
目 录2012年首都师范大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2013年首都师范大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2014年首都师范大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2015年首都师范大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2012年首都师范大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解Part I. Proofreading and Error Correction (1*10 POINTS, 15 MINUTES)Directions: The following passage contains TEN errors. Each numbered line contains ONE error, in which only ONE word is involved. Identify each error and correct it in the following way: copy the wrong word on your ANSWER SHEET and then write down the correct one. Make sure that you write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET!【答案与解析】1.couragement→courage(“勇气”的表达为“courage”。
)2.crops→crop(crop rotation为固定搭配,意思是“作物轮作”。
)3.than→to(superior to为固定搭配,意思是“优于;比……优越”,虽然有比较的意思,但是不能与than搭配。
)4.exist→existence(in existence现有的,为固定搭配。
)5.more→more(easy的比较级为easier,不能用more easier。

一As is vividly depicted by the drawing above, a boy is sleeping soundly① and comfortably in the sofa, with the television on, when his mother comes and turnsoff the television for him, blaming the boy for not having turned off the television again②。
This phenomenon can easily be found anywhere in our daily life. Many people are used to doing③ everything with the television on, not actually watching it at all. Such a habit can cause waste of much electricity and energy, and result in the emission of carbo n. This deviates from the popular concept of “low carbon life” — to reduce the emission of carbon, especially carbon dioxide, to protect our environment and realize sustainable development. According to statistics, if we can decrease the time for having the television on by one hour each day, we can deduce the amount of carbon emission by 4. 71 kilogram each month。

目录一、2020年翻译硕士MTI考研真题及考研笔记(2020年考研状元整理)二、2021年翻译硕士MTI考研复习技巧及名师指导:词汇、翻译技巧、汉百与写作三、2021年全国150所翻译硕士MTI院校考研参考书、报名人数、复试线、报录比及参考书具体内容一、2020年翻译硕士MTI考研真题及考研笔记参考书:1.《实用英汉翻译教程》,申雨平,外语教学与研究出版社, 20022.《实用汉英翻译教程》,曾诚,外语教学与研究,20023. 《翻译硕士MTI常考词汇》,李国正,首都师范大学出版社,20204.《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》,叶子南,清华大学出版社 20015.《非文学翻译理论与实践》,李长栓,中国对外翻译出版公司,20126.《汉语写作与百科知识》,李国正,首都师范大学出版社,2019重要信息:英语口译笔译共招收21人,复试分数线一般是390分左右,学费15000/年,一般都有奖学金。

2004/6 Listening Comprehension1. A. No women were allowed to take part in it.B.Women were only allowed to watch the Games.C.Unmarried girls were allowed to compete with men.D.Unmarried women were allowed to watch itsomewhere.2. A. She needs to buy new clothes.B.She cares a lot about what to wear.C.The man doesn't work hard enough.D.The man should buy some new ties.3. A. Takes a hot bath. B. Takes a long walk.C. Has a few drinks.D. Has more coffee.4. A. They have a very close relationship.B.They don't spend much time together.C.They are getting along with each other better.D. They are generally pretty cold to each other.5. A. His sixth sense told him.B.He is unskillful with his present job.C.His present job pays too little.D.His present job is too demanding.6. A. The accident caused injury or loss of life.B.Seven people were killed in the accident.C.Many people from other cars came to help.D. A lot of vehicles were involved in the accident.7. A. 2754201. B. 2645310.C. 2745301.D. 2654310.8. A. She had no chance to speak.B.She was speechless.C.She talked a lot to the star.D.She saw too many people around the star.9. A. Because it tells the truth most of the time.B.Because it provides a lot of information.C.B ecause it is the top one on the list of newspapers.D. Because it is an inside newspaper.10. A. Because other scientists had raised questionsabout these claims.B.Because some of its scientists had made falseclaims before.C.Because the claims were very important to thestudy of physics.D.Because some of its scientists published too manypapers a year.11. A. He made up false data in the experiment tosupport his new findings.B.He used information from previous work tosupport his new findings.C.He denied other scientists' involvement in hisexperiments.D.He was not productive in writing scientific papers.12. A. They dismissed all Mister Schon's publications.B.They asked Mister Schon to apologize to thepublic.C.They recalled Mister Schon's title as a Nobel Prizewinner.D.They removed Mister Schon from his position.13. A. The winner should write a report to the committeeof the foundation.B.The winner should report to the committee beforethey spend the money.C.The winner should not be a government official.D.The winner should be nominated by