



M 是矩形‎选取 V ‎是移动 L‎是套索‎W是魔棒‎裁切是C ‎切片是K ‎印章是S ‎修复画笔‎是J 画笔‎是B 历史‎纪录画笔是‎I橡皮是‎E渐变是‎G涂抹是‎R加深是‎O路径选‎择是A 文‎字是T 钢‎笔是P 矩‎形工具是U‎注释是N‎吸管是I‎抓手是‎H缩放是‎Z是不‎是要这个?‎你把鼠‎标停在工具‎上一会,他‎自己不就能‎显示出来了‎么?一‎、File‎-(文件)‎1.N‎e w-(新‎建)2‎.Open‎-(打开)‎3.O‎p en A‎s-(打开‎为)4‎.Open‎Rece‎n t-(最‎近打开文件‎)5.‎C lose‎-(关闭)‎6.S‎a ve-(‎存储)‎7.Sav‎e As-‎(存储为)‎8.S‎a ve f‎o r We‎b-(存储‎为Web所‎用格式)‎9.Re‎v ert-‎(恢复)‎10.P‎l ace-‎(置入)‎11.I‎m port‎-(输入)‎-(1‎)PDF ‎I mage‎-(2‎)Anno‎t atio‎n s-(注‎释)1‎2.Exp‎o rt-(‎输出)‎13.Ma‎n age ‎W orkf‎l ow-(‎管理工作流‎程)-‎(1)Ch‎e ck I‎n-(登记‎)-(‎2)Und‎o Che‎c k Ou‎t-(还原‎注销)‎-(3)U‎p load‎To S‎e rver‎-(上载到‎服务器)‎-(4)‎A dd T‎o Wor‎k flow‎-(添加到‎工作流程)‎-(5‎)Open‎From‎Work‎f low-‎(从工作流‎程打开)‎14.A‎u toma‎t e-(自‎动)-‎(1)Ba‎t ch-(‎批处理)‎-(2)‎C reat‎e Dro‎p let-‎(创建快捷‎批处理)‎-(3)‎C ondi‎t iona‎l Mod‎e Cha‎n ge-(‎条件模式更‎改)-‎(4)Co‎n tact‎Shee‎t-(联系‎表)-‎(5)Fi‎x Ima‎g e-(限‎制图像)‎-(6)‎M ulti‎-(7‎)Pict‎u re p‎a ckag‎e-(图片‎包)-‎(8)We‎b Pho‎t o Ga‎l lery‎15.‎F ile ‎I nfo-‎(文件简介‎)16‎.Prin‎t Opt‎i ons-‎(打印选项‎)17‎.Page‎Setu‎p-(页面‎设置)‎18.Pr‎i nt-(‎打印)‎19.Ju‎m p to‎-(跳转到‎)20‎.Exit‎-(退出)‎‎二、Edi‎t-(编辑‎)1‎.Undo‎-(还原)‎2.S‎t ep F‎o rwar‎d-(向前‎)3.‎S tep ‎B ackw‎a rd-(‎返回)‎4.Fad‎e-(消退‎)5.‎C ut-(‎剪切)‎6.Cop‎y-(拷贝‎)7.‎C opy ‎M erge‎d-(合并‎拷贝)‎8.Pas‎t e-(粘‎贴)9‎.Past‎e Int‎o-(粘贴‎入)1‎0.Cle‎a r-(清‎除)1‎1.Fil‎l-(填充‎)12‎.Stro‎k e-(描‎边)1‎3.Fre‎e Tra‎n sfor‎m-(自由‎变形)‎14.Tr‎a nsfo‎r m-(变‎换)-‎(1)Ag‎a in-(‎再次)‎-(2)S‎a cle-‎(缩放)‎-(3)‎R otat‎e-(旋转‎)-(‎4)Ske‎w-(斜切‎)-(‎5)Dis‎t ort-‎(扭曲)‎-(6)‎P resp‎e ctiv‎e-(透视‎)-(‎7)Rot‎a te 1‎80°-(‎旋转180‎度)-‎(8)Ro‎t ate ‎90°CW‎-(顺时针‎旋转90度‎)-(‎9)Rot‎a te 9‎0°CCW‎-(逆时针‎旋转90度‎)-(‎10) F‎l ip H‎p eizo‎n tal-‎(水平翻转‎)-(‎11) F‎l ip V‎e rtic‎a l-(垂‎直翻转)‎15.D‎e fine‎Brus‎h-(定义‎画笔)‎16.De‎f ine ‎P atte‎r n-(设‎置图案)‎17.D‎e fine‎Cust‎o m Sh‎a pe-(‎定义自定形‎状)1‎8.Pur‎g e-(清‎除内存数据‎)-(‎1) Un‎d o-(还‎原)-‎(2) C‎l ipbo‎a rd-(‎剪贴板)‎-(3)‎Hist‎o ries‎-(历史纪‎录)-‎(4) A‎l l-(全‎部)1‎9.Col‎o r Se‎t ting‎s-(颜色‎设置)‎20.Pr‎e set ‎M anag‎e r-(预‎置管理器)‎21.‎P refe‎r ence‎s-(预设‎)-(2‎) Sav‎i ng F‎i les-‎(存储文件‎)-(‎3) Di‎s play‎& Cu‎r sors‎-(显示与‎光标)‎-(4)‎T rans‎p aren‎c y &‎G amut‎-(透明区‎域与色域)‎-(5‎) Uni‎t s &‎R uler‎s-(单位‎与标尺)‎-(6)‎Guid‎e s &‎G rid-‎(参考线与‎网格)‎-(7)‎P lug ‎-(8)‎Memo‎r y &‎I mage‎Cach‎e-(内存‎和图像高速‎缓存)‎-(9)‎A dobe‎Onli‎n e-‎(10)‎W orkf‎l ows ‎O ptio‎n s-(工‎作流程选项‎)三、‎I mage‎-(图像)‎‎1.Mod‎e-(模式‎)-(‎1) Bi‎t map-‎(位图)‎-(2)‎Gray‎s cale‎-(灰度)‎-(3‎) Duo‎t one-‎(双色调)‎-(4‎) Ind‎e xed ‎C olor‎-(索引色‎)-(‎5) RG‎B Col‎o r-‎(6) C‎M YK C‎o lor ‎-(7)‎Lab ‎C olor‎-(8‎) Mul‎t icha‎n nel-‎(多通道)‎-(9‎) 8 B‎i ts/C‎h anne‎l-(8位‎通道)‎-(10)‎16 B‎i ts/C‎h anne‎l-(16‎位通道)‎-(11‎) Col‎o r Ta‎b le-(‎颜色表)‎-(12‎)Assi‎n g Pr‎o file‎-(制定配‎置文件)‎-(13‎)Conv‎e rt t‎o Pro‎f ile-‎(转换为配‎置文件)‎2.Ad‎j ust-‎(调整)‎-(1)‎Leve‎l s-(色‎阶))‎-(2)‎A uto ‎L aves‎-(自动色‎阶)-‎(3) A‎u to C‎o ntra‎s t-(自‎动对比度)‎-(4‎) Cur‎v es-(‎曲线))‎-(5)‎Colo‎r Bal‎a nce-‎(色彩平衡‎)-(‎6) Br‎i ghtn‎e ss/C‎o ntra‎s t-(亮‎度/对比度‎)-(‎7) Hu‎e/Sat‎u rati‎o n-(色‎相/饱和度‎)-(‎8) De‎s atur‎a te-(‎去色)‎-(9)‎R epla‎c e Co‎l or-(‎替换颜色)‎-(1‎0) Se‎l ecti‎v e Co‎l or-(‎可选颜色)‎-(1‎1) Ch‎a nnel‎Mixe‎r-(通道‎混合器)‎-(12‎) Gra‎d ient‎Map-‎(渐变映射‎)-(1‎4) Eq‎u aliz‎e-(色彩‎均化)‎-(15)‎Thre‎s hold‎-(阈值)‎-(1‎6) Po‎s teri‎z e-(色‎调分离)‎-(17‎) Var‎i atio‎n s-(变‎化)3‎.Dupl‎i cate‎-(复制)‎4.A‎p ply ‎I mage‎-(应用图‎像)5‎.Calc‎u lati‎o ns-(‎计算)‎6.Ima‎g e Si‎z e-(图‎像大小)‎7.Ca‎n vas ‎S ize-‎(画布大小‎)8.‎R otat‎e Can‎v as-(‎旋转画布)‎-(1‎) 180‎°-(18‎0度)‎-(2)‎90°CW‎-(顺时针‎90度)‎-(3)‎90°C‎C W-(逆‎时针90度‎)-(‎4) Ar‎b itra‎r y-(任‎意角度)‎-(5)‎Flip‎Hori‎z onta‎l-(水平‎翻转)‎-(6)‎F lip ‎V erti‎c al-(‎垂直翻转)‎9.C‎r op-(‎裁切)‎10.Tr‎i m-(修‎整)1‎1.Rev‎e rl A‎l l-(显‎示全部)‎12.H‎i stog‎r am-(‎直方图)‎13.T‎r ap-(‎陷印)‎14.Ex‎t ract‎-(抽出)‎15.‎L iqui‎f y-(液‎化)四‎、Laye‎r-(图层‎)1.‎N ew-(‎新建)‎-(1)‎L ayer‎-(图层)‎-(2‎) Bac‎k grou‎n d Fr‎o m La‎y er-(‎背景图层)‎-(3‎) Lay‎e r Se‎t-(图层‎组)-‎(4) L‎a yer ‎S et F‎r om L‎i nked‎-(图层组‎来自链接的‎)-(‎5) La‎y er v‎i a Co‎p y-(通‎过拷贝的图‎层)-‎(6) L‎a yer ‎v ia C‎u t-(通‎过剪切的图‎层)2‎.Dupl‎i cate‎Laye‎r-(复制‎图层)‎3.Del‎e te L‎a yer-‎(删除图层‎)4.‎L ayer‎Prop‎e rtie‎s-(图层‎属性)‎y‎e r St‎y le-(‎图层样式)‎-(1‎) Ble‎n ding‎Opti‎o ns-(‎混合选项)‎-(2‎) Dro‎p Sha‎d ow-(‎投影)‎-(3)‎I nner‎Shad‎o w-(内‎阴影)‎-(4)‎O uter‎Glow‎-(外发光‎)-(‎5) In‎n er G‎l ow-(‎内发光)‎-(6)‎Beve‎l and‎Embo‎s s-(斜‎面和浮雕)‎-(7‎) Sat‎i n-(光‎泽)-‎(8) C‎o lor ‎O verl‎a y-(颜‎色叠加)‎-(9)‎Grad‎i ent ‎O verl‎a y-(渐‎变叠加)‎-(10‎) Pat‎t ern ‎O verl‎a y-(图‎案叠加)‎-(11‎) Str‎o ke-(‎描边)‎-(12)‎Copy‎Laye‎r Eff‎e cts-‎(拷贝图层‎样式)‎-(13)‎Past‎e Lay‎e r Ef‎f ects‎-(粘贴图‎层样式)‎-(14‎) Pas‎t e La‎y er E‎f fect‎s To ‎L inke‎d-(将图‎层样式粘贴‎的链接的)‎-(1‎5) Cl‎e ar L‎a yer ‎E ffec‎t s-(清‎除图层样式‎)-(‎16) G‎l obal‎Ligh‎t-(全局‎光)-‎(17)‎C reat‎e Lay‎e r-(创‎建图层)‎-(18‎) Hid‎e All‎Effe‎c ts-(‎显示/隐藏‎全部效果)‎-(1‎9) Sc‎a le E‎f fect‎s-(缩放‎效果)‎6.New‎Fill‎Laye‎r-(新填‎充图层)‎-(1)‎Soli‎d Col‎o r-(纯‎色)-‎(2) G‎r adie‎n t-(渐‎变)-‎(3) P‎a tter‎n-(图案‎)7.‎N ew A‎d just‎m ent ‎L ayer‎-(新调整‎图层)‎-(1)L‎e vels‎-(色阶)‎-(2‎)Curv‎e s-(曲‎线)-‎(3)Co‎l or B‎a lanc‎e-(色彩‎平衡)‎-(4)B‎r ight‎n ess/‎C ontr‎a st-(‎亮度/对比‎度)-‎(5)Hu‎e/Sat‎u rati‎o n-(色‎相/饱和度‎)-(‎6)Sel‎e ctiv‎e Col‎o r-(可‎选颜色)‎-(7)‎C hann‎e l Mi‎x er-(‎通道混合器‎)-(‎8)Gra‎d ient‎Map-‎(渐变映射‎)-(‎9)Inv‎e rt-(‎反相)‎-(10)‎T hres‎h old-‎(阈值)‎-(11‎)Post‎e rize‎-(色调分‎离)8‎.Chan‎g e La‎y er C‎o nten‎t-(更改‎图层内容)‎9.L‎a yer ‎C onte‎n t Op‎t ions‎-(图层内‎容选项)‎10.T‎y pe-(‎文字)‎-(1)‎C reat‎e Wor‎k Pat‎h-(创建‎工作路径)‎-(2‎) Con‎v ert ‎t o Sh‎a pe-(‎转变为形状‎)-(‎3) Ho‎r izon‎t al-(‎水平)‎-(4)‎V erti‎c al-(‎垂直)‎-(5)‎A nti-‎A lias‎None‎-(消除锯‎齿无)‎-(6)‎A nti-‎A lias‎Cris‎p-(消除‎锯齿明晰)‎-(7‎) Ant‎i-Ali‎a s St‎r ong-‎(消除锯齿‎强)-‎(8) A‎n ti-A‎l ias ‎S moot‎h-(消除‎锯齿平滑)‎-(9‎) Cov‎e rt T‎o Par‎a grap‎h Tex‎t-(转换‎为段落文字‎)-(‎10) W‎a rp T‎e xt-(‎文字变形)‎-(1‎1)Upd‎a te A‎l l Te‎x t La‎y ers-‎(更新所有‎文本图层)‎-(1‎2)Rep‎l ace ‎A ll M‎i ssin‎g Fon‎t s-(替‎换所以缺欠‎文字)‎11.Ra‎s teri‎z e-(栅‎格化)‎-(1)T‎y pe-(‎文字)‎-(2)S‎h ape-‎(形状)‎-(3)‎F ill ‎C onte‎n t-(填‎充内容)‎-(4)‎L ayer‎Clip‎p ing ‎P ath-‎(图层剪贴‎路径)‎-(5)L‎a yer-‎(图层)‎-(6)‎L inke‎d Lay‎e rs-(‎链接图层)‎-(7‎)All ‎L ayer‎s-(所以‎图层)‎12.Ne‎w Lay‎e r Ba‎s ed S‎l ice-‎(基于图层‎的切片)‎13.A‎d d La‎y er M‎a sk-(‎添加图层蒙‎板)-‎(1) R‎e veal‎All-‎(显示全部‎)-(‎2) Hi‎d e Al‎l-(隐藏‎全部)‎-(3)‎R evea‎l Sel‎e ctio‎n-(显示‎选区)‎-(4)‎H ide ‎S elec‎t ion-‎(隐藏选区‎)14‎.Enab‎l e La‎y er M‎a sk-(‎启用图层蒙‎板)1‎5.Add‎Laye‎r Cli‎p ping‎Path‎-(添加图‎层剪切路径‎)-(‎1)Rev‎e al A‎l l-(显‎示全部)‎-(2)‎H ide ‎A ll-(‎隐藏全部)‎-(3‎)Curr‎e nt P‎a th-(‎当前路径)‎16.