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Application of HEMS cooling technology in
deep mine heat hazard control
HE Man-chao1,2
1School of Mechanics & Civil Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing 100083, China
2StateKey Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering, Beijing 100083, China
Abstract: This paper mainly deals with the present situation, characteristics, and countermeasures of cooling in deep mines. Given existing problems in coal mines, a HEMS cooling technology is proposed and has been successfully applied in some mines. Because of long-term exploitation, shallow buried coal seams have become exhausted and most coal mines have had to exploit deep buried coal seams. With the increase in mining depth, the temperature of the surrounding rock also increases, resulting in ever increasing risks of heat hazard during mining operations. At present, coal mines in China can be divided into three groups, i.e., normal temperature mines, middle-to-high temperature mines and high temperature mines, based on our investigation into high temperature coal mines in four provinces and on in-situ studies of several typical mines. The principle of HEMS is to extract cold energy from mine water inrush. Based on the characteristics of strata temperature field and on differences in the amounts of mine water inrush in the Xuzhou mining area, we proposed three models for controlling heat hazard in deep mines: 1) the Jiahe model with a moderate source of cold energy; 2) the Sanhejian model with a
shortage of source of cold energy and a geothermal anomaly and 3) the Zhangshuanglou model with plenty of source of cold energy. The cooling process of HEMS applied in deep coal mine are as follows: 1) extract cold energy from mine water inrush to cool working faces; 2) use the heat extracted by HEMS to supply heat to buildings and bath water to replace the use of a boiler, a useful energy saving and environmental protection measure. HEMS has been applied in the Jiahe and Sanhejian coal mines in Xuzhou, which enabled the temperature and humidity at the working faces to be well controlled.
Keywords: deep mine heat hazard; mine classification; mine water inrush; heat hazard control model
1 Introduction
Coal has been the major energy source in China for a long time, occupying an irreplaceable position in the one-off energy structure. Shallow resources have become increasingly exhausted as a result of exploitation over long periods. Therefore, most coal mines have had to resort to deep exploitation. In addition, the complex geo-mechanical environment increases the risk of frequent engineering accidents. This complex geo-mechanical environment is caused by “the three highs and one disturbance”, i.e., high ground stress, high ground temperature, high osmotic pressure and intensive disturbance through exploitation[1].There are many local disasters, such as gas explosions, pressure bumps, laneway bottom water inrushes, serious mine pressure, severe deformation and pheological behavior of surrounding rock. However, the high temperature heat hazard in deep mines is the risk of disaster we have to cope with at present. High temperature heat hazard in deep mines affect not only the
mechanical properties of surrounding rocks, but also safety in mine production[2]. According to incomplete statistics, there are a total of 33 mines in China with a mining depth exceeding 1000 m, with the temperature of the working face reaching 30–40 °C. The problem of deep mine heat hazard has already seriously affected the energy resource development in China, which needs to be urgently solved.
With the increase in mining depth, the temperature of the surrounding rock keeps rising, seriously increasing heat hazard in exploitation and tunneling working faces. During the 1950s and 1960s, serious heat hazard occurred in some deep mines both at home and abroad. In the 1970s, the problem became more widespread with a tendency of developing from a few individual mines to all coal mines. According to some preliminary statistics of mines in foreign countries[3], the air temperature in mines of western South Africa has risen to 50 °C at a depth of 3300 m. Because of the near presence of geothermal water, the air temperature in the Fengyu lead-zinc ore mine in Japan is up to 80 °C at a depth of 500 m.
By the year 2000, the average mining depth of state-owned coal mines in China was about 650 m and the average temperature of the original rock ranged between 35.9 and 36.8 °C at the production level. For those mines with a depth exceeding 1000 m, the original rock temperature ranged between 40 and 45 °C while the temperature at the working faces was between 34 and 36 °C, causing most mines to become heat hazard areas of the first or second level. Such hot environments do serious harm to the work ers’ health and are the cause of low physical ability, such as low work efficiency, heat-strokes and thermal blooming. All that above results in
neurological disturbances for workers, reducing the ability to protect themselves and may seriously affect the safety production.
In order to further our understanding and control of the conditions of high temperature mines in China, the China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing) and the State Administration of Coal Mine Safety have made a thorough investigation of high temperature mines in China. This investigation dealt with heat hazard in major state-owned and locally owned mines in four provinces, i.e., Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui and Henan. The coal mines investigated in-situ in each province are the following: the Suncun coal mine of the Xinwen Mining Company, the Tangkou coal mine of the Zibo Mining Company, the Jining #3 mine of the Yanzhou Mining Company and the Xingcun coal mine of the Datong Mining Company in Shandong; in Jiangsu, the Jiahe and Sanhejian coal mines of the Xuzhou Mining Company, the Yaoqiao coal mine of the Datun Coal and Electricity Company, the Baiji coal mine of the Lianyungang Mining Company and the Liuzhuang coal mine of the Guotou Xinji Company. Included in the investigation in Anhui province was the Panyi coal mine of the Huainan Mining Company and in Henan province, the #4, #6 and #11 mines of the Pingmei Company and the Liangbei coal mine of the Shenhuo Company. At present in China, the coal mines can be divided into three groups, based on investigations of high temperature coal mines at home and abroad and on in-situ studies of typical mines on their cooling measures applied to any kind of coal mine.
2 Distribution law of ground temperatures According to information provided from these investigations, there are
13 coal mines in Shandong province with temperatures exceeding 26 °C at the working faces, six of them with temperatures ranging between 26 and 30 °C at the working face and seven with temperatures exceeding 30 °C. There are five coal mines in Jiangsu with working face temperatures exceeding 26 °C, three of them with working face temperatures between 26 to 30°C and two with working face temperatures exceeding 30°C. In Anhui, there are 10 coal mines with working face temperatures exceeding 26°C, seven of them with temperatures between 26 to 30°C and three with working face temperatures exceeding 30°C. There are 12 coal mines in Henan with working face temperatures exceeding 26°C, two with temperatures between 26 to 30°C and 10 with temperatures exceeding 30 °C. Distribution law of ground temperatures in some areas of China were obtained from analyses of ground temperature parameters in several typical mines.
Fig. 1 shows relationships among ground temperatures, working face temperatures and depths in the Xintai Suncun coal mine. As shown in the two figures, ground and working face temperatures increase sharply with increase of exploitation depth. High temperature heat hazard at working faces are problems we must face.
Fig. 1 Relationship between strata and ventilation temperature at working face and depth in the Suncun coal mine
Fig. 2 shows the distribution of ground temperatures of the Jiahe coal mine in Xuzhou. We can see from this figure that the temperature becomes higher and higher with an increase in depth. The increase becomes nonlinear when the mining depth is from –700 to –1200 m, especially when the mining depth is –1000 m, this nonlinear distribution of ground temperature shows how serious the increase in heat hazard in the mine is.
3 Classification and characteristics of mines
Clause 102 of the Safety Regulations in Coal Mines[4]in China prescribes that the air temperature at the tunneling working face of a mine shall not exceed 26°C. If the temperature were to exceed 26°C, the work time should be shortened and protective measures supplied to workers. The workers should stop work when the air temperature at the working face exceeds 30 °C. Based on investigations of typical mines, the definition of a high temperature mine is a mine where the air temperature exceeds 26°C at the working face during production.
According to national investigations and typical studies in mines, high
temperature mines are mainly found in the eastern mining areas of China, such as the Huaibei and Huainan mining areas in Anhui province, the Xuzhou mining area in Jiangsu province, the Xinwen mining area in Shandong and the Pingdingshan mining area in Henan province. Mines in these areas have a common characteristic when high temperatures appear for the first time: there is no high temperature heat hazard above a specific production level, but once the mining depth exceeds this level, heat hazard will appear to different degrees. According to temperatures at the working face, mines can be divided into three groups.
3.1 Normal temperature mines
If the air temperature at the tunneling working face in a mine does not exceed 26 °C, this kind of mine is called a normal temperature mine. The mining depth
is usually less than 800 m and the temperature of the surrounding rock of the laneway is about 30°C. The geothermal gradient is from 1.5°C/100 m to 1.8°C/100 m, the relative air humidity at the working face is less than 80% and usually there is no illness caused by heat hazard.
3.2 Middle-high temperature mines
If the air temperature at the tunneling working face is between 26 and 30 °C, the mine is referred to as a middle-high temperature mine. The mining depth of
this kind of coal mine is between 800 and 1000 m according to our investigation. Included in this group are mines such as the Xincun and Yaoqiao coal mines. This kind of coal mine has been expanded to deep exploitation. High temperatures at the working face have gradually
become an important factor that limits normal production. Surrounding rock temperatures of laneways are about 35 °C. The geothermal gradient is about 2 °C/100 m and the relative air humidity at the working face is less than 90%. In these middle-high temperature mines, thermal blooming and heat strokes are frequent occurrences in workers at the working face.
3.3 High temperature mines
If the air temperature at the tunneling working face exceeds 30 °C, this kind of mine is called a high temperature mine. Mining depths of this kind of coal mine usually exceed 900 m. At present, these depths are largely between 1000 and 1300 m, such as in the Jiahe, Sanhejian, Suncun and Tangkou coal mines. In these mines, the surrounding rock temperatures of the laneways range from 37 to 42 °C, the geothermal gradient is more than 2 °C/100 m, with a maximum geothermal gradient of 3.42 °C/100 m. Maximum temperatures on the corner of return airways in the summer range from 34 to 37 °C and the relative air humidity at the working face is between 95% and 100%. Heat hazard are therefore a very serious possibility.
Workers often suffer heat-strokes and feel faint when working in high temperature mines. There are frequent casualties in deep mines. This hot environment not only harms the health of workers, but also leads to neurological disorders, which cause people to go into a trance, feel fatigue, a general weakness or become dazed. These states of mind are the main reasons inducing accidents.
4 Suggestions for the three kinds of mines
For normal temperature mines, we suggest that some effective
measures, such as a perfect management system or improvement in management should be implemented
For middle-high temperature mines, we should enhance non-mechanical technology, such as increasing ventilation and improving the ventilation layout. With such improvements, we can meet the cooling needs.
For high temperature mines, we must take mechanical cooling measures. The suggested measures to be taken in all three groups of mines are shown in Table 1.
5 Operating principle of HEMS
Based on the research cited above and given the existing problems in cooling technology at present as well as the deep mine heat hazard situation in the Jiahe coal mine of the Xuzhou Mining Company, it had been suggested that the China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing) in cooperation with the Xuzhou Mining Company investigate present heat hazard control technology. The study was supported by a number of national departments (see Acknowledgements). Based on this
investigation, we are proposing, for the first time, new cooling technology which uses mine water inrush as a source of cold energy. The system, called the high temperature exchange machinery system (HEMS) and the equipment were produced and successfully applied in the Jiahe
coal mine of the Xuzhou Mining Company in 2007, which has a good effect on controlling heat hazard in coal mines.
The operating principle of HEMS is based on extracting cold energy from mine water inrush at every level, and then the cold energy is exchanged for heat energy in high temperature air at a working face, which causes the air temperature and humidity at the working face to be reduced. At the same time, heat energy obtained from HEMS can be used as a heat source for building heating and showers[5–9]. There are two circulations in HEMS, one is refrigeration and heat discharge system in the mine, the other is the heating building and a refrigeration system on the ground. These two systems form the entire circulation and production system[10], which are shown in Fig. 3.
Water is the energy carrier of the entire system. It is green and environmentally friendly; it saves energy and reduces pollution and conforms with sustainable development of energy use in China.
6 Cooling models and technology
Three control models of deep mine heat hazard are proposed and the HEMS technology is formed according to the characteristics of the strata temperature
field in the Xuzhou mining area and on differences of
mine water inrush[11–15].
6.1 Jiahe model: moderate cold energy
The mining depth of the Jiahe coal mine is down to 1000 m and the heat hazard is very serious, with a working face temperature of about 36 °C. The mine water inrush is from 95 to 135 m3/h. The building heating and bath water are supplied by boilers, which wastes plenty of resources and seriously pollutes the environment.
According to the specific conditions in the Jiahe coal mine, the HEMS is adopted to reduce the temperature in the mine. The source of cold energy is moderate and meets the need of the objective for refrigeration. Cold energy in water is utilized and heat is generated during the process of cooling, which can be used for heating buildings and bath water instead of using the boiler.
There are two phases of engineering construction, given the specific conditions in the Jiahe coal mine. Phase one uses mine water inrush as
cold energy; its operating principle is shown in Fig. 4a. Phase two uses high-low water level circulation for cold energy. Its operating principle is shown in Fig. 4b. This system has been successfully applied at two working faces and four tunneling faces in the cooling project in this mine. The design and construction of the heat utilization project on the ground has been completed.
Fig. 4 Diagram of cooling function of Jiahe model with mine water inrush
and circulation of water levels as sources of cold energy
6.2 Sanhejian model: cold energy shortage and geothermal anomaly
The mining depth of the Sanhejian coal mine is now 1000 m and heat hazard are very serious. The temperature at the working face is about 38°C. Mine water inrush is 60m3/h and its temperature ranges from 25 to 30°C. Complementary dynamic water of the Ordovician system amounts to 1020 m3/h, where the water temperature is 50 °C because of a geothermal anomaly. Heat for the buildings and bath water is supplied by a boiler, which wastes plenty of resources and seriously pollutes the environment. According to the specific conditions in the Sanhejian coal mine, the HEMS is adopted to reduce the temperature in the mine. There is insufficient mine water inrush and sources of cold energy are in short supply. Therefore, we should make use of a geothermal anomaly in the
Sanhejian coal mine. First, heat energy is extracted
from the hot mine water inrush for building heating on the ground in the winter. The HEMS replaces the boiler and cold energy is obtained during the process. Cold energy is stored underground and will be used for cooling at the working faces in the summer.
There are two phases of engineering construction, given the present conditions in the Sanhejian coal mine. Phase one uses horizon circulation of water as cold energy, whose function diagram is shown in Fig.5a; phase two is the geothermal utilization project. Its function diagram is shown in Fig. 5b. This system has been successfully applied at two working faces and four tunneling faces in the cooling project of the Sanhejian coal mine. The design and construction of the ground heat energy utilization project is now completed.
Fig. 5 Diagram of horizontal circulation and geothermal anomalous cooling
function of Sanhejian model
6.3 Zhangshuanglou model: rich in cold energy
The mining depth of the Zhangshuanglou coal mine is down to 1000 m and the heat hazard is very serious. The working face temperature is about 37 °C and mine water inrush ranges from 1000 to 1200 m3/h.Heat for buildings and bath water is supplied by boilers, which wastes plenty of resources and pollutes the environment seriously.
According to the specific conditions in the Zhangshuanglou coal mine, the HEMS is used to reduce the temperature in this mine. There is a number of mine water inrush and source of cold energy meets the need of the refrigeration. There is still much mine water left. Given the existing conditions in this mine,the working processes of the HEMS are as follows: first, cold energy is extracted from one part of the mine water to solve the problem of heat hazard in the mine in summer, while at the same time
cold energy is extracted from leftover mine water to cool buildings. In winter, heat is extracted from mine water for heating buildings and bath water instead of using the boilers.
The HEMS is used ,given the current conditions in the Zhangshuanglou coal mine. The heat energy is circulated to supply heat for buildings and the cold energy to cool the mine. This system has been successfully applied in heating buildings, food handling and for cloth drying. The design of the cooling project is now completed.
7 Operation effect of HEMS
The equipment of the HEMS has obtained a certificate of qualification in product safety. It has been successfully applied at the 7446 working face at a depth of 1200 m in the Jiahe coal mine in Xuzhou and with obvious effects.
During the working process of the system, there is a large amount of monitoring data which represents the running state of the system. Data in Figs. 7 and 8 show that the average air temperature at working faces was 30.5 °C and has declined to 22.6 °C through the HEMS. The temperature becomes 26.4 °C when wind reaches the working face. The control temperature at point C at the end of the working face was 28.5 °C, which is 6 °C lower than in 2006 at the same time of year. This temperature meets the production requirement. From the data analysis of the entire season, we see that the temperature has been reduced by 4–6 °C and the humidity by 5%–10%, i.e., the system not only reduced temperature, but also humidity (Fig. 9) .
