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METS考试分为四个级别,每个级别的题型大致相同。 以三级考试为例:METS三级考试由三部分构成:听力、阅读和写作,满分100分。考试时间为 120分钟。 听力部分共25道试题,共25分;阅读部分共40道试题,共40分,写作部分共1道题,共15分。整 份试卷原始分数为80分,采用分数加权的方法,对各部分题目的原始分数分别给予不同的权重。 其中听力部分占满分100分权重的30%,阅读部分占45%,写作部分占25%。经加权处理,考试成 绩60分以上为合格。合格者将获得《医护英语水平考试合格证书(三级)》。
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医学英语测试系统(METS),是由国家卫生健康委人才交流服务中心与中国教育国际交流协会联 合主办的,针对我国医药卫生领域人才(医生、药剂、护理、技术)的全国性专业英语考试。这 一考试旨在评估他们在医学实践中的英语语言应用能力,同时也是他们提升专业技能、拓宽国际 视野的重要途径。 2022年12月26日,国家卫生健康委人才交流服务中心与中国教育国际交流协会发布公告,宣布 从2023年1月1日起,“医护英语水平考试”正式更名为“医学英语水平考试”。这一更名不仅反 映了考试更加广泛的适用范围,也体现了其在医药卫生领域的重要性。 METS考试以其严谨的考试设置和评估标准,以及贴近实践的考试内容,吸引了大量医药卫生人才 参与。而随着全球化的深入,医学英语在医药卫生领域的作用日益显著。通过METS考试,考生不 仅能够提升自身的英语语言能力,还能加深对国际医学实践的理解,从而更好地为患者提供服务。
医学英语期末试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is NOT a type of cancer?A. MelanomaB. LeukemiaC. CarcinomaD. Fibroma2. The term "cardiology" refers to the study of:A. The heartB. The lungsC. The brainD. The kidneys3. What is the medical term for inflammation of the stomach lining?A. GastritisB. BronchitisC. HepatitisD. Nephritis4. The abbreviation "MRI" stands for:A. Magnetic Resonance ImagingB. Medical Records IndexC. Myocardial Resection ImagingD. Maximum Respiratory Index5. Which hormone is responsible for the regulation of bloodsugar levels?A. InsulinB. ThyroxineC. CortisolD. Estrogen6. The process of healing a broken bone is called:A. FractureB. OsteogenesisC. OsteoporosisD. Osteolysis7. A "diagnosis" in medicine is:A. The treatment of a diseaseB. The identification of a diseaseC. The prevention of a diseaseD. The cause of a disease8. What is the medical term for a surgical incision into the chest cavity?A. LaparotomyB. ThoracotomyC. CraniotomyD. Hysterectomy9. The abbreviation "HIV" stands for:A. Human Influenza VirusB. Hepatitis Infection VirusC. Human Immunodeficiency VirusD. Hereditary Immune Virus10. A "pathogen" is:A. A type of medicationB. A disease-causing microorganismC. A symptom of a diseaseD. A preventive measure against disease二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. The medical term for the surgical removal of the appendix is __________.2. The study of the nervous system is known as __________.3. A condition characterized by high levels of blood sugar is called __________.4. The process of the body fighting off pathogens is known as __________.5. The abbreviation for the common cold is __________.6. The medical term for inflammation of the heart muscle is __________.7. The medical specialty dealing with the urinary system is __________.8. A person who specializes in the study and treatment of cancer is called an __________.9. The abbreviation for the human papillomavirus is__________.10. A medical condition where the body's immune system attacks its own tissues is known as __________.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. Explain the difference between a virus and a bacterium.2. Describe the function of the thyroid gland.3. What is the purpose of vaccination?4. Define the term "epidemic" and give an example.四、翻译题(每题5分,共20分)1. 翻译以下医学术语:"急性阑尾炎"2. 翻译以下医学术语:"慢性支气管炎"3. 翻译以下医学术语:"高血压"4. 翻译以下医学术语:"糖尿病"五、病例分析题(每题10分,共20分)1. 患者,男性,45岁,主诉胸痛,呼吸困难。
医学英语期末考试题型及复习范围:1.An error of interpretation of this sort makes the experimental scientist cautions about giving biological significance to a sex difference when the observation is made in only one society at one period. 这一类解释上的错误使实验者在解读特定社会、特定时期两性区别的生物学意义时变得谨慎小心。
And these remarks are not made to deny the existence of biological differences but only to encourage caution in interpreting observations.说这些话的用意,不在否认两性生物学差异的存在,而只是为了提倡对观察结果进行解读时多加小心。
2.Drug testing employs various laboratory techniques to detect even minute traces of the metabolic breakdown products of marijuana,cocaine, and many kinds of prescription drugs.药物检测使用各种化验技术来查验极少量的大麻、可卡因以及多种处方药的代谢分解产物。
If a person takes a drug overdose and loses consciousness and no one is sure which drug was consumed, physicians quickly test the urine to identify the drug and determine the best treatment for saving the patient’s life.如果一个人过量服药而失去知觉,又没有人确知他服用了何种药物,医生能很快地进行尿检得以确认,并决定拯救病人生命的最佳治疗方案Two additional uses — testing athletes and employees for drug use in the playing field or on the job — are currently quite controversial.两个额外的用途——在运动场上或工作上,测试运动员和员工药物使用的——目前颇有争议。
生物医学英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is the most common type of cancer in the world?A. Lung cancerB. Breast cancerC. Prostate cancerD. Colorectal cancer答案:A2. The term "pathogen" refers to:A. A substance that causes diseaseB. A person who has a diseaseC. An organism that causes diseaseD. A symptom of a disease答案:C3. What is the primary function of red blood cells?A. To carry oxygenB. To fight infectionsC. To clot bloodD. To regulate body temperature答案:A4. The nervous system is divided into two main parts: thecentral nervous system and the:A. Peripheral nervous systemB. Autonomic nervous systemC. Sympathetic nervous systemD. Parasympathetic nervous system答案:A5. Which of the following is a characteristic of a viral infection?A. Presence of bacteria in the bloodB. Inflammation of the heartC. Infection by a virusD. Infection by a fungus答案:C6. The hormone responsible for the regulation of blood sugar levels is:A. InsulinB. Thyroid hormoneC. CortisolD. Adrenaline答案:A7. What is the term for the process by which the body maintains a stable internal environment?A. HomeostasisB. MetabolismC. Circadian rhythmD. Immunity答案:A8. The largest organ in the human body is:A. The brainB. The liverC. The skinD. The heart答案:C9. Which of the following is a type of connective tissue?A. Muscle tissueB. Nervous tissueC. Epithelial tissueD. Cartilage答案:D10. The process of cell division that results in two identical cells is called:A. MitosisB. MeiosisC. ApoptosisD. Cytokinesis答案:A二、填空题(每空1分,共20分)1. The study of the structure of organisms is called__________.答案:anatomy2. The process by which cells extract energy from nutrients is known as __________.答案:metabolism3. The basic unit of heredity is the __________.答案:gene4. The medical specialty that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels is called __________.答案:cardiology5. The hormone that stimulates the growth and development of bones and muscles is __________.答案:growth hormone6. The study of the causes and effects of diseases is called __________.答案:pathology7. The body's response to injury or infection is known as__________.答案:inflammation8. The process by which the body gets rid of waste products is called __________.答案:excretion9. The largest gland in the human body is the __________.答案:liver10. The study of the nervous system is called __________.答案:neurology三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. Explain the role of the immune system in defending the body against infections.答案:The immune system plays a crucial role in defending the body against infections by recognizing and eliminating harmful pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and otherforeign substances. It consists of various cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body. When a pathogen enters the body, the immune system responds by activating white blood cells and producing antibodies that target and neutralize the invaders. This response helps to prevent the spread of infection and promotes healing and recovery.2. Describe the process of respiration in humans.答案:Respiration in humans is a process that involves the exchange of gases, primarily oxygen and carbon dioxide, between the body and the environment. It consists of two main stages: inhalation and exhalation. During inhalation, air containing oxygen is drawn into the lungs through the nose or mouth, then travels down the trachea and into the bronchi, which branch into smaller tubes called bronchioles. The bronchioles end in tiny air sacs called alveoli, where the exchange of gases occurs. Oxygen from the air diffuses across the thin walls of the alveoli into the bloodstream, where itbinds to hemoglobin in red blood cells. At the same time, carbon dioxide, a waste product of cellular respiration, diffuses from the blood into the alveoli. During exhalation, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles relax, causing the chest cavity to decrease in size and forcing the carbon dioxide-rich air out of the lungs. This cycle of inhal。
