



4.新加坡(The Republic of Singapore)
由50多个海岛组成,首都新加坡城。人口321.75万(1999年6月统 计数字)。其中华人占77.2%。 新加坡大力推行“区域化经济发展战略”,加速向海外投资,积极开 展在国外的经济活动。 经济以五大部门为主:商业、制造业、建筑业、金融业、交通和通讯 业。是世界第三大炼油中心。
面积 32 .9万平方公里。全境被南中国海分成东马来西亚和西马来西亚 两部分,人口2271.2 万(1999年统计数字)。其中马来人及其他土著 占60%,华人占25%。
首都吉隆坡是东南亚地区最著名的城市之一。 马来西亚目前是亚洲地区引人注目的新兴工业国之一。旅游业为国家第 三大经济支柱。 货币:林吉特。
5.泰国(The Kingdom of Thailand)
国土面积51万平方公里。人口6258万(2002年3月统计数字)。有30 多个民族,其中泰族占人口总数40%,老挝族占35%,马来族占3.5 %,高棉族占2%。 泰语为国语,佛教为国教。首都曼谷。 传统农业国,农产品是外汇收入的主要来源之一,耕地面积占全国土 地面积的38%。泰国是世界上的大米生产国和出口国,也是仅次于日 本、中国的亚洲第三大海产国,为世界第一产虾大国。 自然资源丰富,橡胶产量居世界首位,其中90%用于出口。盛产榴莲 和山竹,荔枝、龙眼、红毛丹等热带水果名扬天下。 旅游资源丰富,吸引着众多外国游客。
东南亚国家联盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations),简称 东盟 (ASEAN) 。其前身是马来亚(现马来西亚)、菲律宾和泰国于 1961年7月31日在曼谷成立的东南亚联盟。1967年8月7-8日,印度 尼西亚、泰国、新加坡、菲律宾四国外长和马来西亚副总理在曼谷举 行会议,发表了《曼谷宣言》(《东南亚国家联盟成立宣言》),正 式宣告东南亚国家联盟成立。 东盟的宗旨和目标是本着平等与合作精神,共同促进本地区的经济增 长、社会进步和文化发展,为建立一个繁荣、和平的东南亚国家共同 体奠定基础,以促进本地区的和平与稳定。 东盟主要机构有首脑会议、外长会议、常务委员会、经济部长会议、 其他部长会议、秘书处、专门委员会以及民间和半官方机构。首脑会 议是东盟最高决策机构,自1995年召开首次会议以来每年举行一次, 已成为东盟国家商讨区域合作大计的最主要机制,主席由成员国轮流 担任。



• 与中国人一样,越南也认为龙是正义和尊 贵的象征。越南北有升龙(河内),南有 九龙(湄公河),而广宁的下龙湾 (Halong Bay)更是龙潜之地,游龙入海之 处。
• 下龙湾1553平方公里,1969个岛屿,陆地 面积562平方公里,重点保护区域434平方 公里内共有788座小岛,其中已经命名346 个岛,尚有300多个岛屿等待游客观其形、 视其貌、感其境、定其名。
• 巴亭广场西侧高耸着胡志明主席的陵墓。 墓西北是胡志明在河内的旧居,西南面有 胡志明博物馆。博物馆前有著名的独柱寺。 从胡志明陵墓沿雄王路往北,右边是越共 中央机关办公驻地,中央领导人也在这里 会见外宾。雄王路左侧是主席府,是越南 国家领导人会见外宾和举行重大活动的地 方。主席府广场是外国高级代表团来访时 举行欢迎仪式的地方。
• 相传李太宗无嗣,某夜忽梦观世音菩萨怀 抱婴儿立于水池中的莲花台上。而后不久, 太宗得子。于是按照梦中所见,太宗修建 莲花台,每年农历初八,皇帝会来次沐浴 拜佛,行礼念经。
• 巴亭广场上最为重要的建筑就是胡志明陵墓。越 南政府于1973年开始兴建并于1975年正式落成。 陵墓坐西朝东,宏伟庄严。陵高21米。由基座、 主体、顶部三部分组成。陵前的红色花岗岩石壁 上书胡志明名言“没什么能比独立、自由更宝贵 了”。 • 胡志明临终前希望能将自己火化,并将骨灰分散 在越南在北、中、南地区,同时只要简单地在骨 灰处盖上一个遮风雨的小棚子。
• 现在越南女性所穿的国服,无论在布料、 色彩,或款式方面 ,都较从前多些变化。 例如,从前的裙摆比较长,而现在的长度 约离地面十至二十公分,年轻少女则偏好 及膝的长度,方便驾驶机车。 • 从前的服装颜色富地方色彩,北越妇女喜 好茶色,中部妇女偏爱紫色,南越妇女多 著白色或前面绣花,但目前几乎没有分别。 • 为了特意强调传统国服的优雅 ,西式高跟 鞋也成了不可缺少的配件。






三、政治體制不同類型政體人民代表制國家:越南、老撾議會共和制國家:新加坡總統共和制國家:印尼、菲律賓君主制國家:泰國、柬埔寨、馬來西亞和文萊軍政府國家:緬甸四、經濟發展★發展層次1.按地理位置看—“南富北窮”2.經濟發展水平――四種層次第一層次:發達國家新加坡和石油富國文萊第二層次:新興工業化國家馬來西亞、泰國、菲律賓、印尼第三層次:發展中の越南第四層次:發展程度較低の柬埔寨、老撾、緬甸東盟十國國家詳情新加坡(The Republic of Singapore)由50多個海島組成,首都新加坡城。







