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Tenancy Agreement
出租人(以下简称甲方): Landlord:(hereinafter called” Party A”) 身份证号码(Identity Card No.):电话(Tel):法定地址(Registered Address):代理人(Agent):电话(Tel):法定地址(Registered Address):代理人身份证号码(Identity Card No.):
承租人(以下简称乙方): Tenant:(hereinafter called “Party B”护照/身份证号码(Identity Card No.):电话(Tel):法定地址(Registered Address):甲、乙双方就甲方愿意出租、乙方自愿承租物业事宜,以双方协商一致,同意签订本房产租赁合约。

An Agreement made BETWEEN Party A of the one part and Party B of the other part WHEREBY IT IS:
一、租赁物业名称(以下称“该物业”) Name & address of Property to be rented:(hereinafter called “the said premises”):

Usage:for domesticuse only.

Area:square meter.
四、租约期限(Terms of Tenancy):
Formal Tenancy:租赁期租金:每月人民币XX元整。


六、付租条款(Payment Terms):
. 五、租金(Rent):

Payment Method: Party B shall deposit the rent to Party B’s bank account below:
受益人(Beneficiary Name):银行 (Bank) :
帐号(Bank A/C NO):
七、管理费:租赁期内管理费由XX 支付。

Management Fee:八、公用事业费:电费,水费,煤气费,和电话费等等, 均由 XX 支付。

Public Utility Fees: electricity fee, water fee, gas fee, and telephone fee, etc, shall be responsible by
On the signing of this Formal Tenancy Agreement, Party B shall pay to Party A a security deposit in
十、其它条约(Other Terms):

The said deposit (no interest will be counted) shall be repayable forthwith from Party A to
Party B at the expiration or determination of the tenancy without any renewal, subject to
Party B had completed full payment of the entire contract period and paid all Public Utility
Fees or any other fees related.


daily interest of 1% of the monthly rent will be imposed as a fine of the payment delay to
Party B. if party B pay rent delay more than 15 days , party A should be have right to cancel
the contract and deduct all deposit from party B.

Party B shall not make or permit to be made any alterations in or additions to the said
premises without having first obtained the written consent of Party
汽油, 有爆炸危险性的物品及挥发性之化工原料等等, 另乙方不得在该物业内做任何


Party B shall not store arms, ammunition or unlawful goods, gun-powder, saltpeter, kerosene
or any explosive or combustible substance, etc. in any part of the said premises, the tenant or inmate shall not use the said premises for any illegal purposes, for violation against the law of People’s Republic of China in any part of the said property, Party B shall be answerable and responsible for any consequence of any breach of local ordinance.

To keep the interior of the said premises and furniture, fixtures and fittings provided by Party A in condition of normal use throughout the tenancy, if any damages made by any abnormal use, Party B is responsible for the repair or reimbursement.

Party B shall permit Party A and its agents with or without workmen or others and with or without appliances at all reasonable times to enter upon the said premises and to view the condition thereof and to take inventories of the fixtures therein and to carry out any repairs to the premises which Party A considers necessary or proper to be done.
7、当租约期满或终止前X个月,甲方有权在不骚扰原则下, 张贴招租告示于该单位外,

During the X month immediately preceding the determination of the said term of tenancy, Party A shall be at liberty to affix and retain without interference or molestation on the door or the external parts of the said premises a notice for letting the said premises and the Party
B shall permit and allow all persons with written or oral authority from party A or its agent or agents at all reasonable hours of the day to view the said premises or any part or part thereof.
8、租约期满,乙方如需延长租约,须在租约期满 X 个月前以书面方式通知甲方,经甲

X month written notice before the expiration is required for any tenancy renewal; new tenancy agreement will be generated under the consent of both parties.
9、乙方须自行投买风灾, 水灾, 火灾, 盗窃, 意外保障等等, 乙方如在该单位内有任何损失,

Party B shall himself cover insurance for his own belongings against Typhoon, Depression, Storm, Flood, Fire, Theft, Accidents, etc. in
relation to this Tenancy. Party A shall not be responsible for any damage or loss under all circumstances.
10、乙方不得于单位内制造或容许制造噪音, 异味或任何滋扰邻居或业主安宁之举动, 其中

经警告后仍未有所改善, 甲方有权终止租约。

Party B shall not permit any noise or allow any music to be produced in the premises so as to give cause for reasonable complaint from the occupants of neighboring premises, otherwise, Party A has the right to terminate the tenancy immediately if case continued after advised. 11、 12、甲方须承担该物业的房产税、土地使用税。

Party A shall pay all property tax, land tax and any other tax or charge of the said premises. 租约期内,甲方有权将该物业出售给第三者,本合约对购得该物业之新业主仍然有效,

During term of tenancy, Party A shall have the right to sell the said premises to the third party. The terms and conditions here in contained which applicable to Party A and Party B must be applicable to the new landlord and Party B without negotiation.

The attachments, including Furniture Fixture, Appliances List Title Certificate., Property Certificate and Offer letter forms an integrate part of the agreement.

