上海外国语大学2010年硕士研究生入学考试 俄语综合卷
【解析】句意为:姓李的病人被禁止从床上起来。表示禁止做某事,强 调动作,用未完成体。
5.Я четверокурсник, уже три с лишним года (учился, учусь) в университете.
【解析】句意为:我是四年级的学生,已经在学校里学习三年多了。现 在动作依然在继续,用现在时。
【答案】помогать родителям делать домашнее хозяйство 10.在电话中交谈 【答案】разговаривать по телефону III. Поставьте слова в скобках в нужной форме.(10%) 1.(Я) зовут Мария Ивановна. 【答案】Меня 【解析】固定搭配:Кого зовут...表示某人叫什么名字。 2.Она работает (учительница) в школе. 【答案】учительницей 【解析】固定搭配:работать кем-чем担任某种工作或职业。 3.В (эта неделя) Валентина Телешкова очень занята. 【答案】этой неделе 【解析】表示在具体的一周,用六格。 4.У учительницы мало (свободное время). 【答案】свободного времени 【解析】句意为:老师的时间很少。мало后面加复数二格。 5.В комнате (никто) нет. 【答案】никого 【解析】句意为:房间里没人。被否定的名词用二格。 6.Родители очень рады (успехи своего сына) в учебе.
велосипеде. 【score:1 分】
【A】确答案】 【C】Когда? 【D】С кем вместе? 本题思路: 6.— Покажите, пожалуйста, чёрные ботинки. — __________ — Тридцать седьмой. — Пожалуйста. 【score:1 分】 【A】Сколько с меня? 【B】Вам какой цвет? 【C】Вам какой размер? 【此项 为本题正确答案】 【D】Можно посмотреть? 本题思路:
будем обедать? — В ресторане, напротив. — __________ 【score:1 分】
【A】Это правда. 【B】Хорошая идея. 【此项为本题 正确答案】 【C】Очень просто. 【D】Всего хорошего. 本题思路: 3.— Простите, скоро будет остановка ?Музей?? — __________ — Что же делать? — Вам придётся ехать в обратном направлении. 【score:1 分】 【A】Вы уже проехали эту остановку! 【此项为本题正确答案】 【B】Я не знаю этой остановки.
【C】Да, скоро будет эта остановка.
【D】Нет, ещё три остановки. 本题思路: 4.— __________ пожалуйста, в какой аудитории сегодня математика? — В 49-ой аудитории. — А на каком этаже? — На четвёртом. 【score:1 分】
是这样的:题给出一种假设,比如wenn er das Fahrrad repariert haette,然后要求你用第二虚拟式补充句子,我就填wuerde er nicht den Buss nehmen muessen.一共有六个这样的句子好像,每道2分,共12分。
6-10 BCDBA
11-15 CABDC
16-20 BACCB
21-25 DCABB
26-30 DAABC
31-35 BBDCD
36-40 ADCDA
(3’×10=20)1.АТЭС2.ВНП3.ВОЗ4.ООН5.ЭКСПО6.ЗСТ7.КПК8.МИД9.СП10.ЦК КПК二、请将下列句子翻译成俄语。
(25’×2=50)16.Я работаю в русском офисе уже неделю.В начале мне казалось, что он ничем не отличается от американского. Не это только на первы взгляд. В русском офисе очень тонкая грань между личным и общим. Ты должен делиться едой, если ты не крыса.Здесь тебя ни за что не бросят одного. Наоборот, коллектив с радостью учавствует в личной жизни сотрудников. Даже когда их об этом не просят.Существует стереотип, что люди в России суровые и неприветливые. Правда, тут вы не встретите улыбок на каждом шагу. Русские прячутся за броней подозрительности и недоверия. Но как только вы попадете в круге друзей, вы увидите насколько это сентиментальные, преданные и откровенные люди. Такое ощущение, что они экономят эмоцию, чтобы отдавать только близким. Не думал, что когда скажу это. Но мне, похоже, начинает тут нравиться.17.(Отрывок выступления Президента Казахстана Нурсултан Назарбаев на форуме Евразийского экономического сщюза)Уважаемые члены Высшего Евразийского экономического совета! Уважаемые участники заседания!Я рад приветствовать вас в столице Республике Казахстан –в Астане.Прежде всего пзвольте поздравить всех со второй годовщиной заключения Договора о Евразийском экономическом союзе, который состоялся именно в этом городе. Документ был подписан 29 мая 2014 года Россией, Казахстаном и Беларусью. В течениеэтого короткого времени наш состав пополнился Арменией и Кыргызстаном.Несмотря на небольшой срок существования, экономические сложности, которые мы испытываем в начале нашего пути, сегодня уже с увереностью можно заявить о том, что Евразийский экономический союз состоялся как полноценное интеграционное объединение. Теперь сближение наших экономик проходит в соответствении с теми планами и сроками, которые мы наметили в Договоре о ЕАЭС. Правительства и бизнес приобретают необходимый опыт сотрудничества друг с другом. Внутренние вопросы взаимодействия в основном решены и регламентированы.四、请将下面这篇短文翻译成俄文。
