Word Problems.ppt
资金是运动的价值,资金的价值是随 时间变 化而变 化的, 是时间 的函数 ,随时 间的推 移而增 值,其 增值的 这部分 资金就 是原有 资金的 时间价 值
资金是运动的价值,资金的价值是随 时间变 化而变 化的, 是时间 的函数 ,随时 间的推 移而增 值,其 增值的 这部分 资金就 是原有 资金的 时间价 值
文档 项目符号和编号
资金是运动的价值,资金的价值是随 时间变 化而变 化的, 是时间 的函数 ,随时 间的推 移而增 值,其 增值的 这部分 资金就 是原有 资金的 时间价 值
退出 ① 单击【文件】|【退出】菜单命令。 ② 单击应用程序标题栏右边的【关闭】按钮。
资金是运动的价值,资金的价值是随 时间变 化而变 化的, 是时间 的函数 ,随时 间的推 移而增 值,其 增值的 这部分 资金就 是原有 资金的 时间价 值
Word 2003概述
Word20Байду номын сангаас3的主窗
② 输入页眉内容,页眉中默认字号是“小五”
③ 在【页眉和页脚】工具栏中单击【在页眉和页脚间切换】按钮,切 换到页脚,输入内容
④ 单击【页眉和页脚】工具栏中的【插入日期】按钮,插入当前日期
⑤ 设置完后,单击【页眉和页脚】工具栏上的【关闭】按钮
资金是运动的价值,资金的价值是随 时间变 化而变 化的, 是时间 的函数 ,随时 间的推 移而增 值,其 增值的 这部分 资金就 是原有 资金的 时间价 值
Step 1
UNDERSTAND the problem.
What are you trying to figure out?
Here’s an example:
Yesterday, Alex saw 14 birds in his backyard. Today, he saw 12. How many birds did he see in all?
We added the number he saw yesterday and the number he saw today.
Our answer was “Alex saw 26 birds in all.”
It makes sense!
We did it!
We are Word Problem Whizzes!
Do you see any CLUE WORDS?
If you said…
“in all,” then…
You’re right!
The words “in all” tell us that we should ADD!
Now that we UNDERSTAND the problem, and have a PLAN, we’re
ready for the next step!
Step 3
Write a number sentence using the information in the problem, and…
Work it out!
Give it a try!
Yesterday, Alex saw 14 birds in his backyard. Today, he saw 12. How many birds did he see in all?
最新-2018届九年级英语 problems课件 人教新目标版 精品
2.by thinking your problem is not big
Advice for solving the problems 3. by trying to forget about them
4. by thinking of a problem in a positive(积极的) way
unless [ʌnˈles]
I regard him as a friend.
regard [rɪˈɡɑrd] …..as…..
She stayed home, and her sister went riding instead.
instead [inˈsted] adv.
√by learning to forget
by complaining about anything
deal with
√ √ problems
by regarding
problems as
by thinking of
something worse
Scanning Skill
If I face ……… , so I decide to …….,
My first step
My next step
What to do to build presentation.
up …….
Your work will be better if you can
Advice for solving the problems 3. by trying to forget about them
4. by thinking of a problem in a positive(积极的) way
unless [ʌnˈles]
I regard him as a friend.
regard [rɪˈɡɑrd] …..as…..
She stayed home, and her sister went riding instead.
instead [inˈsted] adv.
√by learning to forget
by complaining about anything
deal with
√ √ problems
by regarding
problems as
by thinking of
something worse
Scanning Skill
If I face ……… , so I decide to …….,
My first step
My next step
What to do to build presentation.
up …….