英語、華語、馬來語、泰越南(The Socialist Republic of VietNam)人口7870萬(2001年7月統計數字),有54個民族,越族(京族)占89%以上,岱依、芒、依、傣、赫蒙(苗)、瑤、占、高棉等少數民族占11% ,官方語言為越南語,有華人100多萬。


菲律賓(The Republic of the Philippines)由7101個大小島嶼組成,總面積29.97萬平方公裏,其中呂宋島、棉蘭老島、薩馬島等11個主要島嶼約占全國總面積の96%。


• 越南,全称为越南社会主义共和国(英语: Socialist Republic of Vietnam),是亚洲的一 个社会主义国家。位于东南亚中南半岛东 部,北与中国广西、云南接壤,西与老挝、 柬埔寨交界,国土狭长,面积约33万平方 公里,紧邻南海,海岸线长3260多公里, 是以京族为主体的多民族国家。
• 越南战争 • 是美国历史上持续时间最长的战争,十多年的 越战,美国耗费了至少二千五百亿美元。越战 加剧了美国国内的种族问题和民权问题,使国 家处于极度的分裂状态,给美国人民造成巨大 的精神创伤。 • 越南战争结束了美国战后25年的经济繁荣,使 美国的经济状况急转直下。尽管美国自建国以 来在绝大多数战争中都是获利的,但前沿策略集团(FSG) 公布了一项调查报告,表明越南是欧洲和 美国多家跨国公司最为关注的三个小型新 兴市场之一,另外两个是尼日利亚和阿根 廷。



3. 我国企业在开拓越南市场时,应注意项目信息的来源、 项目的付款保证能力,选准项目进行跟踪。目前我国企业在 越南的项目多数为亚行、世行及我国政府信贷项目,当地资 金项目较少。 为避免过度的市场竞争,企业将不失时机地开拓当地资 金项目,这就更需要企业增强判断市场机会的能力。 4. 企业的竞争是科技创新能力和科技人材的竞争,科技能 力高,效率就高,成本也就更低。面对国际承包工程市场日 趋激烈的市场竞争环境,企业必须强化研发能力和技术创新 能力,拥有更多的具有自主知识产权的技术专利,增强核心 竞争力。 在越南承包工程市场上,我国企业在充分竞争的同时, 也应注意尽量避免恶性价格竞争、加强我国企业间的合作, 在保证企业利益、维护市场竞争秩序的同时,也维护国家利 益,在当地市场上形成多赢格局。
主要进口市场为中国、台湾地区、新加坡、日本 、韩国。
中国对越投资刚刚起步,近年来,越南政府调整了对华 贸易政策,越南政府确定,在同等条件下,越南选择中国企 业,鼓励中国企业到越南投资。 具体措施包括: 1. 中国企业在口岸经济区可设厂,越南政府给予诸多优惠 政策扶持发展; 2. 中国的货物通过越南运往东南亚其他国家,享受和越南 企业同等待遇; 3. 鼓励中国企业到越南内地投资办厂,产品出口东盟各国 等。
2010年9月,中国广西与越南广宁两省区签署《共同推 进建立中国东兴—越南芒街跨境经济合作区协议》,协议 规定双方将着重在基础设施建设、贸易、旅游、投资、司 法互助等方面开展合作,共同打造综合性国际交流平台。 双方还就中越北仑河二桥建设问题进行交流,中方希 望能在今年内开工建设。据悉,这座连接中国广西与越南 广宁的大桥全长600余米,可抗7级地震。



泰王国(泰语:ราชอาณาจกั รไทย,英语:The Kingdom of Thailand),简称“泰国”(Thailand)。是一个位于东南亚的君主 立宪制国家。泰国位于中南半岛中部,其西部与北部和缅甸、安达曼海接壤,东北边是老挝,东南是柬埔寨,南边狭长的 半岛与马来西亚相连。
菲律宾共和国(他加禄语:Republika ng Pilipinas),简称菲律宾,位于西太平洋,是东南亚一个多民族群岛国家,面积 29.97万平方公里,人口1.049亿(2017年)。 [1]
菲律宾人的祖先是亚洲大陆的移民,14世纪前后建立了苏禄国。1565年沦为西班牙殖民地。1898年6月12日宣布独立。 同年美西战争后,成为美国属地。1942年到1945年被日本侵占。二战后重新沦为美国殖民地。1946年7月4日,菲律宾获 得独立。
泰国旧名暹罗,1949年5月11日,泰国人用自己民族的名称,把“暹罗”改为“泰”,主要是取其“自由”之意。泰国是 东南亚和中国具有血缘关系的国家之一, [1] 18世纪泰国的华裔民族英雄是中国广东潮汕人郑信,他复国有功,被拥立为 王,开创吞武里王朝,统一暹罗,奠定了现代泰国的基本版图。尊为泰皇五大帝之首。 [2] 每年的12月28日即登基之日 为泰国的“郑皇节”。 [3-4]
菲律宾主要分吕宋、米沙鄢和棉兰老岛三大岛群,共有大小岛屿7000多个,种族与文化为数众多,融合了许多东西方的 风俗习惯,史前的尼格利陀人可能是菲律宾最早的居民,随后民族的迁徙陆续带来了马来文化、随着宗教与贸易发展也带 来了印度文化、华夏文化和伊斯兰文化。
菲律宾是东盟(ASEAN)主要成员国,也是亚太经合组织(APEC)的24成员国之一。 [2] 菲为发展中国家、新兴工业 国家及世界的新兴市场之一,但贫富差距很大。独立至今,菲经历数次经济快速成长,然而政局时常动荡,政府贪污腐败, 社会的不安定已成为阻碍其发展的一大因素。



