电商利基:Simply Rose Petals只卖干燥花瓣
员工管理 制度
对内部员工制度化、人性化的温情管理模式,加 强员工的归属感。
(一)自有品牌:乐峰推出具有差异化优势的自有品牌Jplus静 佳和Jcare静佳,及近1000个品牌全球热销美容商品,品类涵盖 美容护肤、服饰等。
乐蜂网的收入模式可以分为: 1、销售化妆品获得的商品利润,尤 其是自有品牌成本低,收益可观。 2、网站运营所吸引的广告收入。 3、与品牌商合作获得的销售上商品 的返利。 4、风险投资人的资金
乐蜂网邀请“我是歌手”节目当红学员尚雯婕演绎“不美不 活”,将美丽进行到底,在网络掀起一阵热潮。,
节目伙伴: 《美丽俏佳人》、《我爱每一天》、《超级节目》、 《明星大考场》、《非常静距离》、《今晚男得》等。 明星伙伴:lafaso明星主持、设计师、与专家:李静、戴军、金韵 蓉、张茜、小P-美丽俏佳人专属超帅造型师、LINDA、柏丞刚、 蓓蓓、浩博等等。 互联网伙伴:360、苏宁易购等。
• 客单价是关 键
• 独特的媒体 资源,使得 广告成本低, 广告效益好
• 自有品牌成 本低,是乐 蜂盈利的关 键
化妆品市场是国内少数几个高利 润行业,平均利润在25%~30%,高 端品牌的利润更高。做化妆品B2C, 无疑可以利用网络渠道的低成本而降 低成本,从而打造一个物美价廉的化 妆品网购平台。
• 约占到总成 本的70-80%
• 大规模采购, 以量压价
• 与品牌厂商 直接合作, 获得更低价 格
硅胶分散于5粘硅油,赋 予发水更好的干梳性及膏 霜更好的润滑感 0.65粘硅油,其挥发性强 于乙醇,特别快干,肤感 更加清爽 350粘硅油
TSF451-350A SS 4230 XF49-811
NEWJAF 广州珍榜日用化工有 限公司
� � � � � � �
DOW陶氏化学 MOMENTIVE迈图高新材料有限公司(原GE有机 硅) SENSIENT森馨香精色素科技(中国)有限公司 SNF爱森专业化学品 SYMRISE德之馨有限公司 Evonik 赢创(原德固赛) ISP美国国际特品公司
SM2115-SK Silsoft BE-300 Silsoft AM2200C Silsoft EUM9101-N Silsoft EMU 8110-N Silsoft EMU121 Silsoft EM 170A
� 水溶性硅蜡 Silsoft 895:PEG-17聚二甲基硅氧烷 能赋予水基产品丝般柔软肤感,降低表面活性剂的刺 激性,在水包油体系中有助乳化作用
Kathon CG Neolone 950 Neolone MXP Neolone CAPG Neolone PE Neolone PH100
甲基异噻唑啉酮、笨氧乙醇、 广泛应用于各类化妆品, 甲、丙酯 广谱杀菌剂 甲基异噻唑啉酮、辛二醇 甲基异噻唑啉酮/笨氧乙醇 苯氧乙醇 广泛应用于各类化妆品, 极低刺激性 广泛应用于各类化妆品, 极低刺激性 广泛应用于各类化妆品, 极低刺激性
中空球形超细微珠,比表面积为85M2/g,超强的吸油率,使得产品更加干 爽
Crafter’s Choice Lavender Chamomile 香料油商品说明书
Product: Crafter’s Choice™ Lavender Chamomile* Fragrance Oil7820 E Pleasant Valley RdIndependence, OH 44131(800) 359-0944 Page 1 of 3 2023-04-26 IndiMade Brands, LLC certifies that the above-mentioned fragrance product is in compliance with the standards of the International Fragrance Association [IFRA 50th Amendment (June '21)], provided the fragrance is used in the following application(s) at the following maximum concentration level(s):Product: Crafter’s Choice™ Lavender Chamomile* Fragrance Oil7820 E Pleasant Valley RdIndependence, OH 44131(800) 359-0944 Page 2 of 3 2023-04-26Product: Crafter’s Choice™ Lavender Chamomile* Fragrance Oil7820 E Pleasant Valley RdIndependence, OH 44131(800) 359-0944 Page 3 of 3 2023-04-26For all other applications, or use at higher concentration levels, a new evaluation will be required.The IFRA standards regarding use restrictions are based on safety assessments by the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) Expert Panel (REXPAN) and are enforced by the IFRA Scientific Committee. Evaluation of individual fragrance materials is made according to the safety standards contained in the relevant section of the IFRA Code of Practice.It is the ultimate responsibility of the customer to ensure the safety of the final product containing this fragrance, by further testing, if necessary.The above-mentioned fragrance product contains ingredients which are NOT considered GRAS, Generally Regarded as Safe as a Flavor Ingredient.。
Describing Products
9.1 Describing Products Vocabulary 1
dependable 庞大的,不灵巧的 可靠的 time-consuming state-of-the-art 耗时的 最先进的 practical old-fashioned 实用的 过时的 innovative unwieldy 创新的 不实用的,笨拙的 up-market efficient 高档的 有效的
9.1 Describing Products
stupid pointless annoying messages
9.1 Market Research Vocabulary 3 holder 持有人 on behalf of 代表某方 survey 调查 prize draw 抽奖 convenient 方便的 perception 看法,感觉 impression 印象 otherwise 否则,不然
Accordingly, it is used a lot in negotiating.
