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Iroduction to Supply Chain Management
1.【supply chain】The system of suppliers,manufacturers,transportation, distributors,and vendors
that exists to transform raw materials to final products and supply those products to customers.
2.【supply chain management】SCM is a business network covering from buying,making, moving,
warehousing to selling。
3.【What makes supply chain management difficult?】
①Supply chain strategies cannot be determined in isolation. They are directly affected by another chain
that most organizations have, the development chain。
②It is challenging to design and operate a supply chain so that total systemwide costs are minimized,
and systemwide service levels are maintained。
③Uncertainty and risk are inherent in every supply chain。
4.【Strategies for SCM】
①Global Optimization(全局优化)②Managing Uncertainty(管理不确定性)
5.【Why is Global Optimization Hard?】
①The supply chain is a complex network.
②Different facilities in the supply chain frequently have different,conflicting objectives。
③The supply chain is a dynamic system.
④System variations over time
6.【Why Is Uncertainty Hard to Deal With?】
①Matching supply and demand is a major challenge。
②Forecasting doesn’t solve the problem.
③Inventory and back-order levels typically fluctuate considerably across the supply chain,even when
customer demand for specific products does not vary greatly。
④Demand is not the only source of uncertainty.
⑤Recent trends such as lean manufacturing, outsourcing,and offshoring that focus on reduction
increase risks significantly。
7.【The three principles of all forecasting techniques】
①Forecasting is always wrong.②The longer the forecast horizon , the worse the forecast.
③Aggregate forecasts are more accurate.
Inventory Management, Supply Contracts and Risk Pooling
1.【何时低(高)于平均需求】If the cost of not selling an additional unit is larger than the profit from
selling an additional unit, the optimal quantity in general will be less than average demand, while if the reverse is true, the optimal order quantity in general will be greater than average demand。
2.【平均需求与最优订货量的关系】The optimal order quantity is not necessarily equal to average,or
forecast demand。
3.【Coefficient of variation】
①Coefficient of variation=Standard deviation
Average demand
②The Standard deviation measures the absolute variability of customer demands, the coefficient of
variation measures variability relative to average demand。
4.【Risk Pooling:three critical points】
①Centralizing inventory control reduces both safety stock and average inventory level for the same
service level.
②The higher the coefficient of variation,the greater the benefit obtained from centralized systems; that
is, the greater the benefit from risk Pooling.
③The benefits from risk Pooling depend on the behavior of demand from one market relative to demand
from another。
5.【Forecasting Methods】
①Judgment methods(判断方法)②Market research methods(市场研究方法)①②为定性方法
③Time Series methods(时间序列方法)④Causal methods(因果方法)③④为定量方法.
6.【Inventory Management’s controlling methods】
①Continuous review policy(持续检查策略)②Periodic review policy(定期检查策略)
7.【(s,S)Policy】Whenever the inventory position drops below a certain level,s,we order to raise
the inventory position to level S.
(s, S)的计算:
①The reorder point (s) has two components:
a.To account for average demand during lead time: LT×A VG
b.To account for deviations from average (we call this safety stock):
where z is chosen from statistical tables to ensure that the probability of stockouts during leadtime is 100%-SL。
②Since there is a fixed cost, we order more than up to the reorder point:
③The total order-up-to level is:S=Q+s
注:A VG = average daily demand
STD = standard deviation of daily demand
LT = replenishment lead time in days
h = holding cost of one unit for one day
SL = service level (for example, 95%)。
This implies that the probability of
Stocking out is 100%—SL (for example, 5%)
K = fixed cost
Also,the Inventory Position at any time is the actual inventory plus items
already ordered, but not yet delivered。
8.【Judgment Methods】
①Assemble the opinion of experts
②Sales—force composite combines salespeople's estimates(销售人员汇集意见)
③Panels of experts – internal,external, both(专家座谈)
④Delphi method(德尔菲方法):
a.Each member surveyed
b.Opinions are compiled
c.Each member is given the opportunity to change his opinion。
9.【Supply Contracts】
①Buy—Back Contracts(回购合同):The seller agrees to buy back unsold goods from the buyer for
some agreed-upon price higher than the salvage value。
②Revenue-Sharing Contracts(收入共享合同):The buyer shares some of its revenue with the seller, in
return for a discount on the wholesale price.