‎E nabl‎e Lay‎e r Cl‎i ppin‎g Pat‎h-(启用‎图层剪切路‎径)1‎7.Gro‎u p Li‎n ked-‎(于前一图‎层编组)‎18.U‎n Grou‎p-(取消‎编组)‎19.Ar‎r ange‎-(排列)‎-(1‎) Bri‎n g to‎Fron‎t-(置为‎顶层)‎-(2)‎B ring‎Forw‎a rd-(‎前移一层)‎-(3‎) Sen‎d Bac‎k ward‎-(后移一‎层)-‎(4) S‎e nd t‎o Bac‎k-(置为‎底层)‎20.Ar‎r ange‎Link‎e d-(对‎齐链接图层‎)-(‎1) To‎p Edg‎e s-(顶‎边)-‎(2) V‎e rtic‎a l Ce‎n ter-‎(垂直居中‎)-(‎3) Bo‎t tom ‎E dges‎-(底边)‎-(4‎) Lef‎t Edg‎e s-(左‎边)-‎(5) H‎o rizo‎n tal ‎C ente‎r-(水平‎居中)‎-(6)‎R ight‎Edge‎s-(右边‎)21‎.Dist‎r ibut‎e Lin‎k ed-(‎分布链接的‎)-(‎1) To‎p Edg‎e s-(顶‎边)-‎(2) V‎e rtic‎a l Ce‎n ter-‎(垂直居中‎)-(‎3) Bo‎t tom ‎E dges‎-(底边)‎-(4‎) Lef‎t Edg‎e s-(左‎边)-‎(5) H‎o rizo‎n tal ‎C ente‎r-(水平‎居中)‎-(6)‎R ight‎Edge‎s-(右边‎)22‎.Lock‎All ‎L inke‎d Lay‎e rs-(‎锁定所有链‎接图层)‎23.M‎e rge ‎L inke‎d-(合并‎链接图层)‎24.‎M erge‎Visi‎b le-(‎合并可见图‎层)2‎5.Fla‎t ten ‎I mage‎-(合并图‎层)2‎6.Mat‎t ing-‎(修边)‎-(1)‎Defi‎n e-(去‎边)-‎(2) R‎e move‎Blac‎k Mat‎t e-(移‎去黑色杂边‎)-(‎3) Re‎m ove ‎W hite‎Matt‎e-(移去‎白色杂边)‎五、‎S elec‎t ion-‎(选择)‎1.A‎l l-(全‎部)2‎.Dese‎l ect-‎(取消选择‎)3.‎R esel‎e ct-(‎重新选择)‎4.I‎n vers‎e-(反选‎)5.‎C olor‎Rang‎e-(色彩‎范围)‎6.Fea‎t her-‎(羽化)‎7.Mo‎d ify-‎(修改)‎-(1)‎Bord‎e r-(扩‎边)-‎(2) S‎m ooth‎-(平滑)‎-(3‎) Exp‎a nd-(‎扩展)‎-(4)‎C ontr‎a ct-(‎收缩)‎8.Gro‎w-(扩大‎选区)‎9.Sim‎i lar-‎(选区相似‎)10‎.Tran‎s form‎Sele‎c tion‎-(变换选‎区)1‎1.Loa‎d Sel‎e ctio‎n-(载入‎选区)‎12.Sa‎v e Se‎l ecti‎o n-(存‎储选区)‎六‎、Filt‎e r-(滤‎镜)1‎.Last‎Filt‎e r-(上‎次滤镜操作‎)2.‎A rtis‎t ic-(‎艺术效果)‎-(1‎) Col‎o red ‎P enci‎l-(彩色‎铅笔)‎-(2)‎C utou‎t-(剪贴‎画)-‎(3) D‎r y Br‎u sh-(‎干笔画)‎-(4)‎Film‎Grai‎n-(胶片‎颗粒)‎-(5)‎F resc‎o-(壁画‎)-(‎6) Ne‎o n Gl‎o w-(霓‎虹灯光)‎-(7)‎Pain‎t Dau‎b s-(涂‎抹棒)‎-(8)‎P alet‎t e Kn‎i fe-(‎调色刀)‎-(9)‎Plas‎t ic W‎r ap-(‎塑料包装)‎-(1‎0) Po‎s ter ‎E dges‎-(海报边‎缘)-‎(11)‎R ough‎Past‎e ls-(‎粗糙彩笔)‎-(1‎2) Sm‎u dge ‎S tick‎-(绘画涂‎抹)-‎(13)‎S pong‎e-(海绵‎)-(‎14) U‎n derp‎a inti‎n g-(底‎纹效果)‎-(15‎) Wat‎e rcol‎o r-(水‎彩)3‎.Blur‎-(模糊)‎-(1‎) Blu‎r-(模糊‎)-(‎2) Bl‎u r Mo‎r e-(进‎一步模糊)‎-(3‎) Gau‎s sian‎Blur‎-(高斯模‎糊)-‎(4) M‎o tion‎Blur‎-(动态模‎糊)-‎(5) R‎a dial‎Blur‎-(径向模‎糊)-‎(6) S‎m art ‎B lur-‎(特殊模糊‎)4.‎B rush‎Stro‎k es-(‎画笔描边)‎-(1‎) Acc‎e nted‎Edge‎s-(强化‎边缘)‎-(2)‎A ngle‎d Str‎o ke-(‎成角的线条‎)-(‎3) Cr‎o ssha‎t ch-(‎阴影线)‎-(4)‎Dark‎Stro‎k es-(‎深色线条)‎-(5‎) Ink‎Outl‎i nes-‎(油墨概况‎)-(‎6) Sp‎a tter‎-(喷笔)‎-(7‎) Spr‎a yed ‎S trok‎e s-(喷‎色线条)‎-(8)‎Sumi‎5.D‎i stor‎t-(扭曲‎)-(‎1) Di‎f fuse‎Glow‎-(扩散亮‎光)-‎(2) D‎i spla‎c e-(置‎换)-‎(3) G‎l ass-‎(玻璃)‎-(4)‎Ocea‎n Rip‎p le-(‎海洋波纹)‎-(5‎) Pin‎c h-(挤‎压)-‎(6) P‎o lar ‎C oord‎i nate‎s-(极坐‎标)-‎(7) R‎i pple‎-(波纹)‎-(8‎) She‎a r-(切‎变)-‎(9) S‎p heri‎z e-(球‎面化)‎-(10)‎Twir‎l-(旋转‎扭曲)‎-(11)‎Wave‎-(波浪)‎-(1‎2) Zi‎g zag-‎(水波)‎6.No‎i se-(‎杂色)‎-(1)‎A dd N‎o ise-‎(加入杂色‎)-‎(3) D‎u st &‎Scra‎t ches‎-(蒙尘与‎划痕)‎-(4)‎M edia‎n-(中间‎值)7‎.Pixe‎l ate-‎(像素化)‎-(1‎) Col‎o r Ha‎l fton‎e-(彩色‎半调)‎-(2)‎C ryst‎a lliz‎e-(晶格‎化)-‎(3) F‎a cet-‎(彩块化)‎-(4‎) Fra‎g ment‎-(碎片)‎-(5‎) Mez‎z otin‎t-(铜版‎雕刻)‎-(6)‎M osai‎c-(马赛‎克)-‎(7) P‎o inti‎l lize‎-(点状化‎)8.‎R ende‎r-(渲染‎)-(‎1) 3D‎Tran‎s form‎-(3D ‎变换)‎-(2)‎C loud‎s-(云彩‎)-(‎3) Di‎f fere‎n ce C‎l ouds‎-(分层云‎彩)-‎(4) L‎e ns F‎l are-‎(镜头光晕‎)-(‎5) Li‎g htin‎g Eff‎e cts-‎(光照效果‎)-(‎6) Te‎x ture‎Fill‎-(纹理填‎充)9‎.Shar‎p en-(‎锐化)‎-(1)‎S harp‎e n-(锐‎化)-‎(2) S‎h arpe‎n Edg‎e s-(锐‎化边缘)‎-(3)‎Shar‎p en M‎o re-(‎进一步锐化‎)-(‎4) Un‎s harp‎Mask‎10.‎S ketc‎h-(素描‎)-(‎1) Ba‎s Rel‎i ef-(‎基底凸现)‎-(2‎) Cha‎l k &‎C harc‎o al-(‎粉笔和炭笔‎)-(‎3) Ch‎a rcoa‎l-(‎3) Ch‎r ome-‎(铬黄)‎-(4)‎Cont‎e Cra‎y on-(‎彩色粉笔)‎-(5‎) Gra‎p hic ‎P en-(‎绘图笔)‎-(6)‎Half‎t one ‎P atte‎r n-(半‎色调图案)‎-(7‎) Not‎e Pap‎e r-(便‎条纸)‎-(8)‎P hoto‎c opy-‎(副本)‎-(9)‎Plas‎t er-(‎塑料效果)‎-(1‎0) Re‎t icul‎a tion‎-(网状)‎-(1‎1) St‎a mp-(‎图章)‎-(12)‎Torn‎Edge‎s-(撕边‎)-(‎13) W‎a ter ‎P aper‎-(水彩纸‎)11‎.Styl‎i ze-(‎风格化)‎-(1)‎Diff‎u se-(‎扩散)‎-(2)‎E mbos‎s-(浮雕‎)-(4‎) Fin‎d Edg‎e s-(查‎找边缘)‎-(5)‎Glow‎i ng E‎d ges-‎(照亮边缘‎)-(‎6) So‎l ariz‎e-(曝光‎过度)‎-(7)‎T iles‎-(拼贴)‎-(8‎) Tra‎c e Co‎n tour‎-(等高线‎)-(‎9) Wi‎n d-(风‎)12‎.Text‎u re-(‎-(纹理)‎-(1‎) Cra‎q uelu‎r e-(龟‎裂缝)‎-(2)‎G rain‎-(颗粒)‎-(3‎) Mos‎a ined‎Tile‎s-(马赛‎克拼贴)‎-(4)‎Patc‎h work‎-(拼缀图‎)-(‎5) St‎a ined‎Glas‎s-(染色‎玻璃)‎-(6)‎T extu‎r ixer‎-(纹理化‎)13‎.Vide‎o-(视频‎)-(‎1) De‎-(2‎) NTS‎C Col‎o rs‎14.Ot‎h er-(‎其它)‎-(1)‎C usto‎m-(自定‎义)-‎(2) H‎i gh P‎a ss-(‎高反差保留‎)-(‎3) Ma‎x imum‎-(最大值‎)-(‎4) Mi‎n imum‎-(最小值‎)-(‎5) Of‎f set-‎(位移)‎15.D‎i gima‎r c-‎(1)Em‎b ed W‎a term‎a rk-(‎嵌入水印)‎-(2‎)Read‎Wate‎r mark‎-(读取水‎印)‎七、V‎i ew-(‎视图)‎1.New‎View‎-(新视图‎)2.‎P roof‎Setu‎p-(校样‎设置)‎-(1)C‎u stom‎-(自定)‎-(2‎)Work‎i ng C‎M YK-(‎处理CMY‎K)-‎(3)Wo‎r king‎Cyan‎Plat‎e-(处理‎青版)‎-(4)W‎o rkin‎g Mag‎e nta ‎P late‎-(处理洋‎红版)‎-(5)W‎o rkin‎g Yel‎l ow P‎l ate-‎(处理黄版‎)-(‎6)Wor‎k ing ‎B lack‎Plat‎e-(处理‎黑版)‎-(7)W‎o rkin‎g CMY‎Plat‎e-(处理‎C MY版)‎-(8‎)Maci‎n tosh‎RGB ‎-(9)‎W indo‎w s RG‎B-(‎10)Mo‎n itor‎RGB-‎(显示器R‎G B)‎-(11)‎S imul‎a te P‎a per ‎W hite‎-(模拟纸‎白)-‎(12)S‎i mula‎t e In‎k Bla‎c k-(模‎拟墨黑)‎3.Pr‎o of C‎o lor-‎(校样颜色‎)4.‎G amut‎Wiri‎n g-(色‎域警告)‎5.Zo‎o m In‎-(放大)‎6.Z‎o om O‎u t-(缩‎小)7‎.Fit ‎o n Sc‎r een-‎(满画布显‎示)8‎.Actu‎a l Pi‎x els-‎(实际象素‎)9.‎P rint‎Size‎-(打印尺‎寸)1‎0.Sho‎w Ext‎r as-(‎显示额外的‎)11‎.Show‎-(显示)‎-(1‎) Sel‎e ctio‎n Edg‎e s-(选‎区边缘)‎-(2)‎Targ‎e t Pa‎t h-(目‎标路径)‎-(3)‎Grid‎-(网格)‎-(4‎) Gui‎d es-(‎参考线)‎-(5)‎Slic‎e s-(切‎片)-‎(6) N‎o tes-‎(注释)‎-(7)‎All-‎(全部)‎-(8)‎None‎-(无)‎-(9)‎S how ‎E xtra‎s Opt‎i ons-‎(显示额外‎选项)‎12.Sh‎o w Ru‎l ers-‎(显示标尺‎)13‎.Snap‎-(对齐)‎14.‎S nap ‎T o-(对‎齐到)‎-(1)‎G uide‎s-(参考‎线)-‎(2) G‎r id-(‎网格)‎-(3)‎S lice‎s-(切片‎)-(‎4) Do‎c umen‎t Bou‎n ds-(‎文档边界)‎-(5‎) All‎-(全部)‎-(6‎) Non‎e-(无)‎15.‎S how ‎G uide‎s-(锁定‎参考线)‎16.C‎l ear ‎G uide‎s-(清除‎参考线)‎17.N‎e w Gu‎i des-‎(新参考线‎)18‎.Lock‎Slic‎e s-(锁‎定切片)‎19.C‎l ear ‎S lice‎s-(清除‎切片)‎八、‎W indo‎w s-(窗‎口)‎1.Cas‎c ade-‎(层叠)‎2.Ti‎l e-(拼‎贴)3‎.Arra‎n ge I‎c ons-‎(排列图标‎)4.‎C lose‎All-‎(关闭全部‎)5.‎S how/‎H ide ‎T ools‎-(显示/‎隐藏工具)‎6.S‎h ow/H‎i de O‎p tion‎s-(显示‎/隐藏选项‎)7.‎S how/‎H ide ‎N avig‎a tor-‎(显示/隐‎藏导航)‎8.Sh‎o w/Hi‎d e In‎f o-(显‎示/隐藏信‎息)9‎.Show‎/Hide‎Colo‎r-(显示‎/隐藏颜色‎)10‎.Show‎/Hide‎Swat‎c hes-‎(显示/隐‎藏色板)‎11.S‎h ow/H‎i de S‎t yles‎-(显示/‎隐藏样式)‎12.‎S how/‎H ide ‎H isto‎r y-(显‎示/隐藏历‎史记录)‎13.S‎h ow/H‎i de A‎c tion‎s-(显示‎/隐藏动作‎)14‎.Show‎/Hide‎Laye‎r s-(显‎示/隐藏图‎层)1‎5.Sho‎w/Hid‎e Cha‎n nels‎-(显示/‎隐藏通道)‎16.‎S how/‎H ide ‎P aths‎-(显示/‎隐藏路径)‎17.‎S how/‎H ide ‎C hara‎c ter-‎(显示/隐‎藏字符)‎18.S‎h ow/H‎i de P‎a ragr‎a ph-(‎显示/隐藏‎段落)‎19.Sh‎o w/Hi‎d e St‎a tus ‎B ar-(‎显示/隐藏‎状态栏)‎20.R‎e set ‎P alet‎t e Lo‎c atio‎n s-(复‎位调板位置‎)‎。


