



FOB-origin pricing TP(TETRA PAK) chain stores combination store P-T(Part-timer) Retailing wheel of retailing concept Retailer Retailer cooperatives RKA(Retail Key Account) fashion monopolistic competition Road Show HBR(Hotel,Bar,Restaurant) AC green marketing Floor Display maslow's hierarchy of needs 3A(Avalible、Able、Adsire) buyer's market MIT(Marketing Inpact Team) Seller’s market GRP(Gross Rating Point) media SPPD(Sales Per Point of Distribution) American marketing POP(Point Of Purchase) Seal-bid pricing Seal-bid pricing intensive distribution intensive growth opportunity freight-absorption pricing Stars Target profit pricing Served market(target market) catalog marketing
SPM(Supermarket) POSM(Point of Sale Materials) ABC(Activity based costing): cost-plus pricing growth stage maturity stage CRP(Contiuous Replenishment) exporting initiator PW(Passive Wholesalers) TT(Traditional Trade) conventional marketing channel idea screening idea generation Total promotion budget PG(Promotion Girl) inventory control KSR L-SPM(Large - Supermarket) SM(ShoppingMall) agent inseparability LKA(Local Key Account) geographic organization Territorial-structured sales force TPL(Third Party Logistics) FVP(First Vice President) Telemarketing Television marketing DSD(Direct Store Delivery) order processing motive exclusive distribution USP(Unique Selling Propostion) GE(Gondola End) TG(Type Genus )

深圳市大疆创新科技 公司进入美国市场营销策略 全英文

深圳市大疆创新科技 公司进入美国市场营销策略 全英文
Shenzhen-based DJI, whose best-selling Phantom 2 Vision+ drone retails for around $1,200 in the United States, estimates that it already has about 70 percent of the commercial market worldwide and a larger portion of the consumer market. -Reuters
UAS market includes all unmanned vehicles such as UAVs, blimps and zeppelins. Approximately 70% of global growth and market share is in the US
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are the most predominant segment of the UAS market
Corporate Positioning
Supreme leader of USA UAV market share.
Competitive Positioning
Great competitive advantage on price against sensefly、Aeryon、Cybaero、3D Robotics, for instanse, Phantom 3’s price is 50% lower than the 3D robotics solo.
Ⅰ Profile
Company Profile
Native name Da-Jiang Innovation Science and Technology Co., Ltd.