thefoundation's directors.14. A. For her achievements in environmental protection.B.For her achievements in developing computersoftware.C.For her achievements in developing warships.D.For her achievements in developing robots.15. A. He was recognized as a genius by the foundation'sdirectors.B.He helped the developing countries to fightagainst earthquakes.C.He helped the third world countries to developquickly.D.He ran a non-profit international organization.16.What did the several hundred college studentscompete to build recently in Washington D.C.? 17.Which department in the United States organized thecompetition?18.How many teams took part in the competition?19.How much did each team spend on equipment andother materials?20.What is the purpose of the competition?Transcript (Jun 20, 2004)1.A: I heard no women were allowed to take part in theOlympic Games in ancient Greece. Is that true? B: But somewhere unmarried girls were allowed to watch or even compete in the Games in those days.They could compete in a separate festival.Q: From this conversation what do we learn about Olympic Games in ancient Greece?1. A. No women were allowed to take part in it.B.Women were only allowed to watch the Games.C.Unmarried girls were allowed to compete with men.D.Unmarried women were allowed to watch itsomewhere.2.A: Now you are in the new company, you may needto buy some new clothes.B: As long as I work hard, nobody cares what I wear.But you may rethink your ties.Q: What does the woman mean?2. A. She needs to buy new clothes.B.She cares a lot about what to wear.C.The man doesn't work hard enough.D.The man should buy some new ties.3.A: What do you usually do when you feel tired?B: I usually listen to some classical music, or take a long hot bath. What about you?A: I usually relax with a few drinks or drink more coffee to keep myself going.Q: What does the woman usually do when she feels tired?3. A. Takes a hot bath. B. Takes a long walk.C. Has a few drinks.D. Has more coffee.4.A: How do you get along with your partner?B: Generally our relationship is pretty good but we both are aware of the importance of spending timealone.Q: What is the relationship between the man and his partner like?4. A. They have a very close relationship.B.They don't spend much time together.C.They are getting along with each other better.D.They are generally pretty cold to each other.5.A: It seems to me that you will switch to another job. B: How do you know?A: My sixth sense told me.B: You are actually right. I'm fed up with working anunskilled job for a minimum wage.Q: Why did the man want to change his job?5. A. His sixth sense told him.B.He is unskillful with his present job.C.His present job pays too little.D.His present job is too demanding.6.A: Did you watch the report about the accident indowntown?B: No. Where was it?A: It was on seventh street. It was a huge wreck and I saw a lot of ambulances at the scene.Q: What do we learn about the accident?6. A. The accident caused injury or loss of life.B.Seven people were killed in the accident.C.Many people from other cars came to help.D. A lot of vehicles were involved in the accident.7.A: Hello. My name is Nathaniel Mumford. I'm astudent of Professor Cohen's. May I speak to himplease?B: Oh, Professor Cohen is at a conference at the moment, but if you leave your phone number hemay call you back when he returns.A: My phone number is 2745301. Thank you for you help.Q: What is the phone number of the student?7. A. 2754201. B. 2645310.C. 2745301.D. 2654310.8.A: Did you speak to the famous star?B: I wanted to, but I was unable to speak when I wasface to face with him.A: Well, many people do that. Before they meet their favorite star they seem to have a lot to say. But when they actually meet them, they can't say anything. Q: What happened to the woman when she met the famous star?8. A. She had no chance to speak.B.She was speechless.C.She talked a lot to the star.D.She saw too many people around the star.9.A: Why are you so keen on this newspaper?B: It's really informative and it is the top one among those offering inside stories.Q: Why does the man like the newspaper?9. A. Because it tells the truth most of the time.B.Because it provides a lot of information.C.B ecause it is the top one on the list of newspapers.D.Because it is an inside newspaper.Mini-Talk OneInvestigators from Bell Labs Murray Hill, New Jersey have found that claims made by some scientists at the laboratory were not based on fact. The investigators dismissed results from a number of studies published between 1998 