医学英语试题(4)推荐文章营养与食品卫生学词汇中英对照热度:Adam'sapple喉结的英语解释热度:泌尿外科学的介绍热度:传染性疾病词汇大全热度:病情用英语怎么说热度:Passage 4Smog damages the lungs of growing infants and causes asthma, suggests unpublished research carried out at theUniversity of California at Davis. The findings confirm a link that has been widely suspected, but never proven.In the past ten years, studies have found circumstantial evidence, one of the more noxious constituents of smog. However, researchers have not proved that ozone causes asthma because they cannot measure how much ozone an individual has been exposed to.To settle the issue, the Davis carried out a series of experiments with young rhesus monkeys. One group of monkeys had ozone added to their air supply. A second group breathed air containing the dust mite allergen, a component of household dust that is a common trigger of asthma attacks. A third group breathed air containing both the allergen and ozone, and a fourth group breathed clean air.The amount of ozone in the contaminated air supply was varied to mimic conditions in the real world, says Charles Plopper, one of the team’s leaders. For five days the monkeys breathed air containing ozone, followed by nine ozone-free days—a cycle based loosely on Environmental Protection Agency records of ozone levels in Los Angeles, says Plopper. The concentration of ozone was 0.5 parts per million. “ That is high for California,”he says, “ but about average for Mexico City.”After five months of exposure, monkeys that had been breathing ozone developed symptoms similar to those of a child with borderline asthma, says Plopper. Heir lung capacity was reduced and they wheezed when briefly exposed to the dust mite allergen. Monkeys that had continually breathed both ozone and the allergen had more severe reactions, similar to full-blown asthma attacks: rapid, shallow breathing and decreased blood oxygen levels.Both groups of ozone-exposed monkeys had lung abnormalities typical of people with asthma. The smooth muscle that controls the flow of air through the lungs was hyperactive, constricting the airways. The lungs made more mucus than usual, clogging up the airways. And the monkeys has unusually low levels of glutathione(谷胱甘肽), a chemical that protects the lungs from free radicals. “ That puts them at risks for other types of lung injury.” Plopper says.He and his colleagues had previously found that ozone does not cause the same degree of lung damage in adult monkeys. They believe, therefore, that ozone exposure is especially damaging early in life, when the lungs are still developing.Because lung development is similar in monkeys and humans, the research may help explain why children who grow up in smoggy cities tend to have more respiratory problems, says Ira Tager of the University of California, Berkeley, School ofPublic Health. “ It fits well with what’s known in humans about developmental effects.” He says.56. To prove the link between asthma and ozone exposure, according to the passage, is to _________.A) verify the association between smog and ozoneB) measure the amount of ozone exposureC) prove the existence of ozone in smogD)confirm the toxicity of ozone57. In the test, the subjects _________.A)were divided into four groups to breathe varied concentrations of ozoneB)inhaled the contaminated air in California and Mexico City respectivelyC)had their asthma attacks induced by breathing air containing ozoneD)inhaled the adjusted amount of ozone as if in the real world58. Which of the following groups turned out to be the most serious victims?A) The 1st groupB) The 2nd groupC) The 3rd groupD)The 4th group59. Between the ozone –expose d monkeys’ lung abnormalities and those of people with asthma, the researchers ________.A)discovered the same amount of ozone exposureB)pinpointed the exactly same causative factorC) found a cause-effect relationD) can draw an analogy.60. From the results, Plopper would say that ozone exposure _________.A) can be responsible for the asthma epidemic in childrenB) damages monkeys as well as humansC) affects human lung developmentD)all of the abovePassage 5To beat leukemia, it helps to be lucky. A bone marrow transplant can give a patient a fresh start at producing blood cells free of this cancer, but a successful transplant typically requires that at least five out of six key genetic markers in the donor match those in the recipient.Unfortunately, most patients don't find a good match even among close relatives willing to donate bone marrow and must hope to get appropriate bone marrow from a tissue bank. Some wait months for a good match, and others die waiting. Some acutely ill patients, having little choice, must accept the best available transplant--blood in which only three or four of the six markers are correct. Having a mismatched donor worsens the recipient's survival odds because the transplanted tissue is often rejected.A study in the Oct. 22 New England Journal of Medicine brightens the picture for leukemia patients. By giving them a massive dose of stem cells--the marrow cells that harbor blueprints for new, healthy blood cells--researchers in Israel andItaly find they can overwhelm a recipient's remaining immune cells and thwart rejection. The dose of stem cells, collected from blood instead of bone marrow, is up to 10 times greater than a marrow transplant would normally provide.Even when the donated stem cells are mismatched for three of the six markers, the survival rate of recipients approaches that of patients receiving blood from well-matched, unrelated donors.In both the marrow and new stem-cell transplant procedures, patients typically receive radiation treatment, chemotherapy, and drugs to suppress immune rejection and ward off disease. Evenso, the patients can encounter a cancer recurrence, infection, transplant rejection, or graft-versus-host disease, in which the donor's immune cells attack the patient.The researchers extracted stem cells from the blood of donors who had been primed with hormones to produce these cells prodigiously. To lessen the risk of graft-versus-host disease, the technique also removes the donor's immune T cells.Of 43 terminally ill leukemia patients treated with this procedure, 12 survived and were healthy 18 months after the stem-cell transplant, says study coauthor Yair Reisner of the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, Israel. The other patients died or suffered a relapse of leukemia."For patients who don't have matched donors or don't have time to wait, this is a huge step forward," says LeeAnn T. Jensen of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute in Bethesda, Md.At the core of the mismatch problem are human leukocyte antigens, cell-surface proteins that help direct immune system functions. Genes encoding these proteins are inherited as a unit, one from each parent. Identifying the DNA sequence at three specific locations on each unit provides the six genetic markers used in seeking a match.Less than a third of patients have a family member who matches five or six markers, but everyone's parents and most siblings match at least three. "It would be very unusual that you wouldn't have a related donor for every patient," Reisner says.61. To beat leukemia, it helps to be lucky because__________.A) the patient can not choose an appropriate bone marrow from a tissue bank.B) the best available transplant contains only three or four correct genetic markers.C) the patient has a limited range of genetic markersD) bone marrow transplants are randomized62. According to the researchers in Israel and Italy, the donated cells can overcome rejection _________.A) by conquering the recipient’s remaining immune cells.B) by matching exactly the recipients immune cells.C) by expanding the options for transplantsD) by building up their dosage.63. In which of the following are the donated stem cells important to the recipient?A) Radiation treatmentB) Quantity of cellsC)Related sourcesD) Amount64.As Jensen implies, patients having no matched donors or no time to wait can bear hope of life ________A) with stem-cell transplantB) with radiation treatment and chemotherapyC) by using drugs to suppress immune rejection.D)by lessening the risk of graft-versus-host disease65.The message of the passage is clear that stem cell transplants can make it easy for a leukemia patient _______.A) to survive the diseaseB) to find a related donorC) to match five or six markers.D)To ward off the procedures to suppress immune rejection.Part IV Translation ( 20 points )Directions: Translate the underlined parts in each sentence into Chinese1. Georgetown University Hospital offers a variety of medicalfacilities through its many clinical departments. There are, for example, departments of general medicine, pediatrics, surgery, ophthalmology, and obstetrics and gynecology.2. Although essential hypertension is the etiologic category in the vast majority of cases, it is possible that as many as 5% of hypertensive individuals suffer from the renal arterial diseases.3. Independently, several groups developed methods to close congenital cardiac defects with devices delivered by catheters.4. Glomerular filtration rate, urine flow rate and urinary concentrating ability all correlated inversely with the degree ofmedullary hyperemia.5. Davidson and colleagues strongly suggest that assays of hemoglobin glycosylation should be the diagnostic criterion standard for diabetes.6. The reversible airway obstruction is caused by smooth muscle contraction and mucosal edema.7. Individuals infected with large burdens or particularly virulent strains of H pylori may be capable of developing ulcers regardless of their psychological characteristics.8. Cancer risk is increased with most types of immune deficiency, including congenital disorders and iatrogenic treatments to prevent allograft rejection.9. Other complications are associated with ischaemia of the tracheal mucosa leading to tracheo-oesophageal fistula, erosion of the innominate artery or, much later tracheal stenosis.10. A meta-analysis of 22 placebo-controlled hypnotic trials concluded that benzodiazepines and zolpidem produced improvements in sleep latency, total sleep time and sleep quality.Answer SheetPart IV Translation ( 20 points )1. _____________________, _______________________2. _____________________,________________________3. _____________________4. _____________________,_________________________5. _____________________6. _____________________,_________________________7. _____________________8. _____________________,_________________________9. _____________________,_________________________10. _____________________Key ( A )Part I Listening Comprehension ( 10% )1----5 CDCCB 6-----10 CADAD11----15 ACABD 16----20 DCACBPart II Vocabulary ( 20% )21----25 BCACC 26----30 CDDCC31----35 ACACA 36----40 ADBCCPart III Reading Comprehension ( 50% )41----45 BCACD 46----50 BDCCB51----55 BDACD56----60 BDCDD 61----65 BADABPart IV Translation ( 20% )1. 内科,妇产科2. 原发性高血压,肾动脉疾病3. 先天性心脏缺损4. 肾小球滤过率,髓质充血5. 糖化血红蛋白测定6. 可逆性气道阻塞,黏膜水肿7. 致病力强的幽门螺杆菌菌株8. 免疫缺陷,同种异体移植排斥9. 气管食管篓,气管狭窄10. 安慰剂对照安眠药物试验。
第1页 共4页第2页 共4页医学英语期末考试试卷(B 卷)课程名称 医学英语 任课教师 学院 专业 年级 姓名 校园卡号1. Translate the following paragraphs into Chinese (10 points for eachparagraph).(1) A tissue consists of a group of similar cells along with the material between the cells, which are organized to carry out a particular function. There are 4 major types of tissues: epithelial, connective, nervous, and muscular, each of which has a special function to perform.(2) Passive immunity is attained when antibodies formed in lower animals or human beings are injected into another person. Passive immunity is of short duration; the borrowed antibodies tend to exhaust their cycle and disappear as the blood is renewed.Passive immunization is used rarely today.(3) Apoptosis is an active, programmed cell death process controlled by genes. There are two kinds of genes controlling apoptosis: one is pro-apoptosis genes, such as P53, and so on; the other is anti-apoptosis genes, such as certain members of bcl-2 family, and so on.(4) Hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis) is a degeneration of the wall of the artery and is a normal part of growing old. It affects all the arteries of the body and can be accelerated and exaggerated by high blood pressure. Atherosclerosis (deposition of fats and cholesterol within an artery) is much more serious.(5) Basically the digestive system consists of a long tube that runs from the mouth to the anus. This tube, known as the digestive tract, is made up of the following organs:装__________________________装____________________________订____________________________线__________________________the mouth, the pharynx, the esophagus, the stomach, the large and small intestines, and so on.2. Translate the following paragraphs into English (10 points for each paragraph). (1)甲状腺分两叶,包绕在喉和气管上部,在下丘脑和垂体前叶的指令下工作。
《英语(3)(医学英语视听说)》课程教学大纲一、课程说明课程编码课程总学时 48周学时(理论学时/实践学时) 4 学分 2.5课程性质拓展选修课适用专业公办二年级本科非英语专业1.课程简介:本课程为大学英语六级通过后学生开设的大学英语拓展课,是我校大学英语分级教学中探索的一种课程改革模式,旨在提升学生英语听说应用能力,并使用英语进行高层次的沟通,。
The course is to help the learners acquire communicative competence in the medical field through various given topics and by large amount of listening practice. The learners are encouraged to get involved in oral presentation based on listening input. The learners are expected to improve their listening comprehension in the medical field and master the essential communicative skills in the target language and to meet the requirements of the National Syllabus concerning the development of the 4 language skills. The learning activities cover some aspect of our life and are mainly concerned about medical specialties. In the classroom, the learners are given enough autonomy in all the communicative activities, with the teacher as organizer, supervisor, facilitator and co-communicator. All the activities are webbed in a flexible, dynamic, on-going process of communicating in the target language.2、教学目的与要求:(1)通过学习,学生应能经一定准备后, 就他所熟悉的医学问题作6-10分钟的连贯性发言和交谈。
( )
15. The lower part of the esophagus that opens into the stomach is known as the:
(A) Pylorus
(B) Duodenum
(C) Cardia
(D) Ileocecal valve
(D) Storage of nutrients
( )
14. Which of the following are types of mental disorders?
(A) Depression
(B) Anxiety
(C) Schizophrenia
(D) Diabetes
( )
15. The components of the central nervous system include:
( )
20. A condition characterized by painful and swollen joints is known as:
(A) Arthritis
(B) Rheumatism
(C) Gout
(D) Lupus
( )
( )
17. Which of these is a common treatment for cancer?
(A) Chemotherapy
(B) Dialysis
(C) Radiotherapy
(D) All of the above
( )
18. The normal pH of the human blood is approximately:
201401医学英语期末考试复习题型:翻译、名词匹配、词汇和语法、阅读复习范围:医学英语课本1-12课A课文、单词、课后练习部分重点如下:一 .熟悉以下段落的英汉互译1."In my view," wrote Thomas Jefferson in 1814, "no knowledge can be more satisfactory to a manthan that of his own frame, its parts, their functions and actions.Distinguished thinkers before and since Jefferson have held this belief, but curiously, it is not one that the average person wholehearted shares.Man's attitude toward his own body ——his single most precious possession ——is decidedly ambivalent, at one and the same time his is fascinated by it and fearful of it, partly in echo of ancient taboo, partly in the conviction that the body is too complicated to understand.“在我看来,”托马斯-杰斐逊在1814年写道,“对一个人来说,没有什么知识可以比了解自身的架构,他自身的部件,他们的功能和动作更能满足他的了。
23年贵州医科大非英语专业学位考试真题全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hey guys, I want to share with you a cool thing called the 23rd Guizhou Medical University non-English major degree exam questions! I know it sounds super fancy, but don't worry, I'll break it down for you in a way that's easy to understand.First off, let's talk about what the exam is all about. Basically, it's a test for students who want to study at Guizhou Medical University but aren't majoring in English. The exam covers a bunch of different subjects, like math, science, and even some English stuff.One of the questions on the exam might be something like this:"Describe a time when you faced a difficult challenge and how you overcame it."This is a classic interview question that's meant to test your problem-solving skills and your ability to think on your feet. Just think back to a time when you had to deal with something toughand how you handled it. Maybe you had a big project due at school and you were really stressed out, but you managed to get it done on time. Or maybe you had a disagreement with a friend and you were able to talk it out and make things right. The key is to show that you can face challenges head-on and come out stronger on the other side.Another question you might see on the exam is:"What are your goals for the future and how do you plan to achieve them?"This is a great opportunity to showcase your ambition and vision for the future. Think about what you want to accomplish in life and what steps you need to take to get there. Maybe you dream of becoming a doctor and helping people in need, or maybe you want to travel the world and learn about different cultures. Whatever your goals are, make sure to talk about them with passion and determination. Remember, the sky's the limit when it comes to your dreams!So there you have it, guys! The 23rd Guizhou Medical University non-English major degree exam questions are a great way to show off your skills and impress the admissions committee. Just be yourself, stay calm, and do your best. Good luck!篇2"Hey guys, guess what? I just found some super cool questions for the 23rd Guizhou Medical University non-English major degree exam! Let me tell you all about it!Question 1: What are the symptoms of COVID-19 and how can we protect ourselves from it?Question 2: Explain the process of blood circulation in the human body. Why is it important for our health?Question 3: Discuss the differences between bacteria and viruses. How do they affect our health differently?Question 4: What is the role of antibiotics in treating bacterial infections? Why is it important to use them correctly?Question 5: Describe the structure and function of the human respiratory system. How does it help us breathe?Question 6: How do vaccines work to prevent infectious diseases? Why is vaccination important for public health?Question 7: What are the risk factors for developing heart disease? How can we prevent it through lifestyle changes?Question 8: Discuss the impact of smoking on our respiratory system. Why is it important to avoid smoking?Question 9: Explain the concept of mental health and why it is important for overall well-being. How can we improve our mental health?Question 10: What are the basic principles of first aid? Why is it important to have knowledge of first aid techniques?Wow, these questions are so interesting and important! I can't wait to study and learn more about them. Good luck to everyone taking the exam! Let's ace it together!"篇3Hello everyone! Today I want to share with you some of the questions from the 23rd Guizhou Medical University Non-English Major Degree Examination. The exam is really important for students who want to study at the university, so let's take a look at the questions together!Question 1: Please write a short essay (about 200 words) about your favorite hobby and why you enjoy it.Question 2: In your opinion, what are the benefits of studying a foreign language? Give examples to support your answer.Question 3: Describe a memorable experience you had while traveling to a different country. What did you learn from this experience?Question 4: Discuss the importance of health in our daily lives. How can we maintain a healthy lifestyle?Question 5: Some people believe that technology has a negative impact on society. What is your opinion on this issue?Question 6: In your opinion, what qualities make a good leader? Give examples of leaders you admire and explain why.Question 7: If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be and why?I hope these questions help you prepare for the exam. Remember to practice your English skills and be confident in your answers. Good luck to all the students taking the exam!篇4Hello everyone! Today I want to share with you about the 23rd Guizhou Medical University Non-English Major Degree Examination. It was really exciting but also a little bit challenging!First of all, let's talk about the listening section. We had to listen to a conversation between a doctor and a patient, and then answer some questions about it. The questions were not too difficult, but we had to pay close attention to what the people were saying. I was a little nervous at first, but I tried my best and managed to answer most of the questions correctly.Next, there was the reading section. We had to read a passage about different medical procedures and then answer questions about it. Some of the questions were tricky, but I remembered to read the passage carefully and underline the important information. I was proud of myself for getting most of the answers right!After that, there was the writing section. We had to write an essay about the importance of healthy living. I talked about eating fruits and vegetables, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. I also included some personal experiences to make my essay more interesting. It was fun to write, and I hope the examiners liked it!Finally, there was the speaking section. We had to talk about a topic related to medicine for a few minutes. I chose to talk about the benefits of drinking water, and I even brought a bottle of water to show the examiners how important it is to stay hydrated. I was a little nervous, but I tried to speak clearly and confidently.Overall, the exam was a great experience. I learned a lot about medicine and how important it is to take care of our health.I hope I did well on the exam, and I can't wait to find out the results. I'm proud of myself for trying my best, and I know I will continue to work hard in the future. Thank you for listening to my story about the 23rd Guizhou Medical University Non-English Major Degree Examination!篇5Hey guys, do you know that I recently took the Non-English Major Degree Examination at Guizhou Medical University? It was super hard, but I managed to do my best and hopefully get a good score. I want to share with you all about the exam and what it was like!The exam had different sections like Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. The Listening part was tricky becausethey played some recordings and we had to answer questions about them. I had to really focus and listen carefully to understand everything. The Reading section had lots of passages and I had to answer questions about them too. It was challenging, but I tried my best to answer as many as I could.In the Writing part, I had to write an essay about a given topic. I had to think quickly and organize my ideas in a clear and logical way. It was tough, but I managed to write a decent essay. Lastly, the Speaking section was nerve-wracking because I had to talk in front of the examiners. I tried to speak clearly and confidently, even though I was a bit nervous.Overall, the exam was tough but I tried my best. I hope I get a good score so that I can continue my studies and become a successful student. Wish me luck, guys! Have you ever taken a difficult exam like this before? Let me know your experiences!篇6Title:My Experience in the 23rd Guizhou Medical UniversityNon-English Major Degree ExamHello everyone! Today I want to share with you all about my experience in the 23rd Guizhou Medical University Non-English Major Degree Exam. It was really exciting and challenging, but I learned a lot from it!First of all, I want to tell you about the exam format. There were three parts to the exam: listening, reading, and writing. The listening part was a bit difficult for me because the speakers talked really fast! But I tried my best to focus and understand what they were saying. The reading part was also tough because there were so many long passages to read in a short amount of time. But I remembered to read carefully and look for keywords to help me answer the questions.The writing part was the most fun for me. I had to write an essay about my favorite movie and why I liked it. I chose to write about "Finding Nemo" because I love the characters and the story. I wrote about how Nemo's dad never gave up on finding him and how it taught me the importance of family and never giving up on your dreams.Overall, I think I did pretty well in the exam. I managed to finish all the questions in time and I felt confident in my answers.I also made sure to double-check my work before handing it in to make sure I didn't make any mistakes.In conclusion, the 23rd Guizhou Medical UniversityNon-English Major Degree Exam was a great experience for me. I learned a lot about listening, reading, and writing in English, and I had a lot of fun doing it. I can't wait to see my results and hopefully, I'll pass with flying colors!That's all for now! Thanks for listening to my story about the exam. Have a great day!篇7Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about the 23rd Guizhou Medical University Non-English Major Degree Examination. It's a big deal for us students who are studying at the university.The exam covers a lot of different subjects like biology, chemistry, physics, and of course, English. We have to study really hard to do well on the exam. But don't worry, we can all help each other out and study together.One question on the exam might be something like, "Explain the process of photosynthesis in plants." We have to remember all the steps and be able to write them down in our own words. It's important to understand the concepts and not just memorize them.Another question could be about the periodic table of elements. We have to know the names of all the elements and their symbols. It can be a lot to remember, but if we study a little bit every day, we can do it!And of course, there will be questions about English grammar and vocabulary. We have to know the difference between 'there', 'their', and 'they're', for example. It's tricky sometimes, but with practice, we can get it right.Overall, the 23rd Guizhou Medical University Non-English Major Degree Examination is a big challenge for us students, but we can do it if we work hard and support each other. Let's all study together and cheer each other on. Good luck, everyone!篇8Oh my gosh, guys, I have to tell you about the crazy exam I took for the non-English major degree at Guizhou Medical University! It was like nothing I've ever seen before!So, the exam had a bunch of different sections that tested our English skills in all sorts of ways. We had to do listening and reading exercises, as well as writing and speaking tasks. It was so challenging but also kind of fun because it was like a big puzzle that we had to solve.In the listening part, we had to listen to different conversations and lectures and then answer questions about them. Some of them were really fast-paced and hard to keep up with, but I tried my best to catch all the important details.The reading part was also tough because there were so many words I didn't know. I had to read passages and then answer questions about them, but sometimes I got stuck because I couldn't understand everything. I think I need to read more books in English to improve my vocabulary.For the writing section, we had to write an essay on a given topic. I chose to write about my favorite hobby, which is playing soccer. It was fun to talk about something I love, but I had to be careful with my grammar and spelling to make sure it was perfect.The speaking part was the scariest for me because I'm not very confident speaking in English. We had to have a conversation with the examiners about a random topic, and I was so nervous that I would forget all my words. But I practiced a lot beforehand and managed to get through it without too many mistakes.Overall, the exam was really tough, but I learned so much from taking it. I know now that I need to work on my listeningand reading skills the most, but I'm also proud of myself for trying my best. I hope I did well enough to pass and get into the non-English major program at Guizhou Medical University. Wish me luck, guys!篇9Hello everyone! Today, I want to tell you about the exam questions for the non-English majors at the Guizhou Medical University in 23 years. It was a super tough exam, but I did my best to answer all the questions. Let me share with you some of the questions that were on the test.First, there was a listening section where we had to listen to a conversation between two people and answer questions about it. It was a bit hard to understand because they spoke really fast, but I tried my best to catch all the important information.Then, there was a reading section where we had to read a passage and answer questions about it. The passage was about the importance of exercise for our health. I learned a lot of new words from that passage!After that, there was a writing section where we had to write an essay on the topic of "The benefits of learning a foreign language." I wrote about how learning a new language can helpus communicate with people from different cultures and make new friends.Finally, there was a speaking section where we had to talk about a topic for 2 minutes. I talked about my favorite hobby, which is playing soccer. I had so much fun talking about it!Overall, the exam was challenging but I had a great time answering all the questions. I hope I did well and can pass the exam. Wish me luck, everyone! Thank you for listening to my story. Bye!篇10Oh boy, the 23rd Guizhou Medical University Non-English Major Degree Exam is soooo hard! But don't worry, I am here to tell you all about it in a fun and easy way.First, there are a lot of questions about health and medicine. They ask about different diseases, how to treat them, and ways to stay healthy. It's super important to know all about this stuff because, you know, it's a medical school and all.Then, there are questions about English. Like, they ask you to read a paragraph and answer some questions about it. So makesure you practice reading and understanding English articles, okay?There are also questions about Chinese culture and history. They want to know if you know about famous Chinese people, places, and events. So, brush up on your Chinese knowledge before the exam!Oh, and don't forget about the listening part of the exam. You have to listen to some conversations and answer questions about them. It's a bit tricky, but if you pay attention, you can do it!And lastly, there's a writing section where you have to write an essay. They give you a topic and you have to write about it in English. So make sure you practice your writing skills before the exam.Phew, that's a lot of stuff to study for, but if you work hard and stay positive, you can totally rock this exam! Good luck, my little friends!。
医学英语期末试题一、单选题1. anis.s.smal.tha.i.ca.onl.b.see.wit..microscop.i.._____C_____.A.miniorganismB.macrogrganismC.microorganismD.microcell2. .disease tha.ha..sudde.an.sever.onse.i.describe.a.______C________.A.chronicdC.acuteD.infectious3. .disease tha.ha.lon.duratio.an.slo.progressin.i.describe.a.______A________.A.chronicdC.acuteD.infectious4. Abnorma.an.uncontrolle.growt.o.tissu.i.terme.a.____B______.A.anemiaB.neoplasia 瘤形成C.parasitism 寄生病D.toxicity5. Heat.pain.redness.an.swellin.ar.th.characteristi.sign.o._____C______.A.immunityB.feverC.inflammationD.healing6. Scientifi.nam.fo.windpipe i._____A_______.A.trachearynx 喉C.pharynx 咽D.bronchi7. Scientifi.nam.fo.throat(咽喉.i._____C_______.A.trachearynxC.pharynxD.bronchi8. Scientifi.nam.fo.voic.bo.i._____B_______.A.trachearynxC.pharynxD.bronchi9. Difficult.i.breathin.i.calle._____D_______.A.aphasia 失语症B.apnea 窒息C.dysphonia 发声困难D.dyspnea 呼吸困难10. Difficult.i.swallowin.i.calle._____A_______.A.dysphagia 吞咽困难B.dysplasia 发育不良C.dysphoniaD.dyspnea11. .wor.elemen.fro.whic.othe.word.ar.forme.i.calle._____C_______.A.prefixB.suffixC.rootbining vowel12. .wor.par.a.th.beginnin.o..wor.i..(n).____D______.A.originbining formC.previewD.prefix13. .wor.par.a.th.en.o..wor.i.a(n)._____C_____.A.vowelbining formC.suffixD.insertion14. Th.opposit.o.hypertension i.____C______.A.hypoglucemiaB.hyperglucemiaC.hypotensionD.hyperglycemic15. Th.prefi.i.th.word.prefi.an.pretest mean._____A______.A.beforeB.finalC.fixedD.superior16. Th.g.i.th.term.cough an.radiograp.i.pronounce.a.______C_______.A.gB.hC.fD.t17. Th.p.i.th.ter.pneumonia i.pronounce.a._____D________.A.pB.hC.fD.n18. Th.suffixe.-ia.-sis.an.-ism al.refe.t._____A_______.A.condition ofB.disease ofC.problem ofD.specialty of19. Th.plura.o.seru.i._____B_______.A.serumsB.seraC.seriaD.serina20. Th.singula.o.thromb.i._____B_______.A.thrombB.thrombusC.thrombsD.thrombis21. Th.suffixe.-sis.-ian.an.-ics ar.foun.i.____D____.A.verbsB.adjectivesC.adverbsD.nouns22. Th.suffixe.-ic.-ous.an.-a.ar.foun.i.____B____.A.verbsB.adjectivesC.adverbsD.nouns23. puterize.tomography.Thi.ter.represent..(n.____B______.bining formB.acronym 首字母缩略词C.synonym 同义词D.clipping24. .dentis.i..physicia.wh.specialize.i.stud.o.___A___.A.teethB.skeletonC.skinD.stomach25. Whic.branc.o.medicin.i.concerne.wit.disease.o.th.kidneys._____C_____A.psychologyB.pulmonologyC.nephrologyD.neurology26. .ter.fo.inflammatio.o.th.lung.i.______B______.A.bronchitisB.pneumoniaC.pleurisy 胸膜炎ryngitis27. A.endotrachea.tub.i.place.______A________.A.within the tracheaB.beyond the tracheaC.under the tracheaD.over the trachea28. .gastroenterologis.i..physicia.wh.specialize.i.stud.o._________B__________.A.mouth and teethB.stomach, intestines, and related structuresC.musculoskeletal systemD.respiratory system29. .genera.ter.fo.inflammatio.o..join.i.______A________.A.arthritisB.conjunctivitis 结膜炎C.epididymitis 附睾炎D.myocarditis30. Chondrosarcom.i..tumo.tha.originate.i._____D_______.A.boneB.muscleC.tissueD.cartilage31. .tonsillectom.i._____C_______.A.removal of a jointB.removal of a tumorC.removal of a tonsil 扁桃体D.removal of a cavity32. Th.neuromuscula.junctio.i.betwee..muscl.an.._____B_______.A.glandB.neuronC.boneD.gonad33. Polymyositi.i.inflammatio.o.man._____C_______.ansB.glandsC.musclesD.bones34. Th.ter.fo..conditio.o.diseas.o.unknow.etiology(病原学.i._____D_______.A.hypertrophic 肥厚的B.chronicC.acuteD.idiopathic35. Deat.o.tissu.i.calle.______A______.A.necrosis 坏死B.inflammationC.infectionD.spasm 痉挛36. Th.cervica.regio.i.th.regio.o.th.____D______.A.brainB.legC.HeartD.neck37. Difficult.i.digestin.i.calle.______C______.A.apepsia 不消化B.eupepsia 消化良好C.dyspepsiaD.dysphonia38. Th.quadricep.muscl.group(四头肌.i.mad.u.o._____B_______.A.smooth and cardiac muscle fibersB.four muscles in the thighC.three muscles in the legD.fascia筋膜and tendon sheaths腱鞘39. Th.contro.cente.o.th.cel.i.th.____D____.A.membraneB.lysosome 溶酶体C.ribosome 核糖体D.nucleus40. .simpl.devic.fo.listenin.t.sound.withi.th.bod.i..____B____.A.cystoscope 膀胱镜B.stethoscope 听诊器C.barometer 气压计D.speculum 窥器41. Remova.o.tissu.fo.microscopi.stud.i.a(n.____A____.A.biopsyB.aeration 通气C.endoscopyD.CT scan42. Hepatosplenomegal.mean.____D____.A.removal of the liver and spleenB.prolapse下垂of the liver and spleenC.hemorrhage of the liver and spleenD.enlargement of the liver and spleen43. Th.cardiovascula.syste.include.th.hear.an.____C____.A.lungsB.digestive organsC.blood vesselsD.endocrine system44. Erythrocyt.i.th.scientifi.nam.fo..____B____.A.white blood cellB.red blood cellC.lymphocyteD.muscle cell45. Leukocyt.i.th.scientifi.nam.fo.a___A____.A.white blood cellB.red blood cellC.lymphocyteD.muscle cell46. .deficienc.o.hemoglobi.result.i.th.disorde.called____C____.A.hypertensionB.chromatosis 色素沉着C.anemiaD.hemophilia 血友病47. .neoplasti.overgrowt.o.whit.bloo.cell.i.calle.____A____.A.leukemiaB.anemiaC.fibrosisD.cystitis 膀胱炎48. Th.ga.tha.i.supplie.t.tissue.b.th.respirator.syste.i.____C____.A.sulfur 硫磺B.neon 氖C.oxygenD.carbon dioxide49. Th.ga.tha.i.eliminate.b.th.respirator.syste.i.____D____.A.sulfurB.NeonC.OxygenD.carbon dioxide50. Th.tube.tha.carr.ai.fro.th.trache.int.th.lung.ar.th.____D____.A.arteriesB.Nares 鼻孔C.VeinsD.bronchi二、完形填空Part II ClozeTh.proble.o.carin.fo.th.wea.an.sic.ha.existe.fro.th.earlies.times.Th.Romans.i.time.o.war.establishe.infirmaries, e.t.trea.sic.a rge.citie.an.wer.buil.ou.o.public.5..I..way.th.Roma.influenc.was53th.establishmen.o.hospitals.5..Christianit.grew.th.car.o.th.sic.becam.th.dut.o.th.Church.Th.monast erie.an.convent.provide.mos.o.th.hospitals.Th.custo.o.makin.pilgrimage.