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电动汽车与 RES 的协调优化本质上是一个多
光伏等 RES 受天气等自然条件影响,其出力具有很 目标优化问题。优化目标的选择越复杂,多目标
大 的 不 确 定 性 ,直 接 影 响 了 RES 接 入 电 网 的 能 问题的处理和求解要求也越高。文献[2]研究了电
er levels. Results show that the bi-level coordinated optimization of electric vehicles and renewable energy sources can effectively reduce the impact on power grid,and improve the permeability of RES;moreover,along with the increasing scale of electric vehicles,the optimization results are becoming better. Keywords: electric vehicle;renewable energy source(RES);maximum fuzzy degree of satisfaction;distributed con⁃ trol algorithm;genetic algorithm
lem by using the maximum fuzzy degree of satisfaction method. The lower model is used to realize the tracking of charg⁃ ing and discharging load of electric vehicles,and distributed control algorithm is used to control the charging and dis⁃ charging power of each vehicle. Finally,genetic algorithm is used to solve the optimization models on the upper and low⁃
第 31 卷 第 9 期 2019 年 9 月
电力系统及其自动化学报 Proceedings of the CSU-EPSA
Vol.31 No.9 Sep. 2019
V2G 模式下电动汽车与可再生能源双层协调优化
郭春林,杨晓言,徐 轩,满 洲
(新能源电力系统国家重点实验室 (华北电力大学),北京 102206)
力[1]。然而,由于电动汽车的充电需求具有弹性可 动汽车换电站与风光储发电单元的 V2G(vehicle-to- 题,主要从电网侧的运行需求出发,以 RES 利用
随着能源与环境问题愈加严峻,使用传统化石 设备,在合理的充放电调度下对电动汽车与 RES 进
能源的经济与环境成本正日益增加。在此背景下 行协调优化,从而降低风电、光伏出力的波动性和
电动汽车和风、光等可再生能源 RES(renewable en⁃ 不确定性,维持电网稳定运行,并提高系统运行整
ergy source)得到了迅猛发展,大规模电动汽车充电 体的经济效益与环境效益。
Electric Power University),Beijing 102206,China)
Abstract: The access of a large-scale electric vehicles and renewable energy sources to power grid requires a reason⁃ able coordinated control method. In this paper,a bi-level coordinated optimization model of electric vehicles and renew⁃ able energy sources(RES)is established. The objective of the upper model is to minimize the fluctuation of equivalent load and maximize the permeability of RES,and the multi-objective problem is transformed into a single-objective prob⁃
文献标志码:A 文章编号:1003-8930(2019)04-0072-06
Bi-level Coordinated Optimization of Electric Vehicles and Renewable Energy Sources in V2G Mode
GUO Chunlin,YANG Xiaoyan,XU Xuan,MAN Zhou (State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources(North China