Department of Computer Science, University of Twente. Committee




/bbs/read.php?tid=3163计算机方面EI收录的外文期刊( 有“*”是同时被《EI》收录的期刊)1、738B0006 ISSN 0018-8646 IF:2、560 “*”IBM Journal of Research and Development. 《国际商用机器公司研究与开发杂志》,1957. 4/yr. IBM Corp.Old Orchard Rd, Armonk, NY, 10504. 2、738B0008-1 ISSN 0004-5411 IF:1、078 “*”Journal of the Association for Computiong Machinery. 《美国计算机学会志》,4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery, 1515Broadway, 17th FL., New York, NY 10036-5701, USATel: 212 869 7440Fax: 212 944 1318/jacm3、738B0008-2 ISSN 0001-0782 IF:2、238 “*”Communications of the ACM. 《美国计算机学会通讯》,1958. 12/yr.Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway, 17th FL.,New York, NY 10036-5701, USA.Tel: 212 869 7440/jacm4、738B0012 ISSN 0022-0000 IF:0、661 “*”Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 《计算机与系统科学杂志》,1967. 6/yr. Academic Press Inc., Journal Subseription Fulfillment Dept., 6277 Sea Harbor Drive.Tel: 407 345 4040Fax: 407 363 9661E-mail: *************http://www.apnet.Con5、738B0018 ISSN 0360-0333 IF:0、641 “*”ACM Computing Surveys. 《美国计算机学会计算概观》,1969. 4/yr.Association for Computing Machinery, 1515 Broadway. 17th FL.,New York, NY 10036-5701, USA.Tel: 212 869 7440Fax: 212 944 1318/jacm6、738B0029-2 ISSN 1077-3142 IF:1、298Computer Vision and Image Undwestanding. 《计算机视觉与图像理解》1969. Academic Press Inc., Journal Subscription Fulfillment Dept., 6227 Sca Harbor Drive, Orlando,FL 32887-4900, USA.Tel: 407 345 4040Fax: 407 363 9661E-mail: *************7、738B0031 ISSN 0362-5915 IF:1、20 “*”ACM Transactions on Database System. 《美国计算机学会数据库系统汇刊》,1976. 4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway,17th FL., New York, NY 10036-5701. USA.Tel: 212 869 7440Fax: 212 944 1318/jacm8、738B0033 ISSN 0164-0925 IF:0、950 “*”ACM Transactions on Programming Languages & Systems. 《美国计算机学会程序设计语言与系统汇刊》,1979. 6/yr.Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway, 17th FL.,New York NY 10036-5701. USA.Fax: 212 944 1318/jacm9、738B0040 ISSN 0730-0301 IF:1、88 “*”ACM Transactions on Graphics. 《美国计算机学会图形学汇刊》,1982. 4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery.1515 Broadway, 17th FL., New York, NY 10036-5701, USA.Fax: 212 944 1318/jacm10、738B0045 ISSN 1046-8188 IF:2、036 “*”ACM Transactions on Information Systems. 《美国计算机学会信息系统汇刊》,1983. 4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway.17th FL. New York. NY 10036-5701 USA.Fax: 212 944 1318/jacm11、738B0046 ISSN 0734-2071 IF:1、238 “*”ACM Transactions on Computer Systems. 《美国计算机学会计算机系统汇刊》,1983. 4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway.17th FL. New York. NY 10036-5701 USA.Fax: 212 944 1318/jacm12、738B0224 ISSN 0098-3500 IF:0、649 “*”ACM Transations on Mathematical Software. 《美国计算机学会数学软件汇刊》,1975. 4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery. 1515 Broadway.17th FL. New York. NY 10036- 5701 USA.Tel: 212 869 7440Fax: 212 944 1318/jacm13、738B0488 ISSN 0743-7315 IF:0、353Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 《并行与分布式计算杂志》,1984. 12/yr. Academic Press Inc., Journal SubscriptionFulfillment Dept., 6277Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, FL32887-4900, USATel: 407 345 4040Fax; 407 363 9661E-mail: *************14、738B0494 ISSN 0743-1066 IF:0、819 “*”Journal of Logic Programming. 《逻辑程序设计杂志》,1984. 12/yr.Elsevier Science Inc., Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department, Po Box 945, New York, NY 10159-0945, USA.Fax: 212 633 3680E-mail: *******************、738B0514 ISSN 0738-4602 IF:1、286 “*”AI Magazine. ( Artificial Intelligence ). 《人工智能杂志》,1979. 4/yr.American Association For Artificial Intelligence, 445 Burgess Dr.,Menlo Park, CA94025, USA.Fax: 415 321 445716、738B0547 ISSN 0884-8173 IF:0、398 “*”International Journal of Intelligent Systems. 《国际智能系统杂志》,1986. 12/yr. John Wiley & Sons Inc., Subscription Department,605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158-0012, USA.Fax: 212 850 6021E-mail: ******************17、738B0548 ISSN 0178-4617 IF:0、477 “*”Algorithmica: A International Journal in Computer Science. 《算法》,1986. 12/yr. Springer-Verlag New York Inc.,175 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10010, USA.Fax: 212 473 6272E-mail: **********************/journals/45318、723B0578 ISSN 1094-3420 IF:0、833International Journal of High Performance Computing Application. 《高性能计算应用国际杂志》,1987. 4/yr. Sage Publications Inc.,2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320, USA.Tel: 805 499 0721Fax: 805 499 0871E-mail: *********************19、738B0663 ISSN 0899-7667 IF:2、727Neural Computation. 《神经计算》,1989. 8/yr. MIT Press Journal Department, 5 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142-1399, USA.Tel: 617 253 2889Fax: 617 577 1545E-mail: ***********************20、738B0703 ISSN 0896-8438 IF:0、886 “*”Journal of Object-Oriented Programming. 《面向对象程序设计杂志》,1988. 9/yr. Sigs Publications Inc., 71 W. 23rd St.,New York, NY 10010-4102, USA.Tel: 212 242 7447Fax: 212 242 7574E-mail: **********************21、738B0705 ISSN 1044-7318 IF:0、359International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 《国际人与计算机相互作用杂志》,1989. 4/yr. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc., Journal Customer Service Dept., 10Industrial Ave., Mahwah, NJ 07430-2262 USA.Tel: 201 236 9500Fax: 201 236 0072E-mail: ******************22、738B0780 ISSN 0028-3045 IF:0、368Networks. 《网络》,1971. 8/yr. John Wiley & Sons Inc,605 Third Ave, New York, NY,、738B0788 ISSN 1054-7460 IF:1、544Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments. 《存在:远程操作设备与虚拟环境》,1992. 6/yr. MIT Press, Journals Department,5 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142-1399, USA.Tel: 617 253 2889Fax: 617 577 1545E-mail: ***********************24、738B0798 ISSN 1049-331X IF:0、889 “*”ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. 《美国计算机学会软件工程与方法论汇刊》,1992. 4/yr. Association for Computing Machinery, 1515 Broadway, 17th FL., New York, NY 10036-5701, USA.Tel: 212 869 7440Fax: 212 944 1318/jacm25、738B0899 ISSN 1063-293X IF:0、353 “*”Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications. 《并行工程研究与应用》,4/yr. Managing Editor: Biren Prasad, Ph. D.,International Institute of Concurent Engineering, CETEAM JournalDepartment, Po Box, 3882, Tustin, CA 92782, USA.Tel: (714) 389 2662Fax: (714) 389 2662E-mail: ****************/26、738C0017 ISSN 0305-0548 IF:0、031Computers & Operations Research. 《计算机与运筹学研究》,14/yr.Editor: G. Laporte, HEC, Montreal, Canada.E-mail: *********************.ca/wps/find/science/journal/27、738C0019 ISSN 0097-8485 IF:1、632 “*”Computer & Chemistry. 《计算机与化学》,1974. 6/yr.Elsevier Science, Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department, Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Tel: (31) 20 485 3757Fax: (31) 20 485 3432E-mail: nlinfo-f@elsevierhttp://www.elsevier.nl28、738C0022 ISSN 0098-3004 IF:0、424 “*”Computers & Geosciences. 《计算机与地学》,1957. 10/yr. CustomerSupport Department, Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Tel: (31) 20 485 3757Fax:(31) 20 485 3432E-mail: ********************http://www.elsevier.nl29、738C0028 ISSN 1367-4803 IF:3、421Bioinformatics. 《生物信息学》,1984. 12/yr.Oxford University Press. Journal SubscriptionsDepartment, Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, OX2 6DP, UK.Fax: (01865) 267 485E-mail: *****************.uk/journalsBarbara Cox, Embl-Ebi, Hinxlon, Cambridge Cb10 1sd, UK./30、738C0030 ISSN 0747-7171 IF:0、525Journal of Symbolic Computation. 《符号与计算杂志》,1985. 12/yr. Harcourt Brace & CO. Ltd.,Foots Cray High Street, Sidcup, Kent DA14 5HP, UKFax: (0181) 309 0807E-mail: ****************.uk31、738C0065 ISSN 0031-3203 IF:1、353 “*”Pattern Recognition. 《图形识别》,1969. 12/yr. Elsevier Science,Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department,Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Tel: (31) 20 485 3757E-mail: *******************http://www.elsevier.nl32、738C0067 ISSN 0010-4485 IF:1、048Computer-Aided Design. 《计算机辅助设计》,1968. 14/yr.Elsevier Science, Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department, Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Tel: (31) 20 485 375733、738C0070 ISSN 0045-7949 IF:0、418 “*”Computers & Structures. 《计算机与结构》,1971. 24/yr.K. J. Bathe, Department of Mechanical Engineering,Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA.Tel: 1 617 923 3407Fax: 1 617 923 3408C. H. V. Topping, Department of Mechanics and Chemical Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, UK.Fax: 44 (0) 131 451 3593http://www.elsevier.nl34、738C0073 ISSN 0045-7906 IF:0、105 “*”Computers & Electrical Engineering. 《计算机与电工》,1973. 6/yr.Elsevier Science, Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department, Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Tel: (31) 20 485 3757Fax: (31) 20 485 3432E-mail: ********************http://www.elsevier.nl35、738C0074 ISSN 0045-7930 IF:0、679 “*”Computers & Fluids. 《计算机与流体》,1973. 8/yr.Elsevier Science, Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department, Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Tel: (31) 20 485 3757Fax: (31) 20 485 3432E-mail: ********************http://www.elsevier.nl36、738C0081 ISSN 0898-1221 IF:0、383 “*”Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 《计算机与数学及其应用》1974. 24/yr. Elsevier Science, Regional Sales Office,Customer Support Department, Po Box 211,1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Tel: (31) 20 485 3757Fax: (31) 20 485 3432E-mail: ********************http://www.elsevier.nl37、738C0093 ISSN 0306-4379 IF:3、018 “*”Information System. 《信息系统》,1975. 8/yr. Elsevier Science,Regional Sales Office, Customer Support Department, Po Box 211,1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Fax: (31) 20 485 3432E-mail: ********************http://www.elsevier.nl38、738C0153 ISSN 0950-7051 IF:0、275 “*”Knowledge-Based Systems. 《知识库系统》,1987. 4/yr.Elsevier Science Bv, Po Box 211, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1000 Ae.、738C0164 ISSN 0269-8889 IF:0、707 “*”Knowledge Engineering Review. 《知识工程评价》,1986. 4/yr.118. 00/GBP Cambridge University Press,The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK.Fax: (0223) 315 052E-mail: journals *********************40、738C0177 ISSN 0954-0091 IF:0、964Connection Science. 《连接科学》,1989. 4/yr Carfax Publishing Ltd.,Po Box 25, Abingdon, Oxford Shire, OX14 3UE, UK.Fax: (01235) 401 550E-mail: ***************.uk41、738C0181 ISSN 0954-898X IF:1、333Network: Computation in Neural Systems. 《网络:神经系统计算》,1990. 4/yr. Iop Publishing Ltd, Dirac House,Temple Back, Bristol, England, Bs1 6be./EJ/journal/0954-898X42、738C0192 ISSN 1045-926X IF:0、431Journal of Visual Languages and Computing. 《视觉语言与计算杂志》,1990. 6/yr. Harcourt Brace & Co. Ltd.,Foots Cray High Street, Sidcup, Kent DA14 5HP, UK.Fax: (0181) 309 0807E-mail: ****************.uk43、738C0199 ISSN 1049-8907 IF:0、487Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation. 《显像与计算机动画片制作杂志》,1990. 4/yr. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Journal Administration,1 Oldlands Way, Bognor Regis, West Sussex PO22 9SA, UK.E-mail: ********************.uk44、738E0032 ISSN 0943-4962 《多媒体系统》,IF:1、290Multimedia Systems. (Text in English). 1993. 6/yr.Spring-Verlag, Heidelberger Platz 3, D-14197 Berlin, Germany.Fax: (030) 827 87 448E-mail: *************************http://www.springer.de45、738GL069 ISSN 0217-5959 IF:0、031ASIA-PACIFIC Journal of Operational Research. 《亚太操作研究杂志》2/yr. Editors: Assoc. Prof. G. Y. Zhao Department of Mathematics,National University of Singapore,、738KA001 ISSN 0332-7353 IF:0、500Modeling Identification and Control. 《建模、识别与控制》,1980. 4/yr.Mic, Div Eng Cybernetics, Trondheim, Norway, 7034.47、738LB002 ISSN 0010-4655 IF:1、082Computer Physics Communications. 《计算机物理学通讯》,1969. 15/yr.Elsevier Science Bv, Po Box 211, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1000 Ae /inca/publications/store/5/0/5/7/1/0/48、738LB003 ISSN 0004-3702 IF:1、683Artificial Intelligence. 《人工智能》,1970. 18/yr.Elsevier Science B. V., Trade Relations Department,Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Fax: 31 20 6854171E-mail: ********************http://www.elsevier.nl49、738LB004 ISSN 0304-3975 IF:0、468 “*”Theoretical Computer Science. 《理论计算机科学》,1975. 40/yr.Elsevier Science B. V., Trade Relations Department,Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Tel: 31 20 5153210Fax: 31 20 6854171E-mail: ********************http://www.elsevier.nl50、738LB017 ISSN 0924-9907 IF:0、780 “*”Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. 《数学成像与显示杂志》1991. 6/yr. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Journals Department,Distribution Centre, Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands.Tel: 31 78 6392392Fax: 31 78 6546474E-mail: *****************51、738LB061 ISSN 0166-5316 IF:0、629 “*”Performance Evaluation. 《性能评价》,1981. 16/yr. Elsevier ScienceB. V., Trade Relations Department,Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Tel: 31 20 5153210Fax: 31 20 6854171E-mail: ********************;www.elsevier.nl52、738LB073 ISSN 0167-9236 IF:0、781 “*”Decision Support Systems. 《决策支持系统》,11/yr.Editor-in-Chief: A. Whinston, MSIS Department,CBA 5-202, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712-1175, USA./wps/find53、738LB076 ISSN 0167-8396 IF:0、929 “*”Computer-Aided Geometric Design. 《计算机辅助几何设计》,1984.9/yr. Elsevier Science B. V., Trade Relations Department,Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Tel: 31 20 5153210E-mail: ********************http://www.elsevier.nl54、738LB087 ISSN 0885-6125 IF:1、476 “*”Machine Learning. 《机器学习》,1986. 12/yr.Kluwer Academic Publishers, Journals Department, Distribution Centre, Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dorderecht, The Netherlands.Tel: 31 78 6392392E-mail: *****************55、738LB088 ISSN 0920-5691 IF:1、600 “*”International Journal of Computer Vision. 《国际计算机视觉杂志》,1987. 15/yr. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Journals Department,Distribution Centre, Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands.Fax: 31 78 6546474E-mail: *****************56、738LB092 ISSN 0921-8542 IF:0、130 “*”Journal of Supercomputing. 《高超速计算机杂志》,1987. 4/yr.Kluwer Academic Publishers, Journals Department, Distribution Centre, Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands.Tel: 31 78 6392392Fax: 31 78 6546474E-mail: *****************57、738LB100 ISSN 0924-669X IF:0、493 “*”Applied Intelligence. 《应用智能》,1991. 6/yr. 900. 00/NLG KluwerAcademic Publishers, Journals Department, Distribution Centre,Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands.Tel: 31 78 6546471E-mail: *****************58、738LB122 ISSN 0262-8856 IF:0、893Image and Vision Computing. 《图像与视觉计算》,1983. 14/yr.Elsevier Science B. V., Trade Relations Department,Po Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands.Tel: 31 20 5153210E-mail: ********************/inca/publications/store/5/2/5/4/4/3/index.htthttp://www.elsevier.nl59、738LB128 ISSN 1384-5810 IF:1、407Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. 《数据挖掘与知识发现》,1997.4/yr. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Journals Department, Distribution Centre, Po Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands.Fax: 31 78 6546474E-mail: *****************60、738LE051 ISSN 0010-485X IF:0、667 “*”Computing. (Text in English). 《计算》,8/yr. Springer-VerlagWien, Sachsenplatz 4-6, Postfach 89, A-1201 Wien, Austria.Fax: (0043/1) 3 30 24 2661、738 ISSN 0004-5411 IF:1、078Journal of the ACM. 《美国计算机学会志》,4/yr.Assoc Computing Machinery, 1515 Broadway, New York, NY, 10036./jacm/62、738 ISSN 0018-9162 IF:1、062Computer. 《IEEE计算机杂志》,12/yr.IEEE Computer Soc, 10662 Los Vaqueros Circle,Po Box 3014, Los Alamitos, CA, 90720-1314.二、《EI》收录的外文期刊:1、738B0029-1 ISSN 1049-9652CVGIP:Graphical Models and Image Processing. 《计算机视觉、图示与图像处理:制图模型与图像处理》,1969. 6/yr. Academic Press, Inc.,Journal Subscription Fulfillment Dept., 6277 Sea Harbor Drive,Orlando, FL 32887-4900, USA.Fax: 407-363-96612、738B0029-2 ISSN 1077-3169Graphical Models and Image Processing. 《制图模型与图像处理》,1969.6/yr. Academic Press Inc., USA.Editors-in-Chief: Norman I. Badler and Rama Chellappa.E-mail: ***************/newjour/g/mag02304.html(as CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing. 1049-9652)3、738B0052 ISSN 0011-6963Datamation. 《数据处理》,1955. 24/yr.275 Washington St., Newton, MA 02158, USA.Fax: 303-398-7691.4、738B0067 ISSN 0010-4566Computer Design. 《计算机设计》,1962. 12/yr. Computer Design,Circulation Department, Box 3466, Tulsa, OK 74101, USA.5、738B0079 ISSN 0018-8670IBM Systems Journal. 《国际商用机器公司系统杂志》,1962. 4/yr.International Busimess Machines Corp., USA. Editor: Cene Hofinagle.E-mail: *******************.com/newjour/i/msg02405.html6、738B0100 ISSN 0037-5497Simulation. 《仿真》,1963. 12/yr. Society for Computer Simulation,Box 17900, San Diego, CA 92117, USA.Editor:Vice-President, SCS Publications, Robert Judd, PhD, Ohio University.E-mail: *****************//pubs/siminfo.html7、738B0223 ISSN 0882-1666Systems and Computers in Japan. 《日本系统与计算机》,1970. 14/yr. 1229. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., P. O. Box 836,Bound Brook, NJ 08805, USA.Fax: 03-3556-9763.E-mail: ****************、738B0288 ISSN 0360-5280Byte. 《字节》,1975. 12/yr. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., P. O. 1221Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, USA.9、738B0100 ISSN 0037-5497Simulation. 1963. 12/yr. Society for Computer Simulation, Box 17900, San Diego, CA 92117, USA. Editor: Vice-President, SCS Publications, Robert Judd, PhD, Ohio University.E-mail: *****************//pubs/siminfo.html10、738B0291 ISSN 0146-5422Online. 《联机》,6/yr. Online Inc.462 Danbury Road, Wilton, CT 06897-2126, USA.11、738B0292 ISSN 0363-6399Data Communications. 《数据通信》,1972. 12/yr.McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., P. O.1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, USA.12、738B0309 ISSN 0162-4105Database. 《数据库》,1978. 6/yr. 1970. Bonanza Drive,Suite 219, P. O. Box 70, Park City, UT 84060, USA.13、738B0318 ISSN 0164-1212Journal of Systems & Software. 《系统与软件杂志》,Elsevier ScienceInc.,655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010, USA.Fax: 212-633-376414、738B0325 ISSN 0702-0481International Journal of Mini and Microcomputers. 《国际小型与微计算机杂志》,1979. 3/yr. Editor-in- Chief: Dr. B. Furht,Dep. Of Computer Sci. & Eng. Florida AltanticUniversity, Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA.15、738B0337 ISSN 0820-0750Microcomputer Applications. 《微机应用》,1982. 3/yr.ISMM, P. O. Box 2481, Anaheim, CA 92814, USA.16、738B0346 ISSN 0277-0865Computer Security Journal. 《计算机安全杂志》,1981. 2/yr. Computer Security Institute, 600 Harrisan St., San Francisco, CA 94107, USA.E-mail: ***********/17、738B0360 ISSN 1044-789XDr. Dobb’s Journal. 《多布氏杂志》,1976. 12/yr. M & T Publishing,Inc., 501 Galveston Dr., Redwood City, CA 94063, USA.18、738B0405 ISSN 0737-8939PC World. 《个人计算机世界》,1982. 12/yr. PCW Communications, Inc., 501 Second St., 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA.19、738B0407 ISSN 0271-4159Computer Graphics World. 《计算机图学界》,1978. 12/yr.PennWell Publishing Co., 1421 South Sheridan,P. O. Box 1260, Tulsa, OK 74101, USA./home/home.cfm20、738B0485 ISSN 0740-6797Transactions of the Society for Computer Simulation. 《计算机仿真学会汇刊》,1984. 4/yr. Society for Computer Simulation.Box 17900, San Diego, CA 92117, USA./pubs/transinfo.htm/21、738B0513 ISSN 0278-9647Computer Technology Review; The Systems Integration Sourcebook.《计算机技术评论》,1981. 16/yr. West World Pioductions, Inc.924 Westwood Blvd., 650, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA.22、738B0536 ISSN 0742-3136UNIX Review. 《UNIX评论》,1983. 12/yr. 1 Miller FreemanPublication Co., 600 Harrison St., San Francisco, CA 94107, USA.23、738B0556 ISSN 0883-9514Applied Artificial Intelligence. 《应用人工智能》,1986. 4/yr. Taylor &Francis / Hemisphere,1900 Frost Rd., Suite 101, Bristol, PA 19007, USA.24、738B0557 ISSN 0885-7474Journal of Scientific Computing. 《科学计算杂志》,1986. 4/yr.Plenum Publishing Corp., 233 Spring St.,New York, NY 10013-1578, USA.Fax: 212-807-104725、738B0584 ISSN 1094-3420International Journal of High Performance Computing Application.《高性能计算应用国际杂志》,1987. 4/yr. 96pp. 12k.282.00/USD Sage Publications Inc., USA.26、738B0589 ISSN 0894-9077International Journal of Expert Systems. 《国际专家系统杂志》,1987.4/yr. JAI Press, Inc., 55 Old Post Rd.,No. 2, P. O. Box 1678, Greenwich, CT 06836, USA.Fax: 203-661-079227、738B0604 ISSN 0895-6340Computing Systems. 《计算系统》,1988. 4/yr. University of CaliforniaPress,Periodical Dept., 2120 Berkeley Way,Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.Fax: 415-643-7127.Edit: Usenix Association & EUUG.28、738B0658 ISSN 1045-389XJournal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 《智能材料系统与结构杂志》,1990 4/yr. Technomic Publishing Co., Inc.,851 New Holland Ave., Box 3535, Lancaster, PA 17604, USA.Fax: 717-295-453829、738B0702 ISSN 1043-6464Journal of End User Computing. 《最后用户计算杂志》,1989. 4/yr.112. 00/USD Idea Group Publishing, Olde Liberty Square, Suite 230, 4811 Jonestown Rd., Harrisburg, PA 17109, USA.Edit: Information Resources Management Association.30、738B0736 ISSN 1050-1827International Journal of Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Computer-Aided Engineering. 《国际微波与毫米波计算机辅助工程杂志》,1991. 4/yr.John Wiley & Sons, Inc., P. O. Box 836, Bound Brook, NJ 08805, USA.Fax: 212-850-608831、738B0741 ISSN 1049 3301ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation. 《美国计算机学会模型建立与计算机仿真汇刊》,1991. 4/yr. Association forComputing Machinery, P. O. Box 12105, Church StreetStation, New York, NY 10249, USA.Fax: 212-944-131832、738B0766 ISSN 0748-0016Personal Engineering and Instrumentation News. 《个人计算机工程与设备新闻》,1984. 12/yr. PEC Inc., Sales Office,Box 152, Pine Brook, NJ 07058, USA.Fax: 201-808-016733、738B0778 ISSN 0228-6203International Journal of Modeling & Simulation. 《国际模式与仿真杂志》,1981. 4/yr. IASTED,P. O. Box 2481, Anaheim, CA 92814-2481, USA.34、738B0779 ISSN 1058-9244Scientific Programming: Tools & Techniques. 《科学程序设计》,1991.4/yr.John Wiley & Sons, Inc., P. O. Box 836,Bound Brook, NJ 08805, USA.Fax: 212-850-608835、738B0782 ISSN 0824-7935Computational Intelligence. 《计算智能》,1985. 4/yr.Blackwell Scientific Publications, Inc., Three Cambridge Center,Cambridge, MA 02142, USA.36、738B0826Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings. 《冬季仿真会议录》,1/yr.125. 00/USD Society for Computer Simulation,Box 17900, San Diego, CA 92117, USA.37、738B0851 ISSN 1064-7570Journal of Network and Systems Management. 《网络与系统管理杂志》,1993. 4/yr. Plenum Publishing Corp.,233 Spring St., New York, NY10013-1578, USA.Fax: 212-807-104738、738B0918 ISSN 1042-0711Mainframe Computing. 《主机计算》,1988. 12/yr.E-mail: *****************39、738C0005 ISSN 0010-4531Computer Bulletin. 《计算机通报》,4/yr. The British Computer Society1 Sanfrod Street Swindon SN1 1HJ, UK40、738C0011 ISSN 1351-3249Natural Language Engineering. 《自然语言工程》,1995. 4/yr.Cambridge University Press,UK/newjour/n/msg02371.html41、738C0017 ISSN 0305-0548Computers & Operations Research. 《计算机与运筹学》,1974. 8/yr.Editor: Jesus R. Arralejo Faculatad de Matematics,Dept de Estadistica e I. O., Universidad Complutense de Madrid,Madrid 28040, Spain.Editor: Samuel J. Raff, 8312 Snug Hill Lane, Potomac, MD 20854, USA.E-mail: *******************.uk、738C0018 ISSN 0038-0644Software: Practice & Experience. 《软件;实践与经验》,1974. 15/yr.575. 00/USD John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,1 Oklands Way, Bognor Regis, West Sussex P. O. 22, 9SA, UK.43、738C0020 ISSN 0098-1354Computers & Chemical Engineering. 《计算机与化工》,1977. 12/yr.Editor-in-Chief: G. V. Reklaitis, School of Chemical Engineering,CHME Building 1283, West Lafayette, Purdue University, IN 47907, USA.E-mail: *************************、738C0023 ISSN 0360-8352Computers & Industrial Engineering. 《计算机与工业工程》,1976. 8/yr.Editor: Mohamed I. Dessouky,Ph. D., P. E. Research Professor, Dept. Of Industrial & Systems Eng’g., University of Southem California, University Park-MC 0193, LosAngeles, CA, 90089-0193. USA.E-mail: ****************.edu、738C0026 ISSN 0275-9136Engineering Simulation. 《工程模拟》,6/yr. STBS Ltd.,Order Department, P. O. Box 90, Rerkshire Rg1 8JL, UK.Fax: 0734-568211.46、738C0029 ISSN 0747- 5632Computers in Human Behavior. 《计算机在人类行为中的应用》,1985.4/yr. 18k, 180. 00/GBP Editorial Office: Robert D Tennyson Dept.Of Educational Psychology, 211A Burton Hall, 178 PillsburyDr., S. E., University of Minnesot Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA.47、738C0031 ISSN 0267-6192Computer Systems Science and Engineering. 《计算机系统科学与工程》,1985. 6/yr. Editor: Wil van Der Aalst,Department of Mathematics and Computing Science, EindhovenUniversity of Technology, P. O. Box 513, NL-5600 MB, Eindhoven,The Netherlands.E-mail: **************.nl、738C0033 ISSN 0167-7055Computer Graphics Forum. 《计算机图形学论坛》,1982. 4/yr.Editor: David Duke, Department of Mathematical Sciences,University of Bath, UK.E-mail: **************/EG/Publications/CGF49、738C0034 ISSN 1077-2014Real-Time Imaging. 《实时成像》,1995. 6/yr.Harcourt Brace & Co. Ltd., UK. Editors: Phillip A.Laplant and Alrxander D. Stoyenko.E-mail: ***************/newjour/r/msg02194.html50、738C0089 ISSN 0096-0551Computer Languages. 《计算机语言》,1976. 8/yr.c/o National Biomedical Foundation, Georgetown University Medical Center, 3900 Resservoir Road, N. W., Washington, DC20007, USA.51、738C0092 ISSN 0198-9715Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 《计算机、环境与城市系统》,1975. 6/yr. Editor: P. Longley,Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London,1-19 Torrington Place, London, WCIE 6BT.E-mail: *******************.uk、738C0103 ISSN 0141-9331Microprocessors and Microsystems. 《微处理机与微型系统》,1978, 10/yr.Hardware Systems and North American Editor: A. K. Somani,Dept. Of Electrical & Computer Engineering, 223 Coover Hall,Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA.E-mail: ****************Software Editor: J. E. Cooling, 35 Croftway, Markfield,Leicestershire, LE67 9UG, UK.E-mail: *********************.comSection Coordinating Editor Chip ARCHITECTURES: p. W. Thompson,Degree 2 Innovations Ltd. University Gate, Park Row, Bristol BS1 5UB. UK.E-mail: **************************、738C0106 ISSN 0140-3664Computer Communications. 《计算机通讯》,1978. 12/yr.Editor: J. B. Thompson, Troubador Publishing Ltd.,12 Manor Walk, Coventry Road, Market Harborough,Leicester LE16 9PB, UK.E-mail: ************************、738C0109 ISSN 0965-9978Advances in Engineering Software. 《工程软件进展》,1978. 8/yr.Editors: R. A. Adey, Wessex Institute of Technology,Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton SO40 7AA,UK.Fax: 44-1703-292-853E-mail: *******************N. Kamiya, Department of Informatics & Natural Sciences, School ofInformatics and Sciences, Nagoya University, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-01, Japan.A. K. Noor, University of Virginia, Mail Stop 369, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23681, USA.Fax: 1-804-864-8089E-mail: ******************.gov。



