人教新课标必修四 unit 3 A master of nonverbal humour

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Task 3 Scanning
Read each paragraph and answer the following questions.
paragraph 1: What effects does Charlie Chaplin's acting have on people?
He brightened the lives of Americans and British through two world wars and the hard years in between. He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed.
Mr Bean is funny because he makes funny faces and acts silly behaviour.
Who is he? Ch_a_r_lie__C_h_a_pl_in_ is a real _m_a_s_te_r_ of nonverbal humour.
His parents taught
him_s_in__g_in_g_ as soon
as he could speak
and _d_a__n_c_e_as soon
as he could walk.
Charlie became one of the most popular
✓ Write a summary of the passage.
Born:_____in_1_8_89______________ Job:______a_ct_or_______________ Famous character: __l_itt_le_tr_a_m_p__________________ Costume: l_ar_ge_tr_ou_se_rs_, w_o_rn_-o_ut_sh_o_es_, s_m_all_ro_un_d_bl_ac_k _ha_t a_n_d a_w_a_lki_ng_s_tick Type of acting: ______m_im_e_____________________ Died: _____________in_1_9_77____________________
mime &farce
Chinese humour
tongue twisters,cross talk, sketch, jokes, funny play, comedy,doggerel(打油诗)
nonverbal humour
Nonverbal humour does not use words but relies on facial expressions and gesture.
✓para.1 ✓para.2 ✓para.3 ✓para.4 ✓para.5
Charlie Chaplin's childhood The world situation His achievements His famous film character An example of his film
Task 3 Scanning
Complete the notes about Charlie Chaplin.
Born:____in__18_8_9______________ Job:_____a_c_to_r _______________ Famous character: __li_ttl_e_tr_am_p___________________ Costume: la_rg_e_tro_u_se_rs_, w_o_rn-_ou_t _sh_oe_s,_sm_a_ll _ro_un_d _bla_c_k h_at_a_nd_a_w_al_kin_g_st_ick Type of acting: ____m_im_e_______________________ Died: ___________i_n_1_97_7_____________________
✓4._b_a_d_ly__o_f_f poor
✓5._w_o_r_n_-_o_u_t be no longer useful; be badly

Task 1 fast reading
6o._u_t_s_ta_n_d__in_g excellent
✓7.a_s_t_o_n_i_s_h_in_gsurprising very much
Today we have learned something about humour. Humour is everywhere in our daily life.I hope you can be optimistic no matter what difficulties you meet with, just as Charlie Chaplin was.
Reading Task 1 fast reading
✓1.m__o_u_s_t_a_c_hea line of hair that grows on a

man's upper lip
✓2._h_o_m_e_l_e_s_s poor having no home ✓3.p_e_r_f_o_r_m_e_r a person who performs for audience
A Master of Nonverbal Humour
Welcome to my class!
石艳利 2021.4.25
Teaching aims:
To introduce the life and achievements of Charlie Chaplin;
To train the reading skills of students; To study the qualities of Charlie Chaplin.
Lead in:
What do they have in common?
How many kinds of humour have you learned?
types of humour verbal humour
nonverbal humour
English humour
play on words funny stories funny poems
✓8.__c_o_n_te_n_t__ satisfied and happy
✓9._o_v_e_r_c_o_m_e_ succeed in solving a problem
✓10._t_r_a_m_p___ a person who is homeless

and has no money
Task 2 Skimming
key points:
1.To catch the general idea and some details of the text; 2.Enable Ss mater some reading skills.
Difficult point:
How to help Ss acquire these reading skills and help them understand the text.
a small round black hat a moustache
a walking stick large trousers
worn-out shoes
Task 3 Scanning paragraph 4
How did he eat a shoe?
Who can give us a nonverbal show of eating hot noodles?
Task 3 Scanning
• paragraph 5
What achievements does he have?
He wrote ,directed and produced the films he starred in. In 1972 he was given Oscar for his outstanding work in films.
Because he was a wonderful actor, understood and sympathized with people's problems and tried to cheer them up.
Sum up
✓What have you learned from this class?
1.Do you think his poor childhood helped him in his work? Why?
Yes, because he understood the problems of people who were very poor.
2. Why do you think he was so successful?
paragraph 2
Task 3 Scanning
What was Charlie Chaplin's childhood like?
Childhood Family Teens
What happened
His father _d_i_e_d_,leaving
the family even
child _a_c_t_o_rs__ in
England through his
Task 3 Scanning
• paragraph 3
What was his most famous character like?
“The little tramp ” was a poor and homeless person.This character was a social failure but was loved for his optimism and determination to overcome all difficulites.
*Look at the title and the pictures and predict what the passage is about. *Write down in one sentence. The passage is about_______________ _________________________________. *Listen to the tape to see if you were right.