The agreement is construed in accordance with laws of People’s Republic of China (PRC). Both parties shall perform and observe the
stipulation here in contained upon signing. Any disputed shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with the arbitration of PRC. The applicable law shall be PRC law.


This agreement is given in Chinese and English languages. The English Language is an abridged translation of the Chinese text but in event of any difference between the Chinese text and the English translation, the Chinese text shall prevail.
甲方Party A:(签章) (Signature)
乙方Party B:(签章) (Signature)
Apartment Rental Contract
一、出租(Landlord): (以下简称甲方referred as Party A in the contract body
below):___________ 身份证号(ID Card#):____________________;
二、承租方(Tenant): (以下简称乙方 referred as Party B in the contract body below):护照号 (Passport#): _____________;

In order to protect the legal
advantage for both parties, the Landlord (Party A) and the Tenant (Party B) have reached the
agreements as below.
三、租赁标的 (Tenancy)

Party A has agreed to rent out the apartment
#______________________ ,
_________________________________(Location) (floor space is approximately _____
square meters), as well as the furniture to Party B for living purpose. Furniture details should
be referred to the separate list.
四、租赁期限 (Rent Term/Period)
1. 租赁期限为_____年。


Term/Period is ______ year(s), starting from _______________till _______________.
2. 租赁期满,甲方有权收回房屋,乙方应如期交还;如乙方欲继续承租该房屋,须

After the Rent Term/Period, Party A has full rights to take back the apartment, and
Party B should move out with personal belongings. If Party B wants to renew the
rental contract of the apartment, Party B needs to formally contact Party A one
month in advance for further discussion.
五、租金 (Rent)
1. 该房屋的月租金为人民币(大写)__________圆整。

The Rent for this apartment is
RMB ________ per month.
2. 租赁期间,该房屋的取暖费和物业费由甲方承担;水、电、煤气、数字电视、宽


Party A will afford the heating fee and management Fee; Party B will
afford the water, gas, electricity, internet, TV, telephone fees if there is any during
the Rent Term/Period. During the Rent Term/Period of this apartment, if there is any
fee which is not listed in the contract, but collected by the government and is related
to Party B’s living purpose, Party B will afford.
For any other fee that occurred before the contract period that should be afforded
by Party A but paid by Party B, Party B should deduct the amount of money from the
3. 租金的结算方式 (Rent settlement)
The payment method for the rent is agreed as per option __ below: 1)支付方式为乙方在合同规定缴纳房租日期之前现金当面支付甲方;Cash payment in person no later than the below agreed timeline.

方式将房租转入甲方________________银行账户(户名:____________账号:)Payment will be processed through bank
transfer no later than the below agreed timeline. Party A Bank name ___________________
Party A Beneficiary name __________________ Party A Bank Account number
共分______次付款______________ (Payment schedule:
______年 ___月______日,乙方交付____年____月___日至____年______月 _______日的租金,总共合计(大写)__________________圆整(¥________元)Payment
time: Payment Period:Payment
______年 ___月______日,乙方交付____年____月___日至____年______月 _______日的租金,总共合计(大写)__________________圆整(¥________元)Payment
time: Payment Period:Payment
______年 ___月______日,乙方交付____年____月___日至____年______月 _______日的租金,总共合计(大写)__________________圆整(¥_________元)Payment
time: Payment Period:Payment
______年 ___月______日,乙方交付____年____月___日至____年______月 _______日的租金,总共合计(大写)__________________圆整(¥_________元)Payment
time: Payment Period:Payment
六、履约保证金 (Security Deposit)

Security deposit is One month’s rent and the amount is
2. 该保证金用作保证乙方履行本合同所确定的相关义务,如乙方违反合同约定,甲


The Security Deposit is to make
sure Party B fulfill the relevant obligations identified in the contract. If Party B
breaches the contract terms, Party A could use the Security Deposit for the unpaid
rent, damages, compensation and other related costs.

When the expiration or early termination of contract comes, Party A should return the Security Deposit with
no interests to Party B, after deducting the unpaid rent, damages, compensation and
other related costs.
4. 如乙方由于各种原因无法住满本续约合同的期限,即无法租至____年__月___日,


In case Party B cannot fully fulfill the contract,
meaning cannot stay in the apartment till the agreed last day
Party B needs to formally inform Party A at least one month in advance. After paying
all the related costs, including rent, water, gas, electricity, internet, TV, telephone
fees if there is any, till the agreed last day of stay. Party A needs to return the
Security Deposit with no interest.
七、其他事项 Other Obligations

Party A should cooperate with Party B to complete all the required legal registration,such as
Accommodation Registration Form for Visitors from Overseas.
出租方签字(Party A, Landlord Signature):日期(Date):承租方签字(Party B, Tenant Signature):日期(Date):
附录甲方联系方式 Phone(电话):
Email address(电子邮件):
乙方联系方式 Phone(电话):
Email Address(电子邮件):
House LeaseContract
出租方 (甲方)Landlord:承租方(乙方)Tenant
出租方 (甲方) Landlord(Part A):
_____________________________________________________ 承租方 (乙方) Tenant (Part B):
_____________________________________________________ 第一条:租赁物业Tenancy:
_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____ 房屋及房内设备设施在良好状态下出租给乙方。


Party A herebyagrees to lease
_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ __ and the fixtures, fittings and equipment therein are cleaned and in tenantableconditions to Party B.
Total area of the leasedpropertyis ________㎡.




