobe Server Settings(SkylineGlobe Server设置) (31)4.2设置SkylineGlobe Server(SkylineGlobe Server 设置) (32)4.3设置 TerraExplorer for Web (38)5监控SkylineGlobe Server (40)5.1关于监控SkylineGlobe Server (40)5.2监控服务器和服务 (41)5.3启动和停⽌SkylineGlobe Server (43)5.4启动和停⽌服务 (43)5.5监控 Fusers (43)5.6搜索、查看消息 (44)6数据源处理 (45)6.1关于数据源处理 (45)6.2添加数据源 (46)6.3编辑数据源 (54)6.4扫描数据源 (54)6.5移除数据源 (54)6.6将TerraGate / SFS迁移到SkylineGlobe Server (54)7图层处理 (57)7.1关于图层处理 (57)7.2搜索图层 (58)7.3服务器端数据源发布和更新的图层 (58)7.4编辑图层属性 (60)7.5添加 / 编辑图层的别名 (62)7.6从SkylineGlobe Server中删除图层 (63)8⽤户管理 (63)8.1关于⽤户管理 (63)8.2搜索⽤户 (64)8.3添加⽤户并设置⽤户属性 (64)8.4编辑⽤户属性 (66)8.5删除⽤户 (68)8.6搜索⽤户组 (69)8.7添加⽤户组 (69)8.8编辑⽤户组属性 (71)8.9删除⽤户组 (71)9DirectConnect(直连) (71)9.1关于DirectConnect(直连) (71)9.2什么是TerraBuilder Fuser (72)3.9为DirectConnect(直连)创建TerraBuilder⼯程⽂件 (72) 9.4管理TerraBuilder Fuser (74)9.5DirectConnect性能问题 (76)10性能提⽰和指南 (77)10.1关于性能提⽰和指南 (77)10.2硬件注意事项 (77)10.3为⽮量图层设定合适的区块宽度 (77)10.4精度级别 (77)10.5直连 (78)1 介绍1.1 关于本操作⼿册SkylineGlobe Server⽤户⼿册包含所有关于SkylineGlobe Server组件和功能的使⽤信息。
另外,WFServer(C)和外厂家五防之间通过约定的共享内存区进行联系,规约如CSC2000 中监控与外厂家五防连接规约。
GetCapabilities操作语法1 功能:用于获取描述WFS的功能的元数据,包括可以提供哪些类型的要素服务,复杂要素类型的配置信息以及每种要素类型能够支持的操作;2 请求参数:1.采用XML语言描述,作为HTTPPOST的参数:2.<请求>→<GetCapabilities><版本><服务类型>{<更新序号>}</GetCapabilities> 3.<版本>→<version>INT.INT.INT</version>4.<服务类型>→<service>WFS</service>5.<更新序号>→<updateSequence>INT</updateSequence>3 响应结果:服务器返回XML文档,采用CapabilitiesXML描述:1.<WFS功能>→<WFSCapabilities version=1.0.0 updateSequence=”0”><服务><功能><要素类型列表><筛选功能></WFS_Capabilities>2.<服务>→<service> <名称><标题><摘要><关键字列表><在线资源><联系信息><收费标准><访问约束></service>3.<联系信息>→<Contactlnfomation><联系人><职务><联系地址><电话><传真></Contactlnfomation>4.<联系人>→<ContactPersonPrimary><负责人><组织>STRING<ContactPersonPrimary>5.<负责人>→<ContactPerson>STRING</ContactPerson>6.<组织>→<ContactOrganization>STRING</ContactOrganization>7.<职务>→<ContactPosition>STRING</ContactPosition>8.<联系地址>→<ContactAddress><地址类型> <地址> <城市><省市><邮编><国家></ContactAddress>.9.<地址类型>→<AddressType>STRING</AddressType>10.<地址>→<Address>STRING</Address>11.<城市>→<City>STRING</City>12.<省市>→<StateOrProvince>STRING</StateOrProvince>13.<邮编>→<PostCode>STRING</PostCode>14.<国家>→<country>STRING</country>15.<功能>→<Capabilities><请求>{<厂家定义功能>}</Capabilities>16.<要素类型列表>→<FeatureTypeList>{<操作><要素类型>[<要素类型>]</FeatureTypeList>17.<要素类型> →<FeatureType><名称>{<标题>}{<摘要>}{<关键字列表>}<空间参考系>{<操作>}{[<标准外框>]}{[<元数据URL>]}</FeatureType>18.<名称> →<name>STRING</name>19.<请求>→<Request><方法>[<方法>]</Request>20.<方法>→<功能查询>|<要素类型查询>|<交易>|<要素获取>|<锁定要素获取>|<要素锁定>21.<功能查询>→<GetCapabilities><DCP类型>[<DCP类型>]</GetCapabilities> 22.<要素类型查询>→<DescribeFeatureType><模式描述语言><DCP类型>[<DCP 类型>]</DescribeFeatureType>23.<交易>→<Transaction><DCP类型>[<DCP类型>]</Transaction>24.<要素获取>→<GetFeature><DCP类型>[<DCP类型>]</GetFeature>25.<锁定要素获取>→<GetFeatureWithLock><DCP类型>[<DCP类型>]</GetFeatureWithLock>26.<要素锁定>→<LockFeature><DCP类型>[<DCP类型>]</LockFeatute>27.<DCP类型>→<DCPTypc><HTTP></DCPType>28.<HTTP>→<HTTP>{<GET命令>}{<POST命令>}</HTTP>29.<标准外框>→<LatLongBoundingBox minx=STRING miny=STRING maxx=STRING maxy=STRING>30.<元数据URL> →<MetadataURLType<URL类型><URL格式>>STRING </MatadataURLType>31.<URL类型>→type=TC211 |type=FGDC32.<URL格式>→format=XML|format=SGML |format=TXT33.<操作>→<命令>[<命令>]34.<命令>→<Insert>STRING</Insert>35.<命令>→<update>STRING</Update>36.<命令>→<Delete>STRING</Delete>37.<命令>→<Query>STRING</Query>38.<命令>→<Lock>STRING</Lock>39.<GET命令>→<Get onlineResouce=STRING> </Get>40.<POST命令>→<Post onlineResource=STRING> </Post>41.<摘要>→<Abstract>STRING</Abstract>42.<访问约束>→<AcccssConstraints>None</AcccssConstraints>43.<收费标准>→<Fees>None</Fees>44.<关键字列表>→<KeywordList>[<关键字>]</KeywordList>45.<关键字>→<Keyword>STRING</Keyword>46.<在线资源>→<OnlineResource>STRING</OnlineResource>47.<空间参考系>→<SRS>STRING</SRS>48.<标题>→<Title>STRING</Title>49.<厂家定义功能>→<VendorSpecificCapabilities>自定义</VendorSpecificCapabilities>其中,<筛选功能>定义参见筛选功能的编码规则;<厂家定义功能>部分由厂家自行定义。
中国移动通信企业标准软交换服务器设备技术规范第一部分:汇接软交换服务器(报批稿)S o f t s w i t c h S e r v e r E q u i p m e n t T e c h n i c a l S p e c i f i c a t i o nP a r t1:T M S C S e r v e r(报批稿)版本号:╳.╳.╳╳╳╳╳-╳╳-╳╳发布╳╳╳╳-╳╳-╳╳实施中国移动通信集团公司发布目录1 范围 (1)2 引用标准 (1)3 缩略语 (2)4 组网 (5)4.1 GSM本地网长途汇接层应用 (6)4.1.1 应用1:独立组网 (6)4.1.2 应用2:混合组网 (6)4.2 本地软交换汇接层应用 (7)4.3 本地软交换与软交换长途汇接网络的互通 (8)4.4 R4长途汇接网应用 (8)5 业务要求 (9)6 互通功能 (9)7 设备功能 (9)7.1 呼叫处理功能 (9)7.1.1 呼叫连接功能 (9)7.1.2 长时间垃圾呼叫清除功能 (9)7.1.3 号码存储和分析功能 (9)7.1.4 释放控制方式 (9)7.1.5 呼叫再试接 (10)7.1.6 路由选择功能 (10)7.1.7 过负荷保护功能 (10)7.2 免编解码操作功能(TrFO) (11)7.3 业务编解码要求 (11)7.4 多信令点编码要求 (11)7.5 话务负荷分担功能要求 (11)7.6 软交换双归属要求 (11)7.6.1 倒换要求 (11)7.6.2 数据同步要求 (12)7.6.3 对端软交换机的功能要求 (12)8 设备性能要求 (12)8.1 系统容量以及系统处理能力 (12)8.2 TDM局间中继电路上的话务负荷 (13)8.3 呼损指标 (13)8.4 时延概率 (13)8.5 系统可靠性和可用性要求 (14)9 同步要求 (14)10 计费要求 (15)11 协议接口要求 (15)11.1 物理接口 (15)11.1.1 10/100M BaseT接口要求 (15)11.1.2 1000M Base-Lx/Sx接口 (15)11.1.3 E1或2M接口 (15)11.1.4 本地维护接口 (15)11.1.5 与网管中心接口 (15)11.2 逻辑接口 (16)11.2.1 Mc接口(H.248) (16)11.2.2 Nc接口(BICC协议/SIP/SIP-T) (16)11.2.3 与其他SS7信令点设备互通的接口 (16)12 网管要求 (17)12.1 网络管理要求 (17)12.1.1 基本配合要求 (17)12.1.2 主要网管功能要求 (17)12.1.3 数据接口 (18)13 话务统计 (18)13.1 话务统计与测量 (18)13.1.1 一般要求 (18)13.1.2 呼叫次数测量 (18)13.1.3 平均占用时间测量 (20)13.1.4 话务拥塞统计 (20)13.1.5 服务质量的统计 (20)13.1.6 网络状态的监视 (20)14 操作维护要求 (20)14.1.1 概述 (20)14.1.2 人-机接口 (21)14.1.3 维护测试功能 (22)14.1.4 故障检查及处理 (23)14.1.5 系统状态监视 (25)14.1.6 系统实时控制 (26)14.1.8 局数据的修改 (27)14.1.9 告警要求 (27)14.1.10 专用测试设备和维护备件 (29)15 硬件要求 (29)15.1 硬件系统基本要求 (29)15.2 对处理机的要求 (29)15.3 对输入、输出设备的基本要求 (29)16 软件要求 (30)16.1 基本要求 (30)16.2 软件功能要求 (30)16.3 软件维护管理功能要求 (31)17 机械结构和工艺要求 (31)17.1 概述 (31)17.2 机架要求 (31)17.3 接插件 (32)17.4 布线及连接 (32)17.5 机械加工工艺 (32)17.6 表面涂复处理 (32)17.7 印刷电路板 (32)17.8 可闻噪声及震动 (33)18 环境要求 (33)18.1 软交换设备抗电磁干扰的能力 (33)18.2 软交换设备本身产生的电磁干扰要求 (33)18.3 软交换设备安装应有抗地震措施 (34)18.4 运输和仓储要求 (34)19 电源及接地要求 (35)19.1 电源要求 (35)19.1.1 供电系统的可靠性 (35)19.1.2 直流电源要求 (35)19.1.3 交流电压要求 (35)19.2 接地要求 (36)19.2.1 接地方式 (36)19.2.2 接地要求 (36)19.2.3 接地线截面积 (36)20 编制历史 (36)前言在移动通信网络中,软交换服务器也称“软交换机”,在3GPP中称为“TMSC SERVER”,负责移动通信交换网中的控制面功能,通过H.248协议控制分布式的媒体网关。
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WFS Servers with MapServerThis document explains how to configure MapServer to serve data through the OGC WFS interface.Author:Jean-Fran?ois DoyonContact:jdoyon(at)nrcan.gc.caAuthor:Jeff McKennaContact:jmckenna(at)dmsolutions.caLast Updated:2006/10/13Table of Contents•1 Introduction♦1.1 WFS-Related Information♦1.2 Software Requirements1.3 Version of GML Supported♦2 Configuring your MapFile to Serve WFS layers•♦2.1 Example WFS Server Mapfile♦2.2 Rules for Handling SRS in MapServer WFS2.3 Test Your WFS Server♦3 Reference Section•3.1 Web Object Metadata♦3.2 Layer Object♦•4 To-do Items and Known Limitations5 About This Document•♦5.1 Copyright Information5.2 Disclaimer♦1 IntroductionA WFS ( Web Feature Service ) publishes feature-level geospatial data to the web. This means that instead of returning an image, as MapServer has traditionally done, the client now obtains fine-grained information about specific geospatial features of the underlying data, at both the geometry AND attribute levels. As with other OGC specifications, this interface uses XML over HTTP as it's delivery mechanism, and, more precisely, GML (Geography Markup Language), which is a subset of XML.1.1 WFS-Related InformationHere are some WFS related links (including a newly added OGC services workshop with MapServer). Since these are highly detailed technical specifications, there is no need to read through them in their entirety to get a MapServer WFS up and running. It is still recommended however to read them over and get familiar with the basics of each of them, in order to understand how it all works:•The OGC Web Feature Service Implementation Specification.The Geography Markup Language Implementation Specification.••MapServer OGC Web Services Workshop package.Working knowledge of MapServer is of course also required.1.2 Software RequirementsIn order to enable MapServer to serve WFS, it MUST be compiled against certain librairies:•PROJ.4: The reprojection library. Version 4.4.3 or greater is required.•GDAL/OGR: I/O support librairies. Version 1.1.8 or greater is required.Please see the MapServer UNIX Compilation and Installation howto for detailed instructions on compiling mapserver with support for these librairies and features. For Windows users, the MS4W installer comes ready to serve both WFS and WMS.1.3 Version of GML SupportedMapServer can output both GML2 and GML3. By default MapServer serves GML2. You can test this by adding an 'OUTPUTFORMAT' parameter to a GetFeature request, such as:•GML2 request output•GML3 request outputFor a detailed discussion on the versions supported, see bug#884.2 Configuring your MapFile to Serve WFS layersMuch as in the WMS support, WFS publishing is enabled by adding certain magic METADATAkeyword/value pairs to a MapFile.MapServer will serve and include in its WFS capabilities only the layers that meet the following conditions:•Data source is of vector type (Shapefile, OGR, PostGIS, SDE, SDO, ...)•LAYER NAME must be set. Layer names must start with a letter when setting up a WFS server (layer names should not start with a digit or have spaces in them).•LAYER TYPE is one of: LINE, POINT, POLYGON•LAYER DUMP parameter set to TRUEThe "wfs_onlineresource" metadata:•The wfs_onlineresource metadata is set in the map's web object metadata and specifies the URL that should be used to access your server. This is required for the GetCapabilities output. Ifwfs_onlineresource is not provided then MapServer will try to provide a default one using the script name and hostname, but you shouldn't count on that too much. It is strongly recommended that youprovide the wfs_onlineresource metadata.See section 12.3.3 of the WFS 1.0.0 specification for the whole story about the online resource URL.Basically, what you need is a complete HTTP URL including the http:// prefix, hostname, scriptname, potentially a "map=" parameter, and and terminated by "?" or "&".Here is a valid online resource URL:/cgi-bin/mapserv? creating a wrapper script on the server it is possible to hide the "map=" parameter from the URL and then your server's online resource URL could be something like:/cgi-bin/mywfs?This is covered in more detail in the section "More About the Online Resource URL" of the WMS Server document.2.1 Example WFS Server MapfileThe following is an example of a bare minimum WFS Server mapfile. Note the comments for the required parameters.NAME WFS_serverSTATUS ONSIZE 400 300SYMBOLSET ../etc/symbols.symEXTENT -2200000 -712631 3072800 3840000UNITS METERSSHAPEPATH "../data"IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255FONTSET ../etc/fonts.txtWEBIMAGEPATH "/ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp/"IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/"METADATA"wfs_title" "GMap WFS Demo Server" ## REQUIRED"wfs_onlineresource" "" ## Recommended"wfs_srs" "EPSG:42304 EPSG:42101 EPSG:4269 EPSG:4326" ## Recommended "ows_schemas_location" "" ## OptionalENDENDPROJECTION"init=epsg:42304"ENDLAYERNAME provinceMETADATA"wfs_title" "Provinces" ## REQUIRED"gml_featureid" "ID" ## REQUIRED"gml_include_items" "all" ## Optional (serves all attributes for layer)ENDTYPE POLYGONSTATUS ONDATA provincePROJECTION"init=epsg:42304"ENDDUMP TRUE ## REQUIREDCLASSNAME "Canada"STYLECOLOR 200 255 0OUTLINECOLOR 120 120 120ENDTEMPLATE "ttt_query.html"ENDEND # LayerEND # Map File2.2 Rules for Handling SRS in MapServer WFSContrary to WMS, the OGC WFS specification doesn't allow a layer (feature type) to be advertized in morethan one SRS. Also, there is no default SRS that applies to all layers by default in the OGC WFS spec. However, it is possible to have every layer in a WFS server advertized in a different SRS.Here is how MapServer decides the SRS to advertize and use for each layer in your WFS:If a top-level map SRS is defined* then this SRS is used and applies to all layers (feature types) in this•WFS. In this case the SRS of individual layers is simply ignored even if it's set.•If there is no top-level map SRS defined* then each layer is advertized in its own SRS in thecapabilities.By "SRS is defined", we mean either the presence of a PROJECTION object defined using an EPSG•code, or of a "wfs_srs" metadata at this level.Note that at the map top-level the "wfs_srs" metadata value takes precedence over the contents of the PROJECTION block.At the layer level, if both the wfs_srs metadata and the PROJECTION object are set to different values, thenthe wfs_srs metadata defines the projection to use in advertizing this layer (assuming there is no top-level map SRS), and the PROJECTION value is assumed to be the projection of the data. So this means that the datawould be reprojected from the PROJECTION SRS to the one defined in the wfs_srs metadata before beingserved to WFS clients.Confusing? As a rule of thumb, simply set the wfs_srs at the map level (in web metadata) and never set thewfs_srs metadata at the layer level and things will work fine for most cases.2.3 Test Your WFS Server2.3.1 Validate the Capabilities MetadataOK, now that we've got a mapfile, we have to check the XML capabilities returned by our server to make sure nothing is missing.Using a web browser, access your server's online resource URL to which you add the parameter"REQUEST=GetCapabilities" to the end, e.g. should return a document of MIME type application/vnd.ogc.wfs_xml, so your browser is likely going to prompt you to save the file. Save it and open it in a text editor (Emacs, Notepad, etc.)If everything went well, you should have a complete XML capabilities document. Search it for the word "WARNING"... MapServer inserts XML comments starting with "<!--WARNING: " in the XML output if it detects missing mapfile parameters or metadata items. If you notice any warning in your XML output thenyou have to fix all of them before you can register your server with a WFS client, otherwise things are likelynot going to work.Note that the SERVICE parameter is required for all WFS requests. When a request happens, it is passedthrough WMS, WFS, and WCS in MapServer (in that order) until one of the services respond to it.2.3.2 Test With a GetFeature RequestOK, now that we know that our server can produce a valid XML GetCapabilities response we should test the GetFeature request. Simply adding"SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=GetFeature&TYPENAME=yourlayername1,yourlayername2"to your server's URL should return the GML associated with those layers. Test with a Real ClientIf you have access to a WFS client, then register your new server's online resource with it and you should beoff and running.If you don't have your own WFS client installed already, here are a few pointers:MapServer itself can be used as a WFS client, see the WFS Client howto.••Deegree provides a WFS client.•uDig can add layers from WMS/WFS servers.The owsview Viewer Client Generator is an online application that allows users to validate WFS•Capabilities XML (it does not allow you to view WFS data).2.3.4 Support for GET and POST RequestsStarting from version 4.2 MapServer supports XML-encoded POST requests and GET requests. The default in MapServer is POST.2.3.5 Support for Filter EncodingStarting from version 4.2 MapServer supports Filter Encoding (FE) in WFS GetFeature requests. For more information on the server side of Filter Encoding see the Filter Encoding howto.3 Reference SectionThe following metadata are available in the setup of the WFS Server mapfile:NoteEach of the metadata below can also be referred to as 'ows_*' instead of 'wfs_*'. MapServer tries the 'wfs_*' metadata first, and if not found it tries the corresponding 'ows_*' name. Using this reduces the amount ofduplication in mapfiles that support multiple OGC interfaces since "ows_*" metadata can be used almost everywhere for common metadata items shared by multiple OGC interfaces.3.1 Web Object Metadataows_schemas_location•Description: (Optional) (Note the name ows_schemas_location and not wfs/_... this is because allOGC Web Services (OWS) use the same metadata) Root of the web tree where the family of OGCWFS XMLSchema files are located. This must be a valid URL where the actual .xsd files are locatedif you want your WFS output to validate in a validating XML parser. Default is. See for an example of a valid schematree.wfs_abstract•WFS TAG Name: Abstract (WFS 1.0.0, sect. 12.3.3)•Description: (Optional) Descriptive narrative for more information about the server.wfs_accessconstraints•WFS TAG Name: Accessconstraints (WFS 1.0.0, sect. 12.3.3)•Description: (Optional) Text describing any access constraints imposed by the service provider on the WFS or data retrieved from this service.wfs_encodingDescription: (Optional) XML encoding for all XML documents returned by the server. The default is •ISO-8859-1.wfs_feesWFS TAG Name: Fees (WFS 1.0.0, sect. 12.3.3)••Description: (Optional) Any fees imposed by the service provider for usage of this service or for data retrieved from the WFS.wfs_keywordlist•WFS TAG Name: Keyword (WFS 1.0.0, sect. 12.3.3)•Description: (Optional) List of words to aid catalog searching.wfs_maxfeatures•Description: (Optional) The number of elements to be returned by the WFS server. This has priority over the 'wfs_maxfeatures' parameter passed by the user. If the not set the current behaviour is notchanged.wfs_namespace_prefix•Description: (Optional) User defined namespace prefix to be used in the response of a WFSGetFeature request. e.g. "wfs_namespace_prefix" "someprefix".wfs_namespace_uriDescription: (Optional) User defined namespace URI to be used in the response of a WFS GetFeature •request. e.g. "wfs_namespace_uri" "http://somehost/someurl".wfs_onlineresource•WFS TAG Name: Onlineresource (WFS 1.0.0, sect. 12.3.3)•Description: (Recommended) The URL prefix for HTTP GET requests.wfs_service_onlineresourceDescription: (Optional) Top-level onlineresource URL. MapServer uses the onlineresource metadata •(if provided) in the following order:wfs_service_onlineresource1.2.ows_service_onlineresource3.wfs_onlineresource (or automatically generated URL, see the onlineresourcesection of this document)wfs_title•WFS TAG Name: Title (WFS 1.0.0, sect. 12.3.3)•Description: (Required) Human readable title to identify server.wfs_srs•Description: (Recommended) The SRS to use for all layers in this server. (e.g. EPSG:4326) See the notes below about the SRS rules in the WFS.3.2 Layer Objectgml_exclude_itemsDescription: (Optional) A comma delimited list of items to exclude. As of MapServer 4.6, you can •control how many attributes (fields) you expose for your data layer with metadata. The previousbehaviour was simply to expose all attributes all of the time. The default is to expose no attributes at all. An example excluding a specific field would be:"gml_include_items" "all""gml_exclude_items" "Phonenum"gml_featureid•Description: (Required for MapServer 4.10) Field to be used for the ID of the feature in the output GML. wfs_featureid or ows_feature_id can be specified instead.gml_groups•Description: (Optional) A comma delimited list of group names for the layer.gml_[group name]_group•Description: (Optional) A comma delimited list of attributes in the group. Here is an example:"gml_include_items" "all""gml_groups" "display""gml_display_group" "Name_e,Name_f"gml_include_items•Description: (Optional) A comma delimited list of items to include, or keyword "all". As ofMapServer 4.6, you can control how many attributes (fields) you expose for your data layer with this metadata. The previous behaviour was simply to expose all attributes all of the time. You can enable full exposure by using the keyword "all", such as:"gml_include_items" "all"You can specify a list of attributes (fields) for partial exposure, such as:"gml_include_items" "Name,ID"The new default behaviour is to expose no attributes at all.gml_[item name]_alias•Description: (Optional) An alias for an attribute's name. The served GML will refer to this attribute by the alias. Here is an example:"gml_province_alias" "prov"gml_[item name]_type•Description: (Optional) Specifies the type of the attribute. Valid values areInteger|Real|Character|Date|Boolean.gml_xml_items•Description: (Optional) A comma delimited list of items that should not be XML-encoded.wfs_abstractSame as wfs_abstract in the Web Object.•wfs_extent•Description: (Optional) Used for the layer's BoundingBox tag for cases where it is impossible (orvery inefficient) for MapServer to probe the data source to figure its extents. The value for thismetadata is "minx miny maxx maxy" separated by spaces, with the values in the layer's projectionunits. If wfs_extent is provided then it has priority and MapServer will NOT try to read the sourcefile's extents.wfs_featureidDescription: (Required for MapServer 4.10) Field to be used for the ID of the feature in the output •GML. gml_featureid or ows_feature_id can be specified instead.wfs_keywordlist•Same as wfs_keywordlist in the Web Object.wfs_metadataurl_formatDescription: (Optional) The file format of the metadata record. Valid values are "XML", "SGML", or •"HTML". The layer metadata wfs_metadataurl_type and wfs_metadataurl_href must also bespecified.refer to section 12.3.5 of the WFS 1.0.0 spec.•wfs_metadataurl_hrefDescription: (Optional) The URL to the layer's metadata. The layer metadata wfs_metadataurl_type •and wfs_metadataurl_format must also be specified.•refer to section 12.3.5 of the WFS 1.0.0 spec.wfs_metadataurl_typeDescription: (Optional) The standard to which the metadata complies. Currently only two types are •valid: "TC211" which refers to [ISO 19115], and "FGDC" which refers to [FGDC CSDGM]. Thelayer metadata wfs_metadataurl_format and wfs_metadataurl_href must also be specified.refer to section 12.3.5 of the WFS 1.0.0 spec.•wfs_srs•Description: If there is no SRS defined at the top-level in the mapfile then this SRS will be used to advertize this feature type (layer) in the capabilities. See the note below about the SRS rules in theWFS.wfs_title•Same as wfs_title in the Web Object.4 To-do Items and Known Limitations•This is just a basic WFS (read-only): transaction requests are not supported and probably never will given the nature of MapServer. GeoServer is recommended for those needing WFS-T support.•WFS spec. seems to require that features of a given feature type must all be of the same geometrytype (point, line, polygon). This works fine for shapefiles, but some data source formats supported by MapServer allow mixed geometry types in a single layer and this goes against the WFS spec.Suggestions on how to handle this are welcome (send suggestions to the MapServer-dev list, which you can join at /archives/mapserver-dev.html).5 About This Document5.1 Copyright InformationCopyright (c) 2005, Jean-Fran?ois Doyon, Jeff McKenna.This documentation is covered by the same Open Source license as the MapServer software itself. See MapServer's License and Credits page for the complete text.5.2 DisclaimerNo liability for the contents of this document can be accepted. Use the concepts, examples and other content at your own risk. As this is a new edition of this document, there may be errors and inaccuracies that may be damaging to your system. Although this is highly unlikely, the author(s) do not take any responsibility for that: proceed with caution.。