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本文首先概述了五四时期文学界掀起的一股译介与研究泰戈尔的热潮及泰戈 尔在当时受欢迎的程度和他对当时文学界尤其是诗歌界的深刻影响,认为当时冰 心能够接触泰戈尔的作品并受之影响并非偶然,然后介绍了冰心接触泰戈尔作品 的过程及在泰戈尔的影响下所进行的创作。
其次,本文论述了冰心在创作形式、创作风格、及思想内容上受泰戈尔影响 的表现,通过比较认为冰心与泰戈尔在创作形式上,都有言简而意丰的特点,都 采用抒情哲理小诗的形式来表达自己的内心的感受;在创作风格上,二者都在清 新明丽的风格中,体现出返朴归真的朴实之美;在思想内容上,二者都以母爱、自 然、童心为自己的创作主题。随后本文又从相似的成长环境、成长历程及当时中 国的社会文化背景等几方面分析了冰心之所以受泰戈尔影响的原因:两人都出生 在祥和、充满温馨的爱的大家庭中,这种大家庭的温暖,给泰戈尔、冰心幼小的 心灵透进了爱的光亮,进而折射到他们各自的诗歌创作中,成为一种共同的现象; 他们都有喜好沉思的童年,这对他们诗中各自的哲理思索存在着不小的影响;冰 心所受的基督教的博爱思想为她接受泰戈尔的“爱的哲学”预先铺设了一座沟通的 桥梁;泰戈尔在诗歌领域里的大胆革新精神正应着 “五四”以来新文学孜孜以求 的发展趋势,通过对二者相似点的论述意在说明二者确实存在影响与被影响关系。
再次本文分析了冰心受泰戈尔影响的同时在创作内容、儿童观、和创作风格 上所做的转变:在创作内容上泰戈尔虽也歌颂母爱的伟大,但更多的是歌颂青年 男女之间的爱情而冰心诗歌中出现的最多的则是对母爱的歌颂,很少见到爱情的 踪影;在儿童观上,泰戈尔认为儿童是神的创造物,是自由的化身,是爱的天使,
工作单位: 通讯地址:
电话: 邮编:
20 世纪初当国外的新思想、新文化大量地被介绍进来时,冰心在众多外来的 文坛偶像中选择了泰戈尔,考察冰心的作品我们可以看出她的小诗集《繁星》、《春 水》中那典雅清丽的语言、细腻柔和的情感及冷静的哲理思考与泰戈尔的《吉檀 迦利》、《园丁集》、《飞鸟集》、《新月集》等作品是一脉相承的。她用清丽而满蕴 着温柔的文笔,构建了一个以歌颂母爱、童真、自然之爱、人类之爱为主要内容 的文学世界。
In the early 20th century, when a large number foreign ideas and culture were introduced into China, in numerous foreign literary idols Bing Xin selected Tagore. Studying Bingxin’s works, we can see that in her collection of poems Stars and Spring, she used elegant words to express delicate, soft emotion and philosophical thinking which could be found in Rabindranath Tagore's Gitanjali, Gardeners, Stray Birds and The Crescent Moon. She used elegant words and gentle tone to extol the maternal love, children and nature.