and 2001. Bell Labs appointed a committee to investigate the wrongdoing after other scientists raised questions about the claims. Some of the claims were once said to be major developments in the study of physics. They included a claim that scientists had created the smallest device to carry electric current ever made.The committee identified at least sixteen examples of scientific wrongdoing. It placed the blame on one Bell Labs physicist, Jan Hendrik Schon. Mr. Schon told the committee that he had no written records of the laboratory experiments. He also said much of the information in his computer had been destroyed.The investigators found that Mr. Schon used information from earlier work to support his findings. They said his did this without the knowledge of the other scientists involved in the experiments. The investigators noted that Mr. Schon and his group produced an average of one scientific paper every eight days. For most scientists, a few papers a year is considered productive.After the committee's report was released, Bell Labs immediately dismissed Jan Hendrik Schon from his position. He was once thought to be a future Nobel Prize winner. After his dismissal, Mr. Schon admitted he had made mistakes in his scientific work. He said he regretted those mistakes.10.Why did Bell Labs appoint a committee to investigatesome of the claims made by its scientists?10. A. Because other scientists had raised questionsabout these claims.B.Because some of its scientists had made falseclaims before.C.Because the claims were very important to thestudy of physics.D.Because some of its scientists published too manypapers a year.11.What did the committee find out when theyinvestigated Mr. Schon?11. A. He made up false data in the experiment tosupport his new findings.B.He used information from previous work tosupport his new findings.C.He denied other scientists' involvement in hisexperiments.D. He was not productive in writing scientific papers.12.What did Bell Labs do after the committee's reportwas released?12. A. They dismissed all Mister Schon's publications.B. They asked Mister Schon to apologize to the public.C. They recalled Mister Schon's title as a Nobel Prizewinner.D.They removed Mister Schon from his position.Mini-Talk TwoThe MacArthur Fellowship is a program that honors individual men and women for their creativity. American businessman John MacArthur used his own money to establish the MacArthur Foundation in 1970. It began to operate after he died eight years later.To be considered for the award, a person must be nominated. And they should not hold an elective or an appointed office in government.Each year, several hundred people are appointed to propose nominations. A twelve-member committee studies information about those nominated to identify the great creativity in their work and proposes winners to the foundation's directors. The foundation does not require or expect reports from individual winners. It also does not ask them how the money will be used.Six hundred and thirty-five MacArthur Fellows have been named since the program started in 1981. Between 20 and 30 winners are named each year.The twenty-four winners this year work in many different areas. They include scientists, writers, and musicians. Daniela Ruth is a professor in Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. She is a computer scientist who develops robots that change shape to deal with changes in their environment.Brian Tucker from California is another winner. Mr. Tucker is an earthquake expert. He is the president of a non-profit group called GeoHazards International. His group works for local officials in developing countries to make their areas safer against earthquakes. Mr. Tucker says that being recognized as a MacArthur Fellow will make a huge difference for his company.13.Which of the following is one of the requirements fora MacArthur Fellowship winner?13. A. The winner should write a report to the committeeof the foundation.B. The winner should report to the committee beforethey spend the money.C. The winner should not be a government official.D.The winner should be nominated by thefoundation's directors.14.Why was Daniela Ruth awarded this year'sMacArthur Fellowship?14. A. For her achievements in environmental protection.B. For her achievements in developing computersoftware.C. For her achievements in developing warships.D.For her achievements in developing robots.15.Why was Brian Tucker given this year's MacArthurFellowship?15. A. He was recognized as a genius by the foundation'sdirectors.B. He