VIETNAMEconomy and ConstructionWith a growing economy and favourable climate conditions for air-conditioning applications, Vietnam has evolved as a new attractive market. Vietnam has a population of nearly 82.0 million and still a very low market penetration estimated at as low as 4% in the residential segment.In 2006, the Vietnamese market for air-conditioning was estimated at 137.0 US million dollars. This represents a 20% increase in value compared to 2005.In 2006, the Vietnamese economy achieved 7.8%GDP growth. The Ho Chi Minh City has shown a 12.5% economic growth over the past six years that is due to increasing investments, growing employment as well as growing service and ITC sectors.The consumer and investors confidence are also improving supported by the Vietnamese Government commitments to improve the economy and support growth. A stable political situation is also having a positive impact on the economy. However, a poor infrastructure still affects the country’s competitiveness but changes and investments in this area are expected in the near future.On the one hand, the country’s economic growth is stable and market drivers for the air-conditioning industry are strong, but on the other hand the purchasing power of the population is weak. As such, the average salary in Ho Chi Minh City is around 100USD per month and overall in the country it is around 50USD per month. Thus, despite a large population, air-conditioning companies target only population segments with medium and high incomes.The US embargo had a strong impact on the formation of the market in Vietnam. During this period, before1994, there was a strong second-hand market for air-conditioning equipment illegally imported from abroad. This was often National (Panasonic) and Toshiba equipment. Second- hand air-conditioning was quite popular as it was affordable compared to the new equipment. The second hand market for air-conditioning has disappeared in the recent years.There is a growing building and construction output for commercial and residential buildings, which allows predicting a stable demand for room air-conditioning equipment, single splits in particular.The residential market for air-conditioning is represented by single splits that account for more than 90% market share. The share of advanced products such as inverters and multisplits is still low.The share of windows is about 4% and will continue to decrease. Future sales are expected to target the replacement market and not first –time buyers. In 2006, the windows market reached 7,350 units and 1.9US$ million.In 2006, the chiller market in Vietnam reached 347 units and is estimated at 19.1US$ million. The scroll chillers segment for comfort cooling is very small, as VRF has emerged as a strong competitor for commercial projects.In 2006, the airside market is estimated at 5.4US$ million that includes 1.7US$ million of air-handling units and 3.8US$ million of fan coils.Panasonic, formerly known to customer as National, has established itself as the strongest brand on the market. Having a strong portfolio of home appliances, including TV and air-conditioning, Panasonic has become the market leader and has very strong customer loyalty. Thus, despite it relative high prices Panasonic managed to sustain a first place in the minisplits segment in terms of value. LG is holding first place in terms of volume and is a strong competitor to Panasonic. Japanese brands have stronger chances to succeed on the market as Vietnamese customers value the Japanese quality the most, despite the high price. It is noticeable that some local brands market their products under Japanese-like names such as Nagakawa, Funiki and Mitsu Star.Korean products are also popular due to competitive prices and are perceived as good quality products. LG is particularly strong in the north of the country and holds a second place in overall sales in Vietnam.Chinese brands have just recently entered the market. Midea is also planning to establish local production from 2007.Currently, the level of locally produced air-conditioning products is low. This may be changed in the future when foreign investors establish local production of compressors, fans and other spare parts. Currently most of equipment is imported as it is not economically feasible to manufacture air-conditioning products locally due to the lack of tax incentives.Current foreign investors activities may boost the central plant market value in Vietnam in the next few years. As such, Intel plans to build its largest chip assembly and test factory in Vietnam with total investments of $1 US billion dollars. A planned cooling capacity for this factory is 2,500 cooling tonnes.Table 1 Background data economy and construction, 2005-2009Indicator Units 2005 2006 2007 (e) 2008 (f) 2009 (f)Population Million 84.4 84.4 N/a N/a N/a GDP per capita US$ 655 655 N/a N/a N/a GDP real growth % 7.8 7.8 N/a N/a N/aInflation % 7.6 7.6 N/a N/a N/a Unemployment % N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a Source: BSRIA based on various sourcesTable 2 Percentage of sales to residential marketIndicator 2005% sales to residential marketWindow/wall 75%Single and multi splits 70%VRF NegUnitary products NegChillers 2%Source: BSRIA based on various sourcesTable 3 Current and future AC penetration into the residential and commercial marketIndicator 2005 2010PENETRATION into commercial (approx) 10% 15%PENETRATION into residential (approx) 4% 12%Source: BSRIA based on various sourcesTable A1 Residential/light commercial market, volume of outdoor units20052006 200720082009 2010Annual % change 2005-2010Window7,0007,350 7,2006,4005,900 5,100-6.1% Portable/Moveable neg neg neg neg neg neg n/a Minisplits/ductless splits -<5kW/RAC 164,050191,118 220,962255,493295,450 341,68915.8% Cooling only 147,645172,745 200,384232,445269,636 312,77816.2%Heat pump 16,40518,374 20,57823,04825,814 28,91112.0% >5kW/PAC 28,95034,074 40,72346,09352,173 59,05715.3% Cooling only 26,05530,745 36,89441,69047,110 53,23415.4%Heat pump 2,8953,329 3,8294,4035,063 5,82315.0% Total ductless splits193,000225,192 261,685301,586347,623 400,74615.7%Grand Total 200,000232,542 268,885307,986353,523 405,84615.2% Source: BSRIANote: 1. Minisplits include single/multi splits and VRF systemsTable A2 Residential/light commercial market, value, US$ million20052006200720082009 2010Annual % change 2005-2010Window 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.5-4.3% Portable/Moveable 0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0* 0.0*n/a Minisplits/ductless splits -<5kW/RAC 58.269.983.299.1118.1 140.719.3% Cooling only52.062.674.889.4106.8 127.619.7%Heat pump 13.015.9% >5kW/PAC 29.936.445.052.761.8 72.419.4% Cooling only26.432.240.046.854.7 64.019.4%Heat pump 3.5 4.2 5.0 5.97.1 8.419.1% Total ductless splits88.1106.2128.2151.8179.9 213.119.3%Grand Total 89.9108.2130.1153.6181.5 214.619.0% Source: BSRIANote: 1.Value figures are related to systems (indoor and outdoor units together)2. * represent low, but not necessary zero sales3. 