外语系department of foreign languages中文系department of Chinese languages and literature数学系department of mathematics物理系department of physics化学系department of chemistry生物系department of biology天文系department of astronomy生化系department of biochemistry心理学系department of psychology建筑工程系department of architecture and civil engineering化工机械系department of chemical mechanics engineering机械工程系department of mechanical engineering精密仪器系department of precision instrument热能工程系department of thermal engineering汽车工程系department of automotive engineering电力工程系department of electric power engineering水利工程系department of hydraulic engineering计算机工程与科学系department of computer engineering and science 无线电电子学系department of radio-electronics光电子学系department of photoelectronics工程物理系department of phycics engineering地球物理学系department of geophysics化学工程系department of chemical engineering 高分子系department of polymer science自动化系department of automation经济管理系department of economic management 新闻系department of journalism哲学系department of philosophy法律系department of law政治教育系department of political education图书馆学系department of liberal science体育系department of physical education植物系department of botany园艺系department of horticulture畜牧系department of animal husbandry兽医系department of veterinary medicine医学系department of basic medical science药学系department of pharmacy理工大学university of science and engineering科技大学university of science and technology工业大学polytechnic university师范大学normal university外国语大学Foreign Studies University农业大学agricultural univeristy医科大学medical university军医大学army medical college外语学院institute of foreign languages民族学院institute of nationalities语言学院languages institute商学院institute of commerce美术学院academy of fine arts音乐学院conservatory of music工业学院engineering instiute理工学院institute of technology化工学院chemical engineering institute农学院agricultural college林学院forestry institute中医学院institute of traditional Chinese medicine 海运学院mercantile marine institute钢铁学院iron and steel engineering institute石油学院petroleum institute地质学院geological institute矿业学院institute of mining technology矿冶学院institute of mining metallurgy航空学院aeronautical engineering institute政法学院institute of political science and law经济学院institute of economics广播学院radio broadcasting institute外交学院institute of diplomacy国际关系学院institute of international relations外贸学院institute of foreign trade体育学院physical culture institute工艺学院institute of arts and crafts电影学院cinema institute戏剧学院drama institute舞蹈学院dancing college邮电学院institute of posts and telecommunications纺织工学院textile engineering institute纺织机械学院textile machinery college建筑工程学院architectural engineering institute电讯工程学院telecommunications engineering institute 铁道学院railway institute水产学院marine production institute船舶学院shipping institute公路学校highway institute水电学院institute of water conservancy and electric power畜牧兽医学院institute of animal husbandry veterinary爱国教育to education in patriotism高等教育higher education职业教育vocational and technical education正规学校regular school重点学校key school教务处office of the dean of studies总务处general affairs office财务科finance section系department; faculty教研室teaching and research room学生会students' union; student council班主任the teacher in charge of a class英语科代表 a student in charge of English study大学一年级学生freshman大学二年级学生sophomore大学三年级学生junior大学四年级学生senior住宿生boarder走读生day student; nonresident student研究生postgraduate; graduate student应届毕业生graduating students; this year's graduates 中小学校长headmaster; principal大专院校校长president; chancellor副教授associate professor讲师lecturer助教assistant辅导员assistant for political and ideological work 学位academic degree。