9.1 Grammar Possible answers to exercise: 1. We can move a little on the price if you increase the order. (prepared) We would be prepared to move a little on the price if you could increase your order. 2. Can you deliver 1,000 units to us as soon as possible? (able) Would you be able to deliver 1,000 units to us as soon as possible?
S[Æ]VE 树予——来自法国的新锐天然护肤“青春晶露”桦树汁1.精粹卓效天然植物护肤成分2.专利成果发表于权威学术期刊 3.五大国际美妆奖项认证4.法国媒体广泛报道 5.成长的分销渠道法国著名高端百货连锁——老佛爷百货美妆连锁Monop’beauty“不朽菌菇”白桦茸逾百家法国Top大型药房2019法国最佳新品牌SAEVE 创始人Pauline Bony*Clean beauty , 即清洁美妆,欧美市场主流趋势之一,注重无添加、天然有机的产品,拒绝有害物质,支持零伤害。
ü坚持使用天然来源成分,产品平均含有92%天然成分(最高达98%)ü9大类有害物质零添加(不含矿物油、硅油、尼泊金酯类、苯氧乙醇、硫酸盐、聚乙二醇、动物成分、麸质、人工色素)ü愉悦感官的护肤体验(质地易涂抹吸收,天然调香)•法国新锐Clean Beauty (清洁美妆)保养品牌•进入Galeries Lafayette 老佛爷百货等高端渠道销售•2019年斩获5大国际权威美容奖项创始人Pauline 具有15年在Caudalie 欧缇丽和欧莱雅集团等知名法国品牌的产品研发经验,开发了诸多获奖产品。
天然•高效•真实•愉悦核心专利“桦树双萃”专利成果已发表于权威期刊Journal of Cosmetics, Dermatological Sciences and Applications化妆品与皮肤科学和应用树予发现法国奥弗涅白桦树汁的卓效愈颜力,融合罕贵 “不朽菌菇”白桦茸,创造出专利成分——Immunox ® “桦树双萃”•修护肌肤受损:保护线粒体DNA+48%,保护细胞DNA+70%•全面抗氧化保护:清除90%自由基,保护细胞功能健康•激活肌肤免疫防御免疫调节8种细胞因子,强韧天然屏障法国中高端渠道销售•Carrefour 集团旗下清洁美妆概念店Sources(位于巴黎时尚街区marais)•法国著名奢侈品百货老佛爷•法国美妆连锁monop’beauty •百大知名大型药房Instagram/Facebook网红热荐法国权威大奖年度面部产品品牌中国Best-seller长效补水,肌活青春光彩锦葵高保湿精华露获法国《健康》美容大奖2019年唯一获奖新品牌法国权威美容健康期刊每月300万读者98%天然来源成分天然锦葵菁萃+专利“桦树双萃”24小时卓效保湿适合缺水及敏感肌肤法国权威美容奖——Santé杂志美容大奖创立于1997年,这个法国权威奖项由Santé杂志的美容专家委员会颁发。
Brand Story
品牌故事 在法国、希腊、罗马,甚至世界上每个地方,没有一种植物像玫瑰一样得到那么多的宠爱和恩赐,甚 至你拥有了玫瑰就等于拥有了美丽和爱情。迄今,我依然享受置身玫瑰花海里的幸福,那漫山遍野的玫瑰 如爱人亲吻在肌肤上的感觉,是那么的舒适愉悦…仿佛,我真的感受到那天然的力量,让我如一朵娇艳的 玫瑰绽放。 ——————梅利莎•克莱恩 Ms Melissa Klein
THE ROSE SHOP is the abbreviation of THE ROSE SHOP PERSONAL CARE SUPPLIES PTY LTD. and its trademark THE ROSE SHOP. THE ROSE SHOP is the present whole world only concentrates the rose personal care products brand, the collection research and development, design, promote, sale the rose industry enterprise.
Now, THE ROSE SHOP through 3-5 year, becoming the first brand of rose personal care things. The goal is providing the romantic , cheerful personal care products to the 28-45 yearold female. You can bloom, like the petal of rose!