1US$=16,436VNDTable A3 Residential/light commercial, average selling price, US$200520062007200820092010Annual % change 2005-2010Window 260265270275281287 2.0% Portable/Moveable n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Minisplits/ductless splits -<5kW/RAC 355366377388400412 3.0% Cooling only352363373385396408 3.0%Heat pump380393407421436451 3.5% >5kW/PAC 1,0321,0681,1051,1441,1841,226 3.5% Cooling only1,0121,0471,0841,1221,1611,202 3.5%Heat pump1,2151,2581,3031,3491,3971,447 3.6% Source: BSRIANote: 1.Average selling price from manufacturer/importer to first point of distribution.2.Current prices 2005 and 2006. Constant prices from 2007 onwards.3. 1US$=16,436VNDFigure A1 Residential/light commercial market analysed by product type, outdoor unitsSource: BSRIAMinisplitsTable A4 Sales of single/multi/VRF split systems, 2006Value Volume Average marketprice for systems /outdoor unit(US$ million) (1)Outdoor units Indoor units US$Single split (one-to-one) 95.9 223,122 223,122 430Multisplit 1.0 1,020 2,040 980VRF 9.3 1,050 12,600 8,900Total 106.2 225,192 237,762 472Source: BSRIANote: 1. Manufacturer / importer prices to first point of distribution excluding installationTable A5 Imports-exports, residential/light commercial products, volume, 2006A B C D E F GHome market Imports(1) (2)Imports as% of homemarketB/CProduction(2)A -B + EExports(1) (2)Balance oftrade (2)E - BExports as% ofproductionE/DWindow/through the wall 7,350 7,000 95% 350 0 -7,000 0% Mobile (portable) neg neg n/a 0 0 n/a n/a Single splits (ductlesssplits)223,122 156,122 70% 67,000 0 -156,122 0% Conventional multisplits 1,020 1,020 100% 0 0 -1,020 0% VRF 1,050 1,050 100% 0 0 -1,050 0% Total 232,542 165,192 71% 67,350 0 -165,192 0% Source: BSRIANote: 1. Excludes all re-exporting / trading activities2. Figures should be regarded as more approximate than others in this tableSupply structureTable A6 Brand market leaders and local producers for window, mobile and minisplit products, by volume, 2006Room units MinisplitsWindow / wall Portable /moveableSmaller splits(<5kW or RAC)Larger splits –non-VRF(>5kW or PAC)VRFBrand market leaders (descending order)PanasonicToshiba CarrierSharpneg LGPanasonicToshiba CarrierMHIMitsubishi ElectricSanyoHitachiSamsungSharpFunikiYorkTCLReetechNagakawaLGPanasonicToshiba CarrierMHIMitsubishi ElectricSanyoHitachiSamsungFunikiNagakawaGeneralFujitsuDaikinCarrier ToshibaMHILGMitsubishi ElectricTheir share 80% N/a >95% >95% >95%Local producers (descending order)none none LGCarrierLGCarriernoneSource: BSRIAWindowsWindows are not very popular in Vietnam. It is interesting to note that despite the fact that consumers are very price sensitive, the share of windows, traditionally perceived as the cheapest product, is very small in Vietnam. This is due to the fact that the Vietnamese air-conditioning market has emerged much later than other Asian markets and by the time the market started growing minisplits already became a preferred product. Hence, first time customers are choosing minisplits that have better characteristics than windows and a better price.It is expected that the majority of windows sold in Vietnam from 2006 onwards will be for the replacement market. This is also supported by the fact that some units were installed through-the-wall and if a unit needs to be replaced, another through-the-wall unit is chosen. A substantial part of windows also goes for production facilities.MinisplitsSingle splitsThe single splits segment is the largest segment in the room and packaged air-conditioning segment. 9,000BTU and 11,000BTU models are the best selling capacities.In 2006, the single splits segment is estimated at 223,122 systems and 95.9US$ million.The commercial segments including cassettes, floor standing type and ceiling concealed type account for less than 5% of the minisplit market volume. A floor standing type is the most popular commercial application and has shown the fastest growth during 2004-2006.Heat pumps are quite popular in the Hanoi region. This is due to the fact that the Northern region has four weather seasons including winter whereas the Southern regions have only two seasons – dry season and monsoon. Heat pumps comprise approximately 10% of the total market volume. The price difference between heat pumps and cooling only splits is about 15-20%.MultisplitsThe Vietnamese market for multisplits is relatively small. LG is a leader in the multi split segment. In 2006, the multisplit segment is estimated at 1,020 units. Toshiba Carrier and Daikin also sell a small number of multisplits.It is expected that the multisplits market will remain relatively small. The growth in this segment will depend on the purchasing power of middle and high- income segments of population.The majority of multisplits sold in Vietnam are commercial application although some systems are sold to up-market residences. The majority of multisplits sold in Vietnam are two indoor units type. VRFDaikin is a leader in the VRF market in Vietnam. The market is estimated at 1,050 systems and valued at 9.2 US$ million. Systems can consist of several outdoor units and market volume in this report is calculated on the basis of complete system installations.Toshiba Carrier is the second strongest company in this segment.It is worth noting that currently there is a strong preference for VRF instead of scroll chillers. This is due to the fact that VRF units are perceived as more flexible. It is possible to serve only part of a new building (if for example not all tenants have moved in to the building). Strong promotion from companies such as Daikin also plays an important role and often VRF systems are considered for large cooling capacity projects.At least a 40% annual increase in the VRF market volume is expected during 2007-2009 (this is also supported by the historical trend and the growth of the segment during 2004-2006).Although sizes of projects vary, a typical VRF system consists of 12-14 indoor units and two outdoor units combined in one module to achieve a required cooling capacity. Mini-VRF systems are not popular in Vietnam as these are considered to be expensive.Only LG is manufacturing all of its RAC units in Vietnam. Carrier also produces some in Vietnam but in insignificant quantities. Local companies such as Reetech and Nagakawa source spare parts from China and assemble units in Vietnam. Midea is about to start manufacturing split units in Vietnam in 2007.Residential air-conditioning products are sold through three main routes – air-conditioning specialists, the “directly to the end-user” channel and through wholesalers. The wholesalers (big electronic appliances shops) channel is very important.Table B1 Unitary market volume of outdoor units2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Annual % change 2005-2010Roof top0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0* 0.0% Indoor packaged 95 105 115 