版本:ES4600_UM_CN_V1.Байду номын сангаас.3
注意事项 ...................................................................................................................................................................iv 1 参数 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1
1-1 技术参数........................................................................................................................................................ 1 1-2 条码预设参数................................................................................................................................................ 2 2 开始使用 ...................................................
参数 P50.................................................................... 参数 P37.................................................................... 参数 P51..................................................................ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ. 参数 P52.................................................................... 参数 P55.................................................................... 进入设置程序 ............................................................... 退出设置程序 ............................................................... 选择参数 ................................................................... 设置参数 ................................................................... 装载默认值 ................................................................. 设置期间的工作序列 ......................................................... 在设置程序期间试灯 ......................................................... 故障 ....................................................................... 故障代码列表 ............................................................... 预报警 ..................................................................... 润滑油压力低 ............................................................... 冷却水温度高 ............................................................... 起动蓄电池故障 ............................................................. 油箱燃油液位低 ............................................................. 油箱燃油液位高 ............................................................. 辅助预报警 ................................................................. DISABLING .................................................................. 发电机欠压 ................................................................. 发电机频率低 ............................................................... 报警 ....................................................................... 在自动模式手动停机 ......................................................... 润滑油压力低 ............................................................... 冷却水温度高 ............................................................... Non-masked 辅助报警 ......................................................... Masked 辅助报警 ............................................................. 发电机过压 ................................................................. 发电机频率高 ............................................................... 发动机超速 ................................................................. 过载 ....................................................................... 皮带断裂 ................................................................... 没有达到运行速度 ........................................................... 起动失败 ................................................................... 硬件故障 ................................................................... 停机失败 ................................................................... 逆功 ....................................................................... 禁止使用发电机组 ........................................................... 运行序列 ................................................................... 定义 ....................................................................... 主电源电压状态 ............................................................. 发电机电压状态 ............................................................. 发动机状态 ................................................................. 停机系统 ................................................................... 手动模式运行序列 ........................................................... 进入手动模式 ............................................................... 发动机起动 ................................................................. 发动机停机 .................................................................
TELLIS-24 RADIO REMOTE COTROLSYSTEM OPERATION MANUAL抚顺铝厂出铝设备无线遥控系统操作手册Grand Industrial Group Company Ltd.CANADA录1安全提示 (4)2系统概述 (5)2.1 RC2012A手持遥控器(发射机) (6)2.2 BD2124接收驱动装置 (6)2.3 RBD2124系统 (6)3RC2012A手持遥控器(发射机) (6)3.1 RC2012A的控制元件 (6)3.2 操作信息 (7)4BD2124 接收驱动装置 (8)4.1 BD2124的控制输出 (8)4.2 操作信息 (10)4.3 供电电源 (12)5系统安装 (12)5.1 RC2012A电池的安装 (12)5.2 BD2124接收驱动装置的安装 (13)5.3 BD2124接收驱动装置的接线 (13)5.4 BD2124电源连接 (14)5.5 典型电源及输出接线 (14)6系统操作 (15)6.1 安全操作 (15)6.2 RC2012A手持遥控器的使用 (15)6.3 操作信息 (17)7故障诊断和排除 (17)8维护和保养 (18)9技术指标 (19)10相关标准 (20)此页为空白1 安全提示使用前请仔细阅读以下安全提示注意:未经许可,任何非指定的人员对设备进行改动或修改都有可能造成该遥控系统和所控设备无法工作!如果不严格遵守此安全警告有可能导致所遥控设备和本系统的非正常运行,并可能造成人员伤亡!安装1.提供安全电源开关:设备维修时该装置必须与主电源断开。
操作人员安全须知1. 开机操作前,操作人员必须确认所控设备周围无障碍,并选择好自己做站位置可以全方位观察到所要控制的设备。
1 P-4600L沉降离心机的工作原理P-4600L聚氯乙烯悬浮液经进料管、螺旋出料口进入转鼓,在高速旋转产生的离心力作用下,密度较大的聚氯乙烯固体颗粒沉积在转鼓内壁上,被与转鼓作相对运动的螺旋叶片不断地刮下并推出排渣口,分别后的清液经堰板开口流出转鼓。
2 P-4600L沉降离心机操作应留意的事项2.1开离心机前,首先要检查电气、润滑及掌握系统,启动润滑系统油泵。
2.2停离心机前,要逐步削减进料量,直至停止进料,加注清水冲洗10~15 min(清水量达100L/min以上),并将转鼓内的残留树脂冲净,避开树脂积累在转鼓内,再开启时不至于积料、堵塞,造成超负荷跳闸停机。
2.3 3P-4600L离心机最佳运行功率为55kW,主机电流掌握在90A以内(自动启跳爱护电流掌握设定在120A)。
! 注意
感谢您选购本公司的通用变频器 FRENIC-Lift 系列。 - 本产品是可使 3 相异步电动机及同步电动机进行可变速运转的装置。请您在使用前,阅读本操作说明书,并
理解其操作方法,正确使用。 - 错误的操作,会妨碍正常的运转,并造成寿命降低和故障。 - 请确保将本操作说明书交给实际使用的最终使用者使用。 - 在变频器报废之前,请认真保管本操作说明书。 - 本操作说明书中未记录选配件等的操作方法,因此请参照各选配件操作说明书。
特殊电动机 的适用
齿轮电动机 同步电动机
作为动力传动装置使用油润滑方式的齿轮箱和变速·减速机等的情况下,若仅在低 速区域连续运转,油润滑力将变差。请不要在仅在低速区域进行连续运转。
危险 处理不当可能引起危险情况,如死亡或重伤事故
此外,即使记录在注意事项范围内,也可能因情况不同而导致严重后果。 两者记录的均为重要内容,因此请务必遵守。
y FRENIC-Lift 是用于异步电动机及同步电动机运转的装置,属于上下搬运装置专用。不可用于单相电动机及其它
y 请务必使用指定规格的电线。 y 变频器与电动机有多种组合的情况下,请不要为了将多种组合的配线归纳收藏而使用多芯电缆。 y 请不要在变频器的输出侧(次级侧)安装浪涌抑制器。
y 请根据使用所在国家的规定,实施接地工程。
DFGK-H 用户手册说明书
目录第一章概述 (3)一、产品简介 (3)二、执行标准 (3)三、仪器特征 (3)四、性能介绍 (4)五、技术参数 (4)六、术语定义 (6)第二章产品介绍 (8)一、面板布局 (8)二、操作说明 (10)第三章操作接线方法 (21)一、现场接线 (21)二、传感器的安装 (24)第四章常见技术问题及处理办法 (27)附录一测试图形和文本结果 (32)附录二微型打印机操作说明 (33)附录三附件清单 (36)第一章概述一、产品简介随着社会的发展,人们对用电的安全可靠性要求越来越高,高压断路器在电力系统中担负着控制和保护的双重任务,其性能的优劣直接关系到电力系统的安全运行,机械特性参数是判断断路器性能的重要参数之一。
(100M内铜芯线缆单位面积承载电流不得大于2.5A/mm2;当距离在100-150M之间时,铜芯线缆单位面积承载电流不得大于1.5A/ mm2; 当距离在>150M之间时,铜芯线缆单位面积承载电流不得大于1.0A/ mm2)当距离较远且无法启动时,请缩短主机设备电机与电源变压器距离至正常距离之内。
4 硬件说明............................................................................................................................................... 19
插件原理说明.......................................................................................................................... 26
过负荷保护................................................................................................................................ 9
三相一次重合闸...................................................................................................................... 10