07年416语言学概论"试题(完整版)一.术语解释(20分)1.语言2.组合关系3.音位4.合成词干5.语义场6.根词语7.随位音变8.区别性特征9.异根10.义素二.选择(20分)1.按语法手段进行分类,汉语和英语__. a.都属于分析语b.都属于综合语c.汉语属于分析语,英语属于综合语d.汉语属于综合语,英语属于分析语2.__不是超音段音位. a.重音b.停顿c.音渡d.同化3.汉语拼音中字母b所表示的音是一个__. a.送气音b.擦音c.清辅音d.浊辅音4."玻璃球"一词有__语素. a.一个b.两个c.三个5.语言中能独立运用的音义结合的最小语言单位是__. a.音素b.语素c.词d.句子6."老板"一词中"老"是__. a.词b.词根c.构词词缀d.构形词缀7.按照传统文字学,汉字属于__. a.语段文字b.表意文字c.表音文字d.音节文字8.美国描写语言学的代表人物是__. a.乔姆斯基b.索绪尔c.布龙菲尔德d.韩礼德9."啤酒"/pijiu/一词的发音中,/p/已经__. a.同化b.腭化c.鼻化d.变调10."葡萄酒杯"一词有__语素. a.一个b.两个c.三个d.四个11.在一个词中,__. a.只有一个词根b.至少有一个词根c.不一定有词根d.一定没有词根12.英语词desks和tables中复数语素"-s"的发音不同但书写上都用s表示,它遵循的拼写法原则是__. a.语音原则 b.形态音位原则c.历史传统原则d.辨义原则13.下列词语中不是词汇单位的是__. a.风调雨顺b.吃一堑,长一智c.对不起d.黑墨水14.语音的本质属性是__. a.物理属性b.生理属性c.社会属性d.区别性特征15.__是历史比较语言学的奠基人之一. a.弗斯b.拉斯克c.叶尔姆斯列夫d.索绪尔16.在句子"书买来了"中,"书"在语义上是__. a.定指的b.不定指的c.通指的d.泛指的17."江""河"两词在古汉语中分别指"长江""黄河",在现代汉语中它们都由专名变为通名了,这种变化叫做__. a.语义扩大b.语义缩小 c.语义转移d.派生新义18."to write a letter"短语中,"letter"在语义角色上是__. a.施事b.受事c.结果d.终点19."臭豆腐"和"酸牛奶"__. a."臭豆腐"是词,"酸牛奶"是词组b.都是词c."酸牛奶"是词,"臭豆腐"是词组d.都是词组20.就语言的共同来源而言,__的关系最近. a.汉语和日语b.汉语和韩语c.英语和德语d.英语和法语三.填空(20分)1.中国传统文学称为__,分为__、__、__三个分支.2.现代语言学的创始人是__,代表作是__.3.按照符号表示语言要素的功用,文字可分为__、__、__、__、__文字,古代汉字基本属于__文字.4.按谱系分类,俄语属于__语系__语族__语支.按类型分类法,汉语属于__.按语法手段分类,英语属于__,德语属于__.5.元音分类的三个主要标准是__、__、__.6.公元一世纪许慎的著作__分析了汉字结构,最早将汉字结构归结为"六书":象形、__、__、__、__和转注.7.符号学术语semantics、pragmatics、syntactic分别相当于语言学中的__、__、__.其中,__专门研究语言单位同交际主体之间的关系.8.联合国的正式语言和工作语言是汉语、英语、法语、俄语、__、__.9.表示附加词汇意义的词缀是构词词缀,表示语法意义的叫__词缀,如"桌子"一词中"子"是__词缀,workers中-er是__词缀,-s是__词缀,working中-ing是__词缀.10.转换生成语法的创始人是美国语言学家__,他认识语言学的研究对象是__而不是__.四.判断(30分)1.哥本哈根学派最突出的研究成果在音位学领域.2.英语词pie和spy中,[p]的发音有差异,它们都是音位/p/的条件变体.3.单义性、体系性和理据性是科技术语的特点.4.汉语是世界上唯一的声调语言.5.语义结合关系是语义在语言体系和语流中相互搭配而构成的一种关系.6.英语词walking有两个语素walk-和-ing,它们都是自由语素.7.aback一词只有一个语素.8.社会分化是语言分化的主要原因.9.不同语言义素组合虽然不同,但它们有一定的结构规律.10.语言中的一切结构要素都有规律的相互联系、相互制约,构成一个整体.11.汉语词"画家""国家"中的"家"都是词缀.12.传统语言学的内部分科有语音学、语义学、语法学和词汇学.13.语流分解中,音句和音词分别与语法上的句子和词相对应.14.汉语语音体系中,声调是音节的必要组成成分.15.元音和辅音发音时都有明显的部位感,但元音气流较弱,辅音气流较强.16.文字同思维没有直接联系,而是通过语言与思维发生联系.17.人们常说"什么阶级说什么话",这表明语言是有阶级性的.18.重音和声调都是由音强的变化决定的.19.布拉格学派的代表人物是布龙达尔和叶尔姆斯列夫.20.英语语音体系中,音位/t/和/b/的差异在于发音部位和清浊对立.21.送气音/p/和不送气音/p/在汉语语音体系中是两个不同的音位.22.根据语言功能特征的分类,普通话属于标准语,解放前上海使用的洋泾浜语是皮钦语.23.程式化是事务语体的重要特点.24.词符文字的书写符号表示词素,是最早的有序文字体系.25.汉语是主语主题并重型语言.26.汉语是综合性语言,主要通过词序和辅助词表示语法意义.27.语言体系内部各结构发展是不平衡的,其中词汇和语法发展速度最快.28.语言中固定的词的组合称为熟语,它们是现成的,不能任意改变.29.汉语词"外头"/waidou/在快速语流中常读作/waite/,这种音变属于联合音变.30.英语名词复数后缀-s在pens中发成/z/,在books中发成/s/,这种音变属于顺行同化.五.分析(20分)1.用直接成分分析法分析歧义结构(4分).(a)三个公司的经理(b)批评他的学生2.写出下列音素(6分)例:双唇鼻音--[m]a.舌后浊塞音b.齿龈清塞擦音c.齿间清擦音d.双唇清送气塞音e.半低前非圆唇元音f.半高后圆唇元音3.分析下列词的结构和构词法(10分)例: 心虚主谓式合干词词根词根a.葡萄b.老板c.老伴d.语言e.年轻六.问答(40分)1.世界上一些通用语言中,主要的语法范畴有哪些?(4分)为什么说其中很多范畴在汉语中是没有的?(3分)2.汉语拼音方案中的字母是标记音素的还是标记音位的?为什么?(5分)3.a.语言中表达语法意义的语法手段有哪些?用例子一一说明(6分)b.英语中I和me,am和is,bad和worse,look和looks,read和reading,come和came,make和makes,lend和lent采用的各是什么语法手段?(4分)4.试论结构语言学的理论基础,并说出结构语言学的几个主要学派及其代表人物.(8分)5.有人说,英语词books中,其复数语法意义由-s语素形式表达,而单数名词book中,其单数语法意义没有语法形式表达.这句话正确吗?为什么?(6分)6.某文科大学开设了如下课程:现代汉语、古代汉语、汉语史、英语词汇学、法语语法学、东欧语言词汇史、现代汉语句法结构研究、古代汉语音韵研究.请你运用共时和历时的观点分析一下哪些课程属于共时语言学,哪些课程属于历时语言学.(4分)616现代汉语"试题(完整版)一.术语解释(举例说明,20分)1.句法扩展2.替换分析3.句法范畴4.塞擦音5.语义特征分析二.判断(20分)1."深入"的语素之间构成附加式关系.2."他真是羡慕死我了"当中补语有两种指向.3.开口呼的韵母都是i u v.4."筛选"属于主谓型合成词.5.[t]是舌尖中不送气清塞擦音.6."马虎"和"马马虎虎"的句法功能不同.7."'自由'被说成了'似由'"当中的宾语是受事宾语.8."认为"是谓宾动词.9."小丽跑得特别快"当中的补语属于程度补语.10."他唱歌唱得很好"当中的补语属于状态补语.11."小王本地人"和"小王是本地人"属于同一句型.12."客人住里屋"和"里屋住客人"当中"客人"的语用功能不同.13."婚姻大事我自己做主"是当事主语.14."大车"和"大的车"的语言单位不同,语法关系也有对立.15."一只蝴蝶"包含三个语素.16."他走回学校来"和"他拿回一本书来"之间的变换情况基本相同,属于同构模式.17."桌子上摆着一本书"和"书摆在桌子上"是同一句型的不同语用变换形式.18."男人就是男人"当中两个"男人"的义素存在不同之处.19."可控制"是一个词.20.[ts]属于舌尖前不送气清擦音.三.选择(20分)1."他简直笑死我了"这个语言片断有A.一种句法结构、一种语义结构B.两种句法结构、两种语义结构C.一种句法结构、两种语义结构 D.一种句法结构、三种语义结构2."这栋房子显然买贵了"的补语是A.状态补语B.结果补语C.程度补语D.可能补语3.A.疙瘩B.拖拉机C.苦头D.超声波当中的单纯词是( )4.舌面音能跟( )韵母拼合A.合口呼、开口呼B.开口呼、撮口呼C.撮口呼、齐齿呼5."怎么样,你?" A.有主语、无谓语B.无主语、有谓语C.有主语、有谓语D.无主语、无谓语6."美国人看中国并非铁板一块"这个语言片断有A.一种句法结构、一种语义结构B.两种句法结构、两种语义结构C.一种句法结构、两种语义结构 D.两种句法结构、一种语义结构7."火车开走了"和"开走了一辆火车"当中"火车"的功能A.相同B.