Your work will be better if you can
解决方法:调整图片或表格 的大小和位置,确保文字能
解决方法:检查超链接的目 标地址是否正确,或者尝试 在浏览器中打开该链接以检
解决方法:检查幻灯片的切 换效果是否设置正确,或者 尝试在编辑状态下手动切换 幻灯片以检查是否能够正常
更加多元化: WordPPT将更加多 元化,满足不同领域 和场景的需求。
更加移动化:随着移 动设备的普及, WordPPT将在移动 端发挥更大的作用。
更加云端化:云计算 技术的不断发展, WordPPT将进一步 向云端转移,实现更 加高效的协作和分享。
在幻灯片上输入标题和副标 题,并设置格式
插入图片、表格、图表等元 素,并根据需要设置格式
对幻灯片进行复制、粘贴、 移动等操作,以便于编辑和
WordPPT的 使 用 方 法
添加文本、图片和表格等元素 打开WordPPT,新建幻灯片 在文本框中输入文本内容 插入图片和表格等元素,丰富幻灯片内容 根据需要调整布局和格式,完成幻灯片制作
使用节来组织幻灯片 使用导航面板来快速浏览和导航 使用样式和主题来统一幻灯片的外观和格式 使用网格线来对齐文本和对象
• 插入图片或表格后,格式或布局不美观 • 解决方法:使用格式刷或参考母版调整格式,或使用在线模板 • 文字排版不美观 • 解决方法:使用段落格式化、样式或在线模板 • 插入音频或视频后,播放不正常 • 解决方法:使用格式转换或压缩软件处理音频或视频文件,或使用在线模板 • 插入公式后,显示不正确 • 解决方法:使用MathType等公式编辑器编辑公式,或使用在线Байду номын сангаас板 • 插入SmartArt图形后,显示不正确 • 解决方法:使用在线模板或重新设计SmartArt图形 • 插入图表后,数据不准确或不完整 • 解决方法:使用图表工具栏重新编辑图表数据或更改图表类型,或使用在线模板
①“标记为最终状态”命令,将文档标记为最终状态,使得其他用户知道该文档是最终 版本。设置将文档标记为只读文件,不能在此文件进行编辑操作。这种轻度保护,因为其 他用中以删除“标记为最终状态”设置,安全级别并不高,所以应该选择更可靠的保护方 式结合使用才更有意义。
4.1 Word 2010的基本知识
(5) 工作区
也可称为文档编辑区,是输入文本和编辑文本的区域,正在编辑的文档鼠标指向这个 区域时呈“ ”的形状,正处于编辑状态为光标闪烁的“|”,称为插入点,表示当前输入文 字出侧和下方,右侧的称为垂直滚动条,下方的称为水平滚动条,文 本的高度或宽度超过了屏幕的高度或者宽度时,会出现滚动条,使用垂直或水平滚动条可 以显示更多的内容。
(7) 空格与回车键的使用
空格与回车键在文本输入时不要随意使用。为了排版方便起见,各行结尾处不要按回 车键,段落结束时可按此键;对齐文本时也不要用空格键,可用缩进等对齐方式。
4.2 Word 2010的基本操作
3 .保存文档 由于Word对打开的文档进行的各种编辑工作都是在内存进行的,如果不执行存盘(外 存)操作,可能由于一些意外情况而使得文档的内容得不到保存而丢失。
③利用“开始”选项卡的“定位”命令或直接在状态栏双击“页码”处,再输入所需 定位的页码,然后在该页欲定位处单击鼠标。
4.2 Word 2010的基本操作
(4) 符号或特殊字符的输入 单击“插入”选项卡,选择“符号”命令,如图所示,进行操作。
如果所需要的符号未能显示,单击在“符号”中“其它符号”按钮,弹出“符号”对 话框,如图所示。要插入的字符后,单击“插入”按钮或双击选中用户指导定符号,使用 完毕后按关闭对话框。
(2) 与他人同步工作
Word 2010 重新定义了人们一起处理某个文档的方式。利用共同创作功能,您可以编辑 论文,同时与他人分享您的思想观点。对于企业和组织来说,与Office Communicator的集成, 使用户能够查看与其一起编写文档的某个人是否空闲,并在不离开 Word 的情况下轻松使用 会话。
4.1 Word 2010的基本知识
(5) 工作区
也可称为文档编辑区,是输入文本和编辑文本的区域,正在编辑的文档鼠标指向这个 区域时呈“ ”的形状,正处于编辑状态为光标闪烁的“|”,称为插入点,表示当前输入文 字出侧和下方,右侧的称为垂直滚动条,下方的称为水平滚动条,文 本的高度或宽度超过了屏幕的高度或者宽度时,会出现滚动条,使用垂直或水平滚动条可 以显示更多的内容。
(7) 空格与回车键的使用
空格与回车键在文本输入时不要随意使用。为了排版方便起见,各行结尾处不要按回 车键,段落结束时可按此键;对齐文本时也不要用空格键,可用缩进等对齐方式。
4.2 Word 2010的基本操作
3 .保存文档 由于Word对打开的文档进行的各种编辑工作都是在内存进行的,如果不执行存盘(外 存)操作,可能由于一些意外情况而使得文档的内容得不到保存而丢失。
③利用“开始”选项卡的“定位”命令或直接在状态栏双击“页码”处,再输入所需 定位的页码,然后在该页欲定位处单击鼠标。
4.2 Word 2010的基本操作
(4) 符号或特殊字符的输入 单击“插入”选项卡,选择“符号”命令,如图所示,进行操作。
如果所需要的符号未能显示,单击在“符号”中“其它符号”按钮,弹出“符号”对 话框,如图所示。要插入的字符后,单击“插入”按钮或双击选中用户指导定符号,使用 完毕后按关闭对话框。
(2) 与他人同步工作
Word 2010 重新定义了人们一起处理某个文档的方式。利用共同创作功能,您可以编辑 论文,同时与他人分享您的思想观点。对于企业和组织来说,与Office Communicator的集成, 使用户能够查看与其一起编写文档的某个人是否空闲,并在不离开 Word 的情况下轻松使用 会话。
Word- Processing培训课件.ppt
• MS Office, MS Works, OpenOffice, StarOffice, …
COMP 4—Power Tools for the Mind
Power Tools 5
The Microsoft Office Suite
• Word processor (Word) • Spreadsheet (Excel) • Email utility (Outlook) • Web browser (Internet
– Corrections and revisions are easy – Many formatting details handled automatically
• What are defaults?