电磁兼容性能............................................................................................................................ 4
输出接点容量............................................................................................................................ 4
目录1变频器型号及尺寸说明 (2)1.1 变频器型号说明及标准规格 (2)1.1.1 变频器型号说明 (2)1.1.2 变频器标准规格 (2)1.2 变频器尺寸及部件说明 (2)2变频器的接线 (4)2.1基本运行配线连接 (5)2.2 主回路端子的连接 (6)2.3控制板端子的连接 (7)2.3.1输入控制端子 (7)3变频器的面板操作及参数说明 (9)3.1操作面板说明 (8)3.2参数说明 (11)3.3调试使用说明 (15)3.3.1远传压力表接线及相关参数调整 (15)3.3.2压力变送器4-20mA接线及相关参数调整 (15)3.3.3 压力的调整及系统常见问题的解决........................ . (15)4故障代码及说明 (16)5附录一:DFL3000M恒压供水接线示意接线图 (17)6附录二:DFL200N单进单出恒压供水接线示意图 (18)7附录三:DFL4000M/DFL4000H恒压供水接线示意接线图 (19)公司简介深圳市丹富莱科技有限公司是从事电机驱动、自动化系统研发和生产的专业制造商。
如果发生下述行为,东风汽车有限公司将不对汽车产品的可 靠性、安全性或适应性承担责任。
1. 车辆的铭牌与本公司签发的整车或底盘合格证,同实物不相符 或涂改者。
2. 未按照本手册的要求对车辆进行正确使用和规范操作。 3. 未按本手册的规定在服务站进行定期保养(包括走合保养和里
结构与操作................................... 10
仪表及操纵机构的布置 .................... 10 钥匙 .................................................... 14 车门 .................................................... 14 中控锁 (高配车配备) .................... 15 座椅 .................................................... 15 卧铺 (适用于高顶驾驶室) ............ 18 安全带 ................................................ 19 仪表盘 ................................................ 20 指示与报警灯 .................................... 23 翘板开关 ............................................ 30 操纵开关 ............................................ 34 通风装置 ............................................ 39 空气调节系统 .................................... 41 杆类 .................................................... 44 弹簧制动器的解除方法 .................... 45 附件系统 ............................................ 47 收放机 ................................................ 55 综合报警器 ........................................ 62
(1)米勒MaxstarDynasty 350_700说明书(美国)
ISO9001:2000质量体系认证的焊 机设备制造商。与您同进退——米 勒提供的每一个电源都能得到业界
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CALEFFIThermostatic radiator valves for towel warmer style radiators338–343, 200 series23FunctionConvertible radiator valves are typically used in North America for controlling the fluid to towel warmer style radiators. These special valves can be converted from manual to thermostatic operation by simple replacement of the adjusting knob with a thermostatic control head. This means that the ambient temperature of any room in which they are installed can be constantly maintained at the set value.These valves have a special tailpiece with rubber hydraulic seal, permitting quick, safe connection to the radiator without the use of additional sealing materials.The radiator isolation and balancing valves have a removal protective cap, when removed exposes the allen head screw for adjusting the valve plug position.Product rangeVALVES:For copper, single and multi-layer PEX pipes 338 series Angled convertible radiator valve body .................................. metric connections 1/2" radiator x 3/4" conical pipe 339 series Straight convertible radiator valve body .................................. metric connections 1/2" radiator x 3/4" conical pipe 342 series Angled radiator isolation and balancing valves ............................. metric connections 1/2" radiator x 3/4" conical pipe 343 seriesStraight radiator isolation and balancing valves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . metric connections 1/2" radiator x 3/4" conical pipeTHERMOSTATIC CONTROL HEADS:200 series Thermostatic control head, built-in sensor with liquid-filled element .........graduated scale *–5 corresponding to 45–82°F (7–28°C)Technical specification of radiator valve bodies and isolation/balancing valvesMaterials - body:-valve control stem:-seals:-valve control knob and cap:brass chrome platedstainless steelperoxide-cured EPDMABS (RAL 9010)PerformanceSuitable fluids: water, glycol solutions Max. percentage of glycol: 30%Max. differential pressure assembled with control head: 15 psi (1 bar)Max. working pressure: 150 psi (10 bar)Temperature range: 40–212°F (5–100°C)Technical specification of control head 200000Scale of adjustment: 0–5Setting temperature range: 45–82°F (7–28°C)Frost protection cut-in: 45°F (7°C)Max. ambient temperature: 120°F (50°C)Approval:Combined with 338/339 valve bodies: UNI EN 215: 1990Control adjustment scale, control head 200000*1234532°F 45°F 55°F 60°F 68°F 75°F 82°F 0°C 7°C 12°C 16°C 20°C 24°C 28°CReplaces 01009/13 NADimensionsCode A B C D E F Wt. (lb.)3384521⁄2"straight3⁄4"conical21⁄8"7⁄8"21⁄32"315⁄16"0.5Code A B C D E F Wt. (lb.)3394521⁄2"straight3⁄4"conical21⁄8"1"23⁄16"41⁄16"0.5Code A B C200000M30 x 1.531⁄8"2"Code A B C D E Wt. (lb.)3424521⁄2" straight3⁄4" conical21⁄8"7⁄8"11⁄2"0.5Code A B C D E Wt. (lb.)3434521⁄2" straight3⁄4" conical21⁄8"1"13⁄4"0.5Principle of OperationThe thermostatic control head is a proportional temperature controller, containing a liquid-filled bellows thermostatic sensor.The valve plug is normally in the spring-to-open (normally open) position (1) without the control head, or when the control head is in the maximum open position (setting 5). Under operation the ambient room temperature of air passing around the sensor rises causing the liquid in the bellows to expand, pushing the valve control stem down against the return spring. This closes the valve, reducing fluid flow to the radiator to cool the room, in proportion to the deviation from the desired temperature setting. When the room temperature decreases, the reverse occurs; the bellows contracts, which in turn allows the valve spring to open the valve, increasing the fluid flow to the radiator to warm the room.NOTE: The valve must be installed with the valve plug closing against incoming flow.The valve control stem (2) is stainless steel with an EPDM o-ring double seal. This allows for replacement of the control head (3) even with the system operating. The valve plug (4) is shaped to provide an optimal flow characteristic throughout the opening and closing stroke under proportional thermostatic operation. The wide passageway between the seat and the valve plug causes reduced head losses in manual Tamper-proof capThe thermostatic control head can be protected against tampering and theft by mounting the tamper-proof cap, code 209000, on the knob as shown.The cover is fastened with two screws with special heads that can only be tightened or loosened with the special hex key, code 209001.(339452 with 200000 pictured)Tailpiece with rubber sealThe radiator connection thread coupling union is equipped with a special shaped rubber ring (5). This system ensures a hydraulic seal without using additional sealing materials such as hemp or PTFE tape.as shown.(343452 pictured)30(kPa)20105210.50.20.1∆p 1073. of hd (psi)∆p (.22)(.44)(.88)(.08)(.04)(2.2)(4.4)(8.8). l o w r a t e l /s (g p m )Flow rates at 4°F Proportional band*30(kPa)20105210.50.20.1∆p 1073. of hd (psi)∆p (.22)(.44)(.88)(.08)(.04)(2.2)(4.4)(8.8). l o w r a t e l /s (g p m )Flow rates at 4°F Proportional band*1005020105210.