国际市场营销 全球营销学每章课后习题答案

国际市场营销 全球营销学每章课后习题答案

全球营销学第四版每章课后习题答案第一章Introduction to Global Marketing1.What are the basic goals of marketing? Are these goals relevant to globalmarketing?P31、Surpass the competition at the task of creating perceived value for customers2、The Guide line is the value equation –Value = Benefits/Price (Money, Time, Effort, Etc.)P42.What is mean by “global localization”?(全球本土化策略)Is Coca-Cola a globalproduct? Explain.The phrase “global localization” represents an attempt to capture the spirit of the rallying cry for o rganizations in the 21st century, namely, “think globally, act locally.”Most people will agree that Coca-Cola is a global product by virtue of the fact that it is available in more than 195 countries in red cans bearing the distinctive signature style. It must be noted, however, that customer service efforts are adapted to the needs of particular markets, e.g., vending machines in Japan. Thus, Coca-Cola is both global and local.3.Describe some of the global marketing strategies available to companies. Giveexamples of companies that use the different strategies.Global marketing strategies: 1. global market participation is the extent to which a company has operations in major world markets; 2. standardization versus adaptation is the extent to which each marketing mix element can be standardized or adapted in various country markets; 3. concentration of marketing activities is the extent to which activities related to marketing mix are performed in one or a few country locations; 4. coordination of marketing activities is the extent to which activities related to marketing mix are performed interdependently around the globe; 5. integration of competitive moves is the extent to which a firm’s competitive marketing tactics in different parts of world are interdependent.Examples: 1. Coke is the best-known, strongest brand, as the Coca-Cola Company, supporting its Coke, Fanta, and Powerade brands with marketing mix elements both that are globe and local, is adept at adapting sales promotion, distribution, and customer service efforts to local needs;2. Mcdonald’s business model is a restaurant system that can be set up virtually anywhere in the world and offers core menu items-hamburgers, French fries, and soft drinks-in most countries, and the company also customizes menu offerings according to local eating customs.4.How do the global marketing strategies of Harley-Davidson and Toyota differ?Harley-Davidson motorcycles are known the world over as “the” all-American motorcycle. Harley’s mystique and heritag e are associated with the USA. The company backs up this positioning with exports from two U.S. manufacturing locations. By contrast, Toyota builds some models (e.g., Camry and Avalon) for the U.S. market in the U.S., a fact that Toyota stresses in its American ad. Thus, Harley-Davidson serves global markets while sourcing locally, while Toyota’s strategy calls for serving world markets and using the world as a source of supply.5.Describe the difference between ethnocentric, polycontric, regiocentric, andgeocentric management orientations.The premise of an ethnocentric orientation is that home country products and management processes are superior. An ethnocentric company that neither sources inputs from, nor seeks market opportunities in the world outside the home country may be classified as an domestic company. A company that does business abroad while still presuming the superiority of the home country may be classified as an international company. Such a company would rely on an extension strategy whereby it would export, without adaptation, products designed for the domestic market.The polycentric orientation that predominates at a multinational company leads to aview of the world in which each country markets is different from the others. Local country managers operating with a high degree of autonomy adapt the marketing mix in a polycentric, multinational company. Managers who are regiocentric or geocentric in their orientations recognize both similarities and differences in world markets. Market opportunities are pursued using both extension and adaptation strategies. The regiocentric and geocentric orientations are characteristic of global transnational companies.OrEthnocentric orientation: home country is superior to the rest of the world, sees similarities in foreign countries,leads to a standardized or extension approach; Polycentric orientation: the opposite of ethnocentrism, each country in which a company does business is unique, sees differences in foreign countries, leads to localized or adaption approach; Regiocentric orientation: a region becomes the relevant geographic unit; management`s goal is to develop an integrated regional strategy; Geocentric orientation:views the entire world as a potential market and strives to develop integrated world market strategies.6.Identify and briefly describe some of the forces that have resulted in increased globalintegration and the growing importance of global marketing.P21+Driving Forces:Regional economic agreements、Market needs and wants、TechnologyTransportation and communication improvements、Product development costs、Quality、World economic trends、LeverageRestraining Forces:Management myopia、Organizational culture、National controls 7.Define leverage and explain the different types of leverage utilized by companieswith global operations.Define leverage:P25第二章The Global Economic Environment1.Explain the difference between market capitalism, centrally planned capitalism,centrally planned socialism, and market socialism. Give an example of a country that illustrates each types of system.Market capitalism is an economic system in which individuals and firms allocate resources and production resources are privately owned. (England).Centrally planned capitalism is an economic system in which command resource allocation is utilized extensively in an environment of private resource ownership. (Sweden)Centrally planned socialism, in this type of economic system, the state has broad powers to serve the public interest as it sees fit. (Former Soviet Union)Market socialism, in such a system, market allocation policies are permitted within an overall environment of state ownership. (China)2.What is a BEM? Identify the BEMs according to their respective stages of economicdevelopment.P53P56-583. A manufacture of satellite dishes is assessing the world market potential for hisproducts. He asks you if he should consider developing countries as potential markets.How would you advise him?Despite the difficult economic conditions in parts of developing countries, many nations will involve into attractive markets.One of marketing’s roles in developing countries is to focus resources on the task of creating and delivering products that are best suited to local needs and incomes. The role of marketing to indentify people’s needs and wants is the same in all countries, irrespective of level of economic development. It is also an opportunity to help developing countries join the information age.And P654.Turn to the Index of Economic Freedom (Table 2-1) and identify where the BEMs areranked. What does the result tell you in terms of the relevance of the index to global marketers?P52第三章Social and Cultural Environments1.What are some of the elements that make up culture? How do these find expression inyour native culture?Culture is a collection of Values, beliefs, behaviors, customs, and attitudes that distinguish one society from another.Culture is acted out in social institutions, such as, family, education, religion, government, business.2.What is the difference between a low-context culture and a high-context culture?Give an example of a country that is an example of each type and provide evidence for your answer.PPT 第四章4-63.How can Hofstede’s cultural typologies help Western marketers better understandAsian culture?P874.Explain the self-reference criterion(自我参照准则). Go to the library and findexamples of product failures that might have been avoided through the application of the SRC.Unconscious reference to one’s own cultural values; creates cultural myopia5.Briefly explain the social research of Everrtt Rogers regarding diffusion ofinnovations,……P94pare and contrast USA and Japan in terms of traditions and organizationalbehavior and norms.第四章The Legal and Regulatory Environments of Global Marketing1.What is sovereignty? What is it an important consideration in the politicalenvironment of global marketing?sovereignty2.Describe some of the sources of political risk. Specially, what forms can political risktake?Tension between aspirations and realityPrimarily occurs in lower and lower-middle income countries–Indonesia and economic crisisWhen political risk occurs in high income countries, it is generally due to a long-standing conflict–Northern IrelandP1423.Briefly describe some of the differences between the legal environment of a countrythat embraces common law and one that observes civil law.4.Global marketers can avoid legal conflicts by understanding the reasons conflictsarise in the first place. Identify and describe several legal issues that relate to global commerce.Intellectual PropertyAntitrustContractualLicensing and Trade Secrets5.“See you in court” is one way to respond when legal issues arise. What otherapproaches are possible?LitigationFormal arbitration–Settles disputes outside of court–Groups agree to abide by panel’s decision1958 United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards–Most important treaty regarding international arbitration第五章Global Information Systems and Market Research1.Explain two information technology puts powerful tools in the hands of globalmarketers.Modern IT tools provide the means for a company's marketing information system and research functions to provide relevant information in a timely, cost –efficient, and actionable manner.Electronic data interchange (EDI) allows business units to submit orders, to issue invoices, to conduct business electronically, Wal-Mart legendary for its EDI, save time and money, enables retailers to improve inventory management. Transaction formats are universalEfficient Consumer Response (ECR) This is in addition to EDI, an effort for retailers and vendors to work closely on stock replenishment(补充). ECR can be defined as a joint initiative by members of a supply chain to work toward improving and optimizing(最优化) aspects of the supply chain to benefit customersIntranet, Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS), Data Warehouses are also helping businesses improve their ability to target consumers and increase loyalty.2.What are the different modes of information acquisition? Which is the most importantfor gathering strategic information?3.4、Outline the basic steps of the market research process.5、What is the difference between existing, latent, and incipient demand? How mightthese differences affect the design of a marketing research project?Demand and profit potential, in turn, depend in part on whether the market being studied can be classifieds existing or potential. Existing markets are those in which customer needs are already being served by one or more companies. In some instances, there is no existing market to research and. information may be readily available. A latent market is in essence, an und iscovered segment .It’s a market in which demand would materialize if an appropriate product were made available. An incipient market is a market that will emerge if particular economic demographic, political, or sociocultural trend continues. A company is not likely to achieve satisfactory results if it offers a product in an incipient market before the trends have taken root.Market growth, brand loyalty, market segment, product, sales promotion, pricing, distribution, will be different in marketing research project.6.Describe some of the analytical techniques used by global marketers. When is it appropriate to use each technique?A number of techniques are available for analyzing survey data.Factor analysis can be used to transform large amount of data into manageable units. It is useful in psychographic segmentation studies or creating perceptual maps; cluster analysis allows the researchers to group variables into clusters that maximize within-group similarities and between-group differences. It can be used to do global marketing research, to perform benefit segmentation, and to identify new product opportunities. Multi dimensional scaling is another technique for creating perceptual maps which is particular useful when there are many product to choose and consumers have difficulty in verbalizing their conceptions. Conjoint analysis is used to gain insights into the combination of features that will be the most attractive to consumers. It is useful when determines the values and utilities of the various levels of product features and plots them graphically.第六章Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning1.differentiate the five basic segmentation strategies. Give an example of a companythat has used each one.P170-P1831、IncomePopulationsAge distributionGenderEducationOccupation2、Grouping people according to attitudes, value, and lifestyles3、4、Benefit segmentation focuses on the value equation–Value = Benefits / Price5、The population of many countries includes ethnic groups of significant size2.Explain the difference between segmenting and targeting.P200pare and contrast standardized, concentrated, and differentiated global marketing.Illustrate each strategy with an example from a global company.Standardized global marketing is mass marketing on a global scale with undifferentiated target marketing (Revlon International)Concentrated global marketing, involves devising a marketing mix to reach a niche. A niche is simply a single segment of the global market. (Germany`s Winter halter) Differentiated global marketing, represents a more ambitious approach than concentrated target marketing with multi-segment targeting and two or more distinct markets (Rover)4.5.What is positioning? Identify the different positioning strategies presented in thechapter and give examples of companies or products that illustrate each.Locating a brand in consumers’minds over and against competitors in terms of attributes and benefits that the brand does and does not offer.P192-1956.What is global consumer culture positioning? What other strategic positioningchoices do global marketers have?Identifies the brand as a symbol of a particular global culture or segment.P1967.What is high-touch product? Explain the difference between high-tech productpositioning and high-touch product positioning. Can some products be positioned using both strategies? Explain.High-tech products are sophisticated technologically complex, and/or difficult to explain or understand, and frequently evaluated in terms of their performance against established objective standards. High-tech global consumer positioning also works well for special interest products associated with leisure of recreation.High-touch products, consumers are generally energized by emotional motives rather than rational ones, and frequently evaluated in terms of their performance against established subjective, aesthetic terms.Some products can be positioned using both strategies, with both satisfying buyers’ rational criteria and evoking an emotional response. Nokia, for example, combines technical performance with a fashion orientation.第七章Global Market Entry Strategies:1.What are the advantages and disadvantages of using licensing as a market entry tool?Give examples of companies from different countries that use licensing as a global marketing strategy.Advantages to LicensingProvides additional profitability with little initial investmentProvides method of circumventing tariffs, quotas, and other export barriersAttractive ROILow costs to implementDisadvantages to LicensingLimited participationReturns may be lostLack of controlLicensee may become competitorLicensee may exploit company resourcesP2062.What is foreign direct investment? What forms can FDI take?P209Partial or full ownership of operations outside of home countryForms:Joint ventures–Minority or majority equity stakes–Outright acquisition3.Do you agree with Ford’s decision to acquire Jaguar? What was more valuable toFord---the physical assets or the name?P2154.What is meant by the phrase global strategic partnership? In what ways does this formof market entry strategy differ from more traditional forms such as joint ventures? Participants remain independent following formation of the allianceParticipants share benefits of alliance as well as control over performance of assigned tasksParticipants make ongoing contributions in technology, products, and other key strategic areasPPT3055.What are Keiretsu? How does this form of industrial structure affect companies thatcompete with Japan or that are trying to enter the Japanese market?PPT307书P2276.Which Strategic options for market entry or expansion would a small company belikely to pursue? A large company?StrategiesCompanies must decide to expand by:–Seeking new markets in existing countries–Seeking new country markets for already identified and served market segments第八章Product and Brand Decisions1.What is the difference between a product and a brand?A product is a good, service, or ideaBrandsBundle of images and experiences in the customer’s mindA promise made by a particular company about a particular productA quality certificationDifferentiation between competing productsThe sum of impressions about a brand is the Brand ImageThe added value that accrues to a product as a result of investments in the marketing of the brandAn asset that represents the value created by the relationship between the brand and customer over time2.How do local, international, and global products differ? Cite examplesLocal Product is one that has achieved success in a single national market and represents the lifeblood of domestic companies. (Coca-cola, ginseng beverage only in Japan)International product is offered in several markets in a particular region (Euro-product, only in euro zone)Global product meets the wants and needs of a global market and is offered in all world regions (personal stereos)3.What are some of the elements that make up a brand? Are these elements tangible orintangible?IntangibleP2414.What criteria should global marketers consider when making product designdecisions?In many instances, packaging is an integral element of product-related design decisions. Packaging is designed to protect or contain the product during shipping;Labeling provides consumers with various types of information; Aesthetics differ around the world. Global marketers must understand the importance of visual aesthetics; Product Warranties is a written guarantee that assures the buyer is getting what they paid for or provides a remedy in case of a product failure. Warranties can be used as a competitive tool5.How can buyer at titudes about a product’s country of origin affect marketing strategy?买家对于原产国的态度对营销策略有什么影响?Perceptions about and attitudes toward particular countries often extend to products and brands known to originate in those countries–Japan–Germany–France–ItalyP252-2546.Identify several global brands. What are some of the reasons for the global success ofthe brands you chose?Both products and brand are good……7.Briefly describe various combinations of product-communication strategies availableto global marketers. When is it appropriate to use each?Product-communication extension (dual extension) is a strategy selling the same product with the same promotional appeals used in domestically when pursuing opportunities outside the home market. It used frequently with industrial (business to business) products.Product extension-communication adaptation strategy is a relatively low cost of implementation because the physical product is unchanged, and the main costs are associated with market research and revising promotional appeals. It used frequently when consumer conceptions outside the home market are very different from domestic marketProduct adaptation-communication extension is an approach to global product planning is to extend, without change, the basic home-market communications strategy while adapting the product to local use or preference conditions. It used frequently when natural conditions outside the home market are very different from domestic market Product-communication adaptation (dual adaptation) strateg y is an approach used both the different product serves and advertising appeals to consumer receptivity when comparing a new geographic market to the home market, environmental conditions or consumer preferences differ;第九章Pricing Decisions1.What are the basic factors that affect price in any market? What considerations enterinto the pricing decision?In global marketing, the task of setting prices is complicated by fluctuating exchange rates. Currency fluctuations can create significant problems and opportunities for the classic international company that exports from the home country.Inflation, or a persistent upward change in price levels, is a problem in many country markets. It can be caused by an increase in the money supply and currency devaluation. Governmental policies and regulations that affect pricing decisions include dumping legislation, resale price maintenance legislation, price ceilings, and general reviews of price levels.Pricing decisions are bounded not only by cost and nature of demand but also by competitive action.Competitive Behavior: If competitors do not adjust their prices in response to rising costs it is difficult to adjust your price to maintain operating margins; If competitors are manufacturing or sourcing I a lower-cost country, it may be necessary to cut prices to stay competitiveThe global marketer has several options for addressing the problem of price escalation orthe environmental factors described in the last section.2.Define the various types of pricing strategies and objectives available to globalmarketers.Market Skimming and Financial Objectives: Market Skimming charges a premium price which may occur at the introduction stage of product life cyclePenetration Pricing and Non-Financial Objectives: Penetration Pricing charges a low price in order to penetrate market quickly which appropriates to saturate market prior to imitation by competitors3.Identify some of the environmental constraints on global pricing decisions. Currency FluctuationsInflationary EnvironmentGovernment Controls, Subsidies, RegulationsCompetitive BehaviorSourcing4.Why do price differences in world markets often lead to gray marketing?Because price differences in world markets lead to trademarked products are exported from one country to another where they are sold by unauthorized persons or organizationsGray marketing occurs when product is in short supply, when producers use skimming strategies in some markets, and when goods are subject to substantial mark-ups 5.What is dumping? Why was dumping such an important issue during the UruguayRound of GATT negotiations?Sale of an imported product at a price lower than that normally charged in a domestic market or country of origin.P2966.What is transfer price? Why is it an important issue for companies with foreignaffiliates(外国子公司)? Why did transfer pricing in Europe take on increased importance in 1999?The transfer price is that Pricing of goods, services, and intangible property bought and sold by operating units or divisions of a company doing business with an affiliate in another jurisdiction.P2997.What is the difference between ethnocentric, polycontric, and geocentric pricingstrategies? Which one would you recommend to a company that has global market aspirations?P291-292 PPT240-242pare and contrast the different forms of countertrade.Countertrade occurs when payment is made in some form other than moneyOptions–BarterThe least complex and oldest form of bilateral, non-monetary counter-tradeA direct exchange of goods or services between two parties–Counter-purchase P303-304–Offset–Compensation trading–Cooperation agreements–Switch trading第十章Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution1.In what ways can channel intermediaries create utility for buyers?ObjectivesMarketing channels exist to create utility for customers–Place utility -availability of a product or service in a location that is convenient to a potential customer–Time utility -availability of a product or service when desired by a customer–Form utility -availability of the product processed, prepared, in proper condition and/or ready to use–information utility -availability of answers to questions and general communicationabout useful product features and benefits2.What factors influence the channel structures and strategies available to globalmarketers?B2CThe characters of both buyers and products have an important influence on channel design.The number of individual buyers and their geographic distribution, income, shopping habits and different channel approaches.Products characters such as degree of standardization, perishability, bulk, service requirements, and unit price have an impact as well.Channels tends to be longer as the number of consumers to be served increases and the price per unit decreases. Bulky products usually require channel arrangements that minimize the shipping distances and the number of times products change hands before they reach the ultimate customer.B2BAs is true with consumer channels, product and consumer characteristics have an impact on channel structure. Three basic elements are involved: the manufacture's sales force, distributors or agents and wholesalers.Channel strategy in a global marketing program must fit the company's competitive position and overall marketing objectives in each national market.market factors: consumer profiles, market size and location of country.3.What is cherry picking? What approaches can be used to deal with this problem?P323pare and contrast the typical channel structures for consumer products andindustrial products.P340 PPT252-2555.Identify the different forms of retailing and cite an example of each form. Identifyretailers from as many different countries as you can.PPT258-259 P3256.Identify the four retail market expansion strategies discussed in the text. What factorsdetermine the appropriable mode?Organic–Company uses its own resources to open a store on a green field site or acquire one or more existing retail facilitiesFranchise–Appropriate strategy when barriers to entry are low yet the market is culturally distant in terms of consumer behavior or retailing structuresChain Acquisition–A market entry strategy that entails purchasing a company with multiple existing outlets in a foreign countryJoint Venture–This strategy is advisable when culturally distant, difficult-to-enter markets are targeted 7.What special distribution challenges exist in Japan? What is the best way for anon-Japanese company to deal with these challenges?第十一章Global Marketing Communications Decisions:Advertising and Public Relations1.In what ways can global brands and global advertising campaigns benefit a company? P3482.How does the “standardized versus localized” debate apply to advertising?Four difficulties that compromise an organization’s communicat ion efforts–The message may not get through to the intended recipient.–The message may reach the target audience but may not be understood or may even be misunderstood.–The message may reach the target audience and may be understood but still may not induce the recipient to take the action desired by the sender.–The effectiveness of the message can be impaired by noise.。