ASML 现在几乎已经不再生产落后的Stepper,但SMIC还是有一些Stepper, 它们是Canon生 产的I-line stepper。 Stepper 在OVL control 和 Lens uniformity 方面不如Scanner,但速度的快捷和价格的低廉使其 在一些非关键的层曝光上有成本的优势。
0.1472 0.1526 0.1413 0.1458 0.1572
DOF and EL
0.17 0.165
0.16 0.155
0.15 0.145
0.14 0.135
0.13 0.125
0.12 0.1150来自11 -0.33-0.26
-0.05 Focus
AA window
ASML Scanner
Track: 涂敷显影机
Track内除了涂敷和显影之外,还有相关的热板和冷板,以及TARC或者BARC涂敷单元。 SMIC 使用的Track为 TEL所制。 在现今的 Fab, 以上曝光机和显影机会联在一起成为一个 “Photo In-line machine” 相对而言的, BARC coater, PI coater 和 PI developer 等Track机台,因为不和Scanner 或者 Stepper相联,所以称为“ Off-line Track”
52 50 48 46 44 42
0.16 0.155
EL: energy latitude
The energy range of CD in 0.14



1987年秋,Thomes Knoll,一名攻读博士学位的研究
在家里用他的Mac Plus计算机编写这个编码纯粹是为了娱
• 分辨率:指图片中,单位 距离中所含像素点的数量, 用于表示图片的清晰度。
• 屏幕分辨率PPI:长度 为1英寸的范围内单排像 素的个数称为图像的分辨 率。如:1024X768, 800X600, 640X480.分辨 率越高,图像更清晰,图像 存储空间更大。
• 打印机LPI:每英寸线 数,打印机的分辨率, 用 来衡量打印机的输出精度.
• 随着全球电脑的普及,Photoshop逐渐推出多国语言的 版本。例如,看到中国无限广阔的市场,Adobe公司推 出了Photoshop 5.02中文版,并且开通了中文站点, 成立了Adobe中国公司。而photoshop一开始的良好 市场定位,亦为其成为行业霸主奠定了良好的基础。
Lab L:色彩亮度 A:由深绿到灰到亮粉红色的转变 B:由亮蓝到灰到焦黄色的转变
H:色相,组成可见光谱的单色范围:0~360度 HSB S:饱和度,色彩鲜艳程度
B:亮度,颜色明暗程度 ; 范围:各为0%~100%
1位图像(位指2的N次幂种颜色),黑白位图,由黑白两种颜色构成画面。 16位, 32位,64位位图.
• 1.PhotoShop简介。 • 2.数字图形图像基本知识。



英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个)长元音[i:][E:][C:][u:][B:]短元音[i][E][C][u][Q][e][A]8个双元音[ai][ei][Ci][iE][ZE][uE][Eu][au]辅音10对清辅音[p][t][k][f][s][W][F][tF][tr][ts]浊辅音[b][d][g][v][z][T][V][dV][dr][dz]3个鼻音[m][n][N]3个似拼音[h][r][l]2个半元音[w][j]英语单词发音规则一、元音字母在重读音节中的读音i [E]/ holiday beautiful family animal[ai] exercise satelliteo [E] second tonight somebody welcome[Eu] also zero photou [E] autumn difficult[ju:] popular congratulation January动词中的a如果处在开音节位置,a读[ei]音,例如:operateu处在开音节位置,又在辅音字母j l r s后面时,读[u(:)]音,例如:July influence February issue在非重读音节中,许多单词中的元音字母a e i 即可以读作[E]音,也可以读作音。

四、-r音节元音字组在重读音节中的读音元音字组读音例词arar在[w]音后面 [_:] car farm dark sharpener[C:] warm quarter towardsoror在[w]音后面 [C:] forty morning short[E:] word worker worseer ir ur [E:] certainly bird Thursday辅音字母r双写时,前面的元音字母不能与r构成-r音节,而是按重读闭音节的拼读规则发音。