126 139 153 10.0% Ducted splits (US type) -<17.58kW 60 67 75 84 94 106 12.0%>17.58kW 1,095 1,259 1,448 1,665 1,915 2,202 15.0%Cooling only 924 1,061 1,219 1,400 1,608 1,847 14.9%Heat pump 231 265 305 350 402 462 14.9% Total 1,155 1,326 1,523 1,750 2,010 2,308 14.9%Grand Total 1,250 1,431 1,638 1,876 2,149 2,461 14.5% Source: BSRIANote: 1. *represent low, but not necessary zero salesTable B2 Unitary market value, US$ million2005 20062007200820092010Annual % change 2005-2010Roof top 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 n/a Indoor packaged 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 12.8% Ducted splits (US type) -<17.58kW0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 15.9%>17.58kW 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.2 5.0 5.9 18.7%Cooling only 2.1 2.5 2.9 3.5 4.1 4.9 18.9%Heat pump0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.2 18.9% Total 2.6 3.1 3.6 4.3 5.1 6.1 18.9%Grand Total 3.6 4.2 4.9 5.8 6.8 8.0 17.2% Source: BSRIANote: 1. Includes indoor and outdoor units2. * represent low, but not necessary zero sales3. 1US$=16,436VNDTable B3 Unitary, average selling price, US$2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Annual % change 2005-2010Roof topN/a N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a N/a Indoor packaged 10,800 10,800 11,070 11,347 11,630 11,921 12,219 Ducted splits (US type) -<17.58kW 1,200 1,242 1,270 1,330 1,377 1,425 3.5%>17.58kW 2,300 2,381 2,450 2,500 2,630 2,700 3.3%Cooling only 2,250 2,360 2,410 2,495 2,540 2,672 3.5%Heat pump 2,100 2,174 2,250 2,328 2,410 2,494 3.5% Source: BSRIANote: 1.Average selling price from manufacturer/importer to first point of distribution.2.Current prices 2005 and 2006. Constant prices from 2007 onwards.3. 1US$=16,436VNDFigure B1 Unitary market analysed by volume, outdoor unitsSource: BSRIATable B4 Imports-exports, unitary products, volume, 2006A B C D E F GHome market Imports(1) (2)Imports as% of homemarketB/CProduction(2)A -B + EExports(1) (2)Balance oftrade (2)E - BExports as% ofproductionE/DRooftops neg neg n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a US-style ducted splits 1,326 1,326 100% 0 0 -1,326 0% Other large packaged 105 65 62% 40 0 -65 0% Total 1,431 1,391 97% 40 0 -1,391 0% Source: BSRIANote: 1. Excludes all re-exporting / trading activities2. Figures should be regarded as more approximate than others in this tableTable B5 Brand market leaders and local producers for unitary products, by volume, 2006Rooftop US-style ducted Other large packagedMarket leaders (descending order)neg TraneCarrierJCI (York)DaikinDaikinCarrierTraneJCI (York)ReetechTheir share N/a >90% >90%Local producers (descending order)none ReetechMcQuayOthersnegSource: BSRIAIn 2006, the US-style ducted splits segment was estimated at 1,326 units and valued at 3.1US$ million dollars. 10 cooling tonne is the most sold capacity, this segment accounts for more than half of the total market volume. Trane mostly sells US-ducted splits in the >17.58 kW (>5 cooling tonnes) capacity range and is a market leader in this segment.The rooftops market in Vietnam is negligible. Firstly, these units are perceived as very expensive. Secondly, this application is limited in Vietnam due to monsoons and to the roof construction that is typically not flat. The few rooftops sold were in the 30-40 cooling tonne capacity range but the market is too small to be presented.The indoor packaged market is represented by large water-cooled units sold by Trane, Carrier and Daikin. However in this category, Daikin and Carrier are more competitive on price and, hence, stronger. In 2006, the indoor packaged market is estimated at 105 units and valued at 1.2US$ million. Factories are the main application for indoor packaged products. Very few units are going for office applications.Recently, Reetech has increased their market share in the unitary segment due to competitive pricing.Table C1 Chiller market, volume of units2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Annual % change 2005-2010ChillersReciprocating, screw, scroll 275 325 361 400 444 493 12.4% Centrifugal 25 22 35 28 31 34 6.3% Absorption>350kW neg neg neg neg neg neg n/a Air cooled 153 170 189 209 232 258 11.0% Water cooled 147 177 207 219 243 270 12.9% <100kW 75 85 96 108 122 138 13.0%>100kW 225 262 300 320 353 389 11.6% Total Chillers 300 347 396 428 475 527 11.9% Source: BSRIANote: 1. * implies very low but not necessarily zero salesTable C2 Chiller market value, US$ million2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Annual % change 2005-2010ChillersReciprocating, screw, scroll 13.1 16.8 19.0 21.5 24.2 27.4 15.9% Centrifugal 2.5 2.3 3.6 2.9 3.2 3.6 7.0% Absorption>350kW 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 n/a Air cooled 6.1 7.0 8.4 9.0 10.2 11.4 13.4% Water cooled 9.5 12.0 14.2 15.3 17.3 19.5 15.4% <100kW 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 17.2%>100kW 15.2 18.5 22.0 23.7 26.7 30.1 14.6% Total Chillers 15.6 19.1 22.6 24.3 27.5 30.9 14.6% Source: BSRIANote: 1. * implies very low but not necessarily zero sales2. 1US$=16,436VNDTable C3 Chiller, average selling price, US$2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Annual % change 2005-2010ChillersR eciprocating, screw, scroll 47,636 51,692 52,624 53,572 54,537 55,520 3.1% Centrifugal 101,200 102,273 102,857 103,036 103,871 104,412 0.6% Absorption>350kW n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Air cooled 39,841 41,503 44,327 43,034 43,745 44,406 2.2% Water cooled 64,859 67,740 68,655 69,951 71,131 72,316 2.2% <100kW 5,333 6,100 6,230 6,310 6,380 6,400 3.7%>100kW 67,689 70,669 73,296 73,869 75,540 77,231 2.7% Source: BSRIANote: 1. Average selling price from manufacturer/importer to first point of distribution.2.Current prices 2005 and 2006. Constant prices from 2007 onwards.3. 1US$=16,436VNDFigure C1 Chillers analysed by type of cooling, by value, US$ millionSource: BSRIATable C4 Imports-exports, chiller products, value (US$), 2006A B C D E F GHome market Imports(1) (2)Imports as% of homemarketB/CProduction(2)A -B + EExports(1) (2)Balance oftrade (2)E - BExports as% ofproductionE/DChillers 19.1 19.1 100% 0.0 0.0 -19.1 0% Source: BSRIANote: 1. Excludes all re-exporting / trading activities2. Figures should be regarded as more approximate than others in this tableTable C5 Brand market leaders and local producers for chiller products, by value, 2006All chillers <350kW >350kWMarket leaders (descending order)TraneCarrierJCI (York)HitachiFushenKhon LinhHstarsDailinTeccoTraneCarrierJCI (York)HitachiFushenKhon LinhHstarsDailinTeccoTraneCarrierJCI (York)HitachiFushenKhon LinhHstarsDailinTeccoTheir share 90% >90% >90%Local manufacturers(descending order)None significant None significant None significantSource: BSRIAIn 2006 the Vietnamese chiller market reached 347 units and is estimated at 19.1US$ million.In terms of cooling, water-cooled chillers slightly prevail in volume terms. 