不同C.有时候相同,有时候不同D.以上都不对8.普通话中一个音节当中的辅音最多( ) A.三个B.一个C.两个D.四个9.主语A.有时候既是施事又是主题B.不可能既是施事又是主题C.有时候是主题但不可能是施事D.以上都不对10."树上结着苹果"当中"苹果"是A.关系宾语B.受事宾语C.施事宾语11.下列句子当中不属于主谓谓语句的是A.选择专业我自己做主B.小草叶子黄了C.他对这件事缺乏经验D.这个人,谁都喜欢他12."这件事情我一点也想不起来了"的补语属于A.结果补语B.状态补语C.可能补语D.程度补语13."车里坐着个人"合格,而*"车里坐着个王海"不合格,但"王海坐在车里"合格,这说明A.词语的性质对句法分布位置有某种条件要求,句法分布位置对词语的性质有某种条件限制B.词语的性质对句法分布位置有某种条件要求,句法分布位置对词语的性质没有条件限制C.词语的性质对句法分布位置不一定有条件要求,句法分布位置对词语的性质不一定有条件限制 D.以上都不对14./x/的发音方法A.舌面后送气清塞音B.舌面前清擦音C.舌面前不送气清塞擦音D.舌尖后送气清塞擦音15."苹果我吃了"和"我吃了个苹果"当中A."苹果"的语用和词汇意义没有区别B."苹果"的语用意义有区别,词汇意义没有区别 C."苹果"的词汇意义有区别,语用意义没有区别 D.以上都不对16.下列词语中附加式合成词是A.降低B.船只C.马匹D.深入17.能愿动词一般放在"把"字句的A."把"字后B."把"字前C.均可D.视情况而定18."他扶老太太下车"和"他下车扶老太太"之间A.语义关系相同、句法结构不同B.语义关系不同、句法结构相同C.都相同D.都不同19."8号队员换了6号队员" A.一种句法结构、一种语义关系B.多种句法结构、一种语义关系C.一种句法结构、多种语义关系 D.多种句法结构、多种语义关系20."她急死我了"和"她恨死我了"之间A.语义关系相同、句法结构不同B.语义关系不同、句法结构相同C.都相同D.都不同四.分析(50分)1.比较"他在上海住了10年"和"他在上海住了10年了"的不同.2.比较"他跳在地板上"和"他在地板上跳"有什么差异,并尝试得出结论.3.比较"造成""引起""致使"的异同.4.用层次分析法分析歧义结构A喜欢安静的客人B送走了学生的朋友5.用替换分析法,结合语义指向,详细分析"小李答应他明天去一趟北京"歧义的成因.五.论述(40分)1.比较AB两组结构的差异,并尝试对其合格的条件作出结论.A组(不合格) B组(合格)他把椅子坐了他把椅子坐破了他把椅子坐了他把椅子坐脏了2.比较"他3年前结过婚"和"他3年前结了婚"的差异.3.用合适的语言学方法分析"门口站着人"和"门口亮着灯"的差异,并设法解释其成因.4.简要概括汉语语法近20年来的理论和方法现状(不超过300字).(说出“我看过这本书”和“我看了这本书”的差异,并试着得出结论。
二外俄语考研上海外国语大学251俄语二外考研真题一、上海外国语大学俄语二外考研真题及详解I. Напишитеантонимыкследующимсловам.(10%)1.высокий—【答案】низкий~~2.твёрдый—【答案】мягкий~~3.купить—【答案】продать~~4.ответить—【答案】спросить~~5.послать—【答案】получить~~6.забыть—【答案】помнить~~7.далеко—【答案】близко~~8.быстро—【答案】медленно~~9.легко—【答案】трудно~~10.вход—【答案】выход~~II. Переведитесловосочетаниянарусскийязык.(10%) 1.在桥上走【答案】ходитьпомосту~~2.和朋友打招呼【答案】поздороватьсясдрузьями~~3.在工作时间【答案】Врабочеевремя~~4.出国旅游【答案】путешествоватьзаграницу~~5.订阅杂志【答案】Подписатьсянажурналы~~6.随手关门【答案】закрыватьзасобойдверь~~7.经济改革【答案】экономическаяреформа~~8.把杯子放到桌上去【答案】Поставитьстанканнастол~~9.帮父母做家务【答案】помогатьродителямделатьдомашнеехозяйство~~10.在电话中交谈【答案】разговариватьпотелефону~~III. Поставьтесловавскобкахвнужнойформе.(10%) 1.(Я) зовутМарияИвановна.【答案】Меня~~【解析】固定搭配:Когозовут...表示某人叫什么名字。
(30 分)
1、辨析下列词的意思(每题 7 分,共 14 分)
1文字的特点是什么?文字与语言有什么关系?(12 分)
2为什么说索绪尔是现代语言学的创始人?怎样理解他提出的“价值”?(12 分)
(6 分)
4、现代语义学是如何划分多义词的语义体系的?(10 分)
2010年上海外国语大学MTI初试题翻译硕士二外考得一篇完型(10)During the first many decades of this nation’s existence, the United States was a wide-open, dynamic country with a rapidly expanding economy. It was also a country that tolerated a large amount of cruelty and pain — poor people living in misery, workers suffering from exploitation.Over the years, Americans decided they wanted a little more safety and security. This is what happens as nations grow wealthier; they use money to buy civilization.Occasionally, our ancestors found themselves in a sweet spot. They could pass legislation that brought security but without a cost to vitality. But adults know that this situation is rare. In the real world, there’s usually a trade-off. The unregulated market wants to direct capital to the productive and the young. Welfare policies usually direct resources to the vulnerable and the elderly. Most social welfare legislation, even successful legislation, siphons money from the former to the latter.Early in this health care reform process, many of us thought we were in that magical sweet spot. We could extend coverage to the uninsured but also improve the system overall to lower costs. That is, we thought it would be possible to reduce the suffering of the vulnerable while simultaneously squeezing money out of the wasteful system and freeing it up for more productive uses.That’s what the management gurus call a win-win.It hasn’t worked out that way. The bills before Congress would almost certainly ease the anxiety of the uninsured, those who watch with terror as their child or spouse grows ill, who face bankruptcy and ruin.And the bills would probably do it without damaging the care the rest of us receive. In every place where