2023年有关英文的自荐信范文九篇英文的自荐信篇1dear mr.wen,ms. huang lijia of your company has told me that your dept needs a manager assistant,and i wish to apply for the position. i will graduate from commercial school next month. my outstanding record at school and some experience in business has prepared me for the work you are calling for.i am really interested in learning business practice,and also a diligent worker and a fast learner. if given a chance, i am sure i can prove my worth in your company.i will be available during the weekdays in the morning for any interviews you may want to give. enclosed is my resume,and hoping for your immediate reply.sincerely yours,x,__英文的自荐信篇2honorable leaders,my name is lipandeng, from the city of pingdingshan, henan province. as a boy of 22 years old, i major in english and going to graduate from foreign language department, henan univerhonorable leaders,my name is lipandeng, from the city of pingdingshan, henan province. as a boy of 22 years old, i major in english and going to graduate from foreign language department, henan university. now, i am applying for a job in your unit. hopefully, you can accept my application.i became interested in english when i first came across her in a primary english training class. dreaming of studying in foreign language department of henan university, the best english department in our province, i have undergone many ups and downs to persevere in my efforts. it is absolutely true that "where there is a will, where is a way". at last, i realized my dream and became an english major in henan university.during four-year study, i took advantage of this precious opportunity and tried to grasp every chance to acquire all kinds ofknowledge,especially english. i have made rapid progress in learning basic english skills, including listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translating. since spoken english plays a more and more important role in our society, i pay much attention to it and did a lot of practice in daily life. for example, i often practiced oral english in the english corner and took part in oral english contests as well as english drama an english major, my excellent oral english enabled me to have worked as a part-time english interpreter, helping kaifeng import and export company to do business with foreign manufactures. so, i am capable of teaching college english students, doing simultaneous translation and guiding foreign travelors in addition, being enthusiastic and active in social activities, i bravely participated in english speaking contests, english drama contests, english tutoring and mastery of computer skills. although i have encountered numerous difficulties and failures, yet i made up my mind to go on with my pursuits. "no pains, no gains", keeping this proverb in mind, i strived to bear any burden, met any hardship and stroke a balance between studies and activities. as a result, i accumulated tremendous experience and widened my horizon through lots of activities, which meanwhile promoted my studies."aa a man sows, so he shall reap". now it is the time for me to roll up my sleeves to begin my career. if you give me an opportunity, i will assure you of my determination and excellence in return.i am looking forward to hearing from wishes,英文的自荐信篇3name li leiage twentynationality handate of birth may 1st, 1985place of birth beijingpresent address 5 dongzhimen streetschool beijing no.1 middle schooljune 9, _dear manager,i will graduate from beijing no.1 middle school in july. i have studied english for six years. i’m interested in english very much. i am especially good at spoken english and typing, and my typing speed is 100 words a minute.i can operate the personal computer and make programs for it. i can get information from the internet and send information on business through it. if i’m accepted, i’ll work hard, and be a good worker.yours sincerely,li lei自荐信英文4英文的自荐信篇4dear __x:hello!i am writing this letter to your company to recruit candidates of the # # # intern posts, i am pleased to know you in the recruitment site of recruitment advertisements, and have been expecting to have the opportunity to join your company.i am a ____ undergraduate university students, professional is the automation, in the school system during the i accept the expertise of the training, such as the principle of automatic control, computer control theory, power drag, power electronics technology, college english courses. of single-chip microcomputer control system, plc control systems, embedded computer systems, field bus technology, control technology have been understanding and awareness of, and access to the laboratory during in-school, college teachers involved in a number of experimental projects, hands-on experience capacity strong. familiar with c / c + + / visual basic / assembly language of mcs 51/avr are more familiar with (with the teachers to do the project two main single-chip system). the design, testing both the closed-loop control system awareness and understanding.i have a good standard of english in school during the smooth passage of the university of cet4 and cet6, obtain the certificate, have good command of english oral expression and writing ability to describe. university vice-year college during the long term, with better organization and coordination, self-confidence to deal with a variety of emerging difficulties and challenges.i very much hope that your company can join and play to my potential. enclosed herewith is my curriculum vitae. if the opportunity to interview with you, i would be very grateful.英文的自荐信篇5Dear leaders:Hello!Sailing voyage, Lai Dongfeng your help! As a graduating secondary school students, I very much look forward to working with colleagues in your organization work together to jointly raised the sailing voyage, and create brilliant in their career.I Zhang ago, lively sunshine every day I will face life with a smile; optimistic self-confidence and I will try to do a good job in everything; the gift of the gab, I know how to cooperate with others; responsible, I admit defeat I believe I can do my job!While studying at the school I work hard at their studies, learning-based training in order to supplement the concept of personal ability, while learning at the school regularly participates in various activities, a strong consciousness for no reason I have never been absent, leave early ... ... since the school He has been member of the sports, health, member of a very good ability to work independently and unique problem-solving abilities.I was in school during the student of civilization, as well as mid-level certification, the computer at work, I am working harder, there is a strong spirit of hard, meticulous work, the absolute obedience to a superior arrangement. I sincerely hope that your organization can play to our strengths, the contribution of all knowledge ... ... I am confident in the leadership and colleagues in your organization's guidance and help, I will certainly be able to share in the excellent performance of your organization!Chollima battlefield by horses and riding, I need your appreciation and recognition. I may not be the best, but I believe I was the most suitable. The cause of your organization would like to success! Hope thatthe leadership can be taken into account for me, I eagerly look forward to hearing from you!Sincerely,英文的自荐信篇6Dear Leadership:Hello!I am __ graduates Normal College of Foreign Languages, I have loved the work of teachers, but also very much hope that can work to your school.In 997, I, Liaoning Province by the __ a __ admitted to the University in the Department of Russian, I in early high school to learn English, so when entering the university, in the study encounter many unexpected difficulties, the help of the teacher I am learning the right track very quickly. Over the past few years, I test all subjects were first adopted, there is no make-up phenomenon, and the academic performance and stability, but it gradually improved and was third in the 997- 998 school year Fellowship. Learning courses in the same time, I have not given up on learning English, has always insisted on the University self-study English course. Sophomore and junior years, in the Jilin University (Nanling Campus) Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science courses of the minor, and all passed the test and achieved a professional diploma Minor II.During the study at the university just is not enough to do a good job learning to develop their own abilities in various domains, I havestudents work in the department, which presided over the newaper's editorial department, but also organized a full-line of the debate competition. Classes have been learning as life members and members of the work, all this great organization to improve my ability to exercise my courage, for me to become a qualified teacher has laid a solid foundation, so that I have a good eloquence and ability to cope in class to "处乱不惊", organize the classroom.Heavy academic universities I did not crush, cheerful personality to help me, the so-called "a Yichi, Man's Road", usually I will engage in some orts, such as playing volleyball or table tennis, or listen to music, reading extra-curricular books to express their ease nerve tension.From the sophomore year, after-school time, I began working in home work, although the ecialty is Russian, but I teach are English, by virtue of their solid foundation in English, I have been trouble. During the teaching practice in a senior, I have strict demands on themselves, improve themselves in all reects, honing their own, successfully completed the task of teaching practice, I have always believed that, I can become a qualified foreign language teachers.School teaching rigorous and realistic style of drawing, I wish I could have the honor to become a member of your school, in order to contribute to the cause of education in schools and I part.I wish your school career success!Sincerely,英文的自荐信篇7I "__x Daily" on the advertisement, that your intention to recruita manager secretary, wrote a special venture candidates.Two months later, I am from the hotel property management business school graduate. Height 1.65cm, dignified appearance, good temperament. In school, I systematically studied the introduction of modern management, social psychology, Hotel Management Studies, hotel financial accounting, hotel management, hotel and catering management, the lobby of the hotel management, hotel marketing, hotel property management, property management, residential Area property management, application writing, etiquette school, professional courses in English. Outstanding achievements, has more than paper. Familiar with computer operation and English through the national levels, fluent spoken English, some knowledge in Japanese, Cantonese, Putonghua with ease.The second half of last semester, I have a five-star hotel rooms do __x laboratory internship two weeks, the accumulation of a number of practical work experience. I love the hotel management, to become a member of your hotel, and we can work together to encourage hotel developments make every effort to do a good job.My biographical notes and be accompanied by related materials, such as give me the opportunity to interview, I would be honored.Contact Address: __x Guangzhou Institute of Business and Technology Department of the hotel property management 510,507ContactTel:139****1111Sincerely,Salute!英文的自荐信篇8dear sir,professor kenneth h.chan,head of the department of metallurgy, has informed me that your agency is looking for an engineering graduate with the ability to write about technical subjects for non-technical readers.the four years at hong kong university have given me a thorough foundation in such fundamental sciences as physics, mathematics,and chemistry, in addition to specialized courses in metallurgy. i have also taken as many courses in english and psychology as possible with the expectation that i would enter the field of technical sales or editing following my graduation this summer.fortunately, as my resume shows, i now have a mature interest in finding a satisfying job.may i come in for an interview at your convenience?sincerely yours,译文敬启者:冶金系主任陈教授告诉我,贵公司在物色有能力写专门性__给一般读者阅读的工科毕业生。



计算机科学与技术专业英语Computer Science and Technology Major计算机科学与技术专业(jìsuànjī kēxué yǔ jìshù zhuānyè) - Computer Science and Technology Major计算机科学与技术(Computer Science and Technology)是计算机科学与技术学科的核心专业,主要培养学生具有计算机科学与技术专业的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能,能够在计算机科学与技术领域从事应用与开发、设计与实施、管理与服务等工作。

Computer Science and Technology is a core major in the field of computer science and technology. It mainly focuses on cultivating students with basic theories, knowledge, and skills in computer science and technology. Graduates will be able to engage in application development, design and implementation, management, and service in the field of computer science and technology.专业课程(zhuānyè kèchéng) - Major Courses计算机科学与技术专业的课程包括但不限于以下方面:The courses of the Computer Science and Technology major include but are not limited to the following aspects:1.基础课程(basic courses):- 计算机组成原理(Computer Organization and Architecture)- 数据结构与算法(Data Structures and Algorithms)- 操作系统(Operating Systems)- 离散数学(Discrete Mathematics)- 编译原理(Compiler Design)- 计算机网络(Computer Networks)2.核心课程(core courses):- 计算机图形学(Computer Graphics)- 数据库系统(Database Systems)- 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)- 计算机安全(Computer Security)- 软件工程(Software Engineering)- 分布式系统(Distributed Systems)3.专业选修课程(major elective courses):- 数据挖掘(Data Mining)- 机器学习(Machine Learning)- 物联网技术(Internet of Things)- 云计算(Cloud Computing)- 嵌入式系统(Embedded Systems)就业方向(jiùyè fāngxiàng) - Career Paths计算机科学与技术专业的毕业生在以下领域有广泛的就业机会: Graduates of the Computer Science and Technology major have extensive job opportunities in the following fields:- 软件开发(Software Development)- 网络安全(Network Security)- 数据分析(Data Analysis)- 人工智能与机器学习(Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)- 云计算与大数据(Cloud Computing and Big Data)- 嵌入式系统开发(Embedded System Development)- 网站设计与开发(Website Design and Development)- IT管理与咨询(IT Management and Consulting)以上是关于计算机科学与技术专业的简单介绍。



2010年学术活动第169次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年12月16日浏览次数: 172报告人:中国科学技术大学生命科学学院合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室(筹)刘海燕教授报告题目:分子间相互作用的再造与合成生物学元件摘要:合成生物学的重要理念之一是用模块化、标准化的单元构建有功能的生物系统。




时间:2010-12-16 下午2∶00地点:实验十八楼315会议室第170次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年12月15日浏览次数: 96报告人:复旦大学生科院副院长、复旦大学遗传工程国家重点实验室副主任王红艳教授报告题目:出生缺陷的遗传基础研究时间:2010-12-15下午3∶30地点:实验十八楼315会议室第168次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年12月2日浏览次数: 168报告人:生物芯片上海国家工程研究中心副主任张庆华研究员报告题目:蛋白磷酸化抗体芯片技术及在生命科学研究中的应用报告内容:1. 蛋白芯片技术的发展状况 2. 抗体芯片技术应用案例 3. 蛋白磷酸化抗体芯片的技术与产品特点 4. 蛋白与抗体芯片技术的应用与服务时间:2010-12-2 下午3:15地点:实验十八楼315会议室第167次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年11月29日浏览次数: 101报告人:日本九州工业大学清水和幸教授(Prof. Kazuyuki Shimizu)题目: Metabolic reguration analysis of a cell focusing on the relationship between global regulators and the metabolic pathway genes together with 13C-metabolic flux analysis时间: 2010年11月29日上午9:00地点: 实验十八楼315室第166次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年11月25日浏览次数: 104报告人:华东理工大学资源与环境工程学院危险化学物质风险评价与控制中心教授、博士生导师冯耀宇教授题目: 水回用和水安全—新发水源性病原微生物的检测和污染源追踪时间: 2010年11月25日下午2:00地点: 实验十八楼315室第165次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年10月27日浏览次数: 101报告人:Hesham M. Amin, Assiociate Professor, The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX题目: Novel oncogenic systems in lymphoma时间: 2010年10月27日星期三9:30地点: 实验十八楼315室第164次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年10月19日浏览次数: 105报告题目:1.含纤维原料制取生物友好型蛋白-糖饲料添加剂2.石油污染土壤生物修复方法,高效应用和反应条件报告人:俄罗斯科学院通讯院士、微生物学家、门捷列夫化工大学生物工程教研组教授妮娜.葛拉朵娃教授时间:2010年10月19上午9:45地点:实验18楼315室第163次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年10月18日浏览次数: 103报告题目:嗜热酶结构、功能及分子进化报告人:上海交通大学生命科学技术学院冯雁教授时间:2010年10月18日上午10:30-11:30地点:实验18楼315室第162次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年10月18日浏览次数: 119报告题目:Microbial Synthesis of Drugs and Fuels via Synthetic Biology报告人: 美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟分校赵惠民教授时间:2010年10月18日上午9:00-10:30地点:实验18楼315第161次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年10月16日浏览次数: 106报告题目:Inorganic Surfaces that Selectively Bind Phosphate: Applications in Bioarrays, Biotargeting, and Supported Lipid Bilayers报告人:美国Florida Univeristy化学系主任Dan Talham教授时间:2010年10月16日上午9:30地点:一教101室第160次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年10月14日浏览次数: 101报告题目:Growth and Lipidomics Characterization of Nannochloropsis salina for Biofuels报告人:Prof. Peter Lammers, New Mexico State University, USA时间:2010年10月14日上午9:00地点:实验十八楼315室第159次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年10月13日浏览次数: 106报告题目:Refining the Vision for Cost-Competive Biofuel Production from Microalgae报告人:Prof. Bryan Willson, Colorado State University, USA时间:2010年10月13日上午9:00地点:实验十八楼315室第158次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年9月26日浏览次数: 107报告题目:极端环境微生物资源与利用报告人:浙江大学生命科学学院微生物研究所博士生导师吴敏教授报告时间:2010年9月26日下午2:30地点:实验18楼315室第157次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年9月20日浏览次数: 121报告题目:纤维素乙醇糖平台技术的研究进展和展望报告人:山东大学微生物技术国家重点实验室、国家糖工程技术研究中心方诩教授报告时间:2010年9月20日下午2:00地点:实验18楼315室第156次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年9月6日浏览次数: 110报告人:我校特聘讲座教授、日本立命馆大学今中忠行教授题目:Application of nano-bubble to biological systems时间:2010年9月6日上午9:00地点:实验十八楼315室第155次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年9月1日浏览次数: 93报告人:庞正宇博士,通用电气公司全球研发中心生命科学技术部,高级研究员题目:molecular pathology时间:2010年9月1日下午1:30地点:实验十八楼315室第154次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年8月25日浏览次数: 113报告人:Junyong Zhu, Ph.D Scientific Team Leader USDA Forest Products Laboratory题目:Studies on Cellulase Adsorption in Lignocellulosic Suspensions时间:2010年8月25日星期三下午2:00地点:实验十八楼315室第152次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年7月23日浏览次数: 106报告人:Dawei Lin, Ph.D. Director, Bioinformatics Core, UC Davis Genome Center题目:Next Generation Biology Through Next Generation Sequencing时间:2010.7.23日(星期五)下午3:00-4:30地点:实验十八楼315室第153次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年7月23日浏览次数: 104报告人:国家自然科学基金会审专家、校学位评定委员会委员、生物工程学院院长张元兴教授题目:国家自然科学基金和职称晋升的申请、答辩与评审时间:2010.7.23日(星期五)上午9:00地点:实验十八楼315室第151次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年7月21日浏览次数: 120报告人:美国佛罗里达大学化学系V.T and Louis Jackson杰出讲座教授谭蔚泓教授题目:Elucidation of the Molecular Foundation of Cancer:A Chemical Biology Approach时间:2010.7.21日(星期三)下午14:00地点:实验十八楼315室第150次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年7月9日浏览次数: 125报告人:华东理工大学药学院杨有军副教授题目: A Highly Selective Low-Background Fluorescent Imaging Agent for NO using Chemodosimeter Involving *in situ* Fluorophore Synthesis (CIFS) Approach时间:2010-7-9(周五)上午9:00地点:实验十八楼315室第149次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年7月1日浏览次数: 1811.报告人:Kal Karim 博士,英国克兰菲尔德大学题目:Advancing a healthy life- Education and business activities in Cranfield Health时间:2010-7-1(星期四)上午10:30地点:实验十八楼315室2.报告人:葛屹博士,英国克兰菲尔德大学题目:Exploring unique and holistic solutions to facilitate and promote good health - Cranfield Health’s cuttin g edge researches & technologies时间:2010-7-1(星期四)下午14:00地点:实验十八楼315室3.报告人:李松军博士,英国克兰菲尔德大学题目:智能分子印迹聚合物设计、合成及其可控制、可调节的催化作用时间:2010-7-1(星期四)下午15:30地点:实验十八楼315室第148次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年6月29日浏览次数: 122报告人:Dr. Zhen-Yu CHEN (陳振宇教授)Associate Editor, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry题目:How to Write a Manuscript如何撰写高水准的学术论文时间:2010-6-29(星期二)下午2:00地点:实验十八楼315室第147次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年6月9日浏览次数: 104报告人: Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Tennessee Health Science Center Ram I Mahato, PhD题目: Polymeric Nanomedicines and Combination Therapy for treating Prostate Cancer时间: 2010年6月9日星期三下午3:00地点: 实验十八楼315室第146次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年6月7日浏览次数: 107报告人:瑞典Attana生物传感器公司高级研究员\生物芯片研发部经理裴志超题目: QCM生物传感器和微阵列技术研究糖-蛋白,蛋白-蛋白相互作用时间:2010年6月7日星期一下午1:30地点:实验十八楼315室第145次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年6月1日浏览次数: 107报告人: 中国药科大学化学生物学研究室主任、特聘教授陈依军题目: 诺卡沙星衍生物及其生物合成途径时间: 2010年6月1日星期二下午2:00地点: 实验十八楼315室第144次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年5月28日浏览次数: 111报告人: 美国德州农工大学刘文设教授题目: Expanding the Genetic Code时间: 2010年5月28日星期五上午10:00地点: 实验十八楼315室第143次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年5月26日浏览次数: 118报告人: 美国弗吉尼亚理工大学、美国能源部生物能源科学中心张以恒教授(我校校友) Y.-H. Percival Zhang, Associate Professor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, DOE BioEnergy Science Center (BSEC)题目: Constructing the Carbon-Neutral Carbohydrate Economy for Sustainability时间: 2010年5月26日星期三下午3:00地点: 实验十八楼315室第142次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年5月24日浏览次数: 214报告人: 乔治亚医学院生物化学和分子生物学系Huidong Shi(石慧东)教授题目: Next-Generation Sequencing: Applications Beyond Genomes时间: 2010年5月24日星期一上午10:00地点: 实验十八楼315室第141次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年5月21日浏览次数: 239报告人:日本京都大学Sugiyama教授题目:Observation and Control of Enzymatic Reaction in DNA Nano Frame时间: 2010年5月21日星期五下午3:30地点: 实验十八楼315室第140次SKLBE学术论坛作者:管理员发布:2010年5月10日浏览次数: 101附件为第140次SKLBE学术论坛信息,请阅。



