Deterministic secure direct communication by using swapping quantum entanglement and local
[生活]计算机专业英语词汇缩写大全计算机专业英语词汇缩写大全计算机专业英语词汇缩写大全(J-Z)2010年01月06日星期三 12:47J J2EE — Java 2 Enterprise Edition J2ME — Java 2 Micro Edition J2SE — Java 2 Standard Edition JAXB — Java Architecture for XML Binding JAX-RPC — Java XML for Remote Procedure Calls JAXP — Java API for XML Processing JBOD — Just a Bunch of Disks JCE — Java Cryptography Extension JCL — Job Control Language JCP — Java Community Process JDBC — Java Database Connectivity JDK — Java Development KitJES — Job Entry SubsystemJDS — Java Desktop SystemJFC — Java Foundation Classes JFET — Junction Field-Effect Transistor JFS — IBM Journaling File System JINI — Jini Is Not InitialsJIT — Just-In-TimeJMX — Java Management Extensions JMS — Java Message Service JNDI — Java Naming and Directory Interface JNI — Java Native InterfaceJPEG — Joint Photographic Experts Group JRE — Java Runtime Environment JS — JavaScriptJSON — JavaScript Object NotationJSP — Jackson Structured Programming JSP — JavaServer PagesJTAG — Joint Test Action Group JUG — Java Users Group JVM — Java Virtual Machine jwz — Jamie ZawinskiKK&R — Kernighan and Ritchie KB — KeyboardKb — KilobitKB — KilobyteKB — Knowledge BaseKDE — K Desktop Environment kHz — KilohertzKISS — Keep It Simple, Stupid KVM — Keyboard, Video, Mouse LL10N — LocalizationL2TP — Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol LAMP — Linux Apache MySQL Perl LAMP — Linux Apache MySQL PHP LAMP — Linux Apache MySQL Python LAN —Local Area Network LBA — Logical Block Addressing LCD — Liquid Crystal Display LCOS — Liquid Crystal On Silicon LDAP — Lightweight Directory Access ProtocolLE — Logical ExtentsLED — Light-Emitting Diode LF — Line FeedLF — Low FrequencyLFS — Linux From Scratch lib — libraryLIF — Low Insertion Force LIFO — Last In First Out LILO — Linux LoaderLKML — Linux Kernel Mailing List LM — Lan ManagerLGPL — Lesser General Public License LOC — Lines of CodeLPI — Linux Professional Institute LPT — Line Print Terminal LSB — Least Significant Bit LSB — Linux Standard Base LSI — Large-Scale IntegrationLTL — Linear Temporal Logic LTR — Left-to-RightLUG — Linux User Group LUN — Logical Unit Number LV — Logical VolumeLVD — Low Voltage Differential LVM — Logical Volume Management LZW — Lempel-Ziv-Welch MMAC — Mandatory Access Control MAC — Media Access Control MAN —Metropolitan Area Network MANET — Mobile Ad-Hoc Network MAPI —Messaging Application Programming InterfaceMb — MegabitMB — MegabyteMBCS — Multi Byte Character Set MBR — Master Boot RecordMCA — Micro Channel Architecture MCSA — Microsoft Certified Systems AdministratorMCSD — Microsoft Certified Solution DeveloperMCSE — Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer MDA — Mail Delivery AgentMDA — Model-Driven Architecture MDA — Monochrome Display Adapter MDF — Main Distribution FrameMDI — Multiple Document Interface ME — [Windows] Millennium Edition MF — Medium FrequencyMFC — Microsoft Foundation Classes MFM — Modified Frequency Modulation MGCP — Media Gateway Control Protocol MHz — Megahertz MIB — Management Information Base MICR — Magnetic Ink Character Recognition MIDI — Musical Instrument Digital Interface MIMD —Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data MIMO — Multiple-Input Multiple-Output MIPS — Million Instructions Per Second MIPS — Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline StagesMIS — Management Information Systems MISD — Multiple Instruction, Single Data MIT — Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIME —Multipurpose Internet Mail ExtensionsMMDS — Mortality Medical Data System MMI — Man Machine Interface. MMIO — Memory-Mapped I/OMMORPG — Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing GameMMU — Memory Management Unit MMX — Multi-Media Extensions MNG —Multiple-image Network Graphics MoBo — MotherboardMOM — Message-Oriented Middleware MOO — MUD Object OrientedMOSFET — Metal-Oxide Semiconductor FET MOTD — Message Of The Day MPAA — Motion Picture Association of America MPEG — Motion Pictures Experts Group MPL — Mozilla Public License MPLS —Multiprotocol Label Switching MPU — Microprocessor Unit MS — Memory StickMS — MicrosoftMSB — Most Significant Bit MS-DOS — Microsoft DOSMT — Machine TranslationMTA — Mail Transfer AgentMTU — Maximum Transmission Unit MSA — Mail Submission Agent MSDN — Microsoft Developer Network MSI — Medium-Scale Integration MSI — Microsoft InstallerMUA — Mail User AgentMUD — Multi-User DungeonMVC — Model-View-ControllerMVP — Most Valuable Professional MVS — Multiple Virtual Storage MX — Mail exchangeMXF — Material Exchange Format NNACK — Negative ACKnowledgement NAK — Negative AcKnowledge Character NAS — Network-Attached Storage NAT — Network Address Translation NCP — NetWare Core ProtocolNCQ — Native Command Queuing NCSA — National Center for Supercomputing ApplicationsNDPS — Novell Distributed Print Services NDS — Novell Directory Services NEP — Network Equipment Provider NEXT — Near-End CrossTalk NFA — Nondeterministic Finite Automaton GNSCB — Next-Generation Secure Computing BaseNFS — Network File SystemNI — National InstrumentsNIC — Network Interface Controller NIM — No Internal Message NIO — New I/ONIST — National Institute of Standards and TechnologyNLP — Natural Language Processing NLS — Native Language Support NP — Non-Deterministic Polynomial-TimeNPL — Netscape Public License NPU — Network Processing Unit NS —NetscapeNSA — National Security Agency NSPR — Netscape Portable Runtime NMI — Non-Maskable Interrupt NNTP — Network News Transfer Protocol NOC — Network Operations Center NOP — No OPerationNOS — Network Operating System NPTL — Native POSIX Thread Library NSS — Novell Storage Service NSS — Network Security Services NSS —Name Service SwitchNT — New TechnologyNTFS — NT FilesystemNTLM — NT Lan ManagerNTP — Network Time Protocol NUMA — Non-Uniform Memory Access NURBS — Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline NVR - Network Video Recorder NVRAM — Non-Volatile Random Access Memory OOASIS — Organization for the Advancement of StructuredInformation StandardsOAT — Operational Acceptance Testing OBSAI — Open Base Station Architecture InitiativeODBC — Open Database Connectivity OEM — Original Equipment Manufacturer OES — Open Enterprise ServerOFTC — Open and Free Technology Community OLAP — Online Analytical Processing OLE — Object Linking and Embedding OLED — Organic LightEmitting Diode OLPC — One Laptop per Child OLTP — Online Transaction Processing OMG — Object Management Group OO — Object-Oriented OO — Open OfficeOOM — Out of memoryOOo — OOP — Object-Oriented Programming OPML — Outline Processor Markup Language ORB — Object Request Broker ORM — Oject-Relational Mapping OS — Open SourceOS — Operating SystemOSCON — O'Reilly Open Source Convention OSDN — Open Source Developer Network OSI — Open Source Initiative OSI — Open Systems Interconnection OSPF — Open Shortest Path First OSS — Open Sound SystemOSS — Open-Source SoftwareOSS — Operations Support System OSTG — Open Source Technology Group OUI — Organizationally Unique Identifier PP2P — Peer-To-PeerPAN — Personal Area Network PAP — Password Authentication Protocol PARC — Palo Alto Research Center PATA — Parallel ATAPC — Personal ComputerPCB — Printed Circuit BoardPCB — Process Control BlockPCI — Peripheral Component Interconnect PCIe — PCI ExpressPCL — Printer Command Language PCMCIA — Personal Computer Memory Card InternationalAssociationPCM — Pulse-Code ModulationPCRE — Perl Compatible Regular Expressions PD — Public Domain PDA — Personal Digital Assistant PDF — Portable Document Format PDP — Programmed Data Processor PE — Physical ExtentsPEBKAC — Problem Exists Between Keyboard And ChairPERL — Practical Extraction and Reporting LanguagePGA — Pin Grid ArrayPGO — Profile-Guided Optimization PGP — Pretty Good PrivacyPHP — PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor PIC — Peripheral Interface Controller PIC — Programmable Interrupt Controller PID — Proportional-Integral-Derivative PID — Process IDPIM — Personal Information Manager PINE — Program for Internet News & EmailPIO — Programmed Input/Output PKCS — Public Key Cryptography Standards PKI — Public Key Infrastructure PLC — Power Line Communication PLC — Programmable Logic Controller PLD — Programmable Logic Device PL/I — Programming Language One PL/M — Programming Language for MicrocomputersPL/P — Programming Language for Prime PLT — Power Line Telecoms PMM — POST Memory ManagerPNG — Portable Network Graphics PnP — Plug-and-PlayPoE — Power over EthernetPOP — Point of PresencePOP3 — Post Office Protocol v3 POSIX — Portable Operating System Interface POST — Power-On Self TestPPC — PowerPCPPI — Pixels Per InchPPP — Point-to-Point Protocol PPPoA — PPP over ATMPPPoE — PPP over EthernetPPTP — Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol PS — PostScriptPS/2 — Personal System/2PSU — Power Supply UnitPSVI — Post-Schema-Validation Infoset PV — Physical VolumePVG — Physical Volume GroupPVR — Personal Video RecorderPXE — Preboot Execution Environment PXI — PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation QQDR — Quad Data RateQA — Quality AssuranceQFP — Quad Flat PackageQoS — Quality of ServiceQOTD — Quote of the DayQt — Quasar ToolkitQTAM — Queued Teleprocessing Access Method RRACF — Resource Access Control Facility RAD — Rapid Application Development RADIUS — Remote Authentication Dial In User Service RAID — Redundant Array of Independent Disks RAID — Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks RAIT — Redundant Array of Inexpensive Tapes RAM —Random Access MemoryRARP — Reverse Address Resolution Protocol RAS — Remote Access ServiceRC — Region CodeRC — Release CandidateRC — Run CommandsRCS — Revision Control SystemRDBMS — Relational Database Management SystemRDF — Resource Description Framework RDM — Relational Data Model RDS — Remote Data ServicesREFAL — REcursive Functions Algorithmic LanguageREST — Representational State Transfer regex — Regular Expression regexp — Regular Expression RF — Radio FrequencyRFC — Request For CommentsRFI — Radio Frequency Interference RFID — Radio Frequency Identification RGB — Red, Green, BlueRGBA — Red, Green, Blue, Alpha RHL — Red Hat LinuxRHEL — Red Hat Enterprise Linux RIA — Rich Internet Application RIAA — Recording Industry Association of AmericaRIP — Raster Image Processor RIP — Routing Information Protocol RISC — Reduced Instruction Set Computer RLE — Run-Length Encoding RLL — Run-Length LimitedRMI — Remote Method Invocation RMS — Richard Matthew Stallman ROM — Read Only MemoryROMB — Read-Out Motherboard RPC — Remote Procedure Call RPG —Report Program Generator RPM — RPM Package ManagerRSA — Rivest Shamir Adleman RSI — Repetitive Strain Injury RSS —Rich Site Summary, RDF Site Summary, or Really SimpleSyndicationRTC — Real-Time ClockRTE — Real-Time EnterpriseRTL — Right-to-LeftRTOS — Real Time Operating System RTP — Real-time Transport Protocol RTS — Ready To SendRTSP — Real Time Streaming Protocol SSaaS — Software as a Service SAN — Storage Area NetworkSAR — Search And Replace[1]SATA — Serial ATASAX — Simple API for XMLSBOD — Spinning Beachball of Death SBP-2 — Serial Bus Protocol 2 sbin — superuser binarySBU — Standard Build UnitSCADA — Supervisory Control And Data AcquisitionSCID — Source Code in Database SCM — Software Configuration Management SCM — Source Code Management SCP — Secure Copy SCPI — Standard Commands for Programmable Instrumentation SCSI — Small Computer System Interface SCTP — Stream Control Transmission Protocol SD — Secure DigitalSDDL — Security Descriptor Definition LanguageSDI — Single Document InterfaceSDIO — Secure Digital Input OutputSDK — Software Development KitSDL — Simple DirectMedia LayerSDN — Service Delivery NetworkSDP — Session Description ProtocolSDR — Software-Defined RadioSDRAM — Synchronous Dynamic Random Access MemorySDSL — Symmetric DSLSE — Single EndedSEAL — Semantics-directed Environment Adaptation Language SEI — Software Engineering InstituteSEO — Search Engine OptimizationSFTP — Secure FTPSFTP — Simple File Transfer ProtocolSFTP — SSH File Transfer ProtocolSGI — Silicon Graphics, IncorporatedSGML — Standard Generalized Markup LanguageSHA — Secure Hash AlgorithmSHDSL — Single-pair High-speed Digital Subscriber LineSIGCAT — Special Interest Group on CD-ROM Applications andTechnologySIGGRAPH — Special Interest Group on GraphicsSIMD — Single Instruction, Multiple DataSIMM — Single Inline Memory ModuleSIP — Session Initiation ProtocolSIP — Supplementary Ideographic PlaneSISD — Single Instruction, Single Data SLED — SUSE LinuxEnterprise Desktop SLES — SUSE Linux Enterprise Server SLI — Scalable Link Interface SLIP — Serial Line Internet Protocol SLM — Service Level Management SLOC — Source Lines of Code SPMD — Single Program, Multiple Data SMA — SubMiniature version A SMB — Server Message Block SMBIOS — System Management BIOS SMIL — Synchronized Multimedia Integration LanguageS/MIME — Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail ExtensionsSMP — Supplementary Multilingual Plane SMP — Symmetric Multi-Processing SMS — Short Message Service SMS — System Management Server SMT — Simultaneous Multithreading SMTP — Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SNA — Systems Network Architecture SNMP — Simple Network Management Protocol SOA — Service-Oriented Architecture SOE — Standard Operating Environment SOAP — Simple Object Access Protocol SoC — System-on-a-ChipSO-DIMM — Small Outline DIMM SOHO — Small Office/Home OfficeSOI — Silicon On InsulatorSP — Service PackSPA — Single Page Application SPF — Sender Policy Framework SPI —Serial Peripheral Interface SPI — Stateful Packet Inspection SPARC —Scalable Processor Architecture SQL — Structured Query Language SRAM —Static Random Access Memory SSD — Software Specification Document SSD - Solid-State DriveSSE — Streaming SIMD Extensions SSH — Secure ShellSSI — Server Side Includes SSI — Single-System Image SSI — Small-Scale Integration SSID — Service Set Identifier SSL — Secure Socket Layer SSP — Supplementary Special-purpose Plane SSSE — Supplementary Streaming SIMD Extensionssu — superuserSUS — Single UNIX Specification SUSE — Software und System-Entwicklung SVC — Scalable Video Coding SVG — Scalable Vector Graphics SVGA — Super Video Graphics Array SVD — Structured VLSI Design SWF —Shock Wave FlashSWT — Standard Widget Toolkit Sysop — System operatorTTAO — Track-At-OnceTB — TerabyteTcl — Tool Command Language TCP — Transmission Control Protocol TCP/IP — Transmission Control Protocol/Internet ProtocolTCU — Telecommunication Control Unit TDMA — Time Division Multiple Access TFT — Thin Film Transistor TI — Texas Instruments TLA — Three-Letter Acronym TLD — Top-Level DomainTLS — Thread-Local Storage TLS — Transport Layer Security tmp —temporaryTNC — Terminal Node Controller TNC — Threaded Neill-Concelman connector TSO — Time Sharing OptionTSP — Traveling Salesman Problem TSR — Terminate and Stay Resident TTA — True Tap AudioTTF — TrueType FontTTL — Transistor-Transistor Logic TTL — Time To LiveTTS — Text-to-SpeechTTY — TeletypeTUCOWS — The Ultimate Collection of Winsock SoftwareTUG — TeX Users GroupTWAIN - Technology Without An Interesting NameUUAAG — User Agent Accessibility Guidelines UAC — User Account Control UART — Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter UAT — User Acceptance Testing UCS — Universal Character SetUDDI — Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration UDMA — Ultra DMAUDP — User Datagram Protocol UE — User ExperienceUEFI — Unified Extensible Firmware Interface UHF — Ultra High Frequency UI — User InterfaceUL — UploadULA — Uncommitted Logic Array UMA — Upper Memory AreaUMB — Upper Memory BlockUML — Unified Modeling Language UML — User-Mode LinuxUMPC — Ultra-Mobile Personal Computer UNC — Universal Naming Convention UPS — Uninterruptible Power Supply URI — Uniform Resource Identifier URL — Uniform Resource Locator URN — Uniform Resource Name USB — Universal Serial Bus usr — userUSR — U.S. RoboticsUTC — Coordinated Universal Time UTF — Unicode Transformation FormatUTP — Unshielded Twisted Pair UUCP — Unix to Unix CopyUUID — Universally Unique Identifier UVC — Universal Virtual Computer Vvar — variableVAX — Virtual Address eXtension VCPI — Virtual Control Program Interface VR — Virtual RealityVRML — Virtual Reality Modeling Language VB — Visual BasicVBA — Visual Basic for Applications VBS — Visual Basic Script VDSL — Very High Bitrate Digital Subscriber LineVESA — Video Electronics Standards AssociationVFAT — Virtual FATVFS — Virtual File SystemVG — Volume GroupVGA — Video Graphics ArrayVHF — Very High FrequencyVLAN — Virtual Local Area Network VLSM — Variable Length Subnet Mask VLB — Vesa Local BusVLF — Very Low FrequencyVLIW - Very Long Instruction Word— uinvac VLSI — Very-Large-Scale Integration VM — Virtual MachineVM — Virtual MemoryVOD — Video On DemandVoIP — Voice over Internet Protocol VPN — Virtual Private Network VPU — Visual Processing Unit VSAM — Virtual Storage Access Method VSAT — Very Small Aperture Terminal VT — Video Terminal?VTAM — Virtual Telecommunications Access MethodWW3C — World Wide Web Consortium WAFS — Wide Area File ServicesWAI — Web Accessibility Initiative WAIS — Wide Area Information Server WAN — Wide Area NetworkWAP — Wireless Access Point WAP — Wireless Application Protocol WAV — WAVEform audio format WBEM — Web-Based Enterprise Management WCAG — Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCF — Windows Communication Foundation WDM — Wavelength-Division Multiplexing WebDAV — WWW Distributed Authoring and VersioningWEP — Wired Equivalent Privacy Wi-Fi — Wireless FidelityWiMAX — Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave AccessWinFS — Windows Future Storage WINS- Windows Internet Name Service WLAN — Wireless Local Area Network WMA — Windows Media Audio WMV — Windows Media VideoWOL — Wake-on-LANWOM — Wake-on-ModemWOR — Wake-on-RingWPA — Wi-Fi Protected Access WPAN — Wireless Personal Area Network WPF — Windows Presentation Foundation WSDL — Web Services Description Language WSFL — Web Services Flow Language WUSB — Wireless Universal Serial Bus WWAN — Wireless Wide Area Network WWID — World Wide Identifier WWN — World Wide NameWWW — World Wide WebWYSIWYG — What You See Is What You Get WZC — Wireless Zero Configuration WFI — Wait For InterruptXXAG — XML Accessibility Guidelines XAML — eXtensible Application Markup LanguageXDM — X Window Display Manager XDMCP — X Display Manager Control Protocol XCBL — XML Common Business Library XHTML — eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language XILP — X Interactive ListProc XML —eXtensible Markup Language XMMS — X Multimedia SystemXMPP — eXtensible Messaging and Presence ProtocolXMS — Extended Memory SpecificationXNS — Xerox Network Systems XP — Cross-PlatformXP — Extreme ProgrammingXPCOM — Cross Platform Component Object ModelXPI — XPInstallXPIDL — Cross-Platform IDLXSD — XML Schema Definition XSL — eXtensible Stylesheet Language XSL-FO — eXtensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Objects XSLT — eXtensible Stylesheet Language TransformationsXSS — Cross-Site ScriptingXTF — eXtensible Tag Framework XTF — eXtended Triton Format XUL —XML User Interface Language YY2K — Year Two ThousandYACC — Yet Another Compiler Compiler YAML — YAML Ain't Markup Language YAST — Yet Another Setup Tool ZZCAV — Zone Constant Angular Velocity ZCS — Zero Code Suppression ZIF — Zero Insertion ForceZIFS — Zero Insertion Force Socket ZISC — Zero Instruction Set Computer ZOPE — Z Object Publishing Environment ZMA — Zone Multicast Address。
