Revolution Counters Market Analysis in 2015


Analysis on the problems and countermeasures of China s bond market

Analysis on the problems and countermeasures of China s bond market

Analysis on the pr oblems and counter measures of China's bond mar ketAbs tract:Bond market is a place for issu-ing an d trading bonds,it is also an important part of the financial markets.Bond market is an inte-gral part of a country's fin ancial system,a mature and uniform bond market constitutes the basis for a national fin ancial markets.Bond market's dev elopment plays an important role in the pro-cess of marketization of Chinese financial sys-tem.The paper analyzed some problems in the bond market and gave some suggestions in de-veloping and perfecting China's bond market at the same time.Ke y words:bond,problem,co untermeau-res1.Brief de s cription of the bo nd ma rke tBond market is a p lace for issuing and trad-ing bonds,it is also an important part of the fi-nan cial markets.Bond market is an integ ral part of a country's finan cial system,a mature and uni-form bond market can afford low-risk invest-ment and financing tools for investors and fun d-raisers in the whole society;bo nd yield curve is the benchmark of all the financial pro-ceed s of goods in socio-economic level,there-fore,bond market is important carrier which can con duct Central Bank's monetary policy.2.Cu rren t s itu ation of bo nd m arket's de-velop me nt i n Ch i n a2.1Issuin g scare rap idly expandedChina's bond market has experienced sev-eral ups and downs in the end of last century,the issuing scale in1990's was small and the growth was unstable.Since the beg inning of21st centu-ry,the issuance scare of China's bond market has enjoy ed a rapid growth,especially for enterprise bond market in2009,showing a trend of rapid dev elopment,offering nearly$ 1.6trillion,in-creased by79.66%compared to the same period last year,meanwhile,corporate bonds,especially local government bond also issued nearly300 times more than ev er before.2.2Diversification of issuing structureIn the first half of2009-2010,there have been great changes in China's bond varieties. Floating rate MTN,medium-term notes with terms of redemption terms and accompanied by a back progressive rate,SME collection bills and within dollar medium-term note were in public for the first time in2009;medium-term bills which issued by guarantee also av ailable for the first time.2.3Relative concentration of bond distribu-tionG fj f y fN y ment bonds while issuance scale of corporatebond was small,so it showed the basic character-istic of"strong government bon d s,weak corpo-rate bonds".Mo st bonds were concentrated in in-dustrial areas in terms of b o nds'industry distri-bution,the prop ortion reached39.21%,follo wedby the financial sector which size was19.81%.From th e distribution area of bond,by2010,re-gional d istribution of China's bond was generallyas:bonds focused on North China reached38.78%,East China32.93%,bond markets inless dev eloped central and western regions weremore backward.2.4Overall bond credit rating higherChina's b ond credit rating system has un-dergone major changes in2009,this has pro mpt-ed migration of some enterprise bond cred it rat-ing.a total of94credit migration happened in2009,92of them increased cred it level with onlytwo reduced it,however,almost all bonds wereat AA credit level or above.3.Prob l e m s i n China's bo nd ma rke t3.1Small size of the marketChina's bond market still had large gapscompared to other emerging economies such asthe United States and Japan judging from the rel-ativ e size.At th e end of2009,United States'to-tal bond balance was approximately1.8times ofGDP,Japan's was about 2.3times of GDP,France and Korea's were both about1.1times ofGDP,Malaysia and Singapore were also morethan80%,however,chin a's was only for52.5%,less than one-fourth of Japan's,one-third of Un it-ed States',one-second of France and Korea's,on-ly60%of Malaysia and Singapore's.3.2Lack of liquidity in the marketChina's bond market was still lack of liquid-ity although it was expanded rapidly in recenty ears,China's bond market's year exchang e ratewere all below2.5from1997to2009,th e rev-enue of interbank managed market reached11.2452trillion y uan at the end of2009whilethe trading volu me of coupon was10.9216tril-lion y uan a year,annual exchange rate was only118%.United States'treasury balances reached4.5436trillio n$in2009,trading volumes wasup to180trillion fo r the year,furthermore,ex-chang e rate was as high as46.T his indicated thatthe market's transaction in china was not active.3.3Unbalanced development of bond mar-ketThe structure of China's bond market wasimbalance over the years,government b onds ac-counted for60%of the total bond market,finan-f35%,5%,ffporate bond market,corporate bonds market wasparticularly lagging behind.China's bond marketassets totaled$8.7trillion at the end of2009,only accounted for35.3%of GDP that year,wellbelow the levels in mature markets abroad.Chi-nese bond market structure was also un reason-able,g overnment bonds,policy-oriented finan-cial bonds and the average financial bonds ac-counted for90.3%in the total amount of theChinese bo nd market at the end of2009,corpo-rate bonds totaled only425.233billion dollars,accounted for5.2%of the total amount of thebond market,other new products such as as-set-backed secu rities,convertible bonds account-ed fo r only4.6%.3.4Low efficiency of regulationOperating mechanism of China's bond mar-ket was largely co ntrolled by g overnment,sothere were more difficulties in operating marketmechanism.there are more than one manage-ment sector in terms of issuing sy stems and dif-ferent departments'approval ru les vary greatly,this created different bond issuing approval stan-dards.In addition,corporate bonds'issuing wasg enerally continued to follow the lines of admin-istrative approval system;Lack of liquidity oftreasury bonds market and incomplete of they ield curve resulted in lacking of necessary inter-est rate benchmark in bonds'issuance and trad-ing,thes e factors impeding the development ofthe bond market to a certain extent.There are al-so a lot of problems in terms of bond tradingmechanisms.Bond trading was less efficient andhigh in liquidity costs due to less connectivity a-mong interbank bon d market,exchange bondmarket and the banking coun ter bond market.4.Coun term eas u re s an d s u gge s tions onperfecti n g China's b ond m arket4.1Increase ty pe of bondsThere is no real sense of corporate bonds inthe market in addition to a small amount of con-v ertible bonds in China,the new revision of thecompany law and securities law almost had norestrictions on corporate-bond issuers.In order todevelop corporate bonds we should straightenout the release mechanism and make release con-ditions according to the market requirements;improv ing credit rating system,establishing in-v estor v oting online rating system,mon itoringmoral hazard of rating agencies;implementingissue sponsor system,dealers should take on sec-ondary market-making obligatio ns,improvingmarket liquidity as well as controlling moral haz-ard;acceleratin g corporate bond's variety inno-,,f;fy,文/冀源溪詹露overnment bonds represent a si g ni icant adv antag e udging rom the bod o the bonds. ew bonds issued i n2009were mostl govern-cial bonds accounted or around while cor-porate bonds was less than.treasuri es and i-nancial bond markets developed aster than cor-v ation introduci ng credit m ortgage bonds andloating rat e bonds improving in orm ati on dis-closure and securi t mechani sms prot ecting in-24(上接第7页)益有矛盾,对待公司股利政策的态度也不一样。