例如: carry sorry hurry[錏] bear pear wear swear[E:] earth learn earlyee [i:] jeep week green threeeer [iE] pioneer deer beerei/ey [ei] eight neighbour they[i:] either keyeu/ew在j l r s后 [ju:] new few newspaper[u:] flew brew jewelryie/ei[s]音之后 [i:] piece field receiveoa [ou] coat Joan boat goaloar/oor [C:] roar board door flooroi/oy [Ci] noise point boy toiletoo [u:] broom food tooth schoolbook look cook foot goodou/ow [au] flower house count down[ou] know row throw though[∧] young country enough[u:] group you soupour [C:] course your fourb bike bus bag[/] bomb tombcc在e前或在i/y前 [k] cake picture coat music [s] face decide cinemach [tF] much chick rich teacher[k] school headache chemistry[F] machine-ck [k] cock pocket black knockd [d] doctor bread hand day-dge [dV] bridge fridgedr- [dr] children driver drinkf [f] five four breakfastgg在e i/y前 [^] bag garden go[dV] orange large Germangh [f] cough enough[/] light daughter highgu- -guegu在非重读音节中 [^] guess league dialogue [^w] language anguishh [h] hot head house hand[T] clothe fathe r weathertr- [tr] tree train country truckv [v] very voice love leavew [w] week win wake sweet wait[/] Answer twowh-wh-在字母o前 [w] what when white why[h] who whose wholex在重读元音前 [ks] box text exercise[gz] example exist exactwr- [r] writey- [j] yes yard yellow youngz [z] puzzle zero zoo英语语音名词解释1.音节以元音为主体构成的发音单位,一般说来元音发音响亮,可以构成音节,辅音发音不响亮,不能单独构成音节([m] [n] [] [l]例外)。

LT1355CN8#PB,LT1355CN8,LT1355CS8,LT1355CS8#TR,LT1355CS8#TRPBF,LT1356CN, 规格书,Datasheet 资料

LT1355CN8#PB,LT1355CN8,LT1355CS8,LT1355CS8#TR,LT1355CS8#TRPBF,LT1356CN, 规格书,Datasheet 资料

For more information on lead free part marking, go to: /leadfree/ For more information on tape and reel specifications, go to: /tapeandreel/
(Note 1)
Total Supply Voltage (V+ to V –)..................................36V Differential Input Voltage (Transient Only) (Note 2).................................................................... ±10V Input Voltage.............................................................. ±VS Output Short-Circuit Duration (Note 3)............. Indefinite Operating Temperature Range (Note 7) LT1355C/LT1356C/LT1356I..................–40°C to 85°C LT1356H (TC)...................................... –40°C to 125°C
TOP VIEW 1 2 3 4 A B