Product Introduce
【名称】:有机玫瑰美白精油(美白亮肤) Rose Whitening and Anti-spot Expert (Whitening)
2)常使用单音节形容词及部分带前后缀的形容词 ) good, new, great, fine 几乎可修饰产品的任何一个方面 fine, great, wonderful 表示称赞与推荐 crisp, delicious, fresh, good, rich 在食品广告中常用 clean, fresh, soft 牙刷、香皂、洗发精、洗衣粉广告 Super- “超级”类的形容词: supereminent 超凡的 superexcellent 极卓越的 supernormal 超常规的
3、口语词汇用得越来越多 、 为使广告通俗易懂,广告英语一般以口讲为基础, 便于人们理解和记忆。 Is microwave cooking fast? — You bet. 这种微波炉热得快吗?一—当然 Hello Tosh, gotta Toshiba? (东芝电器广告) “I’m lovin’ it” (麦当劳广告) You’ll go nuts for the nuts you get in Nux. (Nux果仁广告) Pepsi-Cola hits the spot. (百事可乐广告)
4、创新拼写,增强吸引力。 、创新拼写,增强吸引力。 使用词汇变异手段创造新词、怪词,故意把 某些大家所熟悉的字或词错写或错拼。体现了产 品的新、奇、特,满足了消费者追求新潮的个性 心理。有时又可取得某种修辞效果,引人注目, 是推销商品的有效手段之一。 1)使用词缀 ) Timex (= time + excellent, 手表品名) purex (= pure + excellent, 漂白剂品名) Memorex (= memory + excellent, 录像带名) It’s jack-a-licious! (Jack-in-the-Box 用。 、言简意赅,使用缩略词,节约费用。 FINCE-WARDEN, lrg 2br bsmt, new reno bright, lndry, eat-in kit, w-o balc, close to HSR/shops. No smoke/pets, +, 1st/last. 222-2222-leave mess. (租房广告) • lrg = large, 2br = two bedrooms, bsmt = it is in a basement, new reno = new renovation, lndry = laundry, kit = kitchen, w-o balc = walk out to a balcony • 翻译首先必须正确理解原文,弄清楚缩略词和复合词 翻译首先必须正确理解原文, 的具体含义, 的具体含义,然后用洗练的汉语再现原文的内容和风 译文也应尽量保持简洁,但决不能因简伤意, 格。译文也应尽量保持简洁,但决不能因简伤意,必 要时仍需用全称。 要时仍需用全称。
UnitedHealthcare ® Individual Exchange Medical Benefit Drug PolicyGivlaari ® (Givosiran)Policy Number : IEXD0087.06Effective Date: April 1, 2023 Instructions for Use Table of Contents PageApplicable States ........................................................................... 1 Coverage Rationale ....................................................................... 1 Applicable Codes .......................................................................... 2 Background ................................................................................... 2 Benefit Considerations .................................................................. 2 Clinical Evidence ........................................................................... 3 U.S. Food and Drug Administration ............................................. 3 References ..................................................................................... 3 Policy History/Revision Information ............................................. 3 Instructions for Use ....................................................................... 3 This Medical Benefit Drug Policy applies to Individual Exchange benefit plans in all states except for Massachusetts, Nevada, and New York.See Benefit ConsiderationsGivlaari is proven and/or medically necessary for the treatment of acute hepatic porphyrias:1-4Initial TherapyDiagnosis of an acute hepatic porphyria (AHP) [i.e., acute intermittent porphyria, hereditary coproporphyria, variegate porphyria, ALA dehydratase deficient porphyria]; and One of the following: o Patient has active disease as defined in the clinical trial by having at least 2 documented porphyria attacks within the past 6 months; or o Patient is currently receiving treatment with prophylactic hemin to prevent porphyria attacks andProvider attestation that the patient’s baseline (before givosiran is initiated) hemin administration requirements(prophylactic or treatment) and rate and/or number of porphyria attacks has been documented; andPatient has not had a liver transplant; andPatient will not receive concomitant prophylactic hemin treatment while on Givlaari; andPrescribed by, or in consultation with, a hematologist, or a specialist with expertise in the diagnosis and management of AHPs; andGivlaari dosing is in accordance with the United States Food and Drug Administration approved labeling; andInitial authorization will be for no more than 6 monthsRelated Policies NoneContinuation TherapyPatient has previously received Givlaari for the treatment of AHP; andDocumentation that the patient has experienced a positive clinical response while on Givlaari by demonstrating all of thefollowing from pre-treatment baseline:o Reduction in hemin administration requirements (if previously required, including prophylactic and/or treatment doses) o Reduction in the rate and/or number of porphyria attackso Improvement of signs and symptoms of AHPs (e.g., pain, neurological, gastrointestinal, renal, quality of life, etc.) andPatient has not had a liver transplant; andPatient will not receive concomitant prophylactic hemin treatment while on Givlaari; andPrescribed by, or in consultation with, a hematologist, or a specialist with expertise in the diagnosis and management ofAHPs; andGivlaari dosing is in accordance with the United States Food and Drug Administration approved labeling; andReauthorization will be for no more than 12 monthsThe following list(s) of procedure and/or diagnosis codes is provided for reference purposes only and may not be all inclusive. Listing of a code in this policy does not imply that the service described by the code is a covered or non-covered health service. Benefit coverage for health services is determined by the member specific benefit plan document and applicable laws that may require coverage for a specific service. The inclusion of a code does not imply any right to reimbursement or guarantee claim payment. Other Policies and Guidelines may apply.HCPCS Code DescriptionJ0223 Injection, givosiran, 0.5 mgDiagnosis Code DescriptionE80.0 Hereditary erythropoietic porphyriaE80.1 Porphyria cutanea tardaE80.20 Unspecified porphyriaE80.21 Acute intermittent (hepatic) porphyriaE80.29 Other porphyriaAcute hepatic porphyria refers to a family of ultra-rare genetic diseases that lead to deficiency in one of the enzymes of the heme biosynthesis pathway in the liver. Severe, unexplained abdominal pain is the most common symptom, which can be accompanied by limb, back, or chest pain, nausea, vomiting, confusion, anxiety, seizures, weak limbs, constipation, diarrhea, or dark or reddish urine. Long-term complications and comorbidities of AHP can include hypertension, chronic kidney disease or liver disease including hepatocellular carcinoma. Currently, the population of AHP patients with diagnosed, active disease in the U.S. and Europe is estimated to be approximately 3,000.Givosiran is a double-stranded small interfering RNA that causes degradation of aminolevulinate