计算机专业课程名称英文翻译(计算机科学与技术(教师教育)专业的课程名称和英文名称)4 中国现代史纲要 Outline of Moderm Chinese History5 大学英语 College English6 大学体育 College PE7 心理学 Psychology8 教育学 Pedagogy9 现代教育技术 Modern Technology10 教师口语 Teachers' Oral Skill11 形势与政策 Current Situation and Policy12 大学生就业与指导 Career Guidance13 学科教学法 Course Teaching Methodology14 生理与心理健康教育 Health and Physiology Education15 环境与可持续发展 Environment and Sustainable Development16 文献检索 Literature Retrieval17 大学体育 College PE18 大学语文 College Chinese19 高等数学 Higher Mathematics20 计算机导论 Introduction to ComputerScience21 程序设计基础 Programming Foundations22 程序设计基础实验 Experimentation of ProgrammingFoundations23 线性代数 Linear Algebra24 大学物理 College Physics25 大学物理实验 Experimentation of CollegePhysics26 电路与电子技术 Circuits and Electronics27 电工与电子技术实验 Experimentation of Circuits andElectronics28 数字逻辑电路 Digital Logic Circuit29 数字逻辑电路 Experimentation of DigitalLogic Circuit30 离散数学 Discrete Mathematics31 数据结构 Data Structures32 数据结构实验 Experimentation of DataStructures33 计算机组成与系统结构 Computer Organization and Architecture34 操作系统 Operating System35 操作系统实验 Experimentation of Operating System36 计算机网络 Computer Network37 计算机网络实验 Experimentation of Computer Network38 面向对象程序设计 Object-Oriented Programming39 面向对象程序设计实验 Experimentation of Object-Oriented Programming40 汇编语言程序设计 Assembly Language41 汇编语言程序设计实验 Experimentation of Assembly Language42 概率与数理统计 Probability and Statistics43 JAVA语言 Java Language45 JAVA语言实验 Experimentation of Java Language46 数据库原理 Databases Principles47 数据库原理实验 Experimentation of Databases Pninciples48 专业英语 Discipline English49 人工智能导论 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence50 算法设计与分析 Design and Analysis Of Algorithms51 微机系统与接口 Microcomputer System and Interface52 编译原理 Compiling Principles53 编译原理实验 Experimentation of Compiling54 数学建模 Mathematics Modeling55 软件工程 Software Engineering计算机专业课程名称英文翻译下(2)(计算机科学与技术(教师教育)专业的课程名称和英文名称)56 软件工程实验 Experimentation of Software Engineering57 嵌入式系统 Embedded System58 嵌入式系统实验 Experimentation of Embedded System59 多媒体技术 Multimedia Technology60 Experimentation of Multimedia Technology61 信息系统分析与设计 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design62 UNIX操作系统分析 UNIX System Analysis63 UNIX/Linux操作系统分析 Experimentation of UNIX/Linux SystemAnalysis64 单片机原理 Principles of Single-ChipComputer65 信息安全与保密概论 Introduction to Security andm Cryptography66 Web应用技术 Applications of Web67 高级数据库应用技术Advanced Application of Database Technology68 组网技术 Technology ofBuildingNetwork69 组网技术实验 Technology of Building Network70 计算机图形学 Computer Graphics71 嵌入式接口技术 Embedded Interface72 嵌入式接口技术实验Experimentation of Embedded Interface73 数字图像处理 Digital Images Processing74 数字图像处理实验 Digital Images Processing75 网络应用软件开发 Network Application Development76 XML原理与应用 XML Principle and Application77 XML原理与应用实验 Experimentation ofXML PrincipleandApplication78 计算机系统维护 Maintenance of Computer System79 计算机系统维护实验 Experimentation of ComputerMaintenance80 网络管理技术 Network Management Technology81 网络管理技术实验 Experimentation of NetworkManagement82 数据仓库与数据挖掘 Data Storage and Data Digging83 项目管理 Project Management84 软件开发实例 Cases of Sotiware Development85 企业资源规划( ERP) Enterprise Resource Planning86 新技术 New Technology87 科研创作指导 Supervision in Science ResearchCreation88 电子商务概论 Introduction of ElectronicBusiness89 计算机辅助教学 Computer Aided Teaching另:计算机导论 Introduction to ComputerScience程序设计基础 Foundations ofProgramming电路与电子技术 Circuits and Electronics数字逻辑电路 Digital Logic Circuit离散数学 Discrete Mathematics数据结构 Data Structures计算机组成与系统结构 Computer Organization and Architecture操作系统 Operating System计算机网络 Computer Network面向对象程序设计 Object-Oriented Progjamming数据库原理 Databases Principles。