他们不是与成人对立的一个群体,成人在羡慕赞颂儿童时,还担负着对儿童引导、 教育的责任而冰心虽然受到泰戈尔的影响,把儿童看成爱的天使,但她却把儿童 与成人绝然对立起来认为成人的是非观往往和孩子的相颠倒;在创作风格上泰戈 尔的诗是外向的,他往往用深邃的目光,冷静地注视着客观世界,按照自己的理 解,用诗去表现其中变化着的事物所体现的人生哲理,而在冰心的小诗中,她更 多的是根据自己的主观理解,去解释自然,解释客观世界。在分析冰心的作品在 这三方面产生变异的同时,本文还着力从个人、家庭、社会、历史等角度着重分 析了之所以产生这种转变的原因,最后总结出了文学作品受到影响并产生变异的 内在规律及“冰心体”小诗在文坛上的影响和地位,认为“冰心体”小诗的生成 和发展历程,既是接受东方诗歌影响的借鉴过程,也是与本民族艺术优良传统相 结合的过程,相似的生长环境、相似的成长历程及当时的社会环境和文学氛围使 得冰心成为了最善学泰戈尔的女作家,而中印两国不同的文学传统及生活阅历又 使冰心在继承泰戈尔的同时融入了中国民族文化的特色从而走出了一条自己的创 作之路,“冰心体”小诗不仅创造了一种新的白话诗体,更重要的是它为中国新诗 的发展开辟了一条新的道路,以自己独特的艺术精神丰富了中国新诗的美学传统, 维护了新诗的生态平衡。
Then the paper analyzed the creative changes Bing Xin made in the creative content, the concept of children, and the creative style under the influence of Tagore. In the creative content,Tagore extoled the great maternal love,yet most of the poems were about the glorified youth and the love between men and women,on the other hand most of Bing Xin’s poems were about the glorification of maternal love. You could seldom find she described the love between man and woman. On the concept of children, Tagore believed that children were the creation of God and were the embodiments of freedom.They were like angels. They were not conflict with the adult groups. Adult had the enviable responsibility to guide the children and educate them. Bingxin also considered children as angels, yet she actually thought that the world of children and the world of adults were totally different. On the style of creation, Tagore's poetry was outward-looking. With sharp eyes, he calmly watched the objective world, according to his own understanding to express the changing world which was embodied in the philosophy of life. In Bingxin's poems, she always explained the nature and the world in accordance with her own subjective understanding. While analyzing the changes Bing Xin made on the three aspects, the paper also focused on the individual, family, social, historical reasons which caused the changes. Finally it summed up the inherent rules of the influences and changes. It also emphasised the status and the impact of Bingxin’s poems in the literary field. It thought that the appearance and development of “Bingxin style” was the combination of accepting the impact of oriental poetry and inheriting the excellent troditional arts. Similar growing environment and process plus the prevailing social environment and literary atmosphere makes Bingxin become the most similar person to Tagore. Because of the different literary traditions between China and India and different of life experiences, while being in succession to Tagore, Bing Xin also melted the characteristics of the Chinese culture and created her own literary path.
communication to Tagore's philosophy of love. The third reason was that in the field of poetry Tagore’s innovation idea was fit for May 4th literature’s new literary trend. Through the comparison of the similarities between them, it aimed to emphasize that the two authors had the relation of influence and be influnced.
通过以上论述笔者期望读者能够跳出传统观点中对泰戈尔与冰心影响与被影 响关系的认识的束缚,对冰心的创作及思想有更准确、更深入的认识,同时也希 望探索文学作品取得成功的规律和影响文学作品取得成功的各项因素。
关键词:影响 变异 小诗 冰心体
Philosophy of Love
——On the Impact of Tagore’s Poems on Bing Xin’s Versets
The paper first outlined the literary translations and research enthusiasm on Tagore during the May 4th period and the popularity of his literature works during that time. It thought that he had profound impact on the literature especially on the poetry. Then it introduced Bing Xin’ versts which were produced under the impact of Tagore.
