Intemational Conference on Restoration and Sustainable Use of Desertified Lands




“⾼⽔平国际会议”名录附件11 理学与⼯学门类各学院“⾼⽔平国际会议”名录⼆、材料学院“⾼⽔平国际会议”名录1. International Conference on Fatigue,2. International Conference on Strength of Metals and Alloys, ICSMA conferences beganin 1967.(每三年⼀届,在不同国家举办,今年是14届)3. International Conference on Superalloy, 美国TMS协会举办4. International Congress on Fracture,5. International Conference on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials6. International Conference on Martensitic Transformations7. International Conference on Nanomaterials,8. Inter Conference of Hydrogen Energy, 国际氢能协会、美国氢能协会等9. International Institute of Welding (IIW), 国际焊接学会10. International Thermal Spray Conference, Organized by ASM International, IIW (International Institute of Welding), DVS (German Welding Society), (美国材料学会, 国际焊接学会与德国焊接学会联合组织)11. International Conference on Solid State Ionics, Organized by International, Society of Solid State Ionics (国际固态离⼦学会组织)12. International on Science & Processing of Cast Iron(SPCI),13. International Conference on Wear of Materials, Elsevier Sequoia S.A., Lausanne14. Wear of Materials(WOM), Elsevier美国ASME15. International Congress on Ceramics,16. The American Ceramic Society's Annual Meeting,17. International Cocoa Beach Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics andComposites International Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society,18. Powder Metallurgy World Congress,19. International Conference on High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composites,20. International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Organized by European JointCommittee on Plasma and Ion Surface Engineering (EJC/PISE).21. APS March Meeting(美国物理学会三⽉会议)。

建筑学院作为雷焦卡拉布里亚地中海大学具有历史性的学院 ,专门

建筑学院作为雷焦卡拉布里亚地中海大学具有历史性的学院 ,专门

A seguire testo in inglese雷焦卡拉布里亚地中海大学建筑学院简介:建筑学院作为雷焦卡拉布里亚地中海大学具有历史性的学院,专门致力于建筑设计、城市规划、历史建筑与城市的保护和修复,以及都市与田园景观建筑设计。







The Faculty of Architecture of Reggio Calabria Mediterreanean University,a short profileA historic faculty of Mediterranea University,specializing in architecture,urban planning, conservation,restoration of monuments and historic cities,and architecture of urban and rural landscape.The teaching and research activities range from studies on Italian realities to Mediterranean metropolises and regions focusing on the rehabilitation and upgrade of degraded outskirts,the protection and improvement of the natural patrimony and urban green areas.The Faculty’s intense action has resulted in a major series of publications realized and supervised by a top-quality national and international teaching staff.The study of the different project phases of architecture’s generative process and the relation spaces is featured by the degree courses in Architecture,Urban Planning and Conservation as well as by the2nd level Master in‘Architecture And Archeology Of the Classical City’.The modern seat houses multimedia,language and thematic laboratories.Nowadays the Faculty is organizing an important international conference entitled‘Views On the Italian Landscape Between Conservation,Transformation,And Project Over the Last150Years’. The conference will be held under the auspices of the Presidency of the Italian Republic and hopefully will be attended by great personalities of the Council of Europe.。




Group 1The 2009 International Conference on Information and Communications SecurityThe 2010 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC 2010)ICPR 2010 - The 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP)(ICASSP ’98)ANZALS Leisure & Recreation Conference 2008: Leisure is the keyThe Eleventh IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2007) The 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 06)The 7th International Conference on Functional GrammarThe 5th International Conference on Advanced Materials and ProcessingThe 6th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings 2002The 8th Biennial Conference on Tourism in AsiaTourism, Hospitality & Foodservice Industry2010 The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information Management and EngineeringGroup 2International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter WavesInternational Conference on Molecular Beam EpitaxyInternational Conference on Narrow Gap SemiconductorsInternational Conference on Thin Film Physics and ApplicationInternational Conference on X-Ray LasersInternational Conference on Solid-state and Integrated Circuit Technology ProceedingsInternational Conference on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA) International Conference on Communications (ICC)International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)International Conference on Robotics and AutomationInternational Conference on Intelligent Robots and SystemsInternational Conference on Software EngineeringInternational Conference on Efficiency, Costs, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy SystemsInternational Conference on Turbochargers and TurbochargingInternational Conference on Electrical MachinesInternational Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles(EVS)International Conference on Magnet TechnologyInternational Conference on Engineering and Technological Sciences 2000 (PITTCON), USA.International Conference on Fluidization (ICF)International Conference on Bioseparation Engineering (ICBE)International Conference on Molecular Beam EpitaxyInternational Conference on ELT in ChinaInternational Conference on Pragmatics and Language LearningInternational Conference on MagnetismInternational conference on High Pressure Semiconductor PhysicsInternational Conference on Ternary and Multlnary CompoundsInternational Conference on Shellfish RestorationInternational Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering ManagementInternational Conference on Information SystemThe International Conference on MOVPEWorld Conference on WomenWorld Conference on Photovoltaic Solar Energy ConversionGroup 3IEEE International Conference on Accoustic, Speech and Signal Processing TechnologyIEEE International Conference on Accoustic, Speech and Signal Processing IFAC International Conference on Automatic ControlIEEE Conference on Decision and ControlThe IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES)The International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)IUMRS International Conference on Advanced MaterialsAnnual JALT International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV)Asian Conference on High Pressure ResearchThe Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/PR)Pan-Asian Conference on Language Teaching (PAC)Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and TechnologyThe Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy Group 4The 4th World Conference for Graduate Research in Tourism, Hospitality and International Conference for Optics(光学)World Conference of Animal Production (WCAP)The 2nd International Conference of Bionic EngineeringⅡConference位于句首,有介词。


类 别
3A 4A 5A
6A 7A
Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry
The International Conference on Crystal Growth International Congress on Catalysis
Electronique (ECE)
21 A
International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences
MicroTAS 化学和生命科学微型 系统国际大会
Chemical and Biological
Gordon Research Conference on Catalysis
Asia-Pacific Congress on Catalysis International Conference on Environmental Catalysis
Annual 国际电化学学会年会
Meeting of ISE
举办周 期
每年 世界各地
1次/2年 世界范围
4 每四年
世界范围 不定 北美
每三年 每年
不定 不定
备注 EI,世界各国专家、学者
著名学者参加 著名学者参加
SCI著名学者参加 SCI著名学者参加