附件:1.学校各二级单位英文译名2.有关单位下设机构英文译名二〇〇九年三月二十日主题词:行政事务机构英文译名△通知中山大学校长办公室2009年4月27日印发责任校对:王莉婧附件1学校各二级单位英文译名机关部、处、室党委办公室Office of the SYSU Committee of the CPC党委宣传部Publicity Department of the SYSU Committee of the CPC纪委办公室Discipline Inspecting Commission Office监察处Supervision Department审计处Audit Department党委组织部Organization Department of the SYSU Committee of the CPC党委统战部The United Front Work Department of the SYSU Committee of the CPC学生处Student Affairs Office离退休工作处Pensioners Office校工会SYSU Labor Union校团委SYSU Youth Association校长办公室President's Office法律事务室Office of Legal Affairs驻北京办事处Liason Office in Beijing人事处Human Resources Department 教务处University Dean’s office科学技术处Science & Technology Office社会科学处Office of Social Sciences and Humanities设备与实验室管理处Equipment & Lab Management Office房地产管理处Real Estate Office国际合作与交流处港澳台事务办公室Office of International Cooperation & Exchange Office for Hong Kong, Macao & Taiwan Affairs财务与国资管理处Office of Finance and University Assets保卫处单位全称:保卫处、武装部合署办公室Office of Security and Military Training Affairs总务处University Logistics Office基建处Construction Bureau研究生院Graduate School医学部Faculty of Medical Sciences医学教务处Dean’s office of Medical Education Affairs医学科学处Office of Medical Science医院管理处Bureau of Affiliated Hospitals Administration中山大学珠海校区管理委员会Zhuhai Campus Administration, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学广州东校区管理委员会Eastern Campus Administration, Sun Yat-sen University直属单位发展规划办Development & Planning Office, Sun Yat-sen University高等教育研究所Institute of Higher Education Research, Sun Yat-sen University招投标管理中心Bidding Management Center, Sun Yat-sen University校友事务与教育发展办公室Alumni Affairs & Education Development Office, Sun Yat-sen University招生办公室Admission Office, Sun Yat-sen University就业指导中心Career Development Counseling Center, Sun Yat-sen University高等继续教育学院(网络教育学院)School of Continuing Education(School of Online Education), Sun Yat-sen University信息与网络中心(现代教育技术中心)Information and Network Center (Educational Technology Center), Sun Yat-sen University图书馆Sun Yat-sen University Libraries档案馆Sun Yat-sen University Archives测试中心Instrumental Analysis & Research Center, Sun Yat-sen University学报编辑部Editorial Department of the Journal of Sun Yat-sen University心理健康教育咨询中心Mental Health Education & Counseling Center, Sun Yat-sen University先进技术研究院Institute of Advanced Technology, Sun Yat-sen University出版社Sun Yat-sen University Press附属学校管理办公室Administration of Affiliated Schools, Sun Yat-sen University实验动物中心Laboratory Animal Center, Sun Yat-sen University学院、直属系中山大学中文系Department of Chinese, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学历史学系Department of History, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学哲学系Department of Philosophy, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学社会学与人类学学院School of Sociology and Anthropology, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学亚太研究院School of Asian-Pacific Studies, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学岭南学院Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学国际商学院International Business School, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学外国语学院School of Foreign Languages, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学国际汉语学院School of Chinese as a Second Language, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学翻译学院School of International Studies, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学法学院School of Law, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学知识产权学院School of Intellectual Property, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院School of Government, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学管理学院School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学教育学院School of Education, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学传播与设计学院School of Communication and Design, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学资讯管理系School of Information Management, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学数学与计算科学学院School of Mathematics & Computational Science, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学物理科学与工程技术学院School of Physics & Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学化学与化学工程学院School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学地球科学系Department of Earth Science, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学生命科学学院School of Life Sciences,Sun Yat-sen University中山大学海洋学院School of Marine Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学信息科学与技术学院School of Information Science and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学软件学院School of Software, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学环境科学与工程学院School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学地理科学与规划学院School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学旅游学院School of Tourism Management, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学工学院School of Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学中山医学院Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学公共卫生学院School of Public Health, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学光华口腔医学院·附属口腔医院Guanghua School of Stomatology, Hospital of Stomatology<Affiliated>, Sun Yat-sen University护理学院School of Nursing, Sun Yat-sen University药学院School of Pharmaceutical Science, Sun Yat-sen University附属医院中山大学附属第一医院The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院(中山大学附属第二医院)Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital,Sun Yat-sen University(The Second Affiliated Hospital,Sun Yat-sen University)中山大学附属第三医院The Third Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学肿瘤防治中心Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center中山大学中山眼科中心ZhongShan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学附属第五医院The Fifth Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学附属第六医院(胃肠肛门医院)The Sixth Affiliated Hospital (Gastrointestinal & Anal Hospital), Sun Yat-sen University中山大学后勤集团Sun Yat-sen University Logistics Group中山大学产业集团广州中大控股有限公司GUANGZHOU ZHONGDA HOLDING CO., LTD附件2有关单位下设机构英文译名机关部、处、室●纪委办公室:中共中山大学纪律检查委员会Discipline Inspecting Commission of the SYSU Committee of the CPC●党委组织部:组织部Organization Department of the SYSU Committee of the CPC党校Party School of the SYSU Committee of the CPC党校办公室Party School Office of the SYSU Committee of the CPC●学生处:思想教育科Spiritual Education Section综合管理科Coordination Section教育管理科Education Section助学贷款科Student Loan Section珠海校区学生工作办公室Zhuhai Campus Student Affairs Office ●离退休工作处:中山大学离退休工作处Pensioners Office, SYSU中山大学北校区离退休工作办公室North Campus Pensioners Office, SYSU中山大学南校区离退休党总支South Campus Pensioners’ CPC General Branch, SYSU中山大学北校区离退休党总支North Campus Pensioners’ CPC General Branch, SYSU中山大学离退休教职工协会SYSU Pensioners’ Union中山大学老教授协会SYSU Retired Professors’ Association 中山大学关心下一代工作委员会“Concern for the Younger Generation” Commission, SYSU中山大学老年人文化体育协会Pensioners’ Association for Cultural & Sports Activities, SYSU 中山大学颐园学院Yiyuan College, SYSU●团委:SYSU Youth Association共青团中山大学委员会SYSU CYL Committee中山大学青年联合会SYSU Youth Association●教务处:University Dean’s office综合管理科Coordination Division教学研究科Investigation Division学籍管理科Credit Control Division教务考务科Examination Division教学实践科Social Practice Division国家大学生文化素质教育基地办公室Office of State Educational Basis for Student Overall Development 珠海校区教务办公室Zhuhai Campus Extension of the University Dean’s Office南校区教务办公室South Campus Extension of the University Dean’s Office●设备与实验室管理处:Equipment & Lab Management Office综合管理科Coordination Division实验室管理科Lab Management Division装备科Purchase Division设备管理科Equipment Control Division北校区设备办North Campus Equipment Division珠海校区基础教学实验中心Zhuhai Campus Lab Center广州东校区教学实验中心Guangzhou East Campus Lab Center●国际合作与交流处港澳台事务办公室Office of International Cooperation & ExchangeOffice for Hong Kong, Macao & Taiwan Affairs综合科The Secretariat港澳台事务科Section for Hong Kong, Macao & Taiwan Affairs出访管理科Section for International Visits Management交流科Section for International Programs中山大学外国留学生办公室Office for International Students’ Affairs●保卫处:单位全称:保卫处、武装部合署办公室Office of Security and Military Training Affairs下设:保卫处、综合治理督察办公室、武装部下设Security DepartmentCoordination & Supervision DepartmentMilitary Training Department其中保卫处下设:广州北校区保卫(武装)工作办公室North Campus Security & Military Training Section珠海校区保卫(武装)工作办公室Zhuhai Campus Security & Military Training Section广州东校区保卫(武装)工作办公室East Campus Security & Military Training Section综合科Coordination Section调研科Investigation Section治安科Security Section交通消防科Transport & Fire Section●基建处:Construction Bureau综合管理科Coordination Section基建工程管理科Project Management Section东校区基建办公室East Campus Construction Office北校区基建办公室North Campus Construction Office珠海校区基建办公室Zhuhai Campus Construction Office●研究生院:中山大学研究生院:Graduate School, Sun Yat-sen University研究生院管理处:Graduates Office研究生院综合处:Coordination Office研究生院培养处:Academic Training Office●医学部:Faculty of Medical Sciences中山大学医学博物馆Sun Yat-sen University Medical Museum中山大学医学部办公室Office of the Faculty of Medical Sciences,Sun Yat-sen University●医学教务处:Dean’s office of Medical Education Affairs综合科:Coordination Section教研与临床实践科:Teaching, Research & Clinical Practice Section 教务与学籍管理科:Credit Control Section长学制教学管理科:8/7-Year Schooling Section●医学科学处:Office of Medical Science综合管理科Coordination Section基础研究管理科Theoretical Research Section应用研究管理科Application Research Section●医院管理处:Bureau of Affiliated Hospitals Administration综合科Coordination Section医政科Quality Inspection Section●珠海校区:中山大学珠海校区Zhuhai Campus, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学珠海校区管理委员会Zhuhai Campus Administration, Sun Yat-sen University中共中山大学珠海校区工作委员会CPC Zhuhai Campus Committee, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学珠海校区党政工作办公室Party & Administration Joint Office, Zhuhai Campus, Sun Yat-sen University●广州东校区中山大学广州东校区管理委员会Eastern Campus Administration, Sun Yat-sen University中共中山大学广州东校区工作委员会CPC Eastern Campus Committee, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学东校区党政工作办公室Party & Administration Joint Office, East Campus, Sun Yat-sen University直属单位●发展规划办:发展规划办公室Development & Planning Office211工程办公室211 Project Office985工程办公室985 Project Office●校友事务与教育发展办公室Alumni Affairs & Education Development Office部门设置:1、校友事务部Alumni Affairs Dept.2、综合事务部Coordination Dept.3、教育发展基金会事务部Education Development Foundation Dept.●中山大学图书馆:Sun Yat-sen University Libraries校区分馆:中山大学图书馆医学图书馆Medical Library, Sun Yat-sen University Libraries中山大学东校区图书馆East Campus Library, Sun Yat-sen University Libraries中山大学珠海校区图书馆Zhuhai Campus Library, Sun Yat-sen University Libraries学科分馆:中山大学图书馆经济与管理学科分馆Library of Economics and Management (S.T.Wu Library),Sun Yat-sen University Libraries中山大学图书馆化学与化学工程学科分馆Library of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University Libraries中山大学图书馆生命科学学科分馆Library of Life Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University Libraries研究所:Institutes中山大学图书馆与资讯科学研究所Institute of Library and Information Science, Sun Yat-sen University 中山大学中国古文献研究所Institute of the Chinese Classics, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学医学情报研究所Institute of Medical Information Science, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学学报编辑部Editorial Department of the Journal of Sun Yat-sen University内部机构:《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》Journal Of Sun Yat-sen University (Social Sciences Edition)《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》ACTA SCIENTIARUM NATURALIUM UNIVERSITATIS SUNYATSENI《中山大学学报(医学科学版)》Journal of Sun Yat-sen University (Medical Sciences Edition)学院、直属系中山大学历史学系:Department of History, Sun Yat-sen University艺术史研究中心Centre for Art History宗教文化研究所Institute of the History of Religions近代中国研究中心Centre for the Study of Modern China孙中山研究所Institute for Sun Yat-sen Studies历史人类学研究中心Centre for Historical Anthropology系办公室Department Office亚洲史研究室Research Group for Asian History国际关系史研究室Research Group for the History of International Relations明清经济史研究室 Research Group for Ming-Qing Economic History敦煌学研究室Research Group for Dunhuang Studies世界近现代史教研室Teaching and Research Unit of Modern World History世界古代史教研室Teaching and Research Unit of Ancient World History中国近现代史教研室Teaching and Research Unit of Modern Chinese History中国古代史教研室Teaching and Research Unit of Ancient Chinese History学工办Student Affairs Office团总支General Branch of the Chinese Communist Youth League●中山大学哲学系:Department of Philosophy, Sun Yat-sen University中国哲学研究所Institute of Chinese Philosophy文化研究所Institute of Cultural Studies当代伦理学研究所Institute of Contemporary Ethics比较宗教研究所Institute of Comparative Religion中外管理研究中心Center for Administrative Philosophies, East And West分析哲学研究所Institute of Analytical Philosophy现象学研究所Institute of Phenomenology中国马克思主义解释史研究中心Center for the History of the Chinese Interpretation of Marxism华南农村研究中心Center for the South China Rural Area Studies 马克思主义哲学与中国现代化研究所Institute of Marxist Philosophy and China’s Modernization逻辑与认知科学研究所Institute of Logic and Cognition●中山大学社会学与人类学学院:School of Sociology and Anthropology, Sun Yat-sen University人类学系Department of Anthropology社会学与社会工作系Department of Sociology and Social Work●中山大学岭南学院:Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University(一)学系(专业)Departments经济学系Department of Economics经济学专业Economics财政税务系Department of Public Finance & Taxation财政学专业Public Finance国际商务系Department of International Business国际经济与贸易专业International Economy & Trade金融学系Department of Finance金融学专业Finance经济管理系Department of Business Management物流管理专业Logistics Management风险管理与保险学系Department of Risk Management &Insurance保险学专业Insurance(二)科研机构Scientific Research Institutions1、省普通高校人文社科重点研究基地(Local Research Base forHuman & Social Sciences)中山大学经济研究所Institute of Economics, Sun Yat-senUniversity2、校属研究机构Research Institutions Affiliated to the University中山大学税收与理财研究中心Research Center for Taxation &Accounting, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学银行研究中心Center for Banking Studies, Sun Yat-senUniversity中山大学现代物流技术与管理研究中心Center for ModernLogistic Technology & Management, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学金融工程与风险管理研究中心Center for Financial Engineering & Risk Management, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学社会保障研究中心Center for Social Security Studies,Sun Yat-sen University3、院属研究机构Research Institutions Affiliated to LingnanCollege中山大学岭南学院房地产咨询研究中心Advisory & ResearchCenter for Real Estate, Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学岭南学院保险研究与咨询中心Advisory & ResearchCenter for Insurance, Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学岭南学院产业与区域经济研究中心Research Center for Industrial and Regional Economy, Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学岭南学院实证与计量经济研究中心Center for Empirical Economics & Econometrics, Lingnan Collage, Sun Yat-sen University友邦-中大精算中心AIA-Sun Yat-sen University ActuarialCenter4、其他科研机构(论坛)Other Research Institutions岭南财经论坛Lingnan Finance & Economics Forum岭南学者研讨会Lingnan Seminar(三)项目Programs岭南MBA中心Lingnan MBA Center岭南学院-明尼苏达大学卡尔森管理学院高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)学位项目(简称CHEMBA项目)China Executive MBA Program, in Cooperation with Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota中山大学岭南学院综合方向EMBA(G-EMBA)GeneralEMBA Program中山大学岭南学院金融与财务EMBA (F-EMBA)Finance-EMBA Program中山大学岭南学院EMBA 学位项目的医药与卫生方向(简称H-EMBA)Health-Care EMBA Program中山大学岭南学院(中法合作)国际商贸MBA项目International Business MBA Program, in cooperation with University Lyon III(四)培训机构Training Centers中山大学岭南学院在职研究生课程中心Continuing Educationfor Graduate Programs, Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学岭南学院成人学历教育中心Continuing Education forUndergraduate Programs, Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University 中山大学岭南学院高层管理培训教育中心(EDP培训中心)Executive Development Programs, Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University(五)考试机构Testing Centers中国精算师考试中心Testing Center for Chinese ActuaryQualification友邦-中大精算中心AIA-Sun Yat-sen University ActuarialCenter广东省物流师-采购师考试中心Testing Center for Logistics & Buyers, Guangdong Province(六)信息与教育技术中心Information & Education Technology Center(七)实验室Laboratory中山大学岭南学院-ORACLE-SUN“数字化管理实验室”ORACLE-SUN Digital Management Lab Lingnan College, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学经济管理实验中心Business Management lab, Sun Yat-sen University●中山大学国际商学院:International Business School, Sun Yat-sen University应用经济学系Department of Applied Economics企业管理系Department of Business Administration中山大学区域经济研究中心Center for Regional Economy, Sun Yat-sen University●中山大学外国语学院:School of Foreign Languages, Sun Yat-sen University英语系English Department德语系German Department法语系French Department日语系Japanese Department中山大学语言研究所Language Studies Institute,Sun Yat-sen University中山大学功能语言研究所Functional Linguistics Institute,Sun Yat-sen University中山大学翻译研究中心Translation Studies Institute,Sun Yat-sen University中山大学澳大利亚研究中心Center for Australian Studies,Sun Yat-sen University中山大学英美语言与文学研究室Research Center for Anglo-American Language and Literature, Sun Yat-sen University外国语学院英诗研究所English Poetry Studies Institute, School of Foreign Languages俄罗斯语言与文化研究中心Centre for Russian Language and Culture Studies●中山大学翻译学院:School of International Studies, Sun Yat-sen University翻译系:Department of Translation and Interpretation商务外语系:Department of Business Communication对外汉语系:Department of Chinese as a Foreign Language●中山大学法学院:School of Law, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学知识产权学院:School of Intellectual Property, Sun Yat-sen University院长室School Dean’s Office (Room 201)副院长室Deputy Dean’s Office (Room 202)院党委CPC Committee Office (Room 203)学生工作部Student Affairs Office (Room 103)行政办公室Administration Office (Room 208)经济法研究所Economic Law Research Institute (Room 304)民商法研究所Civil and Commercial Law Research Institute (Room 305)刑法研究所Criminal Law Research Institute (Room 306)国际法研究所International Law Research Institute (Room 308)诉讼法研究所Procedural Law Research Institute (Room 309)宪法与行政法研究所Constitutional and Administrative Law Research Institute (Room 403)法律史研究所Legal History Research Institute (Room 404)法学理论研究所Jurisprudence Research Institute (Room 405)法学研究所Law Institute行政法研究所Administrative Law Research Institute法律经济学研究中心Law and Economics Research CenterWTO与CEPA法律研究中心WTO and CEPA Research Center刑事法学研究中心Criminal Law Research Center法学理论与法律实践研究中心Legal Theories and Practice Center 法学院大楼Law School Building继续教育办公室Continuing Education Office (Room 206)教务办公室Faculty Secretary Office (Room 207)办公室Office (Room 209)办公室Office (Room 301)接待室Reception Room (Room 204-205)知识产权学院办公室Intellectual Property Office (Room 401)“985工程”办公室“985 Project” Office (Room 402)资料室(联合国文件收藏图书馆) School Library(UN Documents Collection)设备、网络工作室Equipment & Networks Room (Room 307)教职工之家Faculty & Staff Lounge (Room 102)院报编辑部Copy Desk of the School Newspaper (Room 105)中山大学法律诊所Legal Clinic of Sun Yat-sen University (Room 106)课室Classroom (Room 101)课室Classroom (Room 302-303)复印室Duplicating Room洗手间Toilet中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院:School of Government, Sun Yat-sen University政治科学系Department of Political Science行政管理学系Department of Public Administration公共传播学系Department of Public Communication人口研究所Demographical Studies Institute政治学研究所Political Science Institute公共传播研究所Public Communication Studies Institute社会发展研究所Social Development Institute中法合作工业与技术社会学中心Sino-French Center for Sociological Studies of Industry and Technology人力资源研究开发中心Center for Human Resources Studies地方治理研究所Local Governance Survey Center公共事务调查中心Public Affairs Survey Center社会工作教育与研究中心Social Work Education and Research Center电子政务研究中心E-Government Research Center劳工研究与服务中心Labor Studies and Service Center消费与发展研究中心Consumption and Development Studies Center行政管理研究中心Public Administration Research CenterMPA教育中心MPA Education Center中山大学管理学院School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University行政架构School Structure工商管理系Department of Business Administration会计系Department of Accounting旅游酒店管理系Department of Tourism and Hotel Management 市场学系Department of Marketing财务投资系Department of Finance & Investment管理科学系Department of Management Science科研机构Institutes & Research Centers中山大学企业管理研究所Business Administration Institute, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学信息经济与政策研究中心Research Center for Information Economics and Policy, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学企业与市场研究中心Company and Market Research Center, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学中国营销研究中心China Marketing Research Center, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学现代会计与财务研究中心Contemporary Accountancy and Finance Research Center, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学服务性企业管理研究中心Research Center for Service Business Management, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学中国第三产业研究中心Center for China’s Service Industry Research, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学中国家族企业研究中心Research Center for Chinese Family Firm, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学金融投资研究中心Finance and Investment Research Center, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学行为金融与金融经济学研究所Institute for Behavioral Finance and Financial Economics, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学中德公司治理研究中心Sino-German Research Center for Corporate Governance, Sun Yat-sen University管理学院新经济研究中心Research Center for New Economics 管理学院电子商务与管理工程研究中心Research Center for E-Commerce and Management Engineering管理学院人力资源开发与管理研究中心Research Center for Humar Resources Development and Management中山大学创业中心Center for Entrepreneurship管理学院亚太案例开发与研究中心Center for Asia-Pacific Case Development and Research管理学院现代流通管理研究中心Modern Distribution Management Research Center中山大学教育学院:School of Education, Sun Yat-sen University行政综合部Administrative Section学生工作部Student Affairs Section教学科研部Teaching & Research Section综合开发部Developing Section财务后勤部Financial Section教职工之家Faculty Lounge社会科学教育系Department of Social Science Education,思想政治教育研究所Institute of Ideological and Political Studies 德育研究所Institute of Moral Education池田大作与亚洲教育研究中心Ikeda Daisaku and Asian Educational Research Center医学人文研究和发展中心Medical Humanities Research and Development Center广东省高等学校思想政治教育研究会《思想教育探索》杂志编辑部Editorial office of Ideological Education Exploring心理学系Department of Psychology心理服务中心Psychological Service Center体育教育系Department of Physical Education体育科学研究所Institute of Sports Science英东体育中心YingDong Sports Center中国大学生体育训练基地National Collegiate Sports Training Center国际体育产业与体育管理研究中心Center for International Sports Management & Sports Industry教育科学研究所Institute for Studies in Education●中山大学传播与设计学院School of Communication and Design, Sun Yat-sen University新闻传播学系Department of Journalism and Communication艺术设计学系Department of Art Design新媒体与影视制作学系Department of New Media and Video Production沙飞暨影像研究中心Sha Fei Image Research Center数字媒体研究中心Digital Media Research Center视觉文化研究中心Visual Culture Research Center中澳艺术与文化研究中心Sino-Australian Arts and Culture Research Center学院党总支General Branch of CPC学院办公室School Office学院团委CYL Committee●中山大学国际汉语学院School of Chinese as a Second Language, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学普通话教育研究中心Standard Chinese Training & Research Center中山大学汉语国际推广领导小组办公室Office of Overseas Promotion of the Chinese Language中山大学对外汉语研究所Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language中山大学物理科学与工程技术学院School of Physics & Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University光电材料与技术国家重点实验室State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies 显示材料与技术广东省重点实验室The Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Display Materials and Technologies中山大学激光与光谱学研究所Lasers and Spectroscopy Institute, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学凝聚态物理研究所Condensed Matter Physics Institute, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学纳米技术研究中心Nanotechnology Research Center, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学专用集成电路ASIC设计中心Center for the ASIC Design, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学太阳能系统研究所Solar Energy System Institute, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学半导体照明系统研究中心Center for Solid-state Light System, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学空间技术中心Center for Space Technology, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学电力电子及控制技术研究所Power Electronics and Control Technology, Sun Yat-sen University 中山大学环境材料研究所Environmental Materials Institute, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学核物理与工程中心Center for Nuclear Physics and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学化学与化学工程学院School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University化学系Department of Chemistry应用化学系Department of Applied Chemistry高分子与材料科学系Department of Polymer and Material Science聚合物复合材料及功能材料教育部重点实验室Key Laboratory for Polymeric Composite and Functional Materials of Ministry of Education生物无机与合成化学教育部重点实验室Key Laboratory of Bioinorganic and Synthetic Chemistry of Ministry of Education无机化学与材料研究所Institute of Inorganic and Material Chemistry物理化学研究所Institute of Physical Chemistry有机化学研究所Institute of Organic Chemistry分析科学研究所Institute of Analytical Science高分子研究所Institute of Polymer Science材料科学研究所Institute of Material Science石化产品与技术研究中心Research Center for Petrochemical Products and Technology绿色化学与工程研究中心Research Center for Green Chemistry and Engineering化学实验教学中心Experimental Chemistry Center中山大学信息科学与技术学院:School of Information Science and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University计算机科学系Department of Computer Science电子与通信工程系Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering计算机软件研究所Computer Software Institute计算机应用研究所Computer Application Institute●中山大学软件学院:School of Software, Sun Yat-sen University中山大学软件人才培训中心Software Professional Training Center软件工厂Teaching Software Factory计算机应用研究所Institute of Computer Application●中山大学地理科学与规划学院:城市与区域规划系Department of Urban and Regional Planning 遥感与地理信息工程系Department of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Engineering水资源与环境系Department of Water Resources and Environment 国土资源与环境系Department of Land Resource and Environment Science城市与区域研究中心Center for Urban and Regional Studies遥感与地理信息工程应用中心Center for Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Engineering 水资源与环境研究中心Center for Water Resources and Environment土地研究中心Centre for Land Research河口海岸研究所Institute of Coastal and Estuarine Studies旅游发展与规划研究中心Centre for Tourism Planning, Sun Yat-sen University规划设计研究院Urban Planning and Design Institute地理实验中心The Experiment Center of Geography中山大学中山医学院:Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University(一)教学机构:1、中山大学中山医学院临床医学一系(长学制)8/7-year Programs of Clinical Medicine, Zhongshan School of Medicine,SYSU2、中山大学中山医学院临床医学二系(五年制)5-year Programs of Clinical Medicine, Zhongshan School of Medicine, SYSU3、中山大学中山医学院医学影像学系Department of Medical Imaging, Zhongshan School of Medicine, SYSU4、中山大学中山医学院麻醉学系Department of Anesthesiology, Zhongshan School of Medicine, SYSU5、中山大学中山医学院康复治疗学系Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Zhongshan School of Medicine, SYSU6、中山大学中山医学院眼科视光学系Department of Ophthalmology, Zhongshan School of Medicine, SYSU7、中山大学中山医学院医学检验学系Department of Laboratory Medicine, Zhongshan School of Medicine, SYSU8、中山大学中山医学院法医学系,下设:中山大学中山医学院法医病理学教研室、中山大学中山医学院法医物证教研室;。