Prior to the execution of thisagreement, Party A shall provide to Party B the Real Estate Ownership with the No______. If this document is not available, Party A shall provide an alternative and acceptable proof of ownership. If the name on the ownership certificate is not the same as the
name of Party A on this tenancy agreement, a copy of the additional leasing agreement between the rightfullegalowner and party A must be supplied.
第二条:租期Term of Tenancy:

The above property is hereby leased for a term of _____________months, commencing on___________________________, and expiring on

The above property and its equipment and furniture shall be fully renovated or installed and in tenantable conditions three days before the commencement of the lease.

On expiry of this lease, Party A has the right to take back the leased property in full, and Party B must deliver the leased property on the date of expiry (Appendix I). If Party B wishes to renew the lease after the tenancy period, Party B shall have the priority to renew the lease with two months advance written notice to Party A. The revised rental shall be negotiated between the two parties. If party B not renew the leasecontract, Party A have rights show the property to new tenant.
1、租金标准人民币:___________元/ 每月。

Rent: RMB___________/ Per month.

Payment method: as much as_______ month(s)’s rentas deposit
and_________ month(s) for each payment. The depositshall not be used as the rent.
3、付款时间为: ___________、_____________、____________、____________、____________
Payment time:___________、_____________、____________、____________、____________


The rentshall be paid in RMB. Party A shal lissue a receipt upon the receipt of deposit.
甲方收款账号如下:Party A’s bank account is as follows:
银行Bank name:
账号account number:
账户名account name:

The rentcannot be adjusted during the term of this Tenancy Agreement.
1、本租约押金计 RMB___________。



The deposit is RMB ___________in total. On completion of the
tenancycontract, if Party B will not continue to rent the leased property, Party A must return the deposit in full to Party B (withoutinterest) within threedaysafter the termination of the contract under the conditionthat Party
B haspaidall the outstanding utilities feesuchas water, electricity, gas, central air-conditioningfee and telephonebill. Ifsuchoutstanding utilities feescouldnot be settled due to the time limit of its account within 7 days, Party A has the right to keep part of the deposit and pay
back the balance to Party B after the outstanding utilities feeissettled. However the kept part of depositshould be limited to twice the amount of the previous billing period.

如果保证金不足以支付前述金额的,不足部分乙方必须在接到甲方付款通知后7 天内补足。

Party A maydeduct a reasonableamount from the security
deposittowardspayment of anyactualdamages Party A mayhaveincurred or sufferedas a result of Party B sbreach of this Agreement. Prior to
makingsuchdeductions, Party A shallinform Party B of the amount, and the reason for makingsuchdeductions. Party B shall be entitled to object to suchdeductionsif Party B believesthatsuchdeductions are ueasonable or unjustified. If the security depositisnotsufficient to cover suchamounts; Party B must pay the deficiencywithinseven (7) days of the receipt of a demand from Party A.

During the period of tenancy, Party B shallpayallmonthlycharges for usage of water, electricity, gas, broadband and cable TV based on the actualconsumptionamount, billed from the management office. And party
B shallpay______________、______________ .

Alltelephonechargesshall be paid by Party B and based on the
actualusageaccording to the Telecommunication Bureau standard tariffs on receipt of the bills.

During the period of tenancy, Party A shallpayproperty management fee, heatingfee________________、_______________ .


Party A isnotpermitted to take back the leasedpropertyduring the term of contractwithoutanyreason. During the term of contract, Party A
shallinform Party B 30 days in advance in case Party A needs to reclaim the premise in advance and Party A shallreturn the balance of the collected rent to Party B and pay default fine equal to_____% of the monthlyrent to Party B.


A shallensurethat the estate management office providessufficient and timely service to Party B, suchassupply of cold water, hot water, electricity and ensure the propermaintenance of allkinds of equipment. Party A shall be responsible for allnormalmaintenance of the leasedproperty and equipmentduring the termlease, and Party A shall bear allmaintenancecharges.

To maintain and keep Party A’sfixtures, including the structure, roof, sanitary and plumbingfacilities, drains, pipes and cables
(includingelectricity and telephone) in goodconditions. Party A
shouldpromptlyrepair or remedyanydefectsthereinafterbeingnotified of suchdefects by Party B, providedallsuchdefects are not as a result of the Party B’scareless mistake or misconduct. Party
A shall do the necessary repairs or
maintenancewithinsevendaysafterreceiving the notice from Party B.

If Party A fail to do necessary repairs in stated time Party B shall have a third party to repair and the fee shall be borne by Party A. Party B can deduct the fee from the rent which shall be paid to Party A.(new added)