reforms have been tried — from Massachusetts to Switzerland — people come to cherish their new benefits. The new plans become politically untouchable.But, alas, there would be trade-offs. Instead of reducing costs, the bills in Congress would probably raise them. They would mean that more of the nation’s wealth would be siphoned off from productive uses and shifted into a still wasteful health care system.The authors of these bills have tried to foster efficiencies. The Senate bill would initiate several interesting experiments designed to make the system more effective — giving doctors incentives to collaborate, rewarding hospitals that provide quality care at lower cost. It’s possible that some of these experiments will bloom into potent systemic reforms.But the general view among independent health care economists is that these changes will not fundamentally bend the cost curve. The system after reform will look as it does today, only bigger and more expensive.As Jeffrey S. Flier, dean of the Harvard Medical School, wrote in The Wall Street Journal last week, “In discussions with dozens of health-care leaders and economists, I find near unanimity of opinion that, whatever its shape, the final legislation that will emerge from Congress will markedly accelerate national health-care spending rather than restrain it.”Rather than pushing all of the new costs onto future generations, as past governments have done, the Democrats have admirably agreed to raise taxes. Over the next generation, the tax increases in the various bills could funnel trillions of dollars from the general economy into the medical system.Moreover, the current estimates almost certainly understate the share of the nation’s wealth that will have to be shifted. In these bills, the present Congress pledges that future Congresses will impose painful measures to cut Medicare payments and impose efficiencies. Future Congresses rarely live up to these pledges. Somebody screams “Rationing!” and there is a bipartisan rush to kill even the most tepid cost-saving measure. After all, if the current Congress, with pride of authorship, couldn’t reduce costs, why should we expect that future Congresses will?The bottom line is that we face a brutal choice.Reform would make us a more decent society, but also a less vibrant one. It would ease the anxiety of millions at the cost of future growth. It would heal a wound in the social fabric while piling another expensive and untouchable promise on top of the many such promises we’ve already made. America would be a less youthful, ragged and unforgiving nation, and a more middle-aged, civilized and sedate one.We all have to decide what we want at this moment in history, vitality or security. We can debate this or that provision, but where we come down will depend on that moral preference. Don’t get stupefied by technical details. This debate is about values.一篇阅读(25)Obama Loses a RoundWhile the jury is still out on what President Obama’s China visit has achieved for the long term, the president has most decidedly lost the war of symbolism in his first close encounter with China.In status-conscious China, symbolism and protocol play a role that is larger than life. U.S. diplomatic blunders could reinforce Beijing’s mindset that blatant information control works, and that a rising China can trump universal values of open, accountable government.During Mr. Obama’s visit, the Chinese outmaneuvered the Americans in all public events, from the disastrous town hall meeting in Shanghai to the stunted press conference in Beijing. In characteristic manner, the Chinese tried to shut out the public, while the U.S. unwittingly cooperated.The final image of President Obama in China that circulated around the world is telling: A lone man walking up the steep slope of the Great Wall. The picture is in stark contrast to those of other U.S. presidents