– Customized forms, form letters, and mail-merge
• different on paper than on a screen; • different with one page layout than another • different from printer to printer
– When document gets put out: the “best fit” to that device is calculated from the logical structure that the computer knows.
– where ink will be on paper…or dots on the screen. “Page layout”
– Logical structure is converted into pixels: one set of pixels on screen; different set for each printer.
COMP 4—Power Tools for the Mind
Power Tools 5
The Microsoft Office Suite
• Word processor (Word) • Spreadsheet (Excel) • Email utility (Outlook) • Web browser (Internet
– Corrections and revisions are easy – Many formatting details handled automatically
• What are defaults?
– Customized forms, form letters, and mail-merge
• different on paper than on a screen; • different with one page layout than another • different from printer to printer
– When document gets put out: the “best fit” to that device is calculated from the logical structure that the computer knows.
– where ink will be on paper…or dots on the screen. “Page layout”
– Logical structure is converted into pixels: one set of pixels on screen; different set for each printer.
Word高级应用案例 ppt课件
• 1.设置第1级别符号 • 2.设置第2级别符号 • 3.设置第3级别符号
• 分节
• Word的分节功能可以将一个文档划分 为若干节,每个节可以单独设置页眉页 脚、页面方向、页码、栏、页面边框等 格式。通过使用分节符,用户可以更多 的控制文档及其显示效果。
• Word提供了四种分节符类型,分别是:
• 在本案例的毕业论文中,设置了三级标题, 由于标题的格式与Word的内置标题样式不同, 所以需要修改内置标题样式和正文样式
• 多级列表是为文档设置层次结构而创建的 列表,文档最多可有9个级别。在毕业论文中 定义三级符号列表,并将多级列表与各级标 题相关联,生成能够自动产生连续编号的标 题。
• 交叉引用是对文档中其他位置内容的引用, 例如,“请参见图1”,“图1”即是引用其 他位置的内容。
• Word可为题注、标题、脚注、书签、编号 段落等创建交叉引用,在多个不同的位置使 用同一个引用源内容。
• 建立交叉引用实际上是在插入引用的地方 建立一个域,当引用源发生变化时,交叉引 用的域将自动更新。
• 域的更新
• 域的内容是可以更新的,即域的内容根据情 况的变化而自动更改。常用的域快捷键有:
• Ctrl+F9组合键:快速插入域定义符“{}”(注 意:域花括号不能用键盘输入)。
• Shift+F9组合键:在选中的域代码和其结果之 间进行切换。
• Alt+F9组合键:在所有的域代码及其结果间进 行切换。
• 域是Word中的一种特殊命令,可以实现数 据的自动更新和文档自动化,如自动编排页 码、图表题注、自动编制目录、插入时间和 日期等。用Word排版时,若能熟练使用域, 可增强排版的灵活性,减少重复操作,提高 工作效率。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
the middle?
Step 1 Find half of 512
250 6 256
Step 2 256 - 134 = 122
Word Problems
There are eight shelves of books. Six of the shelves hold 25 books each. Two of the
How many 1/2 litres in 5 1/2 litres?
5.5 ÷ 0.5
= 11 jugs
Word Problems
Dad bought a 2kg bag of carrots. He used 400grams to make a carrot cake. How many grams of carrots were left.
There is 365ml of milk in a jug. Another 450ml is added. How much milk is there in the jug now?
365 + 450 = 815ml
Word Problems
A football club has 400 litres of soup for its fans. One cup holds 250ml of soup. How many fans can have a cup of soup?
Step 1 ? - 17 ÷ 6 = 20 Step 2 turn it around the other way Step 3 20 x 6 + 17 = 137
Word Problems
You start to read a book on Thursday. On Friday you read ten more pages than on Thursday to reach page 60. How many pages
First change the 400 litres to ml or the 250ml to l
(400 x 1000) ÷ 250 = 1600
400 ÷ 0.250
= 1600
Word Problems
A full bucket holds 5 1/2 litres of water. A full jug holds 1/2 litre of water. How many jugs of water will it take to fill the bucket?