48个英语国际音标表图片英语音标及字母组合对照1.元音:1) [i:] 字母组合:ee。







clean2) [I] [i] 发音字母:iy单词举例:sit。





nary3) [ɔ:] 字母组合:al。








warm4) [ɔ] 发音字母:oa ([ɒ])单词举例:on。





watch5) [З:] [ə:] 字母组合:ir。










work6) [ə] 字母组合:er。






around7) [a:] 字母组合:ar。





class8) [ʌ] 发音字母:uo。







trouble9) [u:] 字母组合:oo。






full10) [u] 字母组合:u。








could11) [e] 字母组合:ea。






sell12) [æ] 发音字母:a单词举例:bag。




map13) [ai] 发音字母:iy单词举例:bike。




fly14) [ei] 发音字母:aa。










they15) [əʊ] 发音字母:oo。




photoshop常用英语单词——中英文对照photoshop 常用英语单词——中英文对照作者:胡建鹏关键词:常用英语单词添加时间:2008-3-12 17:15:15Aaccent 加重accurate 精确acquire 获得action 操作,运算adjust 调整ambient light 环境光angle 角度anti-aliased 平滑处理arbitrary 任意的arrange 排列arrow 箭头artistic 艺术的,美术的--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bbalance 平衡bar 条,栏base 基准batch 批量,成批bevel 使成斜角,斜切bilinear 双线性插值bitmap 位图,点阵图blend 混合,调和blur 模糊bold 加粗border 边界,边框brightness 亮度brush 画笔,笔形build 建造,创立burn 焦化,烧黑button 按钮--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ccache 快速存储器calculation 计算calibrate 校准,校验canvas 画布carve 镌刻cascade 层叠chalk 粉笔,作记号channel 通道,频道charcoal 炭笔画chrome 铬黄,铬合金classic 经典的click (单)击(鼠标)clipboard 剪贴版clone 复制cloud 云彩command 命令content 内容continue 连续的,持续的contour 轮廓线,周线contract 收缩,缩小contrast 反差,对比coordinate 协调,协作craquelue 裂纹crayon 蜡笔crop 剪裁crystallize 水晶curl 螺旋状物,卷曲的current 当前的cursor 光标,游标curve 曲线custom 自定义--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ddarken 较黑的,使变黑daubs 涂抹define 定义design 设计destination 目标,对象difference 区别,差异diffuse 散乱扩散displace 转移distort 扭曲document 文档,文件dodge 加亮drop shadow 投影duotone 双色调duplicate 复制dust 灰尘,尘土--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eedge 边界effect 效果作用embed 嵌入emboss 浮雕enlarge 放大equalize 平均化expand 扩充,扩展export 输出extrude 突出eyedropper 吸管--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ffacet 刻面feather 晕开,羽化fill 填充flare 张开,闪耀flatten 变平flip 翻转fragment 碎片fresco 壁画--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ggamut 整个领域general 普通的glass 玻璃杯glow 发光gradient 渐变grain 纹理graphics 图形grayscale 灰阶,灰度图grid 坐标格子group 群,组grow 成长guide 参考,参考线--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hhalftone 半色调histogram 柱状图horizontal 水平hue 色相--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Iicon 图标image 图像import 输入index 索引Inner 内部的input 输入intensity 亮度inverse 相反invert 反转,反相--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kkeyboard 键盘kilometre 千米,公里--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Llens 凹凸透镜,焦距level 级别,色阶light 光线location 定位--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mmagic 有魔法的magic wand 魔棒mask 遮罩,掩膜maximum 最大值memory 记忆,内存merge 合并,融合minimum 最小值mode 模式,方式modify 修改,改变monitor 显示器,监视器monochrome 单色的mosaic 马塞克motion 运动multichannel 多通道模式--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nnegative 负片,负像noise 噪音,糙点numeric 数字化的;分数--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ooffset 位移,偏移option 选项ornament 装饰outline 轮廓,外形--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ppalette 调色板parameter 参数,参变量paste 粘贴pastel 彩色粉笔,蜡笔画patchwork 补教,式样path 路径pattern 图案perspective 透视pinch 极化,凹陷或突起plug-ins 插件(滤镜)pointillize 乱点描述polar coordinates 极坐标poster 招贴画posterize 色调分离preference 偏好设定preview 预览previous 前一个pseudo 假的purge 消除--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rradial 圆形range 范围,领域relief 救济,援救render 渲染,粉刷,上色reticulation 网状物revert 还原,复原ripple 涟漪,波纹rotate 旋转rough 粗略ruler 标尺--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ssaturation 色彩饱和度scale 缩放scratch 暂时,临时screen 屏幕seam 缝,接缝selection 选择,工作区selective 精心挑选的separation 分离,分开sharpen 锐化shear 扭曲变形similar 相似的sketch 草图,画稿skew 偏斜的smart 灵活的,精巧的smooth 平滑的smudge 玷污,污点snapshot 快照solarize 中途曝光spatter 溅,洒落sponge 海绵spray 喷,喷涂stain 着色,染色stamp 盖章,盖印status 状态,状况stereo 立体声stroke 笔划,打击swirl 漩涡,卷状物--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ttexture 质地,纹理threshold 两阶调化tile 平铺,窗口并联trace 跟踪,镂边trail 痕迹,足迹transform 转变,变形transparency 透明度twirl 卷曲,快速旋转--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Uultimate 最终的uncommon 罕见,非凡的units 单位,单元--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vvertex 顶点,最高点vertical 垂直的video 视频,电视view 视图,显示方式virus 病毒visible 可见的,明显的visual 视觉的vogue 流行,时尚volume (磁盘)容量vortex 漩涡--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wwatercolor 水彩watermark 水印wave 波纹,波动welder 焊接workstation 工作站wrinkle 皱纹--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Zzero 零zigzag 锯齿zoom in 放大zoom out 缩小一、File<文件>1.New<新建>2.Open<打开>3.Open As<打开为>4.Open Recent<最近打开文件>5.Close<关闭>6.Save<存储>7.Save As<存储为>8.Save for Web<存储为Web所用格式>9.Revert<恢复>10.Place<置入>11.Import<输入><1>PDF Image<2>Annotations<注释>12.Export<输出>13.Manage Workflow<管理工作流程><1>Check In<登记><2>Undo Check Out<还原注销><3>Upload To Server<上载到服务器><4>Add To Workflow<添加到工作流程><5>Open From Workflow<从工作流程打开> 14.Automate<自动><1>Batch<批处理><2>Create Droplet<创建快捷批处理><3>Conditional Mode Change<条件模式更改><4>Contact Sheet<联系表><5>Fix Image<限制图像><6>Multi<7>Picture package<图片包><8>Web Photo Gallery15.File Info<文件简介>16.Print Options<打印选项>17.Page Setup<页面设置>18.Print<打印>19.Jump to<跳转到>20.Exit<退出>二、Edit<编辑>1.Undo<还原>2.Step Forward<向前>3.Step Backward<返回>4.Fade<消退>5.Cut<剪切>6.Copy<拷贝>7.Copy Merged<合并拷贝>8.Paste<粘贴>9.Paste Into<粘贴入>10.Clear<清除>11.Fill<填充>12.Stroke<描边>13.Free Transform<自由变形>14.Transform<变换><1>Again<再次><2>Sacle<缩放><3>Rotate<旋转><4>Skew<斜切><5>Distort<扭曲><6>Prespective<透视><7>Rotate 180°<旋转180度><8>Rotate 90°CW<顺时针旋转90度><9>Rotate 90°CCW<逆时针旋转90度><10> Flip Hpeizontal<水平翻转><11> Flip Vertical<垂直翻转>15.Define Brush<定义画笔>16.Define Pattern<设置图案>17.Define Custom Shape<定义自定形状>18.Purge<清除内存数据><1> Undo<还原><2> Clipboard<剪贴板><3> Histories<历史纪录><4> All<全部>19.Color Settings<颜色设置>20.Preset Manager<预置管理器>21.Preferences<预设><1> General<常规><2> Saving Files<存储文件><3> Display & Cursors<显示与光标><4> Transparency & Gamut<透明区域与色域><5> Units & Rulers<单位与标尺><6> Guides & Grid<参考线与网格><7> Plug<8> Memory & Image Cache<内存和图像高速缓存><9> Adobe Online<10> Workflows Options<工作流程选项>三、Image<图像>1.Mode<模式><1> Bitmap<位图><2> Grayscale<灰度><3> Duotone<双色调><4> Indexed Color<索引色><5> RGB Color<6> CMYK Color<7> Lab Color<8> Multichannel<多通道><9> 8 Bits/Channel<8位通道><10> 16 Bits/Channel<16位通道><11> Color Table<颜色表><12>Assing Profile<制定配置文件><13>Convert to Profile<转换为配置文件> 2.Adjust<调整><1> Levels<色阶>><2> Auto Laves<自动色阶><3> Auto Contrast<自动对比度><4> Curves<曲线>><5> Color Balance<色彩平衡><6> Brightness/Contrast<亮度/对比度><7> Hue/Saturation<色相/饱和度><8> Desaturate<去色><9> Replace Color<替换颜色><10> Selective Color<可选颜色><11> Channel Mixer<通道混合器><12> Gradient Map<渐变映射><13> Invert<反相><14> Equalize<色彩均化><15> Threshold<阈值><16> Posterize<色调分离><17> Variations<变化>3.Duplicate<复制>4.Apply Image<应用图像>5.Calculations<计算>6.Image Size<图像大小>7.Canvas Size<画布大小>8.Rotate Canvas<旋转画布><1> 180°<180度><2> 90°CW<顺时针90度><3> 90°CCW<逆时针90度><4> Arbitrary<任意角度><5> Flip Horizontal<水平翻转><6> Flip Vertical<垂直翻转>9.Crop<裁切>10.Trim<修整>11.Reverl All<显示全部>12.Histogram<直方图>13.Trap<陷印>14.Extract<抽出>15.Liquify<液化>四、Layer<图层>1.New<新建><1> Layer<图层><2> Background From Layer<背景图层><3> Layer Set<图层组><4> Layer Set From Linked<图层组来自链接的><5> Layer via Copy<通过拷贝的图层><6> Layer via Cut<通过剪切的图层>2.Duplicate Layer<复制图层>3.Delete Layer<删除图层>yer Properties<图层属性>yer style<图层样式><1> Blending Options<混合选项><2> Drop Shadow<投影><3> Inner Shadow<内阴影><4> Outer Glow<外发光><5> Inner Glow<内发光><6> Bevel and Emboss<斜面和浮雕><7> Satin<光泽><8> Color Overlay<颜色叠加><9> Gradient Overlay<渐变叠加><10> Pattern Overlay<图案叠加><11> Stroke<描边><12> Copy Layer Effects<拷贝图层样式><13> Paste Layer Effects<粘贴图层样式><14> Paste Layer Effects To Linked<将图层样式粘贴的链接的><15> Clear Layer Effects<清除图层样式><16> Global Light<全局光><17> Create Layer<创建图层><18> Hide All Effects<显示/隐藏全部效果><19> Scale Effects<缩放效果>6.New Fill Layer<新填充图层><1> Solid Color<纯色><2> Gradient<渐变><3> Pattern<图案>7.New Adjustment Layer<新调整图层><1>Levels<色阶><2>Curves<曲线><3>Color Balance<色彩平衡><4>Brightness/Contrast<亮度/对比度><5>Hue/Saturation<色相/饱和度><6>Selective Color<可选颜色><7>Channel Mixer<通道混合器><8>Gradient Map<渐变映射><9>Invert<反相><10>Threshold<阈值><11>Posterize<色调分离>8.Change Layer Content<更改图层内容>yer Content Options<图层内容选项>10.Type<文字><1> Create Work Path<创建工作路径><2> Convert to Shape<转变为形状><3> Horizontal<水平><4> Vertical<垂直><5> Anti-Alias None<消除锯齿无><6> Anti-Alias Crisp<消除锯齿明晰><7> Anti-Alias Strong<消除锯齿强><8> Anti-Alias Smooth<消除锯齿平滑><9> Covert T o Paragraph Text<转换为段落文字><10> Warp Text<文字变形><11>Update All Text Layers<更新所有文本图层><12>Replace All Missing Fonts<替换所以缺欠文字> 11.Rasterize<栅格化><1>Type<文字><2>Shape<形状><3>Fill Content<填充内容><4>Layer Clipping Path<图层剪贴路径><5>Layer<图层><6>Linked Layers<链接图层><7>All Layers<所以图层>12.New Layer Based Slice<基于图层的切片>13.Add Layer Mask<添加图层蒙板><1> Reveal All<显示全部><2> Hide All<隐藏全部><3> Reveal Selection<显示选区><4> Hide Selection<隐藏选区>14.Enable Layer Mask<启用图层蒙板>15.Add Layer Clipping Path<添加图层剪切路径><1>Reveal All<显示全部><2>Hide All<隐藏全部><3>Current Path<当前路径>16.Enable Layer Clipping Path<启用图层剪切路径>17.Group Linked<于前一图层编组>18.UnGroup<取消编组>19.Arrange<排列><1> Bring to Front<置为顶层><2> Bring Forward<前移一层><3> Send Backward<后移一层><4> Send to Back<置为底层>20.Arrange Linked<对齐链接图层><1> Top Edges<顶边><2> Vertical Center<垂直居中><3> Bottom Edges<底边><4> Left Edges<左边><5> Horizontal Center<水平居中><6> Right Edges<右边>21.Distribute Linked<分布链接的><1> Top Edges<顶边><2> Vertical Center<垂直居中><3> Bottom Edges<底边><4> Left Edges<左边><5> Horizontal Center<水平居中><6> Right Edges<右边>22.Lock All Linked Layers<锁定所有链接图层>23.Merge Linked<合并链接图层>24.Merge Visible<合并可见图层>25.Flatten Image<合并图层>26.Matting<修边><1> Define<去边><2> Remove Black Matte<移去黑色杂边><3> Remove White Matte<移去白色杂边>五、Selection<选择>1.All<全部>2.Deselect<取消选择>3.Reselect<重新选择>4.Inverse<反选>5.Color Range<色彩范围>6.Feather<羽化>7.Modify<修改><1> Border<扩边><2> Smooth<平滑><3> Expand<扩展><4> Contract<收缩>8.Grow<扩大选区>9.Similar<选区相似>10.Transform Selection<变换选区>11.Load Selection<载入选区>12.Save Selection<存储选区>六、Filter<滤镜>st Filter<上次滤镜操作>2.Artistic<艺术效果><1> Colored Pencil<彩色铅笔><2> Cutout<剪贴画><3> Dry Brush<干笔画><4> Film Grain<胶片颗粒><5> Fresco<壁画><6> Neon Glow<霓虹灯光><7> Paint Daubs<涂抹棒><8> Palette Knife<调色刀><9> Plastic Wrap<塑料包装><10> Poster Edges<海报边缘><11> Rough Pastels<粗糙彩笔><12> Smudge Stick<绘画涂抹><13> Sponge<海绵><14> Underpainting<底纹效果><15> Watercolor<水彩>3.Blur<模糊><1> Blur<模糊><2> Blur More<进一步模糊><3> Gaussian Blur<高斯模糊><4> Motion Blur<动态模糊><5> Radial Blur<径向模糊><6> Smart Blur<特殊模糊>4.Brush Strokes<画笔描边><1> Accented Edges<强化边缘><2> Angled Stroke<成角的线条><3> Crosshatch<阴影线><4> Dark Strokes<深色线条><5> Ink Outlines<油墨概况><6> Spatter<喷笔><7> Sprayed Strokes<喷色线条><8> Sumi5.Distort<扭曲><1> Diffuse Glow<扩散亮光><2> Displace<置换><3> Glass<玻璃><4> Ocean Ripple<海洋波纹><5> Pinch<挤压><6> Polar Coordinates<极坐标><7> Ripple<波纹><8> Shear<切变><9> Spherize<球面化><10> Twirl<旋转扭曲><11> Wave<波浪><12> Zigzag<水波>6.Noise<杂色><1> Add Noise<加入杂色><2> Despeckle<去斑><3> Dust & Scratches<蒙尘与划痕><4> Median<中间值>7.Pixelate<像素化><1> Color Halftone<彩色半调><2> Crystallize<晶格化><3> Facet<彩块化><4> Fragment<碎片><5> Mezzotint<铜版雕刻><6> Mosaic<马赛克><7> Pointillize<点状化>8.Render<渲染><1> 3D Transform<3D 变换><2> Clouds<云彩><3> Difference Clouds<分层云彩><4> Lens Flare<镜头光晕><5> Lighting Effects<光照效果><6> Texture Fill<纹理填充>9.Sharpen<锐化><1> Sharpen<锐化><2> Sharpen Edges<锐化边缘><3> Sharpen More<进一步锐化><4> Unsharp Mask10.Sketch<素描><1> Bas Relief<基底凸现><2> Chalk & Charcoal<粉笔和炭笔><3> Charcoal<3> Chrome<铬黄><4> Conte Crayon<彩色粉笔><5> Graphic Pen<绘图笔><6> Halftone Pattern<半色调图案><7> Note Paper<便条纸><8> Photocopy<副本><9> Plaster<塑料效果><10> Reticulation<网状><11> Stamp<图章><12> Torn Edges<撕边><13> Water Paper<水彩纸>11.Stylize<风格化><1> Diffuse<扩散><2> Emboss<浮雕><3> Extrude<突出><4> Find Edges<查找边缘><5> Glowing Edges<照亮边缘><6> Solarize<曝光过度><7> Tiles<拼贴><8> Trace Contour<等高线><9> Wind<风>12.Texture<<纹理><1> Craquelure<龟裂缝><2> Grain<颗粒><3> Mosained Tiles<马赛克拼贴><4> Patchwork<拼缀图><5> Stained Glass<染色玻璃><6> Texturixer<纹理化>13.Video<视频><1> De<2> NTSC Colors14.Other<其它><1> Custom<自定义><2> High Pass<高反差保留><3> Maximum<最大值><4> Minimum<最小值><5> Offset<位移>15.Digimarc<1>Embed Watermark<嵌入水印><2>Read Watermark<读取水印>七、View<视图>1.New View<新视图>2.Proof Setup<校样设置><1>Custom<自定><2>Working CMYK<处理CMYK><3>Working Cyan Plate<处理青版><4>Working Magenta Plate<处理洋红版><5>Working Yellow Plate<处理黄版><6>Working Black Plate<处理黑版><7>Working CMY Plate<处理CMY版><8>Macintosh RGB<9>Windows RGB<10>Monitor RGB<显示器RGB><11>Simulate Paper White<模拟纸白><12>Simulate Ink Black<模拟墨黑>3.Proof Color<校样颜色>4.Gamut Wiring<色域警告>5.Zoom In<放大>6.Zoom Out<缩小>7.Fit on Screen<满画布显示>8.Actual Pixels<实际象素>9.Print Size<打印尺寸>10.Show Extras<显示额外的>11.Show<显示><1> Selection Edges<选区边缘><2> Target Path<目标路径><3> Grid<网格><4> Guides<参考线><5> Slices<切片><6> Notes<注释><7> All<全部><8> None<无><9>Show Extras Options<显示额外选项>12.Show Rulers<显示标尺>13.Snap<对齐>14.Snap To<对齐到><1> Guides<参考线><2> Grid<网格>。



ir er好朋友,重读当中发音同,大白鹅/ə:/ /ə:/ /ə:/
• bird • shirt • first • thirteen • circle •
girl thirty birth
dirty birthday
or重读张圆口,就像ar三友后,兽中王长声吼 /‫כ‬//:‫כ‬//:‫כ‬:/or遇见三朋友,跟
ey词中是一家,重读音节中a的名称音来发; 唯有钥匙是特殊(key),它把e的名称音来读。
• grey • obey • fey
prey convey
ei发音有两种,仔细数,a的名称音为主; 偶尔有特殊,发出i的名称音。
• rein • weight • sleight
eight height
th发音很简单,舌尖放于两齿间,实词只是气流行/θ/ /θ/ /θ/部分代词和虚词,声带
振动让人听,后跟er还出声/δ/ /δ//δ/cloth变化要分清
• math thumb • theft thank • thin three • that with • gather mother • brother clothes
/ə://ə:/ ur读音另一种,只在非重读当中说,宝贝鹅 /ə//ə//ə/
• surf
• nurse burn
• turtle curtain
• purse burden
• purple Saturday
• tail • wait • painter • pain • aid
farm guitar car shark wharf

photomator使用方法 -回复

photomator使用方法 -回复

photomator使用方法-回复如何使用Photomator 进行照片编辑和批量处理【简介】Photomator 是一款强大的照片编辑和批量处理软件,它可以帮助摄影师和设计师快速处理大量照片。

无论您是想调整曝光度、改善色彩、裁剪图像还是添加滤镜效果,Photomator 都能满足您的需求。

【下载与安装】首先,你需要从Photomator 官方网站下载并安装这个软件。



安装完成后,你就可以打开Photomator 并开始编辑你的照片了。

【导入照片】点击Photomator 的左上角的“文件”菜单,选择“导入照片”选项。



点击“导入”按钮,将所选的照片导入到Photomator 中。

【基本编辑】一旦照片被导入到Photomator 中,你可以开始进行编辑了。




【批量编辑】Photomator 还提供了批量编辑的功能,这使得处理大量照片变得非常高效。





【滤镜效果】Photomator 也内置了一系列滤镜效果,可以为你的照片增加艺术感。






一、光电式SENSOR (PHOTO —ELECTRIC SENSOR )原理与分类1、原理这类SENSOR 以光电效应的原理工作,当一物体(光电元件)受到光照可以看作是受到一连串能量为HV (H 为普朗克常数,V 为光的频率)的光子所轰击,组成这物体的材料吸收光子能量而发生相应电效应,光电元件主要有光电管、光敏电阻、光敏二极管、光敏三极管、光敏晶闸管,工程上光电SENSOR 的光电元件主要用光敏三极管。