Secondly, the paper discussed several aspects such as the form of creation, the creation style, and content which was produced under the influence of Tagore. By comparison, it thought that both of them had creative form, simple words and abundant meaning. Both of them used philosophic poems to express their innermost feelings. In the creation style, both were fresh and bright, reflecting the simple natural beauty. In the content, both of them extoled maternal love, children and nature. After this, the paper analyzed the reason why Bing Xin was influenced by Tagore from several aspects.Both of them were born in harmonious family which was full of love. The love penetrated into their young hearts and reflected in their poems. Another reason was that they had ameditational childhood, which was reflected in their philosophical poems. When Bing Xin was young, she learned the Christian fraternity views which pre-laid a bridge of
Philosophy of Love
——On the Impact of Tagore’s Poems on Bing Xin’s Versets
其次,本文论述了冰心在创作形式、创作风格、及思想内容上受泰戈尔影响 的表现,通过比较认为冰心与泰戈尔在创作形式上,都有言简而意丰的特点,都 采用抒情哲理小诗的形式来表达自己的内心的感受;在创作风格上,二者都在清 新明丽的风格中,体现出返朴归真的朴实之美;在思想内容上,二者都以母爱、自 然、童心为自己的创作主题。随后本文又从相似的成长环境、成长历程及当时中 国的社会文化背景等几方面分析了冰心之所以受泰戈尔影响的原因:两人都出生 在祥和、充满温馨的爱的大家庭中,这种大家庭的温暖,给泰戈尔、冰心幼小的 心灵透进了爱的光亮,进而折射到他们各自的诗歌创作中,成为一种共同的现象; 他们都有喜好沉思的童年,这对他们诗中各自的哲理思索存在着不小的影响;冰 心所受的基督教的博爱思想为她接受泰戈尔的“爱的哲学”预先铺设了一座沟通的 桥梁;泰戈尔在诗歌领域里的大胆革新精神正应着 “五四”以来新文学孜孜以求 的发展趋势,通过对二者相似点的论述意在说明二者确实存在影响与被影响关系。
再次本文分析了冰心受泰戈尔影响的同时在创作内容、儿童观、和创作风格 上所做的转变:在创作内容上泰戈尔虽也歌颂母爱的伟大,但更多的是歌颂青年 男女之间的爱情而冰心诗歌中出现的最多的则是对母爱的歌颂,很少见到爱情的 踪影;在儿童观上,泰戈尔认为儿童是神的创造物,是自由的化身,是爱的天使,
工作单位: 通讯地址:
电话: 邮编:
20 世纪初当国外的新思想、新文化大量地被介绍进来时,冰心在众多外来的 文坛偶像中选择了泰戈尔,考察冰心的作品我们可以看出她的小诗集《繁星》、《春 水》中那典雅清丽的语言、细腻柔和的情感及冷静的哲理思考与泰戈尔的《吉檀 迦利》、《园丁集》、《飞鸟集》、《新月集》等作品是一脉相承的。她用清丽而满蕴 着温柔的文笔,构建了一个以歌颂母爱、童真、自然之爱、人类之爱为主要内容 的文学世界。
In the early 20th century, when a large number foreign ideas and culture were introduced into China, in numerous foreign literary idols Bing Xin selected Tagore. Studying Bingxin’s works, we can see that in her collection of poems Stars and Spring, she used elegant words to express delicate, soft emotion and philosophical thinking which could be found in Rabindranath Tagore's Gitanjali, Gardeners, Stray Birds and The Crescent Moon. She used elegant words and gentle tone to extol the maternal love, children and nature.