(朝圣.als.helpe.advanc.the.5.o.hospitals.Thos.pilgrimage.wer.ofte.long.an.th.traveler.ha.t.sto.overnigh.a.smal.inns.5.th.road.Thes.inn. wer.calle.hospitalia.meanin..guest.Th.inn.connecte.wit.th.monasterie.devote.themselve.t.carin.fo.traveler.wh.wer.il.o.weary.an.th.na m.hospita.becam.connecte.wit.carin.fo.the.5..fortabl.o.hygienic.th.hospital.were.5.clea.o.orderly.I.fact.many.5.hospita.woul.p u.tw.o.mor.patient.i.th.sam.bed.Bu.i.wasn'rge.town.o.England.Soon.th.ide.o.publi.hospital.bega.t.spre a.an.the.appeare.al.ove.Europe.51.A.fo.who...B.i.whic.. C.whic...D.who52.A.fund.B.affair..C.figure.D.interests53.A.capabl.o..B.respectfu.o.C.accessibl.t.D.responsibl.for54.A.Wit..B.Fo..C.I. D.As55.A.traditio..B.for..C.Ide..D.skill56.A.t..B.fro..C.Acros..D.along57.A.afflicte..B.affiliate..C.addicte..D.affirmed58.A.clos.t..B.fa.fro..C.carefu.abou..D.considerat.of59.A....B.suc..C.othe..D.another60.A.i...B.b..C.u.t..D.until答案:51.C.52.A..53...54...55.C56...57...58...59...60.D三、阅读理解(一)k.Elsinor.lie.i.a.inlan.Californi.valle.whic.i.teemin.an.steamin.wit.ho.springs.Rimme.b.shagg.mountain.whos.fore k.Elsinorei.th.ver.personificatio.o.peace—bu.o.i.rest.th.curs.o.Tondo.k.ha.ha..colorfu.history.Muc.o.i.lie.burie.i.legend.an.i.i.difficul.t.separat.fac.fro.fiction.Ther.hav.bee.storie.o.undergroun.volc k.bottom.erupting.killin.fis.an.discolorin.th.water.Ther.hav.bee.storie.o..playfu.se.serpen.tha.live.i.it.depths.k.wa..famou.resor.i.th.Nineties.Bu.lon.befor.th.firs.whit.ma.ha.se.foo.alon.t ke.thi.par.o.Californi.ha.bee.th.hom.o.th.Sobob.Indians.Thei.chie.wa.Tondo..ster.an.unforgivin.man.H.ha..daughter.Mornin.Star.wh.wa.i.lov.wit.Palo.so.o.th.chie.o.th.Palas..neighborin.tribe.Th.Soboba.an.Pala.wer.swor.enemies.Fo ..tim.th.lover.me.secretly.The.on.da.the.wer.discovere.b.Tondo.Hi.rag.wa.terribl.t.behold.H.forbad.th.lover.eve.t.mee.again.Mornin.Sta.trie.i.ever.wa.t.appeas.he.father’eless.tha.h.woul.neve.giv ke.a.th.drear.Novem ke.singin.th. mournfu.deat.son.o.thei.people.whil.Tond.stoo.o.th.shor.an.curse.th.lovers.curse.th.blu.wate.int.whic.the.al.walke.t.thei.death. k.whic.cause.wate.t.spou.int.th.ai.lik. ter.i.becam.know.tha.thre.hundre.spring.o.boilin.mu.an.wate.wer.bor.i.th.valle.durin.tha.upheaval.Th.spring .reeke.wit.sulphur.k.remaine.peaceful.The.boat.wer.overturne.fo.n.apparen.reason.an.fe.o.thei.occupant.eve k.neve.t.reappear.In 1833 and again in 1846, fish in the lake suddenly died.nd.The.invade.th.countrysid.unti.th.harass e.inhabitant.calle.fo.help.i.bar.ther.wa.n.trac.o..volcano.th.bottoml es.pits.o.th.othe.disturbance.o.legen.o.fact.Th.copiou.winte.rain.o.1951—ke.Bu.wha.menac.doe.it.hauntin.beaut.hol.today.Fo.tomorrow?ke.The.no.grizzle.hea.an.murmu.tha.th.Grea.Tondo ’ke.Onl.time.th.wis.an.silen.one.ca.tell.61.Which of the following statements is true of Lake Elsinore?A.I.i.considere.b.legen.t.b.ric.i.golb.B.I.wa.onc.famou.a..beautifu.resort.C.I.i.locate.i..volcani.crate.i.California.e.t.b.th.cente.o..minin.village.62.Probably Tondo’s rage was due the fact that .A.Mornin.Sta.wa.to.youn.t.marryB.Tondo’.trib.an.Palas’.trib.wer.enemiesC.Pal.mistreate.hi.Sobob.gir.friendD.Pala.vowe.mee.Mornin.Sta.i.secret63.According to the old-timers, on two occasions .k.turne.redk.wate.sproute.int.th.airC.th.Gnat.invade.th.countrysidek.suddenl.died64.The word “jinx”(Line 1, Paragraph 6) probably means .A.spel.o.ba.luc.B.ho.ai.currentC.strang.tranquilit.D.stor.o.unusua.duration65.Which can be considered the best title for the passage?A.Th.Curs.o.Tondo.k.Elsinore.C.Th.Mysteriou.India.Tribes.D.Th.Tragi.Lov.o.Mornin.Star.(二)Despit.Denmark’.manifes.virtues.Dane.neve.tal.abou.ho.prou.the..r.t.b.Danes.Thi.woul.soun.weir.i.Danish.Whe.Dane.tal.t.foreigner. nguage.th.genera.small-mindednes.an.self-indulge.c.o.thei.countryme.an.th.hig.taxes.N.Dan.woul.loo.yo.i.th.ey.an.say.“Denmar.i..grea.country..You’r.suppose.t.figur.thi.ou.fo.y.urself....wher.almos.hal.th.nationa.bud.e.goe.towar.smoothin.ou.life’.inequalities.an.ther.i.plent.o.mone..o.school s.da.care.retrainin.programmes.jo.seminars-Dane.lov.seminars..hre.day.a..stud.centr.hearin.abou.wast.managemen.i.almos.a.goo.a.. sk.trip.I.i..cultur.bombarde.b.English.i.advertising.po.music.th.Internet.an.despit.al.th.Englis.tha.Danis.absorbs—ther.i.n.Danis.Academ.t.defen.agains.i.—n.where.a.th.sayin.goes,.F..hav.to.muc.an.fewe.hav.to.little .”an..foreigne.i.struc.b.th.sw...egalitarianis.tha.prevails.wher.th.lowlies.cler.give.yo..leve.gaze.wher.Si.an.Madam.hav.disappeare.fro.co age.eve.Mr.an.Mrs.It...natio.o.recyclers—abou.5..o.Danis.garbag.get.mad.int.somethin.new.an.n.nuclea.powe.plants.It’..natio.o.tireles.planner.Train.ru.o.time.Thing.operat. wel.i.general... Suc..natio.o.overachiever...brochur.fro.th.Ministr.o.Busine..an.Industr.says.“Denmar.i.on.o.th.world’aniz..countries.wit.virtuall.n.pollution.crime.o.poverty.Denmar.i.th.mos..orruption-fr e.societ.i.th.Norther.Hemisphere.”So.o.course.one’.hear..ift.a.an.sightin.o.Danis.sleaze.skinhea.graffit.o.buildings(“Foreign...Ou.o.Denmark.”).broke.bee.bottle.i.th. gutters.drunke.teenager.sl.mpe.i.th.park...nd.Yo.driv.throug..Danis.town.i.c.me.t.a.en.a..ston.wall.an.o.th.othe.sid.i..fiel.o.barley..ni..clea.line.tow.here .countr.there.I.i.no..natio.o.jay-walkers.Peop..stan.o.th.cur.an.wai.fo.th.re.ligh.t.change.eve.i.it’..a.m....there’.no..ca.i.sight.Howev er.Dane.don..thin.o.themselve.a...a.nting-at-2-a.m.-for-the-green-ligh.people——that’.ho.the.se.Swede.an.G..mans.Dane.se.themselve.a.jazz.people.improvisers.mor.fre.spirite.tha.Swedes.bu.th.trut.is.thoug.on.sh oul.no.sa.it)tha.Dane.ar.ver.muc.lik.German.an.Swedes.Orderlines.i..mai.sellin.point.Denmar.ha.fe..atura.resources.limite.manufactur in.capability.it.futur.i.Europ.wil.b.a..broker.banker.an.distributo.o.goods.Yo.sen.you.good.b.containe.shi.t.Copenhagen.an.thes.bright. young.English-speaking.utterl.honest.highl.discipline.peopl.wil.ge.you.good.aroun.t.Scandinavia.th.Balti.States.an.Russia.Airports.sea ports.highways.an.rai.line.ar.ultramoder.an.well-maintained...Th.orderlines.o.th.societ.doesn’.mea.tha.Danis.live.ar.les.m..s.o.lonel.tha.your.o.mine.an.n.Dan.woul.tel.yo.so.Yo.ca.hea.pl.nt.abou. bitte.famil.feud.an.th.sorrow.o.alcoholis.an.abou.perfectl.sensibl.peopl.wh.wen.of.on.da.an.kille.themselves.A.orderl.societ..a.no.exe mp.it.member.fro.th.hazard.o.life.Bu.ther.i..sens.o.entitlemen.an.securit.tha.Dane.gro.u.with.Certai.thing.ar.your.b.virtu.o.citizenship.an.yo.shouldn’.fee.ba....takin.w ha.you’r.entitle.to.you’r.a.goo.a.anyon.else.Th.rule.o.t..welfar.syste.ar.clea.t.everyone.th.benefit.yo.ge.i.yo.los.you.j.b.th.step.yo.tak.t.ge..ne.one.an.th.orderli nes.o.th.syste.make.i.possibl.fo.th.countr.t.weathe.hig.unemploymen.an.socia.unres.with.u..sens.o.crisis.66.Th.autho.think.tha.Dane.adop..__.attitud.toward.thei.country.A.boastfu.B.modes.C.deprecatin.D.mysterious67.Whic.o.th.followin.i.NO..Danis.characteristi.cite.i.th.p.ssage?A.Fondnes.o.foreig.culture.B.Equalit.i.society..C.Linguisti.tolerance.D.Persisten.planning.68.Th.author’.reactio.t.th.statemen.b.th.Ministr.o.Busines..n.Industr.i.___.A.disapprovin.B.approvin.C.noncommitta.D.doubtful69.Accordin.t.th.passage.Danis.orderlines.___.A.set.th.peopl.apar.fro.German.an.SwedesB.spare.Dane.socia.trouble.besettin.othe.peopleC.i.considere.economicall.essentia.t.th.countryD.prevent.Dane.fro.acknowledgin.existin.troubles70.A.th.en.o.th.passag.th.autho.state.al.th.followin.EXCEP.tha.___.rme.o.thei.socia.benefitsB.Dane.tak.fo.grante.wha.i.give.t.themC.th.ope.syste.help.t.tid.th.countr.overD.orderlines.ha.alleviate.unemploymentANSER66-70 B A D C D四、Summary writing (写作)Directions: In this part there is an essay in Chinese. Read it carefully and then write a summary of 250 words in English on the ANSWER SHEET. Make sure that your summary covers the major points of the essay.通常, 王华林的一天是这样的。
二、医学英语的基础知识1. 医学英语的词汇医学英语的词汇是医学专业学生需要掌握的基本知识之一。
2. 医学英语的语法和用法医学英语的语法和用法规范是医学英语学习的重要内容之一。
3. 医学英语的听、说、读、写能力医学英语的听、说、读、写能力是学生们在医学英语学习中需要培养和提高的基本技能。
三、医学英语的实践应用1. 医学英语的听力实践医学英语的听力实践是学生们在医学英语学习中需要重点关注和实践的内容之一。
2. 医学英语的口语实践医学英语的口语实践是学生们在医学英语学习中需要针对性地进行的实践活动。
3. 医学英语的阅读实践医学英语的阅读实践是学生们在医学英语学习中需要重点进行的实践活动。
目录一、考试性质 (1)二、考试用途 (1)三、等级标准 (1)四、考试内容及要求 (3)(一)医护英语水平考试第一级考试内容及要求 (3)(二)医护英语水平考试第二级考试内容及要求 (8)(三)医护英语水平考试第三级考试内容及要求 (13)(四)医护英语水平考试第四级考试内容及要求 (18)五、考试样题及答案 (24)(一)医护英语水平考试第一级考试样题及答案 (24)(二)医护英语水平考试第二级考试样题及答案 (42)(三)医护英语水平考试第三级考试样题及答案 (64)(四)医护英语水平考试第四级考试样题及答案 (86)六、医护英语词汇表 (112)(一)医护英语水平考试第一级考试词汇表 (112)(二)医护英语水平考试第二级考试词汇表 (128)(三)医护英语水平考试第三级考试词汇表 (152)(四)医护英语水平考试第四级考试词汇表 (185)一、考试性质医护英语水平考试(Medical English Test System,以下简称METS)是为我国各类医药卫生院校学生和医药卫生行业从业人员开发设计的一项社会化英语水平考试,旨在考查应考人员在医学环境下的英语实际应用水平,属于非学历标准参照性考试。
