在U盘上安装BackTrack5 R2
打造自己的U盘backtrack5BY落寞[S.B.S.T]Backtrack5以下简称BT5 ,这是一款强大的黑客OS旅行杀软必备。
下面我就讲讲我的方法:1.先到/downloads/下载一个BT5的ISO2.下载一个BT5启动文件/file/bhda1kkc#3.一个大于4G的U盘首先选择我们的U盘选着FAT32格式化然后用UltraISO 打开BT5启动.ISO选择启动-写入硬盘映像红色部分选择你的U盘,我们刚才格式化了这里就不格式化了,选好后点写入写完后把BT5解压到U盘里最后就OK了。
但是这样做好后是不能保存设置的,就像网吧的机子一样,每次重启就恢复了所以我们还需要个东西saveFile/file/aq7b2tgv#里面有相应大小的文件,根据你的U盘大小解压一个出来我就1G的然后改名为casper-rw 再放到U盘里在BOOT\SYSLINUX\下找到SYSLINUX.CFG 用记事本打开吧最后一句append file=/toska/preseed/custom.seed boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.gz text splash vga=791—改成:append file=/toska/preseed/custom.seed boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.gz persistent rw text splash vga=791--也就是加个persistent rw现在就可以去启动看看了,这是我的BT5另外在BT5里拨号连接要输入sudo pppoeconf然后一步一步的OK下去手工断线:sudo poff输入宽带账号输入密码OK到底就可以上网了。
BackTrack5 (BT5)在VM虚拟机下安装完美教程
bt5同时可以选择下载gnome 或者kde桌面系统,而传统bt4默认的是kde。
bt5基于Ubuntu Lucid LTS.Kernel 2.6.38,在安装上也方便了很多,尤其对于中国用户,可以选择中文安装过程。
进入桌面系统后,双击桌面上的install BackTrack,启动硬盘安装程序:这里就选用使用整个磁盘,让系统自动进行文件系统分配。
启动网络方法比较多:(第一种)命令行下输入:start networking;(第二种)先用命令:ifconfig eth0 up,然后使用命令:dhclient eth0。
选择Default Text模式启动>Enter2、根据文字界面的提示>输入root>按Enter>输入toor>按Enter>输入startx按Enter3、等进入图形桌面,双击桌面上的install,在左边的框架中选择中文(简体),根据提示进行设置,开始安装。
默认为root toor,如果需要更改,进入系统后打开终端输入passwd root,输入两次新密码后即可修改。
root@bt:~# passwdEnter new UNIX password: {输入您的新密码}Retype new UNIX password: {确认您的新密码}passwd: password updated successfullyroot@bt:~#5、创建普通用户root@bt:~# adduser username正在添加用户"username"...正在添加新组"username" (1001)...正在添加新用户"username" (1001) 到组"username"...创建主目录"/home/username"...正在从"/etc/skel"复制文件...输入新的 UNIX 密码:重新输入新的 UNIX 密码:passwd:已成功更新密码正在改变 username 的用户信息请输入新值,或直接敲回车键以使用默认值全名 []:房间号码 []:工作电话 []:家庭电话 []:其它 []:这些信息是否正确? [Y/n] yroot@bt:~# cp -rf /root/.kde* /home/usernameroot@bt:~# chown -R username:username /home/usernameroot@bt:~# usermod --groups admin,disk,cdrom,audio username6、Backtrack上网.*关于拨号上网#sudo pppoeconf它会出现I found 2ethernet devices:eth0 wlan0,光标选择按Enter。
如果你仅仅⽤来破解WIFI,那么就⼤材⼩⽤了,集成了众多安全⼯具的BT不仅仅在破解WIFI上功能强悍,还有如弱点扫描⼯具Nessus,渗透平台 MSF, Sniff⼯具Wireshark , ettercap,VOIP检测⼯具.在BT5⾥单独列出的众多RFID⼯具充分展⽰了BT对于基于⽆线射频技术的硬件系统检测能⼒。
Backtrack 5 – Bootable USB Thumb Drive with “Full” Disk EncryptionUPDATE (8/14/2012): I have reports that the howto works fine with Backtrack 5 R3. Please let me know if this turns out to not be the case.UPDATE (3/3/2012): The how-to has been updated to reflect changes for Backtrack R2. They were very minor and using the previous method still works. The only real change is:∙lvm2 is now part of the ISO. That means we no longer have to use apt-get to install it. However, we still need to install hashalot, so it doesn't save us a step.∙Added a note at the end about using dd to backup your install pera very good suggestion by Richard in comment 241.UPDATE: This update has been tested with BT5R1 and works as is. Before we get started, here are a few housekeeping items:∙There is a PDF version of this article available here.∙Finally, if you want to be notified of updates to this page, subscribe to my RSS feed here.I put quotes around full in the title because technically the whole disk isn't encrypted. We use LVM and the native encryption routines included in Ubuntu to encrypt all partitions except for a small boot partition that never contains any data.This is a fairly involved process, but I have done my best to document each detail. Please let me know if I missed anything or you have any questions. I can be reached via the contact form on the 'About' page of this website or via the comments below.I strongly recommend you read through this guide at least once before starting.I will be making a PDF available in the near future.As in all my how-tos, user entered text is bold and comments are preceded by a # sign and generally not part of the output of a command. Finally, a couple of posts from the Ubuntu Community Documentation site were instrumental in getting this working.https:///community/EncryptedFilesystemOnIntrepidhttps:///community/EncryptedFilesystemLVMHowtoWARNING: Before you start, please be aware that you can cause the system you are using to build this with to not boot correctly. During the install process below there is a warning about indicating where you want the boot loader to be installed. Be very careful at this point. First we are going to need some stuff.Tools and Supplies1. A USB thumbdrive for the install - minimum capacity 16GB. Actually,you can squeeze this