Change the Kg to grams
(2 x 1000) - 400 = 1600
Word Problems
Word Problems
I have read 134 of the 512 pages of my book. How many more pages must I read to reach
did you read on Thursday?
Step 1 (2 x Thursday) + 10 = 60
Step 2 (60 - 10) /2 = 25
Word Problems
Ravi bought a pack of 30 biscuits. He ate one fifth of them on Thursday. He ate one eighth of the remaining biscuits on Friday. How many did
shelves hold 35 books. How many books are there altogether.
Step 1 6 x 25 = 150
Step 2 2 x 35 = 70
Step 3 150 + 70 = 220
Word Problems
I think of a number, subtract 17 and divide by 6. The answer is 20. What was the number?
many are left on?
52 -17 = 35
Word Problems
Kobi saved 15p a week for one year. How many pounds did he save?
15p x 52 = 780p
Then change it into £ = £7.80
Word Problems
Word Problems
I think of a number and divide it by 15. The answer is 20. What was my number?
? ÷ 15 = 20 20 x 15 = ?
Word Problems
A bus seats 52 people. No standing is allowed. 17 people get off a full bus. How
Word Problems
a) Four people paid £72 for tickets to a football match. What was the cost of each ticket? How much change did they get from £100
£72 ÷ 4 = £18
he have left?
Step 1 1/5 of 30 Step 2 30 - 6 Step 3 1/8 of 24 Step 4 24 - 3Biblioteka =6 = 24 =3 = 21
Word Problems
There is space in a multi storey car park for 15 rows of cars of 12 cars on each floor. There are
£100 - 72 = £28
Word Problems
Petrol costs 71.2p per litre. How much do you pay to fill a 5 litre can?
71.2p x 5 = 356p
Then change to £ = £3.56
Word Problems
Step 1 Find half of 512
250 6 256
Step 2 256 - 134 = 122
Word Problems
There are eight shelves of books. Six of the shelves hold 25 books each. Two of the
How many 1/2 litres in 5 1/2 litres?
5.5 ÷ 0.5
= 11 jugs
Word Problems
Dad bought a 2kg bag of carrots. He used 400grams to make a carrot cake. How many grams of carrots were left.
There is 365ml of milk in a jug. Another 450ml is added. How much milk is there in the jug now?
365 + 450 = 815ml
Word Problems
A football club has 400 litres of soup for its fans. One cup holds 250ml of soup. How many fans can have a cup of soup?
Step 1 ? - 17 ÷ 6 = 20 Step 2 turn it around the other way Step 3 20 x 6 + 17 = 137
Word Problems
You start to read a book on Thursday. On Friday you read ten more pages than on Thursday to reach page 60. How many pages
First change the 400 litres to ml or the 250ml to l
(400 x 1000) ÷ 250 = 1600
400 ÷ 0.250
= 1600
Word Problems
A full bucket holds 5 1/2 litres of water. A full jug holds 1/2 litre of water. How many jugs of water will it take to fill the bucket?
Change the Kg to grams
(2 x 1000) - 400 = 1600
Word Problems
Word Problems
I have read 134 of the 512 pages of my book. How many more pages must I read to reach
did you read on Thursday?
Step 1 (2 x Thursday) + 10 = 60
Step 2 (60 - 10) /2 = 25
Word Problems
Ravi bought a pack of 30 biscuits. He ate one fifth of them on Thursday. He ate one eighth of the remaining biscuits on Friday. How many did
shelves hold 35 books. How many books are there altogether.
Step 1 6 x 25 = 150
Step 2 2 x 35 = 70
Step 3 150 + 70 = 220
Word Problems
I think of a number, subtract 17 and divide by 6. The answer is 20. What was the number?
many are left on?
52 -17 = 35
Word Problems
Kobi saved 15p a week for one year. How many pounds did he save?
15p x 52 = 780p
Then change it into £ = £7.80
Word Problems
Word Problems
I think of a number and divide it by 15. The answer is 20. What was my number?
? ÷ 15 = 20 20 x 15 = ?
Word Problems
A bus seats 52 people. No standing is allowed. 17 people get off a full bus. How
Word Problems
a) Four people paid £72 for tickets to a football match. What was the cost of each ticket? How much change did they get from £100
£72 ÷ 4 = £18
he have left?
Step 1 1/5 of 30 Step 2 30 - 6 Step 3 1/8 of 24 Step 4 24 - 3Biblioteka =6 = 24 =3 = 21
Word Problems
There is space in a multi storey car park for 15 rows of cars of 12 cars on each floor. There are
£100 - 72 = £28
Word Problems
Petrol costs 71.2p per litre. How much do you pay to fill a 5 litre can?
71.2p x 5 = 356p
Then change to £ = £3.56
Word Problems