∆p ft of hd (psi)∆p F l o w r a t e l /s (g p m )Cv = 3.1 Kv = 2.71005020105210.50.20.11005020105210.∆p ft of hd (psi)∆p F l o w r a t e l /s (g p m )Cv = 2.0 Kv = 1.81/41/212F ul ly op e n(kPa)∆p 16.773. of hd (psi)∆p (.22)(.44)(.88)(.08)(.04)(2.2)(4.4)(8.8). l o w r a t el /s (g p m )5020105210.50.20.1Cv = 4.6 Kv = 4.0**1/411/22F ul l y op e n(kPa)∆p 16.773. of hd (psi)∆p (.22)(.44)(.88)(.08)(.04)(2.2)(4.4)(8.8). l o w r a t e l /s (g p m )5020105210.50.20.1Cv = 2.5 Kv = 2.2**Hydraulic charateristicsConvertible radiator valve with angled connections, code 338452 with thermostatic control head, proportional band 4°FConvertible radiator valve with straight connections, code 339452 with thermostatic control head, proportional band 4°FConvertible radiator valve with angled connections, code 338452 with manual operationConvertible radiator valve with straight connections, code 339452 with manual operationIsolation and balancing valve with angled connections, code 342452 and control headIsolation and balancing valve with straight connections, code 343452* P roportional band is the difference between the thermostatic radiator valve control head setting and the actual room temperature.**7 full turns with 5 mm (3/16") allen head wrench fully, opens the code 342452 and 343452 valves.InstallationThermostatic control heads should be installed in the horizontal position.The sensitive element of the thermostatic control head must not be Converting valves from manual to thermostatic controlBefore installing the thermostatic control head, turn the control knob to the number 5 position.Locking and restricting the thermostat control temperature Temperature restrictionLocking the temperatureResetting the temperature restriction and temperature lock1.Turn the knob tothe fully open position (Pos. 5). Using a screw-driver, unlock the ring, pressing it fully towards the valve body.1.Turn the knob tothe fully open position (Pos. 5). Using a screw-driver, unlock the ring, pressing it fully towards the valve body.ing a screw-driver, unlock the ring, pressing it fully towards the valve body.2.Turn the knob tothe new maximum open position required (e.g. Pos. 3). Turn the ring counter-clockwise up to the stop.2.Position thevalve at the required temperature and turn the ring clockwise up to the stop.2.Turn the knob tothe fully open position and the ring counter-clockwise , up to the stop. The RESET arrows will match up.3.Re-lock the ring. The valve will now have a temperature range restriction from 0 to the set value.3.Re-lock the ring. The valve will now be locked at the set temperature.3.Re-lock the ring.The valve will now no longer have any temperature restriction or lock.Code Description6815241⁄2" nominal PEX, 3⁄4" straight thread female nutCode Description6825401⁄2" nominal PEX-AL-PEX, 3⁄4" straight thread female nutCode DescriptionNA102621⁄2" sweat, 3⁄4" straight thread female nutCode Description4375161⁄2" compression, 3⁄4" straight thread female nut682Universal PEX-AL-PEX fittings682 series fittings are compatible with any ASTM F1281 multilayer PEX-AL-PEX pipe. Max. working pressure: 150 psi. Working temperature for ASTM F1281 multilayer PEX-AL -PEX piping: -41–167ºF with tubing rated 200ºF .681Universal PEX fittings681 series fittings are compatible with any ASTM F876 single layer PEX. Max. working pressure: 150 psi. Working temperature for ASTM F876 PEX piping: -41–180ºF . Chrome plated.NA102Sweat connection fitting.437Compression fitting, for ½" hard copper. With o-ring seal. Max. working pressure: 150 psi (10 bar ). Temperature range: -13–250ºF (-25–120ºC). Chrome plated.For connecting copper to valve 338 and339 series.Fittings338 seriesRadiator valve body convertible from standard manual operation to thermostatic control heads and thermo-electric actuators. Angled connections for copper and single and multilayer PEX pipes. Radiator connection 1/2" straight threads with tailpiece equipped with peroxide-cured EPDM seal. Pipe connection 3/4" conical. Brass body. Chrome plated. Control knob white RAL 9010, for manual control, in ABS. Stainless steel control stem. Double seal on control stem with EPDM o-rings. Maximum working temperature 212°F (100°C). Maximum working pressure 150 psi (10 bar).339 seriesRadiator valve body convertible from standard manual operation to thermostatic control heads and thermo-electric actuators. Straight connections for copper and single and multilayer PEX pipes. Radiator connection 1/2" straight threads with tailpiece equipped with peroxide-cured EPDM seal. Pipe connection 3/4" conical. Brass body. Chrome plated. Control knob white RAL 9010, for manual control, in ABS. Stainless steel control stem. Double seal on control stem with EPDM o-rings. Maximum working temperature 212°F (100°C). Maximum working pressure 150 psi (10 bar).342 seriesIsolation and balancing valve. Angled connections for copper and single and multilayer PEX pipes. Radiator connection 1/2" straight threads with tailpiece equipped with peroxide-cured EPDM seal. Pipe connection 3/4" conical. Brass body. Chrome plated. Cap white RAL 9010 in ABS. Double seal on control stem with EPDM o-rings. Maximum working temperature 212°F (100°C). Maximum working pressure 150 psi (10 bar).343 seriesIsolation and balancing valve. Straight connections for copper and single and multilayer PEX pipes. Radiator connection 1/2" straight threads with tailpiece equipped with peroxide-cured EPDM seal. Pipe connection 3/4" conical. Brass body. Chrome plated. Cap white RAL 9010 in ABS. Double seal on control stem with EPDM o-rings. Maximum working temperature 212°F (100°C). Maximum working pressure 150 psi (10 bar).200 seriesThermostatic control head for thermostatic and convertible radiator valves. Sensor incorporated with liquid-filled element. Maximum ambient temperature 120°F (50°C). Graduated scale from * to 5 corresponding to a temperature range of 45 to 82°F (7 to 28°C), with possibility of temperature restriction and locking. Frost protection cut-in at 45°F (7°C).209 seriesTamper-proof cap for thermostatic control head 200 series, for use in public places.We reserve the right to change our products and their relevant technical data, contained in this publication, at any time and without prior notice.Caleffi North America, Inc.3883 W. Milwaukee RoadMilwaukee, WI 53208Tel: 414-238-2360 · Fax: 414-238-2366*****************·© Copyright 2023 Caleffi North America, Inc.。
FGVL 一体化熔化阀门说明书