欧洲联盟(欧盟)独立国家联合体(独联体)上海合作组织阿拉伯各国议会联盟阿拉伯国家联盟 (阿盟)西欧联盟拉丁美洲议会阿拉伯马格里布联盟非洲联盟(非盟)欧洲安全与合作组织(欧安组织)美洲国家组织法语国家组织(又称“法语共同体”)里约集团国际移民组织伊比利亚美洲国家首脑会议桑戈委员会亚洲议会和平协会禁止化学武器组织欧洲委员会南亚区域合作联盟 (南盟)波罗的海国家委员会非洲统一组织(非统组织)各国议会联盟(议联)维谢格拉德集团政府间移民委员会巴黎统筹委员会(巴统)的正式名字是“输出管制统筹委员会” 亚太议会论坛海湾合作委员会(海合会)联合国协会世界联合会 (世联会)大赦国际国际刑事警察组织(国际刑警组织)伊斯兰会议组织前政府首脑国际行动理事会英联邦国际刑事法院加勒比国家联盟南美洲国家联盟前身为南美国家共同体(南共体)社会党国际核供应国集团葡萄牙语国家共同体(葡语国家共同体)“中欧倡议国”组织不结盟运动澳新美理事会自由进步党国际古阿姆民主与发展组织巴黎俱乐部 也称“十国集团”77国集团国际劳工组织中国-阿拉伯国家合作论坛地中海联盟美洲议会联盟萨赫勒-撒哈拉国家共同体(简称萨-撒共同体)南方中心金砖四国中美洲议会美洲玻利瓦尔联盟世界贸易组织(世贸组织)亚太经济合作组织(亚太经合组织)石油输出国组织东非政府间发展组织 (伊加特)经济合作与发展组织亚洲开发银行 (亚行)世界银行集团,俗称世界银行阿拉伯石油输出国组织“十五国集团”又称“南南磋商与合作首脑级集团” 非洲开发银行欧洲复兴开发银行(欧洲银行)环印度洋地区合作联盟二十国集团美洲开发银行加勒比开发银行中部非洲国家经济共同体24国集团欧洲中央银行欧洲自由贸易联盟南部非洲发展共同体国际展览局南方共同市场(南共市)比荷卢经济联盟西非经济共同体关税及贸易总协定 (关贸总协定)安第斯共同体 (安共体)太平洋岛国论坛大湖国家经济共同体博鳌亚洲论坛太平洋共同体东部和南部非洲共同市场(东南非共同市场)非洲发展新伙伴计划世界旅游组织东非共同体西非经济货币联盟 (西非经货联盟)加勒比共同体和共同市场国际能源机构拉美经济体系中美洲一体化体系大湄公河次区域经济合作世界能源理事会拉丁美洲一体化协会国际航空运输协会非洲、加勒比和太平洋地区国家集团(非加太集团)黑海经合组织发展中八国集团(伊斯兰发展中八国集团)反洗钱金融行动特别工作组国际货币基金组织南方银行加勒比石油计划国际标准化组织泛美开发银行集团科技、文化世界卫生组织 (世卫组织)第三世界科学院世界民主青年联盟国际足球联合会国际科学理事会世界基督教会联合会亚洲奥林匹克理事会国际档案理事会国际自由工会联合会国际奥林匹克委员会世界文化和自然遗产政府间委员会(世界遗产委员会)国际交流发展计划万国邮政联盟国际军事体育理事会世界汉语教学学会世界盲人联盟国际音乐理事会国际信息处理联合会世界厕所组织(也简称WTO)国际世界语协会(国际世协)国际新闻工作者协会国际新闻学会国际战略研究所国际新闻工作者联合会国际大学协会国际奥比斯组织国际图书馆协会联合会(国际图联)世界穆斯林大会无国界医生组织国际翻译家联盟 (国际译联)世界土著人理事会国际新闻电影协会国际自然及自然资源保护联盟世界佛教徒联谊会世界科技城市联盟国际志愿服务协调委员会国际会计师联合会世界休闲组织国际红十字会与红新月会联合会亚太空间合作组织世界医护人员联盟国际反贪局联合会国际捕鲸委员会世界知识产权组织世界动物卫生组织非洲性别平等集团世界气象组织国际博物馆协会世界移动通信大会和全球移动通信系统协会国际人类学与民族学联合会世界技能组织亚欧会议亚洲相互协作与信任措施会议(亚信会议)东亚峰会国际反贪污大会世界经济论坛世界社会论坛世界经济论坛世界社会论坛世界卫生大会世界妇女大会世界华商大会世界石油大会世界青年大会法非首脑会议日内瓦裁军谈判会议 (裁谈会)东盟外长会议上海合作组织峰会世界粮食首脑会议二十国集团峰会世界大城市首脑会议巴尔干国家首脑会议非洲-欧洲首脑会议联合国小岛屿国家会议联合国千年首脑会议联合国反对种族主义世界大会联合国国际人口与发展大会世界妇女峰会世界城市论坛亚洲政党国际会议东盟地区论坛世界水资源论坛世界月球会议世界知识论坛世界湖泊大会亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议东盟与中国(“10+1”)领导人会议东盟与中日韩(10+3)领导人会议东南欧稳定公约魏玛三角“北美安全与繁荣联盟”首脑会议(北美峰会)政治类组织European Union -- EUCommonwealth of Independent States -- CISShanghai Cooperation Organization -- SCOArab Inter-Parliamentary Union -- AIPULeague of Arab States -- LASWestern European Union -- WEULatin-American ParliamentUnion of the Arab Maghreb;Union du Maghreb Arabe -- UMA African Union -- AUOrganization for Security and Co-operation in Europe -- OSCE Organization of American States -- OASOrganisation Internationale de la Francophoniethe Rio GroupInternational Organization for Migration -- IOMIbero-American SummitZangger Committee -- ZACThe Association of Asian Parliaments for Peace—AAPP Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons -- OPCW Council of Europe -- COESouth Asian Association for Regional Cooperation -- SAARC Council of the Baltic Sea States -- CBSSOrganization of African Unity -- OAUInter-Parliamentary Union -- IPUVisegrad GroupIntergovernmental Committee for Migration -- ICMCo-Ordinating Committee for Export ControlThe Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum — APPFGulf Cooperation Council -- GCCWorld Federation of United Nations Association -- WFUNA Amnesty International -- AIInternational Criminal Police Organization -- TERPOL Organization of the Islamic Conference -- OICInter Action Council of Former Heads of Government -- ICFHG The CommonwealthInternational Criminal Court -- ICCAssociation of Caribbean States -- ACSSouth American Community of Nations — CSNSocialist International -- SINuclear Suppliers Group -- NSGCommunity of Portuguese-Speaking Countries -- CPLPCentral European Initiative -- CEINon-Aligned Movement -- NAMANZUS councilLiberal International -- LIGUAM Organization for Democracy and Economic DevelopmentParis Club (Group-10)Group of 77 -- G77International Labor Organization -- ILOChina-Arab Cooperation ForumMediterranean UnionAmerican Parliamentary UnionCommunity of Sahel - Saharan StatesSouth CentreBRICsCentral American ParliamentBolivarian alliance经济类组织World Trade Organization -- WTOAsia-Pacific Economic Cooperation -- APECOrganization of Petroleum Exporting Countries -- OPECIntergovernmental Authority on Development -- IGADOrganization for Economic Cooperation and Development -- OECDAsian Development Bank -- ADBWorld BankOrganization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries -- OAPECGroup 15(Summit Level Group for South-South Consultation and Cooperation)African Development Bank -- ADBEuropean Bank for Reconstruction and Development -- EBRDIndian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation -- IOR-ARCGroup of TwentyInter-American Development Bank -- IDBCaribbean Development Bank -- CDBEconomic Community of Central African States -- ECCASGroup of Twenty Four -- G2European Central Bank -- ECBEuropean Free Trade Association -- EFTASouthern African Development Community -- SADCBureau of International Expositions -- BIESouth American Common Market-- MERCOSURUnion Economique BeneluxEconomic Community of West African States --ECOWASGeneral Agreement on Tariffs and Trade -- GATTAndean CommunityPacific Islands ForumEconomic Community of the Great Lakes CountriesBoao Forum for Asia -- BFAPacific Community -- PCCommon Market for Eastern and Southern Africa -- COMESAthe New Partnership for Africa's Development -- NEPADWorld Tourism OrganizationEast African Community -- EACUnion Economique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine -- UEMOACaribbean Community and Common Market -- CARICOMInternational Energy Agency -- IEALatin Aamerican Economic System -- LAESCentral American Integration System -- SICAGreater Mekong Subregion Economic CooperationWorld Energy Council -- WECLatin American Integration Association -- LAIAInternational Air Transport Association -- IATAGroup of African, Caribbean and Pacific Region Countries -- Group of the ACP Bangladesh Steel & Engineering Corporation--BSECthe Group of the developing G8 (Group of Eight Islamic Developing)Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering -- FATFInternational Monetary Fund -- IMFSouth BankCaribbean oil planInternational Organization for Standardization--ISOInter-American Development Bank Group、文化、体育等专业类组织World Health Organization -- WHOThird World Academy of Sciences -- TWASWorld Federation of Democratic Youth -- WFDYFederation Internationale de Football Association -- FIFAInternational Council for Science -- ICSUWorld Council of Churches -- WCCOlympic Council of Asia -- OCAInternational Council on Archives -- ICAInternational Confederation of Free Trade Unions -- ICFTUInternational Olympic Committee -- IOCWorld Heritage CommitteeInternational Programme for the Development of Communication — IPDCUniversal Postal Union -- UPUInternational Military Sports Council -- CISMInternational Society for Chinese Language TeachingWorld Blind UnionInternational Music Council -- IMCInternational Federation for Information Processing -- IFIPWorld Toilet OrganizationUniversal Esperanto Association -- UEAInternational Organization of JournalistsInternational Press Institute -- IPIInternational Institute for Strategic Studies -- IISSInternational Federation of Journalists -- IFJInternational Association of Universities -- IAUProject Orbis -- ORBISInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions -- IFLAWorld Muslim Congress -- WMCDoctors Without Borders, Medecins Sans Frontiers -- MSFInternational Federation of Translators;Federation International des Traducteurs -- FIT World Council of Indigenous PeoplesInternational Newsreel and News Film Association -- INNAInternational Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources -- IUCNWorld Fellowship of Buddhists -- WFBWorld Technoplis Association -- WTACoordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service -- CCIVSInternational Federation of Accountants -- IFACWorld Leisure OrganizationInternational Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent SocietiesAsia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization--APSCOWorld allience of heakth careInternational Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities --IAACAInternational Whaling CommissionWorld Intellectual Property Organization -- WIPOOffice International Des Epizooties --OIEAfrican Gender Equality GroupWorld Meteorological Organization -- WMOInternational Council of MuseumsMobile World Congress and Global System for Mobile Associationthe International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciiences--IUAESWorldSkills International国际会议Asia-Europe Meeting -- ASEMConference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia -- CICAEast Asia SummitInternational Anti-Corruption Conference -- IACCWorld Economic Forum -- WEFWorld Social Forum — WSFWorld Economic Forum -- WEFWorld Social Forum — WSFWorld Health Assembly -- WHAWorld Conference on WomenWorld Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention -- WCECWorld Petroleum Congress -- WPCWorld Assembly of Youth -- WAYFranco-African SummitConference on Disarmament in GenevaASEAN Foreign Ministers MeetingShanghai Cooperation Organization SummitWorld Food SummitSummit of the Group of TwentySummit Conference of Major Cities of the World -- SCMCWBalkan SummitAfrica-Europe SummitUnited Natiosn Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing United Nations Millennium SummitWorld Conference Against Racism of United NationsInternational Conference on Population and DevelopmentGlobal summit of womenWorld Urban ForumInternational Conference of Asian Political PartiesASEAN Regional ForumWorld Water ForumGlobal summit of moonWorld Knowledge ForumWorld Lake ConferenceAPEC Informal Leadership MeetingASEAN-China High- level SymposiumASEAN, China, Japan and ROK (10 + 3 ) High- level SymposiumStability Pact for South Eastern EuropeWeimar Triangle summitSecurity and Prosperity Partnership of North America --SPPurs -- FIT IUAESd Developing States。



清华大学各院系(学科)重要国际学术会议目录研究生院汇编二○○七年三月目录1. 建筑学院 (1)2. 土木工程系 (3)3. 建设管理系 (6)4. 水利水电工程系 (7)5. 环境科学与工程系 (9)6. 机械工程系 (11)7. 精密仪器系(机械工程) (13)8. 精密仪器系(仪器科学与技术) (15)9. 精密仪器系(光学工程) (17)10. 热能工程系 (18)11. 汽车工程系 (21)12. 工业工程系 (23)13. 电机系 (25)14. 电子工程系(电子科学与技术) (28)15. 电子工程系(信息与通信工程) (30)16. 计算机科学与技术系 (32)17. 自动化系 (34)18. 航天航空学院(工程热物理) (37)19. 航天航空学院(力学) (38)20. 工物系、核研院 (40)21. 化学工程系 (43)22. 材料科学与工程 (45)23. 数学系 (47)24. 物理系 (49)25. 化学系 (51)26. 生物系 (53)27. 经济管理学院(管理科学与工程) (56)28. 经济管理学院(工商管理、数量经济学) (57)29. 公共管理学院(公共管理) (59)30. 公共管理学院(管理科学与工程) (61)31. 人文学院 (62)32. 人文学院(外语系) (63)33. 法学院 (64)34. 新闻与传播学院 (65)35. 微纳电子学系 (66)36. 医学院 (68)建筑学院重要国际学术会议一、A类会议二、B类会议土木水利学院土木工程系重要国际学术会议一、A类会议二、B类会议土木水利学院建设管理系重要国际学术会议一、A类会议二、B类会议土木水利学院水利水电工程系重要国际学术会议一、A类会议二、B类会议环境科学与工程系重要国际学术会议一、A类会议二、B类会议机械工程系重要国际学术会议一、A类会议二、B类会议精仪系机械工程学科重要国际学术会议一、A类会议二、B类会议精仪系仪器科学与技术学科重要国际学术会议一、A类会议二、B类会议精仪系光学工程学科重要国际学术会议一、A类会议二、B类会议热能工程系重要国际学术会议一、A类会议二、B类会议汽车工程系重要国际学术会议一、A类会议二、B类会议工业工程系重要国际学术会议一、A类会议2006 年11 月08 日二、B类会议2006 年11 月08 日电机系重要国际学术会议电子系(电子科学与技术)重要国际学术会议目录(2007年1月11日)一、A类会议(序号不表示优先顺序)电子系(信息与通信工程)重要国际学术会议目录(2007年1月11日)一、A类会议(序号不表示优先顺序)二、B类会议(序号不表示优先顺序)计算机科学与技术系重要国际学术会议一、A类会议二、B类会议自动化系重要国际学术会议一、A类会议航天航空学院(工程热物理)重要国际学术会议一、A类会议二、B类会议航天航空学院(力学)重要国际学术会议一、A类会议二、B类会议工物系核研院核科学与技术学科重要国际学术会议一、A类会议二、B类会议化学工程系重要国际学术会议一、A类会议二、B类会议材料科学与工程系重要国际学术会议一、A类会议二、B类会议数学系重要国际学术会议一、A类会议。



15:30-16:00 16:00-16:30
西门子楼宇科技 集团
WALDNER Laboreinrichtungen
GmbH & Co. KG
Franco Atassi (美)
Englisch Maximilian(德)
亚太区 总经理
中国中元国际工程 有限公司
林阳 王漪
药事部主任 副总裁
临床研究中心的功能与 建设理念
全过程咨询与工程 总承包—实验室 工程建设新模式
15:30-16:00 16:00-16:30
加州大学尔湾分校 可持续发展学院
分会场 1. 实验室认证与管理 地点:国家会议中心 310
10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:00 12:00-12:30
中国国家认证认可 监督管理委员会
中国合格评定国家 认可中心
中国建筑科学研究 院
乔东 肖良
实验室部 主任
中国检验检测机构许可 制度的变革
实验室认可对设施和 环境的要求
分会场 2. 国际优秀科研建筑案例分析 1 地点:国家会议中心 306AB

联合国教科文组织《关于历史性城镇景观的建议书》在亚太地区的实施(Ron VAN OERS & 周俭 撰)

联合国教科文组织《关于历史性城镇景观的建议书》在亚太地区的实施(Ron VAN OERS & 周俭 撰)