通信 英语知识点总结
通信英语知识点总结1. The Nature of CommunicationCommunication is the process of conveying information, ideas, or emotions from one person or group to another. It involves both the transmission and reception of messages, which can take place through verbal and nonverbal channels. In addition, communication can be interpersonal, intrapersonal, or mediated, depending on the context and the mode of interaction. Understanding the nature of communication is essential for developing effective communication skills and strategies.2. Models of CommunicationSeveral models of communication have been developed to explain the processes involved in transmitting and receiving messages. The linear model, for example, describes communication as a one-way process, where a sender encodes a message and transmits it through a channel to a receiver, who decodes the message. The interactive model, on the other hand, emphasizes the feedback loop between sender and receiver, highlighting the importance of mutual understanding and interpretation. Other models, such as the transactional model and the cultural approach to communication, offer additional perspectives on the complex nature of human interaction.3. Verbal CommunicationVerbal communication involves the use of spoken or written words to convey messages. It encompasses language, speech, and writing, and is a primary form of human interaction. Understanding the principles of verbal communication, including language structure, semantics, and pragmatics, is essential for effective communication in different contexts and across diverse cultural settings. In addition, the study of sociolinguistics and discourse analysis provides valuable insights into the social and cultural dimensions of verbal communication.4. Nonverbal CommunicationNonverbal communication encompasses the transmission of messages through gestures, facial expressions, body language, and other non-linguistic cues. It plays a crucial role in conveying emotions, attitudes, and relational dynamics, and is often integral to interpersonal communication. Knowledge of nonverbal communication codes and signals can enhance one's ability to interpret and respond to nonverbal cues, as well as to convey meaning effectively through nonverbal channels.5. Intercultural CommunicationIntercultural communication involves interactions between people from different cultural backgrounds, and it is characterized by diverse communication styles, norms, and expectations. Understanding the dynamics of intercultural communication is essential fornavigating cross-cultural interactions, whether in personal, professional, or global contexts. Key concepts in intercultural communication include cultural awareness, cultural competence, and the management of cultural differences and misunderstandings.6. Communication and TechnologyThe advent of digital technology has transformed the landscape of communication, providing new platforms and channels for interaction and collaboration. The study of communication and technology encompasses topics such as social media, online communication, virtual collaboration, and the impact of digital media on communication patterns and behaviors. Understanding the opportunities and challenges of technology-mediated communication is essential for adapting to the evolving communication environment in the 21st century.7. Communication in OrganizationsEffective communication is vital for the functioning of organizations, as it facilitates coordination, decision-making, and relationship-building among employees, managers, and stakeholders. The study of organizational communication examines communication processes within the context of formal structures, power dynamics, and organizational culture. Topics such as leadership communication, team communication, and communication networks are central to understanding the role of communication in organizational success and effectiveness.8. Communication Ethics and ValuesEthical considerations are paramount in the practice of communication, as they guide the responsible use of communication principles and techniques. Communication ethics involves principles such as truthfulness, transparency, respect for diverse perspectives, and the promotion of social justice and human rights. Understanding ethical frameworks and values in communication is essential for practicing ethical communication in personal, professional, and societal contexts.In conclusion, the study of communication encompasses a wide range of knowledge points, including the nature of communication, models of communication, verbal and nonverbal communication, intercultural communication, communication and technology, communication in organizations, and communication ethics and values. A comprehensive understanding of these knowledge points is essential for developing effective communication skills, building meaningful relationships, and navigating the complexities of human interaction in diverse contexts. As communication continues to evolve in response to technological, cultural, and social changes, a continued exploration and application of these knowledge points will be crucial for enhancing communication effectiveness and promoting positive interactions and understanding among individuals and groups.。
GE PACSystems Rx3i CPE400 产品说明说明书
GE Energy ConnectionsDesigned for Real-world DemandsGE’s PACSystems Rx3i is a flexible and high performance control system that is widely used in a diverse range of applications including water/wastewater metro, industrial steam, automotive, chemical,oil and gas, discrete manufacturing and modular machine designs. These diverse applications require a compact controller that can deliver the high performance and flexibility needed to run application specific control reliably.The PACSystems Rx3i CPE400, part of GE’s Industrial Internet Control System,is the industry’s first outcome optimizing controller. It augments real-time deterministic control with embedded Field Agent technology, delivering near- real time advice through market analysis, fleet and enterprise data, or asset/process knowledge to optimize the outcomes that today’s businesses require. The Predix™ enabled CPE400 provides reliable, secure communication and analytics using either cloud-based or edge-based outcome optimizing apps. Controls can now be programmed to dynamically influence business outcomes, generate new forms of revenue, and improve profitability.Reliable, High-Speed PerformanceThe PACsystems Rx3i CPE400 runs on a real time operating system for delivering, reliable, secure industrial applications. It offers premier high speed performance and secure data handling for any multi-disciplined control system.A large working memory accommodateslarge programs and extensive data storage.The quad core high-speed microprocessorexecutes programs faster than ever before.It supports industry-standard PROFINETwith I/O update rates as fast as 8ms for16 devices. With Ethernet interface ratesup to 1Gpbs, the CPE400 is built for rapid,reliable data interchange.Industrial Internet EnabledOutcome Optimizing controllers use realtime hypervisor technology to run realtime deterministic control applicationsconcurrently with the embedded FieldAgent* technology (EFA) without anyadverse impact of one over the other.EFA technology is a platform for securelyapplying Predix applications and secureconnectivity to the Predix Cloud as wellas run edge apps. Running the Field Agentconcurrently with the real-time controlapplications allows the CPE400 to rapidlyleverage external data. External monitoringmay be used to analyze and optimize entirebusiness operations. The analysis can thenbe used to dynamically adjust real-timeindustrial controls to align with changingbusiness objectives in today’s IndustrialInternet age.Advanced SecurityIn today’s Internet age, industrial controlsare constant targets of cyber threats. We atGE understand the risk involved in securingour customer’s most important assets. Webelieve in defense in depth architecture tosecure the asset from potential cyber threats.The Rx3i CPE400 has been developed to besecure by design, incorporating technologiessuch as Trusted Platform Modules, secure,trusted, and measured boot. A centralizedconfiguration allows encrypted firmwareupdates to be executed from a securecentral location. A broad suite of cyber-security technology and tools help preventunauthorized updates while built-in securityprotocols help protect against man- in-themiddle and denial of service attacks.Key BenefitsReduced risk. Built on the strongfoundation of GE’s 40 years’ experienceproviding real-time, deterministiccontrols for the world’s industrialassets. The controller is secure bydesign, enabling secure operations andconnectivity from edge to cloud.Reduced lifecycle cost. Advancedcapabilities simplify systemarchitecture and reduce appliedengineering costs. Further costs arereduced with embedded PROFINET,allowing for dedicated I/O to be chosenfor application specific needs.Optimized Business Outcomes.Embedded Field Agent technologyallows for secure connection to theIndustrial Internet, leveraging datato analyze and optimize businessoperations.PACSystems* RX3i CPE400Outcome optimizing controlGE Energy Connections Automation & Controls 2500 Austin DrCharlottesville, VA 229111-800-433-2682 or 1-434-978-5100 © 2016 General Electric. The GE brand and logo are trademarks of General Electric. * Trademark of General Electric. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Specifications are subject to change without notice.11.16 GFA2118BSpecifications1For a discussion of OPC UA, refer to PACSystems RX7i & RX3i TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual, GFK-2224M Chapter 10.• Microprocessor Specification – 1.2 GHz AMD G Series Quad Core• Operating System – VxWorks Temperature Range • -40°C to 70°CPower Requirements• Input Power (Max) – 20 Watts • Input Voltage (Min) – 18 Vdc • Input Voltage (Max) – 30 Vdc• Memory Backup Mechanism – Energy Pack: IC695ACC403Firmware Upgrade• CPU Firmware Upgrade Mechanism – Web Interface/Ethernet Port Display• OLED Display – YesProgram Portability• RX3i PACSystems Applications using Family Type ConversionProgram Security • Secure Boot – Yes• Trusted Platform Module (TPM) – YesProgram Storage • RAM – 64 Mbytes• Non-Volatile Flash – 64 Mbytes• Life Expectancy, Energy Pack Capacitors – 5 years Auxiliary Storage • Micro SD – Pending• Remote Data Storage Device (RDSD) – USB - pendingCommunications• LAN1 – 10/100/1000 Mbps supported by unswitched RJ-45• LAN2/LAN3 – 10/100/1000 Mbps supported by a pair of unswitched RJ-45 connectors• EFA: 10/100/1000 Mbps supported by unswitched RJ-45• Ethernet RJ-45 Switch – 2-Port Switch 10/100/1000 x2• Embedded Field Agent Ethernet RJ-45 – 10/100/1000 x1• USB – USB-A 3.0 x2 (functionality pending)Protocols • SRTP• Modbus TCP• Ethernet Global Data (EGD)• PROFINET – Yes • MRP – Yes• OPC-UA Server 1 – Y15EU• CE Mark• EMC Directive– IEC/EN 61131-2: 2007(sections 8-10, Zone B)– IEC/EN 61000-6-2: 2005 Ed 2.0– IEC/EN 61000-6-4: 2006 Ed 2.0– CISPR 11:2009 +A1: 2010 / EN 55011: 2009 +A1: 2010– CISPR 22: 2010 / EN55022: 2010/AC:2011, (Class A)– CISPR 24: 2010 / EN55024: 2010– IEC/EN 61131-2: 2007 (sections 4 & 6)• ATEX Directive– Category 3 equipment - [II 3 G]– EN 60079-0: 2012 A+11:2013– EN 60079-7: 2015 [Type of Protection Ex ec]• RoHS Directive • REACH Regulation • WEEE DirectiveUS• FCC 47 CFR 15 Subpart B, Class A • Hazardous Locations– ISA 12.12.01: 2015, Class I Div. 2 Groups ABCD– UL 60079-0 Ed 6.0 (2013), Class I, Zone 2 Gas Group ABCD– UL 60079-15 Edition 4.0 (2013), [Ex nA]Canada• ICES-003:2016 (Class A)• Hazardous Locations – CSA C22.2 No. 213-15– CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 60079-0:15, Class I, Zone 2– CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 60079-15:12• WEEE & Battery RegulationsEnvironmental• IEC/EN 61131-2: 2007 (sections 5 & 6)• Storage– Dry Heat - IEC 60068-2-2: 1974 test Bb (70C @16hrs, unpowered)– Cold Temp - IEC 60068-2-1: 2007 test Ab (-40C @16hrs, unpowered • Damp Heat– IEC 60068-2-30: 2005 test Db (unpowered, 55C, 2x)• Marine Damp Heat– IEC 60068-2-30: 2005 test Db (powered & unpowered, 55C, 95%RH, 12hr x 2cycles)• Sinusoidal Vibration– IEC 60068-2-6: 1995 (test Fc)• Shock– IEC 60068-2-27: 1987 (test Ea)。
3GPP TS 36.331 V13.2.0 (2016-06)
3GPP TS 36.331 V13.2.0 (2016-06)Technical Specification3rd Generation Partnership Project;Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network;Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA);Radio Resource Control (RRC);Protocol specification(Release 13)The present document has been developed within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP TM) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP. The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP Organizational Partners and shall not be implemented.This Specification is provided for future development work within 3GPP only. The Organizational Partners accept no liability for any use of this Specification. Specifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP TM system should be obtained via the 3GPP Organizational Partners' Publications Offices.KeywordsUMTS, radio3GPPPostal address3GPP support office address650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia AntipolisValbonne - FRANCETel.: +33 4 92 94 42 00 Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16InternetCopyright NotificationNo part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission.The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.© 2016, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TSDSI, TTA, TTC).All rights reserved.UMTS™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its members3GPP™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational PartnersLTE™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI currently being registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners GSM® and the GSM logo are registered and owned by the GSM AssociationBluetooth® is a Trade Mark of the Bluetooth SIG registered for the benefit of its membersContentsForeword (18)1Scope (19)2References (19)3Definitions, symbols and abbreviations (22)3.1Definitions (22)3.2Abbreviations (24)4General (27)4.1Introduction (27)4.2Architecture (28)4.2.1UE states and state transitions including inter RAT (28)4.2.2Signalling radio bearers (29)4.3Services (30)4.3.1Services provided to upper layers (30)4.3.2Services expected from lower layers (30)4.4Functions (30)5Procedures (32)5.1General (32)5.1.1Introduction (32)5.1.2General requirements (32)5.2System information (33)5.2.1Introduction (33) (33) (34) Scheduling for NB-IoT (34) information validity and notification of changes (35) of ETWS notification (36) of CMAS notification (37) of EAB parameters change (37) Barring parameters change in NB-IoT (37)5.2.2System information acquisition (38) (38) (38) information required by the UE (38) information acquisition by the UE (39) system information missing (42) upon reception of the MasterInformationBlock message (42) upon reception of the SystemInformationBlockType1 message (42) upon reception of SystemInformation messages (44) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType2 (44) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType3 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType4 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType5 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType6 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType7 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType8 (45) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType9 (46) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType10 (46) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType11 (46) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType12 (47) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType13 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType14 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType15 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType16 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType17 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType18 (48) upon reception of SystemInformationBlockType19 (49)5.2.3Acquisition of an SI message (49)5.2.3a Acquisition of an SI