who had their photographs taken at the Great Wall surrounded by flag-waving children or admiring citizens. Maybe Mr. Obama wanted a quiet moment for himself before returning home. But a president’s first visit to the wall is a ritual that needs to be properly framed. Mr. Obama could have waited until the next visit, when he could bring the first lady and the children. Instead, he went ahead by himself to pay tribute to China’s ancient culture. In return, the Chinese offered nothing, no popular receptions, not even the companionship of a senior Chinese leader.The trouble for the U.S. started at the town hall meeting two days earlier — a more scripted event than those organized with students for earlier U.S. presidents. There was no real dialogue, as a programmed audience, most of them Communist League Youth members, asked coached questions.The Chinese also rejected the U.S. request for live national coverage and defaulted on a promise to live-stream the meeting at , the online version of China’s state-owned news agency. Mr. Obama scored a point when he managed to address the issue of Internet freedom after the U.S. ambassador, Jon Huntsman, fielded him the question from a Chinese netizen submitted online.Meanwhile, Chinese officials garnered from the meeting generous quotes from Mr. Obama affirming China’s achievements and America’s expressions of good will, which were turned into glowing headlines for the Chinese media. In this round of the propaganda skirmish, the U.S. scored one point while China reaped a handful.Mr. Obama was similarly shut out from addressing the public in Beijing. At the Beijing press conference, President Hu Jintao and President Obama read prepared statements and would not take questions from reporters. “This was an historic meeting between the two leaders, and journalists should have had the opportunity to ask questions, to probe beyond the statements,” protested Scott McDonald, the president of China’s Foreign Correspondents Club, but to no avail.In a final dash to break through the information blockade, the Obama team offered an exclusive interview to Southern Weekend, China’s most feisty newspaper, based in Guangzhou. Once again, journalists’ questions were programmed and the paper censored. In protest, the paper prominently displayed vast white spaces on the first and second page of the edition that carried the interview. Propaganda officials are investigating this act of defiance.Only the Obama team knows for sure how they allowed themselves to be outmaneuvered. Unwittingly, the U.S. helped to produce a package of faux public events.Pundits argued that the visitors were not supposed to impose the “American way” on China and that America needs to respect Chinese practices. The argument is both patronizing and condescending. Increasingly, the Chinese public has been clamoring for greater officialtransparency and accountability, while the Chinese government has been making progress on these fronts. No one in his right mind would ask Mr. Obama to lecture Beijing on human rights. But the Chinese public deserves better accounting, no less than Americans citizens.To their credit, U.S. officials did try to get their message out online. But it was the Chinese bloggers who were most active in challenging official information control. They at least fought the good fight with growing confidence, a fight the Americans seem unable to wage effectively.作文只给了个题目:waste not,want not(勤俭节约,吃穿不缺)(60)。