计算机领域的简单英文资料Computer Science is the study of computers and computational systems. It is a broad field that encompasses a range of sub-disciplines, including computer graphics, artificial intelligence, software engineering, and data science.In computer science, algorithms play a crucial role. An algorithm is a sequence of instructions that solves a specific problem or performs a specific task. It is the foundation of computer programming and forms the basis of many computer applications.Computer programming involves writing, testing, debugging, and maintaining the source code of computer programs. Programming languages, such as Python, Java, and C++, are used to write these programs. Each programming language has its own syntax and rules that govern how code is written.Software engineering focuses on the practical aspects of software development. It involves designing, implementing, and testing software systems to meet specified requirements. Software engineers use various methodologies, such as Agile and Waterfall, to manage the development process.Artificial intelligence (AI) is a subfield of computer science that focuses on creating machines that can perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence. AI techniques include machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics.Data science involves extracting knowledge and insights fromlarge sets of data. It combines aspects of computer science, statistics, and mathematics to analyze and interpret data. Data scientists use techniques such as data mining, predictive modeling, and visualization to make sense of data.Computer graphics deals with the creation, manipulation, and representation of visual content using computers. It includes areas such as image processing, computer animation, and virtual reality.Other sub-disciplines within computer science include computer networks, database systems, operating systems, and cybersecurity.Overall, computer science is a dynamic and rapidly evolving field that plays a crucial role in various industries and sectors.。






一、硕士学位名称1. 计算机科学与技术硕士(Master of Computer Science and Technology)计算机科学与技术硕士是一种广义的计算机专业硕士学位,主要培养学生在计算机科学与技术领域具备深入的理论基础和系统性的专门知识,能够进行科学研究、项目开发、技术管理和应用创新的高级专门人才。

2. 软件工程硕士(Master of Software Engineering)软件工程硕士专业注重培养学生具备软件系统开发与设计的理论和技术基础,掌握软件工程项目管理方法和策略,能够从事大型软件系统的开发和设计、软件测试和维护以及软件项目管理等工作。

3. 信息安全硕士(Master of Information Security)信息安全硕士专业是培养具备信息安全理论、技术和实践方面的高级专业人才,能够从事信息安全技术研究、系统分析与设计、信息安全评估和风险管理等工作。

4. 数据科学硕士(Master of Data Science)数据科学硕士旨在培养学生具备跨学科的数据科学理论知识和技能,能够从海量数据中提取有用信息、探索数据背后的模式和趋势,并将其应用于业务决策、机器学习和人工智能等领域。

二、博士学位名称1. 计算机科学与技术博士(Doctor of Computer Science and Technology)计算机科学与技术博士专业培养具备计算机科学与技术领域深入理论和学术研究能力的高级科研人才,具备解决复杂计算机科学与技术问题的能力,为相关学术领域的创新和发展做出贡献。

2. 人工智能博士(Doctor of Artificial Intelligence)人工智能博士是一种特殊的计算机科学与技术博士学位,其侧重点在于培养学生在人工智能领域的深入研究和开发能力,掌握机器学习、深度学习、自然语言处理等关键技术,为人工智能技术的创新和应用做出贡献。



CGFNSCommission on Graduates of Foreign Nuring Schoolsv)Q sSYNuXTO0
CGOChief Government Officerv)Q sS-^l;N{ ;N#N?e^:ggKN儶NAmNl0
ChinaNETChian Networkv)Q sS-N{:gQ [/f?e^v{:gQKNN NKN雔^v g-N岀QI{0
00CD compact disc
00IC Integrated Circuits
00ASCII American standard code for Information Interchange
00EBCDIC Extended Binary Code Decimal Interchange Code
CD-ROMCompact Disk-Read Only Memoryv)Q sSIQX[PhV _N1\/fN^IQq0
CEOChief Executive Officerv)Q sS-^gbL[0
CETCollege English Testv)Q sS'Yf[Km0
CFOChief Finance Officerv)Q sS-^"R;N{0
0)Q[/f(uN*NUSbv{Qb__egN*N[tevb__ [ N TNW[)Q0OY
00kg (kilogram), TV (television), cf (confer), cm (centimetre)
00AD,A.DAnno Domini(=in the year of the Lord;since Christ was born lQCQ
00GIGO garbage in , garbage out



2. 不同大學對相同系名的英文翻譯可能不同。
人力資源暨公共關係學系 人文社會學系
The First Division
Dept. of Human Resource and Public Relations Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences
人類發展與家庭學系幼兒發展 Dept. of Human Development and Family Studies Division of Early 與教育組 Childhood Development and Education 人類發展學系 人類學系 土地管理學系 土耳其語文學系 大眾傳播學系 工商管理學系企業管理組 工業產品設計學系 工業管理學系 工藝設計學系 不動產與城鄉環境學系 中國文學系 中國文學系中國文學組 Dept. of Human Development Dept. of Anthropology Dept. of Land Management Dept. of Turkish Language aunication Dept. of Business Administration Division of Business Management Dept. of Industrial Design Dept. of Industrial Management Dept. of Crafts and Design Dept. of Real Estate and Built Environment Dept. of Chinese Literature Dept. of Chinese Literature - Classics Section
亞太工商管理學系企業管理組 Dept. of Asia-pacific Industrial and Business Management-Business Management 兒童發展與家庭教育學系 Dept. of Child Development and Family Studies 宗教學系 服裝設計學系 服飾經營學系 法律學系 法律學系司法組 法律學系法制組 法律學系法學組 法律學系財經法律組 法國語文學系 法國語文學系 法學系 物流管理學系 知識經濟學系 社會工作學系 社會心理學系 Dept. of Religious Studies Dept. of Fashion Design Dept. of Fashion Merchandising Dept. of Law Dept. of Law, Adjudication Division Dept. of Law Division of Legal Institutions Dept. of Law, Legal Science Division Dept. of Law - Financial and Economic Law Section Dept. of French Dept. of French Language and Literature Dept. of Law Dept. of Logistics Management Dept. of Knowledge Economy Dept. of Social Work Dept. of Social Psychology



大學院系英文名稱(精簡版) 各類組依筆劃排序工學院:College of Engineering文學院:College of Liberal Arts公衛學院College of Public Health生物資源暨農學院College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture生命科學院College of Life Science法學院:College of Law社會學院:College of Sociology神學院:College of Seminary商學院:College of Commerce教育學院:College of Education理學院:College of Science傳播學院School of Communications資訊電機學院(不分系榮譽班)Honor Program of Information and Electrical Engineering 農學院:College of Agriculture管理學院(不分系)College of Management電機資訊學院College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science醫學院:Medical College 或College of Medicine藝術學院:College of Arts觀光學院School of Tourism註:1. 下表中,Dept .= Department n.學系(= School = Faculty)2. 不同大學對相同系名的英文翻譯可能不同。

第一類組The First Division第二類組The Second Division第三類組The Third Division。

计算机科学的介绍Computer Science 英语作文(自己专业的介绍).

计算机科学的介绍Computer Science 英语作文(自己专业的介绍).

Around 1640, Blaise Pascal, a leading French mathematician, constructed the first mechanical adding device, the Pascaline, based on a design described by Greek mathematician Hero of Alexandria.
Computer science began to be established as a distinct academic discipline in the 1950s and early 1960s.
2. Major Achievements
1) The start of the "digital revolution," which includes the current Information Age and the Internet.
Computer Science
计算机科学与技术学院 某某Байду номын сангаас某某人
1 History 2 Major achievements 3 Areas of computer science
3.1 Computer architecture and engineering 3.2 Artificial intelligence 3.3 Information science
The theoretical Turing Machine, created by Alan Turing, is a hypothetical device theorized in order to study the properties of such hardware.



第一节 词 类
中国 China 北京大学 Beijng University 西电大学 Xidian University 西北工业大学 the Northwestern Polytechnical University 计算机科学系 the Department of Computer Science
第一节 词 类
(2)论文的标题、书籍名称等的冠词可以省去。如: 锁相环的研究 Study of Phase-locked Loops 计算机入门 Introduction to Computers
第一节 词 类
(3)专有名词一般不加冠词。在科技文写作中,主要 涉及到的专有名词有人名、地名、单位名称和国 家名称。其中单位名称和国家名称需要注意以下 几点:一般由单个词表示的国家名称或一个地点 名词加“大学”构成的专有名称前不加冠词;由三个 或三个以上的普通单词构成的单位或国家名称前 要加定冠词(不过写在信封上或发表的论文作者下 面等场合时一般可不加冠词)。如:
第一节 词 类
2.数词在句子中作前置修饰语 (倍数;分数)+(the+名词;that+后置定语(多为“of 短语”);what从句) 这个电压是加给放大器的信号的80倍。
This voltage is 80 times the signal applied to the amplifier. 其速度为光速的十分之三。 Its speed is three tenths that of light.
第一节 词 类
(5)某些可数名词单数形式在泛指时可省去冠词。 欧姆首先发现了电流、电压、电阻之间的关系。 Ohm first discovered the relationship between current, voltage,and resistance. 晶体管是由发射极、基极和集电极三部分构成的。 A transistor consists of three parts:emitter, base and collector.