市场营销英文版05.Customer Value and Customer Relationships.ppt

市场营销英文版05.Customer Value and Customer Relationships.ppt
Provide the Value: Activities •Product development •Service development •Pricing •Sourcing and Making •Distributing and Servicing
Often referred to as a part of Tactical Marketing.
Customer Value
Factors that shape customer expectations: •Past buying experiences •Friends’ and associates’ advice •Marketers’ and competitors’ information and promises
3Vs: Value Segment, Value Proposition, Value Network (Kumar of LSB)
Customer Value
Defining Value and Satisfaction:
Customers always seek to gain the greatest benefit at the least cost.
Customer Value
The Value Creation and Delivery Sequence: the three major steps
•Choose the Value •Provide the Value •Communicate the Value
Customer Value
Customer Value
Customer satisfaction is important too!



ptrade策略模板1. 概述在金融市场中,交易策略模板是投资者和交易员用来指导操作的一套规则和方法。


2. 基本原理ptrade策略模板主要基于以下几个基本原理: - 技术分析:ptrade策略模板通过技术指标分析市场的走势和趋势,并根据这些指标给出交易信号。

- 趋势追踪:ptrade策略模板通过跟踪市场的趋势来确定交易方向,通常会选择跟随长期趋势。

- 风险控制:ptrade策略模板设定了严格的风险控制规则,包括止损和止盈策略,以保护资金并降低交易风险。

3. ptrade策略模板的应用ptrade策略模板可以应用于不同的金融市场,包括股票市场、期货市场和外汇市场等。

以下是ptrade策略模板的应用步骤:3.1 数据收集首先,交易员需要收集市场的历史数据,包括价格数据、成交量数据和技术指标等。


3.2 技术指标分析交易员可以使用各种技术指标来分析市场的走势和趋势。



3.3 策略制定根据技术指标的分析结果,交易员可以制定交易策略。



3.4 交易执行一旦交易策略确定,交易员就可以执行交易。


3.5 风险控制在交易过程中,交易员需要密切关注市场的变化,并根据实际情况进行风险控制。


4. 使用ptrade策略模板的优势ptrade策略模板具有以下几个优势:4.1 机械化操作通过使用ptrade策略模板,交易员可以避免情绪对交易的影响,实现机械化的操作。

Go to Market Customer Matrix

Go to Market Customer Matrix
Not willing to pay for our value added offerings.
Purchase through Global Protein Trading
How We Service These Customer Segments:如何服务我们的客户
How We Would Deliver我们如何提供
Packaging options
A.Evaluated on a case by case basis for cost / benefit.
B.All value added options fully evaluated and value captured through price.
B.Access to CR with clearly identified objectives and return to Solae (i.e. JDA or other agreement)
Guaranteed inventory position with Supply Agreement
Always take LTL volumes
Highly value and have strong distributor relationships and need them for their logistical capability.
Soy protein purchase is not strategic to their business.

marketing 题库

marketing 题库
Term 20 Customer Equity
Definition 19
The portion of the customer’s purchasing that a company gets in its product categories. Definition 20
The total combined customer lifetime values of all of the company’s customers.
their needs? Term 33
Term 15
Customer Percieved Value
Definition 15
The customer’s evaluation of the difference between all the benefits and all the costs of a marketing offer relative to those of competing
D) Marketing involves satisfying customers' needs. E) Marketing is used by for-profit and not-for-profit
Term 25 According to the opening scenario, the Tide marketing team is MOST concerned about which of the
these products. Definition 8
The act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return.