message by BL UE or UE in CE or a NB-IoT UE (50)5.3Connection control (50)5.3.1Introduction (50) connection control (50) (52) RN security (53) mode mobility (53) control in NB-IoT (54)5.3.2Paging (55) (55) (55) of the Paging message by the UE (55)5.3.3RRC connection establishment (56) (56) Conditions for establishing RRC Connection for sidelink communication/ discovery (58) (59) related to transmission of RRCConnectionRequest message (63) Actions related to transmission of RRCConnectionResumeRequest message (64) of the RRCConnectionSetup by the UE (64) Reception of the RRCConnectionResume by the UE (66) re-selection while T300, T302, T303, T305, T306, or T308 is running (68) expiry (68), T303, T305, T306, or T308 expiry or stop (69) of the RRCConnectionReject by the UE (70) of RRC connection establishment (71) of SSAC related parameters (71) barring check (72) check (73) barring check for ACDC (73) Barring check for NB-IoT (74)5.3.4Initial security activation (75) (75) (76) of the SecurityModeCommand by the UE (76)5.3.5RRC connection reconfiguration (77) (77) (77) of an RRCConnectionReconfiguration not including the mobilityControlInfo by theUE (77) of an RRCConnectionReconfiguration including the mobilityControlInfo by the UE(handover) (79) failure (83) expiry (handover failure) (83) (84) T307 expiry (SCG change failure) (84) Configuration involving full configuration option (84)5.3.6Counter check (86) (86) (86) of the CounterCheck message by the UE (86)5.3.7RRC connection re-establishment (87) (87) (87) following cell selection while T311 is running (88) related to transmission of RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest message (89) of the RRCConnectionReestablishment by the UE (89) expiry (91) expiry or selected cell no longer suitable (91) of RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject by the UE (91)5.3.8RRC connection release (92) (92) (92) of the RRCConnectionRelease by the UE (92) expiry (93)5.3.9RRC connection release requested by upper layers (93) (93) (93)5.3.10Radio resource configuration (93) (93) addition/ modification (94) release (95) addition/ modification (95) specific DRB addition or reconfiguration (96) specific DRB addition or reconfiguration (98) specific DRB addition or reconfiguration (98) SCell release (99) SCell addition/ modification (99) PSCell addition or modification (99) main reconfiguration (99) scheduling reconfiguration (100) channel reconfiguration (100) Link Failure Timers and Constants reconfiguration (101) domain measurement resource restriction for serving cell (101) configuration (102) reconfiguration (103) dedicated resource configuration (104) SCG or split DRB by drb-ToAddModList (105) cell information reconfiguration (105) (105) dedicated configuration (105) expiry (106)5.3.11Radio link failure related actions (107) of physical layer problems in RRC_CONNECTED (107) of physical layer problems (107) of radio link failure (107)5.3.12UE actions upon leaving RRC_CONNECTED (109)5.3.13UE actions upon PUCCH/ SRS release request (110)5.3.14Proximity indication (110) (110) (111) related to transmission of ProximityIndication message (111)5.3.15Void (111)5.4Inter-RAT mobility (111)5.4.1Introduction (111)5.4.2Handover to E-UTRA (112) (112) (112) of the RRCConnectionReconfiguration by the UE (112) failure (114) expiry (handover to E-UTRA failure) (114)5.4.3Mobility from E-UTRA (114) (114) (115) of the MobilityFromEUTRACommand by the UE (115) completion of the mobility from E-UTRA (116) from E-UTRA failure (117)5.4.4Handover from E-UTRA preparation request (CDMA2000) (117) (117) (118) of the HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest by the UE (118)5.4.5UL handover preparation transfer (CDMA2000) (118) (118) (118) related to transmission of the ULHandoverPreparationTransfer message (119) to deliver the ULHandoverPreparationTransfer message (119)5.4.6Inter-RAT cell change order to E-UTRAN (119) (119) (119) fails to complete an inter-RAT cell change order (119)5.5Measurements (120)5.5.1Introduction (120)5.5.2Measurement configuration (121) (121) identity removal (122) Measurement identity autonomous removal (122) identity addition/ modification (123) object removal (124) object addition/ modification (124) configuration removal (126) configuration addition/ modification (127) configuration (127) gap configuration (127) signals measurement timing configuration (128) measurement timing configuration (128)5.5.3Performing measurements (128) (128) 3 filtering (131)5.5.4Measurement report triggering (131) (131) A1 (Serving becomes better than threshold) (135) A2 (Serving becomes worse than threshold) (136) A3 (Neighbour becomes offset better than PCell/ PSCell) (136) A4 (Neighbour becomes better than threshold) (137) A5 (PCell/ PSCell becomes worse than threshold1 and neighbour becomes better thanthreshold2) (138) Event A6 (Neighbour becomes offset better than SCell) (139) B1 (Inter RAT neighbour becomes better than threshold) (139) B2 (PCell becomes worse than threshold1 and inter RAT neighbour becomes better thanthreshold2) (140) C1 (CSI-RS resource becomes better than threshold) (141) C2 (CSI-RS resource becomes offset better than reference CSI-RS resource) (141) W1 (WLAN becomes better than a threshold) (142) W2 (All WLAN inside WLAN mobility set becomes worse than threshold1 and a WLANoutside WLAN mobility set becomes better than threshold2) (142) W3 (All WLAN inside WLAN mobility set becomes worse than a threshold) (143)5.5.5Measurement reporting (144)5.5.6Measurement related actions (148) upon handover and re-establishment (148) dependant scaling of measurement related parameters (149)5.5.7Inter-frequency RSTD measurement indication (149) (149) (150) related to transmission of InterFreqRSTDMeasurementIndication message (150)5.6Other (150)5.6.0General (150)5.6.1DL information transfer (151) (151) (151) of the DLInformationTransfer by the UE (151)5.6.2UL information transfer (151) (151) (151) related to transmission of ULInformationTransfer message (152) to deliver ULInformationTransfer message (152)5.6.3UE capability transfer (152) (152) (153) of the UECapabilityEnquiry by the UE (153)5.6.4CSFB to 1x Parameter transfer (157) (157) (157) related to transmission of CSFBParametersRequestCDMA2000 message (157) of the CSFBParametersResponseCDMA2000 message (157)5.6.5UE Information (158) (158) (158) of the UEInformationRequest message (158)5.6.6 Logged Measurement Configuration (159) (159) (160) of the LoggedMeasurementConfiguration by the UE (160) expiry (160)5.6.7 Release of Logged Measurement Configuration (160) (160) (160)5.6.8 Measurements logging (161) (161) (161)5.6.9In-device coexistence indication (163) (163) (164) related to transmission of InDeviceCoexIndication message (164)5.6.10UE Assistance Information (165) (165) (166) related to transmission of UEAssistanceInformation message (166)5.6.11 Mobility history information (166) (166) (166)5.6.12RAN-assisted WLAN interworking (167) (167) WLAN offload configuration (167) offload RAN evaluation (167) expiry or stop (167) selection/ re-selection while T350 is running (168)5.6.13SCG failure information (168) (168) (168) related to transmission of SCGFailureInformation message (168)5.6.14LTE-WLAN Aggregation (169) (169) of LWA configuration (169) of LWA configuration (170)5.6.15WLAN connection management (170) (170) connection status reporting (170) (170) (171) related to transmission of WLANConnectionStatusReport message (171) Expiry (WLAN connection attempt timeout) (171) status monitoring (171)5.6.16RAN controlled LTE-WLAN interworking (172) (172) traffic steering command (172)5.6.17LTE-WLAN aggregation with IPsec tunnel (173) (173)5.7Generic error handling (174)5.7.1General (174)5.7.2ASN.1 violation or encoding error (174)5.7.3Field set to a not comprehended value (174)5.7.4Mandatory field missing (174)5.7.5Not comprehended field (176)5.8MBMS (176)5.8.1Introduction (176) (176) (176) information validity and notification of changes (176)5.8.2MCCH information acquisition (178) (178) (178) information acquisition by the UE (178) upon reception of the MBSFNAreaConfiguration message (178) upon reception of the MBMSCountingRequest message (179)5.8.3MBMS PTM radio bearer configuration (179) (179) (179) establishment (179) release (179)5.8.4MBMS Counting Procedure (179) (179) (180) of the MBMSCountingRequest message by the UE (180)5.8.5MBMS interest indication (181) (181) (181) MBMS frequencies of interest (182) related to transmission of MBMSInterestIndication message (183)5.8a SC-PTM (183)5.8a.1Introduction (183)5.8a.1.1General (183)5.8a.1.2SC-MCCH scheduling (183)5.8a.1.3SC-MCCH information validity and notification of changes (183)5.8a.1.4Procedures (184)5.8a.2SC-MCCH information acquisition (184)5.8a.2.1General (184)5.8a.2.2Initiation (184)5.8a.2.3SC-MCCH information acquisition by the UE (184)5.8a.2.4Actions upon reception of the SCPTMConfiguration message (185)5.8a.3SC-PTM radio bearer configuration (185)5.8a.3.1General (185)5.8a.3.2Initiation (185)5.8a.3.3SC-MRB establishment (185)5.8a.3.4SC-MRB release (185)5.9RN procedures (186)5.9.1RN reconfiguration (186) (186) (186) of the RNReconfiguration by the RN (186)5.10Sidelink (186)5.10.1Introduction (186)5.10.1a Conditions for sidelink communication operation (187)5.10.2Sidelink UE information (188) (188) (189) related to transmission of SidelinkUEInformation message (193)5.10.3Sidelink communication monitoring (195)5.10.6Sidelink discovery announcement (198)5.10.6a Sidelink discovery announcement pool selection (201)5.10.6b Sidelink discovery announcement reference carrier selection (201)5.10.7Sidelink synchronisation information transmission (202) (202) (203) of SLSS (204) of MasterInformationBlock-SL message (205) (206)5.10.8Sidelink synchronisation reference (206) (206) and reselection of synchronisation reference UE (SyncRef UE) (206)5.10.9Sidelink common control information (207) (207) related to reception of MasterInformationBlock-SL message (207)5.10.10Sidelink relay UE operation (207) (207) for relay related sidelink communication transmission by sidelink relay UE (207) for relay PS related sidelink discovery transmission by sidelink relay UE (208) relay UE threshold conditions (208)5.10.11Sidelink remote UE operation (208) (208) for relay related sidelink communication transmission by sidelink remote UE (208) for relay PS related sidelink discovery transmission by sidelink remote UE (209) and reselection of sidelink relay UE (209) remote UE threshold conditions (210)6Protocol data units, formats and parameters (tabular & ASN.1) (210)6.1General (210)6.2RRC messages (212)6.2.1General message structure (212)–EUTRA-RRC-Definitions (212)–BCCH-BCH-Message (212)–BCCH-DL-SCH-Message (212)–BCCH-DL-SCH-Message-BR (213)–MCCH-Message (213)–PCCH-Message (213)–DL-CCCH-Message (214)–DL-DCCH-Message (214)–UL-CCCH-Message (214)–UL-DCCH-Message (215)–SC-MCCH-Message (215)6.2.2Message definitions (216)–CounterCheck (216)–CounterCheckResponse (217)–CSFBParametersRequestCDMA2000 (217)–CSFBParametersResponseCDMA2000 (218)–DLInformationTransfer (218)–HandoverFromEUTRAPreparationRequest (CDMA2000) (219)–InDeviceCoexIndication (220)–InterFreqRSTDMeasurementIndication (222)–LoggedMeasurementConfiguration (223)–MasterInformationBlock (225)–MBMSCountingRequest (226)–MBMSCountingResponse (226)–MBMSInterestIndication (227)–MBSFNAreaConfiguration (228)–MeasurementReport (228)–MobilityFromEUTRACommand (229)–Paging (232)–ProximityIndication (233)–RNReconfiguration (234)–RNReconfigurationComplete (234)–RRCConnectionReconfiguration (235)–RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete (240)–RRCConnectionReestablishment (241)–RRCConnectionReestablishmentComplete (241)–RRCConnectionReestablishmentReject (242)–RRCConnectionReestablishmentRequest (243)–RRCConnectionReject (243)–RRCConnectionRelease (244)–RRCConnectionResume (248)–RRCConnectionResumeComplete (249)–RRCConnectionResumeRequest (250)–RRCConnectionRequest (250)–RRCConnectionSetup (251)–RRCConnectionSetupComplete (252)–SCGFailureInformation (253)–SCPTMConfiguration (254)–SecurityModeCommand (255)–SecurityModeComplete (255)–SecurityModeFailure (256)–SidelinkUEInformation (256)–SystemInformation (258)–SystemInformationBlockType1 (259)–UEAssistanceInformation (264)–UECapabilityEnquiry (265)–UECapabilityInformation (266)–UEInformationRequest (267)–UEInformationResponse (267)–ULHandoverPreparationTransfer (CDMA2000) (273)–ULInformationTransfer (274)–WLANConnectionStatusReport (274)6.3RRC information elements (275)6.3.1System information blocks (275)–SystemInformationBlockType2 (275)–SystemInformationBlockType3 (279)–SystemInformationBlockType4 (282)–SystemInformationBlockType5 (283)–SystemInformationBlockType6 (287)–SystemInformationBlockType7 (289)–SystemInformationBlockType8 (290)–SystemInformationBlockType9 (295)–SystemInformationBlockType10 (295)–SystemInformationBlockType11 (296)–SystemInformationBlockType12 (297)–SystemInformationBlockType13 (297)–SystemInformationBlockType14 (298)–SystemInformationBlockType15 (298)–SystemInformationBlockType16 (299)–SystemInformationBlockType17 (300)–SystemInformationBlockType18 (301)–SystemInformationBlockType19 (301)–SystemInformationBlockType20 (304)6.3.2Radio resource control information elements (304)–AntennaInfo (304)–AntennaInfoUL (306)–CQI-ReportConfig (307)–CQI-ReportPeriodicProcExtId (314)–CrossCarrierSchedulingConfig (314)–CSI-IM-Config (315)–CSI-IM-ConfigId (315)–CSI-RS-Config (317)–CSI-RS-ConfigEMIMO (318)–CSI-RS-ConfigNZP (319)–CSI-RS-ConfigNZPId (320)–CSI-RS-ConfigZP (321)–CSI-RS-ConfigZPId (321)–DMRS-Config (321)–DRB-Identity (322)–EPDCCH-Config (322)–EIMTA-MainConfig (324)–LogicalChannelConfig (325)–LWA-Configuration (326)–LWIP-Configuration (326)–RCLWI-Configuration (327)–MAC-MainConfig (327)–P-C-AndCBSR (332)–PDCCH-ConfigSCell (333)–PDCP-Config (334)–PDSCH-Config (337)–PDSCH-RE-MappingQCL-ConfigId (339)–PHICH-Config (339)–PhysicalConfigDedicated (339)–P-Max (344)–PRACH-Config (344)–PresenceAntennaPort1 (346)–PUCCH-Config (347)–PUSCH-Config (351)–RACH-ConfigCommon (355)–RACH-ConfigDedicated (357)–RadioResourceConfigCommon (358)–RadioResourceConfigDedicated (362)–RLC-Config (367)–RLF-TimersAndConstants (369)–RN-SubframeConfig (370)–SchedulingRequestConfig (371)–SoundingRS-UL-Config (372)–SPS-Config (375)–TDD-Config (376)–TimeAlignmentTimer (377)–TPC-PDCCH-Config (377)–TunnelConfigLWIP (378)–UplinkPowerControl (379)–WLAN-Id-List (382)–WLAN-MobilityConfig (382)6.3.3Security control information elements (382)–NextHopChainingCount (382)–SecurityAlgorithmConfig (383)–ShortMAC-I (383)6.3.4Mobility control information elements (383)–AdditionalSpectrumEmission (383)–ARFCN-ValueCDMA2000 (383)–ARFCN-ValueEUTRA (384)–ARFCN-ValueGERAN (384)–ARFCN-ValueUTRA (384)–BandclassCDMA2000 (384)–BandIndicatorGERAN (385)–CarrierFreqCDMA2000 (385)–CarrierFreqGERAN (385)–CellIndexList (387)–CellReselectionPriority (387)–CellSelectionInfoCE (387)–CellReselectionSubPriority (388)–CSFB-RegistrationParam1XRTT (388)–CellGlobalIdEUTRA (389)–CellGlobalIdUTRA (389)–CellGlobalIdGERAN (390)–CellGlobalIdCDMA2000 (390)–CellSelectionInfoNFreq (391)–CSG-Identity (391)–FreqBandIndicator (391)–MobilityControlInfo (391)–MobilityParametersCDMA2000 (1xRTT) (393)–MobilityStateParameters (394)–MultiBandInfoList (394)–NS-PmaxList (394)–PhysCellId (395)–PhysCellIdRange (395)–PhysCellIdRangeUTRA-FDDList (395)–PhysCellIdCDMA2000 (396)–PhysCellIdGERAN (396)–PhysCellIdUTRA-FDD (396)–PhysCellIdUTRA-TDD (396)–PLMN-Identity (397)–PLMN-IdentityList3 (397)–PreRegistrationInfoHRPD (397)–Q-QualMin (398)–Q-RxLevMin (398)–Q-OffsetRange (398)–Q-OffsetRangeInterRAT (399)–ReselectionThreshold (399)–ReselectionThresholdQ (399)–SCellIndex (399)–ServCellIndex (400)–SpeedStateScaleFactors (400)–SystemInfoListGERAN (400)–SystemTimeInfoCDMA2000 (401)–TrackingAreaCode (401)–T-Reselection (402)–T-ReselectionEUTRA-CE (402)6.3.5Measurement information elements (402)–AllowedMeasBandwidth (402)–CSI-RSRP-Range (402)–Hysteresis (402)–LocationInfo (403)–MBSFN-RSRQ-Range (403)–MeasConfig (404)–MeasDS-Config (405)–MeasGapConfig (406)–MeasId (407)–MeasIdToAddModList (407)–MeasObjectCDMA2000 (408)–MeasObjectEUTRA (408)–MeasObjectGERAN (412)–MeasObjectId (412)–MeasObjectToAddModList (412)–MeasObjectUTRA (413)–ReportConfigEUTRA (422)–ReportConfigId (425)–ReportConfigInterRAT (425)–ReportConfigToAddModList (428)–ReportInterval (429)–RSRP-Range (429)–RSRQ-Range (430)–RSRQ-Type (430)–RS-SINR-Range (430)–RSSI-Range-r13 (431)–TimeToTrigger (431)–UL-DelayConfig (431)–WLAN-CarrierInfo (431)–WLAN-RSSI-Range (432)–WLAN-Status (432)6.3.6Other information elements (433)–AbsoluteTimeInfo (433)–AreaConfiguration (433)–C-RNTI (433)–DedicatedInfoCDMA2000 (434)–DedicatedInfoNAS (434)–FilterCoefficient (434)–LoggingDuration (434)–LoggingInterval (435)–MeasSubframePattern (435)–MMEC (435)–NeighCellConfig (435)–OtherConfig (436)–RAND-CDMA2000 (1xRTT) (437)–RAT-Type (437)–ResumeIdentity (437)–RRC-TransactionIdentifier (438)–S-TMSI (438)–TraceReference (438)–UE-CapabilityRAT-ContainerList (438)–UE-EUTRA-Capability (439)–UE-RadioPagingInfo (469)–UE-TimersAndConstants (469)–VisitedCellInfoList (470)–WLAN-OffloadConfig (470)6.3.7MBMS information elements (472)–MBMS-NotificationConfig (472)–MBMS-ServiceList (473)–MBSFN-AreaId (473)–MBSFN-AreaInfoList (473)–MBSFN-SubframeConfig (474)–PMCH-InfoList (475)6.3.7a SC-PTM information elements (476)–SC-MTCH-InfoList (476)–SCPTM-NeighbourCellList (478)6.3.8Sidelink information elements (478)–SL-CommConfig (478)–SL-CommResourcePool (479)–SL-CP-Len (480)–SL-DiscConfig (481)–SL-DiscResourcePool (483)–SL-DiscTxPowerInfo (485)–SL-GapConfig (485)。
Oracle Exadata Management基础:监控、优化和更多功能说明书
14648 – Oracle Exadata Management Fundamentals: New features for Monitoring, Tuning and MoreDeba Chatterjee : Senior Product Manager, OracleTotal Cloud ControlComplete Lifecycle ManagementIntegrated CloudStack ManagementBusiness-Driven ApplicationManagementSelf-Service IT | Simple and Automated | Business DrivenManagement Challenges Challenges•Reduce deployment cost and errors—rapid time to value•Migrate application while ensuring business continuity•Proactively monitor all components•Maximize availability•Ensure quality of serviceOracle Enterprise Manager Release 12.1•Manages all stages of Exadata lifecycle from deployment to maintenance •Automates deployment reducing cost and effort•Mitigates migration risk•Maximizes performance, availability and service qualityExadata ManagementSetup & Monitor•Discovering Exadata for monitoring•Monitoring the Database machineTest•Consolidate on Exadata•Validate Application PerformanceManage•Performance Diagnostics•Application SQL TuningMaintain•Configuration Compliance•Patch AutomationDiscovering Exadata in Enterprise Manager 12.1•Wizard driven guided discovery now significantly faster (10x) than 11g •Exadata Cell and the Infiniband components discovered out-of-the box •Exadata Plug-in bundled for all other targets (viz. KVM, PDU, Cisco Switch)•Option to Discover New DB Machine or rediscover – Add DB Machine MembersInstall Agent on ComputeNodeLaunch Auto DiscoveryAssign Monitoring AgentsComponent Credentials Monitoring PropertiesReviewExadata MonitoringDatabaseStorage ServerInfiniband NetworkKVM, PDU, ILOM, CISCOSWITCHExadata ManagementIntegrated View of Hardware and Software •Hardware view•Schematic of cells, compute nodes andswitches•Hardware components alerts•Software/system view•Performance, availability, usage bydatabases, services, clusters•Software alerts db, cluster, ASM•Topology view of DB systems/clusters•Configuration view•Version summary of all componentsalong with patch recommendationsStorage Cell Management•Storage Cell monitoring andadministration support–Cell Home page andperformance pages–Actions supported: Start/stopCell, verify connectivity, setupSSH•Automatic discovery of Exadatacells•Management by Cell Group–All cells used by a databaseautomatically placed in a group–Cell Group level administrationoperationsStorage Cell Management•Perform Cell Administration tasks–Execute Cellcli commands on a set of cells or all cells •Setup IORM for database targetsInfiniband Network Management•Infiniband network and switches as GC targets–Automatic discovery•Network home page and performance page – Real time and historical•Topology view of Network with switch and port level details •Full monitoring–Alerts (switch generated and EM generated)–Performance metrics–Configuration metrics – detect and notify configuration changes/bestpractice violationsInfiniband Network Management •Perform Infiniband Administration tasks– Enable Port– Disable Port–Clear Performance counters–Clear Error CountersCommon metrics monitored •Power supply failure •Fan failure•Temperature out of rangeMonitoring: ILOM, Cisco Switch, KVMSpecific metrics monitored•Cisco Switch–Configuration change tracking and reporting –Unauthorized SNMP access •Keyboard, Video, Mouse (KVM)–Server connected to KVM added/removed, powered on/offMonitoring: Power Distribution Unit (PDU)•Measures power consumption used by Exadata components and provides early warning of impending thresholds•Monitors electric current being used by equipment connected in Exadata rackExadata Service Dashboards•Service dashboard for executives and business owners •Many components reporting up to one Exadata ServiceExadata ManagementSetup & Monitor•Discovering Exadata for Monitoring•Monitoring the Database MachineTest•Consolidate on Exadata•Validate Application PerformanceManage•Performance Diagnostics•Application SQL TuningMaintain•Configuration Compliance•Patch AutomationDeploying Applications on Exadata•Migrating applications to Exadata can be a very time consuming•Three step process–Identify which applications to be migrated to Exadata –Create test environment on Exadata–Validate application performanceIdentify Applications Create Test Environments Validate PerformanceDeployment Challenges•Deploying application to Exadata involves multiple changes:–O/S migrations–Storage subsystem changes –Database upgrades–Single database instance to RAC •Proper testing required for risk mitigation.ApplicationsDatabaseStorageOSWillperformance improve?How long will it take?What are therisks?Which apps to consolidate?Consolidation Planner •Target resource utilization and configuration data extracted from Enterprise Managerrepository–CPU, memory, storage, network •Administrator specifies servers andconstraints for workload migration–Physical/virtual servers–Existing/planned servers–Business/technical constraints•Reports detail how consolidated workloads would perform on target serversSecure Test System Deployment•Deploy secure test system by masking sensitive data•Sensitive data never leaves the database•Extensible template library and policies for automation•Sophisticated masking: Condition-based, compound, deterministic •Integrated masking and cloning•Leverage masking templates for common data types •Masking of heterogeneous databases via database gateways •Command line (EMCLI) support for data masking actionsLAST_NAME SSNSALARYSMITH 111—23-1111 60,000 MILLER222-34-134540,000LAST_NAME SSNSALARY AGUILAR 203-33-3234 40,000 BENSON323-22-294360,000ProductionTestValidate Application Performance•SQL Performance Analyzer–SQL unit testing for response time–Identify and tune regressed SQL–Integrated into SQL Tuning Advisor and SQLPlan BaselineReplay WorkloadCapture WorkloadDeploy Replay ClientsCreate Test SystemEnd-to-end testing with real workloads•Database Replay –Load, performance testing for throughput –Remediate application concurrency problems –Integrated with Oracle Application Testing Suite for superior comprehensive testing solution •Seamless integration with Data Masking to preserve data sensitivity complianceExadata ManagementSetup & Monitor•Discovering Exadata for monitoring•Monitoring the Database machineTest•Consolidate on Exadata•Validate Application PerformanceManage•Performance Diagnostics•Application SQL TuningMaintain•Configuration Compliance•Patch AutomationIntegration with the Database Performance Page•Drill down fromdatabase Performancepage•Provides compositeview of all healthindicators of a cell orcell group•Helps triage•Load imbalance•ASM relatedproblems•Cell software orhardware failures•Cell configurationissues•Network relatedfailuresBoost Administrator ProductivityEliminate Performance BottlenecksLower IT Management CostsDeliver Higher Quality of Service•Oracle Database 11g’s Automatic Performance Diagnostics helps maximizes Exadata performance •Top-down performance analysis using Automatic Workload Repository•Real-time performance analysis with Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor •Resolve performance issues faster with drill-down root-cause analysis •Classification tree based on Oracle performance tuning expertise •Fully automates database performance diagnosticsAutomatic Workload Repository Snapshots Performance & Management AdvisorsHigh Load SQLRAC IssuesIO / CPU IssuesSelf-Diagnostic Engine (ADDM)•Automatic SQL Tuning–Analyze high-load SQL → tune using SQL Profiles → implement improved SQL plans (optional) •Comprehensive SQL analyses across 6 dimensions: statistics, SQL profiling, index, alternate plan, parallelization and SQL structure•SQL Profiles tunes execution plan without changing SQL text •Enables transparent tuning for packaged applicationsSQL Profiling Statistics Analysis Access Path AnalysisSQL Restructure Analysis Alternative Plan Analysis Parallel Query Analysis Automatic Tuning OptimizerAdministratorComprehensive SQL TuningRecommendationsGather Missing or Stale StatisticsCreate a SQL ProfileAdd Missing Access Structures Modify SQL ConstructsAdopt Alternative Execution PlanCreate Parallel SQL ProfileSQL TuningAdvisorExadata Aware SQL Monitoring •Real time monitoring ofapplication SQL•I/O performance graphs withExadata information–Cell offload efficiency–Cell smart scan•Rich metric data–CPU–I/O requests–I/O throughput–PGA Usage–Temp UsageExadata ManagementSetup & Monitor•Discovering Exadata for monitoring•Monitoring the Database machineTest•Consolidate on Exadata•Validate Application PerformanceManage•Performance Diagnostics•Application SQL TuningMaintain•Configuration Compliance•Patch AutomationRoot Cause Analysis of Hardware Problems •Topology View of all Exadata components by– Uses– Used By– System Members– DB Machine Software•Enables out of the box root cause analysis of issues.Defect Diagnostics•Support Workbench–Exadata integrated with Database defect diagnostic framework –Support Workbench provides viewing and packaging of incidents –Correlated packaging from DB through ASM to Exadata•Incident Management–Software and hardware incidents tracked via Incident Console –Track, manage and resolve critical incidents–Hardware alerts (temperature, cell down, power supply, etc.)–Hardware failures come with picture indicating failed part location–Best practice violations automatically alertedConfiguration ManagementEnforce StandardsEliminate DriftAutomated Configuration Management•Enforcement of Exadata configurations using Policies •Detection of configuration drifts and changes–From defined golden standards–Between storage servers and between database machines •Detect database targets that do not have required patchesConfiguration Management Compare between Oracle Database Machines •Gold Image Comparison•Baseline vs. Current•Multiple DB MachinesConfiguration ManagementStorage Cell to Storage Cell• Ability to compare current configuration vs. saved configurations •Within cells•Across multiple cellsAutomating Database Infrastructure Patching Fully Integrated with My Oracle Support•Proactive advisories, recommendations, and analysis–One-off patches, patch set updates, and critical patch updates •Zero downtime for patching•Integrated patch management & deployment automation •Patch intelligence and community•Streamlined conflicts and merge patch process•“Patchmgr", a command line tool, is used to patch the Storage Cells from the Compute Nodes .AnalyzeTestPatchReportProvisionStage•Central Repository for iso images•Unique knowledge base, analysis and how-to-install •Uses plans, profiles and policy based patch management •Track and audit change history•Audit patch and configuration compliance •Protect RPM by blacklisting •Only for use on the Compute NodesOPS Center: OS Patch Management EnhancedMetadataKnowledgeGeneration MachineOPS Center: Firmware Management•Automatically downloads required firmware from Oracle•Run compliance reports to see if the environment is up to date –Take action only if it is the Compute Node•Ops Center uses both Service Processor and OS level APIs to determine disk health–Leverages and installs the hwmgmt daemon–hwmgmt sends event information to Ops Center via the ServiceProcessorMaintainFault Diagnostics: ASR FlowComprehensive Fault Coverage •CPU•Disk controllers •Disks•Flash Cards •Flash modules •InfiniBand •Cards •Memory•System Board •Power supplies •FansCustomer Data CenterOracle Support Services! Fault occursProduct’s auto -diagnosis facility sends SNMP trap to ASR ManagerService Request createdFRU dispatched by Support EngineerFRU replaced by Field EngineerASR Manager SR creation emailnotification to customerFault telemetry securely transmitted to OracleSR routed to Support EngineerCustomerOracle Field EngineerASR ServiceOracle Exadata Database Machine Extreme ROI PlatformFast Predictable PerformanceLowerOngoingCosts Fastest Timeto Value atLowest RiskAutomate testing ofpatches, changes andupgrades whilekeeping data secure Drive down IToperational costs withautomated change andconfiguration mgmtMaximize database performancewith automated diagnostics & tuningOracle Enterprise ManagerProven Solution. Trusted by Customers.Cuts configurationmanagement effort by 90%Replaces manual toolswith automation; savestime by 50%Saves80% time and effortfor managing Databases90% of IT issuesaddressed before theyimpact usersDrives asset utilizationup by 70%Reduces Databasetesting time by 90%Reduces provisioningeffort by 75%Saves $1.9 million withOracle Enterprise ManagerSaves $170,000 per yearwith Oracle EnterpriseManagerDeploys SOAinfrastructure 92%fasterDelivers24/7 uptime withOracle EnterpriseManager Cuts application testingfrom weeks to hoursReduces critical patchingtime by 80%Saves weeks onapplication testing timeEnsures seamless userexperience for50,000,000 usersQuestionsAdditional Oracle Enterprise Manager Sessions Wednesday, October 5, 2011T I M E T I T L E L O C AT I O N10:15 am – 11:15 am Day in the Life of a DBA: Cloud-Ready Management Solutions for Any IT Shop Moscone S, Rm 309Moscone S, Rm 30510:15 am – 11:15 am Oracle Exadata Management Fundamentals: New Features for Monitoring, Tuning, andMoreMoscone S, Rm 30511:45 am – 12:45 am An Inside Look at Oracle Enterprise Manager: New Framework and ArchitectureOverview11:45 am – 12:45 am Make Upgrades Uneventful with Oracle Enterprise Manager and My Oracle Support Moscone S, Rm 30911:45 am – 12:45 am Roadmap to Enterprise Cloud Computing Moscone S, Rm 31011:45 am – 12:45 am SQL Tuning Expert Roundtable Moscone S, Rm 1031:15 pm – 2:15 pm Consolidation Planning and Chargeback: Cloud Implementation Essentials Moscone S, Rm 3091:15 pm – 2:15 pm Scalable, Smarter Monitoring with Oracle Enterprise Manager: Expert Tips Moscone S, Rm 3055:00 pm – 6:00 pm Oracle Enterprise Manager Deployment Best Practices Moscone S, Rm 3055:00 pm – 6:00 pm Oracle Enterprise Manager Upgrade Best Practices Moscone S, Rm 30910:15 am – 11:15 am Day in the Life of a DBA: Cloud-Ready Management Solutions for Any IT Shop Moscone S, Rm 309Oracle Enterprise ManagerDemogrounds and Hands On Labs•For further information, visit the Enterprise Manager Demo Grounds in Moscone West and South–See detailed demos of Enterprise Manager functionality•For hands on practice with Enterprise Manager, visit the Hands On Labs at the Marriott Hotel, Marquis Salon 14 / 15–“Test Drive” (1 hour) and “Grand Tour” Labs featuring OracleEnterprise Manager 12c running Tuesday – ThursdayScan the QR code to getthe latest demos, sessions,hands-on labs, and more !Join the conversation on#em12cJoin us for Enterprise Manager 12c LaunchMonday, Oct 3rd 5:00 p.m., Novellus Theater 47Copyright © 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rightsreserved.。
ZyWALL 1050ZyWALL 70/70 UTMZyWALL 35/35 UTMZyWALL 5/5 UTM网络安全产品ZyWALL 1050产品介绍ZyWALL 1050是一款面向大中型企业,具备极佳性能的VPN集中器网络安全设备●具备5个自定义千兆以太网端口,满足高速企业网络需求●使用硬件IPSec VPN加速芯片,支持高达1000条VPN隧道,并支持星形、混合型等各种类型VPN应用●在访问控制列表ACL之上,使用基于用户的策略引擎,根据用户ID/用户组、时间表等,进行VPN、应用控制、内容过滤、带宽管理,防止非授权网络访问●应用控制,管理即时通信IM/P2P/FTP/HTTP等应用●入侵检测与保护提供强大的7层内容检测,并通过实时快速的特征码更新,保护网络不受病毒、蠕虫、木马等的攻击●支持三层虚拟接口、自定义安全区域和802.1q VLAN,方便在大型复杂网络中进行部署,进行安全管理●有效带宽管理保证QoS,确保VoIP、视频等重要应用●支持SIP/H.323 ALG,满足企业VoIP应用,并对VoIP数据进行入侵检测●内容过滤功能对员工网络访问进行控制,提高工作效率●具备设备高可用性HA功能和VPN冗余,并支持多WAN口连接,进行负载均衡和链路冗余●支持集中网络管理**未来支持基本参数型号ZyWALL 1050用户数无用户限制性能(Mbps)VPN(3DES/AES) 100防火墙300IDP 100VPN隧道数1000并发会话数128,000多WAN HA/负载均衡48设备HA Yes应用控制Yes拨号备份Yes接口5*10/100/1000 Mbps MDI/MDI-X Gigabit Ethernet韧体升级免费质保2年产品优势●不间断的安全保护ZyWALL 1050通过设备高可用性HA、多ISP连接管理和VPN冗余,保证企业网络不受设备,线路故障影响,提供不间断,持续的安全保护。
1.[单选题]哪种攻击是公钥加密系统中最常用的攻击方式?A)选择明文攻击B)仅密文攻击C)选择密文攻击D)自适应选择明文攻击答案:A解析:A chosen-ciphertext attack is one in which cryptannlyst may choose a piece of ciphertext and attempt to obtain the corresponding decrypted plantext.This type of attack is generally most applicable to public-key cryptosystems.2.[单选题]用来限制统计数据库查询的信息推论的保护机制是A)指定最大的查询集大小B)指定最小的查询集大小,但禁止所有的查询,除了在数据库中的记录C)指定最小的查询集大小D)指定最大的查询集大小,但禁止所有的查询,除了在数据库中的记录答案:B解析:3.[单选题]以下哪项限制了个人执行特定过程的所有步骤的能力?A)一个。
工作轮换B)职责分离C)最小特权D)强制性假期答案:B解析:4.[单选题]什么加密算法将为储存于USB 盘上的数据提供强大保护?A)TLSB)SHA1C)AESD)DES答案:C解析:略章节:模拟考试2022015.[单选题]Activity to baseline, tailor, and scope security controls tikes place dring which National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST)Risk Management Framework(RMF)step? 制定基线、调整和范围安全控制的活动表明,国家标准与技术研究所(NIST)风险管理框架(RMF)采取了哪一步?A)Authorize IS. 授权IS。
计算机专业英语试题及答案1. 选择题1. Which of the following is not a programming language?a) Javab) HTMLc) Pythond) CSS答案: b) HTML2. Which protocol is used for sending and receiving email?a) HTTPSb) FTPc) SMTPd) DNS答案: c) SMTP3. What does the acronym CPU stand for?a) Central Processing Unitb) Computer Processing Unitc) Control Processing Unitd) Central Power Unit答案: a) Central Processing Unit4. Which programming language is commonly used for web development?a) C++b) Javac) JavaScriptd) Swift答案: c) JavaScript5. What does HTML stand for?a) Hyperlinks and Text Markup Languageb) Hyper Text Markup Languagec) Home Tool Markup Languaged) Hyper Text Modeling Language答案: b) Hyper Text Markup Language2. 填空题1. The process of converting high-level programming code into machine code is called ___________.答案: compilation2. HTTP stands for ___________ Transfer Protocol.答案: Hyper Text3. The process of testing software by executing it is called ___________.答案: debugging4. Java is an object-_____________ programming language.答案: oriented5. DNS stands for Domain Name ___________.答案: System3. 简答题1. What is the difference between TCP and UDP?答案: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a connection-oriented protocol, which means it establishes a connection between the sender and receiver before transferring data. It ensures that all packets are received in the correct order and provides error checking. UDP (User Datagram Protocol), on the other hand, is a connectionless protocol that does not establish a direct connection before transmitting data. It does not guarantee packet delivery or order but is faster and more efficient for time-sensitive applications.2. What is the purpose of an operating system?答案: An operating system (OS) is a software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services forcomputer programs. Its primary purpose is to enable the user to interact with the computer and provide a platform for running applications. It manages memory, file systems, input/output devices, and multitasking. The OS also handles system security and resource allocation to ensure optimal performance.4. 解答题请参考下文并给出自己的解答。
Symphony Enterprise Management和控制系统的Cnet高速数据通信网络说明
Features and Benefits Overview Control ITHarmony RackCommunications Control Network, Cnet, is a high-speed data communicationhighway between nodes in the Symphony™ Enterprise Man-agement and Control System. Cnet provides a data pathamong Harmony control units (HCU), human system inter-faces (HSI), and computers. High system reliability andavailability are key characteristics of this mission-criticalcommunication network. Reliability is bolstered by redun-dant hardware and communication media in a way that thebackup automatically takes over in the event of a fault in theprimary. Extensive use of error checking and messageacknowledgment assures accurate communication of criticalprocess data.Cnet uses exception reporting to increase the effective band-width of the communication network. This method offers theuser the flexibility of managing the flow of process data andultimately the process. Data is transmitted only when it haschanged by an amount which can be user selected, or when apredetermined time-out period is exceeded. The system pro-vides default values for these parameters, but the user cancustomize them to meet the specific needs of the processunder control.TC00895A■Fast plant-wide communication network: Cnet provides fastresponse time to insure timelyinformation exchange.■Efficient data transfer: Message packing and multiple address-ing increase data handlingefficiency and throughput.■Plant-wide time synchronization: Time synchronization of Cnetnodes throughout the entirecontrol process insures accuratedata time-stamping.■Independent node communica-tion: Each Cnet node operatesindependently of other nodes.Requires no traffic directors;each node is its owncommunication manager.■Accurate data exchange: Multi-ple self-check features including positive message acknowledg-ment, cyclic redundancy checks(CRC), and checksums insuredata integrity.■Automatic communications recovery: Rack communicationmodules provide localized start-up/shutdown on power failurewithout operator intervention.Each type of interface supportsredundancy.Harmony Rack CommunicationsOverviewHarmony rack communications encompasses various communication interfaces as shown inFigure1: Cnet-to-Cnet communication, Cnet-to-HCU communication, and Cnet-to-computercommunication.Figure 1. Harmony Rack Communications ArchitectureThe communication interface units transfer exception reports and system data, control, and con-figuration messages over Cnet. Exception reported data appears as dynamic values, alarms, and state changes on displays and in reports generated by human system interfaces and other system nodes. Exception reporting is automatic at the Harmony controller level. Specifically, the control-ler generates an exception report periodically to update data, after a process point reaches adefined alarm limit or changes state, or after a significant change in value occurs.Harmony Rack Communications Control NetworkCnet is a unidirectional, high speed serial data network that operates at a 10-megahertz or two-megahertz communication rate. It supports a central network with up to 250 system node connec-tions. Multiple satellite networks can link to the central network. Each satellite network supports up to 250 system node connections. Interfacing a maximum number of satellite networks gives a system capacity of over 62,000 nodes.On the central network, a node can be a bridge to a satellite network, a Harmony control unit, a human system interface, or a computer, each connected through a Cnet communication interface.On a satellite network, a node can be a bridge to the central network, a Harmony control unit, a human system interface, or a computer.Harmony Control UnitThe Harmony control unit is the fundamental control node of the Symphony system. It connects to Cnet through a Cnet-to-HCU interface. The HCU cabinet contains the Harmony controllers and input/output devices. The actual process control and management takes place at this level. HCU connection to Cnet enables Harmony controllers to:■Communicate field input values and states for process monitoring and control.■Communicate configuration parameters that determine the operation of functions such asalarming, trending, and logging on a human system interface.■Receive control instructions from a human system interface to adjust process field outputs.■Provide feedback to plant personnel of actual output changes.Human System InterfaceA human system interface such as a Signature Series workstation running Maestro or ConductorSeries software provides the ability to monitor and control plant operations from a single point. It connects to Cnet through a Cnet-to-computer interface. The number of workstations in a Sym-phony system varies and depends on the overall control plan and size of a plant. The workstation connection to Cnet gives plant personnel access to dynamic plant-wide process information, and enables monitoring, tuning, and control of an entire plant process from workstation color graphics displays and a pushbutton keyboard.ComputerA computer can access Cnet for data acquisition, system configuration, and process control. It con-nects to Cnet through a Cnet-to-computer interface. The computer connection to Cnet enablesplant personnel, for example, to develop and maintain control configurations, manage the system database, and create HSI displays remotely using Composer™engineering tools. There are addi-tional Composer and Performer series tools and applications that can access plant informationthrough a Cnet-to-computer interface.Cnet-to-Cnet Communication InterfaceThe Cnet-to-Cnet interfaces are the INIIR01 Remote Interface and the INIIL02 Local Interface.Figure2 shows the remote interface and Figure 3 shows the local interface.Harmony Rack CommunicationsFigure 2. Cnet-to-Cnet Remote Interface (INIIR01)Figure 3. Cnet-to-Cnet Local Interface (INIIL02)Harmony Rack Communications INIIR01 Remote InterfaceThe INIIR01 Remote Interface consists of the INNIS01 Network Interface Module and the INIIT12 Remote Transfer Module (Fig.2). This interface is a node on a central network that can communi-cate to an interface node on a remote satellite network. In this arrangement, two interfaces arerequired: one for the central network, and the other for the satellite network. Bidirectional commu-nication from the central network to the remote satellite network is through standard RS-232-Cports.The remote interface supports hardware redundancy. Redundancy requires a full set of duplicate modules (two INNIS01 modules and two INIIT12 modules on each network). The secondaryINIIT12 module continuously monitors the primary over dedicated Controlway. A failover occurs when the secondary module detects a primary module failure. When this happens, the secondary interface takes over and the primary interface is taken offline.INIIL02 Local InterfaceThe INIIL02 Local Interface consists of two INNIS01 Network Interface modules and the INIIT03 Local Transfer Module (Fig.3). This interface acts as a bridge between two local Cnets. One of the INNIS01 modules operates on the central network side and the other operates on the satellite net-work side. Bidirectional communication from the central network to the local satellite network is through cable connection to the NTCL01 termination unit. The maximum distance betweentermination units on the two communication networks is 45.8 meters (150feet).The local interface supports hardware redundancy. Redundancy requires a full set of duplicatemodules (four INNIS01 modules and two INIIT03 modules). The secondary INIIT03 module con-tinuously monitors the primary over dedicated Controlway. A failover occurs when the secondary detects a primary module failure. When this happens, the secondary assumes responsibility and the primary is taken offline.Cnet-to-HCU Communication InterfaceThe Harmony control unit interface consists of the INNIS01 Network Interface Module and the INNPM12 or INNPM11 Network Processing Module (Fig. 4). This interface can be used for a node on the central network or on a satellite network (Fig.1). Through this interface the Harmony con-trol unit has access to Cnet and to Controlway at the same time. Controlway is an internal cabinet communication bus between Harmony rack controllers and the communication interfacemodules.The HCU interface supports hardware redundancy. Redundancy requires a full set of duplicate modules (two INNIS01 modules and two INNPM12 or INNPM11 modules). The secondary net-work processing module (INNPM12 or INNPM11) continuously monitors the primary through a direct ribbon cable connection. A failover occurs when the secondary detects a primary module failure. When this happens, the secondary assumes responsibility and the primary is taken offline. Cnet-to-Computer Communication InterfaceThe Cnet-to-computer interfaces are the INICI03 and INICI12 interfaces. The INICI03 interfaceconsists of the INNIS01 Network Interface Module, the INICT03A Computer Transfer Module,and the IMMPI01 Multifunction Processor Interface Module (Fig. 5). The INICI12 interface con-sists of the INNIS01 Network Interface Module and the INICT12 Computer Transfer Module(Fig6).Harmony Rack CommunicationsFigure 4. Cnet-to-HCU InterfaceFigure 5. Cnet-to-Computer Interface (INICI03)Figure 6. Cnet-to-Computer Interface (INICI12)Harmony Rack CommunicationsA computer interface can be used for a node on the central network or on a satellite network (Fig.1). It gives a host computer access to point data over Cnet. The computer connects through either an RS-232-C serial link at rates up to 19.2 kilobaud or through a SCSI parallel port when using an INICI03 interface. The computer connects through an RS-232-C serial link at rates up to 19.2 kilobaud when using an INICI12 interface. Each interface is command driven through soft-ware on the host computer. It receives a command from the host computer, executes it, then replies to the host computer.Note: A workstation running Conductor VMS software does not use an INICI03 or INICI12 Cnet-to-Computer Interface but instead has its own dedicated version of the Cnet-to-computer interface (IIMCP02 and IIMLM01).Communication ModulesTable 1 lists the available Harmony rack communication modules. These modules, in certain combinations, create the various Cnet communication interfaces.Network Interface ModuleThe INNIS01 Network Interface Module is the front end for all the different Cnet communication interfaces. It is the intelligent link between a node and Cnet. The INNIS01 module works in con-junction with the transfer modules and the network processing module. This allows any node to communicate with any other node within the Symphony system.The INNIS01 module is a single printed circuit board that occupies one slot in the module mount-ing unit (MMU). The circuit board contains microprocessor based communication circuitry that enables it to directly communicate with the transfer modules and network processing module, and to interface to Cnet.The INNIS01 module connects to its Cnet communication network through a cable connected to an NTCL01 termination unit. Communication between nodes is through coaxial or twinaxial cables that connect to the termination units on each node.Cnet-to-Cnet Remote Transfer ModuleThe INIIT12 Remote Transfer Module supports bidirectional communication through twoRS-232-C ports. Port one passes system data only. Port two passes system data or can be used as a diagnostic port. The central network INIIT12 module can use a variety of means to link to the sat-ellite network INIIT12 module such as modems, microwave, and transceivers. The INIIT12Table 1. Harmony Rack Communication Modules ModuleDescription Cnet-to-Cnet Cnet-to-HCU Cnet-to-Computer INIIR01 INIIL02 INICI03INICI12 IMMPI01Multifunction processor interface •INICT03ACnet-to-computer transfer •INICT12Cnet-to-computer transfer •INIIT03Cnet-to-Cnet local transfer •INIIT12Cnet-to-Cnet remote transfer •INNIS01Network interface •••••INNPM11 or INNPM12Network processing•Harmony Rack Communicationsmodule directly communicates with an INNIS01 module. Many of the operating characteristics of the INIIT12 module are determined by function code202 (INIIT12 executive) specifications.The INIIT12 module is a single printed circuit board that occupies one slot in the module mount-ing unit. The circuit board contains microprocessor based communication circuitry that enables it to serially communicate with another INIIT12 module, to directly communicate with its INNIS01 module, and to interface to Controlway.The INIIT12 module connects through a cable to an NTMP01 termination unit. The two RS-232-C ports are located on the termination unit.Cnet-to-Cnet Local Transfer ModuleThe INIIT03 Local Transfer Module serves as the bridge between two local Cnet communication networks. It holds the node database and is responsible for transferring all messages between net-works. Messages include exception reports, configuration data, control data, and system status.This module directly communicates with the INNIS01 module of the central network and of the satellite network simultaneously.The INIIT03 module is a single printed circuit board that occupies one slot in the module mount-ing unit. The circuit board contains microprocessor based communication circuitry that enables it to directly communicate with its two INNIS01 modules and to interface to Controlway.Cnet-to-Computer Transfer ModuleThe INICT03A Computer Transfer Module and INICT12 Computer Transfer Module handle all communication with a host computer. These modules are command driven through software on the host computer. The module receives a command from the host computer, executes it, thenreplies. Its firmware enables the host computer to issue commands for data acquisition, process monitoring, and process control, and to perform system functions such as security, timesynchronization, status monitoring, and module configuration.The INICT03A and INICT12 modules are single printed circuit boards that occupy one slot in the module mounting unit. Their capabilities and computer connection methods differ. The INICT03A module can store up to 30,000 point definitions (depending on point types). The INICT12 module can store up to 10,000 point definitions.For the INICT03A module, the circuit board contains microprocessor based communication cir-cuitry that enables it to directly communicate with its INNIS01 module and to directlycommunicate with an IMMPI01 module. It communicates with the IMMPI01 module through a ribbon cable connection. The IMMPI01 module handles the actual host computer interface andsupports RS-232-C or SCSI serial communication.For the INICT12 module, the circuit board contains microprocessor based communication cir-cuitry that enables it to directly communicate with its INNIS01 module and to directlycommunicate with a host computer using RS-232-C serial communication. The module cable con-nects to an NTMP01 termination unit. Two RS-232-C ports are located on the termination unit. The NTMP01 jumper configuration determines DTE or DCE operation.Multifunction Processor Interface ModuleThe IMMPI01 Multifunction Processor Interface Module handles the I/O interface between thehost computer and the INICT03A Computer Transfer Module. The IMMPI01 module supportseither a SCSI or RS-232-C computer interface. When communicating through the RS-232-C port, the module can act as data communication equipment (DCE) or data terminal equipment (DTE).Harmony Rack Communications The IMMPI01 module is a single printed circuit board that occupies one slot in the module mount-ing unit. The circuit board contains microprocessor based communication circuitry that enables it to communicate with its INICT03A module through a ribbon cable connection.For RS-232-C computer interface, the module cable connects to an NTMP01 termination unit. Two RS-232-C ports are located on the termination unit. The NTMP01 jumper configuration determines DTE or DCE operation. The SCSI port is located at the module faceplate. In this case, notermination unit is required.Network Processing ModuleThe INNPM12 or INNPM11 Network Processing Module acts as a gateway between Cnet andControlway. The module holds the Harmony control unit database and handles the communica-tion between controllers residing on Controlway and the INNIS01 module.The INNPM12 or INNPM11 module is a single printed circuit board that occupies one slot in the module mounting unit. The circuit board contains microprocessor based communication circuitry that enables it to directly communicate with its INNIS01 module and to interface to Controlway.Rack Communications PowerHarmony rack communication modules are powered by 5, 15, and -15VDC logic power. Modular Power System II supplies the logic power. These operating voltages are distributed from thepower system through a system power bus bar mounted in the cabinet. A module mounting unit connects to this bus bar then routes the power to individual modules through backplaneconnectors.Rack Communications Mounting HardwareHarmony rack communication modules and their termination units mount in standard ABB cabi-nets. The option for small cabinet mounting is provided. The number of modules that can bemounted in a single cabinet varies. Modules of an interface are always mounted in adjacent slots.An IEMMU11, IEMMU12, IEMMU21, or IEMMU22 Module Mounting Unit and an NFTP01 Field Termination Panel are used for module and termination unit mounting respectively (Fig. 7). The mounting unit and termination panel both attach to standard 483-millimeter (19-inch) width side rails. Front mount and rear mount MMU versions are available to provide flexibility in cabinetmounting.A module mounting unit is required to mount and provide power to rack mounted modules. Theunit is for mounting Harmony rack controllers, I/O modules, and communication interfacemodules. The MMU backplane connects and routes:■Controlway.■I/O expander bus.■Logic power to rack modules.The Controlway and I/O expander bus are internal cabinet, communication buses. Communica-tion between rack controllers and HCU communication interface modules is over Controlway. The Cnet-to-Cnet interfaces use dedicated Controlway for redundancy communication. This dedicated Controlway is isolated from all other modules.Harmony Rack CommunicationsFigure 7. Rack I/O Mounting HardwareRelated DocumentsNumber Document TitleWBPEEUD250001??Harmony Rack Communications, Data SheetHarmony Rack Communications WBPEEUS250002C111Harmony Rack CommunicationsWBPEEUS250002C1Litho in U.S.A.May 2003Copyright © 2003 by ABB, All Rights Reserved® Registered Trademark of ABB.™ Trademark of ABB.For more information on the Control IT suiteofproducts,***************************.comFor the latest information on ABB visit us on the World Wide Web at /controlAutomation Technology Products Mannheim, Germany email:*********************************.com Automation Technology ProductsWickliffe, Ohio, USA/processautomation email:****************************.com Automation Technology Products Västerås, Sweden /processautomation email:************************.com ™Composer, Control IT , and Symphony are trademarks of ABB.。