helped the developing countries to fight againstearthquakes.C. He helped the third world countries to developquickly.D.He ran a non-profit international organization.Section CExperts say in the near future, many houses in the United States will be powered by energy from the sun. Many people in Washington D.C., recently were able to see what some of those homes might look like. Several hundred college students from across the country took part in a competition to see who could build the best solar-powered house. The United States Department of Energy organized the competition.Students from fourteen colleges and universities took part in this Solar Home Competition. Student teams competed in a series of ten contests to see who could design, build and operate the best house powered only by the sun. The solar homes were built on the National Mall, the grassy open area between the United States Capitol building and the Washington Monument. The solar houses were set up in the middle.Each team included at least twenty students of design, architecture and building sciences. The students gained the money to buy equipment and materials for their house.Each house cost as much as $250,000 to build.A solar-powered house has a roof designed to take in the heat of the sun and change it to energy. That power is then stored in a battery bank which supplies power to the whole house.As part of the competition, the teams were expected to spend most of the day in their homes doing normal activities. The activities used electricity powered by the sun. For example, the students cooked food, used computers, operated lights and washed clothes in machines. They even drove around the solar village in electric cars powered by a solar battery. The competition is designed to show Americans that solar energy works, because the use of solar energy in the United States is less than in other parts of the world. Only about 20,000 American homes are solar-powered.。

2004/6 Listening Comprehension1. A. No women were allowed to take part in it.B. Women were only allowed to watch the Games.C. Unmarried girls were allowed to competewith men.D. Unmarried women were allowed to watch itsomewhere.2. A. She needs to buy new clothes.B. She cares a lot about what to wear.C. The man doesn’t work hard enough.D. The man should buy some new ties.3. A. Takes a hot bath. B. Takes a long walk.C. Has a few drinks.D. Has more coffee.4. A. They have a very close relationship.B. They don’t spend much time together.C. They are getting along with each other better.D. They are generally pretty cold to each other.5. A. His sixth sense told him.B. He is unskillful with his present job.C. His present job pays too little.D. His present job is too demanding.6. A. The accident caused injury or loss of life.B. Seven people were killed in the accident.C. Many people from other cars came to help.D. A lot of vehicles were involved in the accident.7. A. 2754201. B. 2645310.C. 2745301.D. 2654310.8. A. She had no chance to speak.B. She was speechless.C. She talked a lot to the star.D. She saw too many people around the star.9. A. Because it tells the truth most of the time.B. Because it provides a lot of information.C. Because it is the top one on the list ofnewspapers.D. Because it is an inside newspaper.10. A. Because other scientists had raisedquestions about these claims.B. Because some of its scientists had madefalse claims before.C. Because the claims were very important tothe study of physics.D. Because some of its scientists publishedtoo many papers a year.11. A. He made up false data in the experimentto support his new findings.B. He used information from previous work tosupport his new findings.C. He denied other scientists’ involvementin his experiments.D. He was not productive in writingscientific papers.12. A. They dismissed all Mister Schon’s publications.B. They asked Mister Schon to apologize tothe public.C. They recalled Mister Schon’s title as aNobel Prize winner.D. They removed Mister Schon from his position.13. A. The winner should write a report to thecommittee of the foundation.B. The winner should report to the committeebefore they spend the money.C. The winner should not be a government official.D. The winner should be nominated by thefoundation’s directors.14. A. For her achievements in environmentalprotection.B. For her achievements in developingcomputer software.C. For her achievements in developing warships.D. For her achievements in developing robots.15. A. He was recognized as a genius by thefoundation’s directors.B. He