一、国家及校级奖项、称号国家奖学金National Scholarship国家励志奖学金National Encouragement scholarship三好学生标兵Pacemaker to Merit Student三好学生Merit Student学习优秀生Model Student of Academic Records突出才能奖Model Student of Outstanding Capacity先进个人Advanced Individual/Outstanding Student优秀工作者Excellent staff优秀学生干部Excellent Student Cadre优秀共青团员Excellent League Member优秀毕业生Outstanding Graduates优秀志愿者Outstanding Volunteer先进班集体Advanced Class优秀团干Outstanding League Cadres学生协会优秀干部Outstanding cadres of Student Association学生协会工作优秀个人Outstanding Individual of Student Association精神文明先进个人Spiritual Advanced Individual社会工作先进个人Advanced Individual of Social Work文体活动先进个人Advanced Individual of Cultural and sports activities 道德风尚奖Ethic Award精神文明奖High Morality Prize最佳组织奖Prize for The Best Organization突出贡献奖Prize for The Outstanding Contribution工作创新奖Prize for The Creative Working团队建设奖Prize for The Team Contribution二、各系比赛与奖项外语系(Foreign Language Department):话剧比赛Drama competition英语演讲比赛English Speech Contest八系辩论赛Eight Departments Invitational Debate Competition黑板报设计大赛Blackboard Poster Design ContestPPT设计大赛Courseware Design Competition文明宿舍Outstanding DormitoryOK杯篮球比赛OK Cup for Basketball Game我心飞扬歌唱比赛“My Heart Flies”Singing Competition中文系( Department of Chinese Language and Literature):诗歌朗诵比赛Poetry Recitation Contest诗歌创作比赛Poetry Creation Contest摄影大赛Photography Competition金话筒比赛“Golden Microphone”Competition兴我中华演讲比赛Speech Competition on Revitalizing China课件比赛Courseware Design Contest报刊比赛Press Writing Contest足球比赛Football Match三笔比赛Essay Contest冬日环保针织比赛Knitting Contest on Winter Environmental Protection数学系(Department of Mathematics ):登山比赛Mountain-climbing Competition网络工程师Network Engineer Certification全国建模比赛National Mathematical Modeling Contest知识风采比赛Knowledge CompetitionPPT 课件制作大赛Courseware Design Competition经济管理系(The Department of Economics & Management):辩论赛Debate Competition创业大赛Venture Contest政法系(Politics and Law Department):党团知识竞赛Knowledge Contest on the Party and the League 政法论坛Political and Legal Forum金秋系列活动Series of Activities in “Golden Season模拟法庭Moot Court演讲比赛Speech Competition征文比赛Essay Competition计算机科学系(Computer Science Department):网页设计大赛Web Page Design Competition辩论赛Debate Competition软件设计大赛Software Design Competition多媒体课件设计大赛Multimedia Courseware Design Competition 网站设计竞赛Web Design Competition电子科学系(Electronic Science Department):演讲比赛Speech Contest电子设计大赛Electronic Design Contest服装系(Textile and Fashion Department):服装创意设计大赛Garment Design Competition毕业设计大赛Graduation Design Competition发表论文Publications专利证书Patent服装设计大赛Garment Design Contest泳衣大赛Swimming Suit Design Competition手提包设计大赛Handbag Design Competition服装创意设计大赛Creative Garment Design Competition生命科学系(Department of Life Science):实验技能操作大赛Experiment Skill and Operation Contest广东大学生生物化学实验技能大赛The Biochemical Experiments Contest for College Student in Guangdong建筑与土木工程系(Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering):建筑文化节Architectural Culture Festival建筑设计竞赛Architectural Design Competition钢笔画比赛Ink Drawing Contest节徽设计大赛Festival Logo Design Contest“五佳”歌手活动“Best Five”Singer Activities友谊篮球赛Friendship Cup Basketball Match工程测量比赛Engineering Survey Competition班际足球赛Inter-class Football Match省大学生科技竞赛 Science and Technology Contest for Province College Stu dents十佳学生活动组织Top Ten Student Activities Organization十大学生修身楷模Ten Model Students of Self-cultivation学生科研创新奖Student Award for Research and Innovation棋王大赛Chess Competition电子社飞思杯电脑建筑效果图设计大赛E-Society Feisi Cup Architectural Re nderings Computer Design Contest化学工程系(Department of Chemical Engineering & Technology):“飞狐杯”八系辩论赛 Flying Fox Cup 8 departments Invitational Debate Com petition女子篮球赛Women's Basketball Match广东省高校化学化工实验技能大赛Chemistry and Chemical Experiment Skills C ompetition for Colleges in Guangdong旅游管理系(Tourism and Management Department):导游技能大赛Tourist Skills Contest导游路线设计大赛Tourist Route Design Competition党团知识竞赛Knowledge Contests about the CPC and the CYLC 礼仪风采大赛Manner and Etiquette Contest体育系(Department of Sports):体育文化节Physical Culture Festival音乐系(Music Department)相声小品大赛Crosstalk and Sketch Contest班际篮球赛Inter-class Basketball Match三、证书大学英语四级CET4 (College English Test Band 4 Certificate)大学英语六级CET6 (College English Test Band 6 Certificate)英语专业四级TEM4 (Test for English Major Grade 4 Certificate)英语专业八级TEM8 (Test for English Major Grade 8 Certificate)普通话等级考试National Mandarin Test (Level 1, 2, 3; Grade A,B,C)日语能力考试Japanese Language Proficiency Test (Level 1, 2, 3, 4) 商务日语能力考试Business Japanese Proficiency Test商务英语证书Business English Certificate)雅思IELTS (International English Language Testing System)托福TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)BEC初级(BEC Preliminary Level,缩略为BEC Pre.)BEC中级(BEC Vantage Level,缩略为BEC Van.)BEC高级(BEC Higher Level,缩略为BEC Hi.)全国计算机等级考试National Computer Rank Examination (NCRE)Rank I: DOS、WINDOWSRankⅡ: VISUAL BASIC,VISUAL FOXPRO,QBASIC,FORTRAN,C,FOXBASE RankⅢ: PC technology、Information management、Internet technology、Data baseRankⅣ: Ability to systems analysis and systems project全国计算机一级证书First-level Certificate for National Computer全国计算机二级证书Second-level Certificate for National Computer全国计算机三级证书Third-level Certificate for National Computer全国计算机四级证书Fourth-level Certificate for National Computer导游证Guide ID Card (Guide Identity of Identification Card)导游资格证书Guide Certificate秘书证Secretary Card中级涉外秘书证Intermediate Foreign Secretary Card会计证Accounting Certificate会计从业资格证书: Certificate of Accounting Professional初级职务(助理会计)证书Sub-accountant Certificate Preliminary Level中级职称Intermediate Certificate管理会计师证书: Certificate in Management Accounting注册会计师证书: (CPA Certificate)Certificate of Certified Public Accountant 注册金融分析师(CFA)Chartered Financial Analyst特许公认会计师(ACCA)The Association of Chartered AccountantsCAD工程师认证证书CAD Engineer Certification电工证Electrician certificate技工证书Technician Certificate教师资格证Teacher Certification心理辅导教师资格证书Psychological Counseling Teacher Certificate报关员资格证书Clerk for the Customs Declaration报关员证书Customs Declaration Certificate人力资源从业资格证书Qualification of Human Resources Practitioners驾驶证Driver’s License国家司法考试证书National Judicial Examination certificate(lawyer's qualifi cation certificate)律师资格证书Attorney’s certificate企业法律顾问执业资格证书Enterprise Counsel Qualification Certificate法律顾问Legal Adviser律师助理证Assistant Lawyer Certificate会计从业资格证Certificate of Accounting Professional初级会计职称Junior Level Accountant中级会计职称Medium Level Accountant高级职称Advanced Level Accountant注册会计师Certified Public Accountant (CPC)注册税务师Certified Tax Agents(CTA )经济师Economist精算师Actuary审计师Auditor统计师Actuary物流师职业资格证书Certificate of International Logistics Specialist国际物流师Certified International Logistics Specialist (CILS)国际电子商务师职业资格认证Certification of International E-Commerce Specialist 国际电子商务师Certified International E-Commerce Specialist(CIECS)市场营销师Marketing Manager特许市场营销师Certified Marketing Manager (CMM)初级营销职业证书Introductory Certificate in Marketing市场营销职业证书Certificate in Marketing国际商务谈判师Certificated International Professional Negotiator ( CIPN)投资咨询师Investment Counselor人力资源管理Human Resource Management ( HRM )中国职业经理人资格认证Certificate of Chinese Professional Manager中国职业经理人Chinese Professional Manager ( CPM )注册国际投资分析师Certified International Investment Analyst( CIIA )注册金融分析师Chartered Financial Analyst ( CFA )注册金融策划师Certified Financial Planner(CFP)认证金融理财师Associate Financial Planner (AFP)金融风险管理师Financial Risk Manager (FRM)证券从业资格证书Certificate of Securities国际贸易单证员证书Certificate of International Commercial Documents报关员资格证书Certificate of Customs Specialist报检员资格证书Certificate of Inspection公务员考试Civil Servants Exam计算机技术与软件专业技术(水平)资格考试Computer Technology and Softwa re Expertise (level) Qualification Examination网络工程师Network Engineer软件设计师Software Architect数据库分析师Database Analyst网络管理员Webmaster信息系统项目管理师Information Systems Project Management Division 网络规划设计师Network Planning Designer多媒体应用设计师Multimedia designer电力工程证书Certificate in Electrical Engineering国际电子商务师Certified International E-Commerce Specialist (CIECS)一、二级建造师Grade1/2 Constructor造价工程师Cost Engineer注册房地产估价师Certified Real Estate Appraiser质量工程师Quality Assurance Engineer城市规划师Urban Planner公路造价师Highway Cost Estimator工程造价师Budgeting Specialist化学检验员Chemistry Testing Laboratory Technician化学技能证书Chemical Skills Certificate药品检验员Drug Inspector四、校运会第一名The First Prize第二名The Second Prize第三名The Third Prize惠州学院健美操比赛Competition of Body-building Exercises校运会篮球比赛Basketball Matches in Sports-meeting of Huizhou Univer sity校运会男子100米Men’s 100-metre Race in the Sports-meeting of Huizho u University校运会女子100米Women’s 100-metre Race in the Sports-meeting of Huiz hou University校运会男子200米Men’s 200-metre Race in the Sports-meeting of Huizho u University校运会女子200米Women’s 200-metre Race in the Sports-meeting of Huiz hou University校运会男子1500米Men’s 1500-metre Race in the Sports-meeting of Huizh ou University校运会女子800米Women’s 800-metre Race in the Sports-meeting of Huiz hou University校运会男女跳高比赛Men/Women’s High Jump Matches校运会男女三级跳比赛Men/Women’s Triple Jump Matches校运会男子110米栏Men’s 110-metre Hurdle Race校运会男女铅球Men/Women’s Shot Put校运会男女标枪Men/Women’s javelin throwing五、艺术节博客大赛Blog Contest“金话筒·”主持人大赛Golden Microphone Host Competition惠州学院十大歌手Top Ten Singers of Huizhou University创意T台服装设计大赛Creative Fashion Design Competition惠州学院丰湖之星Fenghu Stars of Huizhou University激浪黑板报大赛Wave Blackboard Poster Competition“激浪个性我创”涂鸦比赛Wave Creative Graffiti Competition“墨迹杯”书画大赛Chinese Ink Cup Calligraphy and Painting Competition 军训优秀通讯员Excellent Correspondent in Military Training军训先进个人Advanced Individual in Military Training十佳社团Top Ten Outstanding Associations体育道德风尚奖PE Morality Award优秀指导教师奖Excellent Guide Teacher Award突出贡献奖Outstanding Contribution Award工作创新奖Innovation Award团队建设奖Teamwork Award最佳台风奖Best Stage Style Award最佳人气奖Best Popularity Award优秀组织奖Outstanding Organization Award最佳创意奖Best Creativity Award优秀团体奖Excellent Group Award优秀节目奖Best Program Award十佳新秀奖Top Ten Outstanding Rising Stars Award最具潜质奖Most Potentiality Award最佳才艺奖Outstanding Talent Award最佳气质奖Outstanding Quality Award最佳口才奖Best Eloquence Award最佳演员奖Best Actor Award最佳剧本奖Best Script Award优秀会员Excellent Member最佳辩手Best Debater优秀辩手Excellent Debater六、协会法律促进协会Law Promotion Association模拟法庭竞赛Moot Court Competition英语口语协会Oral English Institute交流会Exchange Meeting ——Make Our Voice Heard“亲近中国文化,了解汉字”Get Close to the Chinese culture, Get to Learn Ch inese CharactersX-GAME协会X-GAME AssociationX-GAME创新表演大赛X-GAME Innovation contests心理健康促进协会Association of Advancement of Mental Health“心灵之交”Meeting Soul-mates峥嵘乒乓球协会Association of Zhengrong Table Tennis“我最有才”峥嵘乒乓球比赛Zhengrong Cup Table Tennis Contest足球协会Football Association“新生杯”足球争霸赛之各系荣耀大战Freshmen Cup Football Match of all Dep artments—Glory War毽球新风采”毽球大比拼New Style Shuttlecock Competition篮球协会Basketball Association“三人篮球赛”Three-player Basketball Match旅游爱好者协会Travel Enthusiasts Association创意风筝节Creative Kite Festival演讲与口才协会Speech and Eloquence Association“环境保护,重在行动”演讲比赛Take Action to Protect Environment Speech C ontest奕林棋协Yi-lin Chinese Chess Association“奕林棋协棋王争霸赛”Yi-lin Chinese Chess Conpetition企业与市场调研协会Business and Marketing Research Association职业经理人挑战赛Professional managers Challenge Match飞翔舞协Flying Dance Association假面舞会Masque Ball新春柳话剧社Reborn Drama Association“我心飞扬”剧本创作大赛及公演Flying Heart Script-writing Contest摄影协会Photography Association“生活”摄影展Life Photo Exhibition七、其他学生会Student Union团委会Youth League Committee学生社团Students’Association体育部Sports Department文艺部Arts Department学习部Learning Department女生部Girls Department心理发展部Psychological Development Department外联部Public Relations Department宣传部Propaganda Department生活部Life Department纪检部Discipline Inspection Department秘书部Secretary Department组织部Organization Department编辑部Editorial Department学生会主席President of the Student Union团委会书记Secretary of the Youth League Committee团支书League Branch Secretary团支书Secretary of the Youth League Branch Committee 副书记Vice Secretary秘书长Secretary-general学术部干事 a member of the Academic Department宿舍长Head of the dormitory优秀团员Excellent League Member班长Monitor/ Class President副班长Vice-monitor文体委员Recreation & Sports Secretary学习委员Study Secretary生活委员Life Secretary宣传委员Publicity Secretary生活委员Organization Secretary勤工俭学Work-study Program青年志愿者协会Youth Volunteers Association政治辅导员Political Tutors晚会主持人Host on the entertainment / evening party礼仪队Reception Team/ Protocol Team三下乡Volunteer Activities for the Country People综合测评Comprehensive Evaluation of Students’Performance 预备党员Probationary Party Member入党积极分子Applicant for Party Membership综合素质优秀学生Excellent Student of Comprehensive Quality优秀青年志愿者Outstanding Young Volunteer校园十杰Ten Prominent Youth on Campus / Top Ten Youth on Ca mpus品学兼优的学生Student of Good Character and Scholarship模拟招聘会Mock Interviews军训Military Training艺术团Art Troupe义教Voluntary Teaching迎新晚会Welcome Party for the Freshmen招聘会Job Fair广播站Broadcasting Station学生处Students Affairs Department舍管houseparent社会活动social/ public activities课外活动extracurricular activities学术活动academic activities籍贯native place婚姻状况marital status家庭状况family status可到职时间date of availability教育程度educational background课程curriculum职业目标career objective主修major工作目标employment objective副修minor希望职位position wanted优良学风班Class of Good Style Study 团结合作Solidarity and Cooperation 创新能力Creative Ability沟通能力Communicational Ability促销员Sales Promoter派传单Deliver pamphlets市场调研Marketing Research乒乓球协会Table Tennis Association社团艺术节Community Festival招聘网站Recruitment Site党支部Party Branch家教Tutor英语培训中心English training centre成绩优异Outstanding Academic Results 学业技能Academic Skills思想品行Ideological Morality文体表现Arts and Sports Performance 社团艺术节Community Festival实习Internship各类奖学金一、校内奖学金国家奖学金: National Scholarship国家励志奖学金:National Scholarship for Encouragement校一等奖:The First Prize Scholarship校二等奖:The Second Prize Scholarship校三等奖:The Third Prize Scholarship单项奖学金:Individual Scholarship二、捐赠奖学金1 千金药业奖学金The Qianjin Pharmaceutical Scholarship2 奇瑞21世纪东方之子奖学金The 21st Century Chery Oriental Son Scholarship3 台骅奖学金The TaiHua Scholarship4 澳洲校友会奖学金The Australian Alumni Association Scholarship5 松下电器育英基金奖学金The Panasonic Electronics YUYING Fund Scholarship6 陈翠娥优秀贫困医学本科生奖学金The ChenCuie Scholarship for excellent medic al undergraduates under poverty7 姚志斌、谭笑夫妇优秀贫困医学生本科生奖学金The Scholarship of YaoZhibin and his wife TanXiao for excellent medical undergraduates under poverty8 黄金城、朱嘉梨夫妇医学奖学金The Medical Scholarship of Huang Jincheng and his wife Zhu Jiali9 中国宋庆龄基金会宝马优秀大学生奖学金The BMW China Song Ching Ling Foun dation Scholarship for Outstanding University Students (The BMW Scholarship)10 许崇清奖学金The Xu Chongqing Scholarship11 商承祚奖学金The Shang Chengzuo Scholarship12 汇丰银行The HSBC Bank Scholarship13 珠海可口可乐优秀学生奖学金The Zhuhai Coca-Cola Scholarship for Outstandi ng Students14 香港加拿大同学会奖学金The Scholarship of Canadian Alumni Association in Hong Kong15 南方都市报新闻奖学金The Southern Metropolis Daily News Scholarship16 住友商事奖学金The Sumitomo Corporation Scholarship17 三星奖学金The Samsung Scholarship18 丰田奖学金The Toyota Scholarship19 宝钢教育基金优秀学生奖学金The Baogang Scholarship20 花旗金融信息科技优秀奖学金The Citi Bank’s Financial Information Technolog y Scholarship.21 中国惠普优秀学生奖学金The HP Chinese Excellent Student Scholarship22 IBM中国优秀学生奖学金The IBM Chinese Excellent Student Scholarship23 恒生银行奖学金The Hang Seng Bank Scholarship24 LG化学奖学金The LG Chemical Scholarship25 时代地产奖学金The Times Real Estate Scholarship26 邹鲁奖学金The Zou Lu Scholarship27 李龙镳奖学金The Lee Yong-Biao Scholarship28 杜邦奖学金The Dupont Scholarship29 爱普生基金奖学金The EPSON Foundation Scholarship30 广东柯麟医学教育基金优秀学生奖学金The Guangdong KeLin Medical Educatio n Fund Scholarship for Outstanding Students31 光华教育奖学金The GuangHua Educational Scholarship32 卫生部国际交流与合作中心.第一三共医药学奖学金The Medical Scholarship by D aiichi-Sankyo Corporation33 广州赛莱拉生物基因工程优秀学生奖学金Guangzhou Celera Biology Genetic En gineering Scholarship for Outstanding Students34 中山医美东校友会优秀本科生奖学金The Scholarship of Zhongshan Medical Al umni Association of the United States and East for Outstanding Undergraduat e35 文鹏凌夫妇医学奖学金The Wen Pengling Couple Medical Scholarship36 刘焯霖神经病学奖学金The Liu Zhuolin Neurology Scholarship37 许天禄夫妇奖学金The Xu Tianlu Couple Scholarship38 周肇平骨科奖学金The Zhou Zhaoping Orthopedic Scholarship39 平安励志奖学金Ping An Endeavourers Scholarship40 雷诺丽特奖学金The Renolit Scholarship41 大新银行The Dah Sing Bank Scholarship42 三井住友银行奖学金The Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC) Scho larship;43 亚洲教育慈善基金奖学金The Asia Education Charitable Fund Scholarship44 钱剑辉神经病学奖学金The Qian Jianhui Neurology Scholarship45 佐丹奴奖学金The Giordano Scholarship46 卫材(中国)药业奖学金The Eisai (China) Pharmaceutical Scholarship47 卫材(中国)药业优秀学生奖学金The Eisai (China) Pharmaceutical Scholarship for outstanding students48 卫材(中国)药业社会活动单项奖学金The Eisai (China) Pharmaceutical Individu al Scholarship for social activities49 南富士杉山播种奖学金The South Fujitsu Sugiyama Planting Scholarship三、港澳侨台奖学金The First/Second/Third Prize of Hong Kong, Macau and Overseas Chinese Sch olarship四、优秀毕业生Outstanding Graduates Awards国家奖学金: National Scholarship. 国家励志奖学金:National Scholarship for Encouragement校一等奖:The First Prize Scholarship校二等奖:The Second Prize Scholarship校三等奖:The Third Prize Scholarship单项奖学金:Individual Scholarship。


Bayesian Inference for the Uncertainty Distribution
by Jeremy Oakley Department of Computer Science, Univeristy of She eld, She eld, S1 4DP j.oakley@ and Anthony O'Hagan Department of Probability and Statistics, University of She eld, She eld, S3 7RH a.ohagan@she June 8, 2000
We consider a problem of inference for the output of a computationally expensive computer model. We suppose that the model is to be used in a context where the values of one or more inputs are uncertain, so that the input con guration is a random variable. We require to make inference about the induced distribution of the output. This distribution is called the uncertainty distribution, and the general problem is known to users of computer models as uncertainty analysis. Speci cally, we develop Bayesian inference for the distribution and density functions of the model output. Modelling the output, as a function of its inputs, as a Gaussian process, we derive expressions for the posterior mean and variance of the distribution and density functions, based on data comprising observed outputs at a sample of input con gurations. We show that direct computation of these expressions may encounter numerical di culties. We develop an alternative approach based on simulating approximate realisations from the posterior distribution of the output function. Our methods are illustrated using a model describing the e ective dose received by individuals on ingesting radioactive iodine. KEY WORDS: Computer experiment, Gaussian process, uncertainty analysis.




尤其现在大专院校科系多元复杂,除了标志性的科系,如:管理系(Department of Management)、医学系(Department of Medicine)、电机系(Department of Electrical Engineering)等之外,很多人都不知道自己科系英文名称是什么,下面和大家分享一下详细的科系英文名称,希望大家在撰写自传、自我介绍和工作面试时都能用得上喔!大专院校常见的科系英文School & University 学校1. 如何用英文介绍自己读的大学?【例句教学】I got my college degree from National Taiwan University.我的学历来自台湾大学。

I graduated from National Taiwan University.我从台湾大学毕业。

2. 如何用英文介绍自己读的科系?【例句教学】I studied in B-School, majoring in accounting.我大学读的是商学院的会计系。

I doubled my major when I was in college, interior and industrial design.我大学时双主修,室内及工业设计。


以下介绍在三种不同的情况下如何介绍自己所学的科系【例句教学】1.工作面试时:Morning, I\'m Jimmy. Graduated from college of education from University of California Los Angeles(UCLA), majoring in Special Education –Learning Disabilities. 早上好,我是Jimmy。

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•包含了Springer 出版的众多计算机科学期刊,以及其他学科的期刊。