■ IntroductionIn 2003 the World Heritage Com-mittee rang the alarm bells as the number of conflicts arising from urban development projects being executed in historic cities inscribed onto UNESCO’s World Heritage List was increasing significantly. It experienced how in practically all parts of the world, both developed and developing, local governments were struggling to adhere to the principles of urban conservation as put down in international Charters and Conventions, while aiming to secure the necessary investments for urban regeneration and city develop-ment. Recognizing that this dilemma involved all historic cities, not onlythose of World Heritage status, the World Heritage Committee relegat-ed this issue to UNESCO so that it could muster the broadest possible international support towards finding a solution fit for all cities of heri-tage-value.Starting in 2005 and lasting for 6 years, UNESCO facilitated and coor-dinated the Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) initiative, a policy process to review and update existing interna-tional guidelines for heritage conser-vation. This process was successfully concluded with the adoption of the new UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape by UNESCO’s General Conference on 10 November 2011, a ‘soft-law’ to be implemented by individual Member States on a voluntary basis.The Historic Urban Landscape is an updated heritage management ap-proach based on the recognition and identification of a layering of values present in any historic city and the need to integrate the different disci-plines for the analysis and planning of the urban conservation process, in order not to separate it from the planning and development of the contemporary city – in other words, the HUL approach seeks to reconnect historic quarters with the new city, urban conservation with the plan-ning and development process, and the different cultural traditions and socio-economic dynamics that are present in any contemporary city. The Historic Urban Landscape is an approach to identify city value as a continuum in space upon continuity of time. HUL, therefore, can be both a perspective and a value orientation, as well as a formation mechanism of space. It can be used in construction and development of a range of tech-nical methods and diverse managerial systems, which can be applied to the management of various space ranges, including but not limit to historic districts, historic blocks, historic cit-ies and centers, and all other space management regarding evolution of city.UNESCO’s General Conference in2011年联合国教科文组织《关于历史性城镇景观的建议书》在亚太地区的实施Implementation of the 2011 UNESCO Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape in Asia and the Pacific作者/ Ron VAN OERS1 周俭2 Written by Ron VAN OERS ① and ZHOU Jian ②■ 简介随着世界遗产城市纷纷开展各自的城市开发项目,一系列与保护相关的矛盾和冲突也呈上升趋势。

