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11 Shapes
Period 3
a circle
an oval
a star
a diamond
a rectangle
a square a heart
Draw your favourite shape on the egg.
Look at my egg. It’s ______.
Look at my cake. It’s ______. I like it.
1. Listen to and read page 56. 2. Act out the dialogue with your
friends. 3. Complete Workbook page 67.
种子牢记着雨滴献身的叮嘱,增强了冒尖的气。 我的财富并不是因为我拥有很多,而是我要求的很少。 感情久了,就不是爱了而是依赖;失去那阵,那不是痛而是不舍。 家庭成为快乐的种子在外也不致成为障碍物,但是在旅行之际却是夜间的伴侣。——西塞罗 不要觉得全心全意去做看起来微不足道的事,是一种浪费,小事做的得心应手了,大事自然水到渠成。 我们唯一不会改正的缺点是软弱。——拉罗什福科 有梦就去追,没死就别停。 无欲速,无见小利。欲速则不达,见小利则大事不成。——《论语·子路》 真正爱上一个人,他就变成你心底最柔弱的一部分,除了小心呵护,你别无选择。你惟一能做的就是,不求回报地爱他,像喝水吃饭一样习惯 。就算他不够好,可你就是爱他,无可救药。 上天生下我们,是要把我们当作火炬,不是照亮自己,而是普照世界。——莎士比亚 无所不能的人实在一无所能,无所不专的专家实在是一无所专…… 人们不相信聪明人会做蠢事:人的权利竟是丧失到了如此地步。
Байду номын сангаас
There are two triangles, three rectangles, one square and one circle. We can make a house, a tree and the sun.
There is/are _____ and _____. We can make ____.
Here are … How many …?
How are you?
Look at … It’s …
home × shop
√ or ×
plate √ shape
that × name
sit × rice jump √ hungry help √ well
There is/are __________ and __________. We can make __________.
There are two circles, two squares, seven rectangles, one star and one triangle. We can make a house.
There are three circles, two orals, two squares, two diamonds and one triangle. We can make a robot.