Go-T o-MarketBenefitsPresenter NamePip Simeon************************ Partner Marketing LeadGo T o MarketGo-T o-Market ProgramsPeer based research and training designed to support and coach your team throughout your marketing growth Promote Your Business with Go-To-Market ProgramsReady to use, customizable marketing, sales and readiness content to help you promote your business, save time and grow your customer base Designed to support you in increasing awareness, generating leads and improving lead velocity for your app or serviceGo-To-Market Resource DeskThe GTM Resource Desk works with you to execute Go-To-Market activitiesYour one point of contact for Go-To-Market help, expertise, and guidanceCreate a Go-To-Market plan inalignment with yourmarketing and salesobjectivesGlobal OperatingModel supporting 14languagesGTM Consultant workswith you to review andexecute GTMactivities Email: *****************By partnering with Microsoft you get access to Go-To-Market benefits designed help you increase awareness, generate qualified leads, and expand your business through partnershipsMEMBER LEVEL Optimize your marketing capabilities through modern marketing education and ready-to-go campaign content SILVER COMPETENCYLaunch and grow yourbusiness through marketingassets and digitaloptimizationMARKETPLACEIncrease awareness andaccelerate your success inthe marketplaceGOLD COMPETENCYGenerate leads and increaseyour close rates through jointmessaging and lead sharingopportunitiesBy partnering with Microsoft you get access to Go-To-Market benefits designed help you increase awareness, generate qualified leads, and expand your business through partnershipsCORE•Education and best practices focused on modern marketing•Customizable marketing, sales andreadiness assets•Curated, customizable social content and syndication platform•Access to list of recommended agenciesMember level benefits+CORE•Partner Listing Optimization*•Marketing Consultation with GTMResource Desk (choice of one)*–Sales/Marketing Asset Review–Website Review–Value Proposition Review–Templated digital marketingcampaign kitsPAID•Social Promotion•Mini Case Study•PR Support•Customer One Pager•Customer Presentation•Customer Case StudyTRANSACTAll Trial benefits+•Test Drive Sponsorship•Microsoft Executive PR EndorsementCONSULTINGAll Trial benefits+•Azure Sponsored AccountsTRIALAll list benefits+•Social Promotion Spotlight + Blog Post•Press Release Support•Mini Case Study•Marketplace Feature + Category Promo•Learning Media WebcastLIST•AAD Integration + Onboarding•Marketplace Listing Optimization•Marketplace Blog w/ Newsletter + Social•Marketplace Performance InsightsSilver level benefits+COREBi-directional lead sharing•Priority Customer Matching•Co-Sell Ready Listing Optimization*•Marketing Consultation Services withGTM Resource Desk*–Selection of one review offered atSilver core benefit level–Customized, co-branded digitalmarketing campaign materials,including landing page in MicrosoftPDC to support generating leadsPAID•Lead Generation campaign in the PDC•Animated Mini Commercial•Partner Seller Readiness•Secret Shopper•Sales Enablement•Global Expansion•Telesales Campaign•WorkshopsGTM RESOURCE DESK SUPPORTDIGITAL SUPPORThttps://******************Available November 2018 *Available November 2018Membership GTM Benefits: CoreIncluded in Membership levelEducation: aka.ms/smartmarketingSmart Partner Marketing is dedicated to helping you transform your growth with digital marketing. The site is built for you -with best practices and recommendations from other partner companies who are successful and credit some of that success to marketing •Access market insights and research and benchmark their capabilities to help guide their strategies and growth•Guided digital marketing growth path to assess where they are and how they can get to the next level•Partners can hear advice from other partners and what they did to grow their business through marketing•Partners can access free digital marketing training to train up their marketing person/team•Partners can access professionally developed marketing assets to utilize in their campaignsSyndicated Content: aka.ms/get.socialMicrosoft Social Syndication platform connects with your social media accounts and email lists and enables you to select, customize, and share content.•Comprehensive 10-week customer-focused digital campaigns that include to-customer content (videos, emails, e-books/whitepapers, thought leadership articles) and to-partner resources (demo videos, teleguides, brochures, pitch decks)•Gated Content enables partners to gather leads directly from engagement on their social media accounts•Auto-Update allows the tool to push content to partners’ social media accounts without partner actionMarketing and Sales Content: Aka.ms/pmcMicrosoft Partner Marketing Center offers you customizable marketing, sales, and readiness assets•Customer pitch decks•Copy blocks for use on websites or social media•Customizable pre-written emailsList of Recommended Marketing Agencies: *****************Email Syndication***********************************************Included in Silver competency attainmentMember Core Benefits+Partner Center and Marketplace Listing OptimizationMarketing Consultation with GTM Resource Desk: A personalized consultation with a marketing specialist that includes a review of your go-to-market materials and provides actionable recommendations for optimizing your materials.Select one review:•Sales + Marketing Bill of Materials: The review of sales or marketing BOM spans a range of your materials including product/solution brief, sales deck, credentials, business case, product/solution video demo and customer references. Any applicable materials will be reviewed during the allotted time, with each asset assessed against a tailored list of criteria for compelling customer communications.•Website: A Website review focuses on just that: evaluating the your current website to identify ways it could better support GTM efforts.•Value Proposition: This review option centers on the your value proposition and its efficacy in positioning the unique elements of the your solution, and the benefits in opting to work with the you•Templated Campaign kits:Ready-to-go digital customizable marketing campaign kits aligned to solution areas. The GTM Resource Desk will provide the campaign kit with a campaign playbook to support you in customization, will review assets and provide actionablerecommendations for optimization. Campaign kits include:–Landing page template–Social promotion templates (LI, FB and Twitter)–Demand Gen and Nurture email headers–Acquisition asset template(s), with ability to customize with logo and case study–Campaign playbook and best practice guideRequires fundingPress Release Support ($500 USD): Includes Microsoft approval of a partner-drafted press release and quote attributed to a Microsoft representative.Mini Case study($500 USD): Showcases your solution and how it has benefited from development on the Microsoft cloud platform, in a one slide formatSocial Promotion ($500 USD): Social Promotion showcases the your solution and its use of Microsoft technology in a tweet on a Microsoft Twitter outlet with up to hundreds of thousands of global followers, including on @Azure, @Office365, @MSFTDynamics365, and @MSPartnerApps. Additional outlets, like Financial Services, Health, Government, Public Safety & National Security or other outlets, can be requestedCo-Sell Bill of MaterialsCustomer presentation($500 USD): Partner-drafted deck introducing your solution to new customers.Customer one-pager($500 USD): Showcases to potential customers the features of the your solution and the Microsoft cloud platform on which the solution was built. It can be used to fulfill the Customer One-Pager requirement for a GTM Ready or Co-Sell Ready listing in OCP CatalogCustomer Case Study($500 USD): Partner-drafted customer, Microsoft reviewed case study showcasing the success of a customer using a your solution.Partner Quote: “The co-branded datasheet and mini case study definitely helps with credibility; there are companies that wouldn’t have done business with us if we didn’t have the bond with Microsoft. We've also formed new connections with other Microsoft partners.”-Mark Voermans, Chief Business Development, iReckonPartner Quote: "Assisted by the Microsoft GTM Services team, our press release drew nearly 107 million unique visitors, helping Veeam to attract customers."-Ratmir Timashev, CEO, VeeaGold Benefits**************************************************Included in Gold competency attainmentSilver Core Benefits+Bi-directional lead sharing through Partner Center Sales ConnectPartner Center Priority Customer MatchingMarketing Consultation with GTM Resource Desk: A personalized consultation with a marketing specialist that includes a review of your go-to-market materials and getting you enabled in the Microsoft Partner Demand Center (PDC). The PDC runs lead generation campaigns aligned to key solution areas that are partner first, Microsoft supported campaigns and target Microsoft customers.•Selection of one review offered at the Silver core benefit level•PDC Enablement: Lead capture landing page in the Microsoft Partner Demand Center•Customized, co-branded campaign bill of materials aligned to solution area campaigns designed to drive demand for partner solutions in the Partner Demand Center. Campaign BOM includes:–Lead capture landing page, instrumented in the Microsoft Partner Demand Center–Editorial review of an existing partner asset–A set of automated nurture emails to further qualify leads–Campaign playbook and best practices guideRequires fundingLead Generation Campaign in the PDC ($30,000 USD): Generate qualified leads for your solution with a co-branded, co-messaged digital marketing campaign executed through the Partner Demand Center (PDC). All campaigns are aligned to key solution areas that and are partner first, Microsoft supportedPartner Seller Readiness ($8,500+ USD): Revolutionize your approach to selling cloud services and increase sales pipeline velocity. Microsoft partner CSG Services delivers a customized 3-to 4-day training workshop to help partners accelerate sales for their solution built on the Microsoft platform Secret Shopper ($10,000 USD): Optimize your profitability and grow your revenue by improving your customer buying experience through a comprehensive secret shopper assessment and improvement planSales Enablement ($15,000+ USD): Increase sales with materials that position the offering value, target audience, and differentiatorP2P Workshop ($20,000 USD): Expand your business by learning how to effectively leverage partnershipsGlobal Expansion ($5,000+ USD): Partners who have proven themselves domestically to scale their business through international expansion. In order to support partner expansion in prioritized countries, we have partnered with AIM International, a consulting agency, to provide a Global Expansion Enablement program to help partners get ready and enter new marketsWorkshops ($8,000+ USD): Learn from experts, train your sale teams, and grow your business through multi-day workshops including: Envisioning Workshop, Business Design Workshop, Solution Definition Workshop, Launch Planning Workshop, Sales Readiness Workshop, Pipeline Acceleration Workshop, Sales & Marketing Campaign Workshop, Customer Journey Analysis WorkshopAnimated Mini Commercial ($2,500 USD): Partners can increase awareness of their solution through execution of a 60-90 second Animated Mini Commercial highlighting the solution's benefitTelesales ($10,000+ USD): Develop and grow your qualified sales pipeline with outbound telesales resourcesCustomer Case Study($2,500 USD): Two page customer case study written by Microsoft showcases success of a customerusing a your solution. The case study will be published on the primary Microsoft customer reference outlet, .***********************************************Marketplace Go-To-Market BenefitsEarn GTM benefits just by listing your solution or service in Azure Marketplace or AppSource.​ The more you offer in the marketplace, the greater your benefits.All listing benefits+•Social Promotion Spotlight •Press Release Support •Mini Case Study •Azure Sponsored Accounts *•Marketplace Featured Apps and Category Promotion **•Learning Media Webcast **•Industry Blog Post **•White-glove AAD Integration and Onboarding •OCP Catalog Listing •Marketplace Listing Optimization •Marketplace Blog with Newsletter and Social Amplification•Marketplace Performance InsightsAll listing benefits+•Social Promotion Spotlight •Press Release Support •Mini Case Study •Marketplace Featured Apps and Category Promotion **•Learning Media Webcast **•Industry Blog Post **All listing benefits+•Social Promotion Spotlight •Press Release Support •Mini Case Study •Marketplace Featured Apps and Category Promotion **•Learning Media Webcast **•Industry Blog Post **•Test Drive Sponsorship **•Microsoft Executive PR Endorsement **Only applicable to Azure MarketplaceGTM RESOURCE DESK SUPPORT****************** Requires MPN Silver or Gold Competency ** Requires MPN Gold Competency and/or Co-Sell Ready OCP Catalog ListingMarketplace GTM BenefitsWhite-glove AAD Integration and Onboarding: Support with Azure Active Directory integrationOCP Catalog Listing: Listing showcasing your solution to Microsoft sellers and marketersMarketplace Listing Optimization: Personalized support for improving your solution listingMarketplace Blog with Newsletter and Social Amplification: Feature in a marketplace blog post with additional promotion Marketplace Performance Insights: Dashboard showcasing visitor activity for your marketplace listingSocial Promotion Spotlight: Post on Microsoft Twitter outlet highlighting your solutionMarketplace Press Release Support: Approval of partner-drafted press release and Microsoft representative quoteMini Case Study:Single-slide about your solution and how it benefits from development on the Microsoft platform Marketplace Featured Apps and Category Promotion*: Promotion in featured spots in Azure Marketplace or AppSource Learning Media Webcast*: Reach Microsoft sellers via a live recorded webcast featuring your speakersIndustry Blog Post*: Guest post on Microsoft product and industry blog propertiesTest Drive Sponsorship*: Featured promotion, higher search positioning, and improved sales conversion ratesMicrosoft Executive PR Endorsement*: Executive endorsement for your new marketplace listing* Requires MPN Gold Competency and Co-Sell Ready Listing in OCP Catalog6 in 60 minutes -mid OctoberAdvice and Training Smart Partner Marketing aka.ms/smartmarketing Content and Resources Partner Marketing Center aka.ms/pmc NZ Partner Hub /en-nz/community/partner-hub/Services GTM Services Social Syndication aka.ms/get.social Contact me ************************Email GTM Resource Desk with questions *****************Access resources to get started。



marketstrategy听力原文marketstrategy听力原文如下:Product refers to anything that can be provided to the market to satisfy people's certain desires and needs. It is the sum of core products, formal products and additional products. It is of great significance to know the whole concept of product for enterprise operation. Understanding product classification and product grade helps enterprises to formulate reasonable marketing strategy.What enterprises seek in marketing activities is the optimal combination of products, which depends on the understanding of the characteristics of product mix. There are two basic concepts in the enterprise product portfolio. One is the product line, which refers to the products produced and operated by an enterprise that can meet consumers with the same needs and be sold through unified channels. Second, product items refer to specific and clear product units that can be distinguished by product attributes such as specifications, models, brands and prices.Product portfolio strategy includes expanding product portfoliostrategy, reducing product portfolio strategy, product extension strategy.(1) Expand product portfolio strategy. Mainly from the length, width and depth of the product portfolio. In the implementation of this strategy, we should consider the change of consumer demand, the situation of market competition, the effective use of enterprise resources and the full play of production technology ability and other factors.(2) Reduce the product portfolio strategy. Because from the product portfolio to eliminate those little or even no access to the product or product items, so that enterprises can focus on the development of more profitable product categories and product items. Its way includes: keep original product width or depth, reduce cost; Reduce product categories; Cut back on product projects.(3) Product extension strategy. Including high - grade, middle - grade and low - grade three starting points. The specific approach is downward extension; Extending upward; Bidirectional extension.。