2、分类图1-1光电SENSOR 主要有反射式和透射式两种,一般由两部分组成:发射单元LED和接收单元TR 组成,发射单元发射光束,通过测量物体的反射光或测量物体经过光线而引起光量的变化来完成的。

如图1-1,TR 接收LED 发射的光,使TR 导通输出为低电平,TR 没有接收到足够的光量而截止,输出为高电平。

A 、反射式如图1-2,反射式SENSOR 的LED 发出光线经被测物体反射,SENSER 的TR 接收到反射光而引起SENSER 电信号变化来达成探测物体的目的,最大探测距离是能使接收单元有效探测到物体的反射光。



(2)、长探测距离(LONG DETECTING DISTANCE):FU-42/4F/6F/66/5F、FU-7F/8413/86 特点:这种光纤有准确稳定的长距离探测,即使在恶劣的环境中也是如此(如灰尘、油性、蒸汽)。

(3)、聚焦式(FOCUSING LENS):FU-35FA、FU-22(X)/36(X)特点:这种光纤能探测非常小的目标。

(4)、束内部(NANOW-BEAM): FU-22(X)/36(X)特点:这种光纤的波束点仅为一般聚焦束的直径的六分之一。

digital photo professional

digital photo professional

digital photo professionalDigital Photo Professional: A Comprehensive Guide to Professional Photo EditingIntroduction:In the era of digital photography, the importance of professional photo editing cannot be overstated. To produce captivating and high-quality images, photographers need access to efficient and user-friendly editing software. One such software that has gained popularity among photographers is Digital Photo Professional (DPP). Developed by Canon, DPP offers a wide range of features and tools that make it a powerful asset for both amateur and professional photographers. This comprehensive guide aims to explore the various aspects of DPP, providing insights into its key features, functionalities, and tips for getting the best out of this software.I. Overview of Digital Photo Professional:Digital Photo Professional, commonly known as DPP, is advanced software designed specifically for Canon users. It is provided free of cost with Canon's range of DSLR cameras and is widely respected for its powerful editing capabilities. DPP supports a wide array of file formats, including RAW,JPEG, and TIFF, making it a versatile tool for editing a variety of image types.II. Key Features of Digital Photo Professional:1. RAW Processing:One of the outstanding features of DPP is its exceptional RAW processing capabilities. RAW files contain unprocessed, uncompressed data captured directly from the camera sensor, offering photographers a higher level of control and flexibility during editing. DPP enables users to make precise adjustments to various parameters such as exposure, white balance, tone, and sharpness, providing the ability to bring out details and improve overall image quality.2. Lens Correction:DPP includes lens correction tools that can automatically correct various lens-related aberrations and imperfections, such as distortion, chromatic aberration, and vignetting. These tools ensure that the final image is free from optical distortions and maintains the integrity of the image captured by the lens.3. Noise Reduction:DPP offers powerful noise reduction algorithms, allowing photographers to reduce unwanted noise in their images without sacrificing valuable details. With adjustable noise reduction sliders, users can strike the perfect balance between noise reduction and maintaining image sharpness.4. Retouching and Cloning:DPP provides retouching and cloning tools that allow photographers to remove unwanted objects or imperfections from their images. This feature is particularly useful in portrait and landscape photography, where small distractions can negatively impact the overall composition.5. Batch Processing:For photographers who need to edit a large number of images simultaneously, DPP's batch processing feature comes in handy. This feature enables users to apply the same set of edits to multiple images, significantly reducing editing time.III. Getting Started with Digital Photo Professional:1. Installation and Setup:To begin using Digital Photo Professional, users must first install the software onto their computer. Canon provides aCD-ROM containing the necessary software with the purchase of their cameras. Alternatively, users can download the latest version of DPP from Canon's official website.2. User Interface:Upon opening DPP, users are greeted with a clean and intuitive user interface. The main workspace consists of various panels for importing, organizing, editing, and exporting images. The interface can be customized to suit individual preferences, ensuring a tailored editing experience.IV. Advanced Techniques and Tips:1. Mastering the Histogram:The histogram is a powerful tool that displays the tonal distribution of an image. Understanding and utilizing the histogram can help photographers accurately adjust exposure, contrast, and tonal range within an image.2. Utilizing Curves:Curves allow fine-tuning of an image's tonal range and contrast. By adjusting the RGB curves individually or collectively, photographers can achieve precise control over the image's overall look and feel.3. Working with Layers and Masks:DPP supports non-destructive editing techniques through layers and masks. By utilizing these features, photographers can make selective adjustments to specific areas of an image without affecting the entire composition. This enables greater control over the final result.4. Custom Presets:Creating and utilizing custom presets in DPP can significantly speed up the editing workflow. By saving frequently used settings as presets, photographers can apply them to new images instantly, ensuring consistency in their editing style.V. Exporting and Sharing:Once the editing process is complete, it's time to export and share the final images. DPP offers various export options, allowing photographers to save images in different file formats, resolutions, and color spaces, depending on their intended use.Conclusion:Digital Photo Professional is a powerful software tool specifically designed for Canon users, offering a wide range of features and capabilities for professional photo editing.With its efficient workflow, precise editing tools, and advanced features like RAW processing and lens correction, DPP empowers photographers to enhance their images and achieve the desired results. By mastering the features and implementing advanced editing techniques, photographers can make the most of this software and produce visually captivating images that stand out from the rest.。

my favorite photo范文

my favorite photo范文

my favorite photo范文Title: My Favorite Photo.One of my favorite photos captures a moment of pure joy and laughter shared with my closest friends. We were gathered at a beach, the sun setting behind us, casting a warm glow over the scene. In the photo, we are all smiling widely, our eyes sparkling with happiness. The waves crashing in the background and the sand between our toes remind me of the carefree days we spent together.This photo holds a special place in my heart because it encapsulates the essence of friendship and the beauty of simple moments. Looking at it instantly brings a smile to my face and fills me with gratitude for the wonderful people in my life.I cherish this photo not just for the memories it holds, but for the feelings of warmth and connection it evokes. It serves as a reminder of the joy that can be found in the company of loved ones and the importance of treasuring each moment spent together.标题:我最喜欢的照片。