他们不是与成人对立的一个群体,成人在羡慕赞颂儿童时,还担负着对儿童引导、 教育的责任而冰心虽然受到泰戈尔的影响,把儿童看成爱的天使,但她却把儿童 与成人绝然对立起来认为成人的是非观往往和孩子的相颠倒;在创作风格上泰戈 尔的诗是外向的,他往往用深邃的目光,冷静地注视着客观世界,按照自己的理 解,用诗去表现其中变化着的事物所体现的人生哲理,而在冰心的小诗中,她更 多的是根据自己的主观理解,去解释自然,解释客观世界。在分析冰心的作品在 这三方面产生变异的同时,本文还着力从个人、家庭、社会、历史等角度着重分 析了之所以产生这种转变的原因,最后总结出了文学作品受到影响并产生变异的 内在规律及“冰心体”小诗在文坛上的影响和地位,认为“冰心体”小诗的生成 和发展历程,既是接受东方诗歌影响的借鉴过程,也是与本民族艺术优良传统相 结合的过程,相似的生长环境、相似的成长历程及当时的社会环境和文学氛围使 得冰心成为了最善学泰戈尔的女作家,而中印两国不同的文学传统及生活阅历又 使冰心在继承泰戈尔的同时融入了中国民族文化的特色从而走出了一条自己的创 作之路,“冰心体”小诗不仅创造了一种新的白话诗体,更重要的是它为中国新诗 的发展开辟了一条新的道路,以自己独特的艺术精神丰富了中国新诗的美学传统, 维护了新诗的生态平衡。
Then the paper analyzed the creative changes Bing Xin made in the creative content, the concept of children, and the creative style under the influence of Tagore. In the creative content,Tagore extoled the great maternal love,yet most of the poems were about the glorified youth and the love between men and women,on the other hand most of Bing Xin’s poems were about the glorification of maternal love. You could seldom find she described the love between man and woman. On the concept of children, Tagore believed that children were the creation of God and were the embodiments of freedom.They were like angels. They were not conflict with the adult groups. Adult had the enviable responsibility to guide the children and educate them. Bingxin also considered children as angels, yet she actually thought that the world of children and the world of adults were totally different. On the style of creation, Tagore's poetry was outward-looking. With sharp eyes, he calmly watched the objective world, according to his own understanding to express the changing world which was embodied in the philosophy of life. In Bingxin's poems, she always explained the nature and the world in accordance with her own subjective understanding. While analyzing the changes Bing Xin made on the three aspects, the paper also focused on the individual, family, social, historical reasons which caused the changes. Finally it summed up the inherent rules of the influences and changes. It also emphasised the status and the impact of Bingxin’s poems in the literary field. It thought that the appearance and development of “Bingxin style” was the combination of accepting the impact of oriental poetry and inheriting the excellent troditional arts. Similar growing environment and process plus the prevailing social environment and literary atmosphere makes Bingxin become the most similar person to Tagore. Because of the different literary traditions between China and India and different of life experiences, while being in succession to Tagore, Bing Xin also melted the characteristics of the Chinese culture and created her own literary path.
communication to Tagore's philosophy of love. The third reason was that in the field of poetry Tagore’s innovation idea was fit for May 4th literature’s new literary trend. Through the comparison of the similarities between them, it aimed to emphasize that the two authors had the relation of influence and be influnced.
通过以上论述笔者期望读者能够跳出传统观点中对泰戈尔与冰心影响与被影 响关系的认识的束缚,对冰心的创作及思想有更准确、更深入的认识,同时也希 望探索文学作品取得成功的规律和影响文学作品取得成功的各项因素。
关键词:影响 变异 小诗 冰心体
Philosophy of Love
——On the Impact of Tagore’s Poems on Bing Xin’s Versets
The paper first outlined the literary translations and research enthusiasm on Tagore during the May 4th period and the popularity of his literature works during that time. It thought that he had profound impact on the literature especially on the poetry. Then it introduced Bing Xin’ versts which were produced under the impact of Tagore.
Secondly, the paper discussed several aspects such as the form of creation, the creation style, and content which was produced under the influence of Tagore. By comparison, it thought that both of them had creative form, simple words and abundant meaning. Both of them used philosophic poems to express their innermost feelings. In the creation style, both were fresh and bright, reflecting the simple natural beauty. In the content, both of them extoled maternal love, children and nature. After this, the paper analyzed the reason why Bing Xin was influenced by Tagore from several aspects.Both of them were born in harmonious family which was full of love. The love penetrated into their young hearts and reflected in their poems. Another reason was that they had ameditational childhood, which was reflected in their philosophical poems. When Bing Xin was young, she learned the Christian fraternity views which pre-laid a bridge of
Philosophy of Love
——On the Impact of Tagore’s Poems on Bing Xin’s Versets