上海交大 指定重要国际学术会议目录-20160310版本

上海交大 指定重要国际学术会议目录-20160310版本

会议档次会议编号会议英文名称A A0602001International Congress of Historical SciencesA A0602002Annual Conference of the Association for Asian StudiesB B0602003World Economic History CongressB B0602004International Conference of Historical GeographersB B0602005World Congress of Environmental HistoryC C0602006Association of East Asian Environmental HistoryC C0602007International Conference on Ming-Qing StudiesC C0602008Annual Meeting of Social Science History AssociationA A0101001World Congress of PhilosophyA A0101002Congrès de l’Association des sociétés de philosophie de laB B0101003International Hegel CongressB B0101004International Conference in Chinese PhilosophyB B0101005Nordic Society for Phenomenology ConferenceB B0101006Phenomenology of East-Asia ConferenceC C0101007German Society for phenomenology ConferenceC C0101008Husserl Circle ConferenceC C0101009Society for Phenomenology and existential Philosophy ConferC C0101010International Conference on Contemporary New-ConfucianismA A0902001International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and GeneticsA A0902002International Horticultural CongressB B0902003World Congress on In Vitro BiologyA A0202001Economic Science Association International ConferenceA A0202002Annual International Industrial Organization ConferenceA A0202003American Finance Association Annual ConferencA A0202004Western Finance Association Annual ConferencA A0202005North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric SocietyA A0202006American Economic Association Annual MeetingB B0202007European Association for Research in Industrial EconomicsB B0202008Economic Science Association North American ConferenceB B0202009ISOCARP International ConferenceB B0202010European Finance Association Annual meetingB B0202011China International Conference in FinanceB B0202012European Financial Management Association Annual MeetingB B0202013Financial Management Association Annual MeetingB B0202014Eastern Finance Association Annual MeetingB B0202015World Finance Conference annual meetingB B0202016Asian Finance Association Annual ConferenceB B0202017Econometric Society World CongressB B0202018Far Eastern Meeting of The Econometric SocietyB B0202019North American Winter Meeting of The Econometric SocietyB B0202020Association for Public Policy Analysis and ManagemeB B0202021Association of Environmental and Resources Economist SummerB B0202022Society of Labor Economists annual meetingB B0202023Western Economic Association International Annual ConferencB B0202024The European Meetings of the Econometric SocietyB B0202025Annual Conference of Society for Financial EconometrB B0202026International Symposium on Econometric Theory and AB B0202027Computational and Financial EconometricsB B0202028International Symposium on Financial Engineering and RB B0202029The Meetings of European Economic AssociationB B0202030Annual Conference of European Economics and FinaB B0202031Annual Conference of Chinese Economists SocietyA A0504001Society for Cinema & Media Studies Annual ConferenceA A0504002Association for Asian Studies Annual ConferenceA A0504003International Conference on Cultural EconomicsA A0504004International Conference on Political and Cultural StudiesA A0504005International Conference on Contemporary Cultural StudiesB B0504006Asian Cinema Studies Society ConferenceB B0504007International Association For Media And Communication Resea B B0504008International Conference on Cultural PolicyB B0504009International Conference on Cultural Heritage and Tourism B B0504010International Conference on Film, Visual, Cultural and Medi B B0504011International Conference on Arts and Cultural ManagementB B0504012International Conference on Communication and CultureB B0504013International Conference on Communication, Film and Media SC C0504014Chinese Film Forum UK ConferenceC C0504015International Conference on Communication, Visual and Perfo C C0504016International Conference on Creative IndustryC C0504017International Cultural Industry ConferenceC C0504018AnnualInternational Conference on Contemporary Cultural Stu C C0504019International Conference on Cultural Policy ResearchC C0504020International Conference on Cultural EconomyC C0504021Symposium on global creative industryC C0504022Global Creative Industries ConferenceA A0804001the World Conference on Non-Destructive TestingA A0804002International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intel A A0804003IEEE Ultrasonics SymposiumA A0804004International Measurement Confederation World CongressB B0804005International Conference on Precision EngineeringB B0804006IEEE International Test ConferenceB B0804007International Conference on MEMS,NANO,and Smart SystemsB B0804008IEEE-UFFCB B0804009International Symposium on Therapeutic UltrasoundB B0804010IEEE AUTOTESTCONC C0804011SPIE Optical MetrologyC C0804012IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation RoboticsC C0804013International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division o C C0804014International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Elec C C0804015IEEE World Haptics ConferenceC C0804016FAR EAST NDTC C0804017International Conference of the European Society for Precis C C0804018Annual Meeting of the American Society for Precision Engine C C0804019International Conference on BiometricsA A1007001AAPS annual conferenceA A1007002AAPS biotechnology conferenceB B1007003Vaccine and ISV Annual Global CongressB B1007004Controlled Release SocietyB B1007005International Society for Stem Cell Research Annual MeetiB B1007006National Medicinal Chemistry SymposiumC C1007007Drug Discovery & Therapy World CongressC C1007008Drug design & Medicinal ChemistryC C1007009Drug Discovery and Therapy World CongressC C1007010International Conference on Drug Discovery and TherapyA A0810001IEEE Antennas and Propagation SymposiumA A0810002International Conference on Image ProcessingA A0810003Optical Fiber Communication Conference and ExhibitionA A0810004IEEE Radar ConferenceA A0810005IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensi A A0810006European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication A A0810007ACM Multidedia ConferenceA A0810008European Conference on Computer VisionA A0810009IEEE Global Telecommunications ConferenceA A0810010IEEE Optical Network Design and ModelingA A0810011The ACM Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing A A0810012The ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applica A A0810013The ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXp A A0810014IEEE International Conference on Computer CommunicationsA A0810015Conference on Lasers and Electro-OpticsB B0810016IET International Conference on Radar SystemsB B0810017International Conference on Machine LearningB B0810018International Conference on RadarB B0810019IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management SymposiumB B0810020The Data Compression ConferenceB B0810021European Conference on Synthetic Aperture RadarB B0810022International Conference on Transparent Optical NetworksB B0810023Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems B B0810024IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propogation So B B0810025Asia-Pacific Conference on Synthetic Aperture RadarB B0810026Multi-Protocol Label Switching/Software Defined Networking B B0810027International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence B B0810028International Conference on Learning RepresentationsB B0810029IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia System B B0810030International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Com B B0810031IEEE Visual Communication and Image Processing Conference B B0810032The British Machine Vision ConferenceB B0810033The Annual conference of the ACM special interest group on B B0810034IEEE Global Communications ConferenceB B0810035IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication andC C0810036IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal ProcessingC C0810037IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision C C0810038Pacific-Rim Conference on MultimediaC C0810039ACM International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Gra C C0810040IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Te C C0810041International Conference on Multimedia ModelingC C0810042Architectures for Networking and Communications SystemsC C0810043Picture Coding SymposiumC C0810044IEEE Conference on Local Computer NetworksC C0810045Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Min C C0810046International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experienc C C0810047ACM Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningC C0810048International Workshop on Video Processing and Quality Metr C C0810049International Conference on Machine VisionC C0810050IEEE China Summit & International Conference on Signal and C C0810051IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications an C C0810052International Conference on Machine Vision and Human-Machin C C0810053ACM SIGGRAPHC C0810054International Conference on Modelling, Identification and C C C0810055International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing C C0810056IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor S C C0810057IEEE Workshop on Singal Processing SystemsC C0810058IEEE International Performance Computing and CommunicationsC C0810059International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Com C C0810060IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile C C0810061Asia-Pacific Microwave ConferenceC C0810062IEEE Symposium on Computers and CommunicationsC C0810063URSI General Assembly and Scientific SymposiumC C0810064IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility ConferenceC C0810065IFIP International Conferences on NetworkingC C0810066Asia-Pacific Electromagnetic Compatibility ConferenceC C0810067FIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Mana C C0810068IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking ConferenceA A0503001International Communication AssociationA A0503002International Association for Media andCommunication ResearA A0503003Association for Education in Journalism and MassCommunicatiB B0503004International Association for Intercultural Communication S B B0503005National Communication Association Annual ConventionB B0503006European Communication ConferenceB B0503007International Public Relation Research ConferenceB B0503008International Advertising Association World CongressB B0503009International Association for Business CommunicatorsB B0503010International Association on Communication and MassMediaC C0503011International Conference on Media and Communication in Chin C C0503012International Graduate ConferenceC C0503013Chinese Communication SocietyC C0503014Media, Communication and Cultural Studies AssociationC C0503015World Association for Public Opinion ResearchC C0503016World Media Economics and Management ConferenceC C0503017Broadcasting Education Association ConventionA A0702001Gordan Research ConferenceA A0702002American Materials Research Society spring meetingA A0702003American Materials Research Society fall meetingA A0702004International Conference on Solid Films and SurfacesA A0702005International conference on low-temperature physicsA A0702006International Conference on Particles and NucleiA A0702007The Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear A A0702008The International Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions a A A0702009International Nuclear Physics ConferenceA A0702010The International Conference on High Energy PhysicsA A0702011International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus CollisionsA A0702012Frontiers in OpticsA A0702013American Physical SocietyB B0702014International Conference on Materials & Mechanisms of Supe B B0702015Spectroscopies in novel superconductorsB B0702016International workshop on strong correlations and angle-res B B0702017International Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Material B B0702018International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Di B B0702019Study of Matter at Extreme ConditionsB B0702020International Conference on Computational PhysicsB B0702021International Photonics and OptoElectronics MeetingsB B0702022Energy materials Nanotechnology meetingB B0702023International Conference on Narrow Gap SystemsB B0702024International conference on molecular beam epitaxyB B0702025The Optical Fiber Communication Conference and the National B B0702026Nonlinear OpticsB B0702027NanophotonicsB B0702028Advanced Solid-State PhotonicB B0702029The Large Hadron Collider Physics ConferenceB B0702030International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-NuclB B0702031The International Symposium on Physics in CollisionB B0702032International Conference on Strangeness in Quark MatterB B0702033The Workshop of de Moriond on QCD and High Energy InteractiB B0702034International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange ParticB B0702035The Workshop of de Moriond on Electroweak Interactions andB B0702036International Conference on Neutrino Physics and AstrophysiB B0702037The International Workshop on Top Quark PhysicsB B0702038Higgs CouplingsB B0702039Flavor physics and CP violationB B0702040Statistical mechanics confereneB B0702041International Soft Matter ConferenceB B0702042International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic CrystalC C0702043ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied TopicsC C0702044International conference on the physics of semiconductorsC C0702045International Conference on Superconductivity and MagnetismC C0702046Applied Superconductivity ConferenceC C0702047European Conference on Applied SuperconductivityC C0702048International Symposium on SuperconductivityC C0702049Graphene ConferenceC C0702050SPIE conferenceC C0702051The International Conference on the Science and ApplicationC C0702052International Conference on Near-Field Optics, NanophotonicC C0702053Wonton conferenceC C0702054International conference on two-dimensional layered materiaC