helped the developing countries tofight against earthquakes.C. He helped the third world countries todevelop quickly.D. He ran a non-profit international organization.16. What did the several hundred collegestudents compete to build recently in Washington D.C.?17. Which department in the United Statesorganized the competition?18. How many teams took part in the competition?19. How much did each team spend on equipmentand other materials?20. What is the purpose of the competition?Transcript (Jun 20, 2004)1. A: I heard no women were allowed to take partin the Olympic Games in ancient Greece. Isthat true?B: But somewhere unmarried girls were allowed to watch or even compete in the Games inthose days. They could compete in aseparate festival.Q: From this conversation what do we learn about Olympic Games in ancient Greece?1. A. No women were allowed to take part in it.B. Women were only allowed to watch the Games.C. Unmarried girls were allowed to competewith men.D. Unmarried women were allowed to watch itsomewhere.2. A: Now you are in the new company, you mayneed to buy some new clothes.B: As long as I work hard, nobody cares whatI wear. But you may rethink your ties.Q: What does the woman mean?2. A. She needs to buy new clothes.B. She cares a lot about what to wear.C. The man doesn’t work hard enough.D. The man should buy some new ties.3. A: What do you usually do when you feel tired? B: I usually listen to some classical music, or take a long hot bath. What about you? A: I usually relax with a few drinks or drink more coffee to keep myself going.Q: What does the woman usually do when she feels tired?3. A. Takes a hot bath. B. Takes a long walk.C. Has a few drinks.D. Has more coffee.4. A: How do you get along with your partner? B: Generally our relationship is pretty good but we both are aware of the importance ofspending time alone.Q: What is the relationship between the man and his partner like?4. A. They have a very close relationship.B. They don’t spend much time together.C. They are getting along with each other better.D. They are generally pretty cold to each other.5. A: It seems to me that you will switch to another job.B: How do you know?A: My sixth sense told me.B: You are actually right. I’m fed up with working an unskilled job for a minimumwage.Q: Why did the man want to change his job?5. A. His sixth sense told him.B. He is unskillful with his present job.C. His present job pays too little.D. His present job is too demanding.6. A: Did you watch the report about the accidentin downtown?B: No. Where was it?A: It was on seventh street. It was a huge wreck and I saw a lot of ambulances at thescene.Q: What do we learn about the accident?6. A. The accident caused injury or loss of life.B. Seven people were killed in the accident.C. Many people from other cars came to help.D. A lot of vehicles were involved in the accident.7. A: Hello. My name is Nathaniel Mumford. I’m a student of Professor Cohen’s. May Ispeak to him please?B: Oh, Professor Cohen is at a conference at the moment, but if you leave your phonenumber he may call you back when hereturns.A: My phone number is 2745301. Thank you for you help.Q: What is the phone number of the student?7. A. 2754201. B. 2645310.C. 2745301.D. 2654310.8. A: Did you speak to the famous star?B: I wanted to, but I was unable to speak whenI was face to face with him.A: Well, many people do that. Before they meet their favorite star they seem to have a lot to say. But when they actually meet them, they can’t say anything.Q: What happened to the woman when she met the famous star?8. A. She had no chance to speak.B. She was speechless.C. She talked a lot to the star.D. She saw too many people around the star.9. A: Why are you so keen on this newspaper? B: It’s really informative and it is the top one among those offering inside stories.Q: Why does the man like the newspaper?9. A. Because it tells the truth most of the time.B. Because it provides a lot of information.C. Because it is the top one on the list ofnewspapers.D. Because it is an inside newspaper.Mini-Talk OneInvestigators from Bell Labs Murray Hill, New Jersey have found that claims made by some scientists at the laboratory were not based on fact. The investigators dismissed results from a number of studies published between 1998 and2001. Bell Labs appointed a committee to investigate the wrongdoing after other scientists raised questions about the claims. Some of the claims were once said to be major developments in the study of physics. They included a claim that scientists had created