③Global Optimization Contracts(全局优化合同):This unbiased decision maker would consider the
two supply chain partners, the supplier and the buyer, as two members of the same organization。
That is,the transfer of money between the parties is ignored and the unbiased decision maker will maximize supply chain profit。
④Quantity Flexibility Contracts(数量灵活合同):Supplier provides full refund for returned items as
long as the number of returns is no larger than a certain quantity。
⑤Sales Rebate Contracts(销售回扣合同):Supplier provides a direct incentive to the retailer to
increase sales by means of a rebate paid by the supplier for any item sold above a certain quantity。
Logistics Network Configuration
4.【Solution Techniques】
①Mathematical optimization techniques:
a.Exact algorithms:find optimal solutions(准确算法)
b.Heuristics:find “good” solutions,not necessarily optimal(启发式算法)
②Simulation models:provide a mechanism to evaluate specified design alternatives created by the
Chapter4.The Value of Information
1.【“In modern supply chains, information replaces inventory”】I think it is true because information:
①Helps reduce variability②Helps improve forecasts③Enables coordination of systems and strategies
④Improves customer service⑤Facilitates lead time reductions
⑥Enables firms to react more quickly to changing market conditions.
2.【What is the Bullwhip Effect?】Order variability is amplified(放大)the supply chain;upstream
echelons(梯度)face higher variability.
3.【What are the causes the Bullwhip Effect?】
①Promotional sales:Forward buying
②V olume and transportation discounts:Batching
③Inflated orders:IBM Aptiva orders increased by 2-3 times when retailers thought that IBM would be
out of stock over Christmas
④Demand forecasting:Order-up—to points are modified as forecasts change – orders increase more
than forecasts
⑤Long cycle times:Long lead times magnify this effect
4.【Methods for Coping with the Bullwhip Effect】
①Reduce uncertainty:POS;Sharing information; Sharing forecasts and policies
②Reduce variability:Eliminate promotions;Year-round low pricing
③Reduce lead times:EDI;Cross docking
④Strategic partnerships:Vendor managed inventory (VMI);Data sharing
Chapter5.Supply Chain Integration
1.【Supply Chain Strategies】
①Push Strategies:
a.Production decisions based on long-term forecasts
b.Ordering decisions based on inventory &forecasts
a.Inability to meet changing demand patterns。
b.The obsolescence of supply chain inventory as demand for certain products disappears。
c.The bullwhip effect:Excessive inventory(库存过多),Excessive production variability,Poor service
②Pull Strategies:
特点:Production is demand driven
a.Production and distribution coordinated with true customer demand
b.Firms respond to specific orders
a.Reduced lead times (better anticipation)
b.Decreased inventory levels at retailers and manufacturers
c.Decreased system variability
d.Better response to changing markets
a.Harder to leverage economies of scale
b.Doesn't work in all cases
③Push-Pull Supply Chains
3.【The impact of lead time and demand uncertainty】
Chapter6.Strategic Alliances
1.【Strategic Alliances】Strategic alliances are typically multifaceted(多方位的), goal—oriented,
long-term partnerships between two companies in which both risks and rewards are shared。
2.【The alliance will help address the following issues】
①Adding value to products(增加产品价值)
②Improving market access(改善市场进入)
③Strengthening operations(强化运作管理)
④Adding technological strength(增强技术力量)
⑤Enhancing strategic growth(促进战略成长)
⑥Enhancing organizational skills(提高组织技能)
⑦Building financial strength(建立财务优势)
3.【Types of Strategic Partnering】
4.【Advantages of SP】
①Fully utilize system knowledge
②Decrease required inventory levels
③Improve service levels
④Decrease work duplication
⑤Improve forecasts
5.【Disadvantages of SP】
①Expensive advanced technology is required。
②Supplier/retailer trust must be developed.