C0702055European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and ExhibitioC C0702056Asian Workshop on First-Principles Electronic Structure Calculations C C0702057The Asia Pacific Laser SymposiumC C0702058SPIE Photonics WestC C0702059International Conference on Laser Peening and Related PhenomenaC C0702060The Meeting of the American Physical Society(APS) DivisionC C0702061International Symposium on Nuclei in the CosmosC C0702062The International Conference on Supersymmetry and UnificatiC C0702063Topics in Astroparticle and Underground PhysicsC C0702064The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy PhyC C0702065International Symposium on Spin PhysicsC C0702066China-Japan Joint Nuclear Physics SymposiumC C0702067The Phenomenology SymposiumC C0702068Asian Triangular Heavy Ion CollisionsC C0702069The International Workshops on Deep Inelastic ScatteringC C0702070Gordon Research Conference on Nuclear ChemistryC C0702071International Symposium on Exotic NucleiC C0702072International Symposium on Nuclear Symmetry EnergyC C0702073UCLA dark matter meetingC C0702074International conference of statistical physicsC C0702075Boulder school on condensed matter and material physicsA A0502001International Congress of AestheticsA A0502002Congress of the International Comparative Literature AssociA A0502003International Comparative Literature AssociationA A0502004America Literature AssociationA A0502005International Systemic Functional Linguistics ConferenceA A0502006Language Testing Research ColloquiumA A0502007World Congress of Applied LinguisticsA A0502008International Association of Forensic LinguistsA A0502009Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of AmericaA A0502010Interspeech ConferenceA A0502011American Associations for Applied Linguisticsd es Traducteures World CongressA A0502012Fédération InternationaleA A0502013International Conference on Interpreting and TranslationA A0502014American Translators Association Annual ConferenceA A0502015American Literary Translators AssociationB B0502016Sino-British bilateral forum on Marxist aestheticsB B0502017British Comparative Literature AssociationB B0502018Association for Studies of Australian LiteratureB B0502019Canadian Comparative Literature AssociationB B0502020International Association for Semiotic StudiesB B0502021International Morphology MeetingB B0502022International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Pro B B0502023International Congress of LinguistsB B0502024International Conference on Speech ProsodyB B0502025Chicago Linguistics SocietyB B0502026International Congress of Phonetic SciencesB B0502027North American Conference on Chinese LinguisticsB B0502028International Conference on Computational LinguisticsB B0502029Conference of the International Association of Chinese Ling B B0502030Language Resources and Evaluation ConferenceB B0502031Penn Linguistics ColloquiumB B0502032Berkeley Linguistics SocietyB B0502033Conference on Laboratory PhonologyB B0502034Machine Translation SummitB B0502035Asia-Pacific Translation & Interpreting ForumB B0502036Association for Machine Translation in the AmericasC C0502037Annual Symposium on NovelC C0502038International Conference on NarrativeC C0502039International Symposium on Ethical Literary CriticismC C0502040Northeast Linguistic SocietyC C0502041West Coast Conference on Formal LinguisticsC C0502042Academic Forum on English Language Testing in AsiaC C0502043Association of Language Testers in Europe Annual Conference C C0502044European Association for Language Testing and Assessment An C C0502045Language Testing ForumC C0502046Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Annual C C C0502047International Conference on Japanese EducationC C0502048International Roundtables for the Semiotics of LawC C0502049International Oriental COCOSDA ConferenceC C0502050Asian Association for Language AssessmentC C0502051International Symposium on Chinese Spoken LanguageC C0502052Pacific Rim Objective Measurement SymposiumC C0502053International Conference on Asian Language ProcessingC C0502054Asia Teachers of English as a Foreign Language Internationa C C0502055Workshop on Speech and Language Technology for EducationC C0502056Japan Language Testing Association Annual ConferenceC C0502057Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Asian Co C C0502058Phonetic Conference of ChinaC C0502059Japanese Language Education SocietyC C0502060Foreign Language Testing and TeachingC C0502061The Translation and Localization ConferenceC C0502062Interpreter and Translators CongressC C0502063Asian Translation Traditions ConferenceA A0814001International Symposium on Lowland TechnologyA A0814002International Conference on Textile Composites and InflatabA A0814003International Conference on soil mechanics and GeotechnicalA A0814004International Congress on Rock MechanicsB B0814005Annual meeting for International Association of China PlanB B0814006International Conference on Steel Structures in FireB B0814007The International Conference on Computing in Civil and BuilB B0814008Conference of Space StructureB B0814009International Symposium on Land SubsidenceB B0814010International Conference on Unsaturated SoilsC C0814011International Conference on Coastal EngineeringC C0814012The IEEE International Conference on Industrial EngineeringC C0814013International Symposium on LandslidesC C0814014Geotechnical FrontiersC C0814015Geo-CongressC C0814016Geo-RiskC C0814017International symposium on Geotechnical safety and riskC C0814018International Conference on Applications of Statistics andC C0814019International Conference on Structural Safety & ReliabilityC C0814020The International Conference on Durability of Concrete StruC C0814021The International Conference on Construction MaterialsC C0814022Challenging Glass conferenceC C0814023International Society for Structural and MultidisciplinaryA A0714001International Conference of the International Chinese StatiA A0704001International Astronomical Union General AssemblyA A0704002the American Astronomical Society MeetingB B0704003International Astronomical Union SymposiaB B0704004the Asia-Pacific IAU Regional MeetingB B0704005KIAS Workshop on cosmology and structure formationC C0704006Texas Symposium on Relativistic AstrophysicsC C0704007the Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar AstrophysicsC C0704008International Conference on Cosmology and GravitationC C0704009LeCosPA International SymposiumA A0701001International Congress of MathematiciansA A0701002International Congress of Chinese MathematiciansA A0701003Cross-strait Conference on Graph Theory and CombinatoricsA A0701004International Conference on Hyperbolic ProblemsA A0701005SIAM Conference on Computational Science and EngineeringA A0701006Chinese-German Workshop on Metric Riemannian GeometryA A0701007International Conference and Workshop on Representation Theory of Algebras A A0701008Advances in Qualitative Theory of Differential EquationsA A0701009International conference on nonlinear waves—theory and applicationsA A0701010International Conference- Symmetries and Integrability of DA A0701011SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent StructuresB B0701012International Conference on Industry and Applied MathematicB B0701013Pacific Rim Conference on MathematicsB B0701014AMS International MeetingsB B0701015SIAM Conference on Discrete MathematicsB B0701016International Conference on Free Boundary ProblemsB B0701017SIAM Conference on OptimizationB B0701018SIAM Conference on Applied Linear AlgebraB B0701019SIAM Conference on Imaging ScienceB B0701020Applied Inverse Problems ConferenceB B0701021related "Workshops at Oberwolfach" in GermanyB B0701022International Conference on Groups, Combinatorics and VerteB B0701023Symposium on Planar Vector FieldsB B0701024Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and ApplicationsB B0701025China-Japan joint workshop on integrable systemsC C0701026The Congress of International Society for Analysis, its AppC C0701027AMS von Neumann SymposiumC C0701028Mathematics Research CommunitiesC C0701029AMS National MeetingsC C0701030AMS Sectional MeetingsC C0701031European Conference on CombinatoricsC C0701032The East Asia Conference on Partial Differential EautionsC C0701033International Conference on Domain Decomposition MethodsC C0701034International Linear Algebra Society ConferenceC C0701035Recent Trends in Nonlinear Science (Winter school in Dynamical Systems) B B0832001American Oil Chemists Society Annual MeetingB B0832002Institute of Food Technologists Annual MeetingB B0832003International Society of Food Engineering MeetingB B0832004International Microwave Power Institute Annual MeetingB B0832005International Association for Food Protection Annual MeetinB B0832006World Congress of Food Science and TechnologyB B0832007Conference of The International Society for Animal GeneticsB B0832008International Society for Nutraceuticals and Functional FooA A0831001World Moelcular Imaging CongressA A0831002Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBSA A0831003Congress of International Society of BiomechanicsA A0831004International IEEE EMBS Conference on Rehabilitation RobotiA A0831005Annual Meeting of The Society of Neural Control of MovementsA A0831006Annual Meeting of the International Continence SocietyA A0831007International Neuromodulation Society World CongressA A0831008International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology CA A0831009The IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent RobotsA A0831010Annual Rehabilitation Engineering and and Assistive TechnolA A0831011International Conference of the IEEE Engineering Medicine aA A0831012IASTED International Conference on Biomedical EngineeringA A0831013IASTED International Conference on Applied Modelling and SiA A0831014Australia-China Biomedical Research ConferenceB B0831015American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine Annual MeeB B0831016American Association of Orthopaedic SurgeonsB B0831017World Congress on OsteoporosisB B0831018Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society in USAB B0831019International Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and TraumatoloB B0831020International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering & AsB B0831021International Biophysics CongressB B0831022IEEE International Ultrasonics SymposiumB B0831023International Society for Therapeutic UltrasoundB B0831024IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging ConferenB B0831025Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual MeetingB B0831026Annual meeting of American Association for Cancer ResearchB B0831027Annual meeting of American Society for Mass SpectroscopyB B0831028HUPO annual World CongressB B0831029The International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional ImageB B0831030IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society ConferenceB B0831031IEEE Symposium on Biomedical ImagingB B0831032IFMBE World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical EngiB B0831033IFMBE International Conference on Biomedical EngineeringB B0831034ASME Summer BioengineeringB B0831035ASME International heat Transfer ConferenceB B0831036International conference on Alzheimer's diseaseB B0831037Annual meeting of society of nuclear medicineB B0831038FASEB Science Research ConferencesC C0831039International Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine anC C0831040International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural EngineeringC C0831041IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Rehabilitation RoC C0831042Annual Meeting of ACSC C0831043Annual Meeting of Biophysical SocietyC C0831044International Symposium on Computational NeuroscienceC C0831045European Conference of the International Federation for MedC C0831046American Urological Association (AUA) Annual MeetingC C0831047International symposium on Cerebral blood flow, metabolism, and function C C0831048International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical AppC C0831049Endocrine Society's Annual MeetingC C0831050American Association for Cancer ResearchC C0831051International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and CompC C0831052International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical EC C0831053International Conference on Biomedical EngineeringC C0831054Asian Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological EngineerC C0831055Asia-pacific Orthopaedics Society for Sports MedicineC C0831056International Congress of Chinese Orthopaedic AssociationC C0831057International Journal of Advanced Clinical Medicines and ApC C0831058Biennial Scientific Meetings of the International Bone andC C0831059Combined meeting of Orthopaedic Research SocietyC C0831060Interdisciplinary Research Conference on BiomaterialsC C0831061Asia-Pacific Arthroplasty Society Annual scientific MeetingC C0831062Chinese Speaking Orthopaedic SocietyC C0831063International Workshop on Imaging Techniques with SynchrotrC C0831064Asian Meeting on Synchrotron Radiation Biomedical ImagingC C0831065International Conference on Biology and Synchrotron RadiatiC C0831066International Workshop on Medical Applications of Synchrotron Radiation C C0831067International Conference on X-ray MicroscopeC C0831068Annual Conference on Applications of X-ray AnalysisC C0831069AFM-BioMed ConferenceC C0831070Pan-Pacific Conference on RehabilitationC C0831071International Society for Prosthetics and OrthoticsC C0831072Orthopaedics and Sports MedicineC C0831073International Conference on Modelling in Medicine and BioloC C0831074International Conference on Orthopaedic RehabilitationC C0831075InternationalSymposium on Orthopaedic Translational ResearcC C0831076International Conference on Rehabilitation RoboticsC C0831077International Symposium on Aero Aqua Bio-MechanismsB B0710001Asia Pacific Conference on Egergy,Environment and SustainabB B0710002Urban Environmental Pollution International ConferenceA A0710003International conference on antibodyA A0710004Agri-GeoinformaticsA A0710005International Symposium on Earthworm EcologyA A0710006International Symposium on Soil Fauna。