the smallest device to carry electric current ever made.The committee identified at least sixteen examples of scientific wrongdoing. It placed the blame on one Bell Labs physicist, Jan Hendrik Schon. Mr. Schon told the committee that he had no written records of the laboratory experiments. He also said much of the information in his computer had been destroyed.The investigators found that Mr. Schon used information from earlier work to support his findings. They said his did this without the knowledge of the other scientists involved in the experiments. The investigators noted that Mr. Schon and his group produced an average of one scientific paper every eight days. For most scientists, a few papers a year is considered productive.After the committee’s report was released, Bell Labs immediately dismissed Jan Hendrik Schon from his position. He was once thought to be a future Nobel Prize winner. After his dismissal, Mr. Schon admitted he had made mistakes in his scientific work. He said he regretted those mistakes.10.Why did Bell Labs appoint a committee toinvestigate some of the claims made by its scientists?10. A. Because other scientists had raisedquestions about these claims.B. Because some of its scientists had madefalse claims before.C. Because the claims were very important tothe study of physics.D. Because some of its scientists publishedtoo many papers a year.11.What did the committee find out when theyinvestigated Mr. Schon?11. A. He made up false data in the experimentto support his new findings.B. He used information from previous work tosupport his new findings.C. He denied other scientists’ involvementin his experiments.D. He was not productive in writingscientific papers.12. What did Bell Labs do after the committee’s report was released?12. A. They dismissed all Mister Schon’s publications.B. They asked Mister Schon to apologize tothe public.C. They recalled Mister Schon’s title as aNobel Prize winner.D. They removed Mister Schon from his position.Mini-Talk TwoThe MacArthur Fellowship is a program that honors individual men and women for their creativity. American businessman John MacArthur used his own money to establish the MacArthur Foundation in 1970. It began to operate after he died eight years later.To be considered for the award, a person must be nominated. And they should not hold an elective or an appointed office in government.Each year, several hundred people are appointed to propose nominations. A twelve-member committee studies information about those nominated to identify the great creativity in their work and proposes winners to the foundation’s directors. The foundation does not require or expect reports from individual winners. It also does not ask them how the money will be used.Six hundred and thirty-five MacArthur Fellows have been named since the program started in 1981. Between 20 and 30 winners are named each year.The twenty-four winners this year work in many different areas. They include scientists, writers, and musicians. Daniela Ruth is a professor in Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. She is a computer scientist who develops robots that change shape to deal with changes in their environment.Brian Tucker from California is anotherwinner. Mr. Tucker is an earthquake expert. He is the president of a non-profit group called GeoHazards International. His group works for local officials in developing countries to make their areas safer against earthquakes.Mr. Tucker says that being recognized as a MacArthur Fellow will make a huge difference for his company.13. Which of the following is one of therequirements for a MacArthur Fellowship winner?13. A. The winner should write a report to thecommittee of the foundation.B. The winner should report to the committeebefore they spend the money.C. The winner should not be a government official.D. The winner should be nominated by thefoundation’s directors.14.Why was Daniela Ruth awarded this year’sMacArthur Fellowship?14. A. For her achievements in environmentalprotection.B. For her achievements in developingcomputer software.C. For her achievements in developing warships.D. For her achievements in developing robots.15. Why was Brian Tucker given this year’sMacArthur Fellowship?15. A. He was recognized as a genius by thefoundation’s directors.B. He helped the developing countries tofight against earthquakes.C. He helped the third world countries todevelop quickly.D. He ran a non-profit international organization.Section CExperts say in the near future, many houses in the United States