synthase 1 (ALAS1) mRNA in hepatocytes through RNA interference, reducing the elevated levels of liver ALAS1 mRNA. This leads to reduced circulating levels of neurotoxic intermediates aminolevulinic acid (ALA) and porphobilinogen (PBG), factors associated with attacks and other disease manifestations of AHP.Some Certificates of Coverage allow for coverage of experimental/investigational/unproven treatments for life-threatening illnesses when certain conditions are met. The member specific benefit plan document must be consulted to make coveragedecisions for this service. Some states mandate benefit coverage for off-label use of medications for some diagnoses or under some circumstances when certain conditions are met. Where such mandates apply, they supersede language in the benefit document or in the medical or drug policy. Benefit coverage for an otherwise unproven service for the treatment of serious rare diseases may occur when certain conditions are met. Refer to the Policy and Procedure addressing the treatment of serious rare diseases.The efficacy of Givlaari was established in the Phase 3 ENVISION trial, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter study in 94 patients with AHP (89 patients with acute intermittent porphyria (AIP), 2 patients with variegate porphyria [VP], 1 patient with hereditary coproporphyria [HCP], and 2 patients with no identified mutation). Inclusion criteria specified a minimum of 2 porphyria attacks requiring hospitalization, urgent healthcare visit, or intravenous hemin administration at home in the 6 months prior to study entry. Hemin use during the study was permitted for the treatment of acute porphyria attacks. Patients were randomized to receive Givlaari or placebo during the 6-month double-blind period. Efficacy in the 6-month double-blind period was measured by the rate of porphyria attacks that required hospitalizations, urgent healthcare visit, or intravenous hemin administration at home. The mean rate of porphyria attacks was 1.9 and 6.5 for Givlaari and placebo, respectively. This represented a 70% (95% CI: 60, 80) reduction in porphyria attacks for patients receiving Givlaari vs. placebo. The mean number of days of hemin use was 4.7 (95% CI: 2.8, 7.9) with Givlaari vs. 12.8 (95% CI: 7.6, 21.4) with placebo.1This section is to be used for informational purposes only. FDA approval alone is not a basis for coverage.Givlaari (givosiran) is an aminolevulinate synthase 1-directed small interfering RNA indicated for the treatment of adults with acute hepatic porphyria (AHP). The recommended dose of Givlaari is 2.5 mg/kg administered via subcutaneous injection once monthly. Dosing is based on actual body weight.11.Givlaari [package insert]. Cambridge, MA:Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc., January 2022.2.ENVISION: A Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Givosiran (ALN-AS1) in Patients With Acute Hepatic Porphyrias(AHP). website:https:///ct2/show/NCT03338816?term=givosiran&cond=porphyria&draw=1&rank=5.Accessed January 24, 2023.3.Sardh E, Harper P, Balwani M, et al. Phase 1 Trial of an RNA Interference Therapy for Acute Intermittent Porphyria. N Engl JMed. 2019 Feb 7;380(6):549-558.4.Balwani M, Wang B, Anderson KE, et al. Acute hepatic porphyrias: Recommendations for evaluation and long-termmanagement. Hepatology. 2017 Oct;66(4):1314-1322.5.Stölzel U, Doss MO, Schuppan D. Clinical Guide and Update on Porphyrias. Gastroenterology. 2019 Aug; 157(2):365-381.Date Summary of Changes04/01/2023 Supporting InformationUpdated References section to reflect the most current informationArchived previous policy version IEXD0087.05This Medical Benefit Drug Policy provides assistance in interpreting UnitedHealthcare benefit plans. When deciding coverage, the member specific benefit plan document must be referenced as the terms of the member specific benefit plan may differfrom the standard benefit plan. In the event of a conflict, the member specific benefit plan document governs. Before using this policy, please check the member specific benefit plan document and any applicable federal or state mandates. UnitedHealthcare reserves the right to modify its Policies and Guidelines as necessary. This Medical Benefit Drug Policy is provided for informational purposes. It does not constitute medical advice.UnitedHealthcare may also use tools developed by third parties, such as the InterQual® criteria, to assist us in administering health benefits. UnitedHealthcare Medical Benefit Drug Policies are intended to be used in connection with the independent professional medical judgment of a qualified health care provider and do not constitute the practice of medicine or medical advice.。
SUAVITEL 干衣纸、布质美化剂、新鲜空气 - 野花田的干衣纸、布质美化剂说明书
FLEECY DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FRESH AIR - SUAVITEL DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FIELD FLOWERS This industrial Safety Data Sheet is not intended for consumers and does not address consumer use of the product. For information regarding consumer applications of this product, refer to the product label.Version 1.1 Revision Date:12/12/2016SDS Number:660000003618Date of last issue: 2016/12/12Date of first issue: 2016/12/12SECTION 1. IDENTIFICATIONProduct name : FLEECY DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FRESH AIR- SUAVITEL DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FIELDFLOWERSManufacturer or supplier's detailsCompany name of supplier : Colgate-Palmolive Co300 Park AvenueNew York, NY 10022Telephone : US: Consumer Affairs - 1-800-468-6502Emergency telephone num-ber : For emergencies involving spill, leak, fire, exposure or acci-dent call CHEMTREC (24hr) at (800) 424-9300 or(703) 527-3887.Global-CHEMTREC- +1 703-741-5970Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use Recommended use : A formulated fabric softenerSECTION 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONGHS classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1200Eye irritation : Category 2BSkin sensitisation : Category 1GHS label elementsHazard pictograms:Signal word : WarningHazard statements : H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction.H320 Causes eye irritation.FLEECY DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FRESH AIR - SUAVITEL DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FIELD