级别的设定充分考虑了我国医药卫生类院校的英语教学状况和医药卫生专业技术人员的英语水平,同时也参考了国内外有影响的标准化考试,如CET-4、CET-6、PETS、TOEFL、IELTS、CEFR(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning,Teaching, Assessment“欧洲语言教学共同纲领”)等。
《专业英语》医学词汇课后练习题1 •医学词汇的来源1.1从普通英语中借用的医学词汇思考与练习1•你认识下列一些英美人常用的与医学有关的词吗?fever, short-sight, con sumption, nettlerash, stroke, baldness, indigestio n, blister, swelling, measles, rabies, windpipe2. 在医学词典上查出下列医学词汇,与上面的词汇进行配对:rubcola, tuberculosis, myopia, urticaria, hydrophobia, pyrexia, dyspepsia, edema, trachea, cerebral hemorrhage, vesicle, alopecia1.2宜接来自拉丁语和希腊语的医学词汇1•下列词汇是直接来自拉丁语的常用医学词汇:capita (头),cervix (颈),bronchus (支气管),abdomen (腹部),brachium (臂),aorta (主动脉), cartilago (软骨),os (骨),cutis (皮),fascia (筋膜),genu (膝),labium (唇),membrana (膜), vertebra (椎骨),sinus (窦),corpus (体)2. 下而是总接來自希腊语的常用医学词汇:stoma (口,小孔),soma (身体,躯干),glottis (声门),aden (腺),derma (真皮),larynx (喉), nephron (肾单位),rachis (脊柱),pharynx (咽),phalanx (指骨)3. 表示解剖学名词的拉丁语词常与其他拉丁语词连用,构成大量专有名词,如: os calcis (跟骨),os coxae (尾骨),os ilium (紙骨),os planum (平骨)。
医学专业英语试题医学专业英语I. Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B,C andD (40points1. Which of the following suffixes does not mean “pertaining to”?A. -icB. -alC. -arD. -our2. Which of the following combining forms means cell?A. -cyteB. cyt/oC. cel/oD. both a and b3. Which of the following forms means tissue?A. erythr/oB. immun/oC.hist/oD. vascul/o4. A- means ______.A. upB. downC. apartD. without5. The suffix -itis means _______ .A. infammationB.inflammationC.inflammazedD. instrument6. The combining form of radi/o means _________.A. radarB. x-rayC. radioD. both B and C7. The instrument for viewing is –scope whereas the instrument for cutting is_____.A. –scopyB. –tomeC. –meterD. –graph8. Which of the following forms refers to “surgical incision of ?”A. –tomyB. -stomyC. –tomeD. –ectomy9. A record of electric wave occurring in the brain is called _______.A. electroencephogramB. electromyogramC. electrocardiogramD. electroencephalogr10. Stethalgia means the pain of chest, which can also be expressed in ____.A. stethodyniaB. thoracalgiaC. thoracodyniaD. all of the above11. Which of the following forms means fungus?A. my/oB. myel/oC. myc/oD. none of the above12. The combining form meaning “the skin” is _______.A. dem/oB. derm/oC. dermat/oD. both B and C13. Which of the following combining forms means blood vessels ?A. vascul/oB. angi/oC. chromat/oD. Both A and B14. The term meaning “pertaining to secretion” is _______ .A. crinogenicB. endocrineC. crinologicD. endocardial15. The disease of having too many white blood cells is referred to as _______.A. leukocyteB. leukemiaC. leukogenesisD. erythrocyte16. Inflammation of liver is known in English as ________.A. bronchitisB. pneumonitisC. gastritisD. hepatitis17. -plasm means _______.A. treatmentB. knowledgeC. diagnosisD. growth18. Mammo/o refers to _______.A. motherB. thymus glandC. thyroid glandD. breast19. Which of the following does not mean “within or in”?A. en-B. endo-C. intra-D. none of the above20. _______ means surgical repair of an organ.A. phag/oB. –plasmC. –plastyD. –pathy21. Spir/o is a combining form meaning ______.A. seeB. sightC. breathD. sport22. Inflammation of lungs is known as _______.A. pneumonitisB. pneumoniaC. pulmonitisD. All of the above23. Which of the following forms means “protection or safe” ?A. immun/oB. lymph/oC. erythr/oD. None of the above24. Cardiopathy means _________.A. heart failureB. heart diseaseC. brain diseaseD. skeletal disease25.Which of the following combining forms does not refer to an organ?A. hepat/oB. gastr/oC. psych/oD. nephr/o26. The color of something best expressed in medical terminology is _______.A. chrom/oB. chromomat/oC. chramat/oD. Both A and B27. Which of the following means “instrument for measuring”?A. -graphB. -tomeC. –meter28. Bi- means ______.A. lifeB. twoC. acrossD. Both A and B29. The form meaning arteries is ________.A. arter/oB. arteri/oC. arthr/oD.artheri/o30. The prefix with the meaning of bad is ______.A. mal-B. dys-C. polio-D. Both A and B31. The flesh is expressed in the combining form of _______.A. top/oB. ten/oC.thym/oD. sarc/o32. The combining vowel for angitis is ____________.A. aB. oC. eD.i33. Hypo- means having _______ of something.A. too much or too highB. too little or too lowC. over34. Morph/o means ______.A. manyB. maxillaeC. shapeD. head35. “Pertaining to nourishment or development” is expressed in _________.A. –tropyB. –trophyC.- tropicD.-trophic36. The process of recording sth is expressed in _________.A. -graphB. -gramC. -graphyD.-scope37. The formation of blood is also known as ______.A. hematopoiesisB. hemopoiesisC.homopoiesisD. both A and B38. Because the strands are readily stained with dyes, they are called_______.A. chromosomesB. protoplasmsC. cytoplasmsD.chromatins39.The science that deals with cells on the smallest structural and functional level is calledB. microbiologyC. homostasisD. molecular biology40. An instrument for measuring the cell counts of red blood cells is an _______.A. erythrocyteB. erythrogenesisC. erythrocytometerD. erythrocytographII. Find the best answer to the following abbreviations. (10 points)41. SARSA. Serious Acute Respiratary SyndromeB. Severe Acute Respiration SystemC. Severe Acute Respiratory SyndromeD. Severe Acute Respiratary Syndrome42. T.BA. tuberclosisB. tubercluosisC. tubaclosisD. tuberculosis43. IgA.immunoglobinB. immunogloblinC. immunoglobulinD. immunoglubin44. RNAA. ribonuclear acidB. ribanucleic acidC. ribanucleic acidD. ribonucleic acid/doc/25750a4d185f312b3169a45177 232f60dccce754.html GA. ultrosonograhyB. ultrasonograhyC. ultrosonographyD. ultrasonography46.ECGA. electrocardiogramB. electrocardiographyC. electroencephogramD. electroenceph47. CTA. computed tomograhyB. computed tomographyC. computerized tomograhyD.48. MRIA. Magnetic resononce imageB. Magnetic resonance imageC. Magnetic resononce imagingD. Magnetic resonance imaging49.VDA. varied diseaseB. venareal diseaseC. venereal diseaseD. vocal disease50. GIA. gastrointral tractB. gastrointervention tractC. gastrointestinal tractD. gastrointerseIII. Find the best answer to the following translations. (10 points)51. 心血管疾病A. cardiavasclar diseaseB. cardiavascular diseaseC. cardiovasclar diseaseD. cardio52.随意肌A. voluntary muscleB. involuntary muscleC. smooth muscleD. cardiac mus53 脉冲信号A. pulseB. impulseC. impulsiveD. pulsive54. 转换A. transformationB. transactionC. transmuteD. transmission55.功能失调A. malfunctionB. dysfunctionC. maloperationD. disoperation56. 局部化的感染A. local infectionB. localized infectionC. local inflammationD. localized inflam57.乐观的预后A. optimistic pregnosisB. optimistic prognosisC. pessimistic pregnosisD. pessimisti58. 光纤技术A. optic fiber technologyB. fiber optic techonologyC. fiber optic technologyD. optic fiber techonology59. 肌肉收缩A. muscle contractionB. muscular contractionC..musclar contractionD. Both A60. 血供A.supply blood B. blood supply C. protein molecule D. extensorIV. Translate the following into Chinese. (40 points)61. Hundreds of different diseases exist. Each has its own particular set of symptoms and62. All cells consist of protoplasm, the “living jelly”. The protoplasm of a typical cell form-- the cell membrane, the cytoplasm, and the nucleus. Themembrane encloses the other 1.D 2.B 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. B 8.A 9. D 10.D11.C 12.D 13. D 14.A 15. B 16. D 17. D 18.D 19. D 20.C21.C 22.D 23. A 24. B 25. C 26. A 27. C 28.B 29. B 30.D31.D 32.B 33. B 34.C 35. D 36. C 37. D 38.D 39. D 40.C41.C 42.D 43. C 44. D 45. D 46. A 47. B 48.D 49. C 50.C51.D 52.A 53. B 54.B 55. A 56. B 57.B 58.C 59. D 60.B61. 疾病有成百上千种。