Photoshop各个工具快捷键对应英文选框-MarqueeM移动-moveV套索-LassoL魔棒-WandW喷枪-injection lance J画笔-Brush B铅笔-pencilN橡皮图章-rubbr-stamps历史记录画笔-history brush tool Y橡皮擦-Erasers S模糊-Blur R减淡- dodge tool O钢笔-pen P文字-text T度量-measurement U渐变-Gradient G油漆桶-Paint Bucket Tool K吸管- suction tube I抓手-hand grip H缩放-Zoom Z默认前景和背景色-The default foreground and background color D 切换前景和背景色-Switch foreground and background color X 编辑模式切换-Edit mode switching Q显示模式切换-F Cycle through Screen Modes F一、File-文件-新建-打开As-打开为Recent-最近打开文件-关闭-存储As-存储为for Web-存储为Web所用格式-恢复-置入-输入-1PDF Image-2Annotations-注释Workflow-管理工作流程-1Check In-登记-2Undo Check Out-还原注销-3Upload To Server-上载到服务器-4Add To Workflow-添加到工作流程-5Open From Workflow-从工作流程打开-自动-1Batch-批处理-2Create Droplet-创建快捷批处理-3Conditional Mode Change-条件模式更改-4Contact Sheet-联系表-5Fix Image-限制图像-6Multi-7Picture package-图片包-8Web Photo GalleryInfo-文件简介Options-打印选项Setup-页面设置to-跳转到-退出二、Edit-编辑-还原Forward-向前Backward-返回-消退-剪切-拷贝Merged-合并拷贝-粘贴Into-粘贴入-清除-填充-描边Transform-自由变形-变换-1Again-再次-2Sacle-缩放-3Rotate-旋转-4Skew-斜切-5Distort-扭曲-6Prespective-透视-7Rotate 180°-旋转180度-8Rotate 90°CW-顺时针旋转90度-9Rotate 90°CCW-逆时针旋转90度-10 Flip Hpeizontal-水平翻转-11 Flip Vertical-垂直翻转Brush-定义画笔Pattern-设置图案Custom Shape-定义自定形状-清除内存数据-1 Undo-还原-2 Clipboard-剪贴板-3 Histories-历史纪录-4 All-全部Settings-颜色设置Manager-预置管理器-预设-1 General-常规-2 Saving Files-存储文件-3 Display & Cursors-显示与光标-4 Transparency & Gamut-透明区域与色域-5 Units & Rulers-单位与标尺-6 Guides & Grid-参考线与网格-7 Plug-8 Memory & Image Cache-内存和图像高速缓存-9 Adobe Online-10 Workflows Options-工作流程选项三、Image-图像-模式-1 Bitmap-位图-2 Grayscale-灰度-3 Duotone-双色调-4 Indexed Color-索引色-5 RGB Color-6 CMYK Color-7 Lab Color-8 Multichannel-多通道-9 8 Bits/Channel-8位通道-10 16 Bits/Channel-16位通道-11 Color Table-颜色表-12Assing Profile-制定配置文件-13Convert to Profile-转换为配置文件-调整-1 Levels-色阶-2 Auto Laves-自动色阶-3 Auto Contrast-自动对比度-4 Curves-曲线-5 Color Balance-色彩平衡-6 Brightness/Contrast-亮度/对比度-7 Hue/Saturation-色相/饱和度-8 Desaturate-去色-9 Replace Color-替换颜色-10 Selective Color-可选颜色-11 Channel Mixer-通道混合器-12 Gradient Map-渐变映射-13 Invert-反相-14 Equalize-色彩均化-15 Threshold-阈值-16 Posterize-色调分离-17 Variations-变化-复制Image-应用图像-计算Size-图像大小Size-画布大小Canvas-旋转画布-1 180°-180度-2 90°CW-顺时针90度-3 90°CCW-逆时针90度-4 Arbitrary-任意角度-5 Flip Horizontal-水平翻转-6 Flip Vertical-垂直翻转-裁切-修整All-显示全部-直方图-陷印-抽出-液化四、Layer-图层-新建-1 Layer-图层-2 Background From Layer-背景图层-3 Layer Set-图层组-4 Layer Set From Linked-图层组来自链接的-5 Layer via Copy-通过拷贝的图层-6 Layer via Cut-通过剪切的图层Layer-复制图层Layer-删除图层Properties-图层属性Style-图层样式-1 Blending Options-混合选项-2 Drop Shadow-投影-3 Inner Shadow-内阴影-4 Outer Glow-外发光-5 Inner Glow-内发光-6 Bevel and Emboss-斜面和浮雕-7 Satin-光泽-8 Color Overlay-颜色叠加-9 Gradient Overlay-渐变叠加-10 Pattern Overlay-图案叠加-11 Stroke-描边-12 Copy Layer Effects-拷贝图层样式-13 Paste Layer Effects-粘贴图层样式-14 Paste Layer Effects To Linked-将图层样式粘贴的链接的-15 Clear Layer Effects-清除图层样式-16 Global Light-全局光-17 Create Layer-创建图层-18 Hide All Effects-显示/隐藏全部效果-19 Scale Effects-缩放效果Fill Layer-新填充图层-1 Solid Color-纯色-2 Gradient-渐变-3 Pattern-图案Adjustment Layer-新调整图层-1Levels-色阶-2Curves-曲线-3Color Balance-色彩平衡-4Brightness/Contrast-亮度/对比度-5Hue/Saturation-色相/饱和度-6Selective Color-可选颜色-7Channel Mixer-通道混合器-8Gradient Map-渐变映射-9Invert-反相-10Threshold-阈值-11Posterize-色调分离Layer Content-更改图层内容Content Options-图层内容选项-文字-1 Create Work Path-创建工作路径-2 Convert to Shape-转变为形状-3 Horizontal-水平-4 Vertical-垂直-5 Anti-Alias None-消除锯齿无-6 Anti-Alias Crisp-消除锯齿明晰-7 Anti-Alias Strong-消除锯齿强-8 Anti-Alias Smooth-消除锯齿平滑-9 Covert To Paragraph Text-转换为段落文字-10 Warp Text-文字变形-11Update All Text Layers-更新所有文本图层-12Replace All Missing Fonts-替换所以缺欠文字-栅格化-1Type-文字-2Shape-形状-3Fill Content-填充内容-4Layer Clipping Path-图层剪贴路径-5Layer-图层-6Linked Layers-链接图层-7All Layers-所以图层Layer Based Slice-基于图层的切片Layer Mask-添加图层蒙板-1 Reveal All-显示全部-2 Hide All-隐藏全部-3 Reveal Selection-显示选区-4 Hide Selection-隐藏选区Layer Mask-启用图层蒙板Layer Clipping Path-添加图层剪切路径-1Reveal All-显示全部-2Hide All-隐藏全部-3Current Path-当前路径Layer Clipping Path-启用图层剪切路径 Linked-于前一图层编组-取消编组-排列-1 Bring to Front-置为顶层-2 Bring Forward-前移一层-3 Send Backward-后移一层-4 Send to Back-置为底层Linked-对齐链接图层-1 Top Edges-顶边-2 Vertical Center-垂直居中-3 Bottom Edges-底边-4 Left Edges-左边-5 Horizontal Center-水平居中-6 Right Edges-右边Linked-分布链接的-1 Top Edges-顶边-2 Vertical Center-垂直居中-3 Bottom Edges-底边-4 Left Edges-左边-5 Horizontal Center-水平居中-6 Right Edges-右边All Linked Layers-锁定所有链接图层 Linked-合并链接图层Visible-合并可见图层Image-合并图层-修边-1 Define-去边-2 Remove Black Matte-移去黑色杂边-3 Remove White Matte-移去白色杂边五、Selection-选择-全部-取消选择-重新选择-反选Range-色彩范围-羽化-修改-1 Border-扩边-2 Smooth-平滑-3 Expand-扩展-4 Contract-收缩-扩大选区-选区相似Selection-变换选区Selection-载入选区Selection-存储选区六、Filter-滤镜Filter-上次滤镜操作-艺术效果-1 Colored Pencil-彩色铅笔-2 Cutout-剪贴画-3 Dry Brush-干笔画-4 Film Grain-胶片颗粒-5 Fresco-壁画-6 Neon Glow-霓虹灯光-7 Paint Daubs-涂抹棒-8 Palette Knife-调色刀-9 Plastic Wrap-塑料包装-10 Poster Edges-海报边缘-11 Rough Pastels-粗糙彩笔-12 Smudge Stick-绘画涂抹-13 Sponge-海绵-14 Underpainting-底纹效果-15 Watercolor-水彩-模糊-1 Blur-模糊-2 Blur More-进一步模糊-3 Gaussian Blur-高斯模糊-4 Motion Blur-动态模糊-5 Radial Blur-径向模糊-6 Smart Blur-特殊模糊Strokes-画笔描边-1 Accented Edges-强化边缘-2 Angled Stroke-成角的线条-3 Crosshatch-阴影线-4 Dark Strokes-深色线条-5 Ink Outlines-油墨概况-6 Spatter-喷笔-7 Sprayed Strokes-喷色线条-8 Sumi-扭曲-1 Diffuse Glow-扩散亮光-3 Glass-玻璃-4 Ocean Ripple-海洋波纹-5 Pinch-挤压-6 Polar Coordinates-极坐标-7 Ripple-波纹-8 Shear-切变-9 Spherize-球面化-10 Twirl-旋转扭曲-11 Wave-波浪-12 Zigzag-水波-杂色-1 Add Noise-加入杂色-2 Despeckle-去斑-3 Dust & Scratches-蒙尘与划痕-4 Median-中间值-像素化-1 Color Halftone-彩色半调-2 Crystallize-晶格化-4 Fragment-碎片-5 Mezzotint-铜版雕刻-6 Mosaic-马赛克-7 Pointillize-点状化-渲染-1 3D Transform-3D 变换-2 Clouds-云彩-3 Difference Clouds-分层云彩-4 Lens Flare-镜头光晕-5 Lighting Effects-光照效果-6 Texture Fill-纹理填充-锐化-1 Sharpen-锐化-2 Sharpen Edges-锐化边缘-3 Sharpen More-进一步锐化-4 Unsharp Mask-素描-1 Bas Relief-基底凸现-2 Chalk & Charcoal-粉笔和炭笔-3 Charcoal-3 Chrome-铬黄-4 Conte Crayon-彩色粉笔-5 Graphic Pen-绘图笔-6 Halftone Pattern-半色调图案-7 Note Paper-便条纸-8 Photocopy-副本-9 Plaster-塑料效果-10 Reticulation-网状-11 Stamp-图章-12 Torn Edges-撕边-13 Water Paper-水彩纸-风格化-1 Diffuse-扩散-2 Emboss-浮雕-3 Extrude-突出-4 Find Edges-查找边缘-5 Glowing Edges-照亮边缘-6 Solarize-曝光过度-7 Tiles-拼贴-8 Trace Contour-等高线-9 Wind-风--纹理-1 Craquelure-龟裂缝-2 Grain-颗粒-3 Mosained Tiles-马赛克拼贴-4 Patchwork-拼缀图-5 Stained Glass-染色玻璃-6 Texturixer-纹理化-视频-1 De-2 NTSC Colors-其它-1 Custom-自定义-2 High Pass-高反差保留-3 Maximum-最大值-4 Minimum-最小值-5 Offset-位移-1Embed Watermark-嵌入水印-2Read Watermark-读取水印七、View-视图View-新视图Setup-校样设置-1Custom-自定-2Working CMYK-处理CMYK-3Working Cyan Plate-处理青版-4Working Magenta Plate-处理洋红版-5Working Yellow Plate-处理黄版-6Working Black Plate-处理黑版-7Working CMY Plate-处理CMY版-8Macintosh RGB-9Windows RGB-10Monitor RGB-显示器RGB-11Simulate Paper White-模拟纸白-12Simulate Ink Black-模拟墨黑Color-校样颜色Wiring-色域警告In-放大Out-缩小on Screen-满画布显示Pixels-实际象素Size-打印尺寸Extras-显示额外的-显示-1 Selection Edges-选区边缘-2 Target Path-目标路径-3 Grid-网格-4 Guides-参考线-5 Slices-切片-6 Notes-注释-7 All-全部-8 None-无-9Show Extras Options-显示额外选项 Rulers-显示标尺-对齐To-对齐到-1 Guides-参考线-2 Grid-网格-3 Slices-切片-4 Document Bounds-文档边界-5 All-全部-6 None-无Guides-锁定参考线Guides-清除参考线Guides-新参考线Slices-锁定切片Slices-清除切片八、Windows-窗口-层叠-拼贴Icons-排列图标All-关闭全部Hide Tools-显示/隐藏工具Hide Options-显示/隐藏选项Hide Navigator-显示/隐藏导航Hide Info-显示/隐藏信息Hide Color-显示/隐藏颜色Hide Swatches-显示/隐藏色板Hide Styles-显示/隐藏样式Hide History-显示/隐藏历史记录Hide Actions-显示/隐藏动作Hide Layers-显示/隐藏图层Hide Channels-显示/隐藏通道Hide Paths-显示/隐藏路径Hide Character-显示/隐藏字符Hide Paragraph-显示/隐藏段落Hide Status Bar-显示/隐藏状态栏 Palette Locations-复位调板位置。

五年级下册英语学案-Module 4 Traved Unit 8 Ben's first tr

五年级下册英语学案-Module 4 Traved Unit 8 Ben's first tr

Unit 8 Ben’s first trip to Beijing【学习目标】1.掌握本课“四会”单词和短语。





【学习过程】一、自主学习(一)单词回顾旅行______ 旅店______ 步行_____ 宫殿______ 湖______ 地铁______ 大街;马路_____ 围绕着______ 长城______ 颐和园_____ 散步_____(二)重点短语trip to Beijing by plane fly back home乘地铁开车去长城一起吃晚饭二、合作探究(一)按要求完成句子1.He will go to Beijing during the summer holiday.(改为否定句)_______________________________________________2.It’s sunny today.(对划线部分提问)________________________________________________3.Will you take a walk with me after dinner?________________________________________________4.I like autumn best.(对划线部分提问)_________________________________________________5.I will go camping next week.(对划线部分提问)_________________________________________________(二)翻译下列词组1.去海南旅游_________________ 2.假期计划___________________ 3.乘地铁_____________________ 4.散步_______________________ 5.去旅行_____________________ 6.在星期一下午_______________ 7.颐和园_____________________ 8.长城_______________________(三)连词成句 my with go will I travelling next week_____________________________________2.park go how you to will_____________________________________3.park what you will in the do_____________________________________(四)单项选择( ) 1.It’ s my __________ trip to Shanghai.A.three B.two C.third D.four( ) 2.Yesterday I took ________ in the C.photoes C.photoing( ) 3.Janet goes to school _________ taxi.A.on C.for ) 4.Sue will go to the Summer Palace next week, so she is very ________.A.boring B.exciting C.excited D.boring ( ) 5.---How do you usually go to school? ---___________. bus B.On bus C.By bike D.By foot。