FGVLDefault/Configuration• Universal Flanged Globe Valve Linkage with EV, RV, and AVK actuatorsType overviewType StrokeFGVL1.25" [32 mm] AVK, 2" [50 mm] EV/RVTechnical dataFunctional dataFluidchilled or hot water and steam Fluid Temp Range (water)Please Refer to Manufacturer's Valve Specifications Mounting Position 360°Applicable valve size2.5...6" [65...150]MaterialsHardware SS and Nickel plated steelHousing material Die cast aluminium and plastic casing Stem 316 stainless steel Stem adapter steel/AluminumFrame, plate, base aluminum, steel (fits competitor bonnets up to 2.3" dia.)Collar aluminum CouplingGF Nylon supplied Suitable actuatorsNon-Spring EVB(X)RVB(X)Electrical fail-safeAVKB(X)For close-off pressure reference Select Pro or retrofit technical documentation.Product featuresThe default set up for a FGVL linkage will be factory installed along with an AVK or EV, RV series actuator. Included in the kit will be all the necessary hardware to facilitate mounting to the valve.DimensionsType Weight FGVL9.0 lb [4.1 kg]FGVLEVB, EVX, RVB, RVXA B C D E F9.2" [234] 5.0" [127]16.7" [425]14.0" [355] 2.8" [71] 2.8" [71]AVKB, AVKXA B C D E F10.2" [260] 5.0" [127]16.7" [425]14.0" [355] 2.8" [71] 2.8" [71]AVKB24-3On/Off, Floating Point, Electrical Fail-Safe,Linear, 24 VTechnical dataElectrical dataNominal voltageAC 24 V Nominal voltage frequency 50/60 Hz Nominal voltage rangeAC 19.2...28.8 V Power consumption in operation 5 W Power consumption in rest position 2 W Transformer sizing 9.5 VAElectrical Connection 18 GA plenum cable, 1 m, with 1/2" conduit connector, degree of protection NEMA 2 / IP54Overload Protection electronic throughout full stroke Electrical Protectionactuators are double insulated Functional dataActuating force motor 2000 N [450 lbf]Position feedback U note No Feedback Bridging time (PF)2 s Pre-charging time 5...20 sDirection of motion motor selectable with switch Direction of motion fail-safe reversible with switchManual override 5 mm hex crank (3/16" Allen), supplied Stroke1.25" [32 mm] Running Time (Motor)90 s /Running time motor note constant, independent of load Running time fail-safe <35 s Noise level, motor 60 dB(A)Noise level, fail-safe 60 dB(A)Position indicationMechanical, with pointer Safety dataPower source ULClass 2 Supply Degree of protection IEC/EN IP54Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 2Enclosure UL Enclosure Type 2Agency ListingcULus acc. to UL60730-1A/-2-14, CAN/CSA E60730-1:02, CE acc. to 2014/30/EU and 2014/35/EU Quality Standard ISO 9001Ambient humidity Max. 95% RH, non-condensing Ambient temperature -22...122°F [-30...50°C]Storage temperature -40...176°F [-40...80°C]Servicingmaintenance-free Weight Weight6.39 lb [2.9 kg]MaterialsHousing materialDie cast aluminium and plastic casingAVKB24-3Footnotes† Use flexible metal conduit. Push the listed conduit fitting device over the actuator’s cable to butt against the enclosure. Screw in conduit connector. Jacket the actuators input wiring with listed flexible conduit. Properly terminate the conduit in a suitable junction box. Rated impulse Voltage 800V. Type of action 1. Control pollution degree 3.Electrical installationINSTALLATION NOTESMeets cULus requirements without the need of an electrical ground connection.Provide overload protection and disconnect as required.Actuators may be connected in parallel. Power consumption and input impedance must beobserved.Control signal may be pulsed from either the Hot (Source) or Common (Sink) 24 V line.Actuators may be connected in parallel if not mechanically linked. Power consumption andinput impedance must be observed.Actuators with plenum cable do not have numbers; use color codes instead.Warning! Live electrical components!During installation, testing, servicing and troubleshooting of this product, it may be necessary to work with live electrical components. Have a qualified licensed electrician or other individual who has been properly trained in handling live electrical components perform these tasks. Failure to follow all electrical safety precautions when exposed to live electrical components could result in death or serious injury.Wiring diagrams On/OffFloating Point。
Popular combinations1/4" FRL Combinations5 micron elements, 8 bar regulator + gauge and wall mounting bracketsOptions:PortsBowl - DrainFlow @ 6 bar G 1/4P3D-CB12BGB P3D-CB12CGB P3D-CB12KGB P3D-CB12LGB 120020G 3/8P3D-CB13BGBP3D-CB13CGBP3D-CB13KGBP3D-CB13LGB120020Transparent Bowl Transparent Bowl Metal Bowl Metal Bowll/min dm 3/s Manual DrainSemi -Auto Drain Manual Drain Semi-Auto Drain P3D-CB12BGBPopular combinationsFilter/Regulator - Lubricator Combinations5 micron elements, 8 bar regulator + gauge and wall mounting bracketsOptions:PortsBowl - DrainFlow @ 6 bar G 1/4P3D-CA12BGB P3D-CA12CGB P3D-CA12KGB P3D-CA12LGB 130021.7G 3/8P3D-CA13BGBP3D-CA13CGBP3D-CA13KGBP3D-CA13LGB130021.7Transparent Bowl Transparent Bowl Metal Bowl Metal Bowll/min dm 3/s Manual DrainSemi -Auto Drain Manual Drain Semi-Auto Drain P3D-CA12BGBPopular combinationsFilter/Regulator and Ball valve combinations with wall mounting brackets and port connectors, 5µ element,8 bar secondary pressureOptions:Ports PressureMetal BowlTransparent bowl Flow @ 6 bar max, bar ManualSemi-Auto ManualSemi-Autol/min dm 3/s G 1/417P3D-AN12KGB P3D-AN12LGB 110018.3G 3/817P3D-AN13KGBP3D-AN13LGB138023G 1/410P3D-AN12BGB P3D-AN12CGB 110018.3G 3/810P3D-AN13BGBP3D-AN13CGB138023P3D-AN12KGBPopular combinationsDump valve and soft start valve combinations with wall mounting bracketsPorts Pilot operated dump valve + manual set point soft start valvel/min dm 3/s G 1/4P3D-CS12QMB 250041.7G 3/8P3D-CS13QMB250041.7Ports Solenoid operated dump valve + manual set point soft start valveFlow @ 6 bar 24V DCValve without Solenoid l/min dm 3/s G 1/4P3D-CS12GMB2CC P3D-CS12GMB000250041.7G 3/8P3D-CS13GMB2CCP3D-CS13GMB000250041.7Valves other than 24 V DC to be purchased less solenoid and solenoid ordered separately.Options:P3D-CS12QMSOptions:FiltersSymbolsFilter element grade:Standard 5 micron Option 40 micronFlow @ 7 bar 1200 l/min - G 1/8 20 dm 3/s Inlet 0.7 bar 1980 l/min - G 1/4 33 dm 3/s pressure drop 2760 l/min - G 3/8 46 dm 3/s Pressure range:10 bar max Nylon bowl 17 bar max Metal bowlTemperature range:-10OC to +50O C Nylon bowl -10O C to +75O C Metal bowl Weight (g)276g Nylon bowl without port blocks450g Metal bowlTechnical informationDimensions (mm)Choice of transparent nylon or metal bowls with convex integral sight glasses.Quick release bowl mechanism - added safety, bowl cannot be removed whilst pressurised.Sight glass can be located in 900 increments.Elastomatic filter elements shrug off larger dirt particles as flow varies.5 micron elements as standard, option 40 micron.No tools required for dismantling or cleaning element -routine servicing without removing from line.Manual drain Semi auto drainFor accessories and port blocks see page 37.For Repair Kits and Spares see page 62 and 63.G 3/8G 1/4G 1/80,10,20,30,40,50,60,7P r e s s u r e d r o p (b a r )Air flow l/s at 7 bar inlet1020304050Flow characteristicsOptions:Coalescing filters and AdsorbersRemoves oil and water aerosols.Maximum oil carry over 0.02 mg/m 3All units interchangeable and removable without disturbing pipework, by simply unscrewing retaining screws.Captive retaining screws automatically realign and reseal units when refitting.Coalescing filtersRemoves hydro-carbon vapours.Removes oil vapour carry-over.Activated carbon element.For breathable air applications.Maximum