will be powered by energy from the sun. Many people in Washington D.C., recently were able to see what some of thosehomes might look like. Several hundred college students from across the country took part in a competition to see who could build the best solar-powered house.The United States Department of Energy organized the competition.Students from fourteen colleges and universities took part in this Solar Home Competition. Student teams competed in a series of ten contests to see who could design, build and operate the best house powered only by the sun. The solar homes were built on the National Mall, the grassy open area between the United States Capitol building and the Washington Monument. The solar houses were set up in the middle.Each team included at least twenty students of design, architecture and building sciences. The students gained the money to buy equipment and materials for their house. Each house cost as much as $250,000 to build.A solar-powered house has a roof designed to take in the heat of the sun and change it to energy. That power is then stored in a battery bank which supplies power to the whole house.As part of the competition, the teams were expected to spend most of the day in their homes doing normal activities. The activities used electricity powered by the sun. For example, the students cooked food, used computers, operated lights and washed clothes in machines. They even drove around the solar village in electric cars powered by a solar battery.The competition is designed to show Americans that solar energy works, because the use of solar energy in the United States is less than in other parts of the world. Only about 20,000 American homes are solar-powered.。
目 录2010年南京大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2011年南京大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2012年南京大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2013年南京大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2014年南京大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2010年南京大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解Part O e: Proof ReadingThe following sentences contain some errors. Copy and edit them on your answer sheet. (1.5×10) 1.An important information I got from her is our teacher’s new marriage.2.She had a lot of difficulty with the long vowel /ei/, so I taught her how to pronounce.3.The tutor asked the pupils: “How to write an essay on your mother?”4.The volleyball players of our department went through very tough training for a whole semester and finally win the championship of the university.5.I felt frustrated and wondered why my English wasn’t improved even after having watched many movies and read many books.6.The news of the H1N1 flu worried the headmaster, but another news was upbeat: so far, everyone in his school was healthy.7.All of us in the class would like to become a teacher in the future.8.In high school, we had to take many classes, Chinese, English, physics, chemistry, mathematics and history and so on.9.The students found it dissatisfied that their hard work was not rewarded or recognized. 10.The university attaches great importance to teacher’s research and publications.【答案与解析】1.An: The(information为不可数名词,因此将An改为The。

同时,还聘请了澳大利亚悉尼大学荣休教授Michael A.K.Halliday先生、麦考利大学荣休教授Ruqaiya Hasan先生、英国加的夫大学荣休教授Robin P.Fawcett先生、香港理工大学英语系主任Christian M.I.M.Matthiessen教授、香港城市大学Jonathan Webster教授、英国利物浦大学Geoff Thompson教授、英国加的夫大学Adam Jaworski教授、北京大学胡壮麟教授、中山大学黄国文教授、北京外国语大学何其莘教授、同济大学张德禄教授、复旦大学朱永生教授、厦门大学杨信彰教授、北京师范大学田贵森、刘象愚教授和英国剑桥大学Mark Buck博士等16位国内外著名语言学家担任我院客座教授或兼职教授。

北京科技大学翻译硕士考研信息院校名称报录比推荐参考书备注北京科技大学1:61-《实用英汉翻译教程》2002外语教学与研究出版社申雨平、戴宁编2-《实用汉英翻译教程》2002外语教学与研究出版社曾诚编3-《翻译研究百科全书》2004年上外出版社Mona Baker编4-《高级英汉翻译理论与实践》2001年清华大学出版社叶子南著5-《非文学翻译理论与实践》2004中国对外翻译出版公司李昌拴编著6-《百科知识考点精编与真题解析》,2013光明日报出版社李国正著7-《全国翻译硕士考研真题解析》天津科技翻译出版社口笔译12人。
作文的话我主张背好的范文,没有足够的input,哪来output.我推荐一本书《专业八级考试精品范文100篇》(Matthew Trueman著)这本书的选材好,题材新,句子很给力,熟练背诵30篇左右,作文无论是什么题目,半个小时我相信你no problem,不过前提是熟背。