onto an 8GB drive, but you are out of room at that point.2. A Backtrack 5 DVD or an additional USB thumbdrive (minimum 2GB, mustbe Backtrack 5)3.Optional: UNetbootin - A tool to transfer an iso image to a USBdrive.4.Working internet connection once Backtrack 5 is booted.Let's get started!First, we need to grab a copy of the Backtrack 5 ISO.Backtrack 5 Download PageFor my tests, I used the 64-bit Gnome build. I have not tested this how-to with all versions of Backtrack 5, but they should all behave similarly with the possible exception of the ARM build. I have no experience with Backtrack on that platform.Now that we have the goods in hand, we can get to cooking.This tutorial is based on booting Backtrack 5 first. That means that you need some form of bootable Backtrack media. It can be a virtual machine, DVD, or USB drive. Use your favorite method of creating a DVD or USB drive or you can use UNetBootin to create the thumb drive. Below is a screenshot of using UnetBootin to install Backtrack, version 4 in this case, on a USB drive. Again, you will need version 5. I'm just lazy right nowIt is as simple as selecting the image we want to write to the USB drive, the drive to write it to, and then clicking the 'OK' button. Warning: Make sure you pick the correct destination drive. You don't want to shoot yourself in the foot.PartitioningThe first step is the physical partitioning of the drive. Boot up Backtrack from your DVD or USB drive. If you boot with the default menu item "Backtrack Text", you will not need to start networking as it will have started automatically. You can verify that networking is up and running by executing:ifconfigand checking that your interface is up and has an IP address assigned. If networking isn't configured, the following commands will start it./etc/init.d/networking startWe do need to start the graphical interface.startxWe will also need to figure out which drive is our target drive. The following command will show the drives available and you can determine from that which is the new USB drive. Open a terminal windows and execute the following.dmesg | egrep hd.\|sd.We need to physically partition the target drive as follows:1.The first partition needs to be a primary partition, 500 MB in size,set to type ext4. Also remember to make this partition active when you are creating it. Otherwise you might have some boot problems.2.The rest of the drive should be configured as an extended partitionand then a logical partition created on top of it.Below are the steps to take to get the drive partitioned. A '# blah blah' indicates a comment and is not part of the command and user typed commands are bolded. One note, we will need to delete any existing partitions on the drive. Also, the cylinder numbers below are specific to my test machines/thumb drives, yours may be different. Finally, if you are using this how-to to install to a internal hard drive, you probably want to add a swap partition.fdisk /dev/sdb # use the appropriate drive letter for your system# delete existing partitions. There may be more than one.Command (m for help): dPartition number (1-4): 1# create the first partitionCommand (m for help): nCommand action e extended p primary partition (1-4) pPartition number (1-4): 1First cylinder (1-2022, default 1): <enter>Using default value 1 Last cylinder, +cylinders or +size{K,M,G} (1-2022, default 2022): +500M# create the extended partitionCommand (m for help): nCommand action e extended p primary partition (1-4) ePartition number (1-4): 2First cylinder (66-2022, default 66): <enter>Using default value 66 Last cylinder, +cylinders or +size{K,M,G} (66-2022, default 2022): <enter>Using default value 2022# Create the logical partition.Command (m for help): nCommand action l logical (5 or over) p primary partition (1-4) lFirst cylinder (66-2022, default 66): <enter>Using default value 66 Last cylinder, +cylinders or +size{K,M,G} (66-2022, default 2022): <enter>Using default value 2022# Setting the partition type for the first partition to ext3 Command (m for help): tPartition number (1-4): 1Hex code (type L to list codes): 83# Setting the first partition activeCommand (m for help): aPartition number (1-4): 1Command (m for help): wIf you happen to get an error that mentions something like "..the partition table failed with error 16:...", you need to reboot before continuing with the how-to. You might be able to get away with continuing, but there is a good chance you will experience some problems. After rebooting, you willneed to re-execute the startx command and the cryptsetup luksOpen commands.If you happen to get an error with mentions something like "..the partition table failed with error 22:..." you can run partprobe to re-read things. At least, this worked in my case.It is now time to get a couple additional packages installed that we need for LVM and encryption. First we need to update the local repositories and then install lvm2 and hashalot. Output has been ommitted.