FLOWERS This industrial Safety Data Sheet is not intended for consumers and does not address consumer use of the product. For information regarding consumer applications of this product, refer to the product label.Version 1.1 Revision Date:12/12/2016SDS Number:660000003618Date of last issue: 2016/12/12Date of first issue: 2016/12/12Precautionary statements :Prevention:P261 Avoid breathing dust/ fume/ gas/ mist/ vapours/ spray.P264 Wash skin thoroughly after handling.P272 Contaminated work clothing should not be allowed out ofthe workplace.P280 Wear protective gloves.Response:P302 + P352 IF ON SKIN: Wash with plenty of soap and water.P305 + P351 + P338 IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with waterfor several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easyto do. Continue rinsing.P333 + P313 If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention.P337 + P313 If eye irritation persists: Get medical advice/ atten-tion.P363 Wash contaminated clothing before reuse.Disposal:P501 Dispose of contents/ container to an approved waste dis-posal plant.Other hazardsNone known.SECTION 3. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSHazardous componentsSECTION 4. FIRST AID MEASURESGeneral advice : Move out of dangerous area.Show this safety data sheet to the doctor in attendance.Do not leave the victim unattended.If inhaled : If unconscious, place in recovery position and seek medicaladvice.If symptoms persist, call a physician.FLEECY DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FRESH AIR - SUAVITEL DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FIELD FLOWERS This industrial Safety Data Sheet is not intended for consumers and does not address consumer use of the product. For information regarding consumer applications of this product, refer to the product label.Version 1.1 Revision Date:12/12/2016SDS Number:660000003618Date of last issue: 2016/12/12Date of first issue: 2016/12/12In case of skin contact : If skin irritation persists, call a physician.If on skin, rinse well with water.If on clothes, remove clothes.In case of eye contact : Immediately flush eye(s) with plenty of water.Remove contact lenses.Protect unharmed eye.Keep eye wide open while rinsing.If eye irritation persists, consult a specialist.If swallowed : Keep respiratory tract clear.Do not give milk or alcoholic beverages.Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.If symptoms persist, call a physician.Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed : May cause an allergic skin reaction.Causes eye irritation.SECTION 5. FIREFIGHTING MEASURESUnsuitable extinguishingmedia: High volume water jetSpecific hazards during fire-fighting : Do not allow run-off from fire fighting to enter drains or water courses.Hazardous combustion prod-ucts: No hazardous combustion products are knownFurther information : Collect contaminated fire extinguishing water separately. Thismust not be discharged into drains.Fire residues and contaminated fire extinguishing water mustbe disposed of in accordance with local regulations.Special protective equipment for firefighters : Wear self-contained breathing apparatus for firefighting if nec-essary.SECTION 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPersonal precautions, protec-tive equipment and emer-gency procedures : Use personal protective equipment.Avoid dust formation.Avoid breathing dust.Environmental precautions : Prevent product from entering drains.Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so.If the product contaminates rivers and lakes or drains informrespective authorities.FLEECY DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FRESH AIR - SUAVITEL DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FIELD FLOWERS This industrial Safety Data Sheet is not intended for consumers and does not address consumer use of the product. For information regarding consumer applications of this product, refer to the product label.Version 1.1 Revision Date:12/12/2016SDS Number:660000003618Date of last issue: 2016/12/12Date of first issue: 2016/12/12Methods and materials forcontainment and cleaning up: Keep in suitable, closed containers for disposal. SECTION 7. HANDLING AND STORAGEAdvice on protection against fire and explosion : Avoid dust formation. Provide appropriate exhaust ventilation at places where dust is formed.Advice on safe handling : Avoid formation of respirable particles.Do not breathe vapours/dust.Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use.Avoid contact with skin and eyes.For personal protection see section 8.Smoking, eating and drinking should be prohibited in the ap-plication area.Dispose of rinse water in accordance with local and nationalregulations.Persons susceptible to skin sensitisation problems or asthma,allergies, chronic or recurrent respiratory disease should notbe employed in any process in which this mixture is beingused.Conditions for safe storage : Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilatedplace.Containers which are opened must be carefully resealed andkept upright to prevent leakage.Electrical installations / working materials must comply withthe technological safety standards.SECTION 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONComponents with workplace control parametersHazardous components without workplace control parametersFLEECY DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FRESH AIR - SUAVITEL DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FIELD FLOWERS This industrial Safety Data Sheet is not intended for consumers and does not address consumer use of the product. For information regarding consumer applications of this product, refer to the product label.Version 1.1 Revision Date:12/12/2016SDS Number:660000003618Date of last issue: 2016/12/12Date of first issue: 2016/12/12Personal protective equipmentRespiratory protection : No personal respiratory protective equipment normally re-quired.Hand protectionRemarks : The suitability for a specific workplace should be discussedwith the producers of the protective gloves.Eye protection : Eye wash bottle with pure waterTightly fitting safety gogglesSkin and body protection : Dust impervious protective suitChoose body protection according to the amount and con-centration of the dangerous substance at the