③Supplier responsibility increases。
④Expenses at the supplier often increase。
6.【What are the advantages of 3PL?】
①Focus on core strengths
②Provides technological flexibility
③Provides Other flexibility in geography,workforce size,additional services and resource flexibility
7.【What are the disadvantages of 3PL?】
①Loss of control
②3PL employees may interact with customers
③Sharing of confidential info
Chapter7.Procurement and Outsourcing
1.【Outsourcing Benefits】
①Economies of scale reduce manufacturing costs
②Risk pooling – demand uncertainties are transferred
③Reduce capital investment
④Focus on core competency
⑤Increased flexibility
2.【Outsourcing Risks】
①Loss of competitive knowledge
②Conflicting objectives
3.【Reasons for outsourcing】
①Dependency on capacity
②Dependency on knowledge
4.【Product architecture】
①Modular products:
ponents are independent of each other
ponents are interchangeable
c.Standard interfaces are used
d. A component can be designed or upgraded with little or no regard to other Components
e.Customer performance determines the product configuration
②Integrals products
a.Not made from off-the-shelf components
b.Designed as a system by taking a top—down design approach
c.Evaluated based on system performance,not based on component performance
ponents in integrals products perform multiple functions
5.【A Framework for Outsourcing】
6.【Procurement Strategy】
7.【Characteristics of Functional Versus Innovative Products(功能性产品VS创新性产品)】(了解)Chapter8。
Global Logistics and Risk Management
1.【Forces Driving Globalization(全球供应链的驱动力)】
①Global Market Forces
②Technological Forces
③Global Cost Forces
④Political and Economic Forces
2.【Many Sources of Risks】
①Natural disasters
②Geopolitical risks
④Terrorist attacks
⑤V olatile fuel price
⑥Currency fluctuations
⑦Port delays
⑧Market changes
⑨Supplier’s performance
⑩Forecasting accuracy
Execution problems
3.【Managing the Unknown—unknown(处理不可控风险的方法)】
①Invest in redundancy(缓冲能力):Redundancy is built at the design stage
②Increase velocity in sensing and responding(感应与应对):Sensing and responding require accurate
information in a timely fashion
③Create an adaptive supply chain community:An adaptive supply chain is a supply chain in which all
its elements share similar culture,work toward the same objectives, and benefit from financial gains
4.【Managing Global Risks(处理全球化风险的策略)】
①Speculative Strategies(投机策略):
a.Bet on a single scenario
b.Japanese auto manufacturing in Japan
②Hedge Strategies(规避策略):
a.Losses in one area offset by gains in another
b.V olkswagen in US,Brazil,Mexico,Germany
③Flexible Strategies(柔性策略)
5.【Approaches can be utilized to implement flexible strategies effectively】
①Production shifting(产品转移)
②Information Sharing(信息共享)
③Global coordination(全球协调)
④Political leverage(政治杠杆)
6.【Requirements for Global Strategy Implementation】Five Basic Functions of Firms(五种基本职
①Product development
④Demand management
⑤Order fulfillment
7.【Regional Products】
8.【International Products】
9.【Major Differences Between Different Regions】
Chapter9.Coordinated Product and Supply Chain Design
1.【Key Concepts of Design for Logistics】
①Economic Packaging and Transportation
②Concurrent and Parallel Processing
2.【Modular Process(模块化流程)】
①Consisting of discrete operations,such that inventory can be stored in partially manufactured form
between options
②Each product undergo a set of making it possible to Products differ from each other in terms of the
subset of operations that are performed on them
3.【Types of Standardization】
①Part Standardization(部件标准化):
mon parts are used across many processes
b.Product redesign might be necessary
②Process Standardization(流程标准化):
a.Standardizing as much of the process as possible, making a generic or family product
b.Delaying differentiation
c.Called “Delayed differentiation", “Postponement"
d.Postponement:Key Concepts
③Product Standardization(产品标准化):Downward Substitution
a.Produce only a subset of products (because producing each one incurs high set—up cost)
b.Guide customers to existing products
c.Substitute products with higher feature set for those with lower feature set
d.Which products to offer,how much to keep,how to optimally substitute?
④Procurement Standardization(生产标准化):
a.Processing equipment that manufactures these wafers are very expensive with long lead time and are
made to order
b.The firm reduces risk of investing in the wrong equipment by pooling demand across a variety of
4.【Operational strategies for standardization】
5.【Supplier Integration Into New Product Development(供应商参与新产品开发)】
Spectrum of Supplier Integration(供应商的集成层次):
①None-The supplier is not involved in design
②White Box – Informal integration
③Grey Box – Formal integration, with collaborative teams
④Black Box – Interface requirements are given,product is returned
6.【Mass Customization(大规模定制)】
①The delivery of a wide variety of customized goods at low cost
②The key is modular products and processes,so that customer requests can be met
③According to Pine, companies need to evolve towards “modular companies”,with managers
ensuring that modules are compatible.
④According to Pine, companies need to evolve towards “modular companies”,with managers
ensuring that modules are compatible.
7.【Implement Mass Customization Successfully(成功实施大规模定制的关键属性)】
Chapter10.Customer Value and Smart Pricing
1.【Customer Value】The customer perceives the entire company's offerings, including products, services,
and other intangibles(无形资产)。
2.【The Dimensions of Customer Value】
①Conformance to requirements(与需求一致)
②Product Selection(产品选择)
③Price and Brand(价格和品牌)
④Value—added Services(增值服务)
⑤Relationships and Experiences(关系和体验)
3.【Smart Pricing(智能定价法)】
①Differential Pricing:
a.Group pricing(群体定价)
b.Channel pricing(渠道定价)
c.Regional pricing(区域定价)
d.Time—based differentiation(基于时间的差异化)
e.Product versioning(产品版本)
f.Coupons and rebates(礼券和回扣)
②Dynamic Pricing。