oil carry over 0.005 mg/m 3AdsorbersFor accessories and port blocks see page 37.For Repair Kits and Spares see page 62 and 63.RegulatorsSymbolsGauge port sizeG 1/8Maximum inlet pressure 20 bar maxFlowSee performance characteristics Secondary pressure rangeLow 0,2 to 2 bar max Low 0,2 to 4 bar max Medium 0,4 to 8 bar max High 0,4 to 16 bar max Temperature range -10OC to +75O C Weight (g)330without port blocks Technical informationDimensions (mm)One balanced, self relieving, diagram operated unit for all flows and combinations - optional non-relieving unit available.Simple push to lock non-rising adjustment knob with low operating torque; easily tamperproofed.Panel mounting ring available.Excess secondary pressure relieves at low differential.Four secondary pressure ranges available, with colour coded adjustment knobs.16 bar Orange, 8 bar Black, 4 bar Grey, 2 bar BlueOptions:5,4For accessories and port blocks see page 37.For Gauges see page 61.1234567S e c o n d a r y p r e s s u r e (b a r )8Air flow l/s at 7 bar inlet246810121234567S e c o n d a r y p r e s s u r e (b a r )Air flow l/s at 7 bar inlet1020304050Flow characteristicsRegulation characteristicsRegulator angle bracketSelf bleed regulator with gaugeNon bleed regulator1Filter/Regulators Symbol21Gauge port size G1/8Maximum inlet pressure Metal bowls17 bar maxNylon bowls10 bar maxSecondary pressure range Low0,2 to 2 bar maxLow0,2 to 4 bar maxMedium0,4 to 8 bar maxHigh0,4 to 16 bar max*Filter element grade Standard 5 micronOption40 micronTemperature range-10O C to +50O C Nylon bowl-10O C to +75O C Metal bowlTechnical information Dimension (mm)Options:Choice of metal bowl with convex sight glass ortransparent nylon bowl.Elastomatic filter elements shrug off larger dirt particlesas flow varies.5 micron element as standard, option 40 micron.One balanced, self relieving, diagram operated unit forall flows and combinations - optional non-relieving unitavailable.Simple push to lock non-rising adjustment knob with lowoperating torque; easily tamperproofed.Four secondary pressure ranges available, with colourcoded adjustment knobs.16 bar Orange, 8 bar Black, 4 bar Grey, 2 bar BlueFor accessories and port blocks see page 37.For Gauges see page 61.For Repair Kits and Spares see page 62 and 63.For performance graphs see Regulator page 27.Pressure range:10 bar max Nylon bowl 17 bar max Metal bowlTemperature range:-10O C to +50O C Nylon bowl -10O C to +75O C Metal bowlFlowSee performance characteristics Weight (g)286g Nylon bowl without port blocks456g Metal bowl Minimum flow for oil pick up 0,25 dm 3/s Bowl capacity55 cm 3Recommended lubricants See page 63LubricatorsSymbolsLubricatorLubricator with dr ainOptions:Technical informationDimensions (mm)Choice of transparent nylon or metal bowls with convex integral sight glasses.Quick release bowl mechanism - added safety bowls cannot be removed whilst pressurised.Sight glass can be located in 900 increments.Constant density lubrication with fingertip adjustment.Low flow oil pick up capability.3600 drip rate sight glass gives all round visibility,contained in separately serviceable cartridge.187654321P r e s s u r e d r o p (b a r )Air flow dm 3/sec at 7 bar inletG 1/4G 3/824681012141618202224For accessories and port blocks see page 37.For Repair Kits and Spares see page 62 and 63.Flow characteristicsModular Junior FRLsThe controlled introduction of pressure can be animportant safety factor and prevent damage to tooling etc.when air pressure is introduced at machine start up.The soft start valve is an ideal method of providing a fully adjustable controlled introduction of pressure.Soft Start Valve Operation:The switch point is set via the control knob and is fully adjustable between 1 and 5 bar. Additionally the bleed orifice which delays the rise in pressure is supplied as standard in several diameters:-Ø1,5mm, Ø2,2mm, Ø3mm, and Ø3,8mm.These are field interchangeable by removing the top plug of the valve.Effect of orifice on flow characteristics of pneumatic switch (with 1.5mm bleed orifice)Flow characteristics for ('Soft Start' valve)Typical combinationsFig. 2.Fig. 2. shows the Soft Start and Dump valve assembled as part of the main 1/4" Modular FRL combination feeding an entire system.Fig.1. enables part of a system to be isolated and the air dumped to atmosphere whilst operating another part normally.dump valveThe soft start valve will, when set, allow the pressure to gradually build to the set point before fully opening to deliver full flow at line pressure.In normal operation the soft start valve is assembled, in series, with an accompanying air pilot, solenoid pilot or manually actuated dump valve. This is used as an on - offswitch for line pressure, and for exhausting the system.1234567896080705040302010Time secs.10 seconds I n l e t p r e s s u r e 10 b a r10 bar inlet A 1 to 3 turns 10 litre volumeB 4 turnsC 5 turnsD 6 turnsE 7 turnsF 8 turns123456102030405060708090P r e s s u r e d r o p (b a r )Flow (dm 3/s)Modular Junior FRLsSoft Start ValvesSymbolManually operatedControlled induction of pressure Fully adjustable switch pointMax. inlet pressure 10 bar max.Temperature range -100C +500CFlow @ 6 bar 2500 l/min - 41.7 dm 3/sWeight428gTechnical informationNote:For materials see page 34.Options:DimensionsModular Junior FRLsRemotely Operated Dump ValvesSymbolAir pilot or solenoid pilot operated dump valves Low Watt solenoid coilsValves for other than 24 V DC to be purchased less solenoid & solenoid ordered separately.OperationRemotely operated dump valves automatically shut off upstream pressure and exhaust the downstream pressure when the pilot pressure is released.To maintain these units in the open position a pilot supply to the air pilot operated version or an electrical signal to the solenoid operated version mist be maintained.The valve will automatically dump when the holding signal is removed.Max. inlet pressure 10 bar max.Temperature range -100C +500CFlow @ 6 bar Through valve to exhaust2500 l/min - 41.7 dm 3/s 2000 l/min - 33.3 dm 3/s Weight484g Technical informationNote:For materials see page 34.Options:DimensionsMuffler included with each product.Modular Junior FRLsManually Operated Dump ValvesSymbolMax. inlet pressure 10 bar max.Temperature range -100C +500CFlow @ 6 bar Through valve to exhaust 2600 l/min - 43.3 dm 3/s 2800 l/min - 46.7 dm 3/s Weight360gTechnical informationNote:For materials see page 34.Options:DimensionsMuffler included with each product.Flow characteristics:Secondary to exhaustFlow characteristics:Inlet to secondaryShuts off upstream and dumps downstream pressure.Choice of red or black knobs.G 1/8, G 1/4 or G 3/8 ports.Ventral G 1/4 exhaust port.Padlockable version.2 position or latching versions.MONOSTABLE version . 