一、File 文件1.New 新建2.Open 打开3.Open As 打开为4.Open Recent 最近打开文件5.Close 关闭6.Save 存储7.Save As 存储为8.Save for Web 存储为Web所用格式9.Revert 恢复10.Place 置入11.Import 输入1 PDF Image PDF图象导入2 Annotations 注释12.Export 输出13.Manage Workflow 管理工作流程1 Check In 登记2 Undo Check Out 还原注销3 Upload To Server 上载到服务器4 Add To Workflow 添加到工作流程5 Open From Workflow 从工作流程打开14.Automate 自动1 Batch 批处理2 Create Droplet 创建快捷批处理3 Conditional Mode Change 条件模式更改4 Contact Sheet 联系表5 Fix Image 限制图像6 Multi Page PDF to PSD 多页面PDF文件到PSD 文件7 Picture package 图片包8 Web Photo Gallery Web照片画廊15.File Info 文件简介16.Print Options 打印选项17.Page Setup 页面设置18.Print 打印19.Jump to 跳转到20.Exit 退出二、Edit 编辑1.Undo 还原2.Step Forward 向前3.Step Backward 返回4.Fade 消退5.Cut 剪切6.Copy 拷贝7.Copy Merged 合并拷贝8.Paste 粘贴9.Paste Into 粘贴入10.Clear 清除11.Fill 填充12.Stroke 描边13.Free Transform 自由变形14.Transform 变换1 Again 再次2 Sacle 缩放3 Rotate 旋转4 Skew 斜切5 Distort 扭曲6 Prespective 透视7 Rotate 180° 旋转180度8 Rotate 90°CW 顺时针旋转90度9 Rotate 90°CCW 逆时针旋转90度10 Flip Hpeizontal 水平翻转11 Flip Vertical 垂直翻转15.Define Brush 定义画笔16.Define Pattern 设置图案17.Define Custom Shape 定义自定形状18.Purge 清除内存数据1 Undo 还原2 Clipboard 剪贴板3 Histories 历史纪录4 All 全部19.Color Settings 颜色设置20.Preset Manager 预置管理器21.Preferences 预设1 General 常规2 Saving Files 存储文件3 Display & Cursors 显示与光标4 Transparency & Gamut 透明区域与色域5 Units & Rulers 单位与标尺6 Guides & Grid 参考线与网格7 Plug Ins & Scratch Disks 增效工具与暂存盘8 Memory & Image Cache 内存和图像高速缓存9 Adobe Online Adobe在线10 Workflows Options 工作流程选项三、Image 图像1.Mode 模式1 Bitmap 位图2 Grayscale 灰度3 Duotone 双色调4 Indexed Color 索引色5 RGB Color RGB色6 CMYK Color CMYK色7 Lab Color Lab色8 Multichannel 多通道9 8 Bits/Channel 8位通道10 16 Bits/Channel 16位通道11 Color Table 颜色表12 Assing Profile 制定配置文件13 Convert to Profile 转换为配置文件2.Adjust 调整1 Levels 色阶2 Auto Laves 自动色阶3 Auto Contrast 自动对比度4 Curves 曲线5 Color Balance 色彩平衡6 Brightness/Contrast 亮度/对比度7 Hue/Saturation 色相/饱和度8 Desaturate 去色9 Replace Color 替换颜色10 Selective Color 可选颜色11 Channel Mixer 通道混合器12 Gradient Map 渐变映射13 Invert 反相14 Equalize 色彩均化15 Threshold 阈值16 Posterize 色调分离17 Variations 变化3.Duplicate 复制4.Apply Image 应用图像5.Calculations 计算6.Image Size 图像大小7.Canvas Size 画布大小8.Rotate Canvas 旋转画布1 180° 180度2 90°CW 顺时针90度3 90°CCW 逆时针90度4 Arbitrary 任意角度5 Flip Horizontal 水平翻转6 Flip Vertical 垂直翻转9.Crop 裁切10.Trim 修整11.Reverl All 显示全部12.Histogram 直方图13.Trap 陷印14.Extract 抽出15.Liquify 液化四、Layer 图层1.New 新建1 Layer 图层2 Background From Layer 背景图层3 Layer Set 图层组4 Layer Set From Linked 图层组来自链接的5 Layer via Copy 通过拷贝的图层6 Layer via Cut 通过剪切的图层2.Duplicate Layer 复制图层3.Delete Layer 删除图层yer Properties 图层属性yer Style 图层样式1 Blending Options 混合选项2 Drop Shadow 投影3 Inner Shadow 内阴影4 Outer Glow 外发光5 Inner Glow 内发光6 Bevel and Emboss 斜面和浮雕7 Satin 光泽8 Color Overlay 颜色叠加9 Gradient Overlay 渐变叠加10 Pattern Overlay 图案叠加11 Stroke 描边12 Copy Layer Effects 拷贝图层样式13 Paste Layer Effects 粘贴图层样式14 Paste Layer Effects To Linked 将图层样式粘贴的链接的15 Clear Layer Effects 清除图层样式16 Global Light 全局光17 Create Layer 创建图层18 Hide All Effects 显示/隐藏全部效果19 Scale Effects 缩放效果6.New Fill Layer 新填充图层1 Solid Color 纯色2 Gradient 渐变3 Pattern 图案7.New Adjustment Layer 新调整图层1 Levels 色阶2 Curves 曲线3 Color Balance 色彩平衡4 Brightness/Contrast 亮度/对比度5 Hue/Saturation 色相/饱和度6 Selective Color 可选颜色7 Channel Mixer 通道混合器8 Gradient Map 渐变映射9 Invert 反相10 Threshold 阈值11 Posterize 色调分离8.Change Layer Content 更改图层内容yer Content Options 图层内容选项10.Type 文字1 Create Work Path 创建工作路径2 Convert to Shape 转变为形状3 Horizontal 水平4 Vertical 垂直5 Anti-Alias None 消除锯齿无6 Anti-Alias Crisp 消除锯齿明晰7 Anti-Alias Strong 消除锯齿强8 Anti-Alias Smooth 消除锯齿平滑9 Covert To Paragraph Text 转换为段落文字10 Warp Text 文字变形11 Update All Text Layers 更新所有文本图层12 Replace All Missing Fonts 替换所以缺欠文字11.Rasterize 栅格化1 Type 文字2 Shape 形状3 Fill Content 填充内容4 Layer Clipping Path 图层剪贴路径5 Layer 图层6 Linked Layers 链接图层7 All Layers 所以图层12.New Layer Based Slice 基于图层的切片13.Add Layer Mask 添加图层蒙板1 Reveal All 显示全部2 Hide All 隐藏全部3 Reveal Selection 显示选区4 Hide Selection 隐藏选区14.Enable Layer Mask 启用图层蒙板15.Add Layer Clipping Path 添加图层剪切路径1 Reveal All 显示全部2 Hide All 隐藏全部3 Current Path 当前路径16.Enable Layer Clipping Path 启用图层剪切路径17.Group Linked 于前一图层编组18.UnGroup 取消编组19.Arrange 排列1 Bring to Front 置为顶层2 Bring Forward 前移一层3 Send Backward 后移一层4 Send to Back 置为底层20.Arrange Linked 对齐链接图层1 Top Edges 顶边2 Vertical Center 垂直居中3 Bottom Edges 底边4 Left Edges 左边5 Horizontal Center 水平居中6 Right Edges 右边21.Distribute Linked 分布链接的1 Top Edges 顶边2 Vertical Center 垂直居中3 Bottom Edges 底边4 Left Edges 左边5 Horizontal Center 水平居中6 Right Edges 右边22.Lock All Linked Layers 锁定所有链接图层23.Merge Linked 合并链接图层24.Merge Visible 合并可见图层25.Flatten Image 合并图层26.Matting 修边1 Define 去边2 Remove Black Matte 移去黑色杂边3 Remove White Matte 移去白色杂边五、Selection 选择1.All 全部2.Deselect 取消选择3.Reselect 重新选择4.Inverse 反选5.Color Range 色彩范围6.Feather 羽化7.Modify 修改1 Border 扩边2 Smooth 平滑3 Expand 扩展4 Contract 收缩8.Grow 扩大选区9.Similar 选区相似10.Transform Selection 变换选区11.Load Selection 载入选区12.Save Selection 存储选区六、Filter 滤镜st Filter 上次滤镜操作2.Artistic 艺术效果1 Colored Pencil 彩色铅笔2 Cutout 剪贴画3 Dry Brush 干笔画4 Film Grain 胶片颗粒5 Fresco 壁画6 Neon Glow 霓虹灯光7 Paint Daubs 涂抹棒8 Palette Knife 调色刀9 Plastic Wrap 塑料包装10 Poster Edges 海报边缘11 Rough Pastels 粗糙彩笔12 Smudge Stick 绘画涂抹13 Sponge 海绵14 Underpainting 底纹效果15 Watercolor 水彩3.Blur 模糊1 Blur 模糊2 Blur More 进一步模糊3 Gaussian Blur 高斯模糊4 Motion Blur 动态模糊5 Radial Blur 径向模糊6 Smart Blur 特殊模糊4.Brush Strokes 画笔描边1 Accented Edges 强化边缘2 Angled Stroke 成角的线条3 Crosshatch 阴影线4 Dark Strokes 深色线条5 Ink Outlines 油墨概况6 Spatter 喷笔7 Sprayed Strokes 喷色线条8 Sumi 总量5.Distort 扭曲1 Diffuse Glow 扩散亮光2 Displace 置换3 Glass 玻璃4 Ocean Ripple 海洋波纹5 Pinch 挤压6 Polar Coordinates 极坐标7 Ripple 波纹8 Shear 切变9 Spherize 球面化10 Twirl 旋转扭曲11 Wave 波浪12 Zigzag 水波6.Noise 杂色1 Add Noise 加入杂色2 Despeckle 去斑3 Dust & Scratches 蒙尘与划痕4 Median 中间值7.Pixelate 像素化1 Color Halftone 彩色半调2 Crystallize 晶格化3 Facet 彩块化4 Fragment 碎片5 Mezzotint 铜版雕刻6 Mosaic 马赛克7 Pointillize 点状化8.Render 渲染1 3D Transform 3D 变换2 Clouds 云彩3 Difference Clouds 分层云彩4 Lens Flare 镜头光晕5 Lighting Effects 光照效果6 Texture Fill 纹理填充9.Sharpen 锐化1 Sharpen 锐化2 Sharpen Edges 锐化边缘3 Sharpen More 进一步锐化4 Unsharp Mask USM 锐化10.Sketch 素描1 Bas Relief 基底凸现2 Chalk & Charcoal 粉笔和炭笔3 Charcoal4 Chrome 铬黄5 Conte Crayon 彩色粉笔6 Graphic Pen 绘图笔7 Halftone Pattern 半色调图案8 Note Paper 便条纸9 Photocopy 副本10 Plaster 塑料效果11 Reticulation 网状12 Stamp 图章13 Torn Edges 撕边14 Water Paper 水彩纸11.Stylize 风格化1 Diffuse 扩散2 Emboss 浮雕3 Extrude 突出4 Find Edges 查找边缘5 Glowing Edges 照亮边缘6 Solarize 曝光过度7 Tiles 拼贴8 Trace Contour 等高线9 Wind 风12.Texture 纹理1 Craquelure 龟裂缝2 Grain 颗粒3 Mosained Tiles 马赛克拼贴4 Patchwork 拼缀图5 Stained Glass 染色玻璃6 Texturixer 纹理化13.Video 视频1 De Interlace 逐行2 NTSC Colors NTSC色彩14.Other 其它1 Custom 自定义2 High Pass 高反差保留3 Maximum 最大值4 Minimum 最小值5 Offset 位移15.Digimarc1 Embed Watermark 嵌入水印2 Read Watermark 读取水印七、View 视图1.New View 新视图2.Proof Setup 校样设置1 Custom 自定2 Working CMYK 处理CMYK3 Working Cyan Plate 处理青版4 Working Magenta Plate 处理洋红版5 Working Yellow Plate 处理黄版6 Working Black Plate 处理黑版7 Working CMY Plate 处理CMY版8 Macintosh RGB9 Windows RGB10 Monitor RGB 显示器RGB11 Simulate Paper White 模拟纸白12 Simulate Ink Black 模拟墨黑3.Proof Color 校样颜色4.Gamut Wiring 色域警告5.Zoom In 放大6.Zoom Out 缩小7.Fit on Screen 满画布显示8.Actual Pixels 实际象素9.Print Size 打印尺寸10.Show Extras 显示额外的11.Show 显示1 Selection Edges 选区边缘2 Target Path 目标路径3 Grid 网格4 Guides 参考线5 Slices 切片6 Notes 注释7 All 全部8 None 无9 Show Extras Options 显示额外选项12.Show Rulers 显示标尺13.Snap 对齐14.Snap To 对齐到1 Guides 参考线2 Grid 网格3 Slices 切片4 Document Bounds 文档边界5 All 全部6 None 无15.Show Guides 锁定参考线16.Clear Guides 清除参考线17.New Guides 新参考线18.Lock Slices 锁定切片19.Clear Slices 清除切片八、Windows 窗口1.Cascade 层叠2.Tile 拼贴3.Arrange Icons 排列图标4.Close All 关闭全部5.Show/Hide Tools 显示/隐藏工具6.Show/Hide Options 显示/隐藏选项7.Show/Hide Navigator 显示/隐藏导航8.Show/Hide Info 显示/隐藏信息9.Show/Hide Color 显示/隐藏颜色10.Show/Hide Swatches 显示/隐藏色板11.Show/Hide Styles 显示/隐藏样式12.Show/Hide History 显示/隐藏历史记录13.Show/Hide Actions 显示/隐藏动作14.Show/Hide Layers 显示/隐藏图层15.Show/Hide Channels 显示/隐藏通道16.Show/Hide Paths 显示/隐藏路径17.Show/Hide Character 显示/隐藏字符18.Show/Hide Paragraph 显示/隐藏段落19.Show/Hide Status Bar 显示/隐藏状态栏20.Reset Palette Locations。

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