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Au clair de la lune
Au clair de la lune, 在月光之下 Mon ami Pierrot, 我的朋友皮埃尔Prête-moi ta plume 借我一下你的笔Pour écrire un mot. 写个字
Ma chandelle est morte, 我的蜡烛灭了 Je n ai plus de feu, 我没有火 Ouvre-moi ta porte, 给我开门
Pour l amour de Dieu. 看在上帝份上
Au clair de la lune 在月光之下
Pierrot répondit : 皮埃尔回答:
Je n ai pas de plume, 我没有笔
Je suis dans mon lit. 我已在床上了 Va chez la voisine, 去隔壁小妹家吧 Je crois qu elle y est, 我想她会有
Car dans sa cuisine 因为她的厨房里 On bat le briquet. 用到打火镰
Au clair de la lune 在月光之下 3 petits coquins 三个小坏蛋
Sautent dans les plumes 在床上蹦
Comme 3 petits vilains 像三个小讨厌鬼 Au lieu de dormir 宁可不睡觉Les petits lutins 这些淘气的小精灵 Veulent encore rire 还要大笑
Jusqu’au petit matin. 一直到天亮
Au clair de la lune, 在月光之下
je crois qu’il est temps, 我想时间差不多了 De poser sa plume 该停笔
Pour un petit moment. 休息一会儿
Au clair de la lune 在月光之下
Volons vers les cieu_ 让我们飞向天空 Ecoutons la lune 一起倾听月亮 Et fermons les yeu_. 我们闭上眼镜 Ecoutons la lune 一起倾听月亮 Et fermons les yeu_ … fermons les yeu_ 我们闭上眼镜
篇二:灵感源于法国童谣 PAULE KA _夏日系列
灵感源于法国童谣 PAULE KA _夏日系列
1,2,3, to PAULE KA I go happily 我们在秋天紧紧抓住它好比抓住夏日最后一缕阳光.在手指件,凝结成冰,打破冬日夹克的生硬,让我如此钟情于它.我们抓着手柄,无忧无虑的摇摆着双臂,一颦一笑,一举一动,仿佛在说着:〝卸下层层包裹的棉衣,我仍然是那个简单,成熟的女孩!〞
4,5,6, where I offer myself a gift
7,8,9, my new 〝basket〞 so fine!
_95年开始,PAULE KA 推出的〝panier〞就随着季节在不断发展,偶像般的光辉历久弥新,成为时尚典范._ 〝Basket〞, Serge Cajfinger将独具女性魅力的柔美曲线融入设计之中,增加可拆卸的蝴蝶结;皮质的,犹如珠宝一般的手柄.编织的柳条呈现田园般质朴的魅力,与皮革的狂野性感融合,完美诠释了PAULE KA的精神:隽永优雅,伴随梦想与自由.只为优雅如你,怀抱浪漫情怀的都市女性.
篇三:7 童谣Mary
BBC Learning English – 5 Minute Programmes 5 分钟节目
About this script
Please note that this is not a word for word transcript of the programme as
broadcast. In the recording and editing process, changes may have been made
which may not be reflected here.
Nursery Rhyme: ‘Mary Mary’儿歌>
Children singing: Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow? With
silver bells and cockle shells and pretty maids all in a row.
Andrea: Mary Mary Quite Contrary.
Jean: How does your garden grow?
Andrea: Yes, it’s a well-known English nursery rhyme. Would you say you’re
quite contrary, Jean?
Jean: Quite contrary? 非常执拗和乖张, Andrea 我可不是这样的性格吧? Andrea: Hello and welcome to BBC Learning English. I’m Andrea Rose. Jean: 大家好,我是董征.
Andrea: You might have guessed by now that we’re finding out about a famous
British nursery rhyme in today’s programme.
Jean: 英国的很多人都是从小唱着这个歌谣长大的,不过我们其实都不知道这首歌讲述的是个什么故事.
Andrea: Morag Styles has been studying the meaning behind popular nursery
Jean: 据 Morag 说,很多在英国广为流传的儿童歌谣其实背后的内容和典故是非常成人化的,让我们听听她所做的介绍.
Mary would appear to be Mary Queen of Scots with her gay French background
and her Popish inclinations. And of course the pretty maids would be the four
ladies who were her ladies-in-waiting. And perhaps the cockle shells
were the
decorations on a dress given to her by the Dauphin. 2
Jean: Morag 说这首歌谣中提到的 Mary 应该就是指在 _42 年和 _67 年间统治过苏格兰的玛丽女王.
Andrea: 〝With s ilver bells and cockle shells…〞 I wonder what cockle shells are
Jean: Well, cockle shells 是一种海洋中像牡蛎一样的贝壳动物的壳. Morag 她说歌谣中所说的银铃和贝壳铃很可能是当时法国皇家馈赠给玛丽女王礼裙上的装饰品. Andrea: 〝And pretty maids all in a row〞. Morag talks about Mary’s ladies-inwaiting.
Jean: Ladies-in-waiting 就是王后或者公主的女侍臣.
I think it’s a bit like Mary is showing off about her garden a bit. The garden sounds really pretty and like she’s really rich and clever and sparkly.
Andrea: Those children are very perceptive.
Jean: Perceptive 有洞察力的.说这些孩子很有洞察力,因为他们能从这首歌谣中理解到玛丽女王当时是相当极尽奢华的.
Andrea: She likes showing off.
Jean: Showing off 炫耀.显示. Do you like to show off Andrea?
Andrea: Sometimes. Only if it’s something I’m really good at.
Jean: I wouldn’t show off if I were you!
Andrea: Thanks Jean!
Jean: 不如让咱们再来听听 Chris Roberts 给我们介绍的这首儿歌的历史吧.
There is a golden age of nursery rhymes in a sense from the reign of about Hey
the Eighth. So you’re talking early _
century. Mary, Mary Quite Contrary in its
current form only dates back to the _
century so it’s clearly written a long time
after Mary Queen of Scots e_isted.
Jean: Chris 说很多流传至今的英国童谣都是在 _ 世纪初叶, 就是英国国王亨利八世的统治时期民间谱写的.他说那一段时期是英国幼儿园的黄金时代a golden age. Andrea: So most of the rhymes were written in the __s. But this rhyme,
Mary, Mary Quite Contrary, only dates back to the _th century,
according to Chris. 3
Jean: 看来>这首歌谣是在 _ 世纪的时候写的,也就是说,离真正玛丽女王统治苏格兰的时期已经过了很久了.所以 Chris 并不同意 Morag 对歌谣所作的诠释.
Andrea: So who was Mary?
Jean: 看来我们有可能永远不会知道了.
People are always trying to work out the derivation of nursery rhymes and there’s
no hope of ever identifying the true source of more than about a handful of
nursery rhymes.
Andrea: Morag says that it’s very difficult to work out the derivation of nursery
Jean: Derivation 出处.由来.很多人都想知道歌谣的由来,不过很多时候这是相当困难的.
Andrea: In fact, she says there’s no hope of ever identifying or working out the
true source, the true background of why they were written.
Jean: 有可能它讲的就是苏格兰的玛丽女王呢.
Andrea: Maybe it was Mary had a little lamb: 〝Its fleece was white as snow.
And everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go〞.
Jean: Don’t be silly, Andrea. 这个歌谣里的玛丽和那个歌谣里的玛丽怎么可能是一个人呢!
Andrea: And I wonder what the story is behind that one.
Jean: 那你可又要进行一番深入的探寻了.
Andrea: And on that note, it’s goodbye from both of us at BBC Learning English. Bye.
Jean: Bye!。