8 Cooling technologies: a comparison
From Table 2, we concluded that HEMS not only has better effect in cooling than other technologies, but its investment and running cost are lower. What’s more, natural mine water is utilized and the power consumption is decreased.
9 Conclusions
From this investigation and analysis of deep mine heat hazard and further studies of HEMS, the following innovative results were obtained: 1) From our investigation of high temperature mines in four provinces and an analysis of ground temperature parameters in several typical mines, the distribution law of ground temperatures was obtained in deep mining operations.
2) Deep mines can be divided into three groups according to working face temperatures: normal temperature mines, middle-high temperature mines and high temperature mines. Countermeasures were proposed for
the three kinds of mines.
Table 2 Comparison of cooling technologies in deep mines at home and abroad
Techn ology
types Central
Mine water
Countr y and time of technol ogy applica tion Former
, 1985
China 2006
Source of cold energy Water
system of
Mode of extract ing cold energy Spray
ng heat
cold energy
from mine
Ability of extract ing cold energy △
T=2~3 °C
Water flow:
220 m3/h
=8~13 °C
High High Low
Work enviro nment of High
On the
main engine ent or on the ground
Pipelin e system Short/lon
Long Moderate
Mode of wind-s upply Mixing
ure wind
Spray Same
g effect
2~3 °C 3~6 °C 4~6 °C
Effect of reduci ng humidi ty <3% Increas
e the
Averag 3.0 ~ 4.0 4.0 ~ 2.5 ~ 3.5
2.2 0.5 ng cost
Of one
Effect Difficulty
ng heat
and not
effect in
cooling Having
effect in
y is
Having good
Effect in
cooling using
natural mine
water and
3) According to the working principle of HEMS, characteristics of the strata temperature field in the Xuzhou mining area and differences in the amounts of mine water inrush in coal mines, three cooling models were proposed for heat hazard control, i.e., the Jiahe model with a moderate source of cold energy, the Zhangshuanglou model with an overabundant source of cold energy and the Sanhejian model with a shortage of source of cold energy and a geothermal anomaly.
4) HEMS has been successfully applied in the Jiahe and Sanhejian coal mines, with clearly positive effects. At present, HEMS has reached the debugging stage in the Zhangshuanglou coal mine.
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[3] Feng X L, Chen R H. Research and development on air-cooling in deep high-temperature mines at home and abroad. Yunnan Metallurgy, 2005, 34(5): 7–10. (In Chinese)
[4] National Security Production Supervision Administrative Bureau. Coal Mine Safety Regulations. Beijing: Coal Industry Press, 2005. (In Chinese) [5] He M C, Li C H. China Geothermal Engineering Tech nology of Middle and Low Enthalpy. Beijing: China Science Press, 2004. (In Chinese)
[6] He M C, Qu X H. Engineering principle and its application of stratum new energy. Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2007, 24(4): 91?4. (In Chinese)
[7] He M C, Zhang Y, Qian Z Z. Numerical simulation of stratum storage of cold energy in deep mine control of heat hazard. Journal of Hunan University of Science &Technology, 2006, 21(2): 13?6. (In Chinese)
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1 绪论






据不完全统计,我国有33个矿井开采深度超过1000米,且工作面达到30-40 °C的温度。








对于超过1000米深度的矿井,原岩温度高达40至45 °C,而在工作面温度介于34和36℃之间,导致大部分矿井,成为一或二级热害危险区。






根据这些调查提供的资料,山东省有13个煤矿工作面的温度超过26℃,其中6个煤矿工作面的气温介于26和30°C 之间,7个矿井气温超过30°C 。

在江苏有5个煤矿工作面超过26℃,其中3个工作面温度介于26至30°C ,两个煤矿工作面温度 30°C 。

安徽有10个煤矿的工作面超过26℃的温度,7个煤矿温度介于从26至30°C 之间,7个煤矿温度超过30°C 。

河南省有12个煤矿工作面温度超过26℃,两个煤矿介于26至30 °C 之间,10个煤矿温度超过30°C 。





30°C 26°C Stop work line 温度°C
深度m a地温梯度图020040060080010001020304050温度°C 深度m