60% of screw chillers and 10% of scroll chillers are water-cooled. Overall, water-cooled type accounts for 51% of the total market.Small scroll chillers for comfort cooling are losing market share to VRF units. Customers prefer VRF systems as they are more flexible. In 2005, the small scroll chillers segment is estimated at approximately 250 units, and only 70 of them are for comfort cooling. The rest of the small scroll chillers are for industrial and process applications. Screw chillers are going for office and large commercial applications.The market for centrifugal chillers is relatively small. This is due to the still small number of high-rise buildings in Vietnam. Centrifugal chillers are typically sold for combined industrial/comfort cooling applications (factories) and large shopping malls. It is estimated that the market reached 22 units in 2006 and was valued at 2.3US$ million. However, the demand for centrifugal chillers is expected to grow within the next five years as foreign investments are slowly increasing and the economy is getting stronger.Intel has announced the building of a large factory near Ho Chi Minh City that will require 2,500 tonnes of cooling capacity. It is expected that this will boost the centrifugal segment in 2007. Reciprocating chillers are still present on the Vietnamese market, however, their share is slowly decreasing. Customers realised advantages of screw and scroll chillers so reciprocating chiller are expected to become a niche market. Trane does not produce reciprocating chillers, but Carrier, Hitachi and York still sell some small quantities. This market is dominated by such companies as Dalian (China). Reciprocating chillers are mostly used for process and industrial applications. In 2006 the total reciprocating segment was estimated at around 15 $US million and around 300 pieces. However only a small number of reciprocating chillers are going for comfort cooling.Overall, American companies are dominating the chillers and airside products markets. McQuay established its operations in Vietnam in 2006 although hasn’t achieved substantial sales yet.The market for absorption chillers in Vietnam is negligible. The pharmaceutical industry is one of the possible applications for absorption chillers.Currently nearly 100% of the central plant products sold in Vietnam are imported. It is expected that local production may strengthen in the future. This process can be facilitated by local production of compressors, fans and other parts, however, there is no information that such facilities are about to be open in Vietnam.The contractors route is a main distribution channel for central plant products in Vietnam. 60-70% of chillers are sold through contractors. Contractors often buy equipment and, hence, are the main specifiers of brands together with HVAC design engineers. Reetech is the largest Vietnamese HVAC contractor.The main route for central plant products is via contractors who usually buy equipment and who are usually main influencers regarding solutions and brands.Table D1 AHU and fan coil market, volume of units2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Annual % change 2005-2010AHU 460 529 608 700 805 925 15.0% Fan coilConcealed 14,474 17,651 20,299 23,343 26,845 30,872 16.4%Cased 1,134 1,361 1,579 1,831 2,124 2,464 16.8%Total 15,608 19,012 21,877 25,175 28,969 33,336 16.4%Grand Total 16,068 19,541 22,486 25,874 29,774 34,261 16.4% Source: BSRIATable D2 AHU and fan coil market value, US$ million2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Annual % change 2005-2010AHU 1.4 1.7 1.9 2.3 2.7 3.1 17.1% Fan coilConcealed 2.8 3.5 4.1 4.8 5.7 6.8 19.8%Cased 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 20.3%Total 3.0 3.8 4.5 5.3 6.3 7.4 19.9%Grand Total 4.4 5.4 6.4 7.6 8.9 10.6 19.0% Source: BSRIANote: 1. 1US$=16,436VNDTable D3 AHU and fan coil, average selling price, US$2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010Annual % change 2005-2010AHU 3,100 3,150 3,200 3,250 3,300 3,400 1.9% Fan coilConcealed 190 196 202 208 214 220 3.0%Cased 220 227 233 240 248 255 3.0% Source: BSRIANote: 1. Average selling price from manufacturer/importer to first point of distribution.2. Current prices 2005 and 2006. Constant prices from 2007 onwards.3. 1US$=16,436VNDFigure D1 AHU market analysed by value, US$ millionSource: BSRIAFigure D2 Fan coil market analysed by volumeSource: BSRIATable D4 Imports-exports, AHU and Fan Coil products, value (US$ million), 2006A B C D E F GHome market Imports(1) (2)Imports as% of homemarketB/CProduction(2)A -B + EExports(1) (2)Balance oftrade (2)E - BExports as% ofproductionE/DAHU 1.7 1.6 94% 0.1 0.0 -1.6 0% Fan Coil 3.8 3.7 97% 0.1 0.0 -3.7 0% Total 5.5 5.3 96% 0.2 0.0 -5.3 0%Source: BSRIANote: 1. Excludes all re-exporting / trading activities2. Figures should be regarded as more approximate than others in this tableTable D5 Brand market leaders and local producers for AHU and fan coil products, 2006AHU Fan coilsMarket leaders (descending order)TraneCarrierDaikinJCI (York)TraneCarrierJCI (York)ReetechDaikinSinkoTheir share >95% >90%Local manufacturers (descending order)ReetechOthersnegSource: BSRIACommentary• The air-handling units market is estimated at 1.7 US$ million and slightly more than 500 units. • Simple air-handling units applications are going to offices and other commercial applications;more complex units (to provide a better indoor air quality) are going for pharmaceutical and other industrial applications.• Local production for air-handling units and fan coils is limited unlike in many other regional markets. This is due to a still low investment level in production facilities. However, there are some tax incentives for local manufacturers, especially those that use local and not imported parts. At the moment, there is a deficit of good quality spare parts and components produced locally and companies that manufacture air-conditioning are importing spare parts from abroad, hence are not able to compete on price. Currently, the import tax for air-handling units from Thailand and Malaysia is 5% which makes importing very attractive.• Reetech is one of the local companies manufacturing air-handing units and other air-conditioning equipment. But the company, in fact, assembles units from parts imported from China, Thailand and Malaysia.• Main applications for fan coils are offices and hotels. In 2005, the Vietnamese fan coils market is estimated at 19,012 units and the majority of units are concealed.• It is expected that the market volume for fan coils will grow by an average 16% per year due to the growing commercial property market. The growth in the air-handling units segment will correlate with the growth in the chiller segment. The market value of the air-handling unitssegment is estimated to increase by approximately 20% in 2007.• Airside products are often sold in a “package” with chillers. Hence the market for air-side products is dominated by chiller companies: Trane, Carrier and JCI (York).。


中国—东盟自由贸易区是中国与东盟十国组建的自由贸 易区。2010年1月1日贸易区正式全面启动。主要目标是:促 进东盟成为一个具有竞争力的基地,以吸引外资;消除成员 国之间关税与非关税障碍,促进本地区贸易自由化;扩大成 员国之间互惠贸易的范围,促进区域内贸易;建立内部市场。
自贸区建成后,东盟和中国的贸易占到世界贸易的13%, 成为一个涵盖11个国家、19亿人口、GDP达6万亿美元的巨 大经济体,是目前世界人口最多的自贸区,也是发展中国家 间最大的自贸区。
东盟国家的政治体制是多种多样的,当今世界的基本政治体制类型 都可以在东南亚找到。细致划分,则主要有如下5种类型:
1.人民代表制国家:越南、老挝 2.议会共和制国家:新加坡 3.总统共和制国家:印度尼西亚、菲律宾 4.君主制国家:泰国、柬埔寨、马来西亚和文莱
增进了解 加强合作
—— 东盟十国概况介绍
贵州大学国际交流与合作处 张成霞 博士 2012年9月6日
一、 区域组织、机构介绍 二、国别介绍
1、基本国情 2、高等教育概况 3、知名高校
1. 东盟十国是哪十国?首都分别在哪里? 2. 东盟十国的英文怎么读写?如何排序? 3. ASEAN 是指什么? 4. 说说你知道的东盟十国?
❖ 【文莱】、【马来西亚】和【泰国】经济发展有一定基础,经济以旅游 业、制造业、农业和渔业为主,近年积极发展航运业和物流业。
❖ 【越南】、【菲律宾】和【印尼】经济较落后,经济只有旅游业、制造 业、农业和渔业。
❖ 【缅甸】、【柬埔寨】和【老挝】经济落后,缅甸、柬埔寨和老挝的经 济只有旅游业和农业。
























东盟十国简介新加坡(The Republic of Singapore)由50多个海岛组成,首都新加坡城。









越南(The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam)人口7870万(2001年7月统计数字),有54个民族,越族(京族)占88%,官方语言为越南语,有华人100多万。












菲律宾(The Republic of the Philippines)由7101个大小岛屿组成,总面积29.97万平方公里,其中吕宋岛、棉兰老岛、萨马岛等11个主要岛屿约占全国总面积的96%。
























1文莱Brunei2柬埔寨Cambodia3印尼Indonesia4老挝Laos5马来西亚Malaysia6缅甸Myanmar7菲律宾Philippines8新加坡Singapore9泰国Thailand10越南Vietnam东盟十国的全称及英文名文莱达鲁萨兰国Negara Brunei Darussalam柬埔寨王国The Kingdom of Cambodia印度尼西亚共和国Republic of Indonesia老挝人民民主共和国The People's Democratic Republic Laos 马来西亚Malaysia缅甸联邦Myanmar菲律宾共和国The Republic of Philippines新加坡共和国The Republic of Singapore泰王国Thailand越南社会主义共和国The Socialist Republic of Vietnam文莱【国名】文莱达鲁萨兰国(Negara Brunei Darussalam)。









1995年11月,东盟各国高等教育部长会晤并签署了“东 盟大学联盟”宪章,各参会大学签署了建立“东盟大学联盟” 的协议,并成立了董事会,宣告“东盟大学联盟”正式成立。
主要功能:AUN的总体目标是通过促进东盟各国确定的 优先发展领域的交流学习和合作研究,加强东盟高校之间的 合作。具体目标是促进东盟成员国科学家、学者之间的合作; 加强该地区的学术与专业人才的人力资源开发;传播科学知 识和信息。核心目标是促进学术流动、提升东盟意识、增进 东盟学生之间的了解。为了实现上述目标,AUN确定了四个 战略领域:开展学生、教师交流;开发东盟研究项目;鼓励 合作研究;建立信息网络。
11. University Putra Malaysia 马来西亚普拉特大学
12. University of Yangon 缅甸仰光大学
13. Yangon Institute of Economics 缅甸经济学院
14. De La Salle University 菲律宾达拉萨大学
15. University of the Philippines 菲律宾大学
20. Chulalongkorn University 朱拉隆功大学
21. Mahidol University 泰国玛希隆大学
22. Chiang Mai University 泰国清迈大学
23. Vietnam National University, Hanoi 越南河内国家大学
24. Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City 越南胡志明市国家大学
2009年,在第十二次中国-东盟领导人会议期间,中国 政府和文莱达鲁萨兰国、柬埔寨王国、印度尼西亚共和国、 老挝人民民主共和国、马来西亚、缅甸联邦、菲律宾共和 国、新加坡共和国、泰王国和越南社会主义共和国等东盟10 国签署了《中华人民共和国政府和东南亚国家联盟成员国政 府关于建立中国-东盟中心的谅解备忘录》。缔约各方据此 建立一个信息和活动中心,即中国-东盟中心。












东盟十国概况越南概况国名:越南社会主义共和国(The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam)国庆日(独立日):9月2日(1945年)越南南方解放日:4月30日(1975年)越南共产党成立日:2月3日(1930年)胡志明诞辰日:5月19日(1890年)国旗:越南宪法规定:“越南社会主义共和国国旗为长方形,其宽度为长度的三分之二,红底中间有五角金星。


























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