Chapter 11. Marketing is _____.A.another word for advertising and salesB. only used by major corporationsC.about satisfying customer needsD.about simply making a profit2.The first step in the marketing process is to work to understand customers.True False3. Once we have created value for customers, the final step in the marketing process is to capture value from them.True False4.The most basic concept underlying marketing is that of _____.profitsproductshuman needsservices 5.Marketers create social needsin consumers.TrueFalse (Marketers do not createcustomer needs, whether social,physical or individual. Needsare a basic part of the humanmakeup.)6.The act of obtaining a desiredobject from someone by offeringsomething in return is called a(n)_____.exchangeswitchmarketsale7.The art and science of choosingtarget markets and buildingprofitable relationships withthem is called _____.marketing profilesmarketing maneuversmarketing selectionmarketing management8.Which marketing philosophylisted below is useful whensupply exceeds demand and whenproduction costs are too high andneed to be reduced?production conceptproduct conceptselling conceptmarketing concept9.Which marketing philosophybelieves that an organizationcan achieve its goals if it knowsthe needs of its target marketwell and delivers satisfactionbetter than its competition?production conceptproduct conceptselling conceptmarketing concept10.Customer relationshipmanagement (CRM) is solely aboutacquiring and keeping customers.TrueFalse (CRM is about acquiring,keeping and growing customers.)11.To build lasting customer文案大全focus on delivering _____ and _____.high quality products; low pricescustomer value; customer satisfactioncustomer satisfaction; customer growthcustomer value; high profits 12.It costs 5 to 10 times more to find a new customer than to keep a current one happy.True(Due to changing demographics, more competition, and overcapacity in many industries, the cost of finding new customers is rising.) False13.The aim of customer relationship management is to _____.create customer satisfaction create customer profitscreate customer delight 14.The portion of the customer’s purchasing power that a companygets in its product categories iscalled its _____.customer equityshare of customercustomer quotientcustomer lifetime value15.Customers that are a good fitbetween a company’s offeringsand that are expected to be loyalover the long term are called_____.butterfliesbarnaclestrue friendsstrangers16.The most dramatic newtechnology is the Internet.True False17.The _____ is the nation’s 24thlargest advertiser with anannual budget of over $1 billion.Procter and Gamble Co.Levi Strauss Co.U.S. Government18.Which of the first four stepsof the marketing process asks,“What consumers will we serve?”and “How can we best servetargeted customers?”Step 1: Understanding themarketplaceStep 2: Designing the marketingstrategyStep 3: Constructing themarketing programStep 4: Building profitablerelationships with customers19.Which step of the marketingprocess is the most important?Step 1: Understanding themarketplaceStep 2: Designing the marketingstrategyStep 3: Constructing themarketing programStep 4: Building profitable文案大全relationships with customers 20.In addition to delighting customers, companies today must also harness technology, think globally and be ethically and socially responsible.True FalseChapter 21.This type of business plan involves adapting the firm to take advantage of opportunities in its constantly changing environment.–annual plan–marketing plan–strategic plan–long-range plan2.A good mission statement should be all of the following except _____. –market oriented–product oriented–realistic–motivating3.The organization should baseits mission statement on its_____.–profitable goals–customers’ welfare–product’s value–distinctive competencies4.Business portfolio managementinvolves two steps. Step 1requires the business to analyzeits current business portfolio.Step 2 requires it to shape itsfuture portfolio.–True–False5._____ are low-growth,high-share businesses orproducts.–Question marks–Cash cows–Dogs–Stars6._____ are high-growth,high-share businesses orproducts.–Question marks–Cash cows–Dogs文案大全–Stars7. Which of the following are limitations to the BCG method of strategic planning?–difficult to implement–costly–provide little advice for the future–all of the above8._____ has the main responsibility for achieving profitable growth for a company.–Management–Human resources–Marketing–All of the above 9.Which of the following is anexample of market penetrationfor Starbucks?–adding drive-thru windows totheir current coffee shops–adding new stores in theSoutheast (market development)–adding hot breakfast items tothe menu (product development)–buying Hear Music(diversification)10. Downsizing is reducing thebusiness portfolio byeliminating products or businessunits that are not profitable orno longer fit the company’soverall image.–True–False11.The _____ takes the customer’s point of view.–Human Resource Dept.–Management Dept.–Information Technology Dept.–Marketing Dept.12._____ should be at the centerof a company’s marketingstrategy.•Customers•Profits•Products•Employees13._____ involves dividing amarket into distinct groups ofbuyers who have distinct needs,characteristics, or behaviors文案大全and who might require separate products or marketing mixes.•Market definition•Target marketing •Product positioning •Market segmentation14.Once the various market segments have been determined, the next step in the marketing strategy process is _____.•market evaluation•target marketing •product positioning •market penetration15.A company should target segments in which it can profitably generate the greatest customer value and sustain itover time.•True•False16.The purpose of a product’simage statement is to present theproduct in a clear, distinct anddesirable way relative tocompeting products in the mindsof target consumers.•True•False (positioning statement)17.The set of controllable,tactical marketing tools thatthe firm blends together toproduce its response to the wantsof its target market are calledits _____.•marketing arsenal•marketing mix•marketing portfolio•integrated marketing options(IMOs)18.The four P’s in marketingrefer to_____, _____, _____ and_____.•product; place; price;promotion•product; property; price;promotion•production; property; people;promotion•product; place; promotion;people19.Which of the “P’s” listedbelow relates to a customer’scost?文案大全•product•place•price•promotion20.Managers are correct in thinking that, “doing things right” (implementation) is more important than, “doing the right things” (strategy).•True•False (both are critical to success)Chapter 31.A company’s _____ consists of its suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customers, competitors and publics. –macroenvironment–microenvironment–business environment–marketing environment2._____ include resellers,marketing service agencies andfinancial firms that help acompany to promote and sell itsofferings to its finalcustomers.–Advertising agencies–Suppliers–Intelligence firms–Marketing intermediaries3.Marketers today are onlyconcerned with their consumermarkets.–True–False(marketers today may havefive types of customer markets.These are the consumer market,the business market, thereseller market, the governmentmarket and the internationalmarket.4.A company’s _____ publicincludes its workers, managers,volunteers and board ofdirectors.–employee–citizen-action–internal–human resource5.The single most importantdemographic trend in the U.S. isthe changing age structure of the文案大全population.–True–False6.Of the seven generations present in the U.S. today, _____ is(are) the largest and most influential.–the Baby Boomers–Generation X–Generation Y–the Millenials7.In the United States today, married couples with children make up _____ of the nation’s 105 million households.–50%–65% –25%–34%8.The disabled market isrelatively small in the UnitedStates and is not being activelypursued by marketers.–True–False (Marketers are activelypursuing this market, which islarger than the Hispanic andAfrican-American markets)9.The “shop until you drop”mentality of the 1990’s has beenreplaced with a more _____approach.–save all you can–value is key–don’t shop at all–splurge regularly10.There are three trends in thenatural environment thatmarketers are monitoring.These are _____, _____ and _____.–shortages of raw materials;increased legislation;increased consumerism–the green movement; shortagesof raw materials; increasedpollution–increased pollution; increasedgovernment intervention;shortages of raw materials–increased consumerism;increased population; increasedethical expectations11.The most dramatic forceshaping business today is the_____ environment.–natural–technological文案大全–economic–political12.Which country leads the world in research and development spending?–United States–Japan–China–Germany13.Legislation affecting business has _____ over the years.–increased steadily–decreased slightly–remained steady –grown immensely14.This legislation prohibitsWeb sites or online services fromcollecting personal informationfrom children without parentalconsent.–Wheeler-Lea Act–Child Protection Act–Children’s Internet ProtectionAct–Children’s Online PrivacyProtection Act15.Which of the following is notone of the reasons businesslegislation is enacted?–To protect companies from eachother–To protect companies fromconsumers–To protect consumers fromunfair business practices–To protect the interests ofsociety16.A person’s core values andbeliefs are often erratic.–True–False (People’s core beliefsand values have a high degree ofpersistence.)17.Which of the following is notone of the ways a society’svalues are expressed?–people’s view of history–people’s view of society–people’s view of the universe文案大全–people’s view of others18.Recently, observers have noted a shift from a “me society”to a “we society.”–True–False19.A woman who drives a hybrid car, consistently recycles, and buys “earth-friendly” products, is acting out her view of _____.–society–organizations–others–nature20.A company has several options with regard to its marketing environment. A strong company takes a(n) _____ approach. –proactive–reactive–ingenuous–peaceful21.A company’s macroenvironmentconsists of all of the followingexcept _____.–demographic forces–economic forces–competitive forces–none of the aboveChapter 41.Managers today often receive_____ information.–too much–too little–irrelevant–both 1 and 32.A _____ consists of the people,equipment and procedures togather, sort, analyze anddistribute accurate informationto marketing decision makers.–marketing intelligence system–database mining system–marketing information system–marketing research system3.A marketing information systembegins and ends with informationfrom _____.–customers文案大全–databases–administrators–users4.The costs of obtaining, processing, storing and delivering information is relatively inexpensive.–True–False (the costs can increasequickly, forcing managers to decide if the information is worth the expense)5.Which of the following is a problem with using internal databases?–the information was collectedfor another reason–the information is in the wrong format–the information may be out ofdate–all of the above6.The goal of _____ is to improvestrategic decision making,access and track competitors’actions, and to provide earlywarning of opportunities andthreats.–competitive research analysis–marketing intelligence–information technology–marketing segmentation7. A new source forcompetitor-supplied informationis the Internet.–True–False8.What are the four steps (inorder) of the marketing researchprocess?–Define the problem, develop theresearch plan, implement theresearch plan, survey theparticipants.–Define the problem, develop theresearch plan, implement theresearch plan, report thefindings.–Define the problem, develop theresearch plan, survey theparticipants, report thefindings.–Develop the research plan,implement the research plan,survey the participants, reportthe findings.9.What is the often the hardeststep in the marketing researchprocess?文案大全–defining the problem–developing the research plan –implementing the research plan –reporting the findings10.The objective of _____ is to gather preliminary information that will help define the problem and suggest reasons.–causal research–competitive research–descriptive research–exploratory research11._____ consists of information that already exists having been collected prior to the research plan. –Primary data–Secondary data–Exploratory data–Sales research12. Researchers usually startwith _____ when developing theresearch plan.