上海外国语大学2010年硕士研究生入学考试英语(自命题)试题(考试时间180分钟,满分100分,共9页)I.vocabulary and structure(30%)Dircetions:form the four choices given,choose ONE to complete the sentence.Section A:structure(15%,@1%)1.The anthor thanked all those who have helped to make this a better book than it______A.should beB.would have beenC.would beD.would otherwise have been2.He is_____than a busineddman.A.much a scholarB.a scholarC.more a scholarD.as a scholar3.She is one of those women who I am sure,always do____best both in their family and in their profession.A.herB.theirC.one’sD.the4._____the poem is to understad,the professor successfully made it understood by the students.A.As difficultB.Difficult asC.Though difficultD.Difficult5.I____live in Shanghai than in a remote village.A.would ratherB.preferC.like toD.had better6.The manager often has his staff____in the office after work.A.stayingB.to stayC.to be stayingD.stay7.I am now a freshman in university.By the year2015,I____for about two years.A.will workB.will be workingC.will have been workingD.have worked8.”I saw Mary in the library yesterday.”“You____her,she is still in her hometown and hasn’t been back to school yet.”A.can’t have toB.mustn’t have beenC.can’t seeD.mustn’t see9.The student listened carefully_____he might find out where the teacher put emphasis on.A.for fear thatB.in order thatC.in case thatD.provided that10.The photos taken by a digital camera are_____than those taken by a conventional camera.A.much clearerB.more clearerC.much more clearerD.much clear11.____we went swimming.A.Being a hot dayB.The day being outC.It was a hot dayD.To be a hot day12.If he dares not to fight against the cnemy,he is_____.A.not enough of a manB.not enough as a manC.not enough of manD.not a man enough13.TOEFL is a test for students____native langnage is not English.A.whoB.theirC.whichD.whose14.We saw a new film at the cinema._____we had supper at a restaurant.A.then whichB.after whichC.after thatD.in which15.The doctor sent hin to bed,saying he was much______.A.very illB.illC.too illD.ill enoughSection B.Vocabulary(15%,@1%)1.The travelers sought shelter_____the rain and happened to find a roadside inn.A.fromB.byC.forD.with2.The old patient can’t hope to____her cold in a few days.A.get awayB.get offC.get outD.get over3.After much negotiation we have____the tenns of the contract.A.agreedB.agreed onC.agreed toD.agreed with4.The actors have to_____before they appear in front of the strong lights on television.A.make upB.cover upC.paint upD.do up5.In most of the universities_____are required to take more courses than postgraduates.A.pupilsB.undergraduatesC.juniorsD.seniors6.The servant hit the vase with his cibow and it_____to the floor.A.smashedB.brokeC.konckedD.crashed7.My parents____me to come back home for the Christmas break or they would miss me very much.A.convincedB.suggestedC.advisedD.insisted8.The receptionist at the hotel told me that all rooms had been____.A.arrangedB.filled inedD.reserved9.It is_____knowledge in the class that William is the best student in every subject.monB.ordinaryC.normalual10.He spoke clearly and____and we could understand every world he said.A.distinctivelyB.disringuishableC.distinguishedD.distinctly11.Freshmen often find it difficult to____thenselves to new environment.A.adopt Badapt C.fit D.suit12.The manager never take previous working experience into____when he fixes the staff’s saiary.A.accountB.mindC.thoughtD.thinking13.The audience burst into____when the lecturer quoted a humorous story.ughughtersughingughter14.Having failed in the exam,the boy went home in____spirits.A.coldB.lowC.deepD.empty15.Mrs.Henry is so____about her dress that her husband often gets impatient.A.specialB.peculiarC.particularD.especialⅡCloze(20%,@1%)Directions;For each blank in the following passage,there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Read the passage and choose the best answer for each blank.Passage oneWhen I was about twelve.I suddenly developed a great passion__1__writeing poetty.I gave up all other hobbies,such as__2__stamps,and spent all my__3__time readying poetry and writing it. This habit of writing poetry on every possible__4__soon got me into trouble at school.If a lesson did not interest me,I would take out my notebook and atarted writeing poems in class.Of course I did this very__5__,but it was