work place.Hygiene measures : When using do not eat or drink.When using do not smoke.Wash hands before breaks and at the end of workday. SECTION 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESAppearance : solidColour : whitepH : 6.5Flash point : Not applicableSECTION 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYReactivity : No decomposition if stored and applied as directed.Chemical stability : No decomposition if stored and applied as directed.Possibility of hazardous reac-tions: No decomposition if stored and applied as directed.Conditions to avoid : No data availableSECTION 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONAcute toxicityNot classified based on available information.Product:FLEECY DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FRESH AIR - SUAVITEL DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FIELD FLOWERS This industrial Safety Data Sheet is not intended for consumers and does not address consumer use of the product. For information regarding consumer applications of this product, refer to the product label.Version 1.1 Revision Date:12/12/2016SDS Number:660000003618Date of last issue: 2016/12/12Date of first issue: 2016/12/12Acute dermal toxicity : Acute toxicity estimate: > 5,000 mg/kgMethod: Calculation methodComponents:QUATERNIZED TRIETHANOLAMINE DIESTER:Acute oral toxicity : LC50 (Rat): > 2,000 mg/kgAcute inhalation toxicity : Remarks: No data availableAcute dermal toxicity : LC50 (Rat): > 2,000 mg/kgPoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), a-(1-oxooctadecyl)-w-hydroxy-:Acute oral toxicity : LD50 (Rat): > 10,000 mg/kgMethod: No information available. Acute inhalation toxicity : LC50 (Rabbit): > 5 mg/lExposure time: 4 hTest atmosphere: dust/mistMethod: Acute toxicity estimate Acute dermal toxicity : LD50 (Rabbit): > 2,000 mg/kgMethod: Acute toxicity estimateCETRIMONIUM CHLORIDE:Acute oral toxicity : LD50 (Rat): 450 mg/kgMethod: OECD Test Guideline 401 Acute inhalation toxicity : Remarks: No data availableAcute dermal toxicity : LD50 (Rabbit): 429 mg/kgMethod: OECD Test Guideline 4022-(4-TERT-BUTYLBENZYL) PROPIONALDEHYDE:Acute oral toxicity : Remarks: No data availableAcute inhalation toxicity : Remarks: No data availableAcute dermal toxicity : Remarks: No data availableSkin corrosion/irritationNot classified based on available information.Product:Remarks: May cause skin irritation and/or dermatitis.FLEECY DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FRESH AIR - SUAVITEL DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FIELD FLOWERS This industrial Safety Data Sheet is not intended for consumers and does not address consumer use of the product. For information regarding consumer applications of this product, refer to the product label.Version 1.1 Revision Date:12/12/2016SDS Number:660000003618Date of last issue: 2016/12/12Date of first issue: 2016/12/12Components:QUATERNIZED TRIETHANOLAMINE DIESTER:Species: HumansResult: Mild skin irritationPoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), a-(1-oxooctadecyl)-w-hydroxy-:Result: No skin irritationCETRIMONIUM CHLORIDE:Result: Corrosive after 1 to 4 hours of exposure2-(4-TERT-BUTYLBENZYL) PROPIONALDEHYDE:Result: Severe skin irritationSerious eye damage/eye irritationCauses eye irritation.Product:Remarks: Product dust may be irritating to eyes, skin and respiratory system. Components:QUATERNIZED TRIETHANOLAMINE DIESTER:Result: Mild eye irritationPoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), a-(1-oxooctadecyl)-w-hydroxy-:Result: No eye irritationCETRIMONIUM CHLORIDE:Result: Irreversible effects on the eye2-(4-TERT-BUTYLBENZYL) PROPIONALDEHYDE:Result: No eye irritationRespiratory or skin sensitisationSkin sensitisationMay cause an allergic skin reaction.Respiratory sensitisationNot classified based on available information.FLEECY DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FRESH AIR - SUAVITEL DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FIELD FLOWERS This industrial Safety Data Sheet is not intended for consumers and does not address consumer use of the product. For information regarding consumer applications of this product, refer to the product label.Version 1.1 Revision Date:12/12/2016SDS Number:660000003618Date of last issue: 2016/12/12Date of first issue: 2016/12/12Product:Remarks: Causes sensitisation.Components:QUATERNIZED TRIETHANOLAMINE DIESTER:Exposure routes: DermalSpecies: HumansResult: Does not cause skin sensitisation.Exposure routes: InhalationRemarks: No data availablePoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), a-(1-oxooctadecyl)-w-hydroxy-:Exposure routes: InhalationResult: Does not cause respiratory sensitisation.Exposure routes: DermalResult: Does not cause skin sensitisation.CETRIMONIUM CHLORIDE:Exposure routes: InhalationResult: Does not cause respiratory sensitisation.Exposure routes: DermalResult: Does not cause skin sensitisation.2-(4-TERT-BUTYLBENZYL) PROPIONALDEHYDE:Exposure routes: InhalationRemarks: No data availableExposure routes: DermalResult: May cause sensitisation by skin contact.Germ cell mutagenicityNot classified based on available information.CarcinogenicityNot classified based on available information.IARC No component of this product present at levels greater than orequal to 0.1% is identified as probable, possible or confirmedhuman carcinogen by IARC.OSHA No component of this product present at levels greater than orequal to 0.1% is identified as a carcinogen or potential carcino-gen by OSHA.FLEECY DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FRESH AIR - SUAVITEL DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FIELD FLOWERS This industrial Safety Data Sheet is not intended for consumers and does not address consumer use of the product. For information regarding consumer applications of this product, refer to the product label.Version 1.1 Revision Date:12/12/2016SDS Number:660000003618Date of last issue: 2016/12/12Date of first issue: 2016/12/12NTP No component of this product present at levels greater than orequal to 0.1% is identified as a known or anticipated carcinogenby NTP.Reproductive toxicityNot classified based on available information.STOT - single exposureNot classified based on available information.STOT - repeated exposureNot classified based on available information.Aspiration toxicityNot