–primary data–secondary data–projection research–sales research13.The three types of researchapproaches a marketer may use are_____, _____ and _____.–surveys; observations;historic reviews–observations; surveys;databases–observations; experiments;surveys–experiments; databases;surveys14. The most widely used form ofprimary research and the one bestsuited for descriptiveinformation is _____–survey research–ethnographic research–observational research–experimental research15. Which type of research isbest suited for gathering causalinformation?文案大全–survey research–ethnographic research–observational research–experimental research16.If a marketer wanted to collect large amounts of information at a low cost per respondent, she could use _____.–telephone interviews–mail questionnaires–focus groups–approach interviews17.If a marketer wanted to collect information quickly and allow for flexible answers, he should use _____. –telephone interviews–mail questionnaires–focus groups–approach interviews18. Interviewer bias is oftengreater with _____.–telephone interviews–mail questionnaires–focus groups–online surveys19.If an interviewer wanted toreach the teen market, a fast andlow cost method would be to use_____.–telephone interviews–mail questionnaires–focus groups–online surveys20.Which of the following is notone of the decisions a marketermust make when designing asample?–who should be sampled–how many people should besampled–how the people in the sampleshould be chosen–all of the above are importantsampling decisions21.One of the biggest challengesfacing marketing researcherstoday is that some consumersbelieve collecting the research文案大全violates their privacy.–True–FalseChapter 51. Consumer behavior refers to the buying behavior of final customers.–True–False2. According to the textbook, consumer purchases are strongly influenced by cultural, social, personal and _____ characteristics.–psychological–emotional–physical–economic3._____ is the most basic cause of a person’s wants and behavior. –Greed–Fear –Culture–Materialism4. Which of the following is nota value normally presented in theU.S. culture?–achievement–progress–material comfort–collectivism5. Groups of people with sharedvalue systems based on commonlife experiences are called_____.–cohorts–generations–subcultures–affiliate groups6. The fastest-growing and mostaffluent subculture in the U.S.is the _____ population.–Hispanic–African American–Asian American–mature7. Social class is determinedonly by an individual’s income.–True–False (Income is only one ofseveral factors used todetermine a person’s socialclass. Other factors includeone’s occupation, education,wealth and type of residence.)8. The _____ is the mostimportant consumer buyingorganization in society.–school–family–government–business9. Which of the following is nota personal factor thatinfluences a buyer’s decision?–beliefs–age–lifestyle–personality10.The VALS classificationsystem measures a person’s_____.文案大全–income–occupation–lifestyle–personality11. A person’s _____ is his/her unique set of psychological characteristics that are relatively consistent and lasting.–self esteem–self concept–lifestyle–personality12. According to _____, people are largely unconscious about the real psychological forces shaping their behavior.–Abraham Maslow–Bill Gates–Alfred Skinner–Sigmund Freud13.The process of selecting, organizing and interpreting information to form a meaningful picture of the world is referred to as _____.–perception–sensation–subliminal imprinting–rationalization14. When a person changes his/herbehavior as a result of anexperience, we say that _____ hasoccurred.–motivation–sensation–learning–perception15.If a person’s attitudereflects one of his/her corevalues, then the attitude is easyto change.–True–False (Attitudes are difficultto change because they fit intoa pattern, and changing oneattitude may require difficultadjustments in many others.)16.A consumer purchasing finefurniture (which is expensiveand for which a brand’s namematters) would probably resultin _____ buying behavior.–dissonance-reducing–variety-seeking–complex–habitual17._____ buying behavior ischaracterized by low consumerinvolvement but significantperceived brand differences.–Dissonance-reducing–Variety-seeking–Complex–Habitual18.The final step in the buyingdecision process is _____.–the purchase itself–postpurchase behavior–choosing the product–getting the rebate19. What two factors come betweenthe purchase intention and thepurchase decision?–attitudes of others and文案大全unexpected situational factor s –attitudes of others and lack of resources–unexpected situational factors and lack of resources–shortages and lack of resources (Note: lack of resources and shortages are examples of unexpected situational factors) 20.What are the two largest populations in the adoption process?–innovators and early majority –early adopters and early majority–early majority and late majority–innovators and laggards21. Which of the following does not influence a product’s rate of adoption?–relative advantage–compatibility–divisibility–perceptibility Chapter 61.Business buyer behaviorincludes retailers andwholesalers who buy things withthe purpose of making a profit.–True–False2. Business markets are _____than consumer markets.–considerably larger–slightly larger–slightly smaller–no different3. The main differences betweenthe business to business (B2B)market and the business toconsumer (B2C) market includeall of the following except_____.–the differences in marketstructure and demand–t hat people assume buying roles–the nature of the buying unit–the types of decisions and thedecision process involved4._____ is demand thatultimately comes from the demandfor consumer goods.–Consumer demand–Marketing demand–Derived demand–End-user demand5. Which of the following is nota characteristic of the businessmarket?文案大全–Business markets are more geographically concentrated. –Many business markets have elastic demand.–Business markets have more fluctuating demand.–Business marketers have far fewer but larger customers.6. In recent years, relationships between business customers and suppliers have grown more adversarial.(敌对的)–True–False(In recent years,business customers and suppliers have begun working together more closely as “partners,”not adversaries.)7.Which of the following is not one of the major types of buying situations faced by business buyers? –straight rebuy–new task buy–online rebuy–modified rebuy8. Which of the business buyerpurchase decisions offers thegreatest opportunities and thegreatest challenges formarketers?–straight rebuy–new task buy–modified rebuy–Both 2 and 39. The decision-making unit of abuying organization is calledits _____.–buying center–purchasing department–head office–marketing department10.The _____ role in the purchasedecision process is to controlthe flow of information toothers.–buyer’s–gatekeeper’s–influencer’s–decider’s11. A business buying center isa fixed and formally identifiedunit within the buyingorganization.文案大全–True–Fals e (The buying center is nota fixed and formal unit in the business buying organization. It fluctuates as different people are needed to make different purchases.)12. When competing products vary greatly, business buyers pay more attention to _____ factors.–economic–personal–organizational–interpersonal13.Shortages in key materials is an important _____ factor.–organizational –individual–environmental–interpersonal14. Individual factors areaffected by all of the followingexcept _____.–buyer’s attitude toward risk–buyer’s income–buyer’s buying style–all of the above affectindividual factors15.Once a business buyerdetermines a problem or need, thenext step in the business buyingprocess is to _____.–begin a supplier search–solicit suppliers’ proposals–determine a general needdescription–make a purchase16.The 8-stage buyer decisionmodel would most likely be usedfor a _____ buying decision.–straight rebuy–new task–online–modified rebuy17.E-procurement is being usedby _____ of business buyerstoday.–33%–50%文案大全–75%–90%18.Which of the following is not one of the benefits of business to business e-procurement?–reduced transaction costs for suppliers–reduced transaction time between order and delivery–enhanced relationshipsbetween decades-old (new)suppliers and customers–increased time for purchasersto focus on strategic issues 19.The _____ consists of schools, hospitals, nursing homes and prisons that provide goods and services to people in their care. –government market–institutional market–non-profit market–organizational market20.Unlike business markets,government markets are closelywatched by outside publics.–True–FalseChapter 71.What is the first step intarget marketing?–market positioning–market segmentation–target marketing–none of the above2.Which of the following steps oftarget marketing takes intoaccount competitors’ offeringsto the market?–market positioning–market segmentation–market targeting–all of the above3.Which of the following is nota way to segment consumermarkets?–geographic segmentation–psychographic segmentation–demographic segmentation–all of the above are ways to文案大全segment the consumer market4.Of the four main types of segmentation bases used to segment consumer markets, _____ is the most popular.–geographic segmentation–psychographic segmentation –demographic segmentation–behavioral segmentation5.A marketer selling different offerings in different communities would be using _____ segmentation.–geographic–psychographic–demographic–behavioral 6.Marketers selling luxury carsoften use income as a segmentingvariable. Income is onecomponent of _____ segmentation.–geographic–psychographic–demographic–behavioral7.Social class, lifestyle andpersonality characteristics arethree components of _____segmentation.–geographic–psychographic–demographic–behavioral8.Many marketers believe that_____ variables are the beststarting point for buildingmarket segments.–geographic–psychographic–demographic–behavioral9.Marketers usually limit theirsegmentation analysis tobehavioral variables.–True–False (Marketers will use avariety of variables to identifysmaller, better-defined, targetgroups.)10.Marketers believe that buyingbehavior and _____ provide thebest basis for segmentingbusiness markets.文案大全–operating characteristics–situational factors–benefits sought–personal characteristics11.Segmenting international markets on the basis of geographic, economic, political and cultural factors is called intermarket segmentation.–True–False (Intermarketsegmentation is forming segments of consumers in various countries who have similar needs and buying behavior.)12.In order to be useful, market segments need to be which of the following? –differentiable–accessible–substantial–all of the above13.Which of the followingstructural factors is notrelated to a segment’sattractiveness?–the presence of strongcompetitors in the segment–the existence of potentialsubstitute products–the lack of raw materials–a number of powerful suppliers14.When using a _____ marketingstrategy, a firm decides totarget several segments anddesigns separate offers foreach.–differentiated–concentrated–mass–micro15.Micromarketing includes_____ and _____.–local marketing; nichemarketing–local marketing; individualmarketing–niche marketing; concentratedmarketing–individual marketing;concentrated marketing16.This type of micromarketing文案大全is also known as one-to-one marketing or mass customization.–local marketing–tailored marketing–niche marketing–individual marketing17.If a beer manufacturer were to place a commercial on a TV show that was predominantly viewed by children, it could be considered using _____.–socially irresponsible targeting–socially responsible targeting –adult targeting–niche targeting18.A product’s _____ is the way the product is defined byconsumers on importantattributes relative to thecompetition.–image–equity–position–value19.A firm that practices _____differentiation gainscompetitive advantage by the wayit designs its channel coverage.–services–product–people–channel20.Which of the following is apowerful value propositionbecause it offers consumers a“good deal”?–more for more–more for the same–the same for less–less for much lessChapter 81.A _____ is anything that can beoffered to a market that mightsatisfy a need or a want.–position–product–promotion–none of the above2.Only tangible goods are文案大全。