2 exhaust dump functionsManually, by maintaining the button thrust down during time required to dump the downstream pressure.Automatically, when the upstream pressure falls below the set pressure threshold.To reset, effective upstream pressure and a manual lift of the knob is required.MONOSTABLE dump valves are an important element inmachine safety considerations. After a unexpected upstream pressure failure, e.g compressor break down), system pressure reset will be only be obtained by lifting the knob combined with having an effective upstream pressure.BISTABLE versionThe dumping of downstream pressure is manually actuated by depressing the knob.To reset, both effective upstream pressure and a manual lift of the knob is required.Solenoids for Soft Start and Dump ValvesSolenoids for Dump Valves (CNOMO solenoid)Supplied with cable plug and non-locking overrideSolenoids for Dump Valves (15mm solenoid)Supplied with cable plug and non-locking flush manual overrideLarge headed screw forinaccessible or recess positionStandard to be wired universal P8C-C To be wired LED+protection 24 VDC P8C-C26C With standard screwStandard to be wired universal P8C-D To be wired LED+protection 24 VDC P8C-D26C With cable and standard screw Standard with 2 m cable P8L-C2Standard with 5 m cableP8L-C5LED+protection 24 VAC/DC, 2 m P8L-C226C LED+protection 24 VAC/DC, 5 mP8L-C526CCable plugs 15 mm (8 mm pin spacing) IP 65DescriptionOrder codeDescription Order code Cable plug, for CNOMO solenoid 24V, LED+Diode9125 9980-0424V AC/DC, LED+VDR 9125 9980-06110V AC/DC, LED+VDR 9125 9980-08240V AC/DC, LED+VDR 9125 9980-10Black451BVoltageOrder code CNOMO-SolenoidsModular Junior FRLsBodies ZincHousingsAluminium Fixing Screws Plated Steel KnobsAcetal Valve StemsBrassSSV Main Spring Plated Steel Springs Stainless Steel SealsNitrile Body Connectors Zinc Port BlocksZincAccessory ProductsBodyZincFixing Screws Plated Steel Bowl (metal)ZincBowl (transparent)Polyamide Sight Glass Polyamide KnobAcetal Venturi Valve Acetal Transfer Tube Nylon Tube Retainer BrassSprings Stainless Steel Seals NitrileFill PlugAluminiumLubricatorMaterials BodyZincFixing Screws Plated Steel Bowl (metal)ZincBowl (transparent)Polyamide Sight Glass Polyamide Louvre Acetal ElementNylon 6Manual Drain AcetalSemi-Auto Drain Acetal / Brass Springs Stainless Steel SealsNitrileFilterBodyZincFixing Screws Plated Steel Control Knob AcetalAdjusting Screw Plated Steel Spring Rest (upper)BrassSpring Rest (lower)Steel / Brass SpringPlated Steel Diaphragm Nitrile / Nylon Valve Stem Brass Valve Seat Nitrile Bottom Cap AcetalSprings Stainless Steel SealsNitrileRegulatorConnection Pressure Actuation Note Weight Order code Flow @ 6 barmax, bar Kg l/min dm 3/sUpstream 10Hand Standard 0,230P3D-VA00A0N 140023.3Downstream 10Hand Standard 0,230P3D-VA00B0N 140023.3Upstream 10Hand 3 Padlock Facility 0,255P3D-VA00P0N 140023.3Downstream 10Hand 3 Padlock Facility 0,255P3D-VA00R0N 140023.3Upstream10Hand 6 Padlock Facility 0,260P3D-VA00Q0N 140023.3Downstream10Hand6 Padlock Facility0,260P3D-VA00S0N140023.3Junior Modular Ball ValveNote! Modular Ball valves have an integral body connector on one side and a slot to accept a port block or body connector on the other.Note! Cannot be used separately.SymbolPositive bubble tight shut-off.Upstream and downstream versions.Padlockable version.Ventral G 1/4 exhaust port.Modular Junior FRLsDimensionsAll dimensions in (mm).The modular system ensures constant mounting centres;assemblies are fixed to the special wall brackets by a single fixing screw.Filter, Regulator, Lubricator Filter/Regulator, LubricatorBall Valve +Filter/RegulatorModular Junior FRLsMounting assembliesAssembly containing a regulator or filter regulator Assembly without regulator or filter regulatorWall brackets mounted at the ends of an assembly Wall brackets mounted at the ends of an assemblyNeck mounting bracket on Filter/Regulator Popular combination with wall mounting bracketsPneumatic output Adjustment GaugeindicatorPneumatic push buttonpanelPressure taken upstream of the ARPSAdjusting the cut-off pressureTamper-proof sealing plugAdjustment by allen key (H6)On all ARPS, the tripping pressure is adjusted by an allen key. T amper proof sealing plug prevents unauthorised adjustment.Adjustable Reset Pressure SwitchesModular FRLsPressure gauges Modular FRLsFilter Spare Kits Mini SeriesJunior SeriesMaxi SeriesG1 Series ModelP3AP3DP3EP3NDrain KitsManual drain kit P3E-KA00DBN P3E-KA00DBN P3E-KA00DBN P3E-KA00DBN Semi-auto drain kit P3A-KA00DCNP3A-KA00DCNP3A-KA00DCN P3A-KA00DCN Auto drain kitP3E-KA00DDNP3E-KA00DDNBowl Kits Poly bowlPoly bowl with manual drain P3A-KA00BBA P3D-KA00BBA P3E-KA00BBA Poly bowl with semi-auto drain P3A-KA00BCAP3D-KA00BCAP3E-KA00BCA Poly bowl with auto drainP3E-KA00BDAMetal bowlMetal bowl with manual drain P3A-KA00BPA P3D-KA00BKA P3E-KA00BKA Metal bowl with semi-auto drain P3A-KA00BQAP3D-KA00BLAP3E-KA00BLA Metal bowl with auto drainP3E-KA00BMA Compact metal bowl with manual drain P3E-KA00BTA Compact metal bowl with semi-auto drain P3E-KA00BVA Compact metal bowl with auto drainP3E-KA00BWAFilter Element Kits5 micron elementP3A-KA00EENP3D-KA00EENP3E-KA00EEN P3NKA00ESE5 micron element (compact bowl)P3E-KA00ERN 40 micron elementP3A-KA00EGNP3D-KA00EGNP3E-KA00EGN P3NKA00ESG 40 micron element (compact bowl)P3E-KA00ESN Coalescing elementP3A-KA00ECNP3D-KA00ECNP3E-KA00ECN P3NKA00ESC Coalescing element (compact bowl)P3E-KA00EPN Adsorber elementP3A-KA00EANP3D-KA00EANP3E-KA00EAN P3NKA00ESA Adsorber element (compact bowl)P3E-KA00ENNSeal KitsPoly bowl seal (10 off)P3A-KA00RZN P3D-KA00RWN P3E-KA00RZN Metal bowl seal (10 off)P3A-KA00RZN P3D-KA00RWN P3E-KA00RWN Connector O ring (10 off)P3A-KA00CYNP3D-KA00CYNP3E-KA00CYNSpares and Replacement PartsModular FRLsRegulator Spare KitsRepair kit (self-relieving)P3D-KA00RRN P3E-KA00RRN P3NKA00RR Repair kit (non-relieving)P3D-KA00RNN P3E-KA00RNN P3NKA00RNMetal panel mounting ring P3A-KA00MMN P3A-KA00MMN P3E-KA00MMNPlastic panel mounting ring (5 off)P3A-KA00MPN P3A-KA00MPN Tamperproof kitP3A-KA00ATNP3A-KA00ATNP3E-KA00ATNSpares and Replacement Parts Modular FRLsMini Series Junior Series Maxi Series G1 Series Model P3A P3D P3E P3NFilter/Regulator Spare Kits5 micron element P3A-KA00EEN P3D-KA00EFA P3E-KA00EFA P3NKA00ESE5 micron element (compact bowl)P3E-KA00ETA40 micron element P3A-KA00EGN P3D-KA00EHA P3E-KA00EHA P3NKA00ESG40 micron element (compact bowl)P3E-KA00EVARepair kit (self-relieving)P3D-KA00RRN P3E-KA00REN P3NKA00RR Repair kit (non-relieving)P3D-KA00RNN P3E-KA00RGN P3NKA00RN Tamperproof kit P3A-KA00ATN P3A-KA00ATN P3E-KA00ATNFor Drain Kits - see Filters on page 62For Bowl Kits - see Filters on page 62For Bowl Seal Kit - see Filters on page 62Lubricator Spare KitsPlastic bowl without drain P3A-KA00BAA P3D-KA00BAA P3E-KA00BAAFor Manual Drain Kits - see Filters on page 62For Bowl Kits with Manual Drain - see Filters on page 62For Bowl Seal Kit - see Filters on page 62Lubrication of airlinesSatisfactory operation of airline equipment and effective lubrication depends upon the proper selection of lubrication oil. Oils havinga viscosity below ISO3448 Grade 10 to 22 will satisfy most high-speed pneumatic tools and other light duty requirements.Heavy duty tools