ISO 9000-2015基础与术语(E,20150915)
© ISO 2015Quality management systems — Fundamentals and vocabularySystèmes de management de la qualité — Principes essentiels et vocabulaireINTERNATIONAL STANDARDISO 9000Fourth edition 2015-09-15Reference number ISO 9000:2015(E)ISO 9000:2015(E)ii© ISO 2015 – All rights reservedCOPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT© ISO 2015, Published in SwitzerlandAll rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.ISO copyright officeCh. de Blandonnet 8 • CP 401CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 749 01 11Fax +41 22 749 09 47copyright@ --`,,,``,`````,,``,,,``,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 9000:2015(E)Contents Page Foreword (iv)Introduction (v)1 Scope (1)2 Fundamental concepts and quality management principles (1)2.1 General (1)2.2 Fundamental concepts (2)2.2.1 Quality (2)2.2.2 Quality management system (2)2.2.3 Context of an organization (2)2.2.4 Interested parties (2)2.2.5 Support (2)2.3 Quality management principles (3)2.3.1 Customer focus (3)2.3.2 Leadership (4)2.3.3 Engagement of people (5)2.3.4 Process approach (6)2.3.5 Improvement (6)2.3.6 Evidence-based decision making (7)2.3.7 Relationship management (8)2.4 Developing the QMS using fundamental concepts and principles (9)2.4.1 QMS model (9)2.4.2 Development of a QMS (9)2.4.3 QMS standards, other management systems and excellence models (10)3 Terms and definitions (10)3.1 Terms related to person or people (10)3.2 Terms related to organization (11)3.3 Terms related to activity (13)3.4 Terms related to process (15)3.5 Terms related to system (16)3.6 Terms related to requirement (18)3.7 Terms related to result (20)3.8 Terms related to data, information and document (23)3.9 Terms related to customer (25)3.10 Terms related to characteristic (26)3.11 Terms related to determination (27)3.12 Terms related to action (29)3.13 Terms related to audit (30)Annex A (informative) Concept relationships and their graphical representation (33)Bibliography (47)Alphabetical index of terms (49)© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved iiiISO 9000:2015(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see /directives). Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see /patents).Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement.For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: /iso/foreword.html. The committee responsible for this document is Technical Committee ISO/TC 176, Quality management and quality assurance, Subcommittee SC 1, Concepts and terminology.This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 9000:2005), which has been technically revised.iv© ISO 2015 – All rights reservedISO 9000:2015(E)IntroductionThis International Standard provides the fundamental concepts, principles and vocabulary for quality management systems (QMS) and provides the foundation for other QMS standards. This International Standard is intended to help the user to understand the fundamental concepts, principles and vocabulary of quality management, in order to be able to effectively and efficiently implement a QMS and realize value from other QMS standards.This International Standard proposes a well-defined QMS, based on a framework that integrates established fundamental concepts, principles, processes and resources related to quality, in order to help organizations realize their objectives. It is applicable to all organizations, regardless of size, complexity or business model. Its aim is to increase an organization’s awareness of its duties and commitment in fulfilling the needs and expectations of its customers and interested parties, and in achieving satisfaction with its products and services.This International Standard contains seven quality management principles supporting the fundamental concepts described in 2.2. In 2.3, for each quality management principle, there is a “statement” describing each principle, a “rationale” explaining why the organization would address the principle, “key benefits” that are attributed to the principles, and “possible actions” that an organization can take in applying the principle.This International Standard contains the terms and definitions that apply to all quality management and QMS standards developed by ISO/TC 176, and other sector-specific QMS standards based on those standards, at the time of publication. The terms and definitions are arranged in conceptual order, with an alphabetical index provided at the end of the document. Annex A includes a set of diagrams of the concept systems that form the concept ordering.NOTE Guidance on some additional frequently-used words in the QMS standards developed by ISO/TC 176, and which have an identified dictionary meaning, is provided in a glossary available at: http://www.iso. org/iso/03_terminology_used_in_iso_9000_family.pdf--`,,,``,`````,,``,,,``,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved v--`,,,``,`````,,``,,,``,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Quality management systems — Fundamentals and vocabulary1 ScopeThis International Standard describes the fundamental concepts and principles of quality management which are universally applicable to the following:— organizations seeking sustained success through the implementation of a quality management system;— customers seeking confidence in an organization’s ability to consistently provide products andservices conforming to their requirements;— organizations seeking confidence in their supply chain that product and service requirements willbe met;— organizations and interested parties seeking to improve communication through a commonunderstanding of the vocabulary used in quality management;— organizations performing conformity assessments against the requirements of ISO 9001;— providers of training, assessment or advice in quality management;— developers of related standards.This International Standard specifies the terms and definitions that apply to all quality management and quality management system standards developed by ISO/TC 176.2 Fundamental concepts and quality management principles2.1 GeneralThe quality management concepts and principles described in this International Standard give the organization the capacity to meet challenges presented by an environment that is profoundly different from recent decades. The context in which an organization works today is characterized by accelerated change, globalization of markets and the emergence of knowledge as a principal resource. The impact of quality extends beyond customer satisfaction: it can also have a direct impact on the organization’s reputation.Society has become better educated and more demanding, making interested parties increasingly more influential. By providing fundamental concepts and principles to be used in the development of a quality management system (QMS), this International Standard provides a way of thinking about the organization more broadly.All concepts, principles and their interrelationships should be seen as a whole and not in isolation of each other. No individual concept or principle is more important than another. At any one time, finding the right balance in application is critical.INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 9000:2015(E)© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved1N o r e p r o d u c t i o n o r n e t w o r k i n g p e r m i t t e d w i t h o u t l i c e n s e f r o m I H SISO 9000:2015(E)2.2 Fundamental concepts2.2.1 QualityAn organization focused on quality promotes a culture that results in the behaviour, attitudes, activities and processes that deliver value through fulfilling the needs and expectations of customers and other relevant interested parties.The quality of an organization’s products and services is determined by the ability to satisfy customers and the intended and unintended impact on relevant interested parties.The quality of products and services includes not only their intended function and performance, but also their perceived value and benefit to the customer.2.2.2 Quality management systemA QMS comprises activities by which the organization identifies its objectives and determines the processes and resources required to achieve desired results.The QMS manages the interacting processes and resources required to provide value and realize results for relevant interested parties.The QMS enables top management to optimize the use of resources considering the long and short term consequences of their decision.A QMS provides the means to identify actions to address intended and unintended consequences in providing products and services.2.2.3 Context of an organizationUnderstanding the context of the organization is a process. This process determines factors which influence the organization’s purpose, objectives and sustainability. It considers internal factors such as values, culture, knowledge and performance of the organization. It also considers external factors such as legal, technological, competitive, market, cultural, social and economic environments. Examples of the ways in which an organization’s purpose can be expressed include its vision, mission, policies and objectives.2.2.4 Interested partiesThe concept of interested parties extends beyond a focus solely on the customer. It is important to consider all relevant interested parties.Part of the process for understanding the context of the organization is to identify its interested parties. The relevant interested parties are those that provide significant risk to organizational sustainability if their needs and expectations are not met. Organizations define what results are necessary to deliver to those relevant interested parties to reduce that risk. Organizations attract, capture and retain the support of the relevant interested parties they depend upon for their success.2.2.5 Support2.2.5.1 GeneralTop management support of the QMS and engagement of people enables:— provision of adequate human and other resources;— monitoring processes and results;2 © ISO 2015 – All rights reservedISO 9000:2015(E)— determining and evaluating of risks and opportunities;— implementing appropriate actions.Responsible acquisition, deployment, maintenance, enhancement and disposal of resources support the organization in achieving its objectives. PeoplePeople are essential resources within the organization. The performance of the organization is dependent upon how people behave within the system in which they work.--`,,,``,`````,,``,,,``,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---Within an organization, people become engaged and aligned through a common understanding of the quality policy and the organization’s desired results. CompetenceA QMS is most effective when all employees understand and apply the skills, training, education and experience needed to perform their roles and responsibilities. It is the responsibility of top management to provide opportunities for people to develop these necessary competencies. AwarenessAwareness is attained when people understand their responsibilities and how their actions contribute to the achievement of the organization’s objectives. CommunicationPlanned and effective internal (i.e. throughout the organization) and external (i.e. with relevant interested parties) communication enhances people’s engagement and increased understanding of:— the context of the organization;— the needs and expectations of customers and other relevant interested parties;— the QMS.2.3 Quality management principles2.3.1 Customer focus2.3.1.1 StatementThe primary focus of quality management is to meet customer requirements and to strive to exceed customer expectations. RationaleSustained success is achieved when an organization attracts and retains the confidence of customers and other relevant interested parties. Every aspect of customer interaction provides an opportunity to create more value for the customer. Understanding current and future needs of customers and other interested parties contributes to the sustained success of the organization. Key benefitsSome potential key benefits are:— increased customer value;© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved 3ISO 9000:2015(E)— increased customer satisfaction;— improved customer loyalty;— enhanced repeat business;— enhanced reputation of the organization;— expanded customer base;— increased revenue and market share. Possible actionsPossible actions include:— recognize direct and indirect customers as those who receive value from the organization;— understand customers’ current and future needs and expectations;— link the organization’s objectives to customer needs and expectations;— communicate customer needs and expectations throughout the organization;— plan, design, develop, produce, deliver and support products and services to meet customer needs and expectations;— measure and monitor customer satisfaction and take appropriate actions;— determine and take action on relevant interested parties’ needs and appropriate expectations that can affect customer satisfaction;— actively manage relationships with customers to achieve sustained success.2.3.2 Leadership2.3.2.1 StatementLeaders at all levels establish unity of purpose and direction and create conditions in which people are engaged in achieving the organization’s quality objectives. RationaleCreation of unity of purpose and the direction and engagement of people enable an organization to align its strategies, policies, processes and resources to achieve its objectives. Key benefitsSome potential key benefits are:— increased effectiveness and efficiency in meeting the organization’s quality objectives;— better coordination of the organization’s processes;— improved communication between levels and functions of the organization;— development and improvement of the capability of the organization and its people to deliver desired results.--`,,,``,`````,,``,,,``,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,4 © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved2.3.2.4 Possible actionsPossible actions include:— communicate the organization’s mission, vision, strategy, policies and processes throughout the organization;— create and sustain shared values, fairness and ethical models for behaviour at all levels of the organization;— establish a culture of trust and integrity;— encourage an organization-wide commitment to quality;— ensure that leaders at all levels are positive examples to people in the organization;— provide people with the required resources, training and authority to act with accountability;— inspire, encourage and recognize the contribution of people.2.3.3 Engagement of people2.3.3.1 StatementCompetent, empowered and engaged people at all levels throughout the organization are essential to enhance the organization’s capability to create and deliver value. RationaleIn order to manage an organization effectively and efficiently, it is important to respect and involve all people at all levels. Recognition, empowerment and enhancement of competence facilitate the engagement of people in achieving the organization’s quality objectives. Key benefitsSome potential key benefits are:— improved understanding of the organization’s quality objectives by people in the organization and increased motivation to achieve them;— enhanced involvement of people in improvement activities;— enhanced personal development, initiatives and creativity;— enhanced people satisfaction;— enhanced trust and collaboration throughout the organization;— increased attention to shared values and culture throughout the organization. Possible actionsPossible actions include:— communicate with people to promote understanding of the importance of their individual contribution;— promote collaboration throughout the organization;— facilitate open discussion and sharing of knowledge and experience;— empower people to determine constraints to performance and to take initiatives without fear;© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved 5— recognize and acknowledge people’s contribution, learning and improvement;— enable self-evaluation of performance against personal objectives;— conduct surveys to assess people’s satisfaction, communicate the results and take appropriate actions.2.3.4 Process approach2.3.4.1 StatementConsistent and predictable results are achieved more effectively and efficiently when activities are understood and managed as interrelated processes that function as a coherent system. RationaleThe QMS consists of interrelated processes. Understanding how results are produced by this system enables an organization to optimize the system and its performance. Key benefitsSome potential key benefits are:— enhanced ability to focus effort on key processes and opportunities for improvement;— consistent and predictable outcomes through a system of aligned processes;— optimized performance through effective process management, efficient use of resources and reduced cross-functional barriers;— enabling the organization to provide confidence to interested parties related to its consistency, effectiveness and efficiency. Possible actionsPossible actions include:— define objectives of the system and processes necessary to achieve them;— establish authority, responsibility and accountability for managing processes;— understand the organization’s capabilities and determine resource constraints prior to action;— determine process interdependencies and analyse the effect of modifications to individual processes on the system as a whole;— manage processes and their interrelations as a system to achieve the organization’s quality objectives effectively and efficiently;— ensure the necessary information is available to operate and improve the processes and to monitor, analyse and evaluate the performance of the overall system;— manage risks which can affect outputs of the processes and overall outcomes of the QMS.2.3.5 Improvement2.3.5.1 StatementSuccessful organizations have an ongoing focus on improvement.6 © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved N o r e p r o d u c t i o n o r n e t w o r k i n g p e r m i t t e d w i t h o u t l i c e n s e f r o m I H S2.3.5.2 RationaleImprovement is essential for an organization to maintain current levels of performance, to react to changes in its internal and external conditions and to create new opportunities. Key benefitsSome potential key benefits are:— improved process performance, organizational capability and customer satisfaction;— enhanced focus on root cause investigation and determination, followed by prevention and corrective actions;— enhanced ability to anticipate and react to internal and external risks and opportunities;— enhanced consideration of both incremental and breakthrough improvement;— improved use of learning for improvement;— enhanced drive for innovation. Possible actionsPossible actions include:— promote establishment of improvement objectives at all levels of the organization;— educate and train people at all levels on how to apply basic tools and methodologies to achieve improvement objectives;— ensure people are competent to successfully promote and complete improvement projects; --`,,,``,`````,,``,,,``,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---— develop and deploy processes to implement improvement projects throughout the organization;— track, review and audit the planning, implementation, completion and results of improvement projects;— integrate improvement consideration into development of new or modified products and services and processes;— recognize and acknowledge improvement.2.3.6 Evidence-based decision making2.3.6.1 StatementDecisions based on the analysis and evaluation of data and information are more likely to produce desired results. RationaleDecision-making can be a complex process and it always involves some uncertainty. It often involves multiple types and sources of inputs, as well as their interpretation, which can be subjective. It is important to understand cause and effect relationships and potential unintended consequences. Facts, evidence and data analysis lead to greater objectivity and confidence in decision making. Key benefitsSome potential key benefits are:— improved decision making processes;© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved 7— improved assessment of process performance and ability to achieve objectives;— improved operational effectiveness and efficiency;— increased ability to review, challenge and change opinions and decisions;— increased ability to demonstrate the effectiveness of past decisions. Possible actionsPossible actions include:— determine, measure and monitor key indicators to demonstrate the organization’s performance;— make all data needed available to the relevant people;— ensure that data and information are sufficiently accurate, reliable and secure;— analyse and evaluate data and information using suitable methods;— ensure people are competent to analyse and evaluate data as needed;— make decisions and take actions based on evidence, balanced with experience and intuition.2.3.7 Relationship management2.3.7.1 StatementFor sustained success, organizations manage their relationships with relevant interested parties, such as providers. RationaleRelevant interested parties influence the performance of an organization. Sustained success is more likely to be achieved when the organization manages relationships with all of its interested parties to optimize their impact on its performance. Relationship management with its provider and partner networks is of particular importance. Key benefitsSome potential key benefits are:— enhanced performance of the organization and its relevant interested parties through responding to the opportunities and constraints related to each interested party;— common understanding of objectives and values among interested parties;— increased capability to create value for interested parties by sharing resources and competence and managing quality related risks;--`,,,``,`````,,``,,,``,`,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---— a well-managed supply chain that provides a stable flow of products and services. Possible actionsPossible actions include:— determine relevant interested parties (such as providers, partners, customers, investors, employees or society as a whole) and their relationship with the organization;— determine and prioritize interested party relationships that need to be managed;8 © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved— establish relationships that balance short-term gains with long-term considerations;— gather and share information, expertise and resources with relevant interested parties;— measure performance and provide performance feedback to interested parties, as appropriate, to enhance improvement initiatives;— establish collaborative development and improvement activities with providers, partners and other interested parties;— encourage and recognize improvements and achievements by providers and partners.2.4 Developing the QMS using fundamental concepts and principles2.4.1 QMS model2.4.1.1 GeneralOrganizations share many characteristics with humans as a living and learning social organism. Both are adaptive and comprise interacting systems, processes and activities. In order to adapt to their varying context, each needs the ability to change. Organizations often innovate to achieve breakthrough improvements. An organization’s QMS model recognizes that not all systems, processes and activities can be predetermined; therefore it needs to be flexible and adaptable within the complexities of the organizational context. SystemOrganizations seek to understand the internal and external context to identify the needs and expectations of relevant interested parties. This information is used in the development of the QMS to achieve organizational sustainability. The outputs from one process can be the inputs into other processes and are interlinked into the overall network. Although often appearing to be comprised of similar processes, each organization and its QMS is unique. ProcessesThe organization has processes that can be defined, measured and improved. These processes interact to deliver results consistent with the organization’s objectives and cross functional boundaries. Some processes can be critical while others are not. Processes have interrelated activities with inputs to deliver outputs. ActivityPeople collaborate within a process to carry out their daily activities. Some activities are prescribed and depend on an understanding of the objectives of the organization, while others are not and react to external stimuli to determine their nature and execution.2.4.2 Development of a QMSA QMS is a dynamic system that evolves over time through periods of improvement. Every organization has quality management activities, whether they have been formally planned or not. This International Standard provides guidance on how to develop a formal system to manage these activities. It is necessary to determine activities which already exist in the organization and their suitability regarding the context of the organization. This International Standard, along with ISO 9004 and ISO 9001, can then be used to assist the organization to develop a cohesive QMS.A formal QMS provides a framework for planning, executing, monitoring and improving the performance of quality management activities. The QMS does not need to be complicated; rather it needs to accurately© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved 9。
核间通信机制 英语
核间通信机制英语Inter-core communication is a crucial aspect of modern computing, enabling processors to efficiently share data and coordinate tasks. When you think about it, it's like having a team of experts working in the same office but specialized in different areas. They need to communicate quickly and effectively to achieve their common goals.In the digital world, these "experts" are the cores of a processor, and the office is the motherboard. Each core has its own responsibilities, but they all need to be on the same page to get the job done. So, how do they communicate? Well, there are various methods, ranging from shared memory to message passing protocols.Think of shared memory as a whiteboard in the office. Everyone can see it and write on it. In the processor, cores can access the same memory locations, making data sharing a breeze. However, this also requires careful synchronization to avoid conflicts and ensure dataintegrity.On the other hand, message passing protocols are more like sending notes or emails. Cores send messages to each other containing the necessary information. This approachis more decoupled, allowing for more flexibility and scalability. But it also adds some overhead, as messages need to be packaged, sent, and received.The choice of communication mechanism depends on the specific application and requirements. For example, inhigh-performance computing, shared memory may be preferred for its speed and low latency. While in distributed systems, message passing may be more suitable due to its scalability and fault.。
智能线SmartLine Wireless Universal I O传感器说明书
SmartLine STUW750 / STUW751Wireless Universal I/O Transmitter Specification 34-SW-03-12, April 2022Model s:STUW750•Up to 3 channels of inputs for T/C’s or mV.•Up to 3 channels for High Level Analog Input.•Up to 3 channels for discrete input or 2 wireresistance.STUW751•Up to 2 channels of inputs for T/C’s or mV.•Up to 2 channels for High Level Analog Input.•Up to 2 channels for discrete input or 2 wireresistance.•Plus 1 dedicated channel for digital output.IntroductionSmartLine Wireless Universal I/O Transmitter continuesthe evolution of Honeywell’s wireless transmitterproduct offering and provides the latest criticaladvancements to support industrial automation users’ desire to expand wireless use for monitoring and control.With over 14 years of industrial wireless experience, the SmartLine Wireless Universal I/O builds upon and is compatible with the current XYR 6000 product porfotlio. Similar to the XYR 6000 wireless transmitter, the SmartLine Wireless product line is part of the Honeywell OneWireless™ system and is ISA100 - ready.The SmartLine Wireless Universal I/O transmitter enables customers to obtain data and create information from remote and hazardous measurement locations without the need to run wires, where running wire is cost prohibitive and/or the measurement is in a hazardous location. Without wires, transmitters can be installed and operational in minutes, quickly providing information back to your system.Figure 1 — SmartLine Wireless Universal I/OThe previous generation transmitters primarily were applied to monitoring applicaions but experienced users know that Honeywell’s wireless products are as reliable, secure, and safe as their wired counterparts. With this knowledge, users are now looking for wireless transmitters for use in specific control applications.SmartLine Wireless introduces a step change in performance and most notably, performance suitable for control. SmartLine Wireless performance is improved in these ways:•Fast ½ second publication rate.•Higher radio range coverage.•More powerful 4 dBi integral antenna.•Smarter local display with more local diagnostics and radio signal and quality indicators.•More input channels and types than earlier.SmartLine Wireless Universal I/O retains the following desirable features from the XYR 6000 product offering: •Mesh or non-mesh configuration withineach transmitter.•Generic, off-the-shelf lithium ion battery.•Two “D” size batteries for longer life.•Choice of over-the-air or localprovisioning (network security join key)•Over-the-air firmware upgrade capability•Unique, encrypted provisionng keydelivered from the factory.•Remote and integral antenna options.•24 VDC power option.•Publication rates of 1, 5, 10, or 30seconds, plus new selections of ½seconds and 1, 15, 30, 60 minutes.•Transmitter range (integral antenna) of1150’ (350 m) under ideal conditions.The STUW750 and STUW751 are a high performance Universal input temperature transmitter featuring performance over a wide of temperature configurations and applications.The SmartLine family is also fully tested and compliant with Experion® PKS providing the highest level of compatibility assurance and integration capabilities. SmartLine easily meets the most demanding application needs for Temperature measurement applications. SmartLine Wireless FeaturesLocal and over-the-air provisioning capability: All Honeywell wireless devices feature a secure method to join the local wireless network, also known as provisioning. SmartLine Wireless transmitters feature two methods to provision a transmitter onto the network which are eitherby using a handheld device to locally communicate through the IR interface or remotely using the over-the-air function. The over-the-air function is managed by the OneWireless gateway, Wireless Device Manager (WDM). In either method, the communication of secure, unique provisioning keys is one of the main factors to prevent against unintended access. Honeywell’s security keys are unique for each device from the factory, never made visible, always encrypted, and uniquely generated from the gateway that manages the deployed network.Over-the-air firmware updates:Once joined as a member of your OneWireless network, the WDM can download new transmitter firmware releases to each SmartLine Wireless transmitter over the wireless network. Locating and accessing the transmitter locally is not required thus saving time and keeping your personnel in safe environments.Mesh and non-mesh capability: All SmartLine Wireless transmitters can be configured to operate in either a mesh network or a star (non-mesh) network. The configuration is specific to each wireless transmitter and thus the network can consist of a mixture of meshing and non-meshing devices. Non-meshing is desirable for deterministic communications which is preferred for control. Transmission power setting: To comply with local and regional requirements, SmartLine Wireless transmitters are set at the factory to the maximum transmission power setting allowed for the country of use.Non-proprietary battery: Sourcing lithium thionyl chloride batteries is much simpler since SmartLine Wireless utilizes commercial off-the-shelf batteries. Please see the list of approved battery manufacturers later in this specification. Batteries are housed in an IS-approved battery compartment making battery changes safe and easy. Backward compatibility: SmartLine Wireless transmitters can join existing OneWireless networks and interoperate with existing XYR 6000 wireless transmitters or otherISA100 Wireless compliant transmitters or networks.OneWireless Network FeaturesThe core of the Honeywell wireless solution is the OneWireless Network which consists a gateway, access point(s), and field routers.The Wireless Device Manager (WDM) serves as the gateway function and in this role, manages the communication from the wireless field devices to the process control application. Typically, the WDM connects logically to the process control network (Level 2 or wireless DMZ). As the wireless network manager, the WDM provides easy access to the entire wireless network through a browser-based user interface. The Honeywell WDM can manage devices communicating over the ISA100 Wireless protocol and the Wireless HART protocol.The ability to deploy redundant WDMs improves the reliability ensuring no loss of process data which is a requirement for control applications.The Field Device Access Point (FDAP) serves in two roles in the OneWireless network infrastructure, which are: 1) access point, and 2) field router. As an access point, the FDAP directly connects to the WDM via Ethernet LAN cable. More than one access point is permitted and, when more than one is present, it ensures dual path for communications into the WDM from the field devices. As a field router, the FDAP located in the field would communicate to the FDAP acting as an access point. Using the FDAP as a router is more efficient than using field devices as routers since FDAPs are line powered devices whereas field devices are typically battery powered, and the FDAP offers greater range. The meshing capability of FDAPs allows flexibility in the setup of the wireless network to fit the requirements for wireless network performance, in terms of reliable communications, performance, and future growth. The choice of non-meshing network may be desirable for reduced communication latencies with a FDAP serving as a field router.Wireless Specifications*Actual range will vary depending on antennas, cables and site topography.SpecificationsOperating Conditions – All Models1 The Ambient Limits shown are for Ordinary Non-Hazardous locations only. Refer to the Hazardous Locations Approvals section for the Ambient Limits when installed in Hazardous Locations.Remote Antenna CablesRemote Antennas14 dBi Directional AntennaPerformance SpecificationsPerformance under Rated Conditions**Field Calibration available for increased accuracy applications.**Performance specifications are based on reference conditions of 25°C (77°F), 10 to 55% RH.Physical SpecificationsSTUW750 ISA100.11a Compliant InputsAny combination of sensor type inputs is allowed. The input channels can be configured for the following input types by using the OneWireless User Interface with the corresponding device descriptor file:STUW751 ISA100.11a Compliant InputsAny combination of sensor type inputs is allowed. The input channels can be configured for the following input types by using the OneWireless User Interface with the corresponding device descriptor file:The transmitter measures the analog signal from temperature sensors, discrete inputs, millivolt values or ohm values and transmits a digital output signal proportional to the measured value for direct digital communications with systems.The discrete input channels support voltage-free floating contacts. Maximum ON contact resistance is 200 ohms. Minimum OFF contact resistance is 300 ohms. Discrete Input threshold values are user configurable.The Process Variable (PV) is available for monitoring and alarm purposes. The cold junction temperature is also available for monitoring. Available PV update rates are 1, 5, 10, or 30 seconds, plus new selections of ½ sec (Refer User Manual for applicable conditions) and 1, 15, 30, 60 minutes and are set using the Wireless Builder. Slower update rates extend battery life.Input Types and RangesSTUW750 UNIVERSAL IO TRANSMITTER CONNECTIONSHLAI (0/4-20mA) or T/C or mV or DI or 2 Wire ResistancePV1PV2+-+-+-PV3STUW751 UNIVERSAL IO TRANSMITTER CONNECTIONSHLAI (0/4-20mA) or T/C or mV or DI or 2 Wire ResistanceAND Digital Output PV1PV2+-+-Mounting and DimensionsReference Dimensions:Figure 2 — Examples of typical mounting positionsFigure 3 - Examples of typical mounting positionsFigure 4 - STUW750 Informational and dimensional drawingFigure 5 — Typical mounting dimensions for STUW750Figure 6 — Typical mounting dimensions for STUW750Hazardous Locations ApprovalsRefer to control drawing 50136129, in the User’s manual #34-SW-25-04, for intrinsically safe installation details.Transmitter Options(indicated selection code is shown)ISA100 Wireless Release Selections (A or B)OneWireless R2xx represents the previous releases whereas R3xx is the current release. A OneWireless system with R3xx firmware can host R2xx and R3xx devices. Please select the option to match the targeted OneWireless system.Remote Antenna and Cables (M or D)The user can select one of the optional remote antennas listed. The selection of the antenna option automatically includes the remote antenna adapter.To complete the option selection, one of the remote antenna cables (1, 2, or 3) must also be selected.Lightning (Surge) Diverter and Cables (1, 2, or 3)The lightning surge diverter options includes the surge diverter and cable. The diverter features Type N connections (female) on both ends. The remote antenna adapter is not included.Remote Antenna Adapter (A)This option provides an adapter to be inserted into the opening where the integral antenna normally connects. The adapter is designed to connect to a remote antenna that the user supplies. It features a female Type N connection.Destination Country (CA, EU, or US)This selection sets the transmission power at the factory to comply with the installation country location.Mounting Brackets (1, 3, 5, or 7)The angle mounting bracket is available in either zinc-plated carbon steel or 316 stainless steel and is suitable for horizontal or vertical mounting on a two-inch (50 millimeter) pipe, as well as wall mounting.An additional flat mounting bracket is also available in carbon steel and 316 stainless steel for two-inch (50 millimeter) pipe mounting.Tagging (Option 1 or 2)The choice of 1 or 2 stainless steel wired-on tags is available. Each tag can accommodate additional data of up to 4 lines of 28 characters. The number of characters includes spaces.Note that the standard nameplate on the meter body contains the serial number and body-related data.Model Selection GuideModel Selection Guides are subject to change and are inserted into the specifications as guidance only.For more informationTo learn more about SmartLine Transmitters, visit Or contact your Honeywell Account ManagerProcess Solutions Honeywell1250 W Sam Houston Pkwy S Houston, USA, TX 77042Honeywell Control Systems LtdHoneywell House, Skimped Hill Lane Bracknell, England, RG12 1EB34-SW-03-12 April 2022©2022 Honeywell International Inc.Shanghai City Centre, 100 Jungi Road Shanghai, China 20061Sales and ServiceFor application assistance, current specifications, ordering, pricing, and name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact one of the offices below.ASIA PACIFICHoneywell Process Solutions, Phone: + 800 12026455 or +44 (0) 1202645583 (TAC) hfs-tac-*********************AustraliaHoneywell LimitedPhone: +(61) 7-3846 1255 FAX: +(61) 7-3840 6481 Toll Free 1300-36-39-36 Toll Free Fax: 1300-36-04-70China – PRC - Shanghai Honeywell China Inc.Phone: (86-21) 5257-4568 Fax: (86-21) 6237-2826SingaporeHoneywell Pte Ltd.Phone: +(65) 6580 3278 Fax: +(65) 6445-3033South KoreaHoneywell Korea Co Ltd Phone: +(822) 799 6114 Fax: +(822) 792 9015EMEAHoneywell Process Solutions, Phone: + 800 12026455 or +44 (0) 1202645583Email: (Sales)*************************** or (TAC)*****************************AMERICASHoneywell Process Solutions, Phone: (TAC) (800) 423-9883 or (215) 641-3610(Sales) 1-800-343-0228Email: (Sales)*************************** or (TAC)*****************************。
协议原理英语作文Protocol Principle。
Protocol principle is a fundamental concept in thefield of computer networking. It refers to the set of rules and guidelines that govern the communication betweendevices in a network. These rules define the format, timing, sequencing, and error control of data transmission.The protocol principle is essential for ensuring that devices can communicate with each other in an orderly and efficient manner. Without protocols, devices would beunable to understand each other's messages, leading to communication breakdowns and data loss.There are many different types of protocols, each designed for a specific purpose. For example, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is used for reliable, connection-oriented communication, while the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is used for fast, connectionlesscommunication.The protocol principle is also important for security. By defining the rules for data transmission, protocols can help prevent unauthorized access and protect sensitive information from being intercepted or modified.In addition to defining the rules for communication, protocols also specify the types of data that can be transmitted. This includes everything from text and images to audio and video. By standardizing the format of data, protocols ensure that devices can understand and interpret the information being transmitted.Finally, the protocol principle is essential for scalability. As networks grow in size and complexity, protocols allow devices to communicate with each other regardless of their location or function. This enables organizations to expand their networks and connect devices from different vendors without sacrificing performance or security.In conclusion, the protocol principle is a critical concept in computer networking. It defines the rules and guidelines for communication between devices, ensuring that data is transmitted in an orderly and efficient manner. By standardizing the format of data, protocols also enable devices to interpret and understand the information being transmitted, while also providing important security and scalability benefits.。
The Peterson Law for transmission lines states that under the effect of constant AC voltage, the impedance decreases with increasing distance; or under the effect of constant AC current, the voltage decreases with increasing distance. This is due to the combined effect of inductance and capacitance in the power transmission lines.With the increase of distance, the distributed inductance L and distributed capacitance C of the transmission line will increase, thereby reducing the value of the line's characteristic impedance Z=√(L/C). According to Ohm's law U=IZ, under the condition of constant voltage, the current will increase; under the condition of constant current, the voltage will decrease. This is the physical meaning of the Peterson Law for transmission lines.In summary, the Peterson Law describes the attenuation effect of AC power with distance in transmission lines, which is caused by the properties of inductance and capacitance. It provides an important theoretical basis for analyzing electrical transmission characteristics.。
用三比特GHZ态实现量子稠密编码的方案麦麦提依明·吐孙;日比古·买买提明;阿力木·阿布都拉【摘要】This article introduced the scheme of Zhang San and Li Si has a pair of three bits largest entangled Greenberger - Horne - Zeilinger state ( GHZ state) to achieve a quantum dense coding, through this scheme will help realize quantum dense coding in multibody system. This article also introduces simple method of any three bits system’ s density matrix reduces to two bits density matrix.%文章介绍了考虑张三和李四拥有一对三比特最大纠缠态Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger态(简称GHZ态)来实现量子稠密编码的一种方案,通过此方案有助于研究多体系统中实现量子稠密编码。
Checking Secure Interactions of Smart Card
P. Bieber1 , J. Cazin1, P. Girard2ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ J.-L. Lanet2 , V. Wiels1, G. Zanon1
ONERA-CERT DTIM BP 4025, 2 avenue E. Belin, F-31055 Toulouse Cedex 4, France
1 Security concerns
1.1 Java Card security mechanisms
Security is always a big concern for smart cards but it is all the more important with multi-application smart cards and post issuance code downloading. Opposed to mono-applicative smart cards where Operating System and application were mixed, multi-application smart card have drawn a clear border between the operating system, the virtual machine and the applicative code. In this context, it is necessary to distinguish the security of the card hardware, operating system and virtual machine from the security of the application. The card issuer is responsible for the security of the card and the application provider is responsible for the applet security, which relies necessarily on the security of the card. The physical security is obtained by the smart card media and its tamper resistance. The security properties that the OS guarantees are the quality of the cryptographic mechanisms which should be leakage resistant, i.e. resistant against side channel attacks such Di erential Power Analysis 9 , the correctness of memory and I O management. A Java Card virtual machine relies on the type safety of the Java language to guaranty the innocuousness of an applet with respect to the OS, the virtual machine 11 , and the other applets. However this is guaranteed by a byte-code veri er which is not on board, so extra mechanisms have been added. A secure loader like OP 18 checks before loading an applet that it has been signed and then veri ed by an authorized entity namely the card issuer. Even if an unveri ed applet is successfully loaded on the card, the card rewall 17 , which is part of the virtual machine, will still deny to an aggressive applet the possibility to manipulate data outside its memory space. To allow the development of multi-application smart cards, the Java Card has introduced a new way for applets to interact directly. An applet can invoke another applet method through a shared interface. An applet can decide to share or not some data with a requesting applet based on its identi er.
TPM2.0读书笔记三种关联性技术1、Intel TXT技术2、TrustZone技术3、AMD PSP技术TPM实体1、持久性hierarchy TPM_RH_PLATFORM(平台) TPM_RH_OWNER(存储) TPM_RH_ENDORSEMENT(背书) 重启后不清空,但可以由管理员清空2、零时性hierarchy TPM_RH_NULL(空) 重启后清空3、词典锁TPM_RH_LOCKOUT 重启后不清空,但可以由管理员清空4、PCR 有授权和策略5、保留句柄在TPM固件发⽣灾难时会⽤到6、⼝令授权会话TPM_RS_PW7、平台NV启⽤TPM_RH_PLATFORM_NV8、NV索引⾮易失性实体,可配置为如PCR⼀样的实体,也可配置为⼀次写⼊实体,需要与hierarchy关联起来,当hierarchy被删除以后,关联的NV也被清理了9、对象密钥、数据等,需要与hierarchy关联起来,当hierarchy被删除以后,关联的实体也被清理了10、⾮持久性实体系统断电后不会存在11、有限持久性实体例如存储主密钥、⾝份密钥(标⽰平台)12、实体名称临时或者持久性实体的名称都是它们公开数据区的摘要PCR作⽤:1、通过PCR值可以确定平台软件的可信性2、可以⽤于根据PCR值授权使⽤其他对象的策略特性:1、PCR(NEW)=hash(pcr(old)|data) hash = sha-1(tpm1.2) hash = set(tpm2)2、上电被重置,PC TPM2 有24个PCR,各有各⾃的⽤处CRTM1、阻⽌更新CRTM2、签名式更新CRTM3、管理员⼿动检验BIOS(pcr)TPM重启关机1、重置TPM2_Shutdown(CLEAR)和TPM2_Startup(CLEAR)2、重启TPM2_Shutdown(STATE)和TPM2_Startup(CLEAR)3、恢复TPM2_Shutdown(STATE)和TPM2_Startup(STATE)审计1、审计负责记录、校验主机与TPM之间传递的命令和参数2、有命令审计和会话审计两种规范3、审计⽇志存放在主机中,可由TPM校验其没有被篡改。
使用了诱骗态技术的MDI-QKD偏振编码方案原理图如下图所示:图4.4 MDI-QKD协议的基本原理图正如图中所示,该系统采用弱相干激光脉冲作为光源,发送方Alice和接收方Bob通过偏振调制器对发射的弱相干激光脉冲进行偏振编码,随后,在强度调制器中制备诱骗态,然后,光束进入一个分束器中发生纠缠,最后经过偏振分束器中到达光子探测器。
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arXiv:quant-ph/0403218v1 30 Mar 2004
A deterministic direct quantum communication protocol by using swapping quantum entanglement and local unitary operations is proposed in this paper. A set of ordered EPR pairs in one of the four Bell states is used. For each pair, each of the two legitimate users owns a photon of the entangled pair via quantum channel. The pairs are divided into two types of group, i.e., the checking groups and the encoding-decoding groups. In the checking groups, taking advantage of the swapping quantum entanglement and Alice’s (the message sender’s) public announcement, the eavesdropping can be detected provided that the number of the checking groups is big enough. After insuring the security of the quantum channel, Alice encodes Then her bits via the local unitary operations on the encoding-decoding groups.
and 3 pair and the photon 2 and 4 pair, since the following equation holds,
+ |Ψ+ 12 ⊗ |Ψ34 =
1 + − − + + − − (|Ψ+ 13 |Ψ24 − |Ψ13 |Ψ24 + |Φ13 |Φ24 − |Φ13 |Φ24 ), 2
− the Bell measurements, |Φ+ 24 should be gained affirmatively by the Bell measurements; if |Φ13
Bell measurement results after the quantum entanglement swapping are correlated. In the above provided that other choices of the initial states are given. As can be seen as follows: + − − + + − − + + − 1 |Ψ12 ⊗ |Ψ34 = 2 (|Ψ13 |Ψ24 − |Ψ13 |Ψ24 − |Φ13 |Φ24 + |Φ13 |Φ24 ),
two-photon Hilbert space. Let the initial state of two photon pairs be the product of any two of
+ the four Bell states, such as |Ψ+ 12 and |Ψ34 , then after the Bell measurements on the photon 1
+ + + − − + + − − 1 |Ψ+ 12 ⊗ |Φ34 = 2 (|Ψ13 |Φ24 − |Ψ13 |Φ24 + |Φ13 |Ψ24 − |Φ13 |Ψ24 ), |Ψ+ ⊗ |Φ− = 1 (|Ψ+ |Φ− − |Ψ− |Φ+ − |Φ+ |Ψ− + |Φ− |Ψ+ ). 13 24 13 24 13 24 13 24 12 34 2 + example |Ψ+ 12 ⊗ |Ψ34 is chosen as the initial state. In fact, similar results can also be arrived at
for each. It is
seen that previous entanglements between photons 1 and 2, and 3 and 4, are now swapped into the entanglements between photons 1 and 3, and 2 and 4. Therefore, if |Φ+ 13 is obtained by is obtained, then |Φ− 24 is arrived at; and so on. This means that for a known initial state the
a deterministic secure direct communication protocol by using swapping quantum entanglement and local unitary operations. This communication protocol can be used to transmit securely either a secret key or a plain text message. izontal and vertical polarization states of a photon, respectively. Then the four Bell states, √ √ |Ψ± = (|01 ± |10 )/ 2 and |Φ± = (|00 ± |11 )/ 2, are maximally entangled states in the Let us first describe the quantum entanglement swapping simply. Let |0 and |1 be Bell measurements on her photons and publicly announces her measurement results. After her announcement, the message receiver Bob performs his Bell measurements on his photons and directly extracts the encoding bits by using the property of the quantum entanglement swapping. The security of the present scheme is also discussed: under the attack scenarios to our best knowledge, the scheme is secure. PACS Number(s): 03.67.Hk, 03.65.Ud Quantum key distribution (QKD) is an ingenious application of quantum mechanics, in which two remote legitimate users (Alice and Bob) establish a shared secret key through the transmission of quantum signals. Much attention has been focused on QKD after the pioneering work of Bennett and Brassard published in 1984 [1]. Till now there have been many theoretical QKDs[2-20]. They can be classified into two types, the nondeterministic one [2-14] and the deterministic one [15-20]. The nondeterministic QKD can be used to establish a shared secret key between Alice and Bob, consisting of a sequence of random bits. This secret key can be used to encrypt a message which is sent through a classical channel. In contrast, in the deterministic QKD, the legitimate users can get results deterministically provided that the quantum channel is not disturbed. It is more attractive to establish a deterministic secure direct communication protocol by taking advantage of the deterministic QKDs. However, different from the deterministic QKDs, the deterministic secure direct communication protocol is more demanding on the security. Hence, only recently a number of deterministic secure direct protocols have been proposed [15-16,19]. In these protocols, the quantum entanglement plays very important roles. It is well known that quantum entanglement swapping [21-24] can entangle two quantum system which do not interact with each other and it has ever played very important roles in some nondeterministic QKDs[7,15]. In this paper, we present