classified based on available information.Further informationProduct:Remarks: This product has not been tested as a whole. However, this formula was reviewed by expert toxicologists in the Product Safety Assurance Department of Colgate-Palmolive and is determined to be safe for its intended use. This review has taken into consideration available safety-related information including information on individual ingredients, similar formulas and potential ingredient interactions. This review is a component of the hazard determination used to prepare the statements in Section 3 of the SDS.SECTION 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONThe product has not been tested as a whole for environmental toxicity. However, environmental infor-mation on the ingredients in this product have been reviewed by the Environmental, Health and Safety group of Colgate-Palmolive and determined to have an acceptable environmental profile. This evalua-tion is based on available information on individual ingredients, interactions of ingredients, and similar ingredients. Biodegradability claims are supported by data on ingredients (i.e., surfactants are biode-gradable) or testing conducted on the final product (i.e., This product is biodegradable).SECTION 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDisposal methodsWaste from residues : The product should not be allowed to enter drains, watercourses or the soil.Do not contaminate ponds, waterways or ditches with chemi-cal or used container.Send to a licensed waste management company.Contaminated packaging : Empty remaining contents.Dispose of as unused product.Do not re-use empty containers.FLEECY DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FRESH AIR - SUAVITEL DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FIELD FLOWERS This industrial Safety Data Sheet is not intended for consumers and does not address consumer use of the product. For information regarding consumer applications of this product, refer to the product label.Version 1.1 Revision Date:12/12/2016SDS Number:660000003618Date of last issue: 2016/12/12Date of first issue: 2016/12/12SECTION 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONDOT : Not regulated.TDG : Not regulated.IATA : Not regulated.IMDG : Not regulated.ADR : NOT REGULATED.International RegulationsTransport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC CodeNot applicable for product as supplied.National RegulationsSECTION 15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONEPCRA - Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know ActCERCLA Reportable QuantitySARA 304 Extremely Hazardous Substances Reportable QuantityThis material does not contain any components with a section 304 EHS RQ.SARA 311/312 Hazards : Acute Health HazardSARA 302 : No chemicals in this material are subject to the reporting re-quirements of SARA Title III, Section 302.SARA 313 : This material does not contain any chemical components withknown CAS numbers that exceed the threshold (De Minimis)reporting levels established by SARA Title III, Section 313. Clean Air ActThis product neither contains, nor was manufactured with a Class I or Class II ODS as defined by the U.S. Clean Air Act Section 602 (40 CFR 82, Subpt. A, App.A + B).This product does not contain any hazardous air pollutants (HAP), as defined by the U.S. Clean Air Act Section 112 (40 CFR 61).FLEECY DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FRESH AIR - SUAVITEL DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FIELD FLOWERS This industrial Safety Data Sheet is not intended for consumers and does not address consumer use of the product. For information regarding consumer applications of this product, refer to the product label.Version 1.1 Revision Date:12/12/2016SDS Number:660000003618Date of last issue: 2016/12/12Date of first issue: 2016/12/12This product does not contain any chemicals listed under the U.S. Clean Air Act Section 112(r) for Accidental Release Prevention (40 CFR 68.130, Subpart F).This product does not contain any chemicals listed under the U.S. Clean Air Act Section 111 SOCMI Intermediate or Final VOC's (40 CFR 60.489).Clean Water ActThis product does not contain any Hazardous Chemicals listed under the U.S. CleanWater Act, Section 311, Table 117.3.This product does not contain any toxic pollutants listed under the U.S. Clean Water Act Section 307The following Hazardous Substances are listed under the U.S. CleanWater Act, Section 311, Ta-ble 116.4A:ISOAMYL ACETATE 123-92-2US State RegulationsMassachusetts Right To KnowNo components are subject to the Massachusetts Right to Know Act.Massachusetts Right To KnowNo components are subject to the Massachusetts Right to Know Act.Pennsylvania Right To KnowQUATERNIZED TRIETHANOLAMINE DIESTER 91995-81-2POLYESTER SUBSTRATE Not AssignedPoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), a-(1-oxooctadecyl)-w-hydroxy- 9004-99-3WATER 7732-18-5AMODIMETHICONE Not Assigned Pennsylvania Right To KnowQUATERNIZED TRIETHANOLAMINE DIESTER 91995-81-2POLYESTER SUBSTRATE Not AssignedPoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), a-(1-oxooctadecyl)-w-hydroxy- 9004-99-3WATER 7732-18-5AMODIMETHICONE Not AssignedNew Jersey Right To KnowQUATERNIZED TRIETHANOLAMINE DIESTER 91995-81-2POLYESTER SUBSTRATE Not AssignedPoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), a-(1-oxooctadecyl)-w-hydroxy- 9004-99-3WATER 7732-18-5AMODIMETHICONE Not Assigned California Prop. 65 : This product does not contain any chemicals known to Stateof California to cause cancer, birth defects, or any other re-productive harm.The components of this product are reported in the following inventories:TSCA : All ingredients in this product are listed on the TSCA Inventoryor are not required to be listed on the TSCA Inventory.FLEECY DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FRESH AIR - SUAVITEL DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FIELD FLOWERS This industrial Safety Data Sheet is not intended for consumers and does not address consumer use of the product. For information regarding consumer applications of this product, refer to the product label.Version 1.1 Revision Date:12/12/2016SDS Number:660000003618Date of last issue: 2016/12/12Date of first issue: 2016/12/12TSCA listNo substances are subject to a Significant