# For Backtrack 5 R1 type the following.apt-get updateapt-get install hashalot lvm2# For Backtrack 5 R2 we only need hashalot. Type the following.apt-get updateapt-get install hashalotOur next step is to enable encryption on the logical partition we created above and make it available for use. Before we do that though, there is an optional step we can take if we want to make sure no one can tell where our data is on the drive. It isn't really necessary since anything written will be encrypted, but if we want to be thorough and make sure no one can see where our data even sits on the drive, we can fill the logical partition with random data before enabling encryption on it. This will take some time, as much as a couple hours or more. Execute the following command:dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdb5The following commands will setup encryption services for the partition and open it for use. There are several ciphers that can be used, but the one indicated in the command is supposed to be the most secure and quickest for Ubuntu 8.10. Please note that the case of the command luksFormat is required.cryptsetup -y --cipher aes-xts-plain --key-size 512 luksFormat /dev/sdb5WARNING! ======== This will overwrite data on /dev/sdb5 irrevocably. Are you sure? (Type uppercase yes): YESEnter LUKS passphrase: (enter passphrase) [type passphrase]Verify passphrase: (repeat passphrase) [type passphase]Command successful.cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb5 pvcryptEnter LUKS passphrase: [type passphrase]key slot 0 unlocked. Command successful.If you should happen to get a "cannot access device" error when trying to perform the cryptsetup setup commands above, make sure the USB drive has not been mounted. That can happen sometimes. Now that that's all done, we can create our root and swap partitions using LVM. Again, the commands below will do so. 7.3 GB was the largest I could make my root partition. Play around with it a little and you may be able to make it a bit larger or you may have to make it a bit smaller.pvcreate /dev/mapper/pvcryptPhysical "volume /dev/mapper/pvcrypt" successfully createdvgcreate vg /dev/mapper/pvcryptVolume group "vg" successfully createdlvcreate -n root -l 100%FREE vg Logical volume "root" created.The final step is to format the logical volumes we just created. I have not included the output below for brevity's sake.mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/vg-rootIf you want to try and eek out every last bit of performance and help your flash drive last longer, you can alternatively use the following command to disable journaling on the root partition. I have not tested this yet, but it should work just fine. Remember that this will open you to a greater possibility of unrecoverable drive corruption. Notice that the first letter o is small case and the second is a capitol letter O.tune2fs -o journal_data_writeback /dev/mapper/vg-roottune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/mapper/vg-roote2fsck -f /dev/mapper/vg-rootBelieve it or not, we are finally ready to start installing Backtrack. To do, double-click on the install.sh icon on the desktop. This will startthe graphical installer. Select you language of choice and click the 'Forward' button.Next, select you timezone and click the 'Forward' button.The next step is to select our keyboard layout. Pick yours and click the 'Forward' button. I can not vouch for any keyboard layout other than English.Click on 'Specify partitions manually' and click the 'Forward' button.We are not going to indicate the mount points for our partitions. First let's setup our root partition. Click on the row with vg-root in it and click the 'Change' button.Select ext4 from the dropdown menu for 'Use as:', click 'Format the partition:', enter '/' without the quotes for the mount point and click the 'OK' button. The