and pneumatic valves and cylinders will normally require oils in the viscosity ISO3448 Grade 32 to 68.Only Paraffinic based oils can be used and the following recommendations are given as a general guide to types of oil that aresuitable for use with Parker airline equipment.High speed tools and systems Air Cylinders and valves Oil Company ISO Grade Grade ISO Grade GradeCentury Oils Century P - 19815P.W.L.A32Alexander Duckham Zurcon 215Zurcon 4 32Gulf Harmony 38AW15Harmony 43AW32Shell (UK) Oil Tellus 2222Tellus 3737Burmah Castrol Hyspin AWS1515Hyspin AWS3232Edgar Vaughan KSO 5L10Hydrodrive HP10032Esso Petroleum NUTO 111515NUTO H3232B.P.HLP 2222HLP 3232Mobile Oil Company Velocite No.610DTE Oil - Light32Mobile VPI-A32Silkolene Silkair GP2222Derwent 3232Silkolene Dove 1515Most Parker Pneumatic valves and cylinders are designed for use in non-lube operation. However airline lubrication will increase the service life.Note! If oil lubrication is used, it must be maintained for the service life of the product.Some specialised lubricants, particular synthetic reclaimed oils and low temperature additives, may contain compounds which are incompatible with certain materials, internal ‘O’ rings and seals. They may also attack plastic piping or the transparent bowls of the airline lubricator. Attention is drawn to BS6005 (Specification for moulded transparent polycarbonate bowls used in compressed air filters and lubricators).Do not use oils with ad ditives, compounds oils containing solvents, graphite, detergents or synthetic oils.Modular Junior FRLs AccessoriesDescription Connection Weight Order codeKgPort connector kits G1/80,150P3D-KA11CPN Array (2 port blocks + 2 seals)G1/40,150P3D-KA12CPNG3/80,150P3D-KA13CPN。
版次说明版本页次内容作者校核批准日期1 初版。
DJF JM.LIU C.WANG 2004-08-27空气预热器转子驱动变频器控制箱使用说明书目录一、安全须知 (4)二、技术数据 (4)三、功能概述 (5)四、安装要求 (7)五、调试运行 (7)六、运行维护 (11)七、变频器故障信息 (12)空气预热器转子驱动变频器控制箱使用说明书一、安全须知变频控制箱是带有高电压的控制产品,不正当的操作会造成对人身的伤害。
东方日立(成都)电控设备有限公司高压大功率变频器HI系列用户使用说明书( Ver.A )目录1.简述 (3)2.变频装置和外部的接口信号列表 (4)3.变频操作 (7)3.1 互锁 (7)3.2 电机速度控制 (7)3.3 启/停变频器的操作流程 (8)4.显示界面 (11)4.1 条形图 (11)4.2 故障显示 (13)4.3 互锁纪录显示 (17)4.4 DIO(输入和输出接触点显示)界面 (18)附:常见故障及处理 (19)1、简述日本日立公司生产的High V oltage Inverter产品是一种交流电机的速度调节控制装置。
Rapid Z™(§) Rapid Z™(§) CV Pulse Rapid X™(‡) Pulse Rapid X™(‡) CV Pulse Rapid X™(‡)
Argon Mix Argon Mix Argon Mix Argon Mix Argon Mix Argon Mix Argon Mix Argon Mix Argon Mix Argon Mix
Range* 10 - 45 V 0.1 - 23 kW
Max. Range*
75 ― 1200 ipm (1.91 ― 30.48 m/min) 75 ― 1200 ipm (1.91 ― 30.48 m/min) 65 ― 1200 ipm (1.65 ― 30.48 m/min) 100 ― 600 ipm (2.54 ― 15.24 m/min) 50 ― 1200 ipm (1.27 ― 30.48 m/min) 50 ― 1200 ipm (1.27 ― 30.48 m/min) 60 ― 1200 ipm (1.52 ― 30.48 m/min) 60 ― 1200 ipm (1.52 ― 30.48 m/min) 100 ― 600 ipm (2.54 ― 15.24 m/min) 75 ― 800 ipm (1.91 ― 20.32 m/min) 100 ― 225 ipm (2.54 ― 5.72 m/min) 100 ― 225 ipm (2.54 ― 5.72 m/min) 100 ― 300 ipm (2.54 ― 7.62 m/min) 100 ― 300 ipm (2.54 ― 7.62 m/min) 50 ― 200 ipm (1.27 ― 5.08 m/min) 50 ― 200 ipm (1.27 ― 5.08 m/min) 50 ― 1200 ipm (1.27 ― 30.48 m/min) 50 ― 1200 ipm (1.27 ― 30.48 m/min) 75 ― 1200 ipm (1.91 ― 30.48 m/min) 60 ― 1200 ipm (1.52 ― 30.48 m/min) 75 ― 600 ipm (1.91 ― 15.24 m/min) 75 ― 800 ipm (1.91 ― 20.32 m/min) 90 ― 225 ipm (2.29 ― 5.72 m/min) 90 ― 225 ipm (2.29 ― 5.72 m/min) 90 ― 225 ipm (2.29 ― 5.72 m/min) 90 ― 225 ipm (2.29 ― 5.72 m/min) 45 ― 185 ipm (1.14 ― 4.7 m/min) 45 ― 185 ipm (1.14 ― 4.7 m/min) 50 ― 800 ipm (1.27 ― 20.32 m/min) 50 ― 800 ipm (1.27 ― 20.32 m/min) 60 ― 800 ipm (1.52 ― 20.32 m/min) 60 ― 800 ipm (1.52 ― 20.32 m/min) 75 ― 600 ipm (1.91 ― 15.24 m/min) 100 ― 800 ipm (2.54 ― 20.32 m/min) 90 ― 200 ipm (2.29 ― 5.08 m/min) 90 ― 200 ipm (2.29 ― 5.08 m/min) 90 ― 225 ipm (2.29 ― 5.72 m/min) 90 ― 225 ipm (2.29 ― 5.72 m/min) 40 ― 170 ipm (1.02 ― 4.32 m/min) 40 ― 170 ipm (1.02 ― 4.32 m/min) 50 ― 640 ipm (1.27 ― 16.26 m/min) 50 ― 55 ipm (1.27 ― 1.4 m/min) 50 ― 580 ipm (1.27 ― 14.73 m/min) 60 ― 615 ipm (1.52 ― 15.62 m/min) 75 ― 600 ipm (1.91 ― 15.24 m/min) 50 ― 350 ipm (1.27 ― 8.89 m/min) 50 ― 400 ipm (1.27 ― 10.16 m/min)
Omega FLR-1600A-P 和 FLV-4600A 流量计及控制器产品说明书
FLR-1616A-P shown smaller than actual size.FLV-4604A shown smaller than actual size.F-95WATER FLOWMETER AND CONTROLLERU R esponse Time Up to 20 msU Turndown Ratio of 50:1U P ushbutton Tare (with Display)U ±2% FS Accuracy U NIST TraceabilityFLR-1600A SeriesFLV-4600A SeriesThe OMEGA ® FLR-1600A and FLV-4600A Series flowmeters and controllers use two of thebest studied physical properties of liquids to measure flow: pressure and viscosity. Differential pressure measurement, across a laminar flow element, results in a flowmeter that is inherently linear.OMEGA flow meters measure differential pressure within that laminar region to achieve aturndown of 50:1 typical and the accuracy is ±2.0% of full scale. It uses the same technology as the laminar gas mass flow andvolumetric flow meters, FMA-1600A and FLV-1600A. There are no moving parts to wear out.The FLR-1600A Series is avolumetric water flowmeter. The unique method of flow detection allows the meter to measure extremely low flow rates at an affordable price. The FLR-1600A Series was designed with deionized water in mind. These flowmeters are available in ranges of500 microliters per minute full scale to 10 liters per minute full scale.The FLR-1600A water meter provides data on the flow rate and temperature via the standard local display and the RS232 serial output. An optional gauge pressure sensor is available on the secondary output model “-P”.The FLV-4600A Series water flow controller utilizes a proportional valve coupled to a flowmeter body creating a unique in-situ closed-loopflow controller system.Measurements are taken within the laminar region of the flow meter and the integral PID controller positions the valve according to the flow set points. The controllers can accept an RS232 or the 0 to 5V control input signal depending on what is preferred. Independent of the set point voltages, the controllers can be configured for single or dual output of the same or different voltages and/or different parameters such as temperature and flow. This is possible because of our laminar flowmeter design that incorporates solid-state differential and temperature sensors on the standard model to determine flow in an inherently linear system. An optional, absolute gauge pressure sensor is available on the “-P” secondary output models. The result is a fast responding linear flow meter with multiple outputs. All these parameters aresimultaneously visible with our dynamic display that includes a push button operator interface. water flow controllers are available from 50 milliliters per minute full scale to 500 milliliters per minute full scale.FLV-4604A shown smaller than actual size.F-96FSPecIFIcATIoNS Accuracy: ±2% FS Repeatability: ±2% FS Turndown Ratio: 50:1 Response Time:FLR-1600A: 20 msFLV-4600A: 100 msInput control Signal(FLV-4600A Units):0 to 5 Vdc and RS232output Signal: 0 to 5 Vdc, RS232 optional Input/outputs:4 to 20 mA, 0 to 10 Vdc