New Use Rule.No substances are subject to TSCA 12(b) export notification requirements.SECTION 16. OTHER INFORMATIONFull text of other abbreviationsAICS - Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances; ASTM - American Society for the Testing of Materials; bw - Body weight; CERCLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensa-tion, and Liability Act; CMR - Carcinogen, Mutagen or Reproductive Toxicant; DIN - Standard of the German Institute for Standardisation; DOT - Department of Transportation; DSL - Domestic Substances List (Canada); ECx - Concentration associated with x% response; EHS - Extremely Hazardous Substance; ELx - Loading rate associated wit h x% response; EmS - Emergency Schedule; ENCS - Existing and New Chemical Substances (Japan); ErCx - Concentration asso-ciated with x% growth rate response; ERG - Emergency Response Guide; GHS - Globally Har-monized System; GLP - Good Laboratory Practice; HMIS - Hazardous Materials Identification System; IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer; IATA - International Air Transport Association; IBC - International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dan-gerous Chemicals in Bulk; IC50 - Half maximal inhibitory concentration; ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization; IECSC - Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China; IMDG - In-ternational Maritime Dangerous Goods; IMO - International Maritime Organization; ISHL - Indus-trial Safety and Health Law (Japan); ISO - International Organisation for Standardization; KECI - Korea Existing Chemicals Inventory; LC50 - Lethal Concentration to 50 % of a test population;LD50 - Lethal Dose to 50% of a test population (Median Lethal Dose); MARPOL - International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships; MSHA - Mine Safety and Health Admin-istration; n.o.s. - Not Otherwise Specified; NFPA - National Fire Protection Association; NO(A)EC - No Observed (Adverse) Effect Concentration; NO(A)EL - No Observed (Adverse) Effect Level;NOELR - No Observable Effect Loading Rate; NTP - National Toxicology Program; NZIoC - New Zealand Inventory of Chemicals; OECD - Organization for Economic Co-operation and Develop-ment; OPPTS - Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention; PBT - Persistent, Bioaccumu-lative and Toxic substance; PICCS - Philippines Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substanc-es; (Q)SAR - (Quantitative) Structure Activity Relationship; RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act; REACH - Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals; RQ - Reportable Quantity; SADT - Self-Accelerating Decomposition Temperature; SARA - Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act; SDS - Safety Data Sheet; TCSI - Taiwan Chemical Sub-stance Inventory; TSCA - Toxic Substances Control Act (United States); UN - United Nations;UNRTDG - United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods; vPvB - Very Persistent and Very BioaccumulativeFLEECY DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FRESH AIR -SUAVITEL DRYER SHEETS FABRIC SOFTENER FIELD FLOWERSThis industrial Safety Data Sheet is not intended for consumers and does not address consumer use of the product. For information regarding consumer applications of this product, refer to the product label.Version 1.1 Revision Date: 12/12/2016 SDS Number: 660000003618 Date of last issue: 2016/12/12 Date of first issue: 2016/12/12Further information NFPA: HMIS® IV:HMIS® ratings are based on a 0-4 rating scale, with 0 representing minimal haz-ards or risks, and 4 representing signifi-cant hazards or risks.Revision Date : 12/12/2016The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, infor-mation and belief at the date of its publication. The information given is designed only as a gui d-ance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process, unless specified in the text.US / ENFlammabilityH e a l t hInstabilitySpecial hazard.。
Eliminating some of the taxes was one obvious solution to the crisis.
The East India Company initially sought to have the Townshend duty repealed, but the North ministry was unwilling because such an action might be interpreted as a retreat from Parliament's position that it had the right to tax the colonies.
➢ Merchants organized a non-importation agreement, and many colonists pledged to abstain from drinking British tea.
➢ Prime Minister Lord North kept to assert "the right of taxing the Americans".
➢ The North Ministry's attempt to resolve these issues produced a showdown that would eventually result in revolution.
Tea trade to 1767
➢ As Europeans developed a taste for tea in the 17th century, rival companies were formed to import the product from China.
Cosmopoli-Tan——Tanning salon in New Orleans, Louisiana都市晒黑廊(晒出小麦色皮肤的地方)双关语:Cosmopoli-Tan其实是把Cosmopolitan(世界的,全球的)拆开写,强调了这家店的档次的同时,也点明了本行:Tan。
Cycology Mobile Bike Repair——Portland, Oregon摩托车维修双关语:Cycology和Psychology同音,字面上看又是从cycle自行车这个单词转化而来,十分巧妙。
Florist Gump——Flower shop in Bunbury, Washington花店双关语:Florist Gump和Forest Gump,著名的阿甘同学的名字同音。
Millionhairs——Dog grooming service in Bath, England千“毛”富翁,狗狗美容店双关语:Millionhairs显然是从Millionaire变化而来,突出了这家店的特点:给狗狗做美容,当然满地的毛啦。
Prints Charming Photography——Jefferson Hills, Pennsylvania梦幻摄影中心双关语:这里的Prints Charming其实和Prince Charming谐音,相当于中文里的白马王子。
估计这家是婚纱摄影店?Shoenique Shoes——Longmeadow, Massachusetts无双鞋店双关语:Shoenique其实是从Unique变来的,看出来了吗?Shutopia——Shoe store in Bradford, England“鞋”托邦双关语:Shutopia从Utopia乌托邦这个词转变而来。
表达日常生活的情景英语有很多英语死记硬背是学不会的,小编下面就给大家分享英语的口语,大家快快练习起来吧Skincare 皮肤护理A: You want to go get a facial with me today?你今天想和我一起去做面部按摩吗?B: Dude, what are you talking about? Only girls do that.哥们,你在说什么呢?那是女孩子做的事。
A: Not at all, guys also get facials, manicures and pedicures. There is nothing wrong with looking after your skin and looking good.才不是呢,男孩也做面膜,修指甲,足疗。
B: True. So what do they do to you at your beauty spa?是的。
温泉按摩之后做什么呢?A: Well, first they exfoliate my face, getting rid of all the dead skin. Then I get a face mask with nutrients that keep my skin healthy and young. Afterwards, they apply some moisturizer and you leave feeling like a million bucks.嗯,首先他们会做角质处理,去掉所有的死皮。
B: That doesn't really sound like something I would be interested in. In any case, I just wash my face every night and use sunscreen during the day.听上去不是我感兴趣的那种。