Marketing strategies

Marketing strategies

Marketing strategiesIn this monopolies competitive market, owners of supermarkets have to make profits in oder to keep a foothold in this competitive market. However, thousands of supermarkets must face a situation that customers are rational. They have to use some creative strategies to attract customers. Developing a marketing strategy is very important for any bussiness. Without some efficient strategies, your efforts to attract cusotmers will likely to be haphazard. A good example is that Wal-Mart. “ Everyday low price” is one of the greatest strategies used by Wal-Mart; it not only helps the Wal-Mart to achieve success bot also helps supermarkets from the world to gain success. The Bay, one of largest Canadian department store, adopt Wal-Mart’s “Everyday low price”. ED Strapagiel, vice-president of Kubas consultant suggests that it is the Wal-Mart’s strategies change everything. T ill now, “Everyday low price” is the most important strategies for the most Canadian tradesmen., which helps them got over their difficulties. It is not enough for people to know that supermarkets have chosen such kinds of strategies; however, people should understand how the decisions such as using EDLP are made, particularly in competitive circumstance. What we know about how people choose to shop and how owners of supermarkets choose to different kinds of strategies are very little. In Paul B. Ellickson and Sanjog Misra’ paper, they discuss three questions. The first one is that the extent to which the supermarket chains tailor their pricing strategies ; the second one is the advantages that certain types of chains or stores have whenthey use particular pricing strategies; the third one is that how firms react to the expected actions of their rivals. They reach conclusions through their studies. To the first question they find out that consumer demographics play a significant role in the choice of local pricing strategies. Further more they figure out that larger stores and vertically integrated chains are significantly more likely to adopt EDLP, which means certain types of chains or stores do have advantages when they use especial pricing strategies. The third question has a relatively surprising conclusion that stores competing in a certain market have stimulates to coordinate their actions. EDLP seems profitable for not only sellers but also customers. However, that what do those supermarkets chains or stores want to get from it is rarely known by people. Lang Xianping, a famous economist and entrepreneur, contends that EDLP is a conspiracy for China. This strategies could help Wal-Mart take control of the whole industrial chain. If there are any possibilities that when some strategies ,such as EDLP, help Wal-Mart takes control of the whole industrial chain, those foreign capital retail enterprises would like to share monopoly, elevation product's price in order to exploit consumers, depress purchase price to exploit generant and widen their profits. People do not known if what Lang XianPing has said is true. However people do not know that EDLP sounds definitely gainful. What is interesting is that there are many diffenrent approaches to pricing except four main pricing policies(Premium pricing, penetration pricing, economy pricing, and price skimming), including psychological price, product line pricing, optional productpricing, captive product pricing, product bundle pricing, promotional pricing, geographical pricing and value pricing. Product Bundle pricing means that sellers combine several products in the same package, which could move old stock. Geographical pricing makes use of price discrimination to achieve maximal profits. Optional product pricing helps company to increase total revenue and it increases the chances customers' consumptions. Psychological pricing is interesting. Empirical experience suggests that 99 cent is more acceptable than a dollar, although there is little gap between them. Supermarkets’ marketing personnel s will price products according to various factors.EDLP is a manifest pricing strategy. Of course except pricing strategy, there are many other different kinds of strategies. For example, sellers use store layout to lure customers. Meats and dairy items are usually located in the back of the supermarket because they are considered staples. By placing them in the back, customers have to pass everything else in order to get to them, which could increase the chances of purchase. Produce is usually at the entry of the supermarkets because that sellers want to create a tempting sensory experience that produce is fresh, in oder that people would like to buy their fresh produce although they did not plane for it at first. These all are like what Paco Underhill, founder and managing director of Envirosell, said,"Two-thirds of what we buy in the supermarket we had no intention of buying". Some others small strategy such as many supermarket chains are giving out free “shopping club cards” totrack their customer’s buying habits and to compile mailing lists which they can sell can help supermarkets chains a lot to increase sales. Owners of stores make strategies mainly to cater for customers. Customers’s psychology acts as indicator signs. However, Not all the supermarkets could conjecture customer’s psychology because people have different opinions. Therefore, price maker would like to make some conventional strategies. For example, in winter, there are a few mosquitos. Therefor supermarkets would like to sell little mosquito-repellent sprays and sell them at relatively higher price. Oppositely, in summer, the supermarkets would stock a large number and then they could sell them at relatively lower price. Why supermarkets would like to sell mosquito-repellent sprays at lower price in summer? This come back to pricing strategy. Low price attracts customers !Graph (a)From graph(a), we can simply find that the unit cost is constrant, which means the suppliers supply products almost at a same price. However, the unit price changed a lot from Jan to June. With the increase in supply, there exists a decrease in price. Due to the fact that mosquito-repellent sprays are seasonal products, the demand of them woulddefinitely change. Anyway, owners of supermarkets would also choose to advertize and use other strategies to attract customers.Hrne,S.(2009-04-0309:27). Canada a dpot Wal-Mart’s EDLP. Retrieved from/web/Article_Jygl.aspx?ArticleId=2173.Ellickson, B. P. and Misra, S. (November 13, 2006). Supermarket pricing strategies.Retrieved from/facseminars/pdfs/2006_11-17_Ellickson.pdf -Lang , X. P. ( Aug 14 ,2009).What behind Wal-Mart’s EDLP? Retrieved from/citylink/mo/i/2009-08-14/15163246.htmlReal Simple.( Jan 28 ,2009). Supermarket strategies. Retrieved from/channel/food/supermarket-strategies-359780Parks, B. (Dec 07, 2008). Surprsing supermarket strategies. Retrieved from/personal-finance/surprising-supermarket-strategies/Create your marketing strategy.(n.d.). Retrieved from/bdotg/action/detail?r.s=sc&r.l1=1073861169&r.lc =en&r.l3=1073900352&r.l2=1073858842&type=RESOURCES&itemId=1073790 719。



Market Strategy1.1New-Product Pricing StrategyPricing strategy usually change as the product passes through its life panies bringing out a new prouduct face the challenge of setting prices for the first time.Among the pricing objectives for a new product,two are common: to get many members of the target market to try the product and to quickly recover the costs of developing the product. Admittedly,these two objectives are incompatible to some degree. Persuading people to try a product may call for a low price,and quickly-recovering costs may call for a higher price,Marketers can choose between two broad strategies:market-skimming pricing and market-penetration pricing.1.1.1Market-Skiming PricingMarket companies that invent new products initially set high prices to “skim”revenues layer by layer from the market,as in skiming the cream off the eletranic products.An organization is most likely to use skiming when demand is inelastic and the organization has a temporary monopoly on the product ,such as when it holds a patent.Often prodction is limited until a product proves itself,so it would be dangerous to build too much demand,too soon,Also these are people in the market who seek out new opportunities.If it is new,they want it.And they want it now!Such people will gladly pay for the exclusivity,and feel they have secured excellent value.They are the first in their neighborhood.They can show off,they gain status,all important factors that some believe are worth paying for.Promotion2.1.1 Direct marketing uses a variety techniques ---direct mail,door-door ,coupons,telephone solicitation,TV and radio,print media,the Internet ---to contact potential consumers in the hope of eliciting a direct,measurable,and almost immediate response.What differentiates it from other forms of promotion is the measurability of its results.The increased use of compters to gather product preference information on consumers has given rise to a subgroup called “database marketing”.Companies sell each other background and contact information about very special market segments.American Express was a pioneer in this promotional format and has offered information about its membership’s buying habits in an effort to further segment the customer base.Much of the information for database marketing is culled from credit card use and consumer response surveys.Such information is usually only available in the developed,more technologically epuipped economies.Even small-scale marketeers working in very limited markets should track their customer’s consumer puters are by no means required for such tracking,even a filing cabinet or a simple Rolodex can be used to create a useful,if less high-tech,database.All of the following forms of direct marketing can make use of (and supply information for compiling) a customer database.Direct mailIn this format,a company sends its catalog or “mail piece”directly to the homes or businesses of potential consumers Mailings are done in highly targetedfashion but large numbers;most postal systems worldwide provide a discounted “bulk rate”for volume.A direct mailing may be produced as cheaply as company image will permit. Some markets (like the United States,where direct mail was first developed)have been given way to the nickname “junk mail.”Door-to-DoorThough associated with a bygone era, the door-to-door sales technique is still used on a regular basis in a variety of markets.Avon cosmetics has made enormous inroads into the gigantic Chinese market by sending out swarms of local salespeople to every small village and farming community.Another technique in this category is the use of the “sales party”where friends,neighbors,and business associates are asked to attend a gathering where products are put on disply.Amway, another pany,has used this format to sell its cleaning products for decades around the globe.In Japan,Amway has been hired to market consumer produts for Sharp Electronics.1.1企业定价1.1.1 企业定价的影响因素1.1.2 企业定价目标1.2 营销定价方法1.2.1 成本导向定价方法1.2.2 需求导向定价方法1.3营销定价策略1.3.1 新产品定价策略1.3.2 相关产品定价策略1.3.3差别定价策略1.3.4 价格折扣和价格折让策略2.1 营销和促销策略2.1.1 促销的概念与作用2.1.2 促销的原则与程序2.2 国际人员推销2.2.1 人员推销的含义、任务与形式2.2.2 推销人员的组织与管理2.3 国际广告2.3.1广告的概念与作用2.3.2广告的种类2.3.3广告的策略经济学中的“价格”一般是商品价值的货币表现,在不考虑商品供求关系影响的情况下,它等于商品价值同货币价值的比值。



tob销售的客户开发策略英文回答:Customer Development Strategies for ToB Sales.Target Account Selection:Identify target accounts aligned with yourproduct/service offerings and growth objectives.Conduct thorough research to understand their industry, size, challenges, and decision-making processes.Content Marketing:Create valuable content that addresses the specific pain points and business goals of your target accounts.Distribute content across various channels such as webinars, white papers, and case studies.Nurturing Leads:Engage with potential customers through email marketing, social media, and personalized outreach.Qualify leads and prioritize those most likely to convert into paying customers.Account-Based Marketing:Tailor marketing and sales efforts to each target account based on its unique needs and challenges.Engage with multiple stakeholders within the account and build strong relationships.LinkedIn Outreach:Leverage LinkedIn to connect with potential customers and decision-makers.Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to identify and filter leads based on specific criteria.Networking:Attend industry events and conferences to network with potential customers.Join business organizations and LinkedIn groups relevant to your target accounts.Referral Programs:Implement referral programs to encourage existing customers to introduce you to potential prospects.Offer incentives for successful referrals.Customer Success:Focus on building long-term relationships with customers by providing exceptional support and value.Monitor customer satisfaction and proactively address any issues or concerns.Sales Enablement:Provide sales teams with the tools and training they need to effectively engage with customers.Create sales playbooks that outline best practices for different sales scenarios.KPIs and Measurement:Track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as conversion rates, lead generation, and customer lifetime value.Regularly measure the effectiveness of your customer development strategies and make adjustments as needed.中文回答:ToB销售的客户开发策略。