ieee international conference注意事项-概述说明以及解释

ieee international conference注意事项-概述说明以及解释

ieee international conference注意事项-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述IEEE国际会议是全球范围内最具权威和影响力的学术会议之一,每年都会有来自世界各地的学者、研究人员和专业人士齐聚一堂,分享最新的科研成果、交流学术思想和探讨未来发展方向。






1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容应该包括以下内容:1. 文章主题和背景介绍:简要介绍IEEE国际会议的背景和意义,以及本次会议的主题和重点领域。

2. 研究目的和意义:阐明本次会议的目的和意义,说明举办这样的会议对于学术界和行业发展的重要性。

3. 论文评审和发表:介绍会议的论文评审流程,如何提交论文以及被接收后的出版和发表情况。

4. 参会安排和注册方式:说明参会者应该如何注册参会,了解会议的日程安排和重要活动。

5. 学术交流和合作机会:强调会议为学者和行业专家提供了交流和合作的机会,促进学术研究和产业发展。


1.3 目的本文旨在向参加ieee international conference的相关人员介绍一些注意事项,帮助他们更好地参与会议、学术交流和演讲。

4th ICET国际会议第二轮通知

4th ICET国际会议第二轮通知

“第四届环境技术及知识转化国际会议”英文名:“4th International Conference on Environmental Technology andKnowledge Transfer(4th ICET)”第二轮通知及征文通告合肥学院、安徽省科学技术协会、安徽省环境科学学会、德国罗斯托克大学、哥廷根应用科学大学等分别于2006年5月,2008年6月和2010年5月在中国安徽省合肥市成功举办了三届“环境技术与知识转化国际会议”(英文名:“International Conference on Environmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer)。

大会邀请过世界知名学者奥地利里奥本矿山大学Karl E.Lorber教授、德国慕尼黑工业大学再生资源功能研究中心主任Martin Faulstich教授、国家友谊奖获得者—德国罗斯托克大学Michael Nelles 教授、德国德累斯顿工业大学的Bernd Bilitewski教授、国家友谊奖获得者—德国环保顾问Bernhard Raninger教授、美国辛辛那提大学Makram T. Suidan教授、美国北卡罗来纳州立大学成家杨教授,以及欧盟驻北京办事处、GTZ驻北京办事处和来自德国、奥地利的相关企业和专家,来自亚洲的韩国、泰国、越南,以及国内中国科技大学、南京大学、同济大学和中国矿业大学等高校的著名学者教授都做了主题发言,获得了很好的学术影响。


在总结前三届会议的经验基础上,经过协商决定由合肥学院、安徽省科学技术协会、合肥市科技局、安徽省省环境科学学会、德国罗斯托克大学、德国哥廷根应用科学大学、美国北卡罗来纳州立大学联合举办“第四届环境技术及知识转化国际会议”(英文名:“4th International Conference on Environmental Technology and Knowledge Transfer” (4th ICET)。



Spolsky(2004): 真正意义 上的语言政策更有可能是存 在于一个言语社区中的个人 或团体的语言实践中,或者 存在于这些个人和团体对语 言的信念或意识中;它可能 是对一个特殊的语音、一种 表达方式、或是对某一种语 言的选择;做出这种选择可 能是某个人或者社会中某个 被授权或未被授权的团体; 这些选择可能会被某授权团 体以正式的语言规划的方式 使其形成明确的规定。
• 本文重点介绍语言政策与 规划领域中语言规划目标 的理论构架以及有关参与 语言规划过程的规划者的 研究,并辅以介绍有关中 国英语教师在语言教育政 策与规划中作用的一个案 研究结果。
Language Planning
Language planning, which has been variously defined by scholars in their literature (See, e.g., Cooper, 1989; Liu, 2006), is broadly perceived as the organized activity to study language issues for solving language problems. (For various definitions, see e.g., Cooper, 1989; Liu, 2006.)
Language Planning and Language Policy: Goals and Actors – An Overview
语言政策与规划 — 目标与参与者综述
Li Minglin and Richard B. Baldauf Jr. University of Queensland, Australia
5th International Conference on ELT in China and the 1st Congress of Chinese Applied Linguistics, May 16th-21st, 2007 in Beijing



序号英 文 名 称英文简称中 文 名 称所属学科类别备注1International Conference on Nano Science and Technology ICNST国际纳米科学技术会议材料学A2Pacific Rim International Conferenceon Advanced Materials and ProcessingPRICM环太平洋先进材料与工艺国际会议材料学A09年修订3International Conference on Advances in Materials and ProcessingTechnologiesAMPT材料及加工技术前沿国际会议材料学A12年修订4American Chemical Society National Meeting ACS NationalMeetings美国化学学会年会材料学、高分子化学与物理A5International Conference on Engineering Structural IntegrityAssessmentESIA工程结构完整性国际会议材料学、机械制造及其自动化A6The International Society for Optical Engineering Annual Meeting SPIE 国际光学工程师学会年会材料学、物理学、光学A 7SAE International Congress SAE Congress国际SAE年会国际汽车工程会议车辆工程A8Stapp Car Crash ConferenceStappConference汽车碰撞会议车辆工程A9IEEE Oceans IEEE海洋会议船舶与海洋工程、水声工程A10IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems CAMS IFAC 船舶系统控制应用会议船舶与海洋工程A12年修订11International Conference On Offshore Mechanics and ArcticEngineeringOMAE国际离岸力学和极地工程会议船舶与海洋结构物设计制造A08年修订12International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and OtherFloating StructuresPRADS国际船舶与浮式结构设计会议船舶与海洋结构物设计制造A13International Ship and Offshore Structure Congress ISSC国际船舶与海洋工程结构会议船舶与海洋结构物设计制造A14International Towing Tank Conference ITTC国际船模试验水池会议船舶与海洋结构物设计制造A15The World Conference on Earthquake Engineering WCEE世界地震会议地球科学、 工程与技术科学基础学科A08年修订16IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting IAS IEEE 工业应用年会电力电子与电力传动A17International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors OFS国际光纤传感器会议电子科学与技术、光学A序号英 文 名 称英文简称中 文 名 称所属学科类别备注18International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility IEEE国际电磁兼容会议电子科学与技术A12年修订19 International Council on Combustion Engines CIMAC国际内燃机学会动力机械及工程A20International Gas Turbine Congress IGTC国际燃气轮机会议动力机械及工程A21Internal Combustion Engine Division of the ASME–Spring TechnicalConference, Fall Technical Conference美国机械工程师协会内燃机分部技术年会动力机械及工程A22International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering INTER-NOISE国际噪声控制工程会议动力机械及工程A09年修订23Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology利兹-里昂摩擦学年会机械工程A12年修订24ASME Conference美国机械工程学会会议动力机械及工程,热能工程,轮机工程A08年修订25Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Engineering ICOPE国际动力工程年会动力机械及工程,热能工程,轮机工程,机械工程A08年修订26IMechE Conference on Turbocharging and Turbochargers英国机械工程师协会增压技术及增压器研究技术年会动力机械及工程、车辆工程A27The Congress on the Law of the World世界法律大会法学A28World Congress of Constitutional Law世界宪法学大会法学A09年修订29Intellectual Property Scholars Conference 知识产权学术年会国际经济法-知识产权法A12年修订30International congress of the international radiation protectionassociationIRPA国际辐射防护协会国际会议辐射防护与环境保护A08年修订31Symposium on Thermophysical Properties国际热物性会议工程热物理A32World Water Congress世界水大会工程热物理、环境科学与工程A09年修订33Special Session on Bio-Inspired Business Intelligence BI-BI商务智能会议管理科学与工程A34Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS信息系统国际会议管理科学与工程A序号英 文 名 称英文简称中 文 名 称所属学科类别备注35Conference on Optical Fiber Communication OFC光纤通信会议光学、信息与通信工程A36 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics CLEO激光及光电子会议光学、信息与通信工程、物理学A37SPIE Europe Optical Metrology(含三个分会议:1.OpticalMeasurement Systems for Industrial Inspection; 2.Optical Methodsfor Arts and Archaeology; 3.Micro- and Nano-Metrology)EOM国际光学工程学会欧洲光学计量大会光学工程A38Western Pacific Acoustics Conference西太平洋声学会议海洋学,声学A09年修订39International Astronautical Congress国际宇航会议航空航天A08年修订40Conferences of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA AIAA 系列会议航空宇航推进理论与工程A41International Symposium on Symbiotic Nuclear Power Systems for21st centuryISSNP21世纪国际和谐核电系统会议核技术及应用A42International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor ThermalHydraulicsNURETH反应堆热工水力国际会议核能科学与工程A08年修订43International Conference on Multiphase Flow ICMF国际多相流会议核能科学与工程A44International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE核工程国际会议核能科学与工程A45International Nuclear Physics Conference INPC国际核物理大会核科学与核技术、物理学A12年修订46International Symposium onChemical Reaction EngineeringISCRE国际化学反应工程研讨会化学工程A09年修订47International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition IBS国际生物技术大会暨博览会环境科学与工程A09年修订48American Accounting Association Conference AAA美国会计年会会计学A49World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science IFToMM国际机构与机器科学大会机械制造及其自动化A50International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition IMECE国际机械工程会议和展览机械制造及其自动化、机械电子工程A51IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA IEEE 国际机器人学与自动化大会机械制造及其自动化、机械电子工程、导航、制导与控制A序号英 文 名 称英文简称中 文 名 称所属学科类别备注52ACM SIGGRAPH: Computer Graphics and Interactive techniquesACMSIGGRAPHACM 计算机图形与交互技术会议计算机应用技术A53The Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing STOC ACM计算理论年会计算机应用技术A 54IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory ISIT IEEE 信息理论国际会议计算机应用技术A 55IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP IEEE图像处理国际会议计算机应用技术A 56International Conference on Very Large Databases VLDB国际超大数据库会议计算机应用技术A57The World Congress in Computer Science,ComputerEngineering,&Applied ComputingWCECS计算机科学,计算机工程与应用计算世界会议计算机应用技术A58International Symposium on Computer Architecture ISCA计算机体系结构国际会议计算机应用技术A59IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and SignalProcessingICASSP IEEE声学、语音和信号处理国际会议计算机应用技术、信号与信息处理A60Structural Engineers World Congress SEWC世界结构工程师大会结构工程A 61American Finance Association Annual Meeting AFA美国金融协会年会金融学、数量经济学A 62IEEE Conference on Decision and Control IEEE CDC IEEE国际控制决策会议控制理论与控制工程A 63IEEE International Federation of Automatic Control IFAC自动控制国际联合会控制理论与控制工程A64International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete andConcrete Structures混凝土及混凝土结构断裂力学国际会议力学A12年修订65International Conference on Fracture ICF国际断裂力学会议力学A08年修订66 International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solid固体断裂与强度国际会议力学A67International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ICTAM国际理论与应用力学会议力学A68Internatinal Conference on Experimental Mechanics ICEM国际实验力学会议(ACEM系列)力学A序号英 文 名 称英文简称中 文 名 称所属学科类别备注69The Word Congress on Computational Mechanics WCCM世界计算力学大会力学A70Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics舰船水动力学会议流体力学A08年修订71International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics ICCFD计算流体力学国际会议流体力学A72The Motor ship Propulsion Conference轮机推进会议轮机工程A73International Conference on Pattern Recognition ICPR模式识别国际会议模式识别与智能系统、计算机科学与技术、通信与信息系统A74IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and PatternRecognitionCVPR国际计算机视觉与模式识别大会模式识别与智能系统、计算机应用技术A75International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI人工智能联合国际会议模式识别与智能系统、计算机应用技术A76Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management AOM美国管理学会企业管理A77International Conference on Mangement Science& Engineering ICSEM管理科学与工程国际会议企业管理、技术经济及管理A78International Heat Transfer Conference IHTC国际传热会议热能工程A79International Symposium on Fire Safty Scicence 国际火灾安全科学大会热能工程A80The International Symposium on Combustion国际燃烧会议热能工程、 航空航天科学技术A81World Congress of Sociology世界社会学大会社会学A82The International Conference on Arabidopsis Research ICAR拟南芥国际学术大会生物医学工程A09年修订83Pacific Rim Underwater Acoustics Conference环太平洋水声会议声学A08年修订84Undersea Defence Technology UDT水下防务技术会议声学A12年修订85International Conference on Acoustic 国际声学会议声学、水声工程A序号英 文 名 称英文简称中 文 名 称所属学科类别备注86IMACS International Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equationsand Wave PhenomenaIMACSIMACS国际非线性演化方程与波动现象国际会议数学A87International Congress on Mathematical Physics国际数学物理会议数学A88International Congress of Mathematicians ICM国际数学家大会数学A09年修订89IEEE Signal Processing IEEE 信号处理数字信号处理,通信、水声工程A90International Conferenceon Theoretical and Computational Acoustic ICTCA国际理论计算声学会议水声工程A91Acoustical Society of America ASA meeting美国声学杂志会议水声工程A92International Conference on Shallow-Water Acoustics SWAC浅水声学会议水声工程A93 International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine inSportICSEMI国际体育科学、教育和运动医学大会体育学A94IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting IEDM IEEE国际电子器件大会通信与信息系统A 95International Solid-State Circuits Conference ISSCC国际固态电路会议通信与信息系统A 96IEEE International Microwave Symposium IMS国际微波会议通信与信息系统A 97International Vacuum Conference IVC国际真空会议通信与信息系统A 98Symposium on Information Display SID信息显示会议通信与信息系统A 99ACM Sigcomm ACM Sigcomm计算机协会数据通信会议通信与信息系统A100Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer andCommunications SocietiesINFOCOM IEEE计算机和通信分会联合年会通信与信息系统、计算机应用技术A101IEEE Global Telecommunications ConferenceIEEEGLOBECOMIEEE全球电信会议通信与信息系统、计算机应用技术A102International Energy Agency – Ocean Energy SystemImplementation MeetingIEA-OES国际能源署海洋能执委会年会物理海洋学A序号英 文 名 称英文简称中 文 名 称所属学科类别备注120World Biomaterials Congress WBC世界生物材料大会材料学B121International Symposium on Advanced Materials and Nanostructures ISAMN先进材料与纳米结构国际研讨会材料学B122Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials ACCM亚澳复合材料会议材料学B123International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics CICC中国先进陶瓷国际研讨会材料学B124International Conference on Industrial Clustering and RegionalDevelopmentICCRD产业集群与区域发展国际学术会议产业经济学B125All China Economics International Conference ACE全中国经济国际会议产业经济学B 126Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association.IEA国际工效学大会车辆工程B 127Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting HFES美国人因与工效学协会年会车辆工程B 128International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers ISOPE国际离岸与极地工程会议船舶与海洋结构物设计制造B 129Offshore Technology Conference OTC离岸技术会议船舶与海洋结构物设计制造B 130Deep Offshore Technology Conference DOT深水离岸技术会议船舶与海洋结构物设计制造B 131IEEE/ION PLANS, Position Location and Navigation Symposium IEEE PLANS IEEE定位及导航论坛导航、制导与控制B 132IEEE Conference on Control Applications CCA IEEE控制理论应用会议导航、制导与控制B 133International conference on information fusion Fusion信息融合国际会议导航、制导与控制B 134Asian Control Conference ASCC亚洲控制会议导航、制导与控制B 135AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference GN&C制导,导航与控制会议导航、制导与控制B136IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots andSystemsIROS智能机器人和系统国际会议导航、制导与控制B序号英 文 名 称英文简称中 文 名 称所属学科类别备注137IEEE Global Communications Conference GLOBECOM全球通信国际会议导航、制导与控制、计算机应用技术B138Symposium Gyro Technology陀螺技术会议(德国)导航制导与控制,精密仪器及机械B09年修订139International Power Engineering Conference IPEC国际电力工程会议电力系统及其自动化B140 International Conference on Power System Technology POWERCON电力系统技术国际会议电力系统自动化B141International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and Ics国际功率半导体器件与功率集成电路会议电子科学与技术B08年修订142International Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharing国际涡轮增压会议动力机械及工程B143European Conference on Structural Dynamics EURODYN欧洲结构动力学动力机械及工程B144Combustion And Flow Diagnostics And Fundamental Advances InThermal Fluid Sciences燃烧及流动诊断及热流学基础进展动力机械及工程B145International Congress on Sound and Vibration ICSV国际声与振动大会动力机械及工程B09年修订146IMechE-The Institution of Mechanical EngineersIMechEConference英国机械工程师学会会议动力机械及工程,热能工程,轮机工程,机械工程B08年修订147Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physicists inMedicineAAPM美国医学物理师学会年会辐射防护与环境保护B09年修订148International Conference on Composite Materials国际复合材料大会工程力学B08年修订149International Conference on Computer-aided Industrial Design &Conceptual DesignCAID&CD计算机辅助工业设计与概念设计国际会议工业设计、机械设计及理论B150International Institute for General Systems Studies IIGSS国际一般系统研究会管理科学与工程B08年修订151International Conference on Service Systems and ServiceManagementICSSSM系统服务与系统管理国际会议管理科学与工程B152International Conference on Management of Technology IAMOT 国际技术管理协会国际会议管理科学与工程B12年修订153European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference EWTEC欧洲波能、潮流能会议海洋能源B序号英 文 名 称英文简称中 文 名 称所属学科类别备注154International Conference on high energy physics ICHEP国际高能物理会议核技术及应用B09年修订155American Nuclear Society's Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics PHYSOR美国核协会反应堆物理峰会核科学与核技术B156International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor ThermalHydraulics, Operation and SafetyNUTHOS反应堆热工水力、运行和安全国际会议核能科学与工程B08年修订157 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants ICAPP核电厂进展国际大会核能科学与工程B08年修订158International symposium on supercritical water-cooled reactors SCWR超临界水冷反应堆国际会议核能科学与工程B159International symposium on multiphase flow, heat mass transfer andenergy conversionISMF多相流、传热传质及能源转换国际会议核能科学与工程B160European Nuclear Conference ENC欧洲核能大会核能科学与工程B161European Safety and Reliability Conference ESREL欧洲安全和可靠性会议核能科学与工程B12年修订162Annul Conference of ASME ASME年会核能科学与工程、热能工程B163Spring and Annual Meeting of the International Society ofElectrochemistryISE 国际电化学协会春季会议和年会化学(电化学)B164Grove Fuel Cell Symposium Grove燃料电池讨论会化学(燃料电池)B 165International Conference and Exhibition on Bioenergy Outlook 国际生物能会议展览环境工程B166ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences &Computers and Information in Engineering ConferenceIDETC/CIEASME(美国机械工程师学会)国际设计工程技术大会&工程中计算机与信息大会机械工程B167 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation ICMA IEEE机电一体与自动化国际会议机械工程B 168IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics ROBIO IEEE机器人与仿生学大会机械工程B169International Conference on Product Design and ManufacturingSystemsPDMS产品设计与制造系统国际会议机械工程B170International Conference on Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics ICMEM国际机械工程与力学国际会议机械工程B序号英 文 名 称英文简称中 文 名 称所属学科类别备注171International Conference on Advanced Engineering Design andManufactureICADAM先进工程设计与制造国际会议机械工程B172Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers STLE美国摩擦润滑工程师年会机械工程B12年修订173International conference on Wear of Materials ICWM材料磨损大会机械工程B12年修订174World Tribology Congress WTC世界摩擦学大会机械工程B12年修订175International Institution for Production Engineering Research CIRP Series国际生产工程学会(系列会议)机械工程、机械设计、制造B176International Conference on e-Engineering & Digital EnterpriseTechnologye-ENGDET国际电子工程及数字技术科技会议机械工程、计算机科学技术 信息科学与系统科学 B177International Conference on Knowledge-Based andIntelligent Information & Engineering SystemsKES 智能知识系统国际会议计算机技术B178ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security CCS ACM计算与通信安全会议计算机科学与技术B 179International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems ICDCS IEEE国际分布式计算机系统国际会议计算机科学与技术B 180IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science FOCS IEEE计算机科学基础年会计算机科学与技术B 181IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference WCNC IEEE无线通信和网络会议计算机科学与技术B 182International Conference on Parallel Processing ICPP并行处理国际会议计算机科学与技术B 183IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium IPDPS并行与分布处理国际会议计算机科学与技术B 184ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing PODC分布式计算原理计算机科学与技术B 185International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications ADMA高级数据挖掘与应用计算机科学与技术B186 International Conference on Parallel Architectures and CompilationTechniquesPACT国际并行结构和编辑器技术会议计算机科学与技术B187International Multi-Symposium of Computer and ComputationalSciencesIMSCCS国际计算机与计算科学会议计算机科学与技术B序号英 文 名 称英文简称中 文 名 称所属学科类别备注188IFIP International Conference on Embedded and UbiquitousComputingEUC国际嵌入式和无处不在计算国际会议计算机科学与技术B189International Conference on Database Theory ICDT国际数据库理论会议计算机科学与技术B 190IEEE International Conference on Web Services ICWS国际网络服务会议计算机科学与技术B 191IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computi IFIP-NPC国际网络与并行计算会议计算机科学与技术B 192International Conference on Machine Learning ICML机器学习国际会议计算机科学与技术B 193International Conference on Computer Vision ICCV计算机视觉国际会议计算机科学与技术B 194International Conference on Computational Linguistics COLING计算语言学国际会议计算机科学与技术B 195Eurographics Eurographics欧洲图形学会议计算机科学与技术B 196International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE软件工程国际会议计算机科学与技术B 197International Conference on Network Protocol ICNP网络协议国际会议计算机科学与技术B198ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discoveryand Data MiningKDD知识发现与数据挖掘计算机科学与技术B199International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks DSN可靠系统与网络国际学术会议计算机网络B08年修订200International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques toFluid Mechanics流体力学中激光技术应用国际会议检测技术与自动化装置B201International Symposium on Sustainable Development andEnviromental Education可持续发展与环境教育国际研讨会教育经济管理B202International Conference on Structural safety and Reliability ICOSSAR国际结构安全与可靠性会议结构可靠性B09年修订203Global Financial Conference GFC全球金融年会金融学B204International Symposium on Ballistics国际弹道大会军事学B08年修订序号英 文 名 称英文简称中 文 名 称所属学科类别备注205American Control Conference ACC美国控制会议控制科学与工程B206Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electrics Society IEEE IECON IEEE工业电子国际会议控制科学与工程,计算机应用技术,电气工程,机械电子工程B207ETRIA:TRIZ Future Conference欧共体TRIZ应用大会机械电子工程B12年修订208European Control Conference ECC欧洲控制会议控制科学与工程、导航制导与控制B209IMACS Multiconference on Computational Engineering in SystemsApplicationsCESA国际数学与计算机仿真协会“系统应用中的计算工程”联合会议控制理论与控制工程B210World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation WCICA全球智能控制与自动化大会控制理论与控制工程、机械电子工程B 211International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics ICNM国际非线性力学会议力学B 212Asian Pacific Conference for Fracture and Strength APCFS亚太强度与断裂会议力学B213European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciencesand EngineeringECCOMAS应用科学和工程计算方法国际会议力学,机械工程B214International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics FDM断裂与损伤力学国际会议力学、材料学B 215International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies IWWWFB水波与浮体会议流体力学B 216Asia Fluid Mechanics Conference AFMC亚洲流体力学会议流体力学B217Information Systems for Crisis Response and ManagementCommunityISCRAM国际危机响应与管理信息系统中国研讨会企业管理、技术经济及管理B218International Conference on Industrial Engineering and EngineeringManagementIEEM工业工程与工程管理国际学术会议企业管理学B219International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference国际能源转换工程会议热能工程B 220The IIR International Congress of Refrigeration ICR国际制冷学会(IIR)会议热能工程B221International Conference on Business Intelligence and FinancialEngineeringBIFE商务智能与金融工程国际大会商务智能、计算金融、金融工程B09年修订序号英 文 名 称英文简称中 文 名 称所属学科类别备注222 International Sunbelt Social Network Conference国际社会网络大会社会学B223International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN神经网络国际联合会议神经网络B09年修订224the General Assembly of International Federation for Cell Biology IFCB国际细胞生物学联合会年会生物医学工程B225Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering inMedicine and Biology SocietyEMBC IEEE国际生物医学工程学术年会生物医学工程B09年修订226International Congress of Mathematicians ICM国际数学家大会数学B08年修订227Conference on Stochastic Processes and Their Applications随机过程与应用国际会议数学B228 Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society ILAS线性代数国际会议数学B229IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing SSP IEEE统计数字信号处理年会数字信号处理,通信B230International Conference on Microwaves, Radarand Wireless Communications国际微波,雷达及无线通信会议数字信号处理,通信B231European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO 欧洲数字信号处理会议数字信号处理,通信B 232Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics北欧物理声学研究会水声学B 233European Conference on Underwater Acoustics ECUA欧洲水声会议水声学B234Acoustics Inversion Methods and Experiments for Assessment of theShallow Water Environment浅海环境的声反演方法与实验水声学B235International conference on UnderWater Acoustic Measurements UAM水声测量方法水声学B 236Underwater Technology UT水下技术水声学B 237Joint conference on information sciences信息科学联合大会水声学B238 International Conference on Sports:Economic, Management andMarketing AspectsICS国际体育会议:体育经济与营销管理体育学B序号英 文 名 称英文简称中 文 名 称所属学科类别备注256Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics Conference onEquationsSIAM 美国工业与应用数学会方程类会议应用数学B257American Mathematical Society Conference on Equations AMS 美国数学会举办的方程类会议应用数学B258International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics ICIAM国际工业与应用数学家大会应用数学B08年修订259International Conference on Comparative Literature国际比较文学年会英语语言文学B260International Cognitive Linguistics Conference ICLC国际认知语言学大会英语语言文学B261International Conference on Asian American Literature亚裔美国文学国际研讨会英语语言文学B262International Conference on Language Testing语言测试国际研讨会英语语言文学B263International Conference on ELT in China中国英语教学国际研讨会英语语言文学B264Annual Conference of American Literature Association全国美国文学协会年会英语语言文学B12年修订265International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation FAST国际海上高速运输会议载运工具运用工程、检测技术与自动化装置B266International Conference on Public Administration ICPA公共管理国际会议政治学B267International Cryogenic Engineering Conference ICEC国际低温工程大会制冷及低温工程B268Biennial Conference of LAWASIA亚洲法律双年会法学B269International Congress of Applied Psychology ICAP国际应用心理学大学心理学B270Annual Meeting of the American Counseling Association美国心理咨询大会心理学B 12年修订。