kiosk 词根 -回复

kiosk 词根 -回复

kiosk 词根-回复Kiosk is a word derived from the Turkish word "köşk," meaning a small pavilion or a gazebo. Over time, it has come to refer to a small, freestanding structure that provides goods or services to the public. In this article, we will delve into the rich history and various functions of kiosks, examining their evolution and impact on the modern world.The concept of the kiosk dates back centuries, with the earliest known examples originating in Ancient Egypt and Persia. These structures served as market stalls or information booths and were typically made from stone or clay. Their purpose was to provide a central point of access for goods or information in bustling marketplaces or public spaces.As time progressed, kiosks began to take on different forms and functions in various cultures around the world. In medieval Europe, for instance, kiosks were often known as "market houses" and were used as gathering places for traders and merchants. These structures facilitated economic activity and became central to the development of early-market systems.The concept of the modern kiosk flourished during the industrial revolution. As cities grew larger and more crowded, the need for organized spaces to provide specific goods and services to the public became apparent. Kiosks began to take shape asself-contained units, often made from metal or wood, with windows or counters to display goods. They could be found in parks, train stations, and busy streets, offering a wide range of products such as newspapers, cigarettes, and food.One of the most well-known early examples of a modern kiosk is the newsstand. In the late 19th century, newsstands began popping up in cities around the world, facilitating the distribution of newspapers and magazines. These kiosks played a vital role in disseminating information and shaping public opinion.With the advent of technology in the 20th century, kiosks took on a new dimension. The introduction of telephones, computers, and vending machines transformed the functionality and accessibility of kiosks. Telecommunication kiosks provided public access to payphones, enabling individuals to make calls when away from home. Vending machines allowed people to purchase snacks, beverages, and other everyday essentials with ease.In recent years, kiosks have continued to evolve, with digital technology revolutionizing their capabilities. Interactive touch screens have become commonplace, allowing users to engage directly with kiosks for information, entertainment, or transactions. These digital kiosks can be seen in various settings, from shopping malls and airports to museums and hospitals. They offer services like ticket sales, wayfinding, and self-checkouts, enhancing convenience and efficiency for both businesses and consumers.The ubiquity of smartphones and the rise of e-commerce might lead one to question the relevance of kiosks in today's world. However, kiosks remain an essential part of the retail landscape and public infrastructure. They provide a physical presence, immediacy, and personalized interaction that cannot be replicated online. Additionally, kiosks are often designed for self-service, reducing the need for human staff and streamlining operations.Kiosks have also proven to be adaptable and versatile. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, kiosks have played a crucial role in implementing safety measures in various industries. Temperature check kiosks have been deployed in airports, hospitals, andworkplaces to screen individuals for fever as a potential symptom of the virus. Similarly, self-checkout kiosks in grocery stores have minimized human contact and helped enforce social distancing measures.In conclusion, kiosks have a long and rich history that spans across cultures and time periods. What started as simple market stalls in ancient civilizations has evolved into sophisticated,technology-driven structures that serve the needs of modern society. Whether providing a platform for communication, distributing goods, or offering interactive experiences, kiosks continue to play a vital role in enhancing convenience, efficiency, and connectivity in various sectors.。


的基础上ꎬ Amaldoss ( 2005) 将消费者分为两类: 领导型消费者和跟随型消费者ꎬ 其中领导型消
费者会将自身的需求放在首位ꎬ 更在意产品的独特性和新颖性ꎬ 产品效用会随购买人数增加而降
2024 年卷第 2 辑 ( 总第 53 辑)
低ꎻ 跟随型消费者则把其他消费者的期望或行为作为自己行为参照的准则ꎬ 进而在自己的产品评
Luojia Management Review
2024 年卷第 2 辑 ( 总第 53 辑)
No 2ꎬ 2024 ( Sum 53)

•冯文婷1 李 洁2 沈先运2 刘陈陵2
(1 中国地质大学 ( 武汉) 珠宝学院 武汉 430074ꎻ
侈品品牌热衷于投身可持续性实践活动ꎬ 开发可持续奢侈品的生产线ꎬ 可持续奢侈品日益成为一种
新的时尚潮流 ( Li & Leonasꎬ 2019) ꎮ
可持续奢侈品是指符合环保诉求ꎬ 具有节能、 无害等可持续属性或相关联的奢侈品ꎮ 现有研究
表明ꎬ 消费者对于可持续奢侈品存在两种矛盾态度: 一方面ꎬ “ 可持续” 与自我超越、 道德和利他主
目ꎻ 阿玛尼则承诺 2020 年起避免在生产过程中使用危险化学品ꎻ 古驰也在 2017 年宣布不再使用一切
动物皮草ꎮ 此外ꎬ 在全球可持续时尚峰会上ꎬ 宝格丽首席执行官提出: “ 作为一个奢侈品品牌ꎬ 宝格
丽以其可持续性发展的品牌理念为傲ꎬ 在每一个经营环节中坚持合乎道德的生产准则” ꎮ 这表明ꎬ 奢
实验二验证消费者心理需求 ( 分化、 同化) 和奢侈品环保信息 ( 可持续、 非可持续) 的匹配一致性


w w’ S
Labour Markets
• The Keynesian Labour Market
– Wage bargaining is about money wages not real wages – Wage bargaining cannot determine the real wage as price level changes may occur – Workers react differently to a cut in real wages caused by price level increases than to cuts in money wage rates – Workers resist money wage cuts – Importance of relative position, no union will want to accept wage cuts in case others do not
Keynesian Labour Market
Money wages S
w D D’ n’ n N
Involuntary employment exists because of downwardly inflexible money wage rates.
ISSUE: Is this assumption critical to the Keynesian analysis?
Keynes’ Critique of the Classical Postulates: II
• The Classical theory of the interest rate, savings and investment



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Here is the way the marketing revolur tion came about at Pillsbury. The experi;35
January 1960
ence of this company has followed a typical pattern. There has been nothing unique, and each step in the evolution of the marketing concept I'.as been taken in a way that is more meaningful because the steps are, in fact, typical. Today in our company the marketing concept finds expression in the simple statement, "Nothing happens at Pillsbury until a sale is made." This statement represents basic reorJentation on the part of our management. For, not too many years ago, the ordering of functions in our business placed finance first, production second, and sales lastHow did we arrive at our present point of view? Pilisbury's progress in the marketing revolution divides neatly into four separate eras—eras which parallel rather closely the classic pattern of development in the marketing revolution. Tst ERA—PRODUCTION ORIENTED First came the era of manufacturing. It began with the formation of the company in 1869 and continued into the 1930s. It is significant that the idea for the formation of our company came from the availability of high-quality wheat and the proximity of water power—and not from the availability and proximity of growing major market areas, or the demand for better, less expensive, more convenient flour products. Of course, these elements were potentially present. But the two major elements which fused in the mind of Charles A. Pillsbury and prompted him to invest his modest capital in a flour mill were, on the one hand, wheat, and, on the other hand, water power. His principal concern was with production, not marketing. His thought and judgment were typical of the business thinking of his day. And such thinking was adequate and proper for the times. Our company philosc>phy in this era might have been stated this way: "We are professional Hour millers. Blessed with a supply of the finest North American wheat, plenty of water power, and excellent milling machinery, we produce flour of the highest quality. Our basic function is to mill high-quality floUr, and of course