operating Temperature:10 to 50°C (50 to 122°F)Zero Shift: 0.02%/ATM FS/°C Span Shift: 0.02%/ATM FS/°C excess Flow Rate:Approx 28% overageMaximum Pressure:Meters: 200 psigcontrollers: 150 psigMinimum Pressure Drop: 0.4 psid Supply current (Typical):FLR-1600A: 30 mAFLV-4600A: 250 mASupply Voltage:F L R-1600A: 7 to 30 Vdc, 0.035 A FLV-4600A: 12 to 30 Vdc, 0.250 A Note: 15 Vdc minimum for 4 to 20 mA output option.electrical connections:8-pin circular mini DINWetted Materials: 303, 302 and316 SS, FKM, polythermide, silicone glass, silicone rubber; controllers alsoexploded View of Internal Laminar Flow elements Pressure SensorSensorexploded View of optional12P or V2P Laminar elementscable connection.F-97For a portable version of the FLR-1600A Series meters add suffix, “-B” to the model number, for additional cost. Portable versions have an integral battery compartment and come complete with 24 Vdc universal power supply, 1.8m (6') cable, 8-pin male mini-DIN connector, operator’s manual, Nist certificate, and 9V battery installed. Option not available on versions where 4 to 20 mA is the chosen output.Units are calibrated to air @ 5 psig for 0 to 1 LPM, 15 psig for 2 to 10 LPM, 30 psig for 20 to 100 LPM, and 50 psig for 200 LPM and greater Calibrations done at ambient 21ºC (70ºF) temperature only.To replace the standard RS232 communications with RS485, add suffix “-RS485” to the model number, for additional cost.** Optional secondary output are scaled the same as the primary output scale. For an alternate temperature output scale, add suffix “-T” to the model number, no additional cost. For an alternate Pressure output scale, add suffix “-P” to the model number, for additional cost. Note: Models with secondary output for pressure include optional gauge pressure sensor.For units scaled in CFH, add suffix “-CFH” to model number. Specify desired CFH range, no additional cost.For totalizer option, add suffix “-TOT” to the model number, for additional cost. Please specify resolution.This is a 6-digit counter. Examples: For totalizing in liters with 1/100 liter resolution, the max count would be 9999.99. For totalizing in liters with 1 liter resolution, the max count would be 999999.。
P T低压柜操作说明(总6页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除威胜电气有限公司8PT低压柜操作说明书目录一、开关柜主要性能参数....................................... 错误!未指定书签。
二、操作规程................................................. 错误!未指定书签。
1、开关柜的操作.............................................. 错误!未指定书签。
1.1断路器柜的操作....................................... 错误!未指定书签。
1.2储能弹簧的储能....................................... 错误!未指定书签。
2、抽屉柜的操作.............................................. 错误!未指定书签。
三、维护..................................................... 错误!未指定书签。
3.1?检查................................................ 错误!未指定书签。
3.2?保养................................................ 错误!未指定书签。
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目 录第1章 序言 (3)1.1特别需要注意的事项 (3)1.2开箱检查 (3)1.3产品运输 (3)1.4产品保存 (3)1.5产品保修 (3)第2章 产品概述 (4)2.1MC4600S综合技术指标出 (4)2.1.1 输入输出特性 (4)2.1.2 外围接口特性 (4)2.1.3 技术性能特性 (4)2.1.4 功能特性 (4)2.2变频器铭牌说明 (4)2.3变频器系列型号 (5)2.4变频器各部件名称说明 (6)第3章 安装 (7)3.1安装环境 (7)3.2安装方向与空间 (7)3.3多台变频器安装 (7)3.4变频器外形尺寸 (8)第4章 配线 (9)4.1外围设备的连线图 (9)4.2主回路接线端子图 (10)4.3主板控制端子 (11)4.4控制端子说明 (11)4.5主回路端子功能 (12)4.6标准连接图 (13)4.7主回路的连接 (14)4.7.1主回路电源侧的连接 (14)4.7.2 主回路变频器侧的连接 (14)4.7.3 主回路电机侧的连接 (15)4.7.4 接地线的连接 (15)4.8控制回路的连接 (15)4.8.1 注意事项 (15)4.8.2 控制板跳线意义 (15)第5章 操作面板及操作方 (16)5.1操作面板说明 (16)5.1.1 面板示意图 (16)5.1.2指示灯说明 (16)5.2操作流程 (17)5.3试运行 (17)5.3.1 运行前检查和准备 (17)5.3.2 简单试运行 (17)第6章 功能参数简表 (19)6.1基本维护和检查方法 (19)6.2定期检查项目 (19)6.3变频器易损件更换 (19)6.4变频器的维修 (19)第7章 详细功能说明 (19)7.1主要功能参数 (26)第8章 详细功能说明 (26)8.1主要功能参数 (26)第9章 保养与维护 (19)9.1基本维护和检查方法 (59)9.2定期检查项目 (60)第1章 序言非常感谢您使用MC4600S 系列通用变频器!1.1 特别需要注意的事项1、实施配线前,务必切断电源!2、变频器内部的电子元件对静电敏感,因此不可将异物置入变频器内部或用手触摸主电路板及元件!3、切断交流电源后,变频器内部部分器件仍有高压余电,请勿触摸内部电路及零件,以防电击!4、变频器接地端子务必正确可靠接地!5、绝不可将变频器输出端子接到电源!1.2 开箱检查1、确认变频器在运输过程中无任何损坏(机体上的损坏或缺口)。
1.3 产品运输搬运时,请务必抓住机体底板,如果挪动变频器时仅仅抓住面板或其他非金属部位,则可能造成跌落或破损事故。
1.4 产品保存如果设备在调试之前要存放一段时间,请检查存入地点的环境状态。
1.5 产品保修MC4600S系列变频器的保修期为18个月,保修期从购买本产品之日算起。
第2章 产品概述2.1 MC4600S综合技术指标2.1.1 输入输出特性输入电压范围:380/220V±15%输入频率范围:47~63HZ输出电压范围:0~额定输入电压输出频率范围:0~400HZ2.1.2 外围接口特性可编程数字输入:6路输入可编程模拟量输入:FV:0~10V输入,FI:0~20mA 输入开路集电极输出:1路输出(1.5KW以下),2路输出(2.2KW以上 继电器输出:1路输出(1.5KW以下),2路输出(2.2KW以上) 模拟量输出:1路输出,0~10V2.1.3 技术性能特性控制方式:SPWM过载能力:150%额定电流 60s;180%额定电流 10s起动转矩:1.0Hz/150%载波频率:1.0K~20.0KHZV/F曲线:可任意设定V/F曲线加减速控制:4段加减速时间任意选择2.1.4 功能特性频率设定方式:数字设定、模拟设定、串行通讯设定、多段速 多段速控制功能:8段速控制内置PLC功能:外控多段速,内控多段速自动电压调整功能:当电网电压变化时,自动保持输出电压恒定 提供20多种故障保护功能:过流、过压、欠压、过温、缺相、过载等保护功能2.2 变频器铭牌说明2.3 变频器系列型号变频器型号 输入电压额定输出功率(KW) 驱动器容量(KVA)额定输出电流(A)适配电机 MC460S-0F4B-S20.4 1.0 2.5 0.4 MC460S-0F7B-S2 0.75 2.0 5 0.75 MC460S-1F5B-S2 1.5 2.8 7.0 1.5 MC460S-2F2B-S2 单相220V范围:-15%~+15% 2.2 4.4 11 2.2 MC460S-0F7B-4 0.75 2.2 2.7 0.75 MC460S-1F5B-4 1.5 3.2 4.0 1.5 MC460S-2F2B-4 2.2 4.0 5.0 2.2 MC460S-004B-4 4 6.8 8.5 4.0 MC460S-5F5B-4 5.5 10 12.5 5.5 MC460S-7F5B-4 7.5 14 17.5 7.5 MC460S-011B-4 11.0 19 24 11.0 MC460S-015B-4 15.0 26 33 15.0 MC460S-018B-4 18.532 40 18.5 MC460S-022B-4 22.0 37 47 22.0 MC460S-030B-4 30.0 52 65 30.0 MC460S-037B-4 37.0 64 80 37.0 MC460S-045B-4 45.0 72 91 45.0 MC460S-055B-4 55.0 84 110 55.0 MC460S-075B-4 75.0 116 152 75.0 MC460S-090B-4 90.0 134 176 90.0 MC460S-110B-4 110.0 160 210 110.0 MC460S-132B-4 132.0 193 253 132.0 MC460S-160B-4 160.0 230 304 160.0 MC460S-185B-4 185.0 260 340 185.0 MC460S-200B-4 200.0 290 380 200.0 MC460S-220B-4 220.0 325 426 220.0 MC460S-250B-4 250.0 381 480 250.0 MC460S-280B-4 280.0 427 540 280.0 MC460S-315B-4三相380V 范围: -15%~+15%315.0460605315.02.4 变频器各部件名称说明1、1.5KW-7.5KW塑料外壳各部件图2-1 1.5KW-5.5KW塑料外壳各部件名称图2-2 5.5KW~185KW(铁壳)以下变频器各部件名称图2-3 220KW以上变频器各部件名称第3章 安装3.1 安装环境1、使用环境为-10℃~50℃,若环境温度超过40℃,请置于通风良好之处。
3.2 安装方向与空间为了使冷却循环效果良好,最好将变频器安装在垂直方向,因为变频器底部装有冷却风扇以强制制冷,其上下左右与相邻的物品和档板必须保持足够的空间。
如下图3-1所示:图3-1 安装空间距离图3.3 多台变频器安装图3-2 多台变频器安装示意图两台变频器采用上下安装时,中间要加导流板。
3.4 变频器外形尺寸(以三相380等级为说明)机型 A(mm) B(mm) H(mm) W(mm) D(mm)安装尺寸 外形尺寸 安装孔径(mm)0.75-1.5KW 87 138 140 89 111 φ4.2 2.2-3KW 113.5 161.5 170 125 149 φ5.04.0-5.5KW塑132 204 220.5 150 174 φ7 5.5-7.5KW铁85 335 350 123 201.5 φ5 11-15KW 115 436.5 453 153 218.2 φ6 18.5-22KW 124 463 480 180 278.2 φ9 30 - 37KW 120 543 560 180 278.5 φ9 45–55KW 185 720 750 273 325.5 φ9 75 - 90KW 280 731 766 419 339 φ12 110-132KW 340 941 976 479 401 φ12 160-185KW 405 951 986 545 456.5 φ12 220-315KW 502 1190 1231 643 493.5 φ12第4章 配线4.1 外围设备的连线图图4-1 外围设备连接图4.2主回路接线端子图0.4KW~1.5KW 主回路接线端子图4-2 0.4KW~1.5KW主回路接线端子图(塑壳) (220V)等级1.5KW~2.2KW 主回路接线端子图4-3(220V等级)1.5KW~2.2KW主回路接线端子图(塑壳)2.2KW~3.0KW 主回路接线端子图4-4 2.2KW~3.0KW功率段主回路接线端子图(塑壳)4.0KW~5.5KW 主回路接线端子(塑壳)图4-5 4.0KW~5.5KW功率段主回路接线端子图(塑壳)5.5KW~22KW 主回路接线端子(铁壳)图4-6 5.5KW~22KW功率段主回路接线端子图(铁壳)30KW~55KW 主回路接线端子图4-7 30KW~55KW功率段主回路接线端子图 75KW~90KW 主回路接线端子接线端子图4-8 75KW~90KW功率段主回路接线端子图 110KW~315KW 主回路接线端子图4-9 110KW~315KW功率段主回路接线端子图 4.3 主板控制端子0.4KW~1.5KW控制端子图4-6 0.4KW~1.5KW功率段控制端子图(塑壳)2.2KW以上控制端子4.4 控制端子说明端子名称 端子用途及说明S1~S6 开关量输入端子,与SC短接形成光耦隔离输入 输入电压范围:9~30V,输入阻抗:3.3KΩSP 为本机提供的正24V电源(电流:150mA)。