关键词:深度学习;热点问题;图像超分辨率重建技术;传统技术;计算机视觉中图分类号:TP18文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-3044(2021)15-0014-03开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID ):Review of Research on Image Super-resolution Reconstruction Technology LIU Guo-qi,LIU Jin-feng *(School of Information Engineering,Ningxia University,Ningxia 750021,China)Abstract:Image super-resolution reconstruction technology has always been a hot issue that has received great attention and atten⁃tion in computer vision.It has very important research value in medical,remote sensing,surveillance and other fields.In recent years,with the vigorous development of deep learning technology,image super-resolution reconstruction technology has been wide⁃ly used in more computer vision related fields.This article first combs the development and current situation of image super-resolu⁃tion reconstruction,and then compares and summarizes the similarities and differences between traditional technology and deep learning technology.Finally,the potential problems faced by the current image super-resolution reconstruction technology are dis⁃cussed,and made a new outlook for the future development direction.Key words:Deep Learning;Hot issue;Image super-resolution reconstruction technology;Traditional technology;Computer vision0引言图像超分辨率重建技术是一种由低分辨率图像经过处理恢复为高分辨率图像的过程,该重建技术已经运用在很多领域。



A类序号会议英文名称1ASME Dynamic Systems & Control Conference2ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference3ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference4ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition5STLE/SAME International Joint Tribology Conference6International Conference on Computer & Industrial Engineering7CIRP (The International Academy for Production Engineering) General Assembly8International Conference on Technology of Plasticity 9FISITA World Automotive Congress10Annual Meeting of Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences11International Conference on Gears12IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology13International Conference on Metal Forming14SAE World Congress15the IAVSD Symposium16International conference on Applied Surface Engineering 17International Bionic Engineering Conference18International Conference on Composite Materials19World Congress in Mechanisms and Machine Science 20ADIA Fuze ConferenceB类序号会议英文名称1Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies2Annual Meeting of Institute of Industrial Engineers3ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work4IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management5IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 6International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics7International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice8International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems 9International Conference on Production Research10The International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization & Engineering11The International Congress on Agricultural Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture12International Federation for Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering Congress13International Fatigue Congress14Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium械15Robotics: Systems and Science16The World Congress on Computational Mechanics17Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies18World Conference on Nondestructive TestingC类序号会议英文名称1 IFAC World Congress2ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing3Annual Meeting of American Society for Precision Engineering 4Asia international conference on tribology5ASME summer/winter annual meeting6Association for Computing Machinery International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work7International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 8CIRP International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering 9Computers and Information in Engineering Conference 10Design Automation Conference11Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information Conference12Digital Manufacturing and Manufacturing Process Management 13European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work 14IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design 15ASABE Annual International Meeting16European Conference on NDT17IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation18IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems19IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics20IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control21International Conference on Progress of Machining Technology 22International Conference on Experimental Mechanics23International Conference of Manufacturing Engineering and Engineering Management24International conference of the european society for precision engineering and nanotechnology25International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures26International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems27International Conference on Rotordynamics28International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery29International Conference on Wear of Materials30International Symposium on Transport Phenomena31International Institution for Production Engineering Research32IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics33SME/STLE Joint Conference on Tribology34STLE Annual Meeting35ICFG Workshop36The Pan-Pacific Conference on Ergonomics机械37Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association 38World Tribology Congress航空A类序号会议英文名称1AIAA Conference2ASME Conference84International Conference on Surface and Colloid Science4International Autumn Seminar on Propellants, Explosives andPyrotechnics5International Symposium on Ballistics6IEEE Conference on Control Application7IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting89World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics andThermodynamics90Symposium of the Combustion Institute91International Heat Transfer Conference92IUTAM93International Conference on Fatigue94International Conference on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials95European Materials Research Society96International Seminar“New Trends in research of Energetic MaterialsB类序号会议英文名称1IMechE Conference2International Conference on Vehicle Structural Mechanics3Int. Conf. on Computational & Experimental Engineering & Sciences4AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference5American Control Conference89International Conference on High Temperature Ceramic MatrixComposites,90The 5th International Conference on MechanicalEngineering and Mechanics91International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 92International Conference on Plasticity Engineering93Smart Structures and Materials / NDE Conferences94SPIE meeting95Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference96International Conference on Power Engineering97International Conference on High Temperature Ceramic MatrixComposites,98IEEE Aerospace Conference9910th International conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics10016th International Conference on Experimental MechanicsC类序号会议英文名称1International Forum on Special Equipment and Engineering Mechanics 2Physical Chemistry of Interfaces and Nanomaterials3International Conference on Mechatronics and Automatic ControlSystems4International Conference on Engineering Design5The 2014 Society for Experimental Mechanics Fall Conference6International Symposium on Combustion7International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials 8IEEE meeting9American Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics10International Conference of Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics 11International Mode Analysis Conference12TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition13International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology14International Congress on Sound and Vibration15ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference仪器A类序号会议英文名称1IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement TechnologyConference2IEEE International Conference on Electronic Measurement &Instruments3International Measurement Confederation Conference4International Conference on Solid-state Sensors and Actuators5Conference on Guidance,Navigation and Control6International IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Conference IEEE MEMS 7IEEE/ACM International Conference on Information Processing inSensor Networks8International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring9International Meeting on Chemical Sensors10IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered andMolecular Systems11European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks12IEEE Internationnal Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems13Inertial Sensors and Systems/Symposium Gyro Technology14IEEE SENSORS15International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves 16International Conference and Exhibition on Biosensors & Bioelectronics 17International Conference on Nanotechnology and BiosensorsB类序号会议英文名称1International Symposium on Precision Engineering Measurements andInstrumentation2International Conference on Measurement, Instrumentation andAutomation3International Conference on Precision Instrumentation andMeasurement4Conference on Optical Fier Sensor5International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and IntelligentInfractructure6International Conference on Digital Signal Processing7International Symposium on Communications and InformationTechnologies8 International Conference on Signals, Circuits and Systems机械9Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry -Electrochemistry for Life Science and Bioanalysis10International Conference on Mechanic Automation and ControlEngineering11Topical Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry -Interfacial Electrochemistry at Atomic, Molecular and NanoscaleDomainsC类序号会议英文名称1International Conference on Mechanical Automation and Materials Engineering2International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes3International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering4International Symposium on Test and Measurement 测试会议5China Conference on Wireless Sensor Network6International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology 7International Symposium for Testing and Failure Analysis8China Satellite Navigation Conference,CSNC9International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics10International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materials and Manufacturing11Proceeding of international conference on mechatronic system and measurement technology12International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Materials A类序号会议英文名称1The International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics2The International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solid3SAE International Congress4International Symposium on Ballistics5International Institute of Electrical Engineers6International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics7AIAA Conference8ASME Conference9International Conference on Nano- Science and Technology10European Conference on Nonlinear Oscillations11International Detonation Symposium12Shock Compression of Condensed Matter13International Conference on Experimental Mechanics14Electromagnetic Launch Technology Symposium15International Symposium on Shock Waves16International Symposium on Combustion17Annual Fuze Conference18International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics19Hypervelocity Impact Symposium仪器B类序号会议英文名称1Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies2TMS (The Minerals, Metals &Materials Society) Annual Meeting3International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics 4International Forum on Special Equipment and Engineering Mechanics 5The Word Congress on Computational Mechanics6Robotics: Systems and Science7International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics8International Conference on Fracture9International Conference on Metal Forming10International Symposium on Robotics11International Conference on Technology of Plasticity12Materials Science Forum13Materials Science & Technology14International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology15ASME/STLE Joint Conference on Tribology16ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference17International Federation for the Theory of Machines and Mechanisms 18European Conference on Fracture19International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering20International Conference on Rock Mechanics21International Conference on Computational Ballistics22the international Conference on Combustion and energy utilization 23World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science24International Society for Optical Engineering25International Heat Transfer Conference26International Symposium on Test and MeasurementC类序号会议英文名称1IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation2Annual Meeting of American Society for Precision Engineering3American Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics4International Modal Analysis Conference5Asia international conference on tribology6International Conference of Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics 7Asian Pacific Conference for Fracture and Strength8European Mechanics Conferences9International Conference on Flow Dynamics10International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials11World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics12International Conference on Vehicle Structural Mechanics14Asia Pacific Vibration Conference15International Congress on Sound and Vibration16ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 兵器18International Conference on Engineering Design19International Conference on Rotordynamics20International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures 21Design Automation Conference22International conference of the european society for precision engineering and nanotechnology23IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics24 International Conference on Shock & Impact Loads on Structures 25International Conference on Computational Methods27European Turbulence Conference28International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena29Meetings of Acoustical Society of America30Annual Meeting Society of Engineering Sciences31Asia-Pacific Symposium on Engineering Plasticity and its Application32Asia Fluid Mechanics Conference33International Conference of Discrete Simulation of Fluid DynamicsA类序号会议英文名称1 International Conference on EnvironmentalCatalysis2American Association for Cancer Research 3American Chemical Society National Meeting4Annual International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Science5European Congress of Chemical Engineering 6European Congress on Catalysis7International Annual Conference of ICT ( Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry9International Conference on Nano- Science andTechnology10International Conference on Surface and ColloidScience11International Congress of Quantum Chemistry 12International Congress on Catalysis13International Congress on Thermal Analysis andCalorimetry14International Pyrotechnics Seminar15Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center International Symposium16Materials Research Society17North American Thermal AnalysisSociety18Royal Society Chemistry Conferences19Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference20International Conference on Green Chemistry andSustainable EngineeringB类序号会议英文名称1International Symposium on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries2Challenges in Inorganic and Materials Chemistry3Computational Modeling and Simulation ofMaterials4Congress on Catalysis Applied to Fine Chemicals5International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems6International Conference on Energy and Environmental Science (马来西亚)7International Conference on Theoretical Biology and Computational Chemistry8International Elastomer Conference9International Group of Experts on the Explosion Risks of Unstable Substances10International Seminar“New Trends in research of Energetic Materials” (主办方University of Pardubice)11International Symposium onSpecial Topics in Chemical Propulsion(ISICP)12International Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry13International Symposium on MolecularSpectroscopy14International Symposium: Synthesis in OrganicChemistry15International Union of Materials Research Society -International Conference in Asia16Korean International Symposium on High EnergyMaterials (KISHEM)17National Organic Chemistry Symposium 18Safex International Meeting19The International Conference on Combustion & Energy Utilisation (ICCEU)20The International Conference on ComputationalMethods(ICCM)C类序号会议英文名称1 Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition2 International Conference on Hydrogen Atom Transfer (iCHAT 2014)3247th ACS National Meeting & Exposition4Accuracy and Sampling Across Quantum Chemistryand Molecular Modeling化工5Annual World Congress on IndustrialBiotechnology6Conference on computational physics7Enhancing Prediction and Design of Physical Systems Through Computational Chemistry8Gordon Research Conference: Molecular & IonicClusters9International Conference on Computational Methods and Experiments in MaterialsCharacterisation10International Symposium and Exhibition onSophisticated CarOccupant Safety Systems11IWA International Water Association 12WQA Aquatech13International Conference on One-dimensionalNanomaterials14Annual International Conference on Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Chemical Process15Challenges in Nanoscience (ISACS15)16International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology17International Conference on Safety & Environment in Process & Power Industry18International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers19International Heat Transfer Conference 20International Symposium on Polyelectrolytes21Joint CSJ RSC Symposium on SupramolecularChemistry22Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry23The International Chemical Congress of PacificBasin Societies生A类序号会议英文名称1International Conference on Environmental Catalysis2International Symposium on Polymer Chemistry3Nanomaterials: Application & Properties '20144International Congress on Membrane and MembraneProcesses5Meeting of the North American Catalysis Society6Topical Meeting of International Society of Electrochemistry7 International Meeting on Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence8International Congress of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology9ASM General Meeting10World Water Congress11International Conferences of Specialists Groups of IWA12American Chemistry Society National Meeting13AIChE Meeting14IUPAC Conference15 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering16International Biophysics Congress17International Congress of Genetics18Asia Pacific Congress of IWA19International Conferences on Catalysis20Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects ConferenceB类序号会议英文名称1Fuel Cells 2014 Science & Technology29th International Aerosol Conference3Energy Systems Conference4Tokyo Conference on Advanced Catalytic Science and Technology5SPSJ International Polymer Conference6 The 5th Biophotonics Summer School766th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry8Asia-Pacific Congress on Catalysis电子A类会议序号会议英文名称1 Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium2IEEE Radar Conference3IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS)4Asia-Pacific Microwave cofference5 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility6IEEE International Wireless Symposium7European Microwave Conference8IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest9IEEE Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging & SystemsB类会议序号会议英文名称1IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband2ional Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology3 Conference on Microwave Technology and Computational Electromag4rnational Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory5tional Workshop on Finite Elements for Microwave Engineering 6nal Workshop on Electromagnetic Theory, Modeling and Simulation 7IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology8International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation9IEEE Antennas Propagation /URSI Conf10IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation11Conference on the Computation ofElectromagnetic FieldsC类会议序号会议英文名称1IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies For Wir2 Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium环生光学A类序号会议英文名称1Topical Meetings of Optical Society of America2Topical Meetings of European Optical Society3Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics4International Symposium on Measurement Technology andIntelligent Instruments5International Measurement Confederation6IEEE Photonics Society Annual Meeting7SPIE Photonic West8SPIE Photonics Europe9SPIE Optics + Photonics10Optical Fiber Sensors11SPIE Annual Meeting12Biomedical Optics13Avionics, Fiber-Optics and Photonics Conference14OptoElectronics and Communications Conference15IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 16SPIE Medical Imaging17International IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Conference 18SPIE Remote Sensing19International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena20Topical Meetings of SPIEB类序号1Congress of ICO (International- Commission –for -Optics) 2Optical Fiber Communication Conference3International Conference on Optics-photonics Design &Fabrication4International Conference on Nanophotonics5International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturingand Testing Technologies6Laser Metrology and Machine Performance7International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 8International Conference on Infrared Optoelectronics: Materialsand Devices9The International Conference on Near-field Nano Optics &Related Techniques10SPIE Asia- Pacific Remote SensingA类通信序号会议英文名称1IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,Speech and Signal Processing2IEEE International Conference on Communications 3ACM International Conference on Multimedia电光4IEEE Radar Conference5IEEE International Conference on ImageProcessing6Global Navigation Satellite Systems Conference7Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association8IEEE Military Communications Conference9IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and PatternRecognition10IEEE International Symposium on Antennas andPropogation Society11IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience andRemote Sensing12International Conference on Digital SignalProcessing13IEEE International Symposium on InformationTheory14IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 15IEEE International Conference on Radar B类序号会议英文名称1IEEE International Conference on Electronics,Circuits and Systems2International Conference on Signal Processing3IEEE International Symposium on Circuits andSystems4IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting5International Conference on Natural LanguageProcessing6European Conference on Computer Vision 7Picture Coding Symposium8SPIE Conference on Visual Information Processingand Communication9Annual IEEE Conference on ComputerCommunications10International Conference on Pattern Recognition 11Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics 12IEEE Symposium on Circuits and Systems13IEEE international conference on Automatic Faceand Gesture Recognition14European Navigation Conference - Global Navigation Satellite Systems15International Conference on Signal ProcessingSystems16ACM Conference on Computer and CommunicationsSecurity通信17IEEE International Conference on Networking,Sensing18IEEE workshop on Automatic Speech Recognitionand UnderstandingC类序号会议英文名称1International Broadcasting Convention2IEEE International Conference on IntelligentTransportation System3International Joint Conference on NeuralNetworksA类序号会议英文名称1ACM Conference on Management of Data2ACM Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining3International Conference on Very Large Data Bases4rnational Conference on Research on Development in Information Retrieval5ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing6Conference on File and Storage Technologies7High-Performance Computer Architecture8ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking9International Conference on the applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer c 10IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications11ACM International Conference on Multimedia12ACM SIGGRAPH Annual Conference13International Cryptology Conference14IEEE Symposium on Security and PrivacyB类序号会议英文名称1ACM SIGMM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval2ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics3IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo4High-Performance Distributed Computing5International Conference on Distributed ComputingSystems6Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques7International Parallel & Distributed ProcessingSymposium8International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services9CM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management 10ACM SIGMOD Conference on Principles of DB Systems11IEEE International Semantic Web Conference12International Conference on Data Mining13IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering14International World Wide Web Conferences15International Conference on Embedded Software16Cognitive Science Society Annual Conference17IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine 18International Conference on Network Protocols19nternational Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing 20nternational Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services C类序号会议英文名称1ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers2IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computingand Communications3International Conference on High Performance Computing4International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems5International Symposium on Circuits and Systems6International ACM Workshop on Web and Databases7International Conference on Mobile Data Management8International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases9Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining10The Asia Pacific Web Conference11Web Information Systems Engineering12ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems13EE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications14EEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing15Computer Animation and Social Agents16Computer Graphics International17International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality18IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium19International Conference on Image Processing20International Conference on Multimedia Modeling21Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia22Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems23IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks24 Global Communications Conference, incorporating the Global Internet Symposium25IEEE International Conference on Communications26EE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks27IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems28IEEE International Conference on P2P Computing29EE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference30 International Symposium on a World of Wireless Mobile and Multimedia Networks31American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium32Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference33International Conference on Spatial Information Theory34Annual Computer Security Applications Conference35International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Sec 36International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection计科。





























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