5.Wiley Online Library:
•包括了Wiley 出版的计算机科学期刊和相关领域的期刊。

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MCS'2002 & KSS'2002 Address List姓名性别职称/职务单位、地址电话/FAX EMAIL备注3胡代平M博士后上海交通大学管理学院dphu@sina com1Bartoszczuk,PawelMPh.D,Visting ScholarSystems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences,Newelska 6 01-447 Warszawa, PolandSchool of Knowledge Science,Japan Advanced Insitituteof Science and Technology, Japan 923-129248 22 3735 78ext.35348 22 37 27 72*************************************.pl2Brugha, Cathal M.MPh.D.General EditorDepartment of Management Information Systems,Michael Smurfit Graduate School of BusinessUniversity College Dublin,Belfield, Dublin 4, IrelandInternational Transactions in Operational Research,********************3Chavalarias,DavidM Ph.D StudentCenter of Research of Applied EpistemologyNormalien agrégé de Mathématiques.Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France0033 1 48 04 58 11***************************.fr4Fujii, Shintaro M Ph.D Student Japan Advanced Insititute of Science and Technology923-1292****************.jp5Gao, Fei FPh.D.,Research AssociateJapan Advanced Insititute of Science and Technology923-1292761 51 1727fax: 761 51 1149*************.jp6Iwatsuki,Shunji M Ph.D. Student Japan Advanced Insititute of Science and Technology923-1292***************.jp7Liu, Shu F MSc. Student Japan Advanced Insititute of Science and Technology923-1292*************.jp8Ma, Tieju M Ph.D Student Japan Advanced Insititute of Science and Technology923-1292**************.jp9Nakamori,YoshiteruMPh.D.ProfessorJapan Advanced Insititute of Science and Technology923-1292761 51 1755fax: 761 51 1755*****************.jp10Shi, Yong MPh.D.ProfessorCollege of Information Science and TechnologyUniversity of Nebraska at Omaha(o) 402-554-3652(F) 402-554-3400****************11Sugunuma,ShigemasuM Ph.D StudentJapan Advanced Insititute of Science and Technology923-1292**************.jp12Xie, Sanming MPh.D.Visiting AssociateProfessorJapan Advanced Insititute of Science and Technology923-1292Tel: 81 761 511780fax: 81 761 511149**************.jp*****************13Yoshida,TaketoshiMPh.D.Associate ProfessorSchool of Knowledge ScienceJapan Advanced Insititute of Science and Technology923-1292761 51 1726fax: 761 51 1149****************.jp14Zhu, Zhichang MPh.D,Senior LecturerBusiness School, University of Hull, HULL,HU6 7RX, UK***************15Cai, Jianguo柴建国MSenior Engineer高工北京跟踪与通信技术研究所邮编:10009410 66361210 (o)Fax: 10 66361197*****************16Che, Hongan车宏安MProfessor教授College of Management, University of Shanghai forScience and Technology,上海理工大学管理学院 200093*******************.cn*********************17Dang, Yanzhong党延忠MProfessor教授、所长Institute of Systems EngineeringDalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023大连理工大学系统工程研究所411 470834818Di, Zengru狄增如MPh.D. AssociateProfessor博士、副教授Dept. of Physics, Beijing Normal University北京师范大学物理系邮编:10087510 62207876(o)10 62207880(o)****************19Fan, Zengru范文涛MProfessor教授Institute of Mathematics and PhysicsChinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430071中国科学院武汉数学物理研究所19Fang, Fukang方福康MProfessor教授Dept. of Systems Science, Beijing Normal University北京师范大学系统科学系 10087521Gu, Jifa顾基发MPh.D., Professor教授Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology日本北陆先端科学技术大学院大学中国科学院系统科学研究所761 51 1725fax: 761 51 1149*************.jp22Gu, Yixi顾一希MMSc. Student研究生College of Management, University of Shanghaifor Science and Technology,上海理工大学管理学院 200093*******************23Guo, Weisen郭维森MPh.D. Student博士研究生Institute of Systems EngineeringDalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023大连理工大学系统工程研究所******************24Han, Weihe韩维贺MPh.D. Student博士研究生School of Management, Dalian University ofTechnology大连理工大学管理学院, 116023*****************25He, Wei贺卫MPh.D. Postgraduate博士后Dept. of Management, Donghua University东华大学企业管理系21 62083749********************************26Hu, Daiping胡代平MPh.D. Postgraduate博士后Institute of Systems EngineeringShanghai Jiaotong Univeristy 200052上海交通大学系统工程研究所21 54510489*************27Hu, Shougen胡寿根MProfessor, VicePresident教授、副校长University of Shanghai for Science and Technology上海理工大学 20009328Jia, Xiaomeng贾小勐MMSc. Student硕士研究生Institute of Systems EngineeringDalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023大连理工大学系统工程研究所******************29Jiang, Xiaolin姜晓林MPh.D. student博士研究生Institute of Systems EngineeringDalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023大连理工大学系统工程研究所*********************30Li, Jinming李金明MPh.D.博士Department of Finance, Donghua University东华大学金融系****************.cn31Li, Xinmiao李欣苗FPh.D. student博士研究生School of Management, Xi'an Jiaotong University西安交通大学管理学院710049*****************32Li, Zhihong李志宏MPh.D. student博士研究生College of Business AdministrationSouth China University of Technology华南理工大学工商管理学院51064120 87112040(o)130****8597****************.cn33Liang, Laixin梁莱歆FAssociate Professor副教授School of Business, Central South University中南大学商学院,湖南 410083731 8879391*******************34Lin, Chengdong林成栋MPh.D. student博士研究生School of Management, Shanghai Jiaotong University上海交通大学管理学院 200052****************35Liu, Fuyan刘复岩FProfessor教授Hangzhou Institute of Electronic Engineering, Hangzhou杭州电子工程学院 31003736Liu, Yijun刘怡君FMSc. Student研究生School of Computer Technology and AutomationTianjin Polytechnic University 300160天津工业大学计算机与自动化学院10 62651427***************.cn37Lu, Changlei吕长雷MMSc.student研究生College of Management, University of Shanghai forScience and Technology,上海理工大学管理学院 200093**********************38Lu, Ruqian陆汝钤MFellow of ChineseAcademy ofSciences中国科学院院士Institute of MathematicsChinese Academy of Sciences中国科学院数学研究所100080****************39Lu, Wenyuan吕文元MPh.D.博士College of Management, University of Shanghai forScience and Technology,上海理工大学管理学院 20009321 65673047 (o)**************40Lu, Yan卢炎FEditor编辑Journal of Systems Science and Complexity<系统科学与数学>中国科学院系统科学研究所10008010 62555263Fax: 10 62568364**************41Luo, Yan罗艳FMSc. Student研究生College of Management, University of Shanghai forScience and Technology,上海理工大学管理学院 20009342Ma, Liang马良MProfessor教授College of Management, University of Shanghai forScience and Technology,上海理工大学管理学院 20009343Miao, Dongsheng苗东升MProfessor教授Dept. of Philosophy, Renmin University中国人民大学哲学系10 62512085 (h)44Mu, Yang沐阳FMSc. Student研究生College of Management, University of Shanghai forScience and Technology,上海理工大学管理学院 200093**************************************45Pan, Donghua潘东华MAssociate Professor副教授Institute of Systems EngineeringDalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023大连理工大学系统工程研究所**************.cn46Pan, Tao潘涛MPh.D. DuptyEditor-in-General博士、副总编Shanghai Science, Technology and Education Press上海科技教育出版社****************.cn47Peng, Benhong彭本红MPh.D. student博士生Institute of Information and Systems EngineeringGuangxi University 530004广西大学信息与系统工程研究所*************48Peng, Shiyun彭仕云MPh.D. student博士研究生School of Economics and ManagementTsinghua University 100084清华大学经管学院*******************49Qiu, Xisheng邱喜生MVice Dean副院长College of Management, University of Shanghai forScience and Technology,上海理工大学管理学院 20009321-6569295950Rong, Lili荣莉莉FPh.D., AssociateProfessor博士、副教授Institute of Systems EngineeringDalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023大连理工大学系统工程研究所***************.cn51Shen, Huizhang沈惠璋MPh.D. Professor博士、教授Institute of Systems Engineering, Shanghai JiaotongUniversity上海交通大学系统工程研究所 200052*****************52Shi, Dinghua史定华MProfessor教授Dept. of Mathematics, Shanghai University上海大学数学系 20043653Shu, Guangfu舒光复MProfessor研究员Institute of Systems ScienceChinese Academy of Sciences中国科学院系统科学研究所100080**********************************54Song, Jianghao宋江豪MSenior Engineer高工北京跟踪与通信技术研究所邮编:10009410 66361204 (o)fax: 10 6636119755Sun, Dongchuan孙东川MProfessor教授College of Business AdministrationSouth China University of Technology华南理工大学工商管理学院 51064120 87112718 (o)20 87112506 (h)*****************.cn56Sun, Jingle孙景乐MPh.D. student博士研究生School of Management, Xi'an Jiaotong University西安交通大学管理学院710049*************57Sun, Qinwen孙庆文MPh.D.博士The No.2 Military University of Medicine第二军医大学 20043358Tan, Junfeng谭俊峰MPh.D. student博士研究生School of Management, Xi'an Jiaotong University西安交通大学管理学院710049*******************59Tang, Xijin唐锡晋FPh.D. AssociateProfessor博士、副研究员Institute of Systems ScienceChinese Academy of Sciences中国科学院系统科学研究所10008010 6255329110 62651427Fax: 10 62568364****************60Tian, Zhiyou田志友MPh.D. student博士研究生School of Management, Shanghai Jiaotong University上海交通大学管理学院 20005261Wan, Jiangping万江平MPh.D. student,Associate Professor博士研究生计算机系副教授College of Business AdministrationSouth China University of Technology华南理工大学工商管理学院 510641华南理工大学东一集八30120 87111079fax: 20 87114354139****5921****************.cn*********************62Wang, Dahui王大辉MPh.D.博士Dept. of Systems Science, Beijing Normal University北京师范大学系统科学系 10087510 62207876**************63Wang, Hengshan王恒山MProfessor, DeputyDean教授、常务副院长College of Management, University of Shanghai forScience and Technology,上海理工大学管理学院 200093***************.cn64Wang, Huanchen王浣尘MProfessor教授School of Management, Shanghai Jiaotong University上海交通大学管理学院 200052****************65Wang, Lin王林MInstitute of Systems ScienceChinese Academy of Sciences中国科学院系统科学研究所100080Tel:10 62651418Fax: 10 62568364**************66Wang, Yanrong王延荣MAssociate Professor副教授Dept. of Economics and ManagementNorth China Institute of Water Conservancy andHydroelectronic Power, Zhengzhou华北水利水电学院经济管理系 450008371 5790223 (o)136****3716******************67Wang, Zhongtuo王众托MFellow of ChineseAcademy ofEngineering中国工程院院士Knowledge Science and Technology Research CenterDalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023大连理工大学知识科学与技术研究中心***************.cn68Wu, Guolin吴国林MPh.D. AssociateProfessor博士、副教授School of Humanity and Social SciencesSouth China University of Technology, Guangzhou华南理工大学人文社会科学学院 51064120 87114415 (h)***************.cn69Wu, Jiangning吴江宁FPh.D. AssociateProfessor博士、副教授Knowledge Science and Technology Research CenterDalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023大连理工大学知识科学与技术研究中心*************.cn70Xie, Ming谢明MPh.D. student博士研究生School of Economics and ManagementTsinghua University 100084清华大学经管学院*****************71Xiong, Jining熊继宁MProfessor教授China University of Politics and Law, Beijing中国政法大学 10008810 82088779(h)*******************72Xu, Feng徐峰M Intel Corporation 20013173Xu, Fuyuan徐福缘MProfessor教授College of Management, University of Shanghai forScience and Technology,上海理工大学管理学院 200093***************.cn74Xu, Xiaobing许晓兵MProfessor教授College of Management, University of Shanghai forScience and Technology,上海理工大学管理学院 20009321 65681343(o)*************.cn75Xue, Yaowen薛耀文MPh.D. student博士研究生School of Management, Xi'an Jiaotong University西安交通大学管理学院710049******************.cn76Yan, Chunning阎春宁FProfessor教授School of Management, Shanghai University上海大学管理学院 200436****************.cn77Yan, Guangle严广乐MPh.D. Professor,Vice Dean博士、教授、副院长College of Management, University of Shanghai forScience and Technology,上海理工大学管理学院 20009321 65687902*****************78Yao, Deming姚德明MPh.D. student博士生School of ManagementHuazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan+E23华中科技大学管理学院、襄樊教育局139****9718***************79Yao, Shihuang姚诗煌MJournalist记者、科技部主任Wenhui Bao文汇报80Yin, Jingong殷进功MThe No.4. Military University of Medicince第四军医大学81Yu, Changrui于长瑞MPh.D. student博士研究生College of Management, University of Shanghai forScience and Technology,上海理工大学管理学院 20009382Yu, Jiangyuan于景元MProfessor研究员Institute of Information and Control, Beijing 100037航天部710所, 北京842信箱10 68371716(o)*******************.cn83Zhang, Kai张开FSchool of Management, Xi'an Jiaotong University西安交通大学管理学院 710049深圳审计局84Zhang, Lei张雷MProfessor, Dean教授、院长College of Urban Construction and EnvironmentEngineeringUniversity of Shanghai for Science and Technology上海理工大学城市建设与环境学院 200093Tel: 21 65683409Fax: 21 6568225885Zhang, Ning张宁FAssociate Professor副教授College of Management, University of Shanghai forScience and Technology,上海理工大学管理学院 200093****************.cn******************86Zhang, Pengzhu张朋柱MPh.D., Professor博士、教授School of Management, Xi'an Jiaotong University西安交通大学管理学院 71004929 2667832 (o)29 2660702 (h)****************.cn87Zhang, Qian张潜FPh.D. student博士研究生School of Information, Northeastern University东北大学信息学院 110004*****************88Zhang, Yingfu张英富MMSc. Student研究生Institute of Systems EngineeringDalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023大连理工大学系统工程研究所*********************.cn89Zhang, Zhengang张振刚MPh.D., DeputyDean博士、副院长Graduate School, South China University ofTechnology, Guangzhou, 510641华南理工大学研究生院*****************.cn90Zhao, Jidi赵继娣FMSc. Student硕士研究生Dept. of Computer Science, Tianjin University ofCommerce, Tianjin 300400天津商学院计算机系****************91Zhao, Shiying赵仕英FLecturer讲师School of Humanity, Dalian University of Technology大连理工大学人文学院 116023411 4686362 (h)高山听水@92Zhong, Yinghong钟映竑MPh.D. student博士研究生College of Business AdministrationSouth China University of Technology华南理工大学工商管理学院 51064120 85294708 (o)***************93Zhuang, Dong庄东MMSc. Student研究生College of Business AdministrationSouth China University of Technology华南理工大学工商管理学院 510641****************。

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6 December 1997
Coherent oscillation is a remarkable phenomenon which has been observed in several neurobiological experimental studies, and, as a result, has lately received substantial interest. It has already been observed that the activity levels of biological neurons often show distinct oscillations. What is more striking however, is that different neurons, even from separate areas in the brain, are sometimes found to oscillate in synchrony with each other. It is this last phenomenon that is called coherent oscillation. The most often-stated theory on the meaning of coherent oscillation is that it gives the brain the ability to separate or link together information, according to the simultaneity or nonsimultaneity of neurons’ firing moments. This way, larger amounts of data may be processed simultaneously without getting jumbled. By now, some concrete models exist which try to enhance neural computation in this way by using coherent oscillation. It is interesting to consider to what extent ideas from these models can be used to create a system that is also applicable to more arbitrary computational problems, in particular optimisation problems, to which classical Hopfield networks have already been applied. It will be argued that coherent oscillation may be able to solve some of the problems these classical systems have, and to generate multiple solutions simultaneously. A model will be formed, based on the existing models, which have to be analysed for applicability first. The model that is thus obtained can best be compared to the Spike Response Model. The model will then be tested and improved by means of simulation. The results of this study show that it is indeed possible to generate multiple solutions of a optimisation problem simultaneously, after choosing the right architecture and making some suitable modifications to the dynamical rules of the system. However, some limitations remain: the solutions may not have mutually overlapping variable assignments, the number of solutions that may be generated is limited, and the system does not scale well to larger problems.
Committee: Anton Nijholt Jan van den Berg dr. Marc Drossaersபைடு நூலகம்dr. Mannes Poel
Coherente oscillatie is een opvallend fenomeen, dat geobserveerd is in verscheidene neurobiologische experimentele onderzoeken, en daardoor tegenwoordig de nodige aandacht krijgt. In de eerste plaats was er al geobserveerd, dat de activiteit van biologische neuronen vaak zeer duidelijke oscillaties vertoont. Wat echter nog opvallender is, is dat neuronen, zelfs uit verschillende gebieden van de hersenen, soms synchroon met elkaar oscilleren. Dit laatste noemt men coherente oscillatie. De meest geopperde theorie over de betekenis van coherente oscillatie is, dat het de mogelijkheid tot het samenvoegen en uit elkaar houden van gegevens geeft, doordat de vuurmomenten van de neuronen al dan niet precies tegelijk optreden. Zo kunnen extra veel gegevens tegelijk verwerkt worden zonder dat deze verward raken. Er bestaan ondertussen een aantal concrete modellen die proberen een dergelijke verbetering met behulp van coherente oscillatie te bewerkstelligen. Het is interessant om te kijken in hoeverre met behulp van deze modellen een systeem gemaakt kan worden dat ook toepasbaar is voor het oplossen van willekeurigere computationele problemen, met name optimalisatieproblemen, zoals deze al opgelost worden met behulp van klassieke Hopfield-netwerken. Hier wordt beargumenteerd dat coherente oscillatie misschien in staat kan zijn om een aantal problemen van deze klassieke systemen te verbeteren, en om meerdere oplossingen tegelijk te genereren. Er wordt een model opgesteld aan de hand van de bestaande modellen, die daartoe eerst geanalyseerd worden op bruikbaarheid. Het zo ontstane model lijkt het meest op het Spike Response Model. Het model wordt vervolgens getoetst en bijgeschaafd door middel van simulaties. Het resultaat van dit onderzoek is, dat het mogelijk blijkt te zijn om meerdere oplossingen van een optimalisatieprobleem tegelijk te genereren, na de juiste architectuur te hebben gekozen en de juiste aanpassingen aan de dynamische regels van het systeem te maken. Echter, een aantal beperkingen blijven: de oplossingen mogen onderling geen overlappende variabelentoekenning hebben, het aantal oplossingen dat tegelijk gegenereerd kan worden is beperkt, en het netwerk is niet goed schaalbaar naar grotere problemen.