system will re-read the partition table and redisplay it.Now for the boot partition. Click the row with you boot parition in it, /dev/sdb1 in my case, and click the 'Change' button.Again, select ext4 and click the format checkbox. Enter '/boot' without the quotes for the mount point and click the 'OK' button. The disk partition will be re-read and the display updated.Click the 'Forward' button.You will get this message if you are installing to a USB drive and not using a swap partition. Click the 'Continue' button.WARNING: You must click on the advanced tab on the next page and select your USB drive as the target for installing the bootloader. You will break your system if you do not.Don't forget! Make sure you select the target disk for your install as the device for the boot loader to be installed on or you run the risk of making the system you are doing this on non-bootable. Then click on the 'OK' button.Click the 'Install' button to start the install.This will take some time. Go get a coke or beverage or your choice and relax for a bit.More waiting.and...more waiting. If it seems like the system is stuck at 99% forever, that's normal, at least in every case where I have done the install.Finally!Important!Click on the 'Continue Testing' button. DO NOT click on the 'Restart Now' button or you have to redo a bunch of stuff.We have now installed the main distribution to our thumb drive. The next step is to configure the newly installed system to use LVM and open the encrypted partition. However, before we do that we need to figure out the UUID of our encrypted volume. We want to do this so that we don't run into problems if the device name of the drive changes from machine to machine. The command we used to use to do this was vol_id. This has changed with Backtrack 5. We now use blkid. So execute blkid as below.blkid /dev/sdb5/dev/sdb5: UUID="2c133ec5-2eb2-4261-b8ee-5f6924b24ee4"TYPE="crypto-LUKS"Make a note of the ID_FS_UUID value which is in italics above. We will need it later. Note: your output will be different than mine. Now time to configure our newly installed system. The first thing we have to do is make the newly installed system active so we can make changes to it. We do that by mounting the partitions and chrooting to it.mkdir /mnt/backtrack5mount /dev/mapper/vg-root /mnt/backtrack5mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/backtrack5/bootchroot /mnt/backtrack5mount -t proc proc /procmount -t sysfs sys /sysTo make everything truly operational, we can mount /dev/pts, but every time I try I have problems unless I reboot first. That is a real pain, so I just don't mount /dev/pts. We will get a couple warnings/errors as we go along, but they do not affect our install. The magic to making all this work is to rebuild the initrd image that is used to boot our system. We need to include some things, load some modules, and tell it to open the encrypted volume, but first we have to go through the whole process of installing software again. We have to do this because we are essentially right back where we started when we booted the live cd. Do the following again.apt-get updateapt-get install hashalot lvm2The next step is to configure how initramfs-tools will create our initrd file. This involves editing one files, the /etc/crypttab file. We used to have to edit /etc/fstab, but it appears we don't need to do that any longer. Mine was correct with /dev/mapper/vg-root as the root entry. If my change it isn't correct in your installation, follow the directions below to correct it. I use the vi editor, but you can use your favorite editor.vi /etc/crypttabWe need to add the following line to the file. If you are new to vi, hit the o key and the type the following:pvcrypt /dev/disk/by-uuid/<uuid from above> none luksWhen you are done typing that line, hit the esc key and then type ':wq' without the quotes to save and exit vi. The file should look like this. The uuid is unique to my case. Make sure yours matches your system.# <target device> <source device> <key file> <options>pvcrypt /dev/disk/by-uuid/09330b5a-5659-4efd-8e9d-0abc404c5162 none luksFixing the /etc/fstab file if necessary If we need to edit the /etc/fstab file, do the following. Again, use your favorite editor or vi.vi /etc/fstabThe file will look something like below. The UUIDs will be different though.# /etc/fstab: static file system information.## <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>proc /proc proc defaults 0 0# /dev/mapper/vg-rootUUID=c8d9b9a0-2198-4966-bc3a-39259df6a2c2 / ext4relatime,errors=remount-ro 0 1# /dev/sdb1UUID=6af425ad-99b8-44a5-9ee1-0349141f9b1f /boot ext4 relatime 0 2We need to delete the first line that starts with UUID right after theline which contains 'vg-root.' It is bolded and in red above. We also needto remove the comment symbol from the start of the line with 'vg-root'in it. That line is just bolded above. For those new to vi, position the cursor on first 'U' of the line using your arrow keys and type 'dd', then move the cursor to the '#' in the line above and type the letter o, thentype the line below, hit the esc key and type ':wq' without the quotesto save the file. The line needs to look like below when done:/dev/mapper/vg-root / ext4 defaults 0 1Once that is done, there is one final thing we need to do before we can rebuild the initrd image and reboot. There is a bug in the cryptroot scriptthat produces an odd situation.Fixing the Passphrase Entry BugWhen we boot our USB drive, it will appear to be stuck on the splash screen. What is actually happening is that the system is waiting on us to enterour luks password. We have two choices for doing so.The first is to just type it in when we see the splash screen. This worksas long as we have waited long enough for the system to be ready for us. However, it's kind of hard to tell what's going on.The second option is to press the F8 key which takes us to the console. There we will see the system waiting for us to enter our passphrase and this is where this odd bug shows up.Initially, it will look like 4 characters have already been entered. They haven't been, but that's what it looks like. Then, every type we press a key, it will reprint the line asking us to enter our passphrase. It is actually taking the input correctly, but, man, it's annoyingWe can fix that. Greg M and James had a conversation in the comments about this topic and found the resources needed to fix it. James was kind enough to send me the changes that need to be made.As mentioned, the problem is with the cryptroot script. This script is the script that requests our passphrase and mounts the encrypted volume. Kind of important stuff.Greg and James used a patch file found in this post in the Backtrack Linux forums. Below I have included the actual changes to be made. Alternatively, you can use a patch file. The commands to perform the patch are as follows. BTW - that's a zero in the patch command.Warning: You can make your system unbootable if the cryptroot script gets corrupted.cd ~wget /cryptroot.patchpatch -u/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/cryptroot ./cryptroot.p atchIf you prefer to do it the manual way, open the file/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/cryptroot in yourfavorite editor. Go to line 275. You should see the following:# Try to get a satisfactory password $crypttries timescount=0while [ $crypttries -le 0 ] || [ $count -lt $crypttries ]; doAdd the following line right after 'count=0'echo "Unlocking the disk $cryptsource ($crypttarget)"The section should now look like this:count=0echo "Unlocking the disk $cryptsource ($crypttarget)"while [ $crypttries -le 0 ] || [ $count -lt $crypttries ]; doNext, skip down to line 291 and you'll see a the following:if [ -z "$cryptkeyscript" ]; thencryptkey="Unlocking the disk $cryptsource ($crypttarget)\nEnter passphrase: "if [ -x /bin/plymouth ] && plymouth --ping; thenReplace the middle line, the one that starts with cryptkey, with:cryptkey="Enter passphrase: "so that it now looks like this:if [ -z "$cryptkeyscript" ]; thencryptkey="Enter passphrase: "if [ -x /bin/plymouth ] && plymouth --ping; thenThat's it. Save the file and we are ready to rebuild initrd. To do that, execute the following command.update-initramfs -uNow, if having to press the F8 key at boot bugs you, you can change the boot sequence to go directly to the console.Warning: You can make your system unbootable playing around in hereTo make the system boot to the console, edit the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file, search for the word 'splash', without the quotes, and delete the word splash and only that word. The line will end up looking like this:linux /vmliunx-3.2.6 root=/dev/mapper/vg-root ro text vga=791If all goes well, you are now ready to cross your fingers and reboot. SUPER IMPORTANTDo not run aptitude safe-upgrade! It will remove some vital tools. Run apt-get upgrade instead which appears to leave things installed that need to be installed. If you should happen to run aptitude safe-upgrade, ignore the warning about removing packages, type 'Y' and let it do its thing,you will need to run the following command before you reboot or your install will be broken.apt-get install cryptsetup ecryptfs-utils keyutilsIf you have problems, you can use the troubleshooting directions below to get back to the state where you can try to figure out how what went wrong.System All BootedOnce you have a booting system, you are ready to login. The default userid is root and the default password is toor. You are now ready to login and being playing. Don't forget to change the root password as soon as you login the first time.That's it.You can make some final tweaks if you want like starting GNOME at boot, but for all intents and purposes you have successfully installed Backtrack 5 to a USB drive and don't have to worry about sensitive information being intercepted if it gets lost of stolen.Backing It UpRichard, in comment 241, mentioned backing up his completed install periodically just in case something goes wrong with his USB drive.This is a fantastic idea.There are several ways you can accomplish this.First, on a Linux or other UNIX variant, like OpenBSD or Mac OS X, you can use the dd command.Note: You will use the device identifier of the DRIVE, not a partition, unless you want to dd each partition separately. That seems a bit silly though. For instance, /dev/sdb is the whole drive, while /dev/sdb1 is just the first partition.# Do not boot to the USB drive for this. Execute the following to create a binary copy of your drive.dd if=/dev/[your device] of=/[destination]/backtrack5USB.imgYou will need to have free space available on the target drive equivalent to the size of the USB drive. You can compres the image after the dd is complete using gzip or bzip2.On a Windows machine, you will need to use a utility that will create a binary copy of the USB device. There are several products out there that will do this. Once such free product that will do this is USB Image Tool. This is freeware tool which creates an exact duplicate image of a USB drive. It does require .NET. There are many other options.TroubleshootingIf you run into any problems, you don't have to start over. As long as your encrypted volume is built correctly and you have the correct LUKS passphrase, you can get back to the place you were with the Live CD. Simply boot with the original Live CD/USB drive and enter the following./etc/init.d/networking startapt-get updateapt-get instal hashalot lvm2 # lvm2 not needed for R2cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/[your logical partition] pvcryptmkdir /mnt/backtrack5mount /dev/mapper/vg-root /mnt/backtrack5mount /dev/[boot partition] /mnt/backtrack5/bootchroot /mnt/backtrack5mount -t proc proc /procmount -t sysfs sys /sysmount -t devpts devpts /dev/ptsYou can now do any trouble shooting you need to do and try to reboot again. One note, if you want to check the UUID of your partition, do it before you chroot.-Kevin。
BackTrack5 (BT5)虚拟机下安装
BackTrack5 (BT5)虚拟机下安装期待已久的BT5发布了!这个版本的代号叫做“revolution”:下载地址:/downloads/与bt4相比,BT5不论从内核上还是应用程序上都进行了升级。
bt5同时可以选择下载gnome 或者kde桌面系统,而传统bt4默认的是kde。
bt5基于Ubuntu Lucid LTS.Kernel 2.6.38,在安装上也方便了很多,尤其对于中国用户,可以选择中文安装过程。
进入桌面系统后,双击桌面上的install BackTrack,启动硬盘安装程序:这里就选用使用整个磁盘,让系统自动进行文件系统分配。
启动网络方法比较多:(第一种)命令行下输入:start networking;(第二种)先用命令:ifconfig eth0 up,然后使用命令:dhclient eth0。
期初版本叫auditor security collection,是7、8年前非常著名的安全审计类光盘,基于knoppix开发,如图:之后与同样出名的黑客攻击类光盘WHAX(源于White-Hat+SLAX)合作,两者进行了重新整合,精选之后的版本就更名为backtrack。
其陆续推出了backtrack1.0、2.0、3.0、4.0以及目前最新的 5.0.Backtrack 5在国际上被誉为全方面渗透测试及攻击平台,内置大量的黑客及安全审计类工具。
本书就将对于backtrack5的一些常用工具的使用进行说明,并且给出相应的结果图VMware虚拟机下搭建backtrack52.1关于培训用的虚拟机版本Backtrack 5可以安装在真实机中,也可以安装在虚拟机中,我一般建议安装在虚拟机中,这样我们可以创建快照,在操作失误或者导致工具或者系统崩溃的时候,进行相应的系统恢复,大大减少了重装的麻烦。
当然,我们此次的培训也是基于虚拟机环境的backtrack 5进行的。
虚拟机有多种,我们这里使用的是VMware Workstation虚拟机程序,他的版本有很多,我们选用7.1.3 build破解版,因为就官方给出的backtrack 5的虚拟机版本在该版本下运行正常。
2.2下载backtrack 5接下来我们来说说backtrack 5虚拟机版本的下载位置:一般我们都会在某个软件的官网去下载,所以我们需要下载backtrack 5的虚拟机版本就要在上面下载,地址为:/downloads/进入后,我们直接点击download就行,无需注册:然后我们依次选择:WM Flavor:我们选择gnomeArch:我们选择32 bit(如果是64位CPU注意选择64bit)Image:我们选择VMWareDownload:我们选择torrent种子下载,如果您想单线程的下载的话,可以选择direct都选择好后,会出现下图,我们直接点击click download开始下载。
Auditor:全称是Auditor Security Collection,是一种基于Knoppix的Live CD,由Max Moser开发,它内置了超过300种安全工具涵盖安全问题发现,网络和系统安全加固等方面。
在由安全顾问Mati Aharoni定制开发后,WHAX将它的核心内容调整为了渗透测试。
从2006年开始推出BackTrack1.0版本以来,之后每年都会推出一个全新版本的BackTrack系统,从BackTrack4.0,它的系统开始基于Ubuntu发行版,最初是基于Ubuntu Linux 8.10.在2011年5月10日,BackTrack推出了它的最新版5.0,代号为“Revolution”。
BackTrack5.0 以Ubuntu Lucid LTS 为基础,其Linux内核版本为2.6.28.BackTrack版本发布历史如下表所示:1.1.2BackTrack功能简介BackTrack作为最享有盛名的信息安全审计及渗透测试平台,其目的是方便人们执行渗透测试及安全任务。
5、集成BT5R2(Back Track5)/~<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<本说明以制作PE + DOS+BT5 启动为例——U盘启动。
/ XP系统下制作----------不能上网,故不能提供链接,谅解。
3.setup98.IMG文件使U盘支持HDD+ 或ZIP方式启动等——该文件可省掉。
EZBOOT.rar里有,机器安装一键GHOST V2009.04.21 Beta1 后也能在C:\dosh\ghos里找到img镜像。
4.grub4dos-0.4.4-2009-01-11.rar 及grubinst_gui2.exe 制作U盘启动选择菜单。
# 这种是配置静态IPifconfig eth0 # 网卡eth0echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf # DNS解析network file:/etc/network/interfaces如果你是DHCP,只要简单执行下面命令ifconfig eth0 dhcp# 无线网络驱动[1]方法一:Applications->Internet->Wicd NetWork Manager 来启动链接无线[2]方法二:/etc/init.d/wicd start为了能保存我们得网卡配置,我们必须将他们设置成开机启动。
执行# 设置有线网络开机自动启动update-rc.d networking defaults# 设置无线自动启动update-rc.d wicd defaults2.SSH 配置# generate SSh keyssshd-generate# start SSH/etc/init.d/ssh start# stop SSh/etc/init.d/ssh stop# set SSH default start at boot.update-rc.d -f ssh defaults3.安装基础语言包安装之前要修改source.lst列表,我们修改成ubuntu官方得源就可以了language-pack-zhlanguage-pack-zh-baselanguage-pack-gnome-zhlanguage-pack-gnome-zh-base依次安装上面语言包。
通过U盘把backtrack装到硬盘里2012-03-02 11:46:49 我来说两句收藏我要投稿看完记得顶一下,或者给我回复啊,别看帖不回帖U盘最好大于4G准备好几个软件:grubinst 1.1,grub4dos,以及软碟通绿色版和backtrack.iso 先用软碟通把backtrack.iso提取到U盘根目录,再把backtrack.iso也放到根目录然后用grubinst写入U盘MBR(使他能够识别grub4dos)打开grubinst,磁盘哪里选择自己的U盘,然后勾选:输出详细信息,不保存原来的MBR,启动时不搜索软盘,不引导原来的MBR 然后点击安装,完成后按ENTER 就可以关闭这个软件了解压grub4dos,只需要两个文件:grldr和menu.lst这两个文件都放到U盘根目录即可用记事本方式打开menu.lst添加一段代码到最下面title BackTrack5 Text - Default Boot Text Mode root (hd0,0) kernel/casper/vmlinuz file=/preseed/custom.seed boot=casper text splashvga=791-- initrd /casper/initrd.gz boot然后保存好工作完成了,现在就在自己硬盘分一个区,3G左右即可,挂载好盘符哦。
重启电脑选择U盘启动,然后选择title BackTrack5 Text进入后不用管,直接enter到了命令行界面了输入umount -l /cdrom后enter然后输入startx 继续enter稍等一会儿就进入了桌面环境别去点击install backtrack那个图标,直接安装会发生missing filesystem.size错误接下来就简单了。
打开终端(类似于WINDOWS的cmd)输入以下命令cd /sudo mkdir absudo umount -l /cdromsudo mount/dev/sda1 /abls /ab | grep iso运行到这一步的时候,看看回显的结果中是否有你的镜像文件,如果你放到了第一个分区中,应该可以看到你的镜像名称,可以继续第二步了。
最新版的Universal USB Installer
1:在下拉列表里选择好BT5 2:选择BT5镜像位置3:选择U盘,勾选格式化U盘为FAT32的选项4:选择用户保存资料空间大小,建议把空间调到2G以上5:点击Create进行安装
U盘的资料,因为创建U盘系统的过程中会格式化U盘,点击Y 就可以了。
unzip -x feedingbottle3.2-backtrack5-gnome.zip
dpkg -i feedingbottle3.2-backtrack5-gnome.deb
BT5R3安装向导BT5全称Back Track five,是继bt3,bt4之后的最新版,BT5是一个linux环境的便携系统,可以放到U盘或者硬盘中便携部署,无需在本地安装。
Back Track因可以方便的破解无线网络而出名,其中内置的spoonwep是一个非常强悍的图形化破解WEP无线网络密的工具。
安装步骤:1. 创建新的虚拟机。
2. 选择‘经典安装’,然后‘下一步’。
3. 选择‘稍后安装操作系统’,然后‘下一步’。
4. 选择客户机操作系统为‘Linux’,子版本选择‘ubuntu’,然后‘下一步’。
5. 命名你的虚拟机,然后指定一个路径存放虚拟机文件,(推荐剩余磁盘空间在20G以上)。
6. 为了以后再安装其它应用,可以预分配超过20GB的磁盘空间。
7. 硬件配置:内存1GB左右,网卡用NAT连接方式,光驱使用BT5的光盘ISO文件,并指定其路径。
8. 启动虚拟机。
9. 选第一项‘默认文本模式’,然后回车。
10. 输入‘startx’命令进入图形化界面。
11. 双击桌面窗口左上角“Install BackTrack”开始硬盘安装BT5.12. 伴随安装向导,点‘forward’继续。
13. 设置时区,然后继续。
14. 设置键盘布局,保持默认,然后继续。
15. 指定部署BT5的磁盘,保持默认,然后继续。
16. 开始安装。
17. 安装完毕,重启。
18. 登录BT5的用户名是‘root’,密码‘toor’,回车。
BackTrack5完全配置攻略BackTrack5已经发布好几天了,第一时间把Gnome的iso下载回来安装之,由于是采用Ubuntu10.04为蓝本,而之前也一直用的就是Ubuntu10.04的,所以决定直接拿来当桌面用:)由于官方的为英文版本,所以要完全的本地化需要安装中文语言支持,由于采用了全新内核2.6.38,某些配置上也将较以往不同,而且BT=ROOT,所以不可避免的存在所谓的root punishment,对系统配置的影响那是相当的大,且听我慢慢道来~~~[汉化篇]安装中文语言支持及系统软件工具:apt-get install synaptic(新立得)language-pack-gnome-zh language-support-zh gnome-system-tools language-selector gnome-utils(环境小工具)tsclient(终端伺服) vinagre(远程桌面)update-manager software-center安装完成后reboot,在系统管理语言支持里面设置系统菜单语言之类的,然后安装ibus作为输入法吧不多解释,不过感觉BT5很给力的一点就是直接安装完后就没出现过各种乱码!:)然后对BT5所带的Firefox4.0.1进行中文化,在联网的前提下下载中文语言:/pub//firefox/releases/4.0.1/linux-i686/xpi/ zh-CN.xpi安装完毕后重启FF,然后输入about:config,更改eragent.locale 选项为zh-CN后重启FF即可完成菜单中文化了。
此外对于Ubuntu日常所需要的一些小软件们也做一下提示吧,因为BT5默认的情况是都没有安装的,这个很恼人啊!apt-get install gconf-editor gdebi compiz compiz fusion icon等提示下第二个gdebi是用于提供安装deb的简单gui界面,不安装这个的话就只能dpkg了,如果双击deb文件会提示选择打开方式,但又找不到合适的打开方式,是不是很囧?!对于特效之类的,就不多说了,不过安装compiz之后记得要把compiz添加到系统启动中去,不然下次开机特效将消失。
23、打开输入ifconfig -a
25、NET CARD选择eth1(根据24步出来的网卡代码),DRIVER选择Normal,MODE 选择Unknown victi,然后点击next
27、找到2个加密AP选信号好的(下面红条不是无客户端,如果是绿色表示有客户端),点击Selection ok
28、无客户端选择0841 -2注入,点击launch
手机完美安装 Bt 5.
手机完美安装Backtrack5 For Arm
1. 需要工具:
⑴ 远程桌面 Android Vnc Viewer
⑵ 超级终端 Better Terminal Emulator Pro
⑶ backtrack5For Arm [ bt5.Img已压缩至 3.25GB ]
2. 操作流程:
⑴ 手机数据线连接电脑
⑵ 在 SD 卡根目录创建 bt5 文件夹
⑶ 解压把里面的8个文件,拷贝到 SD 卡中的 bt5 文件夹里
⑷ 关闭数据线移除Usb
⑸ 启动超级终端
⑹ 输入命令 su 回车 [这时提示符会变成#]
⑺ 输入命令 sh /sdcard/bt5/bootbt 回车
⑻ 如果看到root@localhost:~# 您可以继续
⑼ 输入命令 startvnc 回车
⑽ 如果看到 New 'X' desktop is localhost:1 说明你已经成功了
⑾ 启动 Vnc
名称: BackTrack [随便填写]
密码: toortoor [固定格式]
地址: [固定格式]
端口: 5901 [固定格式]
用户名: Root [随便填写]
颜色: 24-bit color(4bpp)
⒀ 成功!!!!!!!!!!!!!!。
Backtrack在启动的时候,假设使用的是DVD启动,没有安装,直接按ENTER键就ok!假设已经安装了,在启动是会自动要求我们输入用户名,Backtrack内部包含了很多使用的测试软件第一步 BackTrack系统汉化前的准备工作:从BT5R3里添加工具1)安装工具ubuntu-tweak,命令:(1)apt-get install python-software-properties 回车(2)add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa 回车(3)apt-get update 回车(4)apt-get install ubuntu-tweak回车2)BT5R3网络启动启动,命令:方法一:命令:start working 回车方法二:命令:ifconfig eth0 up 回车命令:dhclien eth0 回车3)更新BT5R3系统模块,命令:apt-get update 回车4)进展中文支持的加载,命令:apt-get install language-pack-zh language-support-zh 回车,重新启动BT5。
apt-cache search package 搜索包
apt-cache show package 获取包的相关信息,如说明、大小、版本等
sudo apt-get install package 安装包
sudo apt-get install package - - reinstall 重新安装包
sudo apt-get -f install 修复安装"-f = ——fix-missing"
sudo apt-get remove package 删除包
sudo apt-get remove package - - purge 删除包,包括删除配置文件等
sudo apt-get update 更新源
sudo apt-get upgrade 更新已安装的包
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade 升级系统
sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade 使用 dselect 升级
apt-cache depends package 了解使用依赖
apt-cache rdepends package 是查看该包被哪些包依赖
sudo apt-get build-dep package 安装相关的编译环境
apt-get source package 下载该包的源代码
sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoclean 清理无用的包sudo apt-get check 检查是否有损坏的依赖。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
在U盘上安装BackTrack5 R2(带加密)
分类:安全2012-06-26 08:50 2964人阅读评论(4) 收藏举报
最近在学习安全方面的技术,为了减少到处寻找工具和软件的麻烦,决定使用BackTrack 这个综合的安全平台。
我选的是BackTrack5 R2 KDE 64位(文档上介绍的GNOME版)。
安装过程需要从互联网下载安装软件,所以先检查互联网连接,我一般用nslookup ,如果域名解析成功,互联网连接就没问题了。
不行的话用ifconfig检查接口状态,用/etc/init.d/networking stop关闭网络接口,用/etc/init.d/networking start启动网络接口
在U盘上安装先要在系统中找到U盘,即找到它的路径,可以用dmesg | egrep hd.\|sd.命令,一般U盘的路径是/dev/sdb,不过不同环境不一样,例如,接了不止一个U盘的话,就不一定是这个路径了。
用fisk /dev/sdb对它做分区,分区步骤如下
apt-get update
apt-get install hashalot
cryptsetup -y --cipher aes-xts-plain --key-size 512 luksFormat /dev/sdb5
1)打开加密分区cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb5 mybt5,这里会要求输入刚才见的加密口令
2)建PV,pvcreate /dev/mapper/mybt5
3)建VG,vgcreate vg /dev/mapper/mybt5
4)建LV,lvcreate -n swap -L 1024M vg(这个LV是以后作为U盘上的swap交换空间,如果内存不够,会使用这部分空间,而影响性能;如果觉得内存足够,可以不建)
lvcreate -n root -l 100%FREE vg
1)如果前面建了swap LV,mkswap /dev/mapper/vg-swap
2)mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/vg-root
tune2fs -o journal_data_writeback /dev/mapper/vg-root
tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/mapper/vg-root
e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/vg-root
现在,可以把BackTrack系统装到U盘上了,双击桌面的install Backtrack图标,按着指示操作
选择时区,Region选Asia(亚洲),Time Zone选China开头的
分区管理,这里要选Specify partitions manually(advanced)手工指定
到这一步,要点Continue Testing,因为我们还要继续,以让U盘里的BackTrack可以顺利启动
执行blkid /dev/sdb5,记住UUID串
mkdir /mnt/bt5
mount /dev/mapper/vg-root /mnt/bt5
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/bt5/boot
chroot /mnt/bt5
mount -t proc proc /proc
mount -t sysfs sys /sys
apt-get update
apt-get install hashalot lvm2
mybt5 /dev/disk/by-uuid/<uuid from above> none luks
(mybt5是前面创建的加密分区,<uuid from above>是前面blkid命令显示的UUID)
在275行处插入一个行echo "Unlocking the disk $cryptsource ($crypttarget)"
把291行换成cryptkey="Enter passphrase: "
运行update-initramfs -u重建initrd文件