北京科技大学翻译硕士英语学位MTI考试真题2013年(总分:150.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、英汉互译短语翻译(总题数:15,分数:30.00)1.Producer Price Index (PPI)(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.cap and trade(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.middle income trap(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.electoral college(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 6.glass ceiling(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 7.Engle Coefficient(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 8.停火协议(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 9.摇摆州(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 10.单位国内生产总值能源消耗(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 11.扩大内需(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 12.高速铁路(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 13.转变经济发展方式(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 14.资源节约型、环境友好型社会(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 15.循环经济(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________二、将下列段落译为汉语(总题数:1,分数:25.00)16.As China"s economy has boomed over the past 30 years, the number of young people going into private business has grown accordingly. "Diving into the sea" of commerce, or xia hai as it is known, became accepted as the way to make money and get ahead, and interest in government jobs declined. Over the past decade, though, in an extraordinary reversal, young jobseekers have been applying in droves for government posts, even as the economy has quadrupled in size.On November 25th the national civil-service examinations will take place, and about 1.4m people will sit them, 20 times more than a decade ago. Of that number, only 20, 800 will be hired by government (millions more sit the equivalent provincial exams with similarly long odds of being hired). This increase is due in part to a surge in the number of university students entering an intensely competitive market for jobs—nearly 7m graduated this year, compared with 1.5m a decade ago. It is also thanks to health, pension and (sometimes) housing benefits, which are seen as generous and permanent in a society with an underfunded safety net—a modern version of the unbreakable Maoist "iron rice-bowl" of state employment.(分数:25.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________三、将下列短文译为汉语(总题数:1,分数:35.00)17.China has long fretted that it lacks a great modern literary voice with international appeal. In 1917 Chen Duxiu, an influential intellectual and later founding member of the Communist Party, asked: "Pray, where is our Chinese Hugo, Zola, Goethe, Hauptmann, Dickens or Wilde?" In recent years this has developed into a full-blown "Nobel Complex". For a period in the 1980s the quest for a Nobel Prize in literature was made official policy by the party, eager for validation of its growing power and cultural clout.Now, at last, the Chinese have something to crow about. On October 11th Mo Yan, a Chinese writer, won the 2012 prize. The Nobel committee lauded what it called the "hallucinatory realism" of his works, which mix surreal plots with folk tales and modern history.Mr. Mo writes within a system of state censorship. He is widely read and respected within China. He is also a Communist Party member and vice-chairman of the state-run China Writers" Association. When the Nobel award was announced, Chinese television channels interrupted their programming to announce the news. Thousands of China"s microbloggers congratulated Mr. Mo. A publisher under the Ministry of Education says it was already planning to include a Mo Yan novella in a school textbook.(分数:35.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________四、将下列段落译为英语(总题数:1,分数:25.00)18.欧洲应对欧债问题走在正确的道路上,当前关键是把各项政策措施落到实处。

=============================================================================================================I.Vocabulary and Structure(30points,1point each,60minutes) Directions:Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C,or D.Choose the answer that best completes the sentence.Write your answers on the answer sheet.1.It was nearly always organized by the government,although some club membersacted_______their own initiative.A.byB.onC.withD.in2.He redesigned the process,thereby________the company thousands of dollars.A.savingB.to saveC.savedD.save3.Modern bodies are especially______to cancer,because technology produceswaste that inhibits their proper functioning.A.relevantB.invulnerableC.proneD.attractive4.Some of his plans were impractical and________good for his work,but he neverwavered in what he considered just.A.too muchB.much tooC.so muchD.much so5.Supporters praised the action as a speedy and judicious solution,but criticscondemned it as______and unfairly influenced by recent events.A.delayedB.indisposedC.hastyD.imperious6.It is odd that a person’s worth is measured by his wealth,______instead people’scharacter should be measured by their value to society.A.whileB.soC.becauseD.when7.During the17th century many artists became involved in color theory and______painting for enlightenment.A.looked up toB.looked outC.looked onD.looked to1。