not long before I got caught.One day while I was busy writing a poem during a geography lesson I looked up to find the teacher standing beside me,fuming with anger because I was convinced that I had writen a good poem,so that evening I wrote it out again from memory.Not long after,I read about a poetry contest and I decided to send in my poem. Weeks later,ong after I had given up hope,I get a letter informing me I had won fiest__8__. Everyone at school was very impressed except the geography teacher,who__9__me more carefullythan ever.He was quite__10__that I was not going to write poetry in his lesson.1.A.for B.in C.on D.at2.A.arranging B.collecting C.gathering D.keeping3.A.additional B.extra C.other D.spare4.A.chance B.moment C.occasion D.time5.A.anxiously B.attentively C.eautiously D.silently6.A.calling B.devoting C.attracting D.paying7.A.warning B.notice C.word D.look8.A.position B.prize C.reward D.victory9.A.guarded B.inspected C.observed D.watched10.A.determined B.annoyed C.fixed D.assuredPassage twoTo others and themselves the Brithish have a requtation__11__being conservatiove-out in the__12__political sense,but in the sense of adherence to accepted ideas and unwilligness to question__13__.The reputation comes partly from their history.For900years they have suffered __14__invasion nor revolution nor disastrous defear in war.Their monarchy__15__without serious question.Under its nominal leadership the political arrangements have been__16__ stable that,except for the two interruptions in the seventeenth century,they have been adapted throughout the centuries to__17__chanding needs without violent changes.Britain,in1978,was __18__in managing without a written constitution;some fragmentary definitions of1688still survived.There had been bitter quarrels,social and economic as well as political,but the quarrels had been settled,usually__19__compromise.The__20__continuity had not been broken.11.A.of B.for C.in D.to12.A.limited B.restrieted C.narrow D.broad13.A.it B.them C.him D.her14.A.neither B.eirther C.nor D.both15.A.lives B.survives sts D.stands16.A.as B.very C.too D.so17.A.take B.make C.dentand D.meet18.A.unique B.only C.one D.single19.A.for B.as C.with D.by20.A.under B.lying C.underlying D.undergoingⅢ.Reading comprehension(30%,@2%)Directiong:In this part there are three passages.Each passages is followed by five questions.Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question. Paaage oneThe econimic conditions that necessitate the construction of very high buildings on narrow lots first emerged as a decisive factor in New Yock City.Intensive land use,with the resulting speculative traffic in real estate was itself a consequence of more powerful and pervasive forces. Industrial expansion was the primary factory and in the period following the American Civil Was much of that expansion continned to be concentrated in New England and the Middle Atlantic atates.Financial institutions had long been located mainly in Boston,but the center was rapidly shifting to New York around the time of the War.A new pattern of close interdependence among industries demanded centralization of business administration.The leadership of New York Cityas an occan port,along with its proximity to major attract.once established.has never wanted even today.It is a primary administrative and banking center.The financial resouneces for the high bulidingd were there,the advelopment of safe elevator transportation and the organisztion of construction facilities soon made them a reality.1.Which of the following would be title for the passage?A.New Patterns of Transportation in the Middle Atlantic States.B.Buying Real Estate for Speculation in New English。