紧跟行业发展趋势英语作文The industry is constantly evolving with new technologies and innovations. It's important for businesses to keep up with these developments in order to stay competitive.One trend that is currently shaping the industry is the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning. These technologies are being used to automate processes, analyze data, and improve efficiency.Another important trend is the increasing focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility. Consumers are becoming more conscious of the impact their purchases have on the environment, and businesses are responding by adopting sustainable practices and offering eco-friendly products.The rise of e-commerce and online shopping is also having a significant impact on the industry. More and moreconsumers are turning to the internet to make their purchases, which is forcing traditional brick-and-mortar stores to adapt in order to survive.Social media and digital marketing are also playing a major role in shaping the industry. Businesses are using platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok to reach and engage with their target audience in new and creative ways.Finally, there is a growing emphasis on personalization and customization. Consumers are looking for products and experiences that are tailored to their individual needs and preferences, and businesses are responding by offering more personalized options.In conclusion, the industry is constantly evolving, and businesses need to stay on top of these trends in order to remain relevant and successful. By embracing new technologies, adopting sustainable practices, and leveraging digital tools, businesses can position themselves for success in the ever-changing industry landscape.。

Digital Marketing Strategies

Digital Marketing Strategies

Digital Marketing StrategiesIn today's digital age, having effective digital marketing strategies is crucial for businesses to reach and engage with their target audience. Digital marketing encompasses various online tactics and tools to promote products or services, increase brand awareness, and drive traffic to a company's website. In this article, we will explore some key digital marketing strategies that businesses can implement to achieve their goals.1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO):SEO is a fundamental digital marketing strategy that focuses on improving a website's visibility in search engine results. By optimizing website content, using relevant keywords, and building quality backlinks, businesses can increase their organic search traffic and rankings on search engines like Google. This results in more website visitors and potential customers finding and interacting with the brand online.2. Content Marketing:Content marketing involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and informative content to attract and engage a target audience. This content can take the form of blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, social media posts, and more. By providing valuable information to users, businesses can establish themselves as industry experts, build trust with their audience, and drive traffic to their website.3. Social Media Marketing:Social media platforms have become essential tools for businesses to connect with their audience, promote their products or services, and build brand awareness. By creating a strong social media presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, businesses can engage with customers, share content, run targeted ads, and drive traffic to their website.4. Email Marketing:Email marketing is a powerful digital marketing strategy that involves sending targeted and personalized emails to a company's subscribers and customers. By building an email list and sending regular newsletters, promotions, and updates, businesses can nurture relationships with their audience, drive traffic to their website, and increase conversions and sales.5. Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC):PPC advertising involves paying for ads that appear on search engines or social media platforms when users search for specific keywords or demographics. Businesses can target their ads based on location, interests, demographics, and more to reach their ideal audience. By using platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads, businesses can drive traffic to their website, increase brand visibility, and generate leads and sales.6. Influencer Marketing:Influencer marketing involves partnering with influencers or popular personalities in a specific industry to promote products or services to their audience. By collaborating with influencers who have a large and engaged following, businesses can reach a new audience, build credibility, and drive traffic to their website. This strategy can be highly effective in reaching niche markets and increasing brand awareness.7. Website Optimization:Ensuring that a website is user-friendly, mobile-responsive, and optimized for speed and performance is essential to the success of digital marketing strategies. A well-designed and easy-to-navigate website will improve user experience, increase dwell time, and encourage visitors to explore more pages and take action. Additionally, optimizing landing pages, calls-to-action, and forms can improve conversion rates and lead to higher sales and revenue.In conclusion, implementing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that combines SEO, content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, PPC advertising, influencer marketing, and website optimization can help businesses achieve their marketing goals and reach their target audience effectively. By leveraging the powerof digital marketing, businesses can increase brand visibility, drive traffic to their website, generate leads and sales, and ultimately grow their business in the digital realm.。



如何走好交易之路英语作文英文回答:Navigating the treacherous path of trading can be likened to traversing a labyrinth, fraught with obstacles and pitfalls. Yet, with the right tools and mindset, one can emerge triumphant, leaving behind a trail of successful transactions. As I embark on this perilous journey, I share my musings on the essential principles that guide my footsteps.At the heart of trading lies the ability to decipher the market's enigmatic language. It demands an unwavering focus, a keen eye for patterns, and the patience to await the opportune moment. Like a skilled detective, I meticulously analyze charts and indicators, seeking clues that reveal the market's hidden intentions. By understanding its rhythms, I can anticipate its movements and position myself accordingly.Technical analysis is an indispensable compass in my trading arsenal. It provides a structured framework for interpreting market data, enabling me to identify trends, support, and resistance levels. Armed with this knowledge, I can make informed decisions, minimizing risk and maximizing potential returns.However, the true essence of trading transcends technical proficiency. It requires a deep understanding of human psychology and the emotions that often drive market behavior. Markets are a reflection of our collective fears, hopes, and expectations. By tapping into these emotions, I can anticipate market sentiment and make strategic moves that align with the prevailing mood.Discipline is the unwavering cornerstone of my trading strategy. In the face of market volatility, it is tempting to succumb to emotions and deviate from my plan. Yet, I resist these impulses, knowing that impulsive actions can lead to costly mistakes. By adhering to my trading rules, I maintain a level head and execute trades with precision.Patience is a virtue that serves me well in the trading arena. Markets are often unpredictable, and it is crucial to avoid the temptation of chasing quick profits. I bide my time, meticulously waiting for the perfect setup before entering a trade. This patience has rewarded me with numerous profitable opportunities that would have otherwise eluded me.Losses are an inevitable part of trading, and accepting them is paramount for long-term success. They are not failures but valuable lessons that shape my understanding of the market. I analyze my losses objectively, identifying areas for improvement and refining my strategies. By embracing the inevitability of losses, I minimize their impact and prevent them from eroding my confidence.Trading is a demanding but ultimately rewarding endeavor. It requires a combination of skill, discipline, patience, and emotional intelligence. By embracing these principles, I navigate the treacherous path with confidence, aiming toemerge as a seasoned trader, leaving a legacy of successful transactions in my wake.中文回答:交易之路崎岖难行,宛如穿梭于迷宫之中,处处暗藏障碍与陷阱。



浅析Go-To-MarketGo-To-Market 是⼀种战略,是如何向市场推出独特的价值主张,以客户群体为⽬标,并随附路线图向市场介绍产品。





市场情报分析的要素可能包括:客户研究顾客是谁?他们在哪⼉?他们的职业是什么?最重要的是,是什么让他们夜不能寐?市场研究你的市场是什么?谁是你的竞争对⼿,他们在说什么?在这个市场中,如何在价格、专业知识、功能等⽅⾯进⾏竞争?市场划分⼤多数Go-To-Market 计划都是基于产品发布或预先确定的媒体⽇期。


这些分割的⽅⾯包括: 顾客是谁,他们对这个品类产品的态度,他们有多少⼈,他们⼀年花费多少/⼀年的时间,以及触发决策的场合。




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VIII. The business model has to be sound for a go-to-market strategy to succeed
IX. It takes time for new channels to become productive. Patience is necessary
Total Customer
A game plan for reaching
and serving the right Purpose
markets, through right
• Attract and retain the
channels with the right
most desirable customer
❖ 3 reasons why ‘e-channel’ is not work
VI. Getting channel cooperation is more important than preventing channel conflict
VII. You cannot be everywhere at all times for every customer
Targeting the right markets
“It’s impossible to choose a successful mix of channels until you determine which markets those channels are supposed to reach.” –Pg73
Ch3: Market
What not to do: Enconix
Picked the wrong market: Enconix (1998) 246 employee and over $55 million in sales
Disciplines and savvy business development focus ❖ Niche of small-to-mid sized industrial manufactures
What not to do: Enconix
2.Six steps to successful targeting
What to do: Marriott International
3. What we learned 4. Critique 5. Questions
Review: (Ch 1) Go-to-market Strategy
IV. There is Always a tradeoff between market coverage and control
❖ The high- control strategy vs. The high- coverage strategy
V. Not Every go-to-market solution has an ‘e’ in it
with $50 to 250 million in revenue
Developed understanding of the needs and information technology requirement of their market : (990s) ERP SCM CRM
Developed new software and service to meet the expanding needs
The product and The value proposition
Review: (Ch 2) The ten commandments of going to market
I. Go-to-Market strategy must start with the customer
❖ Exact information can gather from customer: product, channel, value proposition, markets
Ch3: Targeting the right markets
Go To Market Strategy
I. Review of Chapters 1 & 2
II. Chapter 3: targeting the right markets 1. Common targeting pitfalls
products and the right value proposition
• Increase sales with lower cost
❖ 4 ingredients of a winning go- to market strategy
Ch3: Market
Ch4: Customers
Ch5: Channels and Partners
❖ 12 to 24 months to build and roll out a new go-to market strategy:
X. To win big a go-to-market strategy must be innovative and different
Chapter3: Targeting the right market
II. Aggressive use of low-cost channels will have a dramatic impact on profits
III. How you sell has to fit with what you are selling
❖ Customer, Economics, Complexity
Choice and alternative: increasing channel availability
(P.7) Today, it’s no longer just about what you sell; it’s also about how you sell it
Go-to-market strategy: