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rice水稻 wheat小麦 durra 高粱 barle cotton棉花 mung bean绿豆
corn玉米 pumpkin南瓜 carrot 胡萝卜 goober花生 gingeli 芝麻 lemon柠檬 coffee咖啡
distilling tube 蒸馏管 Erlenmeyer flask 锥型瓶 evaporating dish (porcelain) 瓷蒸发皿 filter flask(suction flask) 抽滤瓶 florence flask 平底烧瓶 fractionating column 分馏柱 Geiser burette (stopcock) 酸氏滴定管
试管夹test tube holder 试管test tube 提勒熔点管Thiele melting point tube 移液管transfer pipette 三角架tripod 容量瓶volumetric flask 表面皿watch glass 广口瓶wide-mouth bottle
to calcine 煅烧 to oxidize 氧化 alkalinization 碱化 to oxygenate, to oxidize 脱氧,氧化 to neutralize 中和 to hydrogenate 氢化 to hydrate 水合,水化 to dehydrate 脱水 reversible 可逆的
卵形瓶 matrass 石蕊 litmus 石蕊试纸 litmus paper 滴定管 burette 曲颈甑 retort 蒸馏釜 still 烤钵 cupel
analysis 分解 fractionation 分馏 endothermic reaction 吸热反应 exothermic reaction 放热反应 precipitation 沉淀 to precipitate 沉淀 to distil, to distill 蒸馏 distillation 蒸馏
三口烧瓶boiling flask-3-neck 滴定管夹burette clamp 滴定架台burette stand 布氏漏斗Busher funnel 减压蒸馏头Claisen distilling head 球型冷凝管condenser-Allihn type
直型冷凝管condenser-west tube 坩埚钳crucible tongs 带盖的坩埚crucible with cover 蒸馏头distilling head 蒸馏管distilling tube 锥型瓶Erlenmeyer flask
常用的玻璃试验仪器的英文名称 adapter 接液管 air condenser 空气冷凝管 beaker 烧杯 boiling flask 烧瓶 boiling flask-3-neck 三口烧瓶 burette clamp 滴定管夹 burette stand 滴定架台
Busher funnel 布氏漏斗 Claisen distilling head 减压蒸馏头 condenser-Allihn type 球型冷凝管 condenser-west tube 直型冷凝管 crucible tongs 坩埚钳 crucible with cover 带盖的坩埚 distilling head 蒸馏头
研磨钵 mortar 研磨棒 pestle 玛瑙研钵agate mortar 瓷器 porcelain 白细口瓶flint glass solution bottle with
stopper 滴瓶 dropping bottle 小滴管 dropper 蒸馏装置distilling apparatus 蒸发器 evaporator
烧瓶 flask 锥形瓶 conical flask 塞子 stopper 洗瓶 plastic wash bottle 滴定管 burette 玻璃活塞 stopcock 冷凝器 condenser 试剂瓶 reagent bottles
玻棒 glass rod 搅拌棒stirring rod 蒸馏烧瓶 distilling flask 碘量瓶 iodine flask 表面皿 watch glass 蒸发皿 evaporating dish 容量瓶 volumetric flask/measuring
Hirsch funnel 赫氏漏斗 long-stem funnel 长颈漏斗 medicine dropper 滴管 Mohr burette for use with pinchcock碱氏滴
定管 Mohr measuring pipette 量液管 mortar 研钵 pestle 研杵
fermentation 发酵 solution 溶解 combustion 燃烧 fusion, melting 熔解 alkalinity 碱性 isomerism, isomery 同分异物现象 hydrolysis 水解 electrolysis 电解
electrode 电极 anode 阳极,正极 cathode 阴极,负极 catalyst 催化剂 catalysis 催化作用 oxidization, oxidation 氧化 reducer 还原剂 dissolution 分解 synthesis 合成
赫氏漏斗Hirsch funnel 长颈漏斗long-stem funnel 滴管medicine dropper 碱氏滴定管Mohr burette for use with
pinchcock 量液管Mohr measuring pipette 研钵mortar 研杵pestle
弹簧节流夹pinch clamp 塑料洗瓶plastic squeeze bottle 大变小转换接头reducing bush 吸耳球rubber pipette bulb 螺旋夹screw clamp 分液漏斗separatory funnel 无颈漏斗stemless funnel
白滴定管(碱) flint glass burette for alkali
棕色滴定管(碱) brown glass burette for alkali
比重瓶 specific gravity bottle
水银温度计 mercury-filled thermometer
ph计 ph meter
spring wheat 春小麦 maize 玉米(美作:corn) maize cob 玉米棒子(美作corn cob) rice 稻 buckwheat 荞麦 tea 茶 coffee 咖啡
lettuce生菜 star fruit杨桃 guava石榴 cereals, grain 谷物 coarse grain 谷粒 rye 黑麦
spinach菠菜 pea豌豆 grape葡萄 musheroom蘑菇 green pepper青椒 tea茶 eggplant茄子
tomato西红柿 banana香蕉 Chinese cabbage大白菜 cabbage甘蓝 shallot葱 pimiento辣椒
折光仪 refractometer
真空泵 vacuum pump 冷、热浴 bath 离心机 centrifuge 口罩 respirator 防毒面具 respirator、gasmask 磁力搅拌器 magnetic stirrer 电动搅拌器 power basic stirrer
剪刀scissor 打孔器stopper borer 石棉网asbestos-free wire gauze 电炉丝wire coil for heater 脱脂棉absorbent cottonphph 试纸 universal ph indicator paper 滤纸 filter paper
瓷蒸发皿evaporating dish (porcelain) 抽滤瓶filter flask(suction flask) 平底烧瓶florence flask 分馏柱fractionating column 酸氏滴定管Geiser burette (stopcock) 量筒graduated cylinder
pinch clamp 弹簧节流夹 plastic squeeze bottle 塑料洗瓶 reducing bush 大变小转换接头 screw clamp 螺旋夹 separatory funnel 分液漏斗 stemless funnel 无颈漏斗
烘箱 oven 闪点仪 flash point tester 马弗炉 furnace 电炉 heater 微波炉电热套 heating mantle 本生灯 Bunsen burner 化学反应产物 product 设备 apparatus
PH值指示剂,氢离子(浓度的)负指数指 示剂 PH indicator
移液管 (one-mark) pipette 刻度移液管 graduated pipettes 称量瓶weighing bottle 吸液管pipette 滤管filter 天平 balance/scale 分析天平 analytical balance
台秤 platform balance 游码 crossbeams and sliding weights 酒精灯alcohol burner 酒精喷灯blast alcohol burner 搅拌装置 stirring device 洗耳球 rubber suction bulb
barley大麦 oats 燕麦 Millet 粟,黍 Sorghum 高粱 Bran 麸,糠 flour, meal 粗磨谷粉 wheat 小麦
Celery 芹菜 Radish 萝卜 Garlic 大蒜 Onion 洋葱 Orange 橙 Apple 苹果 Longan 龙眼
量杯 measuring cup 烧杯 beaker 不锈钢杯stainless-steel beaker 量筒 measuring flask/measuring
cylinder 量筒 graduated flask/measuring cylinder
坩埚 crucible 坩埚钳 crucible clamp 坩埚 crucible pot, melting pot 试管 test tube 试管架 test tube holder 漏斗 funnel 分液漏斗 separatory funnel
称量纸weighing paper 擦镜纸wiper for lens 秒表stopwatch 量杯glass graduates with scale 白滴定管(酸) flint glass burette with
glass stopcock
棕色滴定管(酸) brown glass burette with glass stopcock
升降台lab jack 铁架台iron support 万能夹extension clamp 蝴蝶夹double-buret clamp 双顶丝clamp regular holder 止水夹flatjaw pinchcock 圆形漏斗架cast-iron ring
移液管架pipet rack 试管架tube rack 沸石boiling stone 橡胶管rubber tubing 药匙lab spoon 镊子forceps 坩埚钳crucible tong
rice水稻 wheat小麦 durra 高粱 barle cotton棉花 mung bean绿豆
corn玉米 pumpkin南瓜 carrot 胡萝卜 goober花生 gingeli 芝麻 lemon柠檬 coffee咖啡
distilling tube 蒸馏管 Erlenmeyer flask 锥型瓶 evaporating dish (porcelain) 瓷蒸发皿 filter flask(suction flask) 抽滤瓶 florence flask 平底烧瓶 fractionating column 分馏柱 Geiser burette (stopcock) 酸氏滴定管
试管夹test tube holder 试管test tube 提勒熔点管Thiele melting point tube 移液管transfer pipette 三角架tripod 容量瓶volumetric flask 表面皿watch glass 广口瓶wide-mouth bottle
to calcine 煅烧 to oxidize 氧化 alkalinization 碱化 to oxygenate, to oxidize 脱氧,氧化 to neutralize 中和 to hydrogenate 氢化 to hydrate 水合,水化 to dehydrate 脱水 reversible 可逆的
卵形瓶 matrass 石蕊 litmus 石蕊试纸 litmus paper 滴定管 burette 曲颈甑 retort 蒸馏釜 still 烤钵 cupel
analysis 分解 fractionation 分馏 endothermic reaction 吸热反应 exothermic reaction 放热反应 precipitation 沉淀 to precipitate 沉淀 to distil, to distill 蒸馏 distillation 蒸馏
三口烧瓶boiling flask-3-neck 滴定管夹burette clamp 滴定架台burette stand 布氏漏斗Busher funnel 减压蒸馏头Claisen distilling head 球型冷凝管condenser-Allihn type
直型冷凝管condenser-west tube 坩埚钳crucible tongs 带盖的坩埚crucible with cover 蒸馏头distilling head 蒸馏管distilling tube 锥型瓶Erlenmeyer flask
常用的玻璃试验仪器的英文名称 adapter 接液管 air condenser 空气冷凝管 beaker 烧杯 boiling flask 烧瓶 boiling flask-3-neck 三口烧瓶 burette clamp 滴定管夹 burette stand 滴定架台
Busher funnel 布氏漏斗 Claisen distilling head 减压蒸馏头 condenser-Allihn type 球型冷凝管 condenser-west tube 直型冷凝管 crucible tongs 坩埚钳 crucible with cover 带盖的坩埚 distilling head 蒸馏头
研磨钵 mortar 研磨棒 pestle 玛瑙研钵agate mortar 瓷器 porcelain 白细口瓶flint glass solution bottle with
stopper 滴瓶 dropping bottle 小滴管 dropper 蒸馏装置distilling apparatus 蒸发器 evaporator
烧瓶 flask 锥形瓶 conical flask 塞子 stopper 洗瓶 plastic wash bottle 滴定管 burette 玻璃活塞 stopcock 冷凝器 condenser 试剂瓶 reagent bottles
玻棒 glass rod 搅拌棒stirring rod 蒸馏烧瓶 distilling flask 碘量瓶 iodine flask 表面皿 watch glass 蒸发皿 evaporating dish 容量瓶 volumetric flask/measuring
Hirsch funnel 赫氏漏斗 long-stem funnel 长颈漏斗 medicine dropper 滴管 Mohr burette for use with pinchcock碱氏滴
定管 Mohr measuring pipette 量液管 mortar 研钵 pestle 研杵
fermentation 发酵 solution 溶解 combustion 燃烧 fusion, melting 熔解 alkalinity 碱性 isomerism, isomery 同分异物现象 hydrolysis 水解 electrolysis 电解
electrode 电极 anode 阳极,正极 cathode 阴极,负极 catalyst 催化剂 catalysis 催化作用 oxidization, oxidation 氧化 reducer 还原剂 dissolution 分解 synthesis 合成
赫氏漏斗Hirsch funnel 长颈漏斗long-stem funnel 滴管medicine dropper 碱氏滴定管Mohr burette for use with
pinchcock 量液管Mohr measuring pipette 研钵mortar 研杵pestle
弹簧节流夹pinch clamp 塑料洗瓶plastic squeeze bottle 大变小转换接头reducing bush 吸耳球rubber pipette bulb 螺旋夹screw clamp 分液漏斗separatory funnel 无颈漏斗stemless funnel
白滴定管(碱) flint glass burette for alkali
棕色滴定管(碱) brown glass burette for alkali
比重瓶 specific gravity bottle
水银温度计 mercury-filled thermometer
ph计 ph meter
spring wheat 春小麦 maize 玉米(美作:corn) maize cob 玉米棒子(美作corn cob) rice 稻 buckwheat 荞麦 tea 茶 coffee 咖啡
lettuce生菜 star fruit杨桃 guava石榴 cereals, grain 谷物 coarse grain 谷粒 rye 黑麦
spinach菠菜 pea豌豆 grape葡萄 musheroom蘑菇 green pepper青椒 tea茶 eggplant茄子
tomato西红柿 banana香蕉 Chinese cabbage大白菜 cabbage甘蓝 shallot葱 pimiento辣椒
折光仪 refractometer
真空泵 vacuum pump 冷、热浴 bath 离心机 centrifuge 口罩 respirator 防毒面具 respirator、gasmask 磁力搅拌器 magnetic stirrer 电动搅拌器 power basic stirrer
剪刀scissor 打孔器stopper borer 石棉网asbestos-free wire gauze 电炉丝wire coil for heater 脱脂棉absorbent cottonphph 试纸 universal ph indicator paper 滤纸 filter paper
瓷蒸发皿evaporating dish (porcelain) 抽滤瓶filter flask(suction flask) 平底烧瓶florence flask 分馏柱fractionating column 酸氏滴定管Geiser burette (stopcock) 量筒graduated cylinder
pinch clamp 弹簧节流夹 plastic squeeze bottle 塑料洗瓶 reducing bush 大变小转换接头 screw clamp 螺旋夹 separatory funnel 分液漏斗 stemless funnel 无颈漏斗
烘箱 oven 闪点仪 flash point tester 马弗炉 furnace 电炉 heater 微波炉电热套 heating mantle 本生灯 Bunsen burner 化学反应产物 product 设备 apparatus
PH值指示剂,氢离子(浓度的)负指数指 示剂 PH indicator
移液管 (one-mark) pipette 刻度移液管 graduated pipettes 称量瓶weighing bottle 吸液管pipette 滤管filter 天平 balance/scale 分析天平 analytical balance
台秤 platform balance 游码 crossbeams and sliding weights 酒精灯alcohol burner 酒精喷灯blast alcohol burner 搅拌装置 stirring device 洗耳球 rubber suction bulb
barley大麦 oats 燕麦 Millet 粟,黍 Sorghum 高粱 Bran 麸,糠 flour, meal 粗磨谷粉 wheat 小麦
Celery 芹菜 Radish 萝卜 Garlic 大蒜 Onion 洋葱 Orange 橙 Apple 苹果 Longan 龙眼
量杯 measuring cup 烧杯 beaker 不锈钢杯stainless-steel beaker 量筒 measuring flask/measuring
cylinder 量筒 graduated flask/measuring cylinder
坩埚 crucible 坩埚钳 crucible clamp 坩埚 crucible pot, melting pot 试管 test tube 试管架 test tube holder 漏斗 funnel 分液漏斗 separatory funnel
称量纸weighing paper 擦镜纸wiper for lens 秒表stopwatch 量杯glass graduates with scale 白滴定管(酸) flint glass burette with
glass stopcock
棕色滴定管(酸) brown glass burette with glass stopcock
升降台lab jack 铁架台iron support 万能夹extension clamp 蝴蝶夹double-buret clamp 双顶丝clamp regular holder 止水夹flatjaw pinchcock 圆形漏斗架cast-iron ring
移液管架pipet rack 试管架tube rack 沸石boiling stone 橡胶管rubber tubing 药匙lab spoon 镊子forceps 坩埚钳crucible tong