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上海外国语大学2010年硕士研究生统考管理学试题(考试时间180分钟,满分150分,共两页) 一.写出下列管理学基本概念的英语用语并用中文解释其含义(每题5分,共30分)1.有限理性2.组织公民行为3.官僚行政组织4.路径-目标理论5.工作特征模型6.前馈控制上海外国语大学2010年硕士研究生统考管理学试题(考试时间180分钟,满分150分,共两页)一.写出下列管理学基本概念的英语用语并用中文解释其含义(每题5分,共30分)1.有限理性2.组织公民行为3.官僚行政组织4.路径-目标理论5.工作特征模型6.前馈控制二.问答题(每题15分,共60分)1,全球化的几个阶段以及各阶段的优点和缺点2,什么是学习型组织及其特征3,运用霍夫斯泰德文化模型分析中国企业管理外国公司的方式4,介绍有哪些绩效评价方法以其各自的优点和缺点三.分析和论述题(第1题10分,第2题20分,共30分)1,针对员工素质偏低的服装工厂和具有较高员工技能的IT公司,提出各自的激励方法2,写社会责任的议论文四.案例分析(每题10分,共30分)This is some way to motivate employees?Click on the Business Company (Click Commerce) office, and other Internet companies are very similar -- employees to dress casually, and putting a lot of whiteboard can let the staff at any time to write and paint, a recreation room. There are three pinball machine and six simulation game Daytona 500 auto race machine. The company is a provider of business to business software pioneer enterprises, its software for enterprise relationship of peer and customer management, at the same time, it also provides for accounting, inventory, market, order management software. The company is based in Chicago, was founded in 1996, initially named click InterActive Corp (Click Interactive), in 1999 December changed its name to click on the name of the Business Company, to better reflect the company located in the business-to-business e-commerce market. Chief executive Michael Fero is the 40 "40 years old of the following business" one, he led the company through a network hard start period, and in 2000 June the first successful public offering of shares. However, he is a little unusual, the use of employees incentives are considered including: let the staff from the normal working environment, asking them to do something completely different, with "to some extent punishment" nature of the task.Ferro believe that occasionally experience a major setback for motivating employees. For those ornegative burnout or sing one's own praises programs, he created one called the "penalty box" approach. In fact, this is a temporary task -- to the company's sales department, may be a few weeks to a few months may also long. Although the workers who have been selected to such provisions as a punishment, but Ferro sees the positive aspects of this approach, he offers some new experience for these retire programmers, and broaden their job responsibilities.The "punishment" is manifested in two aspects: first, all sales personnel, including temporary work here programmer, are required to wear work occupation. Because the programmer be accustomed to wearing a T-shirt and jeans, wearing a suit and tie always makes them feel a little embarrassed. In addition, the vast majority of programmers like that is isolated from the world, is not interfered by the way of life, but now it means abandoning the reclusive life, don't work all day in front of the computer to write programs, replace sb. Is to have to cut to the customer call. For men accustomed to computer dialogue with the people, this is not easy. These people choose this occupation, largely because the work of the independent and free from interference.Though assigned to do temporary sales personnel some spots appear more or less work and related, however, there are some programmers admit to engage in this work has a certain value. For example, Jim said when he was forced to go to sea, sales calls, he gained some customers valuable information. Jim is now chief technology officer, the company said, despite sometimes customer requirements too picky and reluctantly, but sometimes there are some very good ideas, can be put into practice.[question]1, the use of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, reinforcement theory, expectation theory to explain the advantages and disadvantages of each incentives.2, if you click the Business Company procedures, when you are in the "penalty box" what do you think?3, when most managers are encouraged to be nice to their employees, are you suggesting Ferro for some adjustments to his incentives? Please explain your answer.。