Retail Revolution

Retail Revolution

The retail industry is undergoing a major revolution, driven by technological advancements and changing consumer behavior.Traditional brick-and-mortar stores are facing stiff competitionfrom e-commerce giants like Amazon, as well as from smaller online businesses. This has forced retailers to adapt and innovate in order to survive in the rapidly evolving market.One of the biggest changes in the retail industry is the shifttowards omnichannel retailing. This approach integrates thedifferent shopping channels – such as physical stores, online stores, and mobile apps – to provide a seamless and consistent experiencefor customers. Retailers are investing in technology to connecttheir various sales channels and provide customers with flexible options for purchasing and receiving their products.Another key aspect of the retail revolution is the rise ofpersonalized shopping experiences. With the help of big data and artificial intelligence, retailers can now analyze customer behavior and preferences to offer personalized product recommendations and targeted marketing campaigns. This not only enhances the shopping experience for customers but also helps retailers increase sales and customer loyalty.Furthermore, the concept of sustainability and ethical consumerismis gaining traction in the retail industry. Consumers are becoming more conscious of the environmental and social impact of their purchases, leading retailers to rethink their sourcing andproduction processes. Many retailers are now offering eco-friendlyand ethically produced products, as well as implementing sustainable practices in their operations.In addition, the rise of mobile shopping and contactless paymentshas further transformed the retail landscape. Consumers areincreasingly using their smartphones to browse and purchase products, and retailers are leveraging mobile technology to offer convenientand secure payment options.Overall, the retail revolution is reshaping the way consumers shopand the way retailers operate. It is pushing retailers to embrace technology, prioritize customer experience, and align with ethicaland sustainable practices in order to stay competitive in the ever-changing retail market. As the industry continues to evolve, it will be crucial for retailers to stay agile and innovative to meet the demands of modern consumers.。


关键词:休谟问题 密尔逻辑 随机试验 统计控制 个案 三点定位
科学研究的终极目标是理论解释,对现象的描述和分类是前科学 阶段。所谓科学理论,是关于超脱具体现象的一般性概念和命题系统, 不仅能够说明是什么,还能够说明为什么。如牛顿力学,解释苹果垂直 落地、行星运行轨迹等。社会科学虽然有很大的特殊性,描述性研究占 据很大份额,但理论解释仍然是其最高目标( Merton,1968) 。
到此,我们看到休谟因果概念的张力。一方面,休谟将因果概念剖 析得干干净净,只剩下经验关联。但是,经验关联不具备必然性,必然 性是人类对经验关联的心理印象,是人类的思维习惯。另一方面,休谟 强调必然性是因果概念的最重要因素,是因果推论的基础,没有必然 性,就无法从原因推诸结果( Hume,2005 /1739:129) 。用今天的话说, 休谟所谓必然性联系就是普遍性因果规律和一般性理论。规律必须具 备普遍性,至少一定程度的普遍性,否则就不能称其为规律。恒定关联 与必然联系之间的张力就是经验与理论之间的矛盾。如果人类放弃对 普遍性定律的执著,休谟的归纳问题也就不存在了。但是,人类不满足 于有限理论,而是不断地探索更具普遍性的统一理论。
社会科学的理论解释包括两类风格:因果解释( explanation) 和意 义阐释( interpretation) 。解释性( 因果解释) 研究力图揭示社会现象发 生的原因,而意释性( 意义阐释) 研究则阐释行动的文化意义。我认 为,因果解释和意义阐释并不矛盾,相反,意义互动恰恰是社会因果机 制的特点。所以,无论是解释性理论,还是意释性理论,因果命题都是 必不可少的。除了少数历史社会学家声称只做历史描述、揭示个案的 特殊性、避免因果分析( 如 Bendix,1956) ,纯粹的描述性研究并不多 见,众多学者致力于对现象的因果解释,甚至寻求普遍性因果定律( 如



201543006-Y-1-2-RMF-PM-115AYou name it...we can control it,measure it, monitor it and count it.Industrial ControlsProduct FocusSince 1879, the single dedicated focus of Durant Products has been:Provide dependableand innovative industrial control solutions to the global marketplace.More than a century ago,Durant started with thedevelopment and application of mechanical counters for use in flour production. The Durantproduct meter quickly became the standard across all industries. Even today, the simple, but effective,technology developed andpatented by Walter Durant is still being used. The spirit of innovation has sustained Durant’s growth.The Company has adapted to,and helped define, new market needs. T oday, Durant is a leading engineering and manufacturing operation providing intelligent machine controls as well as traditional mechanical and electromechanical counters.Custom Questions Require Custom AnswersSince every Durant customer is one-of-a-kind, we address product and service needs in the same spirit. We are an effective solution provider, a quality productdeveloper, and a manufacturer.Our top-drawer engineering staff understands the intricacies of the field. Their superior skills go into every new product innovation and every customer need. Durant solutions can be supplied asstand-alone products or integrated into a system.Making YouMore ProductiveOur operation is set up to be convenient and helpful to you. Durant has an international sales network, readily available application and marketmanagement engineering staff,and a workplace ethic thatsupports seeking the best solution for your needs. Our Watertown,Functional OrientationOur broad range of products is grouped according to thefunctional needs you have. We know that you come to us with needs, not model numbers.Innovative Control SolutionsOur Design Engineers use state-of-the-art AutoCAD technology.Component leads are formed prior to insertion into PCBs.2D u r a n tT able of ContentsPages 4-6T otalizers – Electronic Pages 7-9T otalizers – Mechanical and Electromechanical Pages 10-13Count Controls Pages 14-15Ratemeters Pages 16-17TimersPages 18-19Digital Panel Meters Pages 20-21Flow T otalizers/Transmitters and Controls Pages 22-23T emperatureControls/Indicators Pages 24-25Special Function ControlsPages 26-29Specialty Products Pages 30-33Transducers Pages 34-39AccessoriesE4024005330040057701480576014005881140057810400Limit SwitchRaw Parts ManufacturingProcessFinishedPartsFlow SensorT otalizer/RatemeterLiquidT otalizers – Mechanical and Electromechanical Mechanical TotalizersX Series StrokeLight Duty Stroke andRevolution Counters•1⁄8″diameter stainless steel shaft•Plastic frame and cover•4 or 5 digits•Overall size 31⁄16″x 17⁄16″x 13⁄8″D Series RevolutionMedium Duty Stroke andRevolution Counters•5⁄16″diameter stainless steel shaft•Metal frame and metal cover•4, 5, or 6 digits•Overall size 311⁄16″x 35⁄8″x 2″H Series RevolutionHeavy Duty Stroke andRevolution Counters•5⁄16″diameter stainless steel shaft•Plastic frame and metal cover•5 or 6 digits•Overall size 717⁄64″x 21⁄4″x 249⁄64″Electromechanical TotalizersSE SeriesSubminiature Electric•6 digit non-reset•Various mounting configurations•AC or DC voltages•600 CPM•Overall size 1.306″x 1″x 2.163″RMF SeriesHeavy Duty Industrial•6 and 7 digit resettable•Various mounting configurations•AC or DC voltages•Three different count speeds available– MF 750 CPM– RMF1000 CPM– YE 1800 - 2400 CPM•Overall size 311⁄16″x 11⁄4″x 29⁄16″ME SeriesMiniature Electric•4 or 6 digit resettable,6or7digit non-resettable•Various mounting configurationsbased on numbers of digits•AC or DC voltages•1000 CPM•Overall size 2.25″x 2.45″x 1.80″7MECHANICAL TOTALIZERS SELECTION CHARTAll totalizers listed are base mounted.All forward reverse actions are stroke counters. All revolution totalizers are either CL (clockwise) rotation or AC (anti-clockwise) rotation.All revolution totalizers count down when shaft rotation is reversed.Catalog Order StrokeShaft Number Number DigitsDirectionExtensionRotation Ratio Reset X Series Stroke 4-X-1-1-R 402634014Forward Right 1:1Knob 4-X-1-1-L 402634004Forward Left 1:1Knob 4-X-1-1-R-REV 402634024Reverse Right 1:1Knob 5-X-1-1-R 402724025Forward Right 1:1Knob 5-X-1-1-L 402724015Forward Left 1:1Knob 5-X-1-1-R-REV 402724035Reverse Right 1:1Knob 4-X-2216194004Forward NA 1:1Knob 4-X-2-A332454004ForwardNA1:1Knob X Series Revolution 4-X-7-1-R-CL 1:1402704074Right CL 1:1Knob 4-X-7-1-R-CL 10:1402704034Right CL 10:1Knob 4-X-7-1-R-AC 1:1402704054Right AC 1:1Knob 4-X-7-1-R-AC 10:1402704014Right AC 10:1Knob 4-X-7-1-L-CL 1:1402704064Left CL 1:1Knob 4-X-7-1-L-CL 10:1 402704024Left CL 10:1Knob 5-X-7-1-R-CL 10:1402754035Right CL 10:1Knob 5-X-7-1-R-AC 10:1402754015RightAC10:1Knob D Series Stroke 4-D-1-1-R 342694014Forward Right 1:1Knob 5-D-1-1-R 342694025Forward Right 1:1Knob 5-D-1-1-L 342694065Forward Left 1:1Knob 6-D-1-1-R342694036ForwardRight1:1Knob D Series Revolution 5-D-6-1-CL 310524045Front/rear CL 1:1Knob 5-D-6-1-AC 310524015Front/rear AC1:1Knob 5-D-7-1-R-CL 311274315Right CL 1:1Knob 5-D-7-1-R-AC 311274005Right AC 1:1Knob 5-D-7-1-L-CL 311274085Left CL 1:1Knob 5-D-7-1-L-AC 311274055Left AC 1:1Knob 5-D-7-3-R-CL 311274385Right CL 1:1None 5-D-7-3-L-AC 311274125LeftAC 1:1None H Series Stroke 5-H-1-1-R 402054005Forward Right 1:1Knob 5-H-1-1-R-RP 402054045Forward Right 1:1Knob 5-H-1-1-R-REV 005974005Reverse Right 1:1Knob 5-H-1-1-L 402054015Forward Left 1:1Knob 5-H-1-2-R 402064045Forward Right 1:1Key 5-H-1-2-R-RP 402064005Forward Right 1:1Key 5-H-1-2-L402064055ForwardLeft1:1Key H Series Revolution 5-H-7-1-R-CL 00513400 5 Right CL1:1Knob 5-H-7-1-R-AC 005144005Right AC 1:1Knob 5-H-7-1-L-CL 005094005Left CL 1:1Knob 5-H-7-1-L-AC005104005LeftAC 1:1Knob8T otalizers – Mechanical and Electromechanical(continued)D u r a n tE4148790E4148792E4148791577014815883140057601401Count Controls – Electronic(continued)ELECTRONIC COUNT CONTROLS SELECTION CHARTOrder Batch Main Crop Display Relays AnalogNumber T otalizer Counter Presets Rate Cut Digits Color Transistors Output DescriptionElectronic 2 Line LCD DisplayE414879016G1/0Single Preset Battery poweredE414879116G1/0Single Preset CounterE4148792•26G1/0Dual Preset or Single Preset with BatchAC/DC Powered, LED Display57700481••2••6R2/09-30 VDC powered57700483••2••6R2/0•9-30 VDC powered57700485••2••6R2/09-30 VDC powered, RS-48557700487••2••6R2/0•9-30 VDC powered, RS-48557701481••2••6R2/085-265 VAC powered57701483••2••6R2/0•85-265 VAC powered57701485••2••6R2/085-265 VAC powered, RS-48557701487••2••6R2/0•85-265 VAC powered, RS-485AC/DC Powered, LED Display578204001•5R1/1115 VACNo Comm. Rate Control Mode Available 5882140015R1/1Single Preset with Scaling588254001•5R1/1Single Preset with Scaling and Rate5883140025R2/2Dual Preset with Scaling58841400•2•6R2/5Dual Preset with Batch58851400x x2•6R2/5May have Preset Batch Counter orT otalizer Counter 5886140036R2/5Preset 1 & 2 may be used asFloating Prewarn 58827400>> 1 ea•6R2/5Main Counter, Batch & T otalizer Presets58827410<><> 1 ea•6R2/5 2 Independent Count Registers58867400•2••6R2/5High Speed Count Control - 30 kHz MaxAC/DC Powered, 2 Line LCD Display576014011••6G1/2Single Preset with Rate, 115 VAC576014511••6R1/2Single Preset with Rate, 115 VAC57601402••1••6/8G1/2Single Preset with RateBatch & T otalizer, 115 VAC 57601452••1••6/8R1/2Single Preset with Rate,Batch & T otalizer, 115 VAC 576014032••6G2/2Dual Preset with Rate, 115 VAC576014532••6R2/2Dual Preset with Rate, 115 VAC57601404••2••6/8G2/2Dual Preset with Rate,Batch & T otalizer, 115 VAC 57601454••2••6/8R2/2Dual Preset with Rate,Batch & T otalizer, 115 VAC 57600405••4••6/8G2/2Four Preset with Rate,Batch & T otalizer, 10 - 15 VDC 57601405••4••6/8G2/2Four Preset with Rate,Batch & T otalizer, 115 VAC 57602405••4••6/8G2/2Four Preset with Rate,Batch & T otalizer, 230 VAC 57601455••4••6/8R2/2Four Preset with Rate,Batch & T otalizer, 115 VACG =Green; R=Redx =These models have, in addition to the main count register, a register that may be configured to be used as either a totalizer or single preset batch counter. These two functions are mutually exclusive.> =Model has both a totalizer and a batch counter each with a single preset. In addition, the batch counter may be configured as an additional totalizer with control instead of batch counter.<> =Model has two completely independent count input channels feeding two, independent, single preset count registers. In addition, a third single preset register may be used as either a totalizer or a batch counter for one or both of the two main counters.1241433406D u r a n t533004045770147057151405D u r a n tau Ratemeter - Extended T emperature Range au Ratemeter - Extended T emperature Range otalizer/Ratemeter with Magnetic Pickup Input au RatemeterDual input rate/ratio/draw with alarms and analog out Dual input rate/ratio/draw with alarms and analog out Dual input rate/ratio/draw with alarms and analog out Single input, alarms, analog out Single input, alarms, RS-485Single input, analog out, RS-485Single input, alarms, analog out, RS-485Single input, alarms, analog out Single input, alarms, RS-485Single input, analog out, RS-485Single input, alarms, analog out, RS-485E4148791E42DIRE42DI2475E42DIE42AF E42DP55E42DP5057701400D u r a n t577514005330040557751411D u r a n tE452457701460E4548D u r a n t5442040056460400D u r a n tsingle axis position control. report generation. The feet/inches totalizer displays572014205760146557810402D u r a n t5886840057401400588684123456789MOVEHOMEPOSITION Stepper MotorStepper MotorControlEncoderFUNCTION+/-DWELL RUN MOVE DWELLPOSITIONJOG-JOG+FAST RE CALL START STOPENTERP r o d uc t P r e s e n t S t a r t /S t op D i r e c t i o n F a st /S l o w Sawblade Positioning ApplicationIn the sawblade positioning application the saw is mounted to a ball screw that is turned by a motorized drive system. The ball screw has a 100 pulse per revolution shaft encoder mounted to it.Motion is tracked through the selection of a quadrature encoder.The operator selects the position to move the saw to by pressing one of the move register or home position buttons on the Durant motion controller. When a piece of material is in the machine and the operator presses the remote Start Button, the Durant unit will configure the Run, Forward/Reverse, and Fast outputs to cause the stepper control to move the saw to the correct position.Specialty Products(continued)28SPECIALTY PRODUCTS SELECTION CHARTOrder Number DescriptionProductivity Monitor 57201420Productivity monitor, 115 VAC57201421Productivity monitor, 8 reason inputs, 115 VAC 57202420Productivity monitor, 230 VAC57202421Productivity monitor, 8 reason inputs, 230 VAC Feet/Inches T otalizer57810402Feet / inches totalizer Feet/Inches Control 57601415Feet / inches control, green display, 115 VAC 57601465Feet / inches control, red display, 115 VAC 57602415 Feet / inches control, green display, 230 VAC 57602465Feet / inches control, red display, 230 VAC Closed Loop Speed Control57401400Speed control, 1 preset, 115 VAC 57401401Speed control, 2 presets, 115 VAC 57402400Speed control, 1 preset, 230 VAC 57402401Speed control, 2 presets, 230 VAC Single Axis Position Control58868400Single axis position controlRaw PartsManufacturing ProcessD u r a n tRotary Contactor•No power required•Reed switch output models for electronic counters•Contact closure output•Leaf switch output models forelectromechanical counters•5⁄16″double shaft, 2400 RPM maximum at 1:1 ratio•Standard ratios: 1:1, 1:3, 1:10, 10:1, 12:1, 1:3.28(counts: revolution)•12″wire leads•Mounting bracket accessory•Measuring wheel accessoryVane Pickup•10-15 VDC input power•35mA current draw•10-foot shielded cable•Environmentally sealed•3000 Hz maximum speed31Durant 394004003910040039100400 shown with mounting bracketand measuring wheel.Automatic inline T akaya testing assures only good boards get tofinal assembly.D u r a n tcable Connector, encoder, no cable C-Face sensor, motor size 56C C-Face sensor, motor sizes 143TC,C-Face sensor, motor sizes 182TC,C-Face sensor, motor sizes 254TC, 256TC30-tooth gear for mag pick-upD u r a n t15 VDC Power Supply•120 VAC, 50/60 Hz power input•15 ±1VDC at 300mA maximum output•50mV peak to peak ripple•2.25 x 1.75 x 3.5 inches (W x H x D)Simultaneous Input Processor•Ensures that all counts are recorded when multiplecount sources are required•Count pulses can occur simultaneously•All accumulated count pulses are sent out serially•15 VDC input power•8 count inputs•120 Hz maximum count input speed per input•NPN transistor output•4.25 x 4.5 x 1.75 inches (W x H x D)Surge Suppressor•The installation of suppression devices on inductiveloads is required in industrial control applications.•Suppressors will extend the life of relay contacts andreduce the effects of electrical noise on electroniccount controls.•T ypical inductive loads that require suppressioninclude solenoids, solenoid valves, relay coils, motorstarters, and small motors.•More than one suppressor can be wired in parallel withlarge inductors where one suppressor is not sufficient.Barcode Scanner•CCD array optics system•50 scans per second•2.3″field width•5 VDC input power•9600 baud rate•6-ft. coiled cable•RS-232 output4975040049990408380914005890140037DurantD u r a n t201543006-Y-1-2-RMF-PM-115A。



有效市场假说英文名词解释The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) is a theory that suggests that financial markets are efficient and that asset prices already reflect all available information. This means that it is impossible to consistently achieve higher than average returns in the market, as all relevant information is already factored into stock prices. The EMH is based on the idea that in an efficient market, competition among investors will cause existing information to be reflected in stock prices quickly and accurately.EMH is commonly categorized into three forms: weak form, semi-strong form, and strong form. The weak form EMH suggests that all past trading information is already reflected in stock prices, meaning that technical analysis cannot be used to consistently outperform the market. The semi-strong form EMH goes further to suggest that all publicly available information is already reflected in stock prices, making fundamental analysis ineffective. The strong form EMH asserts that all information, both public and private, is already reflected in stock prices, makinginsider trading and other forms of informational advantage impossible.The implications of the EMH are significant for investors, as it suggests that it is extremely difficult to consistently beat the market. This has led to the rise of index funds and passive investing, as many investors believe that it is more rational to simply track the market rather than trying to beat it.有效市场假说(EMH)是一种理论,认为金融市场是高效的,资产价格已经反映了所有可获得的信息。



System Solutions ForThe Steel IndustryY our Resource For Motion Control Components, Systems and SolutionsThe Steel Industry: A FocusParker means components, systems and partnerships that workParker is committed to offeringthe steel industry the mostcomprehensive array of motioncontrol products and technologies.We are continuously evaluatingindustry requirements anddeveloping new products tomeet current and futuresteel industry needs.Industry LeaderParker is a leading supplier ofcomponents and systems tosteel manufacturers worldwide.The breadth and depth of ourproduct lines allow us to offerthe steel industry the appropriatehardware to meet any applicationor requirement. And, ourengineers will help specifyand evaluate the productsyou need for your specific steelmanufacturing needs. Parkeris the name to count on for qualityproducts, on-time delivery andcomprehensive technical support.tiseEngineering ExperEngineering ExpertiseParker offers unparalleledtechnical assistance andsupport. Our dedicated salesand application engineers willwork with you throughout thedesign process to optimizeproduct value. We don’t justwant you to use our componentsand systems - we want youto use them effectively.V endor ReductionMany suppliers talk about singlesourcing, but no one is betterequipped to provide it thanParker. We can supply all ofthe hydraulic, pneumatic andelectromechanical componentsyour application requires. Thissingle sourcing allows you tosave on time and money. Justone more reason to buy Parker.Instrumentation GroupAerospace GroupSeal GroupClimate & Industrial Controls GroupFluid Connectors GroupAutomation GroupHydraulics GroupFiltration GroupProducts For Any ApplicationParker makes over 500,000 parts to meet your system needsParker — Providing The Steel Industry With Complete System Solutions.Everyone knows Parker is the leading motion controlcomponent supplier to the steel industry. Nowwe’re going one stepfurther…by putting our70 years of applicationengineering expertise to work for you as the single source solution for yourentire motion controlsystem. Y ou know the ‘Steel Industry’, and we know ‘Motion Control’.Our sales engineers will work with your designers to bring together all of the hydraulic, pneumatic,and electromechanical components necessary to make the ideal system for you.Proportional Control Directional ControlInsert Cartridge ValvesElectrohydraulic Working with Parker brings many benefits,including quality products, system integrity, worldwide distribution, extensive field support, unequaled customer service,as well as shortened product lead times,simplified ordering and more efficient shipping.But most importantly,with the assistance of Parker’s application engineers, you can be sure that the ‘Motion Control’ capability of your new system willmeet and exceed both your specifications...and your expectations.Pneumatic TubingStandard products available in Polyethylene, polypropylene,nylon, polyurethane, Teflon ®,and vinyl. Available in a variety of colors with thermoplastic and brass fitting connections.1/8" through 2 1/2" hydraulicand pneumatic quickcouplings are available insingle and double shut-off.Available in steel, stainlesssteel and brass.Vacuum to 60,000 psi (414MPa). Sizes from 1/8 in. to 2in. (3mm to 51mm) I.D. in bothrubber and thermoplastic.Steel braided or spiralreinforcements.Hydraulic and pneumatic tie-rod design provides torque upto 600,000 lb-in. and rotationto 720°. PolyPak piston sealsand wearbands eliminateleakage and cylinder scoring.Wide variety of tube andhose fittings and adapters areavailable, including flare, bite-type and O-ring face sealfittings. Materials includesteel, stainless steeland brass.Non-tie rod design providesdurability in torque sizes to50,000,000 lb-in. Rotationsup to 360°. Large diametertapered roller bearings supportthe pinion. 3000 psi workingpressure and 6000 psi proof.High quality CPI and A-LokTube Fittings for the mostdemanding process controland instrumentationapplications. Availablein a variety of materials.Skinner, Lucifer and GoldRing™ solenoid valvescontrol fluids and gases;Sinclair Collins valvescontrol high pressure waterhydraulics, descaling,and steam.Manual, pneumatically andelectrically actuated ballvalves, check valves, andmanifold configured valvesare among those available.Prolong component life.Proper filtration use doubles warranty on all Parker pneumatic products in the system.High starting torque, high volumetric efficiency and long life. Pressures to 4000 psi intermittent,torques to 15,000 lb-in and displacements to 67.3 in 3 par revolution.Maximum operating speeds to 6000 rpm, pressures to 3600 psi and displacements to 250 cc per revolution.Reversible motors with external case drainsare standard.High flow, fast response air valves with W earC ompensating S ystem (WCS )feature ISO standard and plug-in style mounting for simplified installation and reduced wear.Serial interfacecommunications that allow banks of directional control valves to be driven from a PC or PLC. Hydraulic and pneumatic styles available.Bladder and Pistonaccumulators, Gas Bottles,and ParVent HydraulicResevoir Isolators available.Piston pumps for water glycol,synthetics and mineral oils.Displacements to 250 cc per revolution and 5000 psi continuous. Full line of control options and cast iron housings for quiet durable operation.Gear, vane and piston designs, flows to 100 gpm and pressures to 3600 psi continuous. Fixed vane pumps are Vickersinterchangeable.Custom Cylinders48 inch bore, 40 foot strokes,pressures to 10,000 psi. Mill type, welded, threaded head,telescopic, and ram designs available. Feedback devices also available in all designs.Hydraulic & Pneumatic Tie Rod CylindersHeavy duty service with Industrial Tie Rod products.Bore sizes to 20 in., rod diameters to 10 in. Nominal pressures to 3000 psi in 16 standard mountings.Hydraulic & Mill Type CylindersHeavy duty 3000 psi Mill Cylinders. Bolted flange design in 6 mounting styles,to 22 inch bore and 10 in.rod diameters.Servo ActuatorsFully assembled and testedunits. Bore sizes from 2-10 inch,strokes to 180 inches with LDT feedback. Subplate mounts in NFPA D03, D05 and servo.Servo motors are also available with encoder feedback.For additional information, contactyour local sales engineer at 1-800-C-PARKER or visit us on the web at Premier Customer Service Initiatives... Field Sales TeamParker’s highly trained fieldsales force provides expertassistance in your productselection, working hand-in-hand with your local Parkerdistributor. These expertsare strategically locatedthroughout the worldto work with you onproduct application issues. Parker IntegrationNetwork (PIN)PIN is an alliance between a select group of independent systems engineering companies and the Parker family of motion control products and support team. These ‘System Integrators’ will work with you to establish a custom automated turnkey system. (/pin)Industry-Leading TechnicalSupport and TrainingThe Parker network of applicationspecialists, support professionalsand distributor personnelwill provide expert technicalassistance where and whenyou need it, as well as trainingin motion control technology.Worldwide DistributionNetworkWith over 7,500 distributors,our distribution network is thestrongest in the industry, providingcomprehensive technical supportand after-the-sale service.Printed and ElectronicSales LiteratureParker offers the mostcomprehensive selection of productand technical information in printedform, as well as electronic versionson CD-ROM and our web page.inPHorminPHorm is Parker’s productselection software that helps youchoose the correct components foryour application, saving you timeand making selecting, specifyingand ordering easier.We’re Where You Are...Worldwide.•T o order products, CD’s and other product information call 1-800-C-PARKER.•T o contact your local sales engineer, call 1-800-C-PARKER.•Visit us on the web at Bulletin No. 01164.5M 6/99 FPParker Hannifin Corporation6035 Parkland Blvd.Cleveland, Ohio 44124Phone: (216) 896-3000Fax: (216) 896-4031。



墨水市场综合分析及市场报告撰写Title: Comprehensive Analysis of the Ink Market and Writing a Market ReportIntroduction:The ink market is a vital industry that caters to various sectors such as printing, packaging, and writing instruments. This article aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the ink market, including its current state, key players, trends, and challenges. Additionally, it will discuss the process of writing a market report on the ink industry.Comprehensive Analysis of the Ink Market:The ink market has witnessed significant growth in recent years due to increasing demand from various end-use industries. The market is primarily driven by the printing industry, which accounts for a significant share of ink consumption. With the rise of digital printing, the demand for inkjet inks has skyrocketed, leading to the development of advanced ink formulations.Furthermore, the packaging industry has also contributed to the growth of the ink market. As consumer preferences shifttowards attractive and visually appealing packaging, the demand for high-quality inks has increased. This has prompted ink manufacturers to invest in research and development to produce inks that offer excellent color vibrancy, durability, and resistance to fading.Key Players and Market Trends:The ink market is highly competitive, with several key players dominating the industry. Companies such as Xerox, HP, Epson, Canon, and DIC Corporation hold significant market shares. These companies focus on continuous product innovation and strategic partnerships to maintain their competitive edge.One prominent trend in the ink market is the increasing popularity of eco-friendly inks. With growing environmental concerns, consumers and businesses are opting for inks that are free from harmful chemicals and have minimal environmental impact. This trend has led to the development of bio-based and water-based inks, which offer superior performance while being environmentally friendly.Challenges and Opportunities:The ink market faces several challenges that need to be addressed for sustained growth. One major challenge is the rising raw material costs, particularly for pigments and resins. Fluctuating prices of these materials can significantly impact the profitability of ink manufacturers. Additionally, stringent environmental regulations regarding the disposal of ink waste pose challenges for the industry.However, these challenges also present opportunities for ink manufacturers to explore alternative materials and processes. Developing cost-effective and sustainable ink formulations can help companies stay competitive while meeting regulatory requirements.Writing a Market Report:When writing a market report on the ink industry, it is essential to gather relevant data and analyze market trends. Begin by providing an overview of the ink market, including its size, growth rate, and key segments. Identify the major players and their market shares.Next, analyze the market drivers, such as the growth of theprinting and packaging industries, technological advancements, and changing consumer preferences. Discuss the key challenges faced by the industry, including raw material costs, environmental regulations, and competition.Conclude the report by highlighting the opportunities for growth in the ink market, such as the demand for eco-friendly inks and the expansion of digital printing. Provide recommendations for ink manufacturers to overcome challenges and capitalize on opportunities.综合分析和市场报告撰写:墨水市场是一个关键的行业,为印刷、包装和书写工具等各个领域提供服务。

市场进入者 定价策略 Market challenger’s price strategy

市场进入者 定价策略 Market challenger’s price strategy

• «going rate» pricing: Galanz based its process largely on competitors’ strategy lowered its price below the opponent’s break-even point, which was still above its own break-even price. Using this strategy, Galanz always kept its strongest rivals reluctant to cut prices, while picking up market share from the weakest competitors.
Market challenger’s price strategy
• Market penetration strategy: 5 price wars (1996-2000)
– steep price reduction of 40% on some of its key models and an average price reduction of 20.1% – Galanz’s price-reduction levels on some products were higher than their own gross profit margins, but:
• sales firstly increased by about 200%, and the average unit cost shrank approximately 50%. • In each round of price wars, Galanz achiduction of about 30%–40%, making the price war essentially “free,” even in per-unit terms.



《外刊经贸知识选读》复习资料《外刊经贸知识选读》复习资料第一章一、术语制成品 manufactured goods资本货物 capital goods国际收支 balance of payments经常项目 current account有形贸易项目 visible trade account无形贸易项目 invisible trade account贸易顺差 trade surplus贸易逆差 trade deficit易货贸易 barter补偿贸易 compensation trade反向贸易 counter-trade组装生产 assembly manufacturing工商统一税 industrial and commercial consolidated tax合资企业 joint venture延期付款 deferred payment买方信贷 buyer credit卖方信贷 supplier credit软贷款(低息贷款) soft loan最惠国待遇 MFN treatment (Most Favored nation treatment)永久性正常贸易关系 PNTR(Permanent Normal Trading Relations)国民收入 NI(National Income)国民生产总值 GNP(Gross National Product)国内生产总值 GDP(Gross Domestic Product)国际复兴和开发银行IBRD(International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)国际开发协会 IDA(International Development Association)国际金融公司 IFC(International Finance Comporation)经济合作和发展组织OECD(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)国际清算银行 BIS(Bank for International Settlement)欧洲经济共同体 EEC(European Economic Community)欧洲联盟 EU(European Union)外商直接投资 FDI(Foreign Direct Investment)二、词语释义:substantially :dramatically,significantly,considerably subsequently: afterwardsexacerbate:deteriorate,worsen;aggravate;make worse withdraw: cancellationtheme: principlein return for: in exchange fordisrupt: interruptdestined: designedpronounced: markedin the wake of: following; after withundue: too much; unbearablereverse: change to the oppositebuoyant: briskoutcome: resultboost: stimulate; promote; developrecover: reboundfacilitate: make easyrun-down: reductionmount exhibitions: hold exhibitionsinsofar as: to the extentbottlenecks: obstacles三、句子翻译1. During the 1950s China exported agricultural products to the USSR and East European countries in return for manufactured goods and the capital equipment required for the country‘s industrialization programme which placed emphasis on the development of heavy industry.20世纪50年代,中国向前苏联和东欧各国出口农产品以换取制成品和国家的工业化计划所要求的资本设备,而国家的工业化计划则强调重工业的发展。

polaris market research analysis -回复

polaris market research analysis -回复

polaris market research analysis -回复Polaris Market Research AnalysisIntroduction:Polaris Market Research is a firm that provides in-depth market analysis across various industries. Their analysis focuses on understanding market dynamics, growth drivers, restraints, and future trends. Their reports help businesses make informed decisions and stay ahead in a competitive landscape. In this article, we will delve into the key steps involved in conducting a Polaris Market Research analysis.Step 1: Define Research ObjectiveThe first step in conducting a Polaris Market Research analysis is to clearly define the research objective. This involves determining the purpose of the analysis, such as identifying market opportunities, understanding customer demands, or evaluating competition. Defining the research objective helps in framing the research questions, selecting appropriate methodologies, and collecting relevant data.Step 2: Select Research MethodologyOnce the research objective is defined, the next step is to select the appropriate research methodology. Polaris Market Research uses a combination of primary and secondary research methodologies. Primary research involves collecting data directly from the target audience through surveys, interviews, and focus groups. Secondary research involves gathering existing data from reliable sources such as industry reports, government publications, and market databases. The selection of the research methodology depends on factors like budget, time constraints, and availability of resources.Step 3: Collect DataAfter finalizing the research methodology, the next step is to collect data. Polaris Market Research utilizes a wide range of data collection techniques. For primary research, they design and conduct surveys, interviews, and focus groups to gather insights from consumers, industry experts, and stakeholders. For secondary research, they access reputable sources and extract relevant information to provide a comprehensive analysis. The data collected is then organized and prepared for analysis.Step 4: Analyze DataOnce the data is collected, the next step is to analyze it. PolarisMarket Research employs various statistical and analytical techniques to interpret the data and draw meaningful conclusions. They use tools like regression analysis, trend analysis, and segmentation analysis to identify patterns, trends, and relationships within the data. This analysis helps in understanding market dynamics, consumer behavior, and competitive landscape, among others.Step 5: Prepare Research ReportsAfter the data is analyzed, Polaris Market Research prepares research reports. These reports provide detailed insights, forecasts, and recommendations based on the analysis conducted. The reports are designed to be informative, concise, and easy to understand. They include a comprehensive analysis of the market, key trends, industry players, and market opportunities. These reports serve as a valuable resource for businesses, investors, and other stakeholders to make data-driven decisions.Step 6: Disseminate Research FindingsThe final step in conducting a Polaris Market Research analysis is to disseminate the research findings. Polaris Market Research uses various channels to distribute their reports, including onlineplatforms, publications, conferences, and client presentations. They ensure that the research findings reach the target audience and generate interest and discussions. The dissemination of research findings helps in creating awareness, influencing decision-making, and fostering collaboration within the industry.Conclusion:In conclusion, Polaris Market Research conducts comprehensive market analysis by following a well-defined process. From defining research objectives to disseminating research findings, each step is crucial in providing valuable insights and recommendations to businesses. Their use of both primary and secondary research methodologies, along with rigorous data analysis, ensures accurate and reliable research outcomes. Through their research reports, Polaris Market Research empowers businesses to make informed decisions and stay competitive in their respective industries.。


域性垄断企业产品成本的管制模型,该模 型成为此后标尺竞争管制理论发展的基 础。在该模型中,设各个企业在其地区市 场上的需求函数为q(p),管制者为第i 个企业制订的成本为,其降低成本的投入 为,).
标尺竞争模型为: 标尺竞争
Pi为企业i的管制价格, αi为企业i的成本Ci在其管制价格中所占的权 重. Cj为同类型企业的成本,fj为同类型企业j的 成本所占的权重。当αi为0时,为纯标尺竞争,
英国NHS成本的指标如下: 一 Reference Cost Indices: : RCI: 该指标用于外科性质的专科医院。该 指标制订方法综合了英国NHS所有同类医院成 本情况,赋予每一个医院于权重,并考虑了 MMF(The Market Forces Factor )加权平均 得出加权平均数为RCI。 RCI+:该指标以RCI为基础,在制订该指标时 加进了这样因素:医院收进的非外科病人、门 诊病人、事故患者(因出事故或偶然因素所 致)。
,管制者依然面对信息不对称的影响。因为价 格上限模型以规定管制价格的上升或者下降, 从而给被管制企业带来激励,它是以有一个合 理的基价(即管制最初阶段制定的价格P0)为 假设前提的。而基价的决定必然要以成本为基 础,这就决定了即使是价格上限,也是仍然是以 企业本身的信息为基础的。那么,从某种意义 上说,确定基价使价格上限管制成为又一个成 本加成。
任继树 SA03204084 杨晓宇 SB03204007
长期以来,各国对自然垄断行业都采取国 有化的办法,或将其置于政府的严格管制 之下。然而,在独家垄断经营的自然垄断 行业普遍出现效率低下、严重亏损的状 况。从20世纪70年代中期开始,西方国家 出现了一场管制改革运动。这一改革的 重要组成部分就是对自然垄断先限定一个在一定时期内相对 固定的各个企业不能超过的平均价格水平,在 此基础上,企业可以自由地调整价格。而在激 励性管制下,这种风险和收益由企业来承担和 享受。价格上限管制1983年由Little Child提出, 是一个具有深刻意义的管制创新,被广泛讨论 并广泛应用于许多国家的基础产业和公共事业 的管制,被认为是替代投资收益率管制的有效 方法。
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Revolution Counters Market Analysis in 2015
Revolution counters require no power since they are incremented by movement alone. Revolution counters increment one count per each 360° rotation of its shaft. China's revolution counters developed rapidly since years ago. The market analysis is as below.
Guangdong 50.7%
Jiangsu 22.6%
Shanghai 12.2%
Distribution of China Revolution Counters & Taximeters Export Enterprises from Jan. to Sep. in 2015
From January to September, Guangdong, Chongqing, Zhejiang were the main regions where China’s evolution counters & taximeters export enterprises located, among of which, Guangdong topped the list of export value, followed by Jiangsu and Shanghai. Guangdong’s export value accounted for 45.8% of China’s total motorcycle export.
Distributions of Major Countries/Regions for China’s Revolution Counters & Taximeters export from Jan. to Sep. in 2015
Up to the end of Q3, Hong Kong, America, Japan, Germany and England were major countries for China’s evolution counters & taximeters export. Hong Kong was the largest export market for China during this period. The value of motorcycles China exported to Hong Kong accounted for21.4% of China’s evolution counters & taximeters total export.
In the China’s top 10 evolution counters & taximeters export market, Spain is the fastest-growing market and the growth was 104.7% from January to September.
Major countries/regions in need of Revolution Counters & Taximeters from Jan. to Sep. in 2015
Major revolution counters & taximeters importing countries were America, Germany, China, Italy, Canada,, Japan, England, France and Mexico from January to June in 2015. As the largest importing country, America’s import value was USD 1123 million. China ranked 3rd and import value was USD 209 million.
Major Revolution Counters & Taximeters exporting countries from Jan. to Jun. in 2015
Main motorcycles exporting countries included China, Germany, Mexico, America, Japan